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Just need to talk to my friends (203)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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It has been a beautiful day, sunny and 75. Meant to check on the daffodils but forgot. The ones I can see from the kitchen window look okay! QVC has started their gardening shows so Spring is near. They had the perennial Gerbera daisies again today. So pretty. I bought them two years ago and had one bloom and they didn't come up the next year. Won't try them again.

Sleep well, everyone.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,958
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    Lorita hope you get a good nights rest too.

    I have raised Gebera daisies in the past. They have beautiful colors. They are not a perennial here.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    edited February 25

    Daffodils are the most hardy blooming plants I know of. I see drifts of them by roadsides, where houses used to be, and I am sure they are getting no care whatsoever. Yet they outlived the houses and the people who planted them. My mother inherited some daffodils when she bought her house in 1962, and they bloomed there until she invited me to dig them up and move them to my house about 2011. They are doing fine here. I have no idea how old they are, but Mom's house was built about 1900.

    Sunny and 75 here today, a beautiful day. The birds were singing. They were probably singing "winter's coming back, winter's coming back" but that's OK. I'll take a nice day whenever I can get it.

  • Biggles
    Biggles Member Posts: 320
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    I love daffodils to me they mean spring, sunshine and peaceful days. We always had daffodils in Victoria but we now live in north Queensland and daffodils are rarely seen. I love the way they seem to pop up all over the place and wave their beautiful yellow flowers in the breeze. We do have fabulous green lush tropical shrubs, ferns and trees that attract spectacular black and red cockatoos, rainbow lorikeets and lots of other bird life, making a beautiful symphony particularly in the early morning. Natures healing hand.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    We live in a beautiful world, don't we?

    My son and a friend earned their Eagle Scout at the same time and were awarded in a joint ceremony. The other boy later went to forestry school, I think in Oregon, and is spending his life outdoors as a forester. Smart boy.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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    Lorita, yes; Big Red is a goat. We also have a Little Red, lol. When the Great Grand was here this weekend she asked if the goats all get their names from me… well, yes honey, they do. "I want to name the next baby!" she said. So I sent a text last evening to let her know she has 2 babies to name, lol. We have one more Mama to kid = Boogie. She looks like she is about to absolutely pop. ? maybe triplets?

    GoodLife, those chicks are adorable. The local news carried a story last week that the farm supply stores cannot keep chicks in stock.

    Speck the lame chicken has returned to the chicken house. Her foot is wrapped, but she isn't limping anymore. My scalpel gets here Friday, so I plan to try to work on her this weekend. Sweet girl just coos and gets so excited for breakfast, grabbing food from my hand.

    My daffodils are up. I bought some more things to plant in my back flowerbed. Hopefully will get that done this weekend. I can't believe February is almost over.

    HB, it's good your Mom is doing well. I'm glad.

  • Goodlife2025
    Goodlife2025 Member Posts: 28
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    @JeriLynn66 yes I had to wait in line 3 hours at Murdoch's for them. Afraid a lot of people who don't know how to keep chickens are getting in on the act. There may be a lot of pullets for sale here in about 6 months when people figure out it is a lot of work. Hope you are able to treat Speck's foot successfully, keep us posted.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,958
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    edited February 25

    good morning

    Carl, that may be what the birds were singing. I’m still thankful for the little reprieve we’ve had. Even though it’s warmer it’s still been cold here but at least not frigid. It’s been cold because we’ve had such strong winds. Looks like it might be a little less windy today, though.

    Goodlife thank you for sharing your little chicks. Hopefully they are hens and you’ll get a lot of eggs. Nice to see you on the porch.

    I feel the same about daffodils Biggles. They are one tough flower. I remember one year my mom thinned them because some of them as they get thicker they don’t bloom near as well. She just threw the bulbs out over the fence and guess what next year we had daffodils blooming across the fence. I looked up the birds you mentioned. I was unfamiliar with them. The cockatoo reminds me of our redwing blackbirds. They look nothing alike other than they are black and have a splash of red, which is on their wings. But they have a very distinct spring call and I love hearing them in the spring. They’re kind of like the daffodils they refresh my spirit. The rainbow lorikeet is a beautiful bird. Nice to see you in the rocking chair this morning.

    Here in the area of Ohio that I live in for several years now there has been an increase in the amount of people who have their own chickens, and also a increase in the people with honeybee hives. Another change I’ve noticed is a lot more beef cattle and sheep in the country. It used to be that way when I was a child you always saw beef cattle, hogs, and sheep out in the pastures . For a long time though there were very little. There’s definitely been an increase. The church I attend is out in the country and interestingly the last two Sundays has been a sign out at a farm near there with things for sale. It is not an Amish farm I know because they would not be selling things on Sunday. The first Sunday we noticed they had cookies for sale and last Sunday it was eggs. That’s also a little bit of a trend, not huge yet, but definitely a trend where I’m seeing private individuals having things for sale, especially eggs

    hope each one of you have a peaceful day

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,864
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    Good morning porchies.

