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Just need to talk to my friends (195)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi again, the butterfly plants I received today today has two.plants in two of the containers. Can I divide them?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good Morning

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 795
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    Good morning! I'm hoping this is a new routine for me to sleep until 4:30! Windy and cooler today _ 66 is supposed to be the high with wind gusts at 21. Yesterday was so busy… we plan to be lazy today but you never know what will pop up. DH made great progress in the garage yesterday with sorting, storing and gathering things for a family yard sale. I am working on all the clothing chests of drawers, dressers, and armoire today. One final closet to purge and one to organize. Not my favorite thing to do but I decided not to unpack my suitcase until I got it done. I did discover that I own 21 pairs of black leggings. That's one color. I won't bore you with the rest. Or the total number pairs of shoes. I keep thinking I am related to HB's Mama… lol

    SIL and her DH will be stopping in around 5 but are going to her class reunion so I don't have to cook. I'll probably make something sweet to serve.

    Ron, good news about Lou's sitter. I hope she continues to improve. Mint, I ALMOST got caught up in the same type of scam but it was a pop up blocker with a phone number to call. I fell for that but when the guy asked me to log into my banking I hung up. I felt so … I don't know: angry at myself I guess. I just turned the computer off and restarted it and then reset all the security. Nothing further happened thankfully, but I learned a lesson!

    HB, was the Tea party yesterday or today? I'm waiting to hear about the shoes for DM…

    More plants to set out today. Beth, I had forgotton that I had thrown some wildflower seed up on the berm in front of the property. They've come up! So, I cut and made bouquets yesterday. AND, DH has agreed that the spot would look pretty if the whole thing was planted! So maybe next year. He's budging "just a tad" on the idea of a pebble pathway around the pool and planting the rest of the backyard in flowerbeds… we're not quite there yet, but I keep showing him pictures and he's softening. lol

    Back later, have a good day everyone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    I'm back. Was reading while standing on Marodyne and realized I had missed a lot. Apologize for my post to about plans F and G. I don’t know where those crazy words came from. I’m terrible about proofreading. Anyways, I hope I have it all corrected now so that it makes more sense.

    Lorita Beth is right about butterfly, bush, and butterfly milkWeed are different. I have had both, but the milkweed is what grows wild in Kentucky. I can’t remember if they had flat bottoms or not. I just I can’t remember.

    I love watching baby calves, Loretta I wish you could take videos and share them with us. They are just so cute.

    I’ve had a busy week to Iris. I have not said too much about it because compared to what other people on here are going through it’s nothing. Just a lot of extra things to take care of but it all worked out well.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning to the porch patrol.

    Ron— I am glad the sitter pulled through her surgery well.

    Eaglemom— Thanks for your efforts at connecting with Jo. Her kindness and good sense have been a blessing to many newbies who turn up here in crisis-mode including me. She talked me off the wall more than once.

    Iris— The tea is a fundraiser for mothers raising children and attending the community college. Most, but not all, of them are single parents enrolled in the school's robust RN program. It is held annually in the gardens of the college under a tent. The college is on the property of a wealthy family who donated the land so it feels more like an event space. She was a sculptor herself and has lovely gardens full of her works which makes for a nice setting when the weather cooperates.

    Unfortunately, this year was underwhelming. Noisy. Poorly managed. Lousy food. We had so much fun last year it was disappointing. We ended up leaving early and going to a nice restaurant for a glass of wine and some appetizers as niece and mom were still hungry.

