Just need to talk to my friends(201)
HB, I hear you on shoe sizes. I ordered a pair of size 13 and received some that must be size 16. The shoes and the box say 13, but they looked like customized water skis! I just have to order and send back, though. I can't buy shoes to fit me in retail stores. Buying shoes has been a pain for me since I was about 11 years old. Dad said my problem was they just turned too much under for foot when I was made.
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Well : what a day we had yesterday! Flopsy decided to have her baby girl on the back side of the pond. DH called me at the house to come help. Had to enlist the great grand to hold the baby while we corralled Flopsy into a stall. She's wild. She'll come close enough to get a cookie but other than that she has a mind of her own. The great grand was thrilled with the adventure. Flopsy, not so much. We did bottle feed the baby since there was so much excitement, just to give Mama time to calm down. We'll see how she does today. She rejected her first baby, took to the second one.
And Flopsy did a good job getting this baby cleaned up… fingers crossed. Maybe 3rd time will be the charm for her. I hope so. The baby is lively and anxious to feed so that's a good sign.
The weather is supposed to turn frigid in a couple days so we went ahead and got the other pregnant Mamas into the front pasture and rearranged the barn. I told DH we needed a bigger barn when we built this one… We are supposed to go on a little vacation in January and now I'm worried these crazy goats will be having babies while we are away. I think we need to rethink our approach and actually plan these pregnancies. Seems like that would be easier. Maybe this year will get it sorted out. I guess I need to do a spreadsheet. My Papa had ledgers they kept by hand of all the cows; Their milk production, breeding schedule, calving dates, etc.
The great grand goes home this evening when her Mama gets off work. I'm serving hamburgers cause that's easy and I'm not sure what today will bring. I am fairly certain that great grand will want to come back to stay with us after New Year's Day holiday, lol. She doesn't want to miss anything to do with the babies.
I'll be back later when I figure out what's up today. Y'all have a good day. 2024 has been a doozy hasn't it!
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Good morning
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Good morning hope everyone has a good day and enjoy your New Year Eve celebration
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How many years did she work for post office? I had 37 years
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David, I don’t remember how many years but she retired as soon as she was able so it’s whatever the minimum amount of years is.
I received good news about my bone density study that I had done in September. I had never gotten the results. They had some big issues with their medical transcription apparently. They had told me that it was OK because the Doctor Who read them was going to let them know if anyone needed contacted, since we were unable to access stuff ourselves. So yesterday the reading was available to me.
I went from osteoporotic to osteopenic. So that was very encouraging to me to continue to do the things that I am doing. I worried a little bit because I knew I got high doses of steroids in 2023 when I was so ill. And then two months later I had to take a tapering dose of steroids for a week due to all those yellow, jacket stings. I had looked into it though, and it said if I remember correctly, you had to be on them for like three months so that gave me hope and it seems that for me that was accurate.
I continue to try to get 1200 mg of calcium a day approximately in my food. I try not to go over that as that is bad for kidney stones lol. Take supplemental vitamin D and my levels stay good. I incorporate as much vitamin K in as I can, though I can’t eat as much to obtain that as I would like. The foods I could use to get it. I can’t eat anlot of those as they give me other problems if I do. But anyway it’s working and I’m thankful. I continue to use the Marodyne LIV every day at least once except for when I was in the hospital. And in the past few months, I’m trying to do it twice a day. I don’t always accomplish that but I do a lot. Then I also try to get cardio in too.
Hope maybe this will encourage others who are dealing with osteoporosis
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Cataracts…I highly recommend having them removes and Lorita, your's are not helping you see your cows when it is foggy…lol
Another business meeting this morning. Last this year….hopefully!
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Mint, that's great that your bone density has improved! Thanks for sharing the things you did that helped.
The TX grands were here for a week. They left today. House is quiet and we're getting it cleaned up.
JeriLynn, your babies are adorable and so is the granddaughter!
David, my mom retired from the post office too. I'm not sure how many years she worked there.
Hugs, Beth
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JeriLynn somehow I missed the pictures. They are beautiful pictures.
Beth I realized I forgot one thing my Sara Meeks exercises I faithfully do them every day. Most the time I get all of them done but now and then I only get part of them done. The exercises are on Bob and Brad. That’s the ones I initially started out with, and I still do them. I found a copy of her 2nd edition book that’s no longer published and bought it. It has some additional exercises and information that we’re not on Bob and Brad. I’ve added a few of them.
