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Just need to talk to my friends (203)



  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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    JeriLynn, how did you send a message? Maybe they can tell us what is going on with the posts.


    Lorita, I flagged a post of David’s and sent it with a request for the Moderator to reach out if permitted as his friends on our thread are concerned. I don’t know if they will but it was worth a try.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    The most recent post on #202 was 2/24, so no one is posting there. David was ill when he last posted, so I am concerned also. He may be in hospital.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    My wife's cellulitis seems to be improving. It is a challenge to take antibiotics four times a day when she sleeps 16-18 hours a day, but I'm giving them to her during midnight potty breaks and such. No sign of flu for her or me yet, fingers crossed. DS still has the flu but sounds a lot better on the phone. Of course, it doesn't take much to sound better than "I feel like sh_t . . . cough, cough"

    Drove by a house with a dozen reddish brown hens pecking in the yard. They'll be getting some good eggs, and they won't have ticks in the yard this summer. Hens have excellent eyesight, they are down at tick height, and they aren't vegetarians.

    Mint, that sandwich sounds delicious. McDonald's is selling egg McMuffins for a dollar, but they charge so much for coffee and such that they could give them away and be OK. Plus, an egg McMuffin isn't worth $1 IMO. I hear you about the hail and lightning warning. That kind of thing doesn't make me want to get up and watch, it makes me want to pull the blankets over my head! We're expecting hail and lightning about Tuesday.

    It's midnight, I'm going to bed. Take of yourselves.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,958
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    edited March 2

    good morning

    It is back in the teens this morning. Suppose to get up to 30 though and be sunny so maybe it’ll be a pretty nice day.

    My nephew tells me my sandwiches are better than McDonald’s. Of course he could be buttering me up lol.

    There is a house not too far from me that has chickens. I love when I drive by there and I see the chickens out. I haven’t seen them in a while. I hope they’re OK. It might be just because it’s been quite cold.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 937
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    I feel cranky this a.m. Last night, in the hotel, the people next door were LOUD - till almost 1 a.m. It wasn't music; it was fighting or partying or simply loud talking. I went to the wall and banged on it 3 times. That did stop it. Then, I was subjected to some political stuff on tv & also on Facebook that I heartily disagree with. Oh well. Time to get on the plane, get some rest, go home and snuggle with my sweet little doggy.

    Weather was nice here in Tampa. My Men's BB team won their huge game last night. Now that makes me happy.

    My aunt and uncle lived on a farm and when they would get baby chicks we would go over and play with them a bit. They were so cute. The avian influenza is concerning. If chickens are infected or culled because part of the flock is infected, it affects the egg supply but also eventually the ability to have "clean" chicken to eat. And cows can get it - our milk supply, beef supply seem to be in jeopardy. Maybe we will all choose to or need to eat more of a plant-based diet in the future.

    For those who are not feeling well or experiencing other issues, you are in my prayers. Thinking of all of you - Zetta, Iris, Barbara, Sasue, Lorita, Mint, JeriLynn, Judith, David, Jo, HB, Eagle, Carl, Iris, Biggles, GoodLife, GG, Ron and any others I inadvertently missed.

    That was just a few thoughts I had this morning. I hope you all have a good week.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,864
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    edited March 2

    Good morning. After a practically balmy (65F) Saturday, it's chilly (21F) on my end of the porch. Things should improve as the week progresses. I am so sick of my heavy parka.

    Carl— It's funny how when it's a loved one, we don't consider that they could be contagious in the moment. I'm glad you're dodging the flu. On my many trips to the ED, I mask up until we're in a cubical, but I rarely mask around mom unless I'm sick.

    Mint— Ugh, supplying tissues for the entire facility could get expensive if they have one of those ladies with dementia who likes to collect and fold Kleenex and paper napkins. My aunt was one such PWD. When I bought her Passat, it was packed with ephemera in the form of receipts mostly, Kleenex and napkins. I thought I'd gotten rid of it all, but about a year after bringing the car to PA I called AAA to change the tire for me. When the tech lifted the spare out of the wheel well about 50 tissues fluttered out all over my lawn.

    Lorita— I'm so sorry your post is missing. It makes me feel a little less frustrated to know I'm not the only victim. It'll probably pop up randomly as mine both did.

    Jerilynn— What are girls wearing for prom these days? In my neck of the woods the girls tend to be a little more understated than my great-nieces in small-town Indiana who look pageant-worthy. So much sparkle, tulle and beading.

    Beth— I'm sorry the loud mouths spoiled your otherwise lovely weekend. Were they also associated with the wedding group?

    As for David, I think he might be in the MA State Veterans' home at Chelsea based on the skyline photographs he posted, the age of the building (Chelsea's building is relatively new) and posts about where they go on their excursions. I thought he was mostly better when he started posting again. I wonder if he's having tech issues.

