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Just need to talk to my friends (197)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    edited June 21

    JeriLynn, do you remember where you ordered your seeds from? If I can grow my own, I would love that. they are expensive and I don’t like planting them big pots. They always have them in a bigger pot. Let us know how they do.

    shirley so good to hear from you. Life sure takes on a lot of turns don’t it. I hope things work out nicely for you and them.

    Beth it’s very humid here today too. The worst one so far I think for humidity. I went to the Amish farms this morning, and I got quite a bit of stuff. I got fresh cabbage, garlic, shell peas, green beans, tomato, zucchini, summer squash, wild black raspberries, cucumbers and a watermelon from Florida. I’m going to freeze the peas. They look like the peas I prefer. the last ones I got are not like I like them. They were big and coarse. I did find out though if I cook them a lot longer then they’re not too bad. Thought they are no good like this so I’m just gonna cook them a while and see what happens.

    I will just cook green beans, oh, and I also got some fresh little red potatoes, I like cooking them in my green beans. I hope to bake a cobbler with some of the black raspberries and freeze the rest. I hope I’m able to make some pickle relish with the cucumbers. I opened my last jar that I canned two years ago this week. I had made it with zucchini, and I want to do it with cucumbers this time. I don’t know for sure if I even have enough cucumbers to make just a small amount, but I didn’t want to buy too many cause I could have lack of time. They’ll probably have cucumbers longer than they’ll have black raspberries, and peas.

    turned dry here also with all the heat, so I try not to buy too much and extend myself too much because I have to water a lot and take care of mom. They had fresh broccoli which I hope to freeze some but they had that quite a bit last year so I’m hoping they’ll continue to have that. they have blueberries to but I should have my own and they had really nice lettuce my sister got that, but I have my own lettuce. Corn usually don’t come in until maybe mid July but I’m thinking this year. If it’s like everything else it’ll be a little earlier and I definitely want to freeze some corn if I can.

    HB my mom is so uncooperative that I doubt it but I am going to check them out and see what they look like. she’s not going to do it now but maybe in the future if things ever get so that she’s not against you about everything. thank you for the thought. I’ll look into it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, looks like it will be hot again today Just had toast and blackberry jam for breakfast- know it was late but Carol called and we had a long visit. . She has so much going on with her big family.

    Shirley. Glad you got moved back home and won't be alone.

    Mint, I sort of had that same problem with my mothet.Hard to resolve.

    Nothing planned for today.Need to transplant some violets but too hot up in the day. I did sweep the front porch and fed GL. This is the day daddy and I always dug our potatoes. I think of that every year. So many memories if you still live in the house where you were born and grew up. I haven't gone very far in my life but I have had a good one and love living here with my memories.

    I'll be back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    caladiums are up, fescue is turning brown, been to bank and meat market where I asked for chicken bones and skin,,,alas, all had been spoken for, got some good pastrami and Provolone to make wraps for lunch

    home now and will work on flip house plans and annual budget

    fun at the birthday party last night…when is the next one?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    What were you going to do with chicken bones and skin, Judith —chicken stock?

    I went out and sat on the porch a while and it was pleasant with a good breeze. The party was nice with good friends and good food. For some reason I am very lonely today - can't remember being this lonely except when I lost Charles. I need to get out with the girls in the pasture but I think they may be in the barn.. Good to know you all are here.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I think being alone and loneliness are two separate things. You are alone but I think you can resolve some of the loneliness.

    I too am alone but not lonely. I need activity. I need contact with people. I need brain stimulation. My car needs to be driven to keep the battery charged so I make certain to drive it enough. I do my docent work which keeps me studying and in contact with people. I work on genealogy. I get to the markets. They all know me and we have a visit over a cup of coffee. The shipping store. I am still working on getting rid of stuff.

    I do not watch daytime TV except for the morning news and in the evenings I use my iPad to watch documentaries or a movie. I need to read more and will try to do that.

    Right now I am studying the middle ages. There is a great course on Netflix I think. Pretty much starting with William the conqueror. The lecturer is lively and easy to watch. Anyone else interested? I could share the link.

    Also working on a long term budget…ugh…but want to have money until I die. There's a happy task, lol.

