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Just need to talk to my friends (195)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

Hi. Thought I'd start 195 tonight so we can begin posting on it in the morning. Supposed to.be very windy tomorrow so will have to take down the flag so it won't blow away or break the flag pole.

Hope you all get a good night's sleep. See you in the morning.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Ron, worry about the trouble you and Lou are having. Maybe it'll settle down soon. Maybe it would help.if you restrict your fluid intake late in the evening - might help. Hope you van settle down and have a good night's rest. Tomorrow is another dsy.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    One more question tonight. The carton of eggs I bought Ja. 11 still had nine left. I froze six a few days ago, put two more in to freeze tonite and boiled three for the GPs. All of them passed the float test, looked good and smelled fine. Now I don't know.if they should be eaten, by me or the GPs.

    There's.bird flu in Okla. And Kansas and millions of chickens have been killed to stop the spread. Even some cows have gotten it so milk is in bc question, too. I.bought almond milk last week. What would you do?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I saw a shameful sight yesterday, there were an American flag and a California flag, both ragged and flapping in the breeze. Flags are supposed to be displayed in good condition, with pride. Once they are worn by the elements, they should be disposed of in a respectful manner. Boy Scout troops and I believe VFW groups do provide this service.

    Wow, Lorita, I did a brief search about avian flu and it is startling! Apparently avian flu was responsible for causing the 1918 pandemic. I never knew this. Avian flu had been found in some dairy cows in Texas and a few other states, but not Oklahoma yet. Ranchers are responsible for testing their own cattle. Pasteurization kills virus in milk, and cooking kills virus in beef meat. So we should be safe as consumers. But we need to avoid breathing the same air as chickens, because the virus is spread in droplets. Farm workers are at risk. We need to stay apprised of current developments in regards to the spread of this avian flu.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    edited April 13

    Good morning

    Caro_Lynne you can use it like you would use butter but it will have a much higher smoke point than butter. Have read that regular butter better for baking. Two sisters say it is much better on popcorn than regular butter.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Lorita Thank you for starting #195. I find the thread gets kludgy on my laptop when the page count gets into the higher teens. I hope this fixes the glitch with tagging others.

    I'm not sure on your eggs. I do know they're generally safe if commercially washed and properly refrigerated for up to 5 weeks after their packing date. The packing date will be a number 1-365; yours may have only a sell by: date. There will be a loss of flavor and general quality past that but risk would enter the picture if the eggs were damaged or contaminated (especially salmonella).

    Ron (the site won't let me tag grrr) given the medication change and the sinus lift, it sounds like your sleep is going to be a challenge for a while. I'm sorry.

    I hope you are at least able to expand your diet a bit in the coming weeks. I can appreciate the need to limit for texture and heat to allow for healing, but did they restrict spicy, too? That's just cruel for someone for whom hot sauce is like mother's milk.

    Jerilynn I love the picture. You're both so pretty and happy looking. The pair of you look like a couple of city slickers. Lucky you to see all things Barbie. I am mostly familiar with the OG Barbie stuff, but I do know about some of the others through my nieces. When DH took me to see the movie, he was amazed that I knew about most of the characters in the film. The funniest part for him was the scene where Kate McKinnon's Weird Barbie offers Margot Robbie the brown sandals as I have that exact same pair of Birkenstock Arizonas which he thinks are the ugliest shoes on the planet. I had such a good time, I took my mom a couple weeks later. FTR, she laughed at the sandal scene too.


    It's a quiet day here. The friends with whom we usually have dinner are away. She's diving in Fiji of all places (she was in the Maldives last month) and he's visiting his family in Idaho. He's going on a cruise in the Mediterranean next month.

    I need to run by mom's house to look for a pair of necklaces my cousin thinks she left there. My cousin doesn't have a lot of money, but she's thrifty and treats herself to jewelry regularly— often from QVC— nothing really expensive but pretty. I know how it feels to lose even a simple piece. She was showing mom a pair of necklaces and thinks she left them on the kitchen table. Cousin can't find them. Mom can't find them. I drove cousin home and they're not in my car. Neither one sees well so I'll give her place a once over. They're supposedly delicate sliver chains— one with a crystal and one with amber in tiny clear plastic bags. Ugh. My cousin's daughter will go help her mom look on Sunday. I hope I can save her the trip. Otherwise, the play date didn't seem to go as well as other have. Cousin told me mom didn't seem to want to go to the casino. I'm guessing mom didn't want to ask me to drive them or call for an uber.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited April 13

    I've thought about this in the past, seems like recent events and statements on the porch might be a good time.