    There are cooking methods that can reduce the gas-production from beans, as well as supplements that can be used. DH swears by Beano— LOL, DS and I swear by Beano for him, too.

    Mom seems to be doing better. She's maintaining 92-93% O2 on RA which is almost her baseline. So it appears the lungs are improving. Her pulmo even said she could skip the April follow-up X-ray so long as she's doing better. She's had so much imagining since mid-December.

    We've gotten into a routine of swapping out the medication around noon. Yesterday I had to pick up a bottle of wine for dinner and return some jeans to Lands End so I took her with me. She's been stuck at home of the hospital pretty much all of February. The wine store was fine. We did a little tasting and got what we needed and then headed to Lands End. My intention was to replace the jeans I was returning, but mom took over the agenda. She's lost a little weight which is always an excuse to shop. She has decided that all her pants (mostly Talbots slim leg trousers, khakis and crops) are out of fashion and that she needs something more current. SMH.

    I figured she could try some wider leg or flared jeans given that she has a PICC line in her left arm with a 3' length of tubing and a ball on the end of it if I assisted. Didn't she disappear on me and come back with an armload of options including knit tops, a shirt and a midi-dress with 3/4 sleeves! What a dog'n'pony show that was in the small dressing room with me holding her medication and trying to get sleeves over the PICC safely. In the end, she opted for the jeans, a shirt (like the one I was wearing) and the dress I had my eye on. She insists on buying dresses and then never wears them. She doesn't have many occasions for dresses and when she does, she doesn't opt to wear one. Maybe she has some secret life she hides from me. I bought them and called it her birthday present which gets me off the hook as I hadn't done much for her birthday aside from a cupcake and a couple dozen tulips in the hospital. I guess I'll order some jeans for me online again.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 698
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    Good morning my porch friends. Sunny beautiful blue skies here. The wind is kicking up, we have a high wind warning for this afternoon & evening.

    I spent a large portion of yesterday in the backyard. DH was watching the races & snoozing. As I was deadheading some plants I listened to the noises of the neighborhood. The house behind us and over one - they had friends over. The men were shooting bball and having fun. The kids were all in the pool, in and out of the pool. Lots of splashing and pool noises. Then the mom's must have been sitting watching the kids because I'd hear them laughing occasionally. There were probably 3 couples, and I will say I think everyone had a good time. It was pleasant hearing joy in the adults and the kids. The birds were singing up a storm, in the distance I heard a mower and occasionally I'd hear a car. It made me appreciate the simple things in life - just listening minding my business doing my on thing.

    I need to check to make certain I have everything ready for our taxes. I know I do, but today I'll triple re-check my paperwork before our appointment with the accountant. DH thinks I way over prepare, and he's correct!

    Seems like our sick porch friends are on the mend, for which I'm glad. Let's be safe everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Morning, it's cool and windy here this morning.. Looked out the door and Rusty wss sitting on the porch failing eating sunflower seeds. Fed the.birds and there hasn't been as and also Habandmany the last couple of days for some reason. Watched the morning news shows and most of their guests irritated me.

    Didn't sleep well last night, just started thinking about how my life is.now compared to before Charles began having problems with dementia. The GPs wanted out and I listened to the zen music and went to sleep for four hours. Since the weather isn't so cold Stormy and Sheena are enjoying being outside more. Right now they are sound asleep. Not planning on doing much today except taking down the trash. Tomorrow I plan on getting tax papers together. nope everyone is welo.

    HB, sounds like you had quite a day. I wear jeans a lot and really like Denim & Co. From QVC and also Haband jeans for working. Funny that now they seem to think rolling your Jeans up is a new thing. We did that 65 years ago, also rolling the hem under if they were too long. Denim is stretchy.now and more comfortable. I remember we wore boy's jeans mostly because they were low riders.

    Better post this if it will post and not go off into never never land. Take care.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    edited March 2

    Fuzzy Wussy was a bear. Fuzzy Fuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Fuzzy wasn't fuzzy, wuz he?

    Ooey Gooey was a worm. A little worm was he. He crawled upon the railroad track- the train he did not see. Ooey- Gooey!

    See how.nutty I am this morning? I just repeated these to Sammy, my cat, and he looked at me like I was crazy. Do you all know more of these little diddies?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    Hello Porch Friends

    Beth. Thank you for thinking about me. I'm doing good, I recovered from falling out of my bed. Still a few bruises, but not too bad. I sure hope the noise neighbors did not ruein your trip. I have a feeling you must have known the people, if you felt safe enough to knock on the wall. I bet you are looking forward to getting home resting and snuggling with your doggy.

    I'm also thinking and praying for David.