    I'm headed into the city to meet my friend at the home show. I'm not wild about these things, but my friend really needs the company, so I've agreed. Last time she dragged me to a quilt show. DH and DS are headed down to the Navy Yard to see Battleship NJ in dry dock. DS even bought a tour, so he is seriously pumped. I suppose I'll hear all about it in the coming days.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, just wanted to let you know, I'm having a bowl of cow bananas this morning.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, we're having a few sprinkles so I got damp when I fed Gray Lady. I wish it would rain all day because we're already in a moderate drought. Unheard of in April. I'm having my juice and watching Leave it to Beaver. I was thinking all of you who posted are up early - forgot you're an hour ahead of us. I did water the little plants. Guess I need to check if they might be toxic to dogs or cows. Need to find something to put in the bathtub. Drove by WM yesterday but didn't see a lot of plants inside. At woods usually have some later. I may have some wildflower seeds in the freezer. Looks like the shower is over. Back later.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited April 20

    @JeriLynn66 Your wildflowers sound pretty! You sure are busy, busy, busy! It is good to clean out/declutter/downsize items periodically. Sounds like you and DH blending two households has caused you to have lots of extra household items; now the leggings and shoes, not sure how that could have happened! lol

    @Lorita You could separate each plant but I wouldn't. With small plants just being started, sometimes I will put 2 or 3 in a planting hole. Hope you are feeling better and the girls are doing well. How is Sarah doing?

    @ronald71111 I'm glad your sitter came through surgery well. With that diagnosis she could be out of commission for quite awhile, as she could possibly require chemotherapy and/or radiation. I hope you can find someone you can trust to fill in until she is well again. ps - I loved the cow banana!

    @harshedbuzz I'm sorry the tea was disappointing. It would be interesting to see photos of all the ladies dressed in their finery and hats. There were two women at my church in the distant past who wore hats to church every week - no fascinators, though. That's one thing I love about seeing photos of the British royals is their attire including hats. What is the home show you attended? One where you tour fabulous homes, or an event where vendors have things like siding, windows, gutters etc to sell? Your mother's azaleas and rhododendrons sound lovely. I really like the common rhodies known as PJMs - although I have none. My lavender azalea is 'Pride's Pale Lilac' and my orange is 'Gibraltar.' Both are pretty small, likely dwarf varieties.

    @Mint I always enjoy hearing about what you are doing. You are a busy and productive lady. I'm glad you are able to be active again. Hope J and your mother are doing better. You are so good to them. So kind.

    I've been busy in the garden the past couple of weeks. My lettuce, carrots and spinach are sprouting. That is all I have planted this year. I'll get my annuals (mainly 'Supertunia Vista Bubblegum' petunias) in a couple of weeks and plant by Mother's Day. Also will get a couple of ferns for large pots on the porch. In addition, I dig up my elephant ear bulbs every fall and store them - will start soaking them and get them planted soon. I will be planting about 500 zinnias ('Parks Picks Mix') from seed. This variety grows up to 4-5' tall. I will buy tomatoes ('Jet Star' is my standby for many years now and will plant cucumbers and green beans from seeds. A few herbs: 'Red Veined Sorrel' is a biennial and is growing already, will get basil and rosemary and plant dill from seed. My daffodils are done now. My tulips are past their prime. Yesterday we went to a nursery and I bought a peach tree ('Bailey Hardy'). I would like to get a couple more. Ordered 2 clematis from Donahue's online ('Betty Corning' and 'Rebecca'). Betty has little blue bell shaped flowers and Rebecca is bright red. I have probably a dozen or so clematis already. Kids are coming over for dinner (son, DIL, 4 kids) and we will have sour cream raisin pie, rotisserie chicken, potatoes and gravy and salad. Below, my zinnias and 'Supertunia Vista Bubblegum' from last year.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, that bowl of cow bananas is so cute. How about some chocolate syrup over them to make them Holsteins?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 795
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    Beth, do you also have cone flowers? If so, what kind? This above ground pool has lattice work to go around it and I want medium and taller flowers to grow so that I don't have to actually see the sides of the pool… (it's about 4 feet above the ground). I'm going to order the zinnias… they are so pretty. I have a HUGE cast iron pot that those petunias would fabulous in so I'll order those as well. You are so very talented!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi, I just had a scare. Tried for about half an hour to get Darwin but no answer. Changed out iof my gown and robe and got ready to go find hjim. He had said he might drive his PU down in the pasture and cut more little trees. Tried one more time and he answered. He had been mowing his yard, again. He was okay. Yesterday he tilled his garden and was worn out and hurting. Just now he said he was going to fix breakfast for Donna and go lay down with her. At least I'm dressed now!

