Just need to talk to my friends (203)
Sorry your son has the flu,, Carl, and glad he didn't have a head injury. Your bean meal sounds good. Beans are good anyway you have them.
HB, glad your mom is finished with home PT.
Good night, everyone.
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good morning
Carl glad your son is OK. Hope the beans tasted good maybe a little like refried beans?
Where I go to church there’s a little man there J. I feel sorry for him because I can tell weak and he’s old or at least he looks old. Last night he told us that the doctor had told him that he has the beginnings of dementia. I felt so sorry for him. As my neighbor once said getting old is not for sissies.
i’m a little concerned about David because he’s not been on here for a few days. And normally if his name is mentioned, he always replies to that post so I’m fearing he’s not doing too well.
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I'm leavin' on a jet plane…heading to Tampa, FL for my niece's wedding. Should be fun! Get-together Friday evening, wedding Saturday, home Sunday. Josey (dog) is staying with my son. She loves them so it will be good. She's stayed with them many times before.
Carl, I cooked the taco soup for 7 or 8 hours on low in the crockpot. It was very tasty! Hope your son does well and that he didn't pass the influenza A along to you and your wife. It can be pretty nasty, I hear.
I'm going to have to try beans - I've not worked with dry beans much although I have some in the pantry.
Glad you are improving, Judith. I too am concerned about David.
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Good morning, Porch Friends
Iris. It's nice hearing from you, we were all worried. If I ever had to get a new phone, my daughter will be here to show me how it works. She got me a tablet for Christmas, and I'm still trying to figure things out.
Carl. I hope your DWs pain goes away, hopefully the lump goes away. I'm also hoping she gets to go to daycare soon, it will be nice for both of you. It was nice the nurse was able to tell you why your son fell. I also fell last night, I'm O.K.
Sounds like you will be having some refried beans. As far as the weather in Arizona, I just wish we had more rain, I like rain.
JeriLynn. You did a very sweet thing, by showing the old man, that some people still have trust in others. That made his day, and he will always remember. And the finishing touch will be the fresh bread. YUM.
Judith. Hugs, don't overdue things, rest and stay warm 🙏
GothicG. You will always find something to do for Peggy, she will always be in your heart. You took very loving care of her.
HB. I'm happy to hear your mom is feeling better, its time for you to relax and get some rest.
Beth. Sounds like you will be having fun for a few days. Enjoy the wedding and the fellowship. Josey, will be in good hands.
I had a fall last night, I do have a few bruises and a sore wrist. I was in bed and I heard Molly, flopping around on the floor, she had fallen off of the bed and she looked like she was having a sizzure (sp) she was trying to get up and couldn't. So me trying to get to her I also fell out of bed, into my dresser. OUCH! What had happened is she got her foot caught in her collar and could not get it out. Poor Baby, I took that collar off and I probably won't put it back on. So I'm having a lazy day today.
Hugs to all. Zetta
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I tried to post between Mint and Beth, but it's not there yet. So weird.
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Prom dress shopping and taxes for me today. So, I hope you each have a wonderful day and I'll be back later to check on you!
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Good afternoon all. Sounds like everyone's busy with life right now.
Iris I'm glad your back posting, we all missed you!
Carl I'm hoping your son is better. But mostly that you & your LO didn't get exposed to the flu. Ugh. You don't want nor need that.
JeriLynn66 you selling your camper is how I sold my parents house. Its in a small town in central KS. A guy approached me to purchase it. We were going back the next weekend & I said we'd talk then. Fast forward to the weekend and he happened to be driving by when we were in the front yard. We waved & he stopped. We chatted a few minutes and I asked him how he was thinking of paying for the house. (This is farm and oil land, they don't like to use a bank.) He said he'd like to pay it off in 3 yrs., giving me, so much each month then the full amount at the end. HD & I looked at each other and said yes, but he had to pay the taxes. (Which were very minimal.) He totally agreed. Then he surprised me by asking if I wanted a contract with it written down, etc. I looked at him and said no, I gave him a hug as did DH. He was helping us out and we were helping him out. That's how businesses is done. Fast forward for 13 months he deposited his money, but on 14th month no deposit. Frankly I figured he'd forgotten and just let it go. About midmonth I checked the bank balance and couldn't believe it - house was paid in full. I quickly called him to see what he'd done. In a very gentlemanly way he explained the soybean crop was very good and he'd sold several acres because "I wanted to own that house outright." Brought tears to my eyes, the entire deal was done in the front yard with a hug!
