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Just need to talk to my friends (196)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    You have a screened porch? So want one!!!!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    David that sounds like a wonderful Saturday afternoon.

    Guess I’m a rather boring tea drinker. I rotate mainly between four all decaf - Lipton black tea, Lipton green tea, stash hibiscus wild raspberry and either chai or Bengal spice. Once in a while, I have peppermint or chamomile. Seems like our stores around here carry less and less tea variety all the time. In fact, I cannot find the stash variety that I like at any of the grocery stores. I have to either get it at one of the drugstores or at a restaurant supply store.

    Lorita i don’t grow radishes. I don’t like radishes. I did try to grow them several years ago but had no luck with them. I hope you start feeling better soon.

    HB hope your niece does well in rehab.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    It is so nice to have a screened in porch. We just had the screens replaced and no worry about bugs bothering us while we are sitting outside reading or having or meals outside.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    It is an excellent Saturday to spend the day on the porch just talking and rocking in our chairs and reading and having a cold drink.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I played card bingo today with a group of ladies and we had a nice pot luck buffet. I'm still a bit tired from my trip.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    good morning everyone

    Iris I would be wore out if I did what you’ve been doing.

    I have an enclosed porch and that’s where I vacation. Lol. The porch faces some woods. The woods are not pretty. They’re kind of rough. I hear beautiful music though come out of there from the birds.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Good Sunday morning to all. On our way to Mass

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Happy Sunday morning.

    I think summer has set in here. Hot and windy. It even smells like summer!

    I hadn't thought of the puppy being shaved for the ultrasound. She's acting like herself with the new medication. But, putting this nicely, her output isn't how it should be. Hopefully over the next several days that will improve.

    We are both tea drinkers, not coffee. I love the smell of coffee but not so much the taste.

    My leg recovery is coming along fine. Yes, Lorita it has to do with the veins, the small deep veins. I do not have varicose veins, but rather the valves in the veins are leaky. As hot as it is with the full leg support hose on is, it does really help the leg. And I'm doing it again tomorrow on the other leg!

    I'd love to have a screened in porch. I enjoy sitting on the patio just listening to the birds, etc.

    Be safe everyone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, feels like another no-one on the way even though if is supposed to be ten degrees cooler than Saturday.

    Iris, I echo what Mint said, I would be tired if I did as much as you. How is Simon?

    I slept in to almost eight so will Have to play catch up all day. My side is hurting this morning at my waist. Can't figure that out.

    Talked with Darwin. He said Donna had nightmares so he didn't get much sleep. I don't recall Charles having nightmares. Mike called on his trip to his second farm call this morning.He was up most of the night. Someone brought a bulldog in for a c-section all the way from Dallas. She had ten puppies and had eight six months ago. He is going to try to rest some today. I need to go out and check the barn. Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited June 9

    the high they’re giving here today is 73, tomorrow 62 and it’s been breezy so It don’t feel like summer. I like the 70s though I’m not complaining about them.

    Lorita sorry you’re still struggling with pain I know that gets wearisome.

    going to try and go see J in a little bit to see if she needs any groceries this week

    beth said whatever she is using to communicate here doesn’t bold, right. I do know when things need capitalized but ever since they went to this new forum it doesn’t capitalize half of the time, and I get tired of correcting it all the time.

    eagle I’m glad things are progressing.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Mint. I am tired of the hurting sand not feeling likr doing what I want to. I did go out and check the barn. It was empty and the girls were under trees. It was so hot and humid inside so decided to lock them out of there. Put up apiece of cattle guard they had knocked down and had the idea I would unwire the big, north doors. Got halfway back and decided it wss not a good thing to do. Was afraid I would fall over in the mud and muck Tried to raise shutters but will nerd a stool to stand on. Was worn out when I got back insde. I hadn't had breakfast so had a waffle and will stay inside. Mike will open the doors when he can.

    Glad you have nice,cool weather- enjoy it. Hope J is doing well.

    Zetta, that fly is driving me nuts this morning.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I would rather a screened porch rather than a patio. On a porch you can play Rummikub until all hours of the night. You can also sleep out there and eat w/o bugs.

    Still finding "lost" data and setting up new passwords. I like to think of it as working a puzzle so that I do not get frustrated.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    You're right a screened in porch is way better than a patio

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Met our new priest today at Mass he seems nice.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Mint, you reminded me of Robert Frost's poem, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening: "...the woods are lovely, dark and deep..."

    One of the topics discussed by the tour guide was "forest bathing". It's a great concept. We should all try to forest bathe at least monthly for the healthful benefits.