    How about some additional shares from others for dealing with loneliness.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    Hi everyone, the heat wave here in Boston is finally over. It is only 74 degrees today and no humidity compared to 99 yesterday with 100 percent humidity. We have central air we do not like using (we usually use fans) but with the weather we unfortunately had to break down and use the central air. We have now opened the doors and let the fresh air in.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    I volunteered where i was around people. For me I have to get out and get around others or I do get to feeling isolated. To me it is helpful just to get out in my car and go to the store and see people that helps me a lot to not feel isolated. Also staying busy even though it gets tiring and helps me to not feel isolated. In the evenings, I watch a lot of YouTube channels, and I enjoyed that, because I can find ones that are very peaceful and I learn a lot on them also. Once in a while, I get to feeling lonely, but I remind myself that I am not alone, I make myself start doing some thing, and I almost always start feeling better.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Thanks, Judith and MInt. You both are right .I do tend to isolate. If I lived in town I might volunteer but don't want to move.. I'm over my pity party now.

    Went down and closed the gate after FedEx came, checked the barn, filled the water tank and moved both vehicles back to shade. Did something to really aggravate my Costa so am leaning against the heating pad. Watching Back to Bataan with John Wayne for a while.

    Hope you all have a good evening.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita…you do need to drive your vehicles. Why do you have 2?

    Another question. Do all of the cows go into the barn?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Mint, PWDs truly cannot make decisions. You have to make the decision for her and get her to think it is her idea.

    My 15 year old (thereabouts) cat Seven was straining in the litter box three times this morning, and she passed a blood clot, not a stone. I took her to the vet where she has blood work, urinalysis and culture, x-ray, and ear cleaning. Total $1500! But the vet forgot to give her an antibiotic injection even though I asked about it. I have to get her back into the carrier tomorrow to return for the injection.

    Also, this feline cystitis is caused by stress. Seven has been high-strung for many years; Simon used to chase her as if she were a mouse. Since then she always hisses when he gets near. She also pulls out her fur. I didnt realize she was so affected. I have to keep them separated now.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning everyone

    thank you for your thought Iris

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 795
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    Good Morning,

    Mint, I ordered my seed from Park Seed on Amazon. (I did that because Beth mentioned that's where she got her seeds.) I didn't get everything planted this year because i didn't get my pathway around the pool/backyard done. Maybe this fall we can get that done. And I have some grow pots that I can start them in next spring. I also ordered Zinnia and Cone flower for planting around the pool. And I'll transplant some bee balm from the front bed. I want tall flowers so I don't have to look at the actual pool. I just want to see the deck and the water. LOL. We have so MANY projects, nothing ever seems to get finished. Just started. My DH is a worker bee but not like I work. I start and finish, then move to the next project. I'm not complaining as much as just venting I guess. Oh well, it will all get done when it gets done. DH thinks he has to do everything himself and there just aren't enough hours in the day. I would hire out for help but he won't hear of that!🙄LOL

    We had a really good time with the grands yesterday for the pool party. The food was good, everyone visited and played and laughed. Today is the birthday party for the 10 year old and all I have to do for that is show up. It's up in Huntland (18 miles away) at DH's homeplace. We had to get a new battery for one of the jet skis, so we'll take that with us when we go. I'm trying to plan a weekend day at the Lake. There are 3 boats in the family and we have the 2 jet skis. I think it would be fun to just spend the day. The older grands and I talked about it yesterday and they were enthusiastic. We'll see.

    Time to go get the Ladies out of the hen house and give them leftover treats from yesterday. If I go empty handed, they look disappointed. 🦃 If chickens can actually "look" disappointed. lol

    Back later, have a good day everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Vet visits are very expensive. I think Stormy is having ear problems. He shakes his head quite a bit. I'm afraid he will rupture a bloodvessel. We had that happen to Jeff, a dog we had years ago.Had to have surgery with drains in his ears and then had a stiff ear. I have the ear wash but I think there's something you put in the ear afterward. Barclee had that problem and I think there were two things I used for it.

    My TV remote has quit working. It let me turn it on this morning but nothing afterward. I am so tired of things going wrong. Will call Directv and see what they can do.Good thing is that it's on a pretty good channel but can't watch the news or regular programming. I changed the batteries but that didn't help.

    Darwin called. Said Donna had nightmares and neither of them slept much so he will stay in today and rest. He had a long day yesterday working on his mower. I think it is supposed to be really hot this weekend. Zetta, I think the TV is on a channel with lots of westerns. Tombstone Territory is on now.

