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New format is idiotic



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    edited April 2023
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Vitruvius
    Vitruvius Member Posts: 323
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    I miss the larger profile photos. It felt like making a connection to others here without invading their privacy. This is a forum for people in great distress and the old site had a solemnity about it that has been lost. All the new social media features are frivolous and very poorly thought out by those who have no idea about why we all are here. They didn't bother to understand what type of site would provide the support we are all here for.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited April 2023

    Ditto to the second paragraph.

    Why is it noted the time when an edit is made? Sometimes I have had to edit one post up to ten times. Who needs to know that?

  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,723
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    Seems to me like we are really going to have to work harder to keep the character of the forum intact, and that's very disheartening. None of us need more difficulty. But I need the connections and support, so will make the effort. Time will tell.

  • Another Day
    Another Day Member Posts: 127
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    The faded font is super difficult to read. Should we all go to using BOLD print? CTRL B turns BOLD on and off.

  • Ed1937
    Ed1937 Member Posts: 5,084
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    That's another good idea. I think it makes it easier to read.

  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,723
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    Is there a way to put bold on and leave it on? Or do you have to write the comment first and then bold it? Another onerous step.

  • LadyTexan
    LadyTexan Member Posts: 810
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    Another member asked, what I thought of the new format. Here are my thoughts.

    First of all, I felt respected that he cared enough to ask. Thank you Lane.

    I don’t like the new platform. I think it is a FAIL that could have been avoided if only the end users were considered.

    The cakes, badges, emojis, likes etc are insulting and juvenile and I feel alienated. I felt like I was gut punched when I read the cakes were meant to be whimsical…. I am SAD I have a need to be here. I don’t celebrate my longevity in this nightmare journey.

    This forum, and the warriors who participate here have saved my life and my sanity. I am eternally grateful

    I’ll make it work because I have to. I don’t have an alternative community to turn to. What a shame, AA had such disregard for the end user.

    Specifically, the following issues are bothersome to me:

    • navigation is more cumbersome than before
    • poster avatars and user names are so small and difficult to read, that they are not useful
    • key discussion boards that I found beneficial were eliminated
    • the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) was so horribly implemented, members may engage less or not at all, as a result useful information is not shared, support is not provided. It hurts the members and the does not benefit to the community.
    • I suspect AA valued the user analytics the software provides more than making the application user friendly for a demographic that is already struggling with very difficult circumstances.

    I suppose I could sum it up by saying I feel DISCONNECTED, not connected. I am now less likely to engage with what has historically been an especially valuable tool in my caregiver tool box.

  • LadyTexan
    LadyTexan Member Posts: 810
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    edited April 2023

    Can tags be added to a discussion anytime after the original discussion is started? If yes, how is this done.

    For example, if I wanted to add the tag "new platform" to this discussion. How would I do it?

    EDITED by LT:

    Sorry all. I meant to post this on the Q&A thread. Navigating this site is not easy for me. Which is disappointing because I consider myself at ease with technology.

  • LadyTexan
    LadyTexan Member Posts: 810
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    sigh 😔. I had hoped to be over the learning curve by now. Its seems more mountainous than necessary.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited April 2023

    M1, we have all had issues with the Bolding process and I have reported it to Admin.; they are having their specialists assess it.

    In my case, I use my laptop. If I Bold whether I am using the Platform's prompt for Bold or whether I use the Bold commands from my laptop, I have found that each time I make a new paragraph, I must re-Bold command all over again over and over with each paragraph.

    BUT, I think I have found a way to deal with this. I put the Bold command in, (from my computer which is easier), and then proceed to write ONE long writing like one ongoing running paragraph. After I am done, I then go back and make paragraphs in my writing and the Bold type remains intact. Takes less time and is less frustrating. Perhaps this will also work for others too.

    By the way, the original plan to make the ability to edit a Post for only 24 hours has been changed. That time limit has been eliminated.


  • ImMaggieMae
    ImMaggieMae Member Posts: 1,015
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    Lady Texan, I feel disconnected by this update too. I’ve started to look at other forums that are more user friendly and less juvenile.

  • Unbreak4ble
    Unbreak4ble Member Posts: 33
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    I don’t understand what all the hubbub is about. You can get those jewelry glasses at Hobby Lobby and that takes care of the font problem.

    I only go to this area ‘Caring For A Spouse’, so, sign in and six clicks later and here I am.