    Beth, your flowers are always so pretty. Makes me want to plant but still a little early for some here. I haven't planted my caladium bulbs yet. I spray them to keep them moist. Ordered from WM this year and they're pretty good, some are pretty big.I have narcissus bloom ing around the fence and one big, lavender clematis blooming on the light post. Honeysuckle is growing like crazy and there are wild roses blooming along the roads and in the pastureS. All white but I have seen a pink one. I hate those except for the pretty blooms in the spring. Very invasive. Many, many years ago I heard the Gov. Had them planted by CCC? Not sure. They have so many thorns.

    Oh, I do have some roses blooming. My red Knockout rose died last year, I thought, but it came back- only a foot tall but has five big blooms on it. Saw buds on the salmon ones yesterday. I have a beautiful pink rose on an arch over the gate that is beginning to bloom. Last year it grew over the top but just on one side now. Wish the rose would bloom all summer. Three big buds on the peony and I can see pink on one of them.

    I would like to have a couple of geraniums for the porch but Rusty would eat them again. I've tried Boston ferns to hang on the porch but our hot, south wind in the summer kills then even with misting them. Need to put something in the pink bathtub, too.. Petunias and Vinca both do well in it with full sun all day. Guess I'll check WM or Atwoods. Really would like a couple of Gerbera Daisies to put in the pots on the steps but Rusty likes then, too. Sorry for the ramble. There are lots of bright yelliow, waxy wildflowers blooming on the pastures cans north if the house not very tall but pretty.

    Beth, I would love to have gardens like yours but not enough energy anymore so will just enjoy yours through your pictures - thank you.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good morning! I'm awake, just getting up. You all seem to be very early risers, and very busy too!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Thanks for the compliments on my flowers. It is a hobby that I love, and spend a lot of time doing.

    @JeriLynn66 I do have coneflowes. Mainly purple coneflowers, some pale purple coneflowers and some white ones. They are a great plant! We used to have an above ground pool. It had a deck around it with one side to the house, two sides had fence, and one side open for us to get under and take care of the filter, tubing etc as needed. Enjoy your pool this summer! Coneflowers and butterflies below. I was not able to find a photo of my pale purple coneflowers but you can google it. It's native here in Iowa.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Are you ok, Judith! You had a nice nap. I'm going to have one in a little while. Side is hurting some today.

    I made some banana bread with chocolate chips this morning. Didn't use loaf pans, instead used a silicone pan with smallish loaves. Recipe made nine of them instead of two bigger loaves. Took six of those and a box of Moonshine Chocolate to Darwins. There was a car there and found out this is his 85th birthday. At least one daughter had gotten there to celebrate with him. I just stepped inside and talked with them a couple of minutes. Had left the gate open and was afraid GL might get out. He has an appt. With a doctor on June 14 for preop lab and surgery on the 17th I think they said. This will be in Tulsa in St. Francis.. It will be two months since diagnosis.

    Beth, we used to have wild, , purple coneflowers in our meadow and also in our neighbors. Also had liatris and another purple one that had a distinctive fragrance. I transplanted some of them and they came back several years.. We also had some beautiful , tall flowers that were purple in one pasture I used to pick for bouquets. All of those are now gone because of spraying herbicides. I miss seeing them. Sometimes I don't like what people call progress. Guess the grass is better but I liked the flowers. I used to stop on the country roads on the way to work and pick wild flowers for the office. Can't really have bouquets in the house or plants. Cats pull the flowers out of the vase and I know they would eat the plants. Am so enjoying seeing the pretty flowers you grow. If odd words show up in my posts, please excuse. My tablet changes words on me.