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What a difference a day makes. The wind is blowing from the north today and its raining leaves! I've bagged and mulched and now I'm giving up until spring clean up. Of course I'll keep the patio clean, but the yard is on its own!
Lorita your right, there have been tornado's around. They weren't around here, but the pictures of the destruction are awful.
The goat pic is precious. And that's quite the smile on your granddaughter, I love it.
I play board games with DH and card games - he loves to do that. Yesterday we played Chinese Checkers. It was our Christmas game gift. We'd both forgotten how much we enjoyed playing it, but also how long it takes to play a game. He's already ask to play another game this afternoon! When I was looking for the game, I knew he wouldn't be able to hold on to tiny marbles. This one has shapely wooden pegs - easy to grab a hold of and move. Plus if dropped they don't go everywhere.
Time to get busy here. Be safe everyone.
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Hi everyone, Mint, a bone density test I had years ago showed I had osteopenis in my left hip. I took calcium for a while and it improved. I need to do that again because my left pelvic bone bothers me. Sara Meeks exercises? Are they for osteoporosis? I have watched Bob and Brad so how do you find her?
Judith, I need to have my cataracts extracted this spring. My problem is getting home afterward. I could drive over and maybe Darwin could drive me home. Or, Triad used to provide transportation. I will check. Logan has had one eye done and said it only took a few minutes, no pain.
JeriLynn, what a sweet baby and sweet granddaughter holding her. I used to keep a chart of when our girls would calve and would put them up a Couple of days before. Then we liked to keep mom and baby up for a week or so for them to really bond. Mike doesn't do that, too many cattle and too busy. Our Brangus bulls threw bigger calves and the Angus ones throw smaller calves so calving is easier. But, I miss doing it. The babies were always more gentle. Time and things change.
Eagle, good the storms were away from you. It's much cooler this morning with a stiff northwest wind and partly cloudy. We used to play Chinese Checkers and it was fun. Nice you found the wooden pieces instead of marbles.
They're showing humidifiers on TV and I need to get mine going. They really do help.
Anyone going out tonight to party? I probably won't even be awake at MN. Our friends down in Australia are already into 2025. I saw some of the fireworks this morning.
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Lorita….I assume you need to go to Muskogee. Darwin probably could not be away from his wife that long or that far. You could spend the night except for the animals. Maybe you can find a motel that would allow pets. Living in the country has it's drawbacks.
The sun is remarkably bright this afternoon. Monday it may snow. Yippee! Time to get out my skis!!
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I always wanted a dog this is what I got for Christmas it breathes but I don't walk it or have to feed
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Carl, I understand what you mean about the 911 responders to a fall alert button.
I have canned black-eyed peas, no searching for rocks for me.
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It does sometimes, Judith. The first time I had shingles I called Donna to see if she would ride over with me. Both of them were here in ten minutes to take me but she was okay then. He goes to town for a couple of hours while she sleeps. I might be able to drive home - I know a way that doesn't have much traffic. Best option is if they have transportation or KATS service I see them everywhere.
Stormy and I drove up close to the cows, on the rosd, to see if all was okay. It was. Gator isn't here and don't know if it will be back. Hate for it to turn so cold. Ponds will freeze over and ice will have to be cut. In the past I could keep water tanks filled and cut but girls are far enough away that they may not come down to drink. Toad would cut ice twice a day, not sure what will happen since he isn't around now. Last January I fell on frozen ground carrying an ax. Ankle still bothers me occasionally.
Iris, I have a can of black eyes peas, too. Might make some cornbread to go with them.
David, your little dog looks so sweet. What's his name?
I fell asleep this afternoon in my chair so not going to stay up til MN. Happy New Year, everyone.
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JeriLynn, that is one cute kid holding that kid. No kidding!
Mint, that is great news about your bone density. Osteoporosis is nothing to ignore.
Love the dog, David. Is that a Joy For All dog? I read an article about them in the New Yorker magazine a couple of years ago. Seems like the Massachusetts health department was providing them to people who live alone and they reduced loneliness. According to Meals On Wheels, loneliness is as bad for you as smoking a half pack a day.
I hadn't thought about breaking ice in a stock tank with an ax for years, but I used to do it. Then we heaved the chunks in a pile with a pitchfork and pumped enough water to fill the tank. Pumping water was done with a hand pump after the gasoline engine quit working and before the electric motor was installed. Chores like that are why people of a certain age need to sell their cattle, lease their pasture, and take life a little easier.