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Evening, I have at least two bunches of daffodils blooming!!
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I guess it is officially Spring in Eastern Oklahoma! I love daffodils. When I lived in KC and my parents lived in SW Missouri, I drove down to visit every month or so. At this time of year, it was like a time-lapse film to see the daffodils bloom brighter and brighter as we drove south. It was the reverse on Sunday evening when we drove north again.
DS sounded pretty awful this morning, but he called a few minutes ago and sounded a lot better. I think he'll be OK, he's only 50 and young people are tough. I kind of wish I hadn't spent an hour talking to him in the ED last night, but I had my shots so I'm hopeful.
DW's lump was reddened today, and the NP diagnosed cellulitis, so she's on an antibiotic and I have to watch it to see it doesn't spread down her leg. I hope clearing the infection will improve her mental function. She has been worse this week and I was afraid she was slipping. The power went out at the clinic just as our appointment ended, so we had to walk down from the 4th floor. DW has an arthritic knee, but a young woman (nurse-type) helped her.
With the clinic, the visit to the pharmacy for the antibiotic, and a trainee teller at the bank, I accomplished very little today. I am eating the overcooked beans with sugar and vinegar sprinkled on them, just like Mom served them. They aren't a mush like refried beans, but they would have been better with about 8 hours less cook time. I have three more pounds of beans in the sack, so I'll have another go at it tomorrow.
My father helped a man repair a truck on the side of the road when I was very small, back before paved roads and cell phones. The man had no money, but had a truckload of beans, so he gave Dad a 50# sack of beans in thanks. I have no memory of this, but family legend has it that my parents ate beans frequently for a while. It was a little like the transactions described by JeriLynn and Eagle, except there probably weren't any hugs. Dad would have helped the man for free but was glad to have the beans.
65 degrees today, 70's predicted tomorrow. Life is good!
Zetta, glad you weren't badly hurt. Tripping over dogs and leashes has injured a lot of people!
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Carl, me for for one. Got tangled up in my GPs leashes when Mike came to give their allergy shots. Fell on my left side, the hip that bothers me. Had it X-Rayed and nothing broke. Same thing happened a couple of year ago, same side. Sore but no injury.
Carl, look your beans, rinse and cover them with water tonight and let them soak in refrigerator overnight. Drain and cover them by about an inch or two in your crockpot, cook on high being sure they are always covered with water. They will cook in 3-4 hours. I think that is how long it takes in my crock pot. I had never soaked them until the last time and the skins were softer. Not telling you what to do, just saying that's how I do it. I don't add meat at all and only salt then when I add the potatoes and carrots.
Sandy, watching Rachel now - can't help it. Talk to you soon.
Good night, everyone.
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Lorita, I'll try your method. I have always cooked beans for an hour on high and 8-10 hours on low, maybe because I typically used the crock pot while I was at work for the first 40 years I had it.
I have always soaked dry beans. I read that Cajun red beans and rice was made by soaking half of the beans, then cooking them together until the unsoaked beans were done. The result is beans in a bean paste, which is poured on the rice. I have never made it myself, but when I was working I sometimes ate lunch at a place called Big Easy. It was run by a couple of men from New Orleans and it was really good. They had things like crawfish poor boys but I never tried them. I tried to, but when my mouth opened I always asked for rice and beans.
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Good Morning,
34 this morning, clear and supposed to be 66 today. Cooler this weekend. The weather has been nice for all the outside stuff we needed to get done.
Carl, I'm glad your Son is better. Hope your DW improves quickly with the antibiotics.
Prom shopping was a success! Got the dress, shoes, foundations and accessories all in one trip. The dress will need to be hemmed by about a foot ( at least). Great grand is 5.1. Dress is beautiful, a royal blue with shimmering pink highlights in the folds of the skirting. I'll post pictures on Prom night. We had a nice lunch out with heavenly desserts. Next year is Graduation so I'm expecting lots of shopping trips, lol.