    I didn't take Stormy with me so he will need to go when I get gas tomorrow. Stations were too busy yesterday. Enjoyed driving the car.

    Time for that nap!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I love all the flower pictures, can just close my eyes and imagine being in Beth's garden. So relaxing!!!

    Desided to cook and made salmon patties, corn, pork and beans and rolls. Reminded me why I was getting upset with Lou when I use to cook a lot. Lou use to love salmon patties, but she ate all of her vegetables and rolls. I questioned her about the salmon patties and was only able to get her to eat a couple of bites after I cut it up for her.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi agsin. Took that nap, almost two.hours. I hadn't been home half an hour until the driveway alarm went off. I could tell by Stormy's actions that it was someone It was Darwin carrying a big sack. He had brought paper products TP, PT and kleenex. He said his daughter keeps them siupplied and he wanted to share. I think that's so nice of him. I was going to.order those things in a couple of days. He has always been a wonderful neighbor.

    He helped me a lot with Charles when he would take off bringing him home two or three times. After I lost Charles and I was in a tight he'd be here in five minutes. Can't remember How many times he helped get a new baby to the barn and once a cow waded out in the water and baby was trying to nurse under water.l Off came his boots and into the water he went to retrieve the baby. Many things.

    We have been fortunate in having good neighbors to help when needed. They are essential in the country. The others are gone for the most part. By the way- no show by the electrician.

    Lower right side hurting again. Any ideas from you medically trained ladies? Seems to come and go. No nausea

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Found it! The purple wildflower I transplanted with good result is Monarda or Bee Balm. Also found one that looks like Spiderwort but is called Bluejacket. There is a town in Okla. by that name.

    There are 70+purple wildflowers. Who knew?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, can you try a warm pack to your side? You have to try not lifting anything.

    Beth, the flowers and the butterflies are beautiful!


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 795
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    edited April 21

    Good morning Rockers😊This is my office wall (ignore the fact that things are crooked, I have to fix that) . These are things that were hanging in my office at the Shop and I just had to have them here at home. I spend a fair amount of time in here, To my right is a window where I can look out at the pond. I'll post a picture later, when the sun is up. lol

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited April 21

    Good Morning

    Beth i have several purple coneflowers now and in the past. I have trouble every year with just going out and finding several stems wilted after they start blooming. Do you have any issue with this? I have tried to look in to this but have not had much luck finding anything. Your zinnias are beautiful. See I can get them on Amazon so may order a pack. It will be 3-4 weeks yet before we can start gardening here. I do have some green onions going and see cilantro, dill and calendula etc. starting to poke their noses through ground.

    My sisters and I love those bubblegum petunias. Im so glad you shared them with us. They are so easy to care for and provide such color.

    For years i could get Burdock salve from a mennonite store. It was popular and i tried to keep it ahead as it was a bit of a trip for me and at times they would be out of it. It healed cuts, rash etc. up quickly and nicely. They quit carrying it. It appeared to be homemade by label on it. Last summer i asked one of the Amish if they knew a source for it. She directed me to another Amish lady that makes salves. So I went there Friday. They do not make Burdock salve but they make Plantain salve. So i bought a small container of it. I believe it will work well. Makes me happy I found it.

    i like liatris Lorita. I had several varieties in my beds at moms. Don't have any now. They just didn’t stay in bloom that long.

    Banana bread and chocolate chips sounds good.

    Made salmon patties a few weeks ago. Next time going to try and use fresh salmon to make them to lower sodium. I have done that before. I used my no salt bread recipe to make buns yesterday. They turned out great. I tried making catsup and mustard. The mustard Looks great and tastes ok but has a little bitter aftertaste. You do not notice it in or on something. The catsup I don’t care for but im eating it. When tomatoes in season have a recipe i hope to try if Im able. This recipe called for paste. It tastes a little tinny and a little too thick. If anybody makes their own catsup and has a good recipe please share.