Well, it is midnight here in the Central time zone. Happy New Year, everyone!
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Eating black-eyed peas alone at 1:40 AM. I never thought I'd grow up to be a totally awesome caregiver but here I am, living the dream.
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Happy New Year Carl and all the porch buddies!
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Good morning
Happy New Year
Lorita you can Google, Bob and Brad – osteoporosis, meeks method, or you can go to Bob and Brad‘s YouTube channel and click on playlists. Then just scroll down until you find osteoporosis, meeks method and there will be 21 videos there.
Lorita they will not let you drive yourself home because of the medication’s you get for doing the cataract surgery. I just use the regular cab company to take me and bring me home because there was no one available to help me. We have A couple of medical transportation companies in our town that you can hire. You might ask your physician if he still wear of how you can get transportation there and back they may have an idea. Hope something works out for you because your cataract does need taken care of. Unfortunately, they do not stabilize. It will just continue to worsen.
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Happy New Year's my front porch friends! Felt like I was hunkered down in a bunker still in vietnam last night, with mortars going off all around me. I can't believe that fireworks has changed so much, back in the day cherry bombs was the loudest you could get.
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Happy 2025!
Carl— The shoe situation is annoying. Both DS and DH have a narrower foot. DS is a normal 11- 11 1/2, but DH rocks anything between a 14-15. And he hates to shop. He truly doesn't understand why I can't just draw around his foot and present that to a clerk somewhere in exchange for shoes. Since the family shoe store closed, we're having decent luck with Nordstrom Rack although it can be hit or miss. Last time was great, I found 2 pair he liked and snagged them both.
Jerilynn— That little girl is such a pretty child. She looks so pleased with herself in that picture. Imagine the memories she's making with you. Someday in 60+ years future-her will be telling her grands about caring for the goats with you. It may seem very exotic to them.
When my niece was in Peru, she saw young children carrying around baby alpacas as if they were stuffed animals on the streets of Lima. I guess they get a new model every couple of months when the current one outgrows them.
Mint— Kudos to you for improving your bone density. I'm impressed. I'm glad the steroids weren't taken long enough to cause you lasting harm. Both mom and my late MIL had vasculitis— the former Giant Cell and the later Wegener's. Both took fairly high doses for years. Both had a lot of loss of height and occasional breaks. MIL once broke 4 ribs reaching for a Readers Digest on her nightstand. She walked into a door and broke her collarbone the night my younger niece was born; she'd come up to babysit the older daughter. Poor BIL was running back and forth between his wife and mom.
Eaglemom— Game night sounds fun.
David— That is a sweet-looking dog.
Lorita— I'm going to pile on and nag you about your cataracts. It's best of you find a way to do this soon— spring would be good. DH fought me on having his done. The man hadn't been able to drive at night for several years including the night I needed to meet my parents at the state line to take dad to the ER. I was pretty salty about that and let him know he'd let me down when I needed him which finally convinced him to consider surgery. By the time he agreed, one cataract had gotten so deep that it wasn't as easy-peasy painless as the other side.
No way you will be cleared to drive home. One is typically given an IV injection of something like Valium ahead of the procedure. Plus, your eye will be bandaged which will impact your depth perception. DH's surgeon told him not to drive for the 2 weeks between his surgeries and until a week or so after the second. I like the idea of staying overnight in town for the procedure. Maybe someone from the vet's office could look after the pets for you.
__________________________________________________________________________________We had a quiet night. DS had a party at a coworker's home. This year the theme was "Pajama Party" which was a lot easier than the year it was Pirate or Speakeasy-themed. DH and I watch a cooking-travel show and talked about potential anniversary trips, had a couple craft beers and read our new books. It was lovely. We had beer and cheese soup for dinner and homemade potato rolls.
Tonight, I'm making pizza as we haven't done that in a while. DS will do the usual pepperoni and DH and I will split a white pie with spinach, garlic, San Marzanos and mushrooms. If the years goes sideways, it'll be my own fault for skipping the black-eyed peas. Maybe the spinach can stand in as the leafy green. I might make some cheese bread later as I'm supposed to meet a friend tomorrow who is bring me a dozen frozen low-salt meals for mom. She's cooking for a man at her church and decided to fix stuff for mom too. Between the 2 of us, I have had to take mom shopping for anything aside from cat food and fruit.
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I named him Sleepy.
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Good morning and Happy New Year. I hope it will be a good year for all.of us and for our good earth.. The sun is shining brightly but it is chilly. Next week.is supposed to.be super cold. Dread that.