We go to meet the RV buyers today. DH says "I hope you're not too sad, watching it go". No, a little nostalgic maybe. My late husband and I bought it in Washington State, drove it to California where I was working when we sold our house and then he got sick. Daughter and son in law flew to California to drive it home and I drove DH and I to Alabama in the car. It had less than 6,000 miles on it. We slept in it once on the way to California. But these are such sweet people and I know they will enjoy time with their grands and greats. So, I am happy for them. The DW was telling me about the breakfasts she makes for her 3-year-old great grand. So that is what I will think of as they drive away.
Taxes are proving to be a bit challenging this year since my FIL passed away. I was his only heir so that means for the 4.5 months he lived last year, he has earnings to report. Since he passed away I no longer have online access to his business, so that means phone calls. So far I've been successful, it's just another rock to move out of the road of life. I set the appointment with the tax people for the 24th. I think I'll get it done.
Well, I gotta get up from here and get busy. We are meeting in Scottsboro, so we'll take food and groceries to brother-in-law. But first, I have my annual hearing appointment. Tonight, we have another family dinner for ANOTHER great grand. She's moving to Georgia. Run, run, run seems to be the name of the game around here. But, I'm grateful we are able to go and do.
You all have a good day. Big hugs to ya!
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good morning
Wishing you a safe trip, Beth.
Zetta please be careful around your little animals. It’s not unusual for them to be a cause of a fall and as you know, falls aren’t good. Hope your soreness goes away quickly for you.
Eagle thank you for sharing your story.
Lorita enjoy those daffodils. I have to try to remember when I go to the mailbox to check and see if any of mine are starting to come up. We’ve had a lot of I’m not sure.
Carl cellulitis is no fun. Hope things settle down for your wife with the antibiotic.1 -
Good morning.
My missing post from Wednesday is still MIA.
My daffodils are only 2" tall at the moment. About 5 years ago, the county got a beautification grant which led to massive naturalized daffodil plantings along roadsides. There are about 250' of them just south of me along the edge of the Nature Center and a township park and another splash a few miles away along the road into Washington Crossing Park. They'll be gorgeous come April.
Carl— I wonder if it makes sense to preemptively ask your PCP for 2 prescriptions for Tamiflu before the weekend. If you need it, it'll save a mad dash and wait at Urgent Care. The flu vaccine is being reported as 40% against disease and 60% against hospitalization.
We had drama with Mother's refill yesterday during a dinner out. I'd promised DH and DS pizza at their favorite place since I wasn't home all day. They sent it via courier instead of FedEx overnight because the insurance approval was delayed. The visitor gate wouldn't open— even when the customer service person tried to override it. The courier left to make their next delivery after 20 minutes. She called me in tears just as our pizza arrived at the table. I suggested calling the infusion company 24-hour number which smoothed things over. They diverted the delivery to my house instead which meant we settled the bill and boxed the pizzas to go. I made it home 5 minutes before the courier arrived. There was some glitch in getting the delivery closed out electronically, but after 30 minutes of the new dispatcher trying to fix it they caved and let me have the goods.
The poor driver— his next stop with the ED to deal with a dog bite from an earlier drop-off. Yikes.
HB0 -
Morning, another pretty day, supposed to be 70.
Carl, hope the beans turn out good for you. I froze most of the last ones I cooked and froze most of the soup, too. The beans freeze well by the way.
Ordered groceries from WM to be delivered between 1 and 3. Also ordered a new spin mop and stapler. I have used the spin mops for years and like them.but time for a new one. The stapler I have also used for years is somewhere but no idea where. I need to work on getting tax papers done but my appt. to get the taxes done is on the 20th so there is time. I do tend to procrastinate on some things. The measles outbreak us getting wirse. There are cases in ten States now. I remember when I had the German measles- mother and I were going to see the movie, Lord Jim and I wasn't feeling too well. We saw the movie and when we got back to the car we were locked out. The measles broke out soon after that, so guess I'm immune now.
Be safe and enjoy your trip, Beth.
Back later.
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here and planning an outing to the bank drive through…fist time out doors in 2 weeks.
