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Just need to talk to my friends (197)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi, Iris, when I told my doctor I just didn't have much Energy after my illness. He said the older we get, the longer it takes to recover from anything and get our energy back. I'm just beginning to get some of mine back. Just rest and then rest some more.

    I use paper plates to feed my cats on, too. Sometimes for me, too. I can't remember the last time I used a plate, just bowls and a salad plate.

    Beth, all of those flowers are gorgeous. I guess this is the time for butterfly weeds to bloom but still haven't gotten mine planted. I will just have to enjoy your flowers. After all the rain we had last month - over a foot - it's getting dry. Going to have to begin watering. It's best to do it in the evening but it's so hot then. Heat index today was 1O4 but we had a good wind blowing.

    Waiting for FedEx to bring Chewy order. They used to come about 2 but guess the route was changed so now they cone around 6:30 or so. Don't like that.

    Eagle, don't know if you're watching the NBA finals or not. Game five is tonight. All have been good. I would like for it to go to game seven. Still hoping the Celtics will prevail.

    Enjoy the evening and night. See you all tomirrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 795
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    Good Morning,

    Beth, those pictures!!!! Lorita, your Celtics won! David, I had Jack Daniels chocolate ice cream yesterday as we drove back thru Lynchburg from a doctor's appointment.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 666
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    Good morning. CELTICS WON #18

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    David I take it your a Celtics fan? I had serious doubts the Mavericks could pull it out. They really played much better all year than they did in the finals.

    Beth your pictures are beautiful. Thanks for posting them.

    I forget who said I had an Olympic time in putting on the support hose. That made my day! I've not been less then 30 minutes since then though. The entire backside of my right upper leg is one ugly bruise - no wonder its tender there. It took a week to show up, but goodness its ugly. I did get overheated in the yard yesterday with them on. I was out with the puppy and that direct sun zapped me. I was fine, but it happened quickly.

    I've got two Zoom meetings today and I'm going to start in my closet. It's fairly neat and tidy, but too many things I just don't wear. I feel guilty looking at them when I know others would benefit from having them. I take my donations to a secured woman's shelter. Those are the woman who have nothing, who have the courage to leave bad situations with nothing. If I can donate some items to help them feel whole again, that's the least I can do.

    Now, off to get these hose on & start the day. Be safe everyone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, barn doors are open!! Got up just before 7, looked out the window and there was a truck at the back of the barn. Hurried and got dressed and went out. Mike was shoveling to make room for them to open. He was almost finished so probably had been there quite a while. Now the girls can go inside and there will be wind blowing through. Had a nice visit before he had to get to the clinic. He'll be back in a few days to open the coached doors. It bothers me that I can't do those things. I need to find someone to clean out the barn. Always something.

    Darwin just called people are there to fix his windows. He has been waiting a long time. Seems to be so hard to find someone to work. I have been trying turnover a year to get an electrician to rewire the barn.

    You know I was kind of hoping Dallas would win so there would be more games but I am glad Boston won. They have always been a good team.There will be celebrating today in Boston!!

    Hope everyone is well today. Enjoy your day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Beth…is that a Poppy???

    David…when my A/C is out and it is HOT, I get out the fand and pretend I am Hemmingway on one of the Florida Keys.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 666
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    broke down and turned on the central a.c. we usually try just to our fans.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 666
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    Not really but I like the fact that they are a good team.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 666
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    good afternoon, went to senior center today and did REIKIE it was a very relaxing time wish that it could have lasted longer cannot wait to the next time.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Judith, Yes, that is a poppy. I bought seeds from Park Seed, and also got some in a darker color from a friend, and they re-seed themselves every year.

    Lorita, glad you go the barn door open. I am sure the girls are glad too.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh, Judith - Hemingway! The beard????????

    Hug to you,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    No beard.

    Jo, I have been worried about you in light of your need for oxygen. Please make certain you have a backup source of power…extended use.

    Dick's need for oxygen was the catalyst for a generater. One of the best ways to spend money ever.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Still having a hard time dealing with Lou not with me anymore. I am reading everyday, but just not posting.

    I did come across one item I want to add to Lorita's porch. Will attach a picture!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, I love that chair. I would feel right at home in it. Sorry you're having a hard time. We know how you feel. Sometimes I still do, always will. We miss your posts but glad you are reading. Post when you are up to it.

    I have been trying to set up a watering system for the north side of the house but need to order more hose and quick connecters. Strange it has gotten so dry after all that rain.