    I slept all night. I'm going to take it easy for the next few days and allow my leg muscles to recuperate. I have pain and fatigue in my leg muscles. I don't know if the pain is related to fibromyalgia or to spondylitis, both of which I have been diagnosed with. My muscles were throbbing with pain last night! The throbbing has stopped now. When I'm feeling better in a few days, I will go out and forest bathe.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    It may have started out as a rainy day (It was so dark that I had to put the lights on) but when the sun came out what a nice day it turned out to be.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello this Sunday evening . . . it has been a sad last few days. My beloved Aunt passed away; she was about to be 104 years old, lived alone, fully mobile, no memory issues and still lived independently and did her own house, etc. She was awesome in so many ways. What a personality and did so much in her life. She will be sorely missed.

    I have not Posted recently, but have read and kept up. So much happening with just about everyone. I send warmest thoughts and best wishes to one and all; seems if it isn't one thing, it certainly is another for so many here . . .

    As for me, well it has been a strange time. I am still on very low flow O2; at 2 liters. I seem to breathe okay at rest without it, but will do what is prescribed. It is when up and moving about that I feel it is a bit difficult to not be a bit short of breath. How in the world . . . to hear it is from being exposed to life long cigarette smoke from other people at home, (I have never smoked), is difficult. Tis what it tis, so learn and adapt as best can. Second hand smoke is indeed a harmful thing.

    Weather here has been lovely. Low to mid 70's and calm. Shall enjoy that before the blast heat of summer arrives to plague us. DH bought two new floor fans which are battery operated. He will keep them charged. Every summer there are blackouts and then of course no AC or electric fans in the heat. Hope they will work well for the worst heat. As I have become ahem, more "mature," I am far less heat tolerant. In cold, one can always bundle up one way or another and light the fireplace, but in the heat it is no go for me. Truly awful, and me; who used to spend the long days of summer in the sun at the ocean, etc. when a teen. My husband said that it IS true; youth IS wasted on the young.

    Because I have had to use a nasal cannula for the low O2, it has caused my face to break out. Like a plagued teenager. Unpleasant. Will have to try and figure this out since I am new to all of it.

    I did see the last Pat Sajak show; seems odd he will no longer be there. Very nice host with a very good manner and enjoyable. We shall see what the new fellow brings.

    We have not been anywhere special; been close to home and that has been like a mini vacation in itself. Have read books, watched some TV, worked on the computer a bit, and should have cleaned dresser drawers but have not yet risen to that.

    Was just talking about the delicious trout from the U.P. of Michigan where I am from; can't get anything near that out here; just not the same flavor or quality. Will probably get some more salmon, we need to eat more fish.

    Grandson just graduated from high school in Louisiana. He is really a very good kid and on his way to college in the fall. He is working at a restaurant this summer saving money. Wish they were not so far away; want to hug more often. Granddaughter doing well and a delight. All of the "grands" are doing well and moving on with education and working. We certainly applaud them for their good work; it is hard sometimes, but they are managing to do it. Hope they continue, it isn't easy.

    Oh dear; our poor Grand-doggie got into trouble this week. Evidently she went out into the back yard to do her business when she saw an interloper. She thought it was a cat; nope - it was a skunk! And she got sprayed . . . oh me, oh my, the poor little stinker. She received four baths and whatever the vet advised and still she had a bit of that certain, "aroma." Poor little thing was stunned and most unhappy. She will probably not chase cats too closely for awhile . . . or will she.

    A screened-in porch sounds lovely; we have a large patio in the back of the house. It is herring=bone brick and has an open slatted patio roof . . . lovely, BUT I too feel I would like to have a screened in porch- no flying bugs, and one could put fans on the ceiling, and also be able to sit outside at night without being bombed by night flying insects. Still; I am grateful for what we do have and it really is nice. Have a glass top table and chairs to seat six and other chairs out there, but we do not use it as much as we used to as most family has moved quite a distance. We used to have them all here for bbqs and other things and enjoyed the patio and had oodles and oodles of fun and lots of laughter. The brick layer that laid that patio also built the tall, wide, used brick columns with wrought iron between the columns outside the front of our house where there is a courtyard with a gated entry. He was an awesome brick layer and so very fast. If you had a few beers for him, he laid that brick faster and just as good. We kept him happy.

    Hard to believe it is already June 09. We shall soon see July 4th - time moving fast. However, I could do without deep summer heat which I cannot help myself from complaining about. Just ignore me.

    Daughter has a three story house In Texas; they not long ago had a long electricity outage, not good at all as it was pretty hot. She purchased some battery operated floor fans which helped a little bit, especially for sleep, but still was HOT.

    Oops; time to get to dinner - will be a frozen lasagna - don't laugh, too warm to do it from scratch and frankly; too lazy to do it from scratch and knees would be screaming from me standing on them in the kitchen. That is my excuse and I am sticking to it!

    Eagle, Iris and Lorita; I hope you will feel better soon - if I had a magic wand I would wave it - and IF I had one, I would be 20 years younger and all parts would be back in their correct anatomical position - HA!

