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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Checked my yogurt and it is totally set up this morning. So the process worked. Will let it set in refrigerator til tomorrow, then taste it.

    Going to be a rainy, cloudy day. We’re not suppose to get an inch per hour. Yes Iris that is a lot of rain.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 8

    Morning Mint, How did you make your yogurt?. I have a yogurt maker with five or six little jars - one has been broken. J used to use it and the yogurt was good. I'd heat the milk, add a spoonful of yogurt, then cover the jars and plug it in. After it was made I could add fruit.

    Foggy here this morning and I see water standing. Supposed to rain again later, then turn colder. All of us really slept in this ike s wnee'Shmorning felt nice to do that.

    Mint, just read your post about yogurt. I like Dannon all natural yogurt - no gelsatin, but our WM doesn't carry it. I add a little bit of sugar to the Greek yogurt. I did find a brand without gelatin.

    Cornbread - I also grew up eating cornbread almost every meal (not breakfast). I like Shawnee's Best white cornmeal mix- Oklahoma made. I add egg and milk,- usually sweet milk. Heat oil in my iron skillet, add some to the cornbread, then put it in the hot skillet. Yes, there is a good sizzle and it even begins to rise around the edges. Love cornbread.

    Ron, I'm hungry for a glass of cornbread and milk, too. Daddy used to have some an hour or so after supper very often. I kind of like thinly sliced onion with mine. I also like saltine crackers crumbled into a glass of milk. Maybe I'll make cornbread today!!

    Had a nice visit with Shirley last night. She seems to be doing all right. Will be traveling back to South Carolina today. She is going to move back to her home in SC to be near relatives. Really enjoyed talking with her. She has a poodle to be with her on the trip.

    Back later need to feed Gray Lady.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @Mint You are the best cook! I have not heard of white cornmeal cornbread. I will make some cornbread with ham and beans soon, though; thanks for (indirectly) giving me an entreé idea. I watch a YouTube channel called "Our Tribe of Many." This is a family who are starting to homestead. They moved from the city to a large acreage a year or so ago. They have ducks, chickens, guineas, two cows (and a bull they are "borrowing" so they can have calves), 3 cats, a pet dog and a "livestock guardian dog" - which is a Great Pyrenees puppy. @Lorita do GPs guard birds like chickens, or is it mainly cattle, goats, etc? She did report coyotes have gotten a number of their chickens and the dog hasn't alerted them, but he is only about 8 months old. This family has 11 children. She homeschools, makes all of their bread which includes sourdough and bagels, makes granola, makes yogurt and sour cream and cottage cheese, cooks hearty, healthy meals for her family 3x a day, and she and her husband pastor a church. I think you might enjoy seeing some of the things she cooks. I don't know how she does it all!

    @JeriLynn66 I hope your physical therapy is helping. Do they say your problem has to do with ear crystals? I have 2 friends that had vertigo and it was due to that. There are videos on YouTube about that. I hope you are getting the shop sale wrapped up and can get on with the other things you need to do. You are so busy! Is hubby feeling better now? Glad Bear found a good home. If you couldn't keep him, you did the right things.

    @Iris L. It's so nice you have been able to travel. An inch of rain per hour, for how many hours I wonder? We are in severe drought here in Iowa; we'd take that rain! If only it were that simple. We did get a light rain overnight, maybe 0.2". Grateful for what we get but would like more.

    @ronald71111 I was surprised to hear how common implants are. Harshed Buzz said she is getting them and her husband and mother have both gotten them. A friend told me they cost about $10,000 each. Wow. Are you feeling better? Is Lou on good behavior? Be sure to take care of yourself because if you get sick you can't take care of her, plus you deserve to care for yourself too. I'm glad you have neighbors who help, and church friends who help. Enjoy the time with your family!

    @Lorita Glad you are enjoying your car. Equinox are pretty nice looking! It sounds like you got your driveway in good shape too. You stay busy! Hope you are feeling better.

    @jfkoc I agree Land of Lakes butter is good. Kind of pricey though. Kerry Gold or other Irish butters are even higher priced.

    @ladyzetta Glad to hear your cataract surgery was successful. Do you need glasses for reading? Enjoy your trip to AZ; I think you are very blessed to have a daughter and SIL who want you to come live with them. Do they have any children?

