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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    HTH, Barbara

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Shirley, I am sorry to hear about Bill, someday we all will be home. I am praying for you!

    JeriLynn, you speaking of your best southern drawl reminded me of when I came back from Vietnam. Even though I was trained as a cryptographic operator, at Fort Campbell I was assigned to the Military Police. I was the dispatch operator and all the MPs had to come see who that was on the radio after their shift was over. Guess all the MPs were Yankees and wasn't use to my southern drawl. I eventually was assigned to the administration section where I made sargent and ended up being in charge.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    I'm so sorry for your loss. Peace and God be with you.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Shirley, please except my condolences. Your journey has been long. I’m sorry for your loss.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    edited March 5

    (((Shirley I am so very sorry. You took such good care of Bill)))

    Glad care bear has a nice home.

    HB i fixed some chicken soup recently. I froze the base and left noodles and rice out. When i fix it will decide what i want. It was rice this week.

    Well I'm going to play what I plant by ear. My first thing will be front yard. I was able to work about 90 minutes today again. I got quite a bit more done. One more day and i should probably have front yard ready. Rain and cooler temperatures are setting in so will be awhile. It was already fairly wet. Then i will go to the back. Hope to be able to plant herbs this year. Last year that did not happen. Will probably plant carrots and a few tomatoes. Hope I'm blessed to be able to get everything else from my Amish friends.

    JeriLynn do you make your German chocolate cake icing from scratch that’s all I had ever had as a child and it was one of my favorites. I made one and took to work one day and people loved it and hardly anybody, if anybody, had had the icing from scratch. One girl asked for the recipe, later on, she told me my husband won’t eat that other icing now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Mint, the icing for German Chocolate cake is the best part. It used to be one of Charles' favorite cakes so I made lots of them, all from scratch. The last few years I've had a hanging basket of flat leaf parsley. It makes a pretty one.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    Bill's sister is here and my boys are coming to get me from Fla this weekend. I have to go to the VA to get all the paperwork done and insurance firms filled. Funeral will be at Fort Jackson in SC.

    Boys said I need to move back home for them and all the 8 grandkids. People here in the resort were very kind and came by all day. Wanted to cook a mean for me. I told them thank you but it was not necessary. My house in SC is paid for.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Mint, I didn't make this cake from scratch since I had so many other things to make... baking cakes isn't my favorite thing. I more enjoy chopping veggies, making a roux, sauces. I can bake from scratch.. I did the biscuits and the dumplings and the cornbread. I will try the cake icing from scratch soon. I know it is much better..

    Just got a message from Care Bear's new Mama. She had him out with her goats today and said he did really well. Makes me happy.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Shirley, Iam so sorry about Bill, please take care of yourself and get some rest.

    Jeri. Iam so happy that Care Bear is happy in his new home. He is so pretty. I find being an old lady gets me what I want, most of the time. haha

    Judith. There will have to be a lot of planning for my trip to Arizona. I will be driving with Molly and my 2 cats. My daughter will fly to Oregon and drive to Arizona with me. We are just now starting to get this all figured out. Iam so tired of snow. We have around 2 feet right now.

    Ron. Please take care of yourself and get lots of rest. being tired all the time and worrying about Lou, can really keep you in the dumps. Do you take any antidepressants? they really have helped me.

    Are any of you watching Jackie and Shadow? they have 3 eggs, and the first one is due to hatch at any time. I have had my computer on keeping an eye on the nest. You can see the nest on (Big Bear Bald Eagle, live)

    Good Night, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Makes me happy, too, JeriLynn. You did a wonderful thing by picking him up off the highway and taking care of him -you saved his life. Our PBS station is doing their fundraiser and they're showing a concert by The Highwaymen. This has always been one of my favorite groups.

    Shirley, I tried a couple of times to call you using the number I had. Will try again later because I know you'll be busy for a while. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. I listened to the song and cried. Reminded me of the song I had for Charles"Don't Cry For Me".

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Shirley, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear husband. It's nice that your children want you to come live with them and the 8 grandchildren.

    JeriLynn, it's great that Care Bear is settling in at his new home on the farm with the other animals and the children.

    We had 10 feet of snow in the Sierras, more to come. But we are out of drought for at least the next two years.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    edited March 6

    @VetEly I am so sorry for your loss.

    @Iris L. I still have my toilet riser on mine from last November and I'm not ready to get rid of it anytime soon.