    Just now when I went out on the porch my memory went back 70 years. When I was growing up we didn't have air conditioning so on evenings after the work was done we would sit on the porch. Evenings like this one, fairly cool and with a good breeze it was just right like tonight. Many times in the hot summer we would sleep on pallets on the porch because the house was so hot. Now, everyone stays in the house in air conditioning. Those were truly the good old days. Life was simpler, less rushed and people were happier. Just my opinion.

    Got to go turn off the water. Sleep well

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    One of my cats has seven toes on her front paws. I named her Seven. She is a Maine Coon Cat. They are supposed to be big cats but she has always been petite.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited June 19

    Good morning everyone

    I used to have poppies like those Beth. Mine were a coral color. I’ve been trying to get the regular poppies started here. I think I’ve mentioned that before, without a lot of success. This year a volunteer came up in between the rocks around the bed and the driveway. In that little crack it’s blooming real pretty right now. I’m going to let all the blooms just go to seed and I’m going to let most of them just do their thing, that seems to work the best. But I’m going to cut a few off when the seeds are ready to come out and I’m gonna take them and sprinkle them back in my new bed see if by chance I get any to come up , if I get successful with them, maybe I’ll try the type you have. I think their foliage is pretty.

    quite a few of my zinnias have set buds now and one bloomed out yesterday. It’s purple. It’s really pretty color. I planted two flowering tobaccos. They looked like they were going to die. Then I started noticing new foliage coming out in places and it was a very pretty green, so I cut it back some because that gave me hope. They’re starting to look really nice now so they should be good. But one of my yellow petunias it just died. It had been fine the day before so I’m thinking something must have ate on its roots. That’s the life of a gardener.

    My new neighbors got a pool installed this week. I know nothing about pools as I’ve never had one or lived this close to one. I’ve had other neighbors with pools, but they were farther away. Anyways, last night when I was sitting on the porch, eating my supper and realized I could hear water lapping gently. . I could see that the water was being like circulated. That was nice sitting there hearing that water. I don’t know if it’ll do that all the time or if It’s just because it’s new and their working on getting it ready to go. They have three children, two older girls, and a younger boy. The other day I was out in the backyard, and the little boy stuck his head out the back door and spoke to me that was awfully sweet. Their dog Dixie though does not like me . And I’m not a dog person so I don’t really know how to make up with her. I’ve tried a little bit, but that seemed to make her worse so I just ignore her now. I don’t know what type of dog she is.

    looks like it’s going to be another hot humid day. I hope to not have to go anywhere today except this evening I may go check on Jean and see if she needs anything. my uncle continues to be oriented, but very weak and eating very little. His wife’s birthday is Saturday. She will be 91 I believe. She is so down and saddened by everything and I feel sorry for her. My 84-year-old Aunt is getting to go see them in a couple of days. My cousin who lives in Florida is taking her. That’s very kind of her to do that. This is very hard on this aunt because she’s always depended on my uncle quite a bit and he’s helped her a lot down through the years. When she loses him she’s basically lost all her family because you really can’t have a conversation with my mom. She questioned me about whether mom knows how bad he is . I told her no she doesn’t but I will tell her if he passes before she does. I said I’m not expecting her to pass before my uncle, but you never know. this is a little difficult for me because I don’t like to talk about certain things regarding my mom because I don’t want to regret anything later. I won’t tell my mom because I never know what she will do with any information that I give her. I have learned that the hard way. Sometimes it leads to places you wouldn’t even imagine. They don’t understand that my mom doesn’t react in ways that they would expect her to. I waited quite a while before I told her about her sister that died recently. I may never have told her, but I knew that they were wanting me too. I respect my uncles and aunts, they have been kind to me down through all my years. So I did tell her, but I waited several weeks before I told her just in case she reacted in certain ways. But when I told her she just simply said, oh she did. It’s never been mentioned by her since. I made them aware that I had told her, so then of course they want to know how she reacted and so I told them she just said, oh she did. My mom does know that my uncle and aunt have health problems because the last time, that I’m aware of, that she called them my aunt was in rehab and my uncle was having trouble then. She has never called him since then, and she has never asked me and as far as I know my sister either anything about them. Maybe if I get questioned by anyone from the extended family again about it, I should just say my mom doesn’t have the emotional reaction to things that you would expect. Maybe it’s good that I am talking about this because that idea came to me while I’m talking here and I think, that would work. I’m not saying anything bad I’m just saying a fact. I’ve tried to give them examples of other facts that are easier for me to talk about, Thinking they’ll read between the lines and understand. I did just recently tell my aunt I can’t have a conversation with my mom because I can’t reason with her, the reasoner is broken . Don’t get me wrong they’re not mean or nasty at all when they asked me these things I think they just really want me too maybe be more open and that’s been a little hard for me because of not wanting to say something I shouldn’t say, and regret it, sometimes I feel like I talk too much. They are aware of some facts I shared with them in the past that I felt would clue them in, but it didn’t, such as my mom asking a man, she didn’t know, to marry her. When I told them that they just almost acted like that was normal, they didn’t say to me what’s wrong with your mom? Maybe it’s easier on them that way and that’s OK.