    @harshedbuzz Does your mom still cook at all? Does she have a house cleaner? It sounds like she is fairly limited physically. You are a good daughter. You do so much for her and I'm sure she appreciates it.

    @JeriLynn66 You have been cooking A LOT! Are you still cooking for more than 2? Or are you cooking ahead so you can quickly pull a meal out of the frig? I know you made lunch for your hubby's employees. How nice that was of you! Do you like to cook? I only like to cook for special occasion cooking, such as holidays and when my son and his family come over on Saturday evenings. I always make a nice meal then. Often they get to take leftovers home. Last week it included pork chops, homemade bread and potatoes and gravy. Tomorrow it will be roast chicken, roast potatoes/sweet potatoes/carrots/onions, deviled eggs and banana bread. I always enjoy hearing others' menus; gives me ideas so it's not the same thing over and over.

    @Lorita Divan, couch, sofa - OR, have you heard this one, davenport. That's what my folks called it. To us it's couches and loveseats.

    @littleme You are a prolific writer. So proud of you!!!

    @telinde I'm glad your pain has decreased. Hope therapy continues to help you get stronger.

    @Jo C. Please know that you are loved and missed here. Check in if you can from time to time.

    Time to exercise and get some housework done!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Been a busy morning! Thunderstorms woke me up several times, Lou got me up twice and being off my prostate medicine had several bathroom trips. Said there was hail in the area this morning, but it missed us, just rain.

    After getting up; washed a full load if clothes that are now in the dryer, baked a lemon Supreme cake that is now cooling, dressed Lou, made the beds, fixed Lou's breakfast and finally sitting down until time to hang clothes up, put icing on the cake and wash dishes. Got another load to wash, but might wait till tommorow.

    Lou is steadily going down, sleeping more, confused more and now wanting to stay in gown and robe instead of dressing. Whatever keeps her happy!


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    The sun is shining here north of Boston for the first time in almost a week. But more rain to follow tomorrow.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    @BethL I do enjoy cooking and you are correct; this week I cooked “ahead” so something would be ready quickly. I do cook for kids, grands on the weekends.

    The therapist does not think I have the ear crystal thing but will check again. Personally, I think it’s a combination of hearing, vision deficits and peripheral neuropathy. So we’re working on ankle strengthening for pasture walking and core/quad strengthening. We’ll see how it goes.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning fellow porch dwellers. We have a sunny day for a change. It's seasonal with a breeze.

    I am thinking I may spend some time pruning my lace-leaf dwarf maple-- it's out-of-control. I bought this house from parents when they were planning to retire. My house was destroyed in Hurricane Floyd, so us buying saved them the trouble of repairs and staging the house plus we both benefited from a family sale as PA's transfer taxes are some of the steepest in the country. It's not my dream house, but the school district is good and it's been a good investment. One downside has been dealing with dad's DIY landscaping-- he made the rookie mistake of not accounting for mature sizes when planting. Foundation plants are too close to the house and the trees he picked were either short-lived of encroaching on the front walk and drive. I've been slowly re-doing the space but it's not my jam so to speak.

    The maple is starting to scrape my car and is becoming a trip hazard near the walk. I've gently trimmed it in the past, but it really needs another hard pruning. I'm afraid to screw it up but hiring it out is a crap-shoot as some of the arborists working in my neighborhood don't seem to know what they're doing. They do a lot of "crew-cuts" where inappropriate. I suppose I could remove it if I make a terrible go of it.

    Speaking of tree trimming, I saw a Facebook reel last night that would make @Lorita cry. Around these parts, Bradford Pears are considered a nuisance tree; they're even illegal to sell in PA. Someone made a clips saying "The best time to trim a Bradford Pear is when your saw is sharp. Start with a horizontal cut about 2" from the ground".

    Our town had them when we first moved here. The main street was stunning when they bloomed but as they got older and troublesome, they ripped them out. Now each block has a different street tree from a list of native species.

    @Mint You really do have to read the labels on yogurt; I sometimes wonder how some brands can even market themselves as such they have so much junk added. I prefer Greek myself; most mornings I have a bowl with thawed dark cherries top with a little granola. I usually end up with the massive tub from Costco, but really prefer Fage which almost does taste like yogurt. I'm trying to up my calcium intake.