    Watching Parking Wars and it's so funny - they have segments on the Detroit parking authority and I remember so many of their rules. I remember my dad getting a ticket for blocking the sidewalk and arguing with the parking person, so when they had one and they rolled up on someone blocking the sidewalk, I said UH OH BLOCKING THE SIDEWALK, lol.

    Day off today, it's been nice so I'm going to take the car for a good wash and pick up some things from the store.

    Although I filed my taxes early and should have had a refund back by mid-February, the IRS is holding my refund for "review." The notice dated March 4 says I must wait 60 days and not contact them before then. They can review all they like, the return is correct.

    I am washing towels because this morning the toilet overflowed and I had to throw them on the floor to catch all the water while at the same time plunging the toilet. Goodness.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, what a way to start the day, Day. It's cool this morning but sunny here. To have rain off and on the rest of the week. I'm up having my orange, cranberry with a dash of pomegranate juice. Stormy is up but Sheena is sleeping in. Got the cats fed and now they're running amuck. I see Gray Lady waiting for her feed.but I'm going to wait a couple of hours because I need to get her up and open the gate for FedEx. She has hay.

    I guess I need to make an eye appointment. My vision isn't as good as it was a couple of months ago so guess those stinkin' cataracts are ripe. If I'm outside without sunglasses things are sort of darkish for a while after I come inside. I know the Iridectomies I had done years ago lets in more light and so does the cataracts. I have such awful dry eyes. I've used Refresh for years and now use that and Systain plus Gen Teal eye ointment mostly before bedtime. Need to check recalls again, I guess.

    Wish my camera worked so I could take pictures of the pear trees for you all to see. They're beautiful and are everywhere you look. Most of my trees are budded which is a relief. After that horrible drought last year everyone was worried. Still a few to bud yet. Want to get down in the west pasture to check the persimmon tree and see all those babies.

    Zetta, how far are you from Donner's Pass? I heard they had 12-15 ft. Of snow. I can't imagine that. If we get a few inches things shut down. I'll be back after while. Thinking about Shirley this morning.

    Sandy, hope you're doing all right - sad time.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @VetEly I am so sorry for the loss of your dear husband. I trust you will consider the move to be closer to your kids and grandkids. It's good to have a strong support system in place - plus, you will get the benefit of watching your grands grow up.

    @Mint I am very sorry for the loss of your aunt. It sounds like you are enjoying working out in the yard this week. Me too, although what an Iowan can do this early in the year is limited. There are always sticks, pine cones and wisteria pods and seeds to pick up! lol The wisteria is a truly beautiful plant BUT - and this is a big BUT - it has many, many seed pods and thousands of seeds that germinate wherever they go. I pick them up and I apply Preen where they fall and that helps.

    The wisteria:

    Those pics are from last spring. Only thing blooming here now is crocus although there are lots of daffodils and tulips up. I have to spray the tulips with deer repellant. Need to do that today before the rain we should get tomorrow. The kind I have lasts through a rain, as long as it dries before the rain comes.

    @Lorita I too was sorry to hear about the cattle and the wildfires. Very sad, huge financial loss too. Hope Sarah is feeling better today. She has been through more than any person should have to go through.

    @Lorita and @harshedbuzz I haven't given consideration to remodeling our home for handicap accessibility. We have a first floor living room, family room and dining room, none of which I want to lose. It would alter the beauty and function of the house - if need be, I'd rather move. I have a wish list for any future home. However, we are ok here for now. I am hoping to be here another 5 years, at least (I'm 68). After that we will either move to a CCRC, a townhome or build or buy a one level house that will allow us to age in place. I cannot believe how expensive homes are now. In central Iowa, a new or newer 1500 square foot house can run $400-500K!!! Ridiculous!

    @ladyzetta Your plans sound great. I would love going south in the winter time.

    Best wishes all. Beth

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers.

    Beth. I love the picture you just sent us I can almost smell those flowers. I hope all goes well when I sell and move. My daughter and her husband have been trying to get me to come live with them for the last few years. I think the time has come for me to do that.

    Sara. I know how much you enjoy working in your yard. Iam happy your able to do that. So sorry about your aunt.

    Lorita. Donner Pass is 430 miles from me. California is getting a lot of snow, I don't think they have ever got this much before. We got another 6 inches last night, my car is buried in the snow right now. I wish I knew how to send pictures. My son will shovel me out today, I have a pet sitting job tomorrow.