    [email protected] is my email address! If you want contact outside of Lorita's front porch, here is the backdoor entrance. I am going to be careful of whom I respond to, so make sure you give me a clue that the rockers would know about. I am deleting this message later today!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, everyone. It's bright and sunny, already in upper 60s. Wind hasn't gotten strong yet but it will. Flag will need to come down. Iris, I need to order another one. They don't last too long in the Oklahoma winds.

    I really slept in today and still Have on my gown and robe. No one coming so I'm good to go. Fed the birds and when Gray Lady saw me on the porch she came back up for a little feed.

    Need to change the bed linens. Putting sheets on a king sized bed is not easy for one. Kind of wish I had just a full sized one. Half of the one I have never gets used except when the. cats lay on it. I wish I had a clothes line to hang them on. Thry smell so good when they're dried outside in the sun. Anyone ever hang out clothes in the winter and they would be frozen stiff when you brought them in?

    Love your cow picture, Ron. I have a big coffee mug with a picture of a cow on it that Sidney gave me for Christmas. Really.holds a lot of hot tea or crackers and milk. Does anyone like milk with crackers crumbled in?. .Ron, I changed internet providers and haven't gotten my e mail set up. A phone number might be better- maybe part.of the number here and there in a post.

    Haven't heard from Darwin.but I bet he cuts wood today. He bought a new chain saw yesterday so bet he wants to try it out.Enjoy the pretty weekend weather - severe storms for Monday.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 345
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    Funny you should ask about eggs Lorita. I had the same dilemma last week. I forgot to put sticker with expiration date on egg bin and had no idea how old they were. I hated to do it but I tossed them; I think organic eggs have a shorter shelf life - better safe.

    Great photo JeriLynn - enjoy!

    Ron, hope you have a good day with Lou today! Being caregiver is difficult enough, and you're also dealing with your own health issues. Hang in there!

    Good morning to everyone! xo

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Caro, I probably will toss these, too. I wrote the date I got them on a couple and put all of them in an egg holder/saver that's airtight. If I ate one and felt odd I would blame the egg for sure. I bought these Jan. ,11 and had only used three..Usually end up boiling them for the GPs.

    The sheets are washing, then the light weight quilt. I left the mattress cover and pad on the bed. Went in just now and a cat had gotten wound up under the pad and another one wss watching. Guess she couldn't get out. Cats are into everything.

    Darwin called. He's cutting wood with his new saw. Says he cuts it up, loads it into his mule, brings it home and dumps it. . Does twloads. He seems so grateful and happy that someone is checking on him.

    My right side is hurting, has off and on for a couple of weeks. This morning it's at the waistline. I tend to lean against the chair arm on the right and it irritates the oblique muscle. Guess I'll try to do better and that along with analgesic cream and ibuprofen will finally help.

    Watching a show about how climate change is killing off the penguins in Antartica. It said at this one site there used to be a thousand breeding pairs,now there are none, only the little rocks they used to make their nests. If something isn't done to stop the warming, our planet will die. In this one village way up.North the ice is melting so much the dogsleds can't be used.

    I saw on the news that our planet has been hotter each month for the last eleven. They measured the temp of the sea below the thick ice in Antartica and it is warm enough now to melt the ice from below As these glaciers melt the level of the ocean's water rises and if it continues to rise there will be flooding of cities along the coastlines. .The powers that be and can help change this should watch these shows and take action. So sad to see these things happening.

    Darwin just called. He's on his way home.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 345
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    That is so upsetting about the penguins! It is scary what is happening to our planet and not enough is being done about climate change. Makes me so upset! Thanks for sharing Lorita, you always have something interesting to share xo Is your ankle all healed?