    We had a wind storm here two nights ago. My kids are gone for the weekend, I'm still not used to Arizona, and the types of weather changes it has. A warning came over my phone, saying it was better to stay in, and not to drive. I planned on doing both. When the winds started to blow it blew all my daughter's hanging plants down. It blew my rocking chair and deck rug across the yard, all the pillows off the outdoor furniture. I guess that why, the backyard fences are all tall, cement bricks. My daughter's dog is afraid of everything, she was under the bed most of the night.

    I hope your all having a peaceful weekend. Hugs Zetta

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,077
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    up and just had my first McDonald's breakfast sandwich…can't say that it was good but then not horrible.

    ordering Caladiums from the Florida Boys…White Christmas jumbo as usual

    hope we connect with David soon…HB, I agree that that is the correct VA

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Glad you're better, Judith. I haven't ordered my caladiums yet. I usually get a few white and some red and a few pink. I have three big, pretty tall pots out by the gate. I see they have some new ones this year. Hard to device which to get. I think I usually plant in late April or May after the ground seems up.

    Looks like the rain Is almost to you. Our roads are just now getting dry enough to get over them. Take it easy.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 937
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    edited March 2

    Hello, No, I didn't know who was in the room next to ours. I figured either I do that or call the front desk who would probably do nothing.

    Flying, we have the ability on a monitor to see where we are and to read a little bit about the places we are flying over. Went over a town called Burnt Corn, AL (JeriLynn, do you know this town?). Also Whizbang, OK - interesting name. Also I believe Pawnee, OK, where I think it said there is a 3 acre size swimming pool that was built in 1930. Lorita, Judith, are you familiar with these? By the way, I did wave to you as we flew over. :)

    We'll be home in about an hour. Always good to get home after a trip.


    p.s. Just looked up Burnt Corn, AL info. Here is what I found about the unusual name of the town (and the creek of the same name) "The settlement and the creek may have been named for an incident in which passersby found a pile of parched corn, a food often used by Creek Indians when traveling, although the oral tradition of some Burnt Corn families holds that the name came from the burning of corn fields as part of the scorched earth policies during the Creek War in the early 1800s. Those same oral traditions say that nearby Murder Creek was named because victims of the Creek War were thrown into the creek during the conflict."

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    Beth, I had the room between the elevator and the ice machine once. No sleep there! Glad you had a good trip otherwise.

    Rolled jeans, I remember them well. I got new jeans every September. They were going to shrink and I was going to grow, so they were bought too long and I wore them rolled. They fit by Christmas, and by summer they were tight as a hide and my sox were showing. Didn't John Wayne wear his jeans rolled in Stagecoach?

    Lorita, I'll play. If I could only remember the poems I was supposed to learn.

    We're the girls of the Burlesque Follies, we don't shake our tra-la-lies, but we wear our dungarees WAY UP ABOVE OUR KNEES!

    There was a peanut sitting on the track, his heart was all a-flutter. Along came Engine Number Nine, Toot Toot peanut butter!

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    edited March 3

    Eagle, that day in the yard sounds like Heaven. It was warm enough to do that here (except the part about the pool), but the air was full of smoke from controlled burns that appear to have gotten out of control.

    I saw a couple of doves today, I guess they are back from their Mexican winter vacation. Spring is coming. In fact, Daylight Savings Time starts next Sunday, March 9.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Love.it, Carl. I bet there are lots of those funny poems.

    Watching Saving Private Ryan. Awful battle but not sure if it was Normandy or Omaha Beach. I wss almost two when that happened. I know some of the veterans I knew at the VAHospital were there. One Indian man who worked there was a POW of the Japanese - awful stories he told. War is said awful. Charles didn't talk about it too much but did tell me a few things that happened in Korea.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    My cousin the PK (preacher's kid) had a million parodies of hymns. One involved a bear with impaired vision, Gladly the cross-eyed bear.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    WWII was one of the great disasters in human history. Something like 20,000,000 people died in that war. My father fought in the Battle of the Bulge, in which a million men on each side of a line 1,000 miles long debated the future of Western civilization - with a gun each. His advice was, if you had to fight a war, fight it somewhere else, not where you live.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Never heard that one.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    We also liked parodies of commercials. LSMFT: Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco

    Unless you are in 8th grade. Then LSMFT: Loose Strap Means Floppy T__

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Carl, what about Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is? And the little guy who sang Phillip Morris.

    Went outside about 5:30 and there was lots of smoke. That always scares me. We have a volunteer fire department a couple of miles away from us and we used to be able to call and ask about fires in our area. No longer, have to call 911.

    Called our neighbor South of us ( son of a high school.boyfriend, and he said lots of people were burning brush piles. Why on a windy day?. He wasn't home but called me when he got home and said the smoke was from the south but no fires around. He ran into the smoke about ten miles north of us. By that time it had dissipated some.