Lorita you had rubella and it will provide no immunity from measles.
I gave up using any kind of mop years ago. I use swifters for mopping and dusting and never a rag for anything.
So the concensus is that I had norovirus. Interesting fact…most sanitizers do not kill that virus. You have to use a solution of bleach.
Thank you all for thinking of me. It helped.
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Good morning all.
I had another incident where I wrote a post that was in limbo for several hours before appearing on the thread. My last post was made sometime yesterday before 8:30 EST— just after Ron posted about the pole dancer. So weird.
The dressing change went well. Mom had a different infusion nurse this time. She is going to contact the pharmacy about changing the regulator on the individual elastomeric pumps to correct the infusion time for us. Speaking of all things speedy, mom's hair cut was especially quicky. I dropped her at the salon at 12:08, drove 1 mile to a store with an ATM, got cash for mom, broke a $20 bill at customer service, returned to the salon at 12:27 to find mom done and walking to the receptionist. Assuming they took as soon as she walked through the door, that would be 19 minutes to wash, cut and style-dry her hair. And here's the thing. It is a beautifully done precise cut. I'm impressed.
Gothic G— I'll have to mention the Pink Floyd concert to mom. She's a fan. Italians have speck, too.
Mint— I was wondering about David, too. Could he be over on the #202 posting?
Beth—Taco soup sounds hearty. I bet my people would love something like that.
eaglemom— I hope you made the most of the weather in the park.
Carl— I hope your son is feeling better soon. Given that influenza A has an incubation period of 1-4 days (2 average) and you've been exposed, I wonder if it makes sense to call your PCP today and ask for 2 prescriptions for Tamiflu for your wife and yourself. This could avoid a run to urgent care/ED on the weekend. You and your DW don't need severe flu on top of everything else.
Mom and I see the pulmonologist this afternoon. I would have liked to delay until she's off prednisone a few days, but this is his last appointment until April. She "needs" a new bi-pap machine anyway. She's eligible for a new one and when I had the current model repaired they said it was getting harder to get parts for the Phillips models since that massive recall. It's probably best to have a backup anyway given her central sleep apnea.
It's the missing post!!!0 -
The above is the missing post!
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I always thougt that eaing so many beans created lots of wind in the bowel. How do you manage to avoid that?
Sorry if this offends anyone. Barbara in Aus.
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HiHi Barbara, not offended here. Supposedly, the potatoes cooked with the beans helps with the flatulence. Beans or any legumes are really high in protein so guess that makes it worth it.
How are you doing by now? Hope things are going well in your summertime. Do you all have daffodils or jonquils? Not sure what the difference is. There are lots of great big ones up at the MH. I usually pick those for.bouquets instead of the ones in the yard.
Good to hear from you.. Take care.
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Barbara, I'm not an expert but I think the wind is created when a person who isn't used to a high fiber diet eats a lot of fiber. Most people in the USA don't get enough fiber, I've read, so if they eat beans (or cabbage or onions, if they aren't used to them) they get gassy. It has something to do with the bacteria in the gut. Different foods are digested by different bacteria, so one can be uncomfortable after eating unfamiliar foods.
To eat a lot of beans, as I do (because I like them and they are good for me), you need to increase the bean-digesting bacteria in you. Eat a fourth cup a day for a week or two, increase it gradually until you are eating as much as you like.
As someone said above, cooked beans are good after freezing, as good as when they were first cooked.
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HB, you are a lifesaver! We are now taking one tab of Tamiflu a day for prophylaxis and will increase it to two tabs if we become ill. My son is quite ill. He calls daily and coughs vigorously into the phone during the call. When he was in ED I went to see him because I feared he might be having seizures again, it didn't occur to me that he might have something contagious to cause his falls. I should have stayed home. So soon old, so late smart.
Judith, I am glad to hear you are recovering. You had a hard time of it.
75 and sunny today, everyone is talking about gardening. Some are even planting, but they will be disappointed. We expect wind and hail in a few days. I saw the first fly of the season today, that's a sign of Spring I guess 😉
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good morning
it’s 6:30 AM right now and it’s 31°. By 10 AM it is supposed to be 24° and we are supposed to get a small snow today. But as I look ahead, it’s going to warm back up. It’s normal this time of year here. I did look yesterday and the daffodil blades are just starting to stick their nose through the ground close to the house. The ones out by the mailbox have not showing up yet.