    We're also getting a taste of spring with temps forecasted to hit 58F. I am irrationally excited about this.

    Mint— Canning makes sense. I hate food waste when you need only a fraction of a can of something and have no use for the rest of it. I'd love to get my car washed; my 2 winter coasts need washing from scraping against it in parking lots and my own driveway. I have to scrub one of mom's floor mats today or tomorrow— maybe I'll give the car a once over since her "outdoor" (interior wall of her garage) faucet is on and mine are off.

    The developer of my neighborhood had daffodils lining the entrance to the samples when the houses were being sold. When he left, the landscapers dug out all the daffodils and tossed them in the easement behind my house. Mom, who had the house built, helped herself to a bunch of them but missed some. 40 years later, they've naturalized along the easement and are a lovely sight each spring.

    Ron— Good luck with your test. No lap dances for you, I'm afraid.

    Lorita— Funny about the differences in fur and personality. Our saint had a considerable ruff and long fur on his legs that would get bramble-like things in them. Yuck.

    Judith— I wonder if you happened upon norovirus. That can be nasty stuff.

    Goodlife— That there is "poultry in motion".


    Today is the first round of post-hospitalization appointments. I'm not such if these count for both hospitalizations or not. Up first is the phlegmatic PCP. She has visiting PT this afternoon, so I dodged the Bob Dylan movie another day. Tomorrow is her dressing change; maybe we'll do it after that if she doesn't have a visiting nurse scheduled. This is why she hates "home health"— she's going to miss out doing the thing she wants for some woman to come to her house and tell her to do seated toe/heel raises (after buzzing about to make the house look "presentable") and call her "dearie".


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 937
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    Good morning! The house smelled SO good when I got up this morning. It was my bone broth, which cooks for 24 hours in a crock pot. It's water, 3 chicken carcasses with some skin, fat and cartilage, carrots, celery, bay leaves, onion, garlic and salt. I took the solids out and strained it twice and jarred it up for the freezer. I tasted it and it was very good.

    Making taco soup in the crock pot today: garden tomatoes from the freezer, Rotel, pinto and kidney beans, corn, taco seasoning, ranch dressing mix (dry), hamburger, onion and V-8.

    I made a lot of dirty dishes today! lol

    HB, glad your mom is doing better. You take very good care of her.

    Judith, I hope you feel better soon. You too, David and Ron. Still missing Iris. Hope she gets her new phone and joins in again soon.

    In the mid 50's the past two days - glorious!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,077
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    up and better…just a bit tired…will try to get through a stack of mail

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Glad you are better, Judith. Don't overdo today. Mail can be tiring.

    Another glorious day here in Eastern Oklahoma, already 70 degrees. Going to be warm all week

    .HB, Sheena had long hair in her feet, Stormy doesn't. Doing a load of laundry. Need to do bed linen b nut may wait until tomorrow. So hard to chang sheet is on a king sized bed. I would like up to have a full sized one but probably won't change - half of the bed doesn't get used except by the cats

    Looked at the daffodils and only saw one bunch with brown tipped leaves. Guess I will have to replace all the crepe myrtles and althea if they don't cone back.

  • GothicGremlin
    GothicGremlin Member Posts: 932
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    Carl - Ha! I can almost hear the Game of Thrones cast saying "winter is coming —- back." So very jealous of your 75 degree weather.

    We're starting to see daffodils too.

    Glad you're starting to feel better, Judith.

    As for us in the PNW? It's a bit warmer, 48 degrees, with even a small patch of blue sky. However, the wind storms have set in. The winds were up to about 25 mph last night, just howling through the very large trees that surround us. Those storms always make me nervous. We kept our power though, so that was good. We have a lot of candles, and of course, headlamps. We surveyed the damage this morning and we seem to be intact, lots of downed branches, but nothing that won't fit into the composting.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    Hello Porch Rockers.

    Judith. I'm glad your starting to feel better. Was it the flu? Stay warm, bundle up and get lots of rest.

    JeriLynn. Speck, sounds so sweet, he is so lucky to have you there for him, all your critters are.

    HB. I had to laugh when you told Ron, no lap dancing. I'm sure he also got a laugh out of it.

    GothicG. When I lived in Oregon, I envied the people who had the nice warm weather. Now that I live in Arizona, I miss the weather I had in Oregon. If I remember, you live in Washington. The weather here has been in the 80s.

    I'm going to have a nice quiet weekend, the kids are leaving here Thursday won't be home till Sunday. So me and my Molly and my cat Sammy, and my daughter's dog and two cats will have a lazy weekend. I'm going to Trader Jo's, today to get all my favorite food. The closest Trader Jo's, is in Phoenix, that's a 30 mile drive. My daughter is doing the driving, Phoenix, is a very busy place.