    I find Amazon a fallback for things I can't find at my local grocer. I bet they not only have your white cornmeal, but they also probably have multiple brands. Early in COVID time when the world decided to make sourdough and I could find neither yeast nor flour, I bought stuff directly from King Arthur. Their website is a great source for recipes, too.

    @JeriLynn66 I hope the PT helps. Mom finished up PT for "balance" in December. It has been so helpful for her.

    @BethL I love wisteria. I planted some along a stone wall/wooden horse stall at my old house. It was gorgeous. LOL, when I was really little, my mom painted a mural of wisteria on the wall in my bedroom so it kind of hung over my beds. I was a dumb little kid; I always thought they were grapes until about 5 years ago.

    I don't know if my mom would consistently consider me a good daughter. I guess it depends on whether I'm actively doing as she wants or not. She expresses her displeasure with my wishes by passive-aggressively defying what she considers to be my wishes. Sometimes they are but sometimes I think she's trying to draft me into playing the heavy as dad had been. At PT, they told her that she should avoid wearing heels higher than a 1" block heel, so of course she turns up on Thanksgiving in 3" wooden clog/boots. I may have pointed out that if she breaks a hip, I'm not the one going into a SNF and wearing elasticized pants that didn't come from Talbots because it's easier for the staff there. Let's just say there are days when I could have a better attitude. FTR, the threat of clothing from the Alfred Dunner collection did the trick. My late MIL wore nothing but those and was adorable but mom's a clothing snob.

    To answer your question, her pulmonologist refers to her as the healthiest sick person he knows. Medically, you'd think she be less able than she actually functions IRL. Maybe it's denial on her part. She just hired a cleaner last month. I probably supply about 3 dinners a week for her, but she does fix herself 2 or 3 proper meals a day. She eats better-- and more-- that I do.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited March 8

    Lorita I downsized recipe. Heated 2C milk to 180 degrees. Maintained it at that temperature for 15 minutes. Took off heat and let it cool to 110 degrees. Then stirred in 2 heaping tablespoons of plain yogurt with cultures. Placed in pint jar with a lid and placed in oven with heat off and oven light on. Left it overnight and this morning placed it in fridge.

    Glad you got to talk with Shirley.

    Ron the cake sounds good, i like lemon. Know you worry a lot about Lou.

    Always nice to get sunshine isn’t it David. Looks like we have some rain coming at us here too in my part of Ohio. My crocuses bloomed out this week. See the neighbors daffodils have buds. Mine are a later variety.

    I understand the tree thing HB. I was glad to get rid of my trees and see the same thing here. A lot of butchered trees. I butchered mine too lol after paying someone once. When I was done with that had them cut down.

    You can find white cornmeal on Amazon. Think if i decide to order any though will get it from a mill in Kentucky.

    Ham and beans sound good Beth. Don’t think you are too shabby of a cook yourself.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Don't know what made me think about this, but in Louisiana I grew up with a lot of dishes that had white rice. When Lou and I married we came back to shreveport when I was discharged and found out that rice was not on their menu in Kentucky. Now I'm craving baby limas over rice with pork chops.

    How many on the front porch had many meals with rice?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 8

    HB, your post reminded me that years ago,before I got married, my bedroom was a light purple. My sister painted a mural on the wall behind my bed of a huge wisteria vine. It was beautiful and it was there until I got married and moved away. I have a painting she did of cowboy roses she gave Charles and I for our wedding. Also one of a bunch of daffodils. She and her husband and Scarlet came to visit one weekend and Scarlet and I went to an old house place and picked daffodils. She took them home and painted a picture of them for me.

    Sad that such beautiful trees are considered invasive. We have three Royal Empress trees and I think they are also considered invasive by some. Mint, that sounds easy and I bet it's good. I don't remember that I had to maintain the heat of the milk that long. I think my recipe called for either 2% or skimmed milk. Hope you like it.

    Ron, Charles and I ate a lot of rice with chili or Spanish casserole over it. Also I love fried rice. I can make a real on that. I like gummy rice with sugar and butter and a little milk for breakfast. When I make soup from scratch I add some long grain white rice for thickening.