    I'm headed out to do some curbside pick-up orders. I usually schedule them during the week when traffic is not as crazy, but forgot a few its from WM so I will brave the crazy drivers. Also have two hampers of clothes and some household items to donate to the women's shelter, so will drop those off while I'm out.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita….put up a cothes line. Mine went from my garage to a tree. Nothing compares to bed linens hung outside.

    Drawing board and a little painting today.

    Am I the only one who watches Netflix???

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Guess you can . Still buy clothespins? I think I saw some blue, plastic ones somewhere in The house. Will have to figured put a place, south side maybe.

    Have lost three Royal Empress trees and I'm afraid a big mulberry. Won't have them taken out until I'm sure. Tree work is expensive! There's several shrubs Bryon can take out. There's a big brush pile north of the barn where he can take those. No idea when Mike or Toad will burn that but it's already beginning to break down.

    Got the sheets dried and quilt is washing. I may try to find a place to hang it outside. Don't think chainlink would be good though.

    Judith, what kind of painting do you do? Never watched Netflix, just directv

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited April 13

    Speaking of clothes line reminded me of when Lou hung out a clothes line full of diapers. One of Louisiana's pop up, blowing thunder storms came up. Yes, they were all on the ground in mud and she had to rewash. I told her wasn't she glad she didn't have to use a tub and washboard.........big mistake…….cooked my own supper.

    Talking about supper makes, me hungry, can't eat it yet….....but doesn't this look good?

    Haven't seen it in a long time, but still love it…..watching 7 wives for 7 brothers now!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Ron, I can remember before we had a washer, mother would take the dirty clothes into town to the laundry. There were four big tubs - I think one to wash, you would run them through a wringer into another second wash, repeat into a rinse and the fourth was bluing water. I liked to play in it because it was cool and blue. Then we'd bring the wet clothes home and hang them on the clothesline. I remember washboards, too.

    Carol and her family were uptown. They had a gas washer(,not automatic) with a wringer. Things have really changed and not always for the better. I wonder what this world will be like 50 years from now, that is if it's still here. Just think how it has changed in the last 50.

    Got the bed made and the quilt outside to dry. That nice, clean bed is calling my name. Enjoy the afternoon.

    Judith, what kind of things do you paint? My sister painted, mostly flowers and still life. She painted a self portrait once. I think Sarah has them stored upstairs. I have three she painted,- cowboy roses, daffodils and a blue teapot with flowers. I can't draw a straight line. She loved to paint - said it relaxed her.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 345
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    Ron that looks yummy!

    Judith I watch lots of Netflix, I like the variety. I usually put in on after putting LO to bed, then I go relax in my room, find something to watch and promptly fall asleep LOL. End up restarting some movies 2 or 3 times.

    Hope your trees come back Lorita. I have mostly palm trees on my property. Once my roof is finished, I am landscaping the front of the house.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I never found the jewelry. Mom is so fretful she didn't sleep and is stressed out of her mind over this. My cousin now believes the cat did something with them. FTR, the cat is a real jerk, but she doesn't play or mess with mom's things— her MO is mostly being up high or napping. I'm not sure if her daughter is going to come over to look tomorrow or not.

    Mom's convinced her memory is going and is terrified. I said we could talk to her doctor about it on the 25th; she's been scattered and fretful lately. Maybe her PCP can do a quick MMSE in office at her well check. There was some noise in her bloodwork that could be suggestive of B12 absorption issues so maybe that needs to be looked at.

    Meanwhile, I ordered her a purple fascinator. We'll be attending a scholarship fundraiser at her alma mater Friday that's a garden tent tea party where folks wear very festive hats. She was fussing about wearing a shirt dress. I said wasn't garden-partyish enough. She claims she can't get too dressed up if she can't wear heels. I called BS on her and reminded her that The Queen wore evening gowns and tiaras with flats and that she could too. I am sick to the teeth of her nonsense around high heels. Last year at this same event I had to pick her up off the floor when she stumbled less than a week after she fell on the stone floor at my birthday dinner.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I've been up. I went to the bank to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account because I have to pay taxes. I like to transfer in person. My CA state taxes are higher than my federal taxes. I see now why people say CA is a highly taxed state.