    Judith, everyone who lives in the country has a pickup. The roads are not too good and if it rained and was muddy you couldn't get out in a car. All of our cows go into the barn because they're used to doing so. The others probably wouldn't. Before the back doors were opened they stayed under the trees and still are doing thst. One reason they stay in the barn is to get away from the flies. It's dark in there do the flies aren't as bad. If it rains or snows they head straight for the barn.

    Zetta, good your house has sold. I have never sold a home before either do knd of dread dealing with that when the time comes. Back later.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning all. I'm so glad that you enjoyed DH's "your doing it wrong" support hose story. He was just so matter-of-fact about it.

    Lorita we are having remote troubles also. It works just fine, except it won't change to channel 5! Just that channel. Frankly I want a different remote as I think this one has far too many buttons we don't use. One evening somehow every channel was in Spanish. I don't know how that happened. Even turning it off & on didn't fix it, I finally unplugged it from the wall for a minute then plugged it back in and that fixed it.

    Zetta I'm glad that your house sold. That was undue stress that you didn't need. Now you can look forward with excitement for what's ahead.

    Iris that is a big vet bill for sure. It seems around $500 or more every time I step into the vet's office. It's the same vet & office I've used for 30 years, costs for medicines and bloodwork have just shot through the roof. Hopefully you won't have too much trauma going back for the injection.

    I'm thinking I'll get the smoker going as soon as I sign off here. Its already 92 out, but we have a slight breeze which once its going will be good. I'm going to smoke a chicken, do a beer can chicken, spatchcock a chicken, toss a tenderloin on and some brisket hamburger patties. That will keep us eating well for quite awhile. Dinners will be easy as I will just add potato/noodles, vegetable and make a salad.

    Be safe everyone. I'll be back later to check on my porch friends.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    We have company! Daughter, SIL and 3 boys here from TX. We are hanging out, little boys are spending time with another little guy and his mom - going to a children's festival today. Oldest is playing chess with his dad right now. Yesterday they all went to an amusement park. Planning a trip to Staples to return an Amazon package today, and then my son, DIL and 4 kids will be coming over. Praying for decent weather for their visit, as we're planning to grill.

    Zetta, so glad your home sold and now you can move forward to your new chapter.

    Lorita, I have only sold 2 homes. One was our first home, and other was my mom's (where I grew up) when she went to Assisted Living.

    JeriLynn, you are always so busy! Hope you give yourself time to relax too. Enjoy the lake! My parents had a lake cottage and we had a lot of fun times there: boating, water skiing, fishing…swimming - not so much. I like to swim where I can see the bottom, and where there are no rocks to walk over, and where there are no snapping turtles!

    Iris, I am sorry your cat is not feeling well. You are right, vet visits are expensive! So are human visits but insurance helps. I had pet insurance at one time but it wasn't that good of coverage. Lots it didn't cover.

    Mint, you have a busy and active life. That gives life some meaning and enjoyment for sure. You are so good to help J and your mom; I know it isn't easy. You are kind and generous.

    David, hope you are doing well.

    Judith, you have a fulfilling (and full) life. I think you need to work to make your life fulfilling/to alleviate loneliness and boredom and you are doing just that. You are an inspiration! I admire you and hope I can continue to keep busy. Do you make bone broth? If so…I save my carcasses from when I buy or roast a whole chicken. I freeze them to make bone broth later. I make it in the crockpot.

    Joan, hope you are feeling better. Do you have your hip surgery date yet? I imagine it is rather cool in CO whereas much of the country is HOT HOT HOT!

    Mint, your vegetables and fruit sound so good. It's nice when we can get fresh fruit and vegetables from local sources. My MIL often shopped in Amish stores. She would buy things like tapioca and spices. I think she mainly like going and looking at what they had. She had her own garden produce so didn't buy that.

    Hello Caro, Eagle, HB, Day2Nite, Jo, Ron and Marie, and welcome Regina and Paul.

    Stay cool everyone!

    Hugs, Beth

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Thank you for the congrats on my home sale. It's still all crazy. A home inspector will be out here on Monday to do a home inspection, I guess the roof and the foundation, things that could cause the sale to fall through. But at this point Iam so tired of it all, Iam comfortable I will just stay put. They are also sending a person out to watch how fast the water comes out of my well.

    We are now in the process of finding an apartment in Bend, Oregon, for my son to live in, I want him all settled before I take all my fur babies and head to Arizona. I hope to have this all done before the winter snow settles in here is Oregon.