    It sounds like you are ready for cataract surgery. Hopefully you won't run into the problem of having someone to get you there and take you home the day of surgery. I was able to drive back to the doctor the next day for the follow up.

    I hope and pray your all having a good day.

    Hugs, Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, the wisteria is beautuIful. Didn't realize it could be so messy. Many years ago daddy was in a nursing home and they had a pergola behind the main building that had wisteria on it. So pretty when it bloomed. We have one in the front yard that used to be a shrub but it ran up into a big tree so now it only blooms way in in the tree.

    Zetta, it will be a problem. They have some kind of transportation service out of the town where I shop. Patsy has used it. That may be an option. Our neighbor years ago was contemplating cataract extraction and he said Triad would pick him up. Of course we would have taken him but he never had it done. Don't know if they still do that.

    Stormy and I just back from going to the mail box and to look at Bradford pears and seeing the girls.The road is great, now we need a hard rain to pack down the road from the gravel up to the house where he levelled it. The pear trees are beyond gorgeous. There's two ponds west of the house and both are encircled with those beautiful, white trees. They're all along the west fences and big, single trees out where it's clear. I counted about 15 from just north of the gate north of the house to the main road. I think there's eight on the north bank of the big pond. They're so beautiful it takes your breath away. I also see them in the meadows east of us.

    Zetta, I know you hate to leave your home but it may be time. No big snows in Arizona. One of my uncles lived quite a while in Eloy, Arizona. He loved it and talked about how beautiful the desert was after a rain with all the flowers. I forget what part of the State you said it would be where you'll live. Charles and I went to Arizona years ago to see the Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest and Painted Desert. Also went down Oak Creek Canyon to Sadona. Interesting and pretty but not like Eastern Oklahoma at all. I think all of our States are beautiful, each in its own way.

    Finally got mg license plate on my car so guess I'm all set. Now to get the metal hose off the float valve always something to do.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Day, one year when I visited New York driving a rental car I got a $20 parking ticket for parking "beyond the building line". I had no idea what that meant. I went to Parking Court which was held at night. I explained to the judge that I was visiting from California and didn't know NY's peculiar rules. Of course, I didn't speak peculiar out loud. He reduced the fine to $10. Cars are not supposed to park past where a building ends.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Beth your Wisteria does look healthy. Like you Im just trying to clean things up. We’re back into a cooler wet patch so may have to take a break . Like to get it done as that feels good.

    Zetta hope you are doing well in all that snow. Know you are ready for spring.

    Lorita the eye doctor office may have some suggestions for transportation since they deal with this every day.

    Good morning JoC, Joan and Ron

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning Mint and all the other early bird rockers!

    Time if the year in Louisiana where we switch back from heat to cool air and back to heat and so on and so on. Lou and I have trouble finding a happy medium anyway, she stays cold and I stay hot.

    My brother and SIL will be here next week for a couple of days and I'm looking forward to a little company. He just had some stitches taken out of the top of his head. He was up in his attic several months ago and had a big scab that would not heal. Turns out it was pre cancerous and also found a spot on his hand that they will remove in a couple of weeks.

    Hope everyone's day is a good day!


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Good morning! Still raining almost every day so no yard work for me yet. 2 more trailer loads and DH will be done with the Shop. We hauled a compressor as tall as me last night. Stuff is EVERYWHERE! Just breathe, right? I still have to get my home office set up

    I have physical therapy today and 2 days a week for the next 8 weeks to try to get this dizziness under control. Got my new hearing aid so now I’m wired for sound in both ears. We’ll see if that helps with the vertigo.

    Beth, the wisteria is beautiful! I would like to plant some all around the silo out by the road and let it climb. Maybe this year I can get that done. Also want to mimic your garden around the pool deck in the backyard and have pathways done with pea gravel and river rocks. No more mowing is the goal plus hiding the ugly above ground pool. Mint, I just ordered the electric canner, that’s on the list of activities to do this year as well.

    Animals are all good. Betty is improving every day. I do miss the Bear puppy. Hope everyone has a good day, back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Rainy here today and tomorrow. Rain is just enough to get you wet. Didn't get that hard rain on the road so hope the feed truck and FedEx don't mess it up too much.