    Ron, watch out for severe weather tonight. David, we had rain last night and more to come tonight. As muddy as it has been, we need some moisture.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Ron, I make a fair amount of rice. Love red beans and rice, DH likes any Louisiana dish with rice, No sugar in our rice, but lots of butter.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited March 8

    Yes it is better to have sunshine especially if you are mailman. (retired after 37 years )although I did enjoy the winter months too. I can tell you some stories (some not for mixed company)

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello My Rocker Friends.

    Lorita. I remember when I had all the questions, I needed answered before my eye surgery. I was told then if I needed help getting to and from the surgery center, that could be arranged. I bet if it came down to it, they would have some suggestions for you. Your doctors will want this to work for you. I'm glad you're enjoying your new car. Equinoxes are beautiful cars.

    Iris. When are you planning on coming to Oregon? it would be nice if your stay will be close enough for me to drop by and say HI. Is your travel group coming to see something special?

    Sara. Our snow is starting to melt. I bet your enjoying you weather being nicer, and your able to get outside more. You are such a good cook and know enough about it you can substitute things. Iam a pretty basic cook.

    Ron. It is nice that your brother is coming for a visit. Hopefully it will lift your spirits a bit. It sounds like your spirits have been lifted a lot with all the work you have been doing around your house. I also love lemon cake. did you make enough for all of us on the front porch? Let Lou, be as comfortable as she wants. Many mornings if I'm not going anyplace, I stay in my PJs all day. At night I take a bath and put clean ones on. Just keep her comfy.

    Beth. No, I don't have to ware reading glasses. My eyes are working well with mono vision. Left sees far and right is for close and both of them are working together. If I don't think about it I can see no diff but if I think about it and close one of the eyes, I can see the difference. I guess its mind over matter. haha

    My daughter and her DH have wanted me to come live with them for quite a while, they have no children but have 1 dog and 2 cats. I also have 1 dog and 2 cats, so it will add up to 2 dogs and 4 cats. We are all animal lovers, so hopefully they all get along. They like it when Iam around because I take over all the cooking and the house cleaning. I love taking care of them and things. And they want to take care of me as I age.

    Our weather has been sunny, and the snow is melting. Hopefully this will be my last year having to deal with snow.

    Take care all, if Ron has enough cake, I will see you all on the front porch. Maybe Sara, will bring some yogurt. Hugs Zetta

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    When I was growing up, the only way we ate rice was cooked with raisins - add milk and sugar.

    Now I make stir fry over rice. And I try to use chopsticks! ha

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I rarely make rice although I do love it myself. We are having rice tonight. DH asked for Yakatori chicken which needs rice as a side. Sometimes I fix rice with just chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper and butter as a comfort food for myself. I like pilaf as a side with sauced chicken. DS enjoys rice as well. He eats a lot of burrito bowls and always adds brown rice to them. DH? Not so much with the exception of red beans and rice. Is that something you ever make @ronald71111?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, I love rice pudding with raisins. The way you've had it sounds good, too. Never learned to use chop sticks myself although I love Chinese food.

    Zetta, so you mean the lens they put in are different in each eye? Had never thought about that. It'll work out when I get enough nerve to do it. Need to see the podiatrist about my feet, too. Things have piled up.

    Just heard cows bawling so checked and they're coming up, probably to the barn. The cold front is here with cold rain, strong wind and it's colder. Went down and opened the main gate, gave Gray Lady another scoop of feed - she still had hay. Just now didn't see her. Hope she's gone into the carport. She's so thin, lays down a lot, then has trouble getting up. Afraid her time is getting close. Hate this!

    A while ago I went out on the porch and saw three little, bitty babies in front of the barn. They heard me and guess a mom did, too. She bawled and they took off toward her. When I went to the mailbox I saw them, all together again. Thought I saw four yesterday. Newest one still with mom, I guess.