    i’ve talked a lot this morning lol

    each and everyone be careful

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 666
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    edited June 19

    Another hot day 95 plus. Turned on central air did not want to but with our health it is necessary. At night we turn off the central air and use the window a.c. it keeps rhe bedroom and the bathroom just right.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, I don't see any poppies. Were they with the other pictures? Can't seem to bet going this mirnjng. I'm watching Reba and still in my gown. To be a bit cooler today —90 and a little cloudy. The weather said Guymon in our panhandle has had 7" of rain which is unheard of.
    Mint, I don't think you talk too much, just things you're thinking and need to say. Hope your day goes well.
    Back later.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, here's the poppy.

    Mint, you never talk too much. Always good to be able to vent/reflect.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 795
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    Good Morning,

    Mint, you don't talk too much. To me, this is the safest place to talk because we understand. Sometimes after I've vented here and then read all your responses I think "it's ok. I'm ok. These folks get it. They care and they don't judge." We all need that.

    Busy day here… already been to the dark side of the moon up in Tennessee to buy some 10 foot gates and now getting ready to go to Huntland and check things there. I cooked yesterday and had a group of the grandkids over to eat and swim. Another one has a birthday party this weekend. Always something going on and I enjoy having them all around us.

    Had to dash in here to file the Shop sales tax report, even though we are closed, I still have to file a "zero income" return. Aggravating. I can barely keep up with everything along with all the Estate business. But, it's getting done. So there.

    Gotta run, DH is chomping to go… BBL and have a good day everyone!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    There are several different kinds of poppies: Oriental, California, Iceland and the Peony poppies that I grow. I do also have a small Iceland poppy plant and an Oriental that I just bought this spring. Oriental poppies are perennials, Peony poppies are annuals and the other two I mentioned are "short lived perennials, which are often treated as annuals." Mint, do you have the Oriental poppies? They are so beautiful!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Thank you, Beth. I have never seen a poppy like that. I thought it was a peony. Just beautiful. I used to the small red ones.
    Just ordered a few things from WM and when I checked out the bill was $10 higher. I called and it was shipping for juice that cost $4.00. Can you imagine that? I cancelled it. So, watch for that if you order. It was from a third party vendor.
    JeriLymn, don't you just.love paperwork? I worked for the VA and had 33 years of it. Hate it now.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    beth oriental poppies are beautiful. I have had them in the past, but I do not have any right now.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    JeriLynn, I recall there being bright moonlight at night when I was a young child, in the 1950s. But nowadays, the moon is frequently covered by clouds or seems dull.


  • Paulokc
    Paulokc Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    I’m in Oklahoma City the humidity is horrible lately makes it feel so much hotter than it really is!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Welcome Pauloke. I can imagine how hot it must be with all the concrete in big cities. It's been fairly nice here the last couple pf days. If we have wind blowing over the green grass it's much better.

    Iris, you need to be in the country away from all the bright lights to really enjoy the moon and stars. I saw the moon through the trees last night when I was coming in from watering GL. it was beautiful and still two days from being full. Just checked and it is the Strawberry Moon. Guess that's because strawberries ripen in May and June. Carol was making freezer strawberry jam yesterday. I have never made it but she grew up with her mother making it.

    The world news just showed the rescue of

    a baby moose. Mom was really watching - they know when you're trying to help. I know cows do.

    Enjoy the evening.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 795
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    Iris, like Lorita we are out in the country. I have a huge frosted glass window in the master bathroom and the moonlight streams in brightly on some nights. I have found the new outdoor light on the shed diminished the view of the stars on that side of the house.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    Happy Birthday Lorita 🎂💐🎈🌻

    Nice to see you on porch Paulokc. The humidity is what bothers me the most too.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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