    I got Gray Lady in the lot with some feed. She was waiting for it. Others have mostly drifted off to graze so they have half a mile to go to get to the feed when they come to feed.

    Mint, that's a good idea, thanks.

    Ron, same here in Oklahoma. We freeze one day and smother the next. I dread the time change this weekend. Do wish they'd settle on one or the other. Nice that you'll have company next week. Will be sort of a break for you.

    Just saw a trash truck go up the road so there must be two companies working this area. Our pickup is onMondays.

    JeriLynn, hope you can get the dizziness under control. It's awful to feel that way. I went through it years ago. Glad you have your new hearing aide. Charles wore two and I remember how good it was to get new, improved ones.

    You young ladies sound so full of vim. Vigor and vitality with all you have plans to do. I used to be that way - now I procrastinate a lot.

    Back later today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Ron glad you are getting a visit from relatives.

    Hope Physical Therapy is successful Jerilynn. What brand is your canner?

    Today i tried making cornbread from scratch. You cannot find plain white cornmeal here, which is what I was raised on. The mixes are so high in sodium. I found bobs red mill yellow cornmeal medium grind. So today I took a couple of recipes I found for making it from scratch and did my thing with them. I decrease the sodium a lot and I used milk with vinegar instead of buttermilk. It raised beautifully and smells so good. So once I’ve used all the yellow cornmeal up now, I know it’s OK to go ahead and order some white cornmeal from a mill in Kentucky. it has good reviews, a little expensive, but I don’t care now that I know that I can use the cornmeal and make good cornbread.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited March 7

    Quaker makes a sodium free white corn meal. It is on the shelf at my Homeland.

    Me? I just jump in at the deep end and use Jiffy mix.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Mint, I ordered the Nesco based on your experience.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Hope you like it Jerilynn.

    Im a bit picky about my cornbread. I do not want egg or sugar in mine. All i want is some cornmeal, very small amount of flour, salt and baking powder. Then i add just enough buttermilk or substitute so that my batter is not too thin. Bake at 450 degrees in a hot preheated cast iron skillet. It should sizzle when you put the batter in the pan. I want a little crunch when i bite into it, soft in the middle and I don’t want it very thick. 😊guess I’m a cornbread snob. Had cornbread almost every day as a child.

    This evening I have yogurt going. Not sure if i have ever made it before. If it turns out good it was pretty simple. I do not like Greek yogurt. I like it thinner. Also hoping it will be less tangy, we will see.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    OK ladies..........now I want a glass of cornbread and milk!


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Ron, we have some fresh whole milk from the Amish farm to share....😀

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    edited March 8

    Hi all. The snow is melting quickly around here. We’ve had storms almost every day in March. It’s typical of Colorado. Nothing is even trying to pop out for spring. I’m enjoying a little warmer days.

    Iris, I do therapy twice a week and d o them twice a day at home every day. Sometimes I feel weaker and sometimes I feel stronger. Not sure what that means. My pain level has gone down a lot,so I’m loving that.

    Shirley, I’m so sorry for your loss. Maybe moving closer to family might be nice. I’m moving closer to one of my daughters. I’m only moving 45 minutes drive time, so I’ll still be able to come visit my friends for lunch and a chat. Looks like a few of us are doing that. Zetta, sounds like you have a good plan.

    Jerilyn, you’re going to miss the pup. I’m going to miss his pictures. I’m happy you found a great home for him.

    Lorita, gray lady is a trooper. I hope its her last calf. Sounds like she’s ready for retirement on your ranch. You take such good care of your animals, I know she can enjoy the rest of her life grazing in the pasture.

    Beth, the wisteria is very pretty. I’ve never seen it growing in Colorado. Guess the weather is too harsh.

    I’m almost ready to take my taxes in to my accountant. A few more things to add and I’ll be done. Yea.

    I better get going and get my exercises done. Hi to everyone. Mint. I love the little hellos when we’ve been absent for awhile. I’m hoping Jo is doing better and will feel like checking in soon. I’ll check in later and write more tomorrow. Joan.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Someone mentioned Amish butter, which I had never heard of. But yesterday I saw a big block of Amish butter in my local supermarket. There are no Amish farms near here. They also sell President butter from France, it's supposed to be the best in the world, from what I was told when I was in France.

    The sky was clear up until about an hour ago, now there are dark clouds. More rain is predicted, 1 inch/hour, that's a lot!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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