    Lorita, I also tend to isolate myself. I did live in a big city a few times and yes there are lots of people, I don't miss any of that, that might be why I isolate, I prefer quiet. I have a TV in my bedroom the remote will turn it on and off and works the volume but will not change the channels. There are some buttons on the bottom of the TV that I can change the channels with.

    Iris, Sorry to hear your Seven is having some problems. Sounds like Seven does not like the carrier. My Sammy also not like the carrier and I have had to put him in that each time I had a home show. My Emmy goes under the bed, and I can't get her, she is such a scaredy cat the home show will keep her under the bed till she knows Iam back home.

    Beth, Thanks for the laugh, about the snapping turtle. I also want to see the bottom of what Iam standing in.

    Mint. You are always doing the best for your mom, maybe tell her she will be having problems in that area if she stays in wet pants during the day.

    Take care everyone, Hugs to All, Zetta

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    Thank you, I am doing better some days are better than others. I now have a seat riser in the bathroom since last week I could not get off the seat (guess who helped me to get off the seat I think you can). It makes it easier for me to stand

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Zetta, you just reminded me of when we didn't have tv remotes. Karen, you all know her because I have talked about her, got the first remote I had heard of. I kidded her about bring too lazy to get up and turn the tv off and on. Now we're lost without one. I can turn the tv off and on but don't think there is a way to change channels. I have watched Tombstone, The Lone Ranger, Wyatt Earp and now Daniel Boone so far. Wagon Train has to be next. I hope the inspection goes well, Zetta. Might be good to wait until cooler weather to move. The climate will be a really big change for you. Right now our temp is 90 but heat index is 101 so you see what humidity does. Wind speed is 9 mph from the SSW, a.hot wind.I am staying inside today but might water some late. Got some new metal hose and a sprinkler I can set up and get back inside.

    David, the VA gave Charles a thing that fits on the stool just behind the seat that has arms on each side of the stool. The bottom of them rest on the floor. It's just like getting up from a chair because of the arms. I have left it on and it helps so much. The next time you go to the VA, ask your doctor to.order one for you. Could probably get it from Prosthetics the same day, we did.

    Zetta, I worked among so many people for 33+ years and enjoyed it but now prefer the quiet of the country, like you. I do mist.of my socializing on the.phone.but enjoy seeing people from time to time.

    Sounds like a.busy day for you, JeriLynn. Have fun.

    Mint, do you like gooseberries? We used to have some bushes and they made really good purse one of Charles' favorites.

    Sandy, I'm over the way I felt yesterday. Your call meant a lot to me- you can always make me feel better about things. I checked last years journal and it was the same last year.

    If Wagon Train isn't on next, I'm going to take a nap.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Hi all,

    I hope you’re being careful, staying hydrated and cool. This weather is dangerous.

    Jerilyn, I have to laugh when you talk about your spoiled chickens. My DIL brought home 6 chicks, bought a brooder to keep them warm while they grew. She kept them in her office. As they grew, she brought a playpen, it was March when she brought them home. My son built a very nice coop for them. It turned out that we had 2 roosters. They got along for a year, then there was a fight. Now they have to take the loser out of the coop every day and let him back in at dusk. If they go out they have to rush home for the rooster.

    Zetta, I know what you’re going through. When I was moving to Virginia, I had to leave my home of 56 years. You can imagine the accumulation. It was a big house. My advice is figure out what you need to take and see if there is someone to do an estate sale. That’s what I did. It’s painful but when you’ve accumulated so much that no one in the family wants, it’s the best way.

    Mint, I wish I had half the energy you have. Never stop moving and walking. It doesn’t take long to lose your mobility. I never thought walking would be something that is so difficult as we age.

    It’s very quiet here, I don’t have a lot going on, so I don’t post often but I do read every day and enjoy reading about your lives. Keep posting.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    edited June 22

    I put in a toilet riser for Dick…I love it now.

    I could easily live in Chicago again. That would not keep me from my being alone/isolated when I chose to be. During most of the time I am by myself…no music/TV. I like the quiet however I need to have personal interaction and again, it is bad for my car not to drive it. It will get "stove up" if not driven.

    Moving is rough. You pick up something and then have to decide what to do with it. Hopefully the work I am doing now will make things easier for my children when I die. I especially do not want them to find messy drawers…lol.

    Today I will see as a blessing that I do not have cows or chickens. That said I do miss having dogs but never again.