    I’ve received a couple of ‘likes’ which gave me a shot of dopamine to my brain. I could probably get more if I were better looking, so I’m trying to lose weight. Let’s just say I’m on my way to getting addicted.

    If you pinch your fingers and expand, you can see the flame on the birthday candle very clearly.

    However, I think the moderator on the question/answer thread is Artificial Intelligence. I’d ask but the answer would be that they weren’t. That’s what an A.I. would say. Once I asked a telemarketer if they were a computer, and she said, “No”, but in an unexpected moment of honesty, she said, “but I have a script that I need to stick to.”

    I don’t want to get on this site’s radar, so I’m going to delete this post soon. Anybody know how to do that? I have a secret I don’t want exposed.

  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,723
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    edited April 2023

    No capacity to delete a post at this point unbreakable unless you edit it and just delete it that way. Backspace all the way, or use Cut function maybe?

    Just tried it and that's what you'll have to do. Backspace all the way, or the "cut" function works on my mouse by right-clicking.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I use the headings icon (backwards P) in order to bold my paragraphs.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    M1 has 2500 of something. What is that?

  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,723
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    Iris i think that's just a marker about how frequently ive posted or something. I've never been shy about speaking up (that's putting it politely🙄).

    I would just ignore those things if you can, they are all meaningless i think and irrelevant. I find that i just look for those who are posting for the first time just to be sure they get responses and get their questions answered. I'm really sorry so many of us are put off by the changes. I'm really glad Victoria posted the blurb about the gamification and find it absurd and offensive. ludicrous would also describe it.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I am trying to ignore. I am mostly upset that I am being manipulated into competing or even having to look at points, likes and so forth. I am upset that this is upsetting me.

  • ElaineD
    ElaineD Member Posts: 206
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions

    I agree.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    Iris I appreciate how hard you are trying to understand this new platform. Frankly its overwhelming to me and from the posting to many others. Clearly I can not, nor would I ever assume to speak for the Association. What I will say is this. They (the Association) do not look at the points, badges, cupcakes, emojis, thumbs up etc as a competition. It is meant to encourage. I know that most of us don't see it that way, but that is why they are there. Try to block them out. I know its difficult. I can so relate to your line "I'm upset that this is upsetting me." And to think I thought I was the only one whom did that!!

    Deep breath, block that stuff out and move forward.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Another Day
    Another Day Member Posts: 127
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    I don't want to be on fakebook, next door is getting there, need to disconnect from that.... I really thought I had found somewhere I was comfortable, like here, SOS admins. We're old people here, we don't want or need cakes and badges, points, levels, etc. What we do need is compassion and caring....and a FONT WE CAN SEE AND READ! Save this wussy stuff for the teeny boppers, we don't want or need it. I need my friends, people who understand what I'm going through and can advise me, help guide me through the difficult times. I need help at times, at other times maybe I can be of help. Likes have zero meaning when you're going through what we are dealing with. Seriously people, have any of you walked a mile in our shoes? It would seem that you haven't. Perhaps leave the fru fru stuff by the wayside and let us just chat back and forth, help one another....show love and compassion. That's what we're really here for. Please reconsider some of the changes and maybe ditch a few of the more ridiculous, and alter a few things to be more user friendly to the actual users? Pah-lease. (Also spoken as please) This is my plea, perhaps also the plea of a few others. Thank you in advance for your consideration to our wants and needs. ~ Another Day ~

  • GothicGremlin
    GothicGremlin Member Posts: 842
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    eaglemom and Iris -

    I think you're right, eaglemom, all the badges etc., are meant to encourage, and maybe on another site they'd be viewed that way. However, on this site -- like Iris said, we aren't here to see how many likes we can get. We're here because someone close to us has a fatal, incurable disease; one that's progressive, and takes our loved one away from us one slow day at a time. It's horrible. Cakes and badges are a slap in the face and add a heaping portion of cognitive dissonance to our already stressful lives. That's why I think they're so hard to ignore.

    Adding insult to injury, somehow "the powers that be" missed that tiny detail - which doesn't inspire confidence.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 524
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    GothicGremlin I understand everything that you are expressing. I am entering my 12th years as a caregiver. My DH was diagnosed at 54 yrs old. I've been on these boards a very long time. It has seen me through some difficult times. It's been an encouragement and support system when there was no other support. People whom are going through the same thing as you are going through is such a value this board used to be providing. We can only hope the new platform will somehow become what we all loved about the old board.