    We love spring but we get fire danger before things green up and storms. I remember when I was growing up everyone burned off their meadows and fields in the spring. It was mostly farmland then. Now it's cattle country and hardly anyone does that now. Wasn't unusual to see several fires at night but plowed land kept them from spreading. Times have changed.

    Carl, we would roll our jeans up to just be low our knees. You could buy Levi's then for three or four dollars. Now a pair runs anywhere from $50 up to.hundreds.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    I remember the girls rolling their jeans to look cool. I was going around with my collar turned up in back and my shirt half unbuttoned, like James Dean. One of the jokes was: "Dad, why can't I wear my hair like Elvis? You wear yours like President Eisenhour."

    A coworker (around 1977) told a story about her little daughter, who loved the Alka Seltzer commercial. One day the girl was playing in the yard and came running into the house. Screen door banged, little girl ran into the bathroom, then started singing "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is."

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    I remember $3 jeans and $2 shirts. In those days, a man who made $100 a week had a good job. Remember the song that went "I've loved you since Cokes were a nickel"?

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 531
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    Enjoyed the walk down memory lane. It's after 10 PM, so I think I'll cup my hand over the glass chimney, blow out the kerosene lamp, and turn in. Sleep well, porch people.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    I don't remember that one either. But I remember when a bottle.of pop went up to six cents. .Carl, in the 70s I bought three really nice cotton blend shirts for Charles for $10 st Anthonys. They were permanent pressed and really nice. Couldn't buy one sleeve for that now. I still have clothes I wore when I was working and that wss over 30 years ago and they are still in good shape. Mostly, back then people I worked with made most of their clothes. I know I did..

    I think the old commercials were better than the shows although I watch mostly old shows now because they remind me of when I was growing up in those better times. The way things are now makes me feel sorry for what the young people may have to deal with. When we grew up things were better. Our school would take us to the fair and we felt, and were, safe. Not.now. I'm glad I grew up in the 50s.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,554
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    I still have not caught up. I had been walking every day and it wore me out, I'm too worn out to even read posts. One of my mother's friends is 98 years old today! I called to wish her a happy birthday.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,791
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    Hi Iris. Good to hear from you. How much have you been walking? Tires me out when I walk the GPs which isn't too often. Take care and rest.
    Good night, everyone.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,958
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    good morning

    Beth the hardship of living with some others. One of the many reasons I find home more peaceful most of the time. Hope you feel better today.

    HB hadn't thought about a resident hoarding. I think mom enjoys having them down there as it kind of feeds her delusion about being in charge and I think she also likes supplying them for others. I will have to stay aware. Glad your mom seems to be doing better.

    Eagle sounds like you had a peaceful day. I enjoy those same pleasures. I sit on my screened in porch and I hear the kids laughing and giggling, once in a while they argue. Their laughter makes me chuckle some times. I know it’ll be gone quickly, they grow up so quickly. I’ll miss it but enjoy it while it lasts. Love hearing the birds and the insects when I’m out working in the yard it’s comforting.

    good to see you, Iris

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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    Good Morning!

    Beth, I did NOT know about "Burnt Corn, AL", but I looked it up and discovered I used to drive right past it thru the Conecuh National Forest on my way home to Crestview, FL from Huntsville. What a coincidence! I'm sorry you had inconsiderate hotel neighbors. That is such a pain. It will be good to get home, won't it?

    Lorita, Boogie had a set of TRIPLETS yesterday!!!! Healthy and she's fine. That's the last of the babies for this go round and I am glad. It has been a stressful winter.

    Today is another run everywhere day. I have DH's personal and business tax documents ready for the Accountant, DH has something he has to take to the welding shop, I have to go to the Bank to finish up the transactions from the sale of the RV, and I guess between all that I have to find something to make for dinner.

    Stormy weather headed our way tomorrow, then cold again. We too have had fire warnings due to winds. Looks like March is coming in like a lion. Hopefully she will go out like a lamb.

    I hope everyone has a good day. Stay safe, warm, and dry.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,864
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    Good morning.

    I have a busy morning catching up on laundry and DH needs a haircut. I wish he'd just find a barber but he's always got a problem with them— either the cut is "weird" or the atmosphere is offensive to him. The trendy cool-boy place is owned by a guy says things aloud that should remain inside thoughts if you know what I mean. Crude.

    DH sees his new cardiologist today at 1:45pm so we'll swap mom's meds and visit since she's very nearby. It's the same cardiologist as mom sees; I like him, and hope DH does as well.

    I know a few ditties, but they come from my mom's father who delighted in the naughty

    Sewing machine, sewing machine,
    Going so fast.
    Sewed a hundred stitches in the old cat's …

    Talking about prices, I heard someone talking about one problem with the economy as it impacts younger people is that luxuries have become relatively inexpensive, while necessities are out-of-reach for many. Until recently, the reverse was true— one could afford rent but need to save to buy a TV.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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