    Looks like another hot day. Two more blessings…AC and a generator.

    Lorita…is the remote one that came with your TV or is it kin to your Direct TV?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    JeriLynn think men are more to think like that then women in general.

    sandy I think you’re right about the moving thing. One day when I was still living with my mom she made an announcement to me that she wasn’t going to do a lot of things anymore. That is when things started getting really bad physically for my mom. Before it was mainly just personality and reasoning. So I’ve often wondered was something bothering her and that’s why she quit or did she just make a decision to quit and then got into this trouble I don’t know.

    I’m thankful for A/C to Judith. Sure makes night time a lot nicer especially. I do not have a generator but the man across the street a few days ago told me he does and anytime that we’re without electric and I need to come over there. I’m free to come. That was so nice of him to tell me that.

    my aunt and cousin got back to Atlanta OK. They sent me a few pictures. My poor uncle is so frail.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi, I just had a baked sweet potato with butter- it was delicious. Also baked a loaf iof breD. Haven't tasted it but I think is the biggest one I have made. It was all the way to the top of the container in the bread maker. I used bread flour this time. Really tempting to have the top slice with blackberry jam.

    Judith, it's the Direct tv remote. It have another one but it isn't set up for this tv. I'm not sure I can turn the tv off. I will try using the button on the back that I use to turn it on.

    I drive either the car or PU to the mailbox or the Gatorz- enough to keep the batteries up. I wanted to go out and check the girls today but it's too hot- maybe early, early tomorrow. I worry about new babies being born in this weather. Heifers (now cows) won't calve again until fall but not sure about "ours".

    Sandy tell everyone the names of those two roosters. I think they're cute names.

    Never did get that nap today but did sort through some papers I've been avoiding. I think I will find something on the tablet to watch tonight - maybe The Waltons or Route 66. Can't remember the name of the movie where the four women went to see Tom Brady - that might be good.

    Enjoy the rest of the day. Be sure to look at the full moon tonight. It was beautiful last night.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    The 6 chicks were all given flower names. The 2 that turned out to be roosters are Petunia and Pansy. Pansy keeps the hens happy and Petunia has free range . Unfortunately he’s had a couple of run ins with hawks, but he has survived.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    edited June 23

    I love those names, Sandy. Hope the hawks stay away. Have you seen any turkeys lately? I'm about ready for bed- didn't get my nap today. The one channel I can get is fetv. I watch it quite a lot but enough is enough.

    Hope everyone can get a good nights sleep. See you tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning everyone

    Lorita you asked about gooseberries. I don’t have any gooseberries. when I was a child, I can remember a few people having this berry and the best I remember it was green at first and then it would turn like a blue purple color. I don’t remember much about them and I don’t remember what they were called. Would that possibly be a gooseberry?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning to all on the porch.

    It's supposed to be another hellish day in terms of heat. DS worked a 9-hour day as trainman on the tourist railroad. I am amazed that they actually had anyone turn up given the miserable weather. Attendance was down and they upgraded everyone to the First-Class parlor car which has A/C although a few opted for the open-air experience. He's accustomed to managing dangerous heat (thanks to marching band and scouts) but was still wrung out when he got home at 7pm. He's got a shorter day today, but similar heat and humidity.

    Beth— Were you the one who recommended the deer spray? We've used a whole bottle so far with better results than my former brand. Not perfect, mind you, but so much better than the last couple years. So far, I have only lost a few daylily and coneflower buds.

    How does one do bone broth in a slow cooker? I have a small one mom left behind when she moved out; would that be big enough?

    Iris— I am sorry to hear about dear Seven's health issues. One of my mom's old cats would develop cystitis around stress which was just awful. They were in one of their nomad phases— sold the house I spent my teen years in and stayed temporarily in an apartment while their condo was being built. Then they sold the condo after a year and moved to an apartment while their new SFH was built. The cat was OK in houses but didn't like either apartment or the condo. When they traveled, he got sick at my apartment but was find when I moved to a house. He wasn't allowed outside, so I have no idea why this mattered to him.

    Jerilynn— Your family day sounds fun. I hope the chickens were happy with their treats.

    Lorita—I hope you get your TV/remote situation squared away. That's got to be really frustrating.