  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,723
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    You hit the nail on the head GG. Cognitive dissonance is exactly right. It is indeed stunning that those who oversaw this so completely missed boat. Surely someone with an ounce of sense could have foreseen this.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited April 2023

    Eaglemom, some members have to be here, because there is nowhere else they can go to find the support that is here. Other members want to be here, after their direct caregiving is over, because they want to share and help the new people. There is something inside each of us that encourages us to visit this site every morning. We don't need cakes or likes or other types of whimsy to encourage us. It is disconcerting that the powers that be at Alzconnected don't know this.

    I have been psychoanalyzing myself to figure out why I am so distressed. It is not because I can't figure out the new platform. Along with the sense of being manipulated, that I posted about earlier, I have figured out that I am experiencing a deep sense of loss. I have lost the communal feeling, because other members are so upset, and I have lost so much wisdom from old posts and old relationships from emeritus members. Michael lost all of his 800+ contacts, he is very upset, and I am upset for him.

    Before the transition, I spent three days reading and copying posts from the Archives on the I Have Alzheimer's board. It wasn't enough time. I didnt get to the other boards. Even though I was a medical professional, just about everything I know about dementia and dementia caregiving has come from these message boards. Truly, my life has been changed! I would not be where I am today without the wisdom here. I liked to read the Archives and the older threads now and then. All that is gone.

    I had a thread, "To Lift Our Spitits". Gone. The references to other dementia-related sites for patients--gone. Some of our members had been in newspapers or on a PBS TV show--gone. So much more.

    If Anzconnected wanted to encourage members, I could have had some suggestions.

    --Keep the old Archives (pre Dec 2011) and archive the current boards (Dec 2011 to present)

    --Keep the Clinical Trials board

    --Keep the Musings board

    --Have only two Caregiver boards, as before

    --Improve the Search function

    --Make the chat rooms Zoom-friendly

    These are my ideas, other members had other ideas.

    The point is, we don't need externalities to keep us coming back. We need our same message board, but better tweeked!

  • Crushed
    Crushed Member Posts: 1,444
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    I think it is interesting that the same folks who fell for the Aduhelm nonsense are so sure they know what the community needs. In my professional work I deal with people whose combination of ignorance and arrogance is over whelming. Many are physicans who run hospitals and are confident in their total knowledge and understanding of risk management

    My wife was a world expert in software development that really listened to the end users.

    Its not just the best way, its the only way

  • Quilting brings calm
    Quilting brings calm Member Posts: 2,411
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    edited April 2023

    Crushed - as a IT person, I believed similarly to your wife. The most important system design requirement was to find out what the end user wanted and needed. Yes, there were things they wanted that needed to be changed to give them something that would work better. However, I always explained my changes to them and got their agreement before I put it in place.

    I think that the organization outsourced this web design and build- or at least used a package ( the brand Vanilla whatever) to build it. Either situation results in a product that can’t fully meet the end user requirements. At least without tweaking over time. -I am getting more familiar with the site every day. It’s lost its cozy sense of ambiance, but I am able to read and post. Although I don’t read as many threads as before.

  • ImMaggieMae
    ImMaggieMae Member Posts: 1,015
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    There are other dementia and Alzheimer’s forums out there that aren’t Fakebook. The Gamification of this one puts it in that category. The thing that drew me to this forum to begin with was the members who were sharing their experiences in a place that was designed for the sharing of information and experiences without a lot of nonsense and cutesy features. It was easy to read without jumping through hoops. All that has now changed. There are other serious forums out there and I imagine people will eventually find them and we’ll end up there.

  • LadyTexan
    LadyTexan Member Posts: 810
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    I will keep coming here. This is the community that saved my life during my first stint as a caregiver. It is the lifeboat I know. But the lifeboat needs to continue to deliver. Key elements of the forum are:

    • give and get support,
    • share useful information,
    • provide opportunities to vent and opportunities to laugh,
    • allow us to ask questions and get answers,
    • help us feel less alone,
    • share wins and also share the losses,
    • and so much more!

    I think we all have a part in making the forum what it needs to be by our content. The cakes and badges are unfortunate, annoying distractions, but the people and the interaction among us is what makes this place so valuable. Please keep coming back. Lets continue to help each other on this miserable journey.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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