Carl, all you said about cutting ice, , etc. is so true. We did that ans.cutting ice on the pond for ysars.. Charles got frostbite on a finger that slippe through a hole in his glove. It's hard work. Never thought about using a pitchfork to get the ice chunks out of the tank. I used a shovel and my hands. The time does come when you have to quit but I miss doing it. I will Keep the tanks full and maybe kesp the girls away from the ponds.
Yhsnks,Mint, I'll look.for those exercises. What do you eat to get vitamin K? We always had black eyes peas and hog jowl on New Years Day. I didn't last year but will this one. Never heard about having greens though.
HB,I will look into transportation. But won't stay there overnight. Sad state of affairs when it gets down to this but I'll figure it out.
Thanks for the suggestions. Still say we should have that sort of commone where we all could live together and help each other.
Ron, I think fireworks would done the same thing to Charles. It is quiet out here except for wolves and coyotes. I saw the Roadrunner again yesterday.I see him almost every time I go down the driveway. Hope he, or she, is not alone.
Enjoy the first day of 2025. Where have the years gone?
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Happy New Year to all!
May 2025 bring everyone improved health and happiness.
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Lorita, Perhaps you could look into a CNA agency to hire someone to accompany you. The clinic I went to did eye measurements before surgery that required dilation. I had a CNA go with me and drive me home. On surgery days, the clinic required me to have someone at the facility during the surgery and to drive me home afterward. The surgery is easy and painless. It's the appointments and all the eye drops that make it more difficult, but trust me, you won't be sorry. It is nothing short of a miracle to be able to see clearly again
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Good morning all and Happy 2025.
Fireworks then more fireworks followed by every more fireworks. Frankly it was just like the 4th of July here with all the booms. Of course its illegal, but clearly lots of folks were shooting them off. What I thought was stupid (and I really dislike using that word, but its applies here) was the the nightly news had sound effects of guns going off with the message - don't fire your weapons! To me that was just asking people to fire their guns and tape it, but that's me. I didn't hear any guns, just fireworks.
Cool day here. I hope to transfer the calendar and other non exciting things today! We might go visit a friend who had a fall & hospital visit. Now he's in a facility for 30 days for PT. We'll go either today or tomorrow. He's in good spirits because he wants out of there and to go home! Which he will.
Time for our Zoom, today we're playing Jeopardy. That's always fun. Be safe everyone.
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Lorita In my above post, I put mixed method. It should’ve been meeks method. I edited the post, but thought you might not look back at it again, so I wanted you to know the correct thing. The darker green leafy lettuce is a pretty good source of vitamin K and so are prunes. I believe it’s like six prunes a day is good they say when you have osteoporosis but my system doesn’t deal with six prunes a day laugh out loud. I even got into trouble doing two every day so I do eat a few prunes along but I mainly try to eat lettuce and I can’t eat lettuce every day or my system won’t like that either.
Fireworks weren’t an issue here last night. It’s too cold for people to stay out very long. I think I heard about one shoot off.
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I don't know about you...I'm just here for the Champagne
Happy New Year!
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Happy New Year (porch friends)??? I have been aware of this post and did a little eavesdropping today. Hope you don't mind. I have some time now. My DH passed over on Dec. 17th and am looking for some connections. I've been self isolated for so long. Almost every thing I have done revolved around DH. The aloneness and the finality seems overwhelming at times. I enjoyed the pictures people shared of there travels and particularly the farm animals, I almost forgot the beautiful Christmas trees. So cute. I skimmed through a lot of the posts. I met Lorita, of course, I think this is where it all started. I love the title "just need to talk to my friends". How warm and inviting that sounds. I also met Carl, David, and eagles mom. I know there were more of you but I can't remember all your names at this moment. I like how "normal" you all seem. I haven't known you long enough to know if that is a fair assessment.😅 A warped sense of humor is how I get by. You share each others lives as good friends should do. You healthily share about each others challenges, like how to get to the Doctor, etc. I'm going to a neighbor's house now for a traditional Southern New Years' dinner. This will be my first taste of black-eyed peas. My DH and I moved to New Bern, NC from Allentown, PA. Yes, I hate to admit it, I am a "Dammed Yankee". I grew up on pork and sauerkraut so this will be a new treat for me. I wish everyone, your Heart's Desire, for the coming year. Wish me luck as I venture forth into the new world of black-eyed peas!!!
Commonly Used Abbreviations
DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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