    Zetta— I don't envy you the physical work of moving. I've never really moved myself although I did move my parents several times after dad was diagnosed and once years ago when I bought their house and mom was still teaching. DH and I lost our first house in a massive flood; we pretty much lost everything. While that was sad and expensive, in a lot of ways it made things super easy. A year or so later the county bought the property to extend a park, so we never even had to do any staging/showings. A silver lining for sure.

    jfkoc— I'm like you- I like my quiet. When I go to mom's she's got at least one TV blaring "for company"— sometimes both and not always on the same channel. It makes me crazy.

    Sandy— I love the rooster names. So fun. We did the estate broker when we cleared out my aunt's place in Maine. After getting dealers in for my uncle's extensive clock and antique arms collection, the estate guy turned up with 3 trucks— one for his sale room/auction, one for Goodwill and a third for the dump. Easy peasy. She had a good-sized house, a couple cottages, a 4 bay garage, boathouse and shed packed with stuff. I was pretty salty when I had to go through the boxes I'd packed 30 years before when they retired to Maine. I'd tried to convince her to donate them then but was told off rather sharply that she might need them someday. They were still taped up. I have one of the crocks on my hearth as a reminder of that exchange.

    Mint— Gooseberries are a kind of currant. I saw them a lot in the UK made into jams and pies. I have seen jam at my Amish market. I need to stop by the market one of these days. I want to buy some popping corn; they sell a "Mushroom" variety that pops big and fluffy with very little husk. It's so much better than the microwave kind.


    I did something different yesterday. I made myself a skirt. It's been so hot I really don't want to be outside, but I didn't want to clean. I almost never sew for myself.

    I raided my somewhat skimpy stash of fabric and found a 100% cotton gingham seersucker. I decided on a simple elastic waist, mid-length (to hide my nasty TKR scar) with side vents and pockets. Simple was critical as a 1/4" check should be properly match at the seams. I added a self-fabric tie because why not? It's cute. LOL, I expect my mom will see it and ask if I got it at Talbots as it kind of has that vibe. I might make myself a nightgown out a Pima cotton top sheet I have laying around.

    Now that I have a skirt, I'm going to need a half-slip. Maybe I'll take mom with me to Boscov's to buy one. They're probably the only bricks'n'mortar store around old-school enough to carry such a thing. Mom loves Boscov's— she'd never buy clothing there but will want to look at all the things. It's too hot to drop her at the pool today.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions


    Just a quick note: HB, yes, I recommended the "Repels All." There are also hot pepper sprays to deter the critters. I have used that and I think it worked ok but I have a big bottle of concentrated Repels All so have been using that one last year and now this year.

    Crockpot bone broth recipe: https://www.fitmamarealfood.com/crockpot-bone-broth/

    Stay cool, everyone!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Morning, Mint, those were gooseberries. When they're green they are pretty sour but when they turn that purple color they're pretty sweet. They make really good pies. We had a sprinkle, just enough to raise the humidity.

    Drove out to check couple of cows and they were okay, just getting a drink.. Saw another one by herself and she has a new bsaby. She is a big. Black white face, one of the heifers. Baby got up so hope she will take it to the shade. Couldn't open the gate to the NE pasture. Toad fastened the chain too tight.

    Had planned on getting things ready to water tonight but it's already too hot.

    Finally got the tv on but the channel Has changed. Now on CNBC and it is all advertisements. It is only ,84 with 70% humidity and 5 mph wind but it is awful. Feel so sorry for peop!e who have to work outside in this heat and for the animals who are out in it. And it is still June.

    Guess I will watch things on the tablet today or sleep. Hope everyone us well. Stay out of the heat!!

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 795
    500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes 25 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good afternoon Peeps,

    Too hot to be outside. DH is taking a nap. I've thrown a pot roast in the crockpot, seared some porkchops stuffed with fontina cheese swimming in caramelized onion and cheesy gravy. That's it for cooking for me for the next 3 or 4 days. We've got leftover fruit salad, the brownies are gone, got a little peach cobbler and still some cake. We'll get by. lol The temps are rising to 99-100 with 40% chance of rain Wednesday that hopefully will come thru.

    I'm granddog sitting until this afternoon. So will have food for DD and kids to take with if they so desire.

    The dogs, chickens and goats are hot, but they have shade and plenty of water. DH laughed when I suggested I was running an extension cord to the henhouse and turn on a fan. I didn't think it was funny.. they won't get in the little pool.

    After these chops come out of the oven, I'm taking a nap. Have a safe afternoon. BBL

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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