    Lorita hope your side is feeling better today. I was a RT so don’t know much about side pain, sorry.

    Take care everyone

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning all.

    Jerilynn— the office wall looks great. You have quite the eclectic collection there.

    Beth L— the flowers are lovely as always. I also have coneflowers. I started with 6 tiny pots bought at a preschool fundraiser and they're self-seeded. Interesting that I started out with 3 "White Swan" and 3 "Magnus". Over time, they whites disappeared entirely. Many of the purple ones deviated from "Magnus" to a slightly smaller and lighter flower. About 3 years ago, I started seeing more whites in the bed again. DS and I attempted to sort them by color to form 3 drifts— "Magnus" in front of the LR windows, "White Swan" in front of the door and the volunteers near the dining room windows. That was great the first year, but then they self seeded and undid it all. Last year was the worst, the deer ate the buds which was a first. Lord only knows what I'll get this year. Probably more deer.


    I met my friend downtown at the convention center for the home show. What a disappointment that was. It's been years since we did one of these— back then there were entire room layouts full of new and innovative home products, entire decks and pergolas, and such. They've since been reduced to a salesman in a company polo standing in front of a section of gutter or roofing tiles. With the exception of the $7000 Murphy Bed, I could have accomplished the same at Home Depot without an hour on the train. Grumble. Grumble. At least they didn't charge admission.


    I'll see if I can find some hat pictures.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, I'm up and sort of at 'em, watching Denim ,& Co and now mirning news shows. Thanks Iris, I'll try that. I don't think it's appendicitis because itcomes and goes, moves around plus I have had this before, years ago. I'll read later. Mint???

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    HB, love your coneflower experiment (waves of color) but sorry it didn't stay that way. I have never had deer eat my coneflowers. They also haven't (yet) bothered our hostas. They have eaten tulips and lilies here; and, for the first time ever this spring, daylily foliage. My spray works well though. (Repels All)

    Mint, I've not experienced the same issue you have had with your coneflowers wilting. It might be powdery mildew, for which there are anti fungal sprays. I have had aster yellows. It causes the flower to look malformed and very odd looking. "Aster yellows is caused by a phytoplasma (small bacterium). The pathogen can live only within the vascular system of a plant or within the leafhopper that brings it from plant to plant. The aster yellows phytoplasma moves systemically through the plant, infecting every part from the roots through the flowers." "Aster yellows is a disease that affects over 300 species of plants, including ornamentals such as aster, coneflower, zinnia, marigold, chrysanthemum, petunia, and snapdragon. Edibles affected include lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and celery. Grasses and grains are also hosts." I have never had it on anything but coneflowers. If you see it, you have to remove the entire plant as the leafhoppers will spread it from plant to plant. I will post some pics of aster yellows that I found on the internet below.

    Jerilynn, your office is gorgeous! Do you have a lot of '"bookwork?" I know you were office manager and "cook" for the shop before.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I use Liquid Fence but it isn't rain-proof at all. A good soaking rain overnight and my plants are trashed by daybreak. This stuff has the same active ingredient (whole egg putrescine) but maybe the oils make the difference. I'll look for it.

    My friend installed motion detecting water jets for deer in her vegetable garden which was pretty effective, but impractical out front with evening Amazon deliveries and her son's friends coming by.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    edited April 21


    Well this morning I happened to see a new to me version of Roku on QVC… Roku Express. I will check it out on Amazon. Anyone have this version?

    Glad I checked…not buying!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm awake, but still in bed. I had a busy week, so I believe I need to rest.

    Ron, my zip-a-dee is missing, too!

    Lorita, if there is a CVS drugstore in your town, you can pick up Voltaren ointment to rub on your side, the generic name is diclofenac.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Just got back from taking my precious cat Smokey to be put to sleep. He was 17 yrs old.

    I knew the time was coming, but that didn't make it any easier.

    One more loving furry family member crossed the rainbow bridge.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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