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Just need to talk to my friends (196)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited June 1

    Morning, Mint, Years ago there was a blueberry farm several miles east of us. We went over once and picked some and they were so good fresh like that. The farm is gone now. Charles and I used to have some gooseberry bushes and they were good. That was one of our favorite pies comes this morning and I will be glad to have the yard mowed.

    Guess I better find something for breakfast before he comes. Enjoy the first day of June.. I have three more weeks of being 81, scary to write that number!

    JeriLynn, your trip sounds like fun. I've never been to Louisiana. Have loads of fun. You deserve a break.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Thinking of you today, Ron. I hope Lou's memorial service is as lovely as she was.

    Kate— Hi and welcome to the porch.

    Mint— I hope you get a handle on whatever is undoing your efforts in the garden. We've had so much rain, the deer deterrent washed away and now my coneflower crop will be mostly sticks. I'm on the verge of ripping it all out. Sedums, too.

    All this talk of strawberries has me thinking of sneaking out to the grange famer's market this morning. I got some local berries last year for $8/qt which is nuts. But they we so lovely— not huge and with the intense flavor I recall from picking back in the day. DS, who only ever had those semi-tasteless Driscoll's, was amazed by them. He said they made the stuff from the store taste like water.

    Judith— Your insights on the trial are interesting. We live in a vividly purple area, right on the line between Quaker-tradition liberal blue and up-county red. It's a swing district in a swing state with a non-stop buzz which can be exhausting. Since Thursday was DS's cheat night, we went up the road for pizza and beer-from-the wall. The verdict was announced while we were there, and it was really interesting to watch the reactions around the room. I hate how divisive this has all become.

    Jerilynn— enjoy your break. Doves are ground feeders by preference. Is this a problem for you? It might make sense to let them continue as they are. If you'd rather not have them ground feed, a platform can be a good option although my friend has one and they tend to knock feed to the ground to eat.

    What is magical about Jackson and bra shopping?


    It. Has. Been. A. Week.

    Yesterday was Faceplant Friday. Yours truly stumbled on some uneven blacktop where it meets the concrete of the garage floor. I have a swollen black eye, cuts on my cheekbone and nose, a bruised jawline, and a 2" square patch on road rash on my cheek. On the plus side I get to buy new glasses and I slept 10 hours last night which was wonderful.

    We're supposed to meet friends for dinner at a nicer restaurant tomorrow night. I don't know if I can make myself presentable enough to go out in public or not. DH says there's no way he can be seen with me as I look like someone beat me up. He's only half-kidding. I'm supposed to run mom in to see her PCP to review the preliminary testing he ran for her cognitive issues. If he asks, maybe I'll tell him I fell off my bike— that sounds sportier than just being a klutz.

    I'm trying to be chill about her tests. She did well on a cognitive screening, her bloodwork showed Lyme Disease at some point and her MRI is beyond my ability to interpret although it does show some changes in terms of volume and some mild ischemia. She feels like her memory is better but she's taken to calling my nieces by my and my late sister's names consistently which is new.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    HB, Jackson has a ladies store that caters to larger sized women and post mastectomy products. I fall into the first category. The woman that owns the store, and her helpers can just look at you {they don't really even have to measure} and put you in the perfect bra. I shopped there when we lived just outside Jackson and have made periodic trips since then, though at the time my oldest daughter lived there too. This will be just a side trip for me. I thrown out every bra I own except for sports bras. I'm looking forward to the appointment.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Enjoy your shopping trip.

    It's funny how a good fitter—regardless of specialty can slip you into just the right option on the first try.

    My mom tends to gravitate to a comfy Natori underwire sports bra which is no longer is her friend. She does have some pretty lacy Wacoals she splashes out for her doctor's appointments. Her cardiologist's assistant always compliments her choices.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good afternoon all.

    Ron, you are heavy on my heart and mind today. When you post, just let us know if you want to talk about Lou or not. We certainly will respect your wishes. Its difficult.

    It's raining, again. Our weather is just bazaar. I have several large outdoor rugs on our patio. Never have i ever had one have mold on it. That is until now. Unreal. We've gone from dried up lakes and rivers to closed lakes because boat ramps and such are all under water. I will say my Hosta's have never been this large, they are 2 -3 feet across each. I'm taking credit, but its the rain that gets the credit.

    Could it be opossum's eating in the garden? We are having so many squirrels in our yard this year. I have no idea what that's about. Either digging up or burying food I would guess.