    David, 37 years, that's a long time to carry mail. We have a rural carrier. Very sweet girl - she went to school with Sarah so is in her early 5Os. She drives about 300 miles a day delivering mail in all kinds of weather. Most of the roads are dirt so not easy travel. Years ago Charles and I were on our way to town and came across her changing a tire on her pickup. Tough lady. Lemon cake and yogurt sounds good to me. Sara, have you tasted it yet? My.given light went out. The door wasn't closing tight enough when the oven was off to keep the light off so guess it needs replacing. I should get out my yogurt maker but gave a couple of quarts I bought. Love yogurt with a little fruit.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited March 8

    Yes 37 years was a long time but I enjoyed every minute of it. I did not to want to retire but my body told me it was time to go.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    David, I retired at 52 after 33 years and three months service with the VA. Went to work there when I was barely 19 so you might say I grew up there. Met my Charles there. Loved the work and co workers but have thoroughly enjoyed retirement. How long have you been retired, David?

    Don't you all think it's wonderful that we, from all over the world, almost, can "talk" with other?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Yes, they are different in each eye. It was going to be for distance in each eye then I would have to have reading glasses. The doctor was so pleased with how well I was seeing with the distance eye powering over the other eye, he felt the mono lenses would be the best. There was 2 weeks between the surgeries, so he saw how well I was doing. I may have needed reading glasses or not. It turned out so well I don't need readers. He sounded like it was something that not everyone can adjust too. Iam glad it was me and my eyes adjusted. 😃

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Call me ignorant. I had my cataracts removed and had no idea they were replaced with a new lens. I figured they just scraped off the bad stuff. I did not need glasses before or after the procedure. I love that my world is full and bright again. The first eye was such an improvement that I waited several years before doing the second.

    The second was done in the morning.. checked in the afternoon and I was through.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, my Ophthalmologist who retired three years ago said I would always need glasses because of my strong prescription. I started wearing them when I was nine so would feel naked without them- wouldn't know how to act. I'm seeing an Optometrist nw but there's a good eye clinic nearby if need be which it will I imagine. If I didn't give such dry eyes if would be better. I've always had dry eyes. I tried wearing contacts when I was in early 20s but didn't have enough tears to float them.

    Judith, heard on our weather that you all had some sleet with the rain. Also snow West of you.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I retired at 62 in 2008. I do miss it but my body told me that it was time to go. I had the next 5 years to travel with my wife until she passed away we went to Alaska , San Francisco, Disney World,and spent time in Killeen Texas with our granddaughter. 3 years later I met my current wife (married 6 years in August) she was a widow but I also met her husband before he died. The funny thing is we lived less than one mile apart and didn't meet until we met at the local Council on Aging. The rest is history. Yes I do think that we can talk to anyone any where in the world.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lol Ron you are right, rice is not on the menu much in Kentucky. As a child the only way we ate rice was as a breakfast cereal. I liked it that way. When I got out on my own found out cereal was just not for breakfast. my favorite rice now is basmati.

    Lorita think you said you had a yogurt maker. I’m guessing it automatically maintained the heat for a certain period of time. I used 2% milk and the reason for holding the temperature is so that more water can evaporate and you get a thicker yogurt. It was very nice and thick. So the next time I think I’ll try skim milk and see how that works and maybe I’ll try to maintain the temperature for like 20 minutes, I did try it out this evening, I put a little of my sister’s red raspberry jam and some of the Amish maple syrup in it. It was so good. It just didn’t even taste like yogurt, it tasted like dessert. I’m glad I’ve learned to make my own.

    David, my sister is a postal employee. She is not a mail carrier though, she works upfront. She tells me how sorry she feels for the male carriers and I know it’s very hard on you physically. My sister is retiring I believe it’s December 27 of this year she will have her 30 years in then.

    Zetta they are giving snow for here Sunday 1 to 3 inches. I hope it’s winters last hurrah. Then in a couple of days and see the highest 60s so it shouldn’t be around too long.

    I think I would like your rice mixture HB. All my life I’ve had something very similar except it was elbow macaroni instead of rice. My grandma’s was the best because she put just the right amount of sugar in it. I don’t think my mom added any sugar. Recently, I had some extra tomato sauce that I needed to do something with. So I just mixed it up with some rice, and added a little of cumin. It was pretty good.