    The weather has a marine layer. It's not fog, but a sort of mist from the ocean. It keeps the temperature low. The marine layer usually rises by 11 am, but it was all day yesterday and so far, all day today.

    On Wednesday and Thursday I had two days when I was away from home consecutively. It was a huge exertion for me. I don't think I'll do that again any time soon. When I went to Universal City Walk by metro, the trip took 90 minutes. But I had to exit to find a restroom at a hotel because the metro has no facilities!

    Universal City Walk is next to Universal Studios, but it is mostly restaurants and fast food places, a cinema with IMAX, and some souvenir and gift shops. Here are a few pictures.

    A tee shirt to commemorate my restroom search

    The new $700,000,000 baseball player

    His jersey that fans can buy and wear


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Here are a few more pictures

    King Kong

    Toothsome Chocolate Emporium

    A photo of Kobe Bryant and LeBron James

    It's five o'clock somewhere!

    Where the movie magic happens!

    This is a picture of poles used to train firefighters in climbing heights. On this day there was no one training. This picture is taken from the metro on the way home.


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 345
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    Thanks for sharing the pictures Iris. The one with Kobe touched my heart, what a tragic ending to a beautiful life. Still makes me cry for his daughter and him.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Thanks, Iris, for the pictures. Now I feel like I have been to. Los Angeles. Did you go into the chocolate emporium? Looks so different than Okls., at least our.part of the State. Glad you had a good time - now to rest a while.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Back later.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

    hope your side is feeling better this morning Lorita. Think all of us appreciate someone checking on us. You can still buy clothes pins. I always say I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler.

    Some one I know got scammed this past week. It was for a fairly large chunk of change. I don’t know exactly what happened as have not talked with her yet, we have just messaged. I have now talked with a couple of people about this and hope to be able to talk to her soon so maybe she can avoid it happening again. Im guessing what happened is she got a pop up on computer screen warning her of malware etc. Her screen may have been locked and she couldn’t get out of it. Guessing she then accepted their help which then led to all the problems. My friend and my sister both told me they unplug their computer then turn it off, wait about 10 minutes then turn it back on and let it reboot. They said that takes care of it. Im just sharing this in case it can help someone else avoid this.

    Joan hope things are settling down for you.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I'm back..…..coffee has kicked in. Good news to report this morning! Lou had another accident yesterday and she was extremely cooperative. I told her how much it was appreciated when she cooperates with me when I'm doing something for her, it makes my job so much easier. She told me how much she loves me and she will try and do better. Made my day! She was good all day!!

    The sitter told me her daughter in California is having surgery next month and she will be going to Florida wor awhile. I will be able to have church ladies come and help when I need groceries, dr appointments, etc, but Lou's sitter and I are the only two that really knows how to handle bad days. Hopefully I want have to be away from home to much. Haven't heard from sitter, so she will probably be here today where I can go to church .


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, I had a friend you shouldn't talk to until she had her coffee. Love all the bovine pictures. So glad Lou is mire cooperative. Makes caregiving so much easier.

    Another windy day and will be about 89 today. .Mint, awful that we have to be so careful and suspicious of things. Sorry about your friend.

    Watching morning news shows. Fed birds and Gray Lady. Someone fed our cows but haven't seen them feed the heifers.

    Judith, you need to sign in this morning.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lingered in bed this morning catching the news. Just now downstairs.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Glad you're up and doing well, Judith. I was just about to check again.

    Darwin called an hour ago. He had already been to town and back. WIndy again today. I'm waiting for Bryon to comr.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Marie I believe today is your birthday. Hope I am right.

    Happy Birthday Marie🎂💐🎈

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited April 14

    I had a good night, ten hours of sleep!

    Happy Birthday, Marie!

    I got caught by a computer scam once. If you cannot exit a program on a PC or laptop, you can use CTRL+ALT+DEL to bring up the task manager, then END PROGRAM from there. I had to use this method frequently in the old days because my old computer froze a lot.

    Ron, what are the beans in the lower right of your photo? I recognize corn, lime beans, fried okra, and green beans. That is definitely a southern plate!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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