    I won't get into bra's and fittings, other than I need to do that. I will share one of the funniest thing I think my mom ever said. Whenever DH & I were home, which was very frequently, I truly think she just thought up things for us to do. I never understood why, and still don't. Anyway, on this particular visit she mentioned she needed a new bra or two. Sure, I'd be happy to get them mom, what size? She looked at me with her deep blue eyes and said "oh, any brand will do. A 34 long should work." I absolutely lost it. I'm smiling and giggling thinking of her saying that. Too funny.

    Lorita I'm glad your slowly feeling better.

    HB I'm glad your not hurt seriously in your fall. I think if anyone says anything to you your response should be "you should see the other guy."

    Be safe in the weather everyone.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    finally downstairs…had to finish a Netflix.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    edited June 1

    Ron, what a beautiful tribute to Lou. I can imagine the story behind each picture on that table. Thank you for sharing and please know we are all grieving with you xo

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    A loving life together. God bless you and yours. ❤️

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, what you did in Lou's honor is beautiful with her accordion front and center. Hope you are doing all right. We look forward to you rejoining our conversations on the porch.

    The yard looks good and I.can breathe again with the openness. Hope everyone has a good night's rest.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Dear Ron, As was said before we are with you. Those pictures are beautiful. She was a lovely lady. Thanks for sharing. Lou will be with you always. ❤️

    HB So sorry you had that accident, but Iam glad you and the car are O.K. I have to be really careful, I have problems backing up. For some reason that has been a problem for years. When I was 18, I backed into a phone booth. I damaged my car and the phone booth. The phone booth was in plain sight.

    Mint Sorry you uncle is not doing well, he will be in my prayers.

    Lorita, Iam glad you're starting to feel better, taking naps are good for you, I hope Stormy is also doing good. Does he have seizures often? Darwin does need to slow down. I hope he knows that. It's nice you both are checking in on each other.

    I finally had a day of rest, not a relaxing rest, do to every time my phone had a call, I was afraid of another home show. I have had 1 and sometime 2 each day for the last 14 days. No offers yet, but that's OK Iam in no hurry. Each time I have a show I have to leave. I take molly with me, and I cage Sammy my cat up and Emmy my other cat is scared of her own shadow she stays under the bed the whole time. Molly and I go next door and watch out the window.

    Take care all of you, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, I would not be able to relax st all not knowing if there would be a shoeing or not. Just relax as much as possible.

    It's good to.he feeling better but strength and energy not back totally yet.

    Stormy has had three seizures, two at the vets both stress related and one at home, reason unknown. He was nervous today when Bryon and Taylor were here. Is not used to being around people at all. He is a big boy and has stopped people at the door, very either protective or territorial.

    Ron, hope you are okay tonight.

    Sandy, you are in my thoughts tonight. Hope you can sleep.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    HB sorry about your fall that sounds painful. Hope it heals quickly.

    Eagle that was cute about what your mom said about her bra size.

    Thinking of you Ron

    Hope you feel a little bit stronger today Lorita

    Discovered my first little tomato yesterday evening when I was watering. It’s a cherry tomato they’re always first. It seems like maybe the sulfur and lime dust are helping. The last few days seems like I haven’t seen any increase in damage, hopefully. Also, I need to get the rest of my onions set so I’m gonna start working on that. Sometimes they kind of help deter things they say. I really like poppies, but it seems like they’re very hard to get started for me. My best luck seems to be if I can get just a few started and then let them self seed then I tend to have lots of them. Here though where I live now I’ve had trouble even getting one started. This year I have one volunteer plant come up in between The edging in the driveway of all places. I hope that it will self so a few that would be nice. I really like poppies. I think they have such beautiful colors.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, looks !ike a pretty day in store. Slept straight through from11:15 to 6:45 - needed to grt up and feed GL and close gate. I doubt Toad will feed today but closed the gate in case he does.

    HB, hope your bruises are beginning to fade. My sister fell like that and her eye and face was black and blue for a long time..

    Watching morning news show so will be back later.

    Congratulations, Mint, on that first cherry tomato. Bet it tasted good. Darwin said his daughter brought them some new potatoes and onions from her garden. Wanted to bring some to me but told him I'm still on a low fiber diet.Used to love thickened new potatoes. Enjoy the day. Are hummingbirds out yet?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    we’ve got hummingbirds!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Ron— that display is lovely. I love that you incorporated the plush throw and accordion. I hope you found solace in the fellowship of those who attended.

    Eagle— That sounds like my mom. I scheduled her for her MRI just after her mammogram. She joked that they could have taken place at the same time in 2 different rooms.

    Jerilynn- Yay for hummers! I see them here very rarely.

    How is it possible I look even worse this morning? Deeper purple and a bit more swelling. At least it no longer stings.

    I'm laying low today and will need to figure out dinner since I'm not meeting friends.