    Yes, I made Ghee today. My sister got me motivated. She is the one who found me in May and stayed with me for a few weeks after I got home. She has so many health problems and her diet is so limited. I just feel so bad about it. Now she’s had a really sore throat for two or three months . This is the third winter that this is happened and then when summer gets here the past two years anyways, it goes away. My sister that died when she was 37 had a head and neck cancer. Anyway, she went to.ENT here in town and he went down with scope and told her everything looked normal, but it was just very inflamed. didn’t really give any suggestions of anything to do though. so yesterday she went and saw someone down at OSU, where I was at in May. They redid the scope, and they told her that even her mouth is extremely dry, and so, of course, down in her throat area is too, and it’s just simply inflamed from dryness and they saw no sign of cancer. She said the doctor was very nice and she asked her what was the thing that bothered her most about the situation. So my sister told her the pain it causes when talking because my sister loves to talk. She told her I can help you with that. So she gave her some kind of medicine that they normally use with a Sjogren patient. It is an autoimmune disease that causes excessive dryness of eyes and mouth. It is not an immune suppressant but it does calm the immune system. She started it today and within 30 minutes she could tell it was helping. I so hope it doesn’t give her a migraine and she can use it. She loves popcorn and she told me ghee is great on popcorn. So i came home and made it and will give her two jars. She didn’t buy it a lot because of how expensive it is. Now she can have it.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Do I ever make red beans and rice? Does a bear go to bathroom in the woods (I cleaned the phrase up). Of course I make red beans and rice. Also, rice and gumbo, jambalaya, shrimp creole, beef stew and rice, beef tips and rice, baby limas and rice and I could go on and on but those are the main dishes.

    When I had my cataract surgery 25 years ago I was wearing bifocals. After the surgery all I needed was reading glasses. Lou also had cataract surgery and at one time she started having floaters and had to have them polished. I have noticed lately my eyes are weaker and I'm wondering if it's somehow connected to my low blood pressure problem.

    Rained most of the day but quiet now. Hope Lou and my BPH let's me sleep tonight.

    Rest well friends!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Mint, are those four jars Ghee? They look really pretty.. What does does it taste like? Nice your sister likes it. You are so nice to give her some. Good she had those tests to let her know it wasn't something terrible. Glad the medicine helps.

    Your pink covered dish is so pretty. Is it carnival glass? I have a few pieces that were mothers.. Your cabinets are really pretty.

    I do have a yogurt maker. Used to make yogurt often but not lately. Guess I've gotten lazy. I remember you heat the milk, then add in the yogurt, pour it in the containers, cover the machine(it's electric) and let it go for 24?? Hours. I Said I had two quarts of yogurt it's really the big containers. Wish that little jar hadn't gotten broken. I don't remember that.

    You know I keep a bottle of water by my bed at night. If I wake up, and I do at least once, my mouth is so dry I can hardly move my tongue so have to take a drink. Never used to have that problem at all. Seems like a lot of things get drier as we age.

    I seldom use butter but use calcium enriched spread, even to cook with. Had two big bananas left from last week so made two loaves of banana bread yesterday with chocolate chips. Wonder why banana bread is always brown. It Just came to me,it's Depression Glass, isn't it? I have found two brands of yogurt without gelatin Chobani and Okios which I'm having tonight both are thick and good.

    Good night sleep tight!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    When I was a child we always had potatoes, I don't remember rice until after I left home.

    Zetta, the trip will be visiting Crater Lake National Park, Medford, sections of the Rogue River, through Roseburg and Eugene, Newport down the coast to Coos Bay and Gold Beach, then to Humboldt Redwoods State Park. The trip is to experience the sites of southern Oregon. I have a cousin near Portland, but we won't be going there. I would like to meet you, but perhaps you will be in Arizona by then?

    Does this sound like a scam? I got an email from Kohl's Dept Store about a survey. I answered the questions, then was told I would get a Rachel Ray Cucina cookware set as a gift, but I would have to pay for shipping and handling via my credit card. I almost clicked, but then said No! I never give my credit card number unless I have requested a purchase or service myself. Also, I could easily drive to Kohl's to pick up a set of cookware. Is this a scam?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Probably.. I think you did the right thing. I think it's a dirty shame that we have to second guess or question everything and everyone. I don't answer surveys or any phone number I don't recognize. Shame you missed the cookware set though. Iris, if if was