Barbara, my mother always added just a little bit of ginger to her pot of beans. That did seem to work well.
I don’t think David is posting on the old thread. If he was, it should start showing up with this thread I believe. Somethings wrong with David . I’m concerned about him.
I like that Carl, so soon old, so late smart. Think you’re right, unless they’re garden is in a high tunnel they’re gonna be disappointed for sure. That has went on as long as I can remember. We had hail a couple of nights ago. First I got a lightning warning across my phone and then I got a hail warning across my phone. I was already in bed and I wasn’t gonna get up and see if it was hailing. But yesterday when I went to visit my mom, she informed me we had an ice storm. I said oh so you saw it. She goes. Oh yeah, it was on the walk out there. She said I was standing by the windows and watching the lightning and they told me to not do that, but I did.
Think I’ve told you guys my mom thinks she owns the lobby area. She puts her personal possessions in the drawers of the end tables and the coffee table. She also keeps her a personal box of Kleenex, sitting on the coffee table. So as you can imagine that has become the facilities tissue supply. I told my sister OK I’ll supply them tissues. I was there the other day and a new resident saw them and she put three in her pocket. She also had her water pitcher the other day and was watering all the plants in the facility. She was going in and out of each room. They are so cute.
Not long ago I found one of mom’s bills either for physical therapy or the NP down there. So I called the company that the NP is out of and changed the billing address to mine so hopefully that takes care of that. Then earlier this week, my sister found the pharmacy bill laying down in the lobby. I’m not gonna deal with that company because in a couple of weeks they’re gonna be switching to a new company. Once that gets done, I’m gonna try to remember to call them and make sure her billing address is my address. I also found out I could have her mail held there for me so I’m doing that also. The facility always gets their monthly bill to me lol. That’s why I’m not sure why other places have the facilities address as mom‘s address.
The facility had a tornado drill when I was there this week. At some point, my mom strolls back into the lobby to go to the restroom. My mom doesn’t go back to her room and use the restroom. She uses the one in the lobby area. So she goes over there and she looks at me and she goes somebody’s in my bathroom. Dummy me said mom I think Merle is in there because that isn’t your restroom. I suggested to her that she go back to her room and use hers. First thing I know she’s hollering at him that he’s in her bathroom and she needs to use it. Then she looks at me and says he didn’t answer me. He’s ignoring me. I said well go back to your room. So then she did go back to her room oh my.
I will say, they’re all very tolerant of one another, they’re really sweet. One of the residents told me the other day your mom says some funny thungs but we still like her. Also, as confused as they are, the world could learn from them because several times they’ve mentioned to me how glad they are that people get along there and that they’re not fighting and cussing that it’s peaceful. Even in their state, some of them are thankful for peacefulness there. That is a lot to be thankful for.
I made a pan of biscuits yesterday so I think I’ll have a egg biscuit and bacon sandwich this morning. That sounds good.
I’ll be one of you have a peaceful day
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Just wrote a long post and first it would not post. Turned off the tablet, turned it on and tried to post and it disappeared. HB, maybe it will turn up.later like yours did. I think yours did. Can't find it now. Something is weird. Number 202 was first on the list a while ago and.now it isn't there. Maybe I'm weird but my.post is gone. Just talked about went on here today. Oh, saw a bunch of yellow crocus blooming today!
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Home tomorrow. Had a good time in Tampa.
Concerned about David. Anyone know how to reach him? He's from Boston and lives in a Veterans' Home. Possibly New England Center and Home for Veterans. Of course, if we called there are HIPPA regulations that would prevent us getting information.
Take care everyone.
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I see no mention of starting 203
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Regarding David: I’ve just sent a message to the Moderators to see if they can/will reach out since his profile is private.
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Judith, We started 203 Feb. 26 and are on page: 2 now- that's when you were so sick .
JeriLynn, how did you send a message? Maybe they can tell us what is going on with the posts.
Commonly Used Abbreviations
DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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