    Big hugs coming at all of you, take good care and hope your evening is pleasant.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jo, so nice to read your post. I've been wondering about you and your family. So sorry about your dear aunt. She really lived a long life and I know it's hard to lose her. I never smoked much but have Bern around smokers so I have some. COPD which. thankfully doesn't bother me. I had a friend who was very sensitive to second hand smoke though. Good you're having good weather. Oklahoma is heating up with vety.high humidity after all the recent rains. This afternoon was wonderful though after a cold front came through. It's about bedtime but wanted to respond to your long awaited post.. Always so good to hear from you. Take care.

    Good night, everyone.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, it's nice to hear from you! I'm sorry to learn about your dear aunt. How wonderful that she was able to be independent for so long!

    Your grandson and granddaughter sound like they will have productive summers.

    Dogs has such sensitive senses of smell, one would think they could smell a skunk.

    I have to remind myself why I feel so bad at times. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia years ago. Then I was told that these diseases didn't exist. Yet I have the symptoms that they cause. I have to avoid overexerting myself. But I never remember not to overexert myself. Poor memory is a characteristic of cfs. Each pain episode is new for me. But eventually I do remember, and can take the steps I need to take to relieve the pain. One of the main steps is "a tincture of time". Meaning, I must allow time for the healing.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited June 10

    Good morning everyone

    glad you had a nice day yesterday, David .

    JoC so sorry to hear about your dear aunt. I remember you talking about her many times on here. Your post sounds like you are feeling just a little better and being able to function a little better, so I’m thankful for that. I didn’t realize there were fans that you could run on battery, that’s nice.

    Lorita hope you have a better day today.

    iris I have had chronic muscle pain for a lot of years, especially after doing anything physical. Yes tincture of time it does take. Something else that i personally find helpful is a massage gun.

    they’re giving the high as 64 today. Then tonight they’re giving it back into the upper 40s. Gonna try to remember to bring my basil in. It was the only thing affected by the 40s the last time, my watermelon and tomato and peppers did fine. It’s in a pot so I’m just going to bring it into the garage because I just now got it to looking nice again. My watermelon is starting to grow and it looks like my peppers are getting ready to bloom and have a few more tomatoes setting on so things are doing pretty good. See is suppose to be back in the 80s in a couple of days.

    hope each one is blessed with a peaceful day

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning all.

    Iris— I love the concept of forest bathing. Before my knees turned on me, I used to hike the trails at my local park 3-5 days a week. They had different options so you could be in the woods, on hills, past historic houses and barns or along the creek. I miss it dearly. Hopefully when I get my left knee done I can get back to it a little bit. Walking my neighborhood just isn't the same. I was so good for my head.

    Jo— Condolances of the passing of your dear aunt. She sounds like quite a lady.

    I'm sorry for your travails with breathing. A friend's older brother had a similar situation; he too wasn't a smoker but when he was in the seminary, he spent about 8 summers cleaning, repairing and painting old schools in the parish. His doctors blamed asbestos which was everywhere in those old buildings and even some of the newer ones. As with you, there is an element of unfairness to this.


    It's implant day. Yay! I am not looking forward to the actual chair-time but will be pleased to be making some progress towards filling my gap.

    Yesterday was a lost day. I seemed to have picked up DS's stomach bug. I was not a happy camper but feel a little better today. I need to swing by mom's to check vitals later. She sees her PCP tomorrow.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning....…I went to our family reunion over the weekend, but didn't really feel like I belonged there without Lou.

    Youngest son and his family will be going back to MO today! I am not looking forward to my life without Lou!!

    Love you guys! I'll be back posting when I can, as I can, but still keeping up with all and praying for all of you.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited June 10

    Jo, I'm sorry for the loss of your dear aunt. I remember you writing about her and how much she meant to you.

    More later, or tomorrow. I need to get busy as I have a lot of things I need to take care of (in the garden).

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, it's beautiful outside right now Supposed to be in mid 80s, then hotter.

    Ron, I'm happy to see your post. Be no d to yourself and your memories will get you through. Take your time rest when you can. Post when you feel like it.

    Iris, isn't cfs the same as EBV? I was diagnosed with both EBV and CMV a few years ago. Didn't have strength to do much so Mike had to feed for me. I fee! Like it recurs sometimes for a few days. I need to get back on B 12 and D.

    I have an appt. With my doctor this afternoon and a grocery pickup. Wish I didn't have to go but I will. I think part of the morning pain and discomfort may be because of my mattress. Probably time for a new one or board underneath.

    Enjoy your day, back later.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Good morning everyone we are going to the Senior Center for lunch today. 3 times a month they actually cook a meal there and they are good

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I feel bad that I have bad knees because my wife works in the flower bed and does all the work and because of my knees I can't even use a pitchfork I can't even bend over to weed .

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Hi, I'm hoping to go to N.H. for Father's Day but my wife does all of the driving I will not ask her to go but if she says do you want to go to N.H. I will say yes

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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