    Tomorrow is mom's recheck with her PCP. I can't figure if her MRI is normal for her age or what. I'm guessing this'll be a watch and wait situation.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    here…wicked storm…can light leaking!!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    You've had a storm? I know it's cloudy here so if you did probably coming out way. Can light leakong?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Thanks. It is not plumbing so must be roof. I will call my roofer first thing tomorrow.

    Ron thank you for the pic. I know the service was lovely.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Rain .must have gone south of us. Did hear thunder once. Judith, reminds me that we had a light fixture once that would fill with water when it rained ,-- now that I think of it that was at my -sister's house. It was the roof letting the water in.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited June 3

    Lorita it was a green cherry tomato, not a ripe one. It’s just a little thing about the size of a marble.The strawberries were about two weeks earlier than normal so I’m guessing the cherry tomatoes are going to be more early than normal. Some years I’ve just now been setting my tomato plants out. But it was warm earlier and staying in the 50s at night so I took a chance because I had extras. This time it worked for me. I threw the extras away. My plants look really nice so far.

    I have not seen hummingbirds here yet.

    I had rain to come in my fireplace here when we had a bad storm on summer. They put a different cap on my chimney. It’s so far no more rains came in my fireplace. Hope you get that fixed Judith.

    was kind of a crazy day. I hoped to have a quiet sunday but was kept busy. I wasn’t working but I just had to help a girl I know with her parents a little bit. She has her hands full needed a little help.

    good night everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Mint, that little tomato will be ripe and be so good before long. First ones always are. Have you ever eaten green fried tomatoes? Really good. One year we planted Luffa gourds - like the luffas you bathe with. They made the prettiest dark green vines with big yellow flowers The gourds were long shaped and when fried, before the fibers began to form, tasted just like fried green tomatoes.

    Mint, very nice of you to help your ftiend. I'm sure she appreciated it do much.

    Good night, everyone. Sleep well.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good Morning.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    Lorita I have eaten green fried tomatoes a few times. I found a recipe that I liked but I lost it and I never really cared for him after I lost that recipe. How did you make yours?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning.

    It's supposed to be a lovely day here. I want to check out my garden as there were deer in the yard last evening. DS was heading out for a walk, so I asked him to put down the deer deterrent spray as I have new day lily buds which are their absolute favorite. They already got my coneflowers so this year's display will be limited to leaves and stems.

    Color me whiny today.

    My face is still pretty awful look at, but I have to go out anyway.

    It's test results day for mom. Last month we started with her PCP because of memory and word-fining issues that seem new since the start of the year. She's done bloodwork and an MRI w/contrast. She was positive for Lyme Disease and was treated. The MRI does show some changes, but no lesions or major infarcts. I feel like she's "trying harder" not to seem scattered but her executive function seems a bit worse and the wordfinding glitch is a regular feature of her conversations. I know not to expect a big reveal but I'm still antsy.

    I need to swing by my optician's office. He was supposed to call me Friday to let me know about repairing my glasses. Radio silence. I'm not sure if they're still under warranty or not. One lens and the frames are scraped, but I have magnetic sunnies for this pair so I would replace the lens if I can do it for a $20 copay. Otherwise, I need to get an exam and a new set. I'm wear a pair I got just before COVID, but the prescription is so different— the distance is too strong, the reading is too weak, and the astigmatism is all kinds of wrong and makes me feel unsteady walking.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning. I've been up since before seven, thought we were going to have rain but only got sprinkles but more to come lster.

    HB, you're going to go through all kinds of co!ers. It takes a while.

    Mint, the best I rememher we just sliced the tomatoes and covered them with meal. The recipes I read called for dipping them in Buttermilk or milk and egg, then in meal. I don't remember that but it was several years ago. Back later.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning. We had heavy rain last evening and again overnight. The mosquitoes are awful - I go out with the puppy and this morning I ended up putting on a jacket to cover my arms.

    Speaking of the puppy, she's really got a tummy issue going on again. It's been 3 week since her last bout of this. Personally I really think its pancreatitis, but she's been tested and it wasn't. She did want breakfast today which I was glad to see. She had a quarter of a scrambled egg and some pumpkin and really wanted more. Since she'd not eaten in 24 hr I'm not giving her much today, and only bland. Slowly see how her tummy handles food. I hate that she can't tell me where it hurts. I know we all feel that way about our babies.

    I've got a dentist appointment this afternoon. Not my favorite, but something I've got to do. Tomorrow I'm having another procedure on my leg. Again, not looking forward to it, but its got to be done. That means I need to get busy here and accomplish some things since I'll be busy later.

    Stay safe everyone. And guess what? It's raining!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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