    Lorita. Wagon Train is on now, so I'm signing out. Hugs to all. Zetta

  • GothicGremlin
    GothicGremlin Member Posts: 932
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    Zetta — Yes, I'm in Washington, or "the cold waste" as I affectionately refer to it. The PNW is so green, and the water is so blue (when its sunny out), it's just gorgeous. But - you have to be able to put up with the rain, the short dark winter days, the occasional snow, the wind …. the summers are so worth it.

    JeriLynn — I missed this - Speck. First - you're just amazing with animals. You and Peggy would have gotten along famously. Now for the trivia of the day - In German "speck" is kind of a fatty bacon.

    We're getting ready to have lunch - my guy is making tofu with a Thai chili garlic sauce, and lime-cilantro brown rice. There are green onions and red Fresno chili peppers on the side. I'm about to be really happy. And then I'll do all the dishes, since he cooked.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Sounds like everyone is doing okay. David, how are you today?

    Been watching the girls today. I think I saw another little baby. They have gone back and forth as they hear trucks. The Guys came about 2 .and put up three bulls in the lot so guess they are moving bulls away from the girls to manage calving. I watched to make sure they didn't get Billy. He is looking pretty even though Mike says he won't ge in with the herd to eat grain. He only has vision in one eye so is very careful about where he is.

    FedEx brought the rest of my order and put it on the porch. Glad of that. Drying a losd.of clothes so will stop and take care of them. Sleep well

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,554
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    Hello Everyone! I'm back! I finally got a new phone, another Samsung but the keyboard is a bit different. There are a lot of new features that I will have to figure out. I see that GoodLife is new, hello! I have to read Hello Everyone! I'm back! I finally got a new phone, another Samsung but the keyboard is a bit different. There are a lot of new features that I will have to figure out. I see that GoodLife is new, hello! I have to read and catch up.

    I'm already having trouble with the bolding.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Hi iris, so glad you are back. You were missed. It will take you a while to read all the posts to catch up. Hope that you are well!

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    Iris, I'm glad to hear from you. I was beginning to think you had given up on us and moved to Cancun or somewhere. I use Samsung phones, and have to relearn it every time I get a new one.

    GG, I love the PNW but I was only there for a few days in June 1997 so my experience is quite incomplete.

    Another gorgeous day in MO today, tied the record high at 75 after setting a record low of -12 less than a week ago. We went to the botanical gardens and walked through the Master Gardeners' demonstration area. All they were demonstrating today was how to plow up and rake a bed for planting next month, but I'll take it. Lots of people walking dogs, birds singing, just a lovely day for a walk!

    I turned in the paperwork for adult day care yesterday. They are faxing a request for "doctor's orders" to DW's PCP, so I guess we're making progress. Maybe she can go by next week.

    DW has a painful lump near her groin. I think it's a benign cyst, but I'm not a doctor so I'm taking her to her PCP Thursday to get it checked out and hopefully drained or whatever.

    I have a pound of pintos in the crock pot, should be done by tomorrow. Life is good.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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    Good Morning to you Rockers!

    Busy day ahead to follow yesterday's busy day. This sunshine and warmth we are having is glorious!

    I sat on my bench in the pasture yesterday with the dogs and goats, feeding everyone cookies. That little Rascal is a bold kid. He pushed thru all the goats and both dogs to jump in my lap for cookies. 2 of the other babies looked like they may have a touch of diarrhea, so they got dosed with Pepto. Which means my hands and clothes also got dosed. lol. They looked so cute with their hot pink "lipstick". Big Red and her babies are still isolated in the stable but DH wants to let them out today. But we are going to be gone for most of the day, so I said no. I want to be home when the new babies are introduced to the rest of the herd.

    Friends, I think we may have my RV sold. If you remember, I had one when DH came along. And we have since bought a larger one that will be his when the Lord decides to call me home. Well, this sweet couple and their daughter/husband came yesterday to look. The DH is 88, Miss Sue is 84. When the gentleman made the offer, he made the comment "used to be we just shook hands on a deal". So I stuck out my hand. He said "you know, this means something to me, my word is good". I just melted. He asked if I wanted some money to hold it until he comes back with a check and I said no, I'll be proud for you to have it. I'll have to figure out the timing of arrival when they come back so that I can bake some fresh bread for them to take with them.

    I'm rambling.

    Iris, good to have you back. I missed you. Ron, David and Judith, hope you are feeling better. HB, prayers that Mama continues to do well. And for you. Had my dear father in law not passed away last May, he would have been 99 this month. His goal was 100. I miss him.

    Well, have a good day everyone. I gotta get up and moving. God bless and keep you close.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,958
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning

    Beth that all sounds tasty.

    Zetta enjoy your weekend solitude. That is nice sometimes.

    Iris I’m glad you are back on the porch.

    David hope yo are ok, you are missed here.

    Carl pintos sound good. Hope things go well for you and DW at appointment and daycare works out soon.

    You are a busy lady JeriLynn as usual.

    Judith hope your day today is a little better than yesterday.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,282
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    Good morning rockers

    H.B., lap dancing might be a option since I've found one of the ladies could still pole dance. I'll just have to make sure i have my portable oxygen on.

    Still sending prayers up for everyone 🙏 on the porch and their love ones.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Morning, looks like it will be another nice day. Plan is to write a couple of notes to people and work on getting tax papers together. Have to find a new tax preparer. First thing is to get out of bed!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Well, did get out of bed, reluctantly. Went to the mailbox and drove around to see the girls. They moved the three bulls last night so it really is girls except for Billy and baby boys. They will be back in July. This done so will only be Spring and Fall babies which is better for everyone. The weather could.not be better. G Ps have been out until a few minutes ago - sound asleep now.

    Carl, I cook my brown beans in a crock pot/ slow cooker,too When they are almost done I put potatoes and carrots on top so they all get done at the same time. Add some cornbread and onion and you have your meal, with some cottage cheese. Better get to work on taxes..

    Back later.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 698
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    Fabulous day here. I keep just walking outside and standing in the sunshine. Ya, not a lot getting accomplished.

    Think I'll take DH and the pup to the park for a walk. They walk the loop and I watch!.

    Back later. Let's be safe everyone.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,077
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    up…much better and enjoying catchung up with every one

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Great to hear, Judith. Just take it easy. Trying to decide which tax preparer to use

  • GothicGremlin
    GothicGremlin Member Posts: 932
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    Here's a quick side note — I don't know how many of you are Pink Floyd fans (I still have a soft spot for them), but they've found new footage of their Pompeii concert film. I'm kind of excited.

    Pink Floyd's Monumental 'Pompeii' Film To Be Re-Released as IMAX Film This Spring

    As for life today? We had sun!!! Not only that, but it was 52 degrees. I almost didn't know what to do. Best weather day in quite some time.

    Also, I mailed out Peggy's final tax returns today. I had prepared them earlier in the month, and now they're out. To be honest, it feels kind of weird, in that unless something unexpected comes up, her taxes were the last thing I needed to complete.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    edited February 27

    I understand, GG. I get that "This could be the last time" feeling pretty often too.

    Glad you are better, Judith. Those GI viruses are miserable for sure.

    I like Arizona, Zetta, but I only saw it in March except to change planes in Phoenix a time or two. I might like it less in July, IDK.

    Sounds like I need to get out to the senior center, Ron. You're having more fun than I am!

    DS fell a couple of times and hit his head the second time, so his RFC sent him to hospital to be checked out. DW and I went to see him in the ED. He seemed about the same except for a shallow cut on his forehead, and DW was "sundowning," so I didn't wait to get the X-ray results. He'll let me know if he's admitted. If so, I'll stop by and see what's going on when I take DW to the clinic across the street from the hospital tomorrow.

    Didn't think to turn off the crock pot so the beans are overcooked. At least I used a crockpot instead of a stovetop, all I need to make my life complete is a kitchen fire. I'll mix in some rice, carrots, and canned tomatoes and eat them anyway. Your version sounds good, Lorita. Maybe next time I cook beans I'll be able to try it.

    Just another day in the half fast lane. Guess I'll go see how my laundry is coming. Take care of yourselves and each other!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,864
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    Good morning.

    The weather here is stunning for late February— a little taste of spring. My daffodils are only up about 1" through the mulch. Late bloomers, I guess.

    Mom had a good appointment with her PCP. He gave her a referral to an infectious disease specialist to add to the team. I was able to schedule her post-hospitalization appointment from the earlier stay for tomorrow. I would have liked to delay that until she'd been off prednisone at least a week, but he'll be out of town the entire month of March, so it seemed prudent. She was "discharged" from in-home PT yesterday which made her happy.

    Today is a dressing change at the infusion suite and then I am throwing her a bone of a hair appointment. Mom's stylist is so much faster than mine. I once timed mom's appointment while I waited in the car— 22 minutes to check in, wash, cut, blowout, pay/tip, and schedule her next appointment. And the stylist does a really nice job.

    Next week should be much less busy. DH is switching over to mom's cardiologist and has a first appointment on Monday so that should be interesting. I hope DH likes the doc— his current one is very close to retirement and DH will likely need some interventional procedures in the coming years.

    be well.


  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    edited February 27

    Beth, that taco soup sounds good. How long do you cook it?

    ED nurse called. DS has Type A influenza and they think he fell due to weakness. Head CT showed no injury from the fall, so they are sending him home with Rx for Theraflu.

    Crisis over. Guess I'll go to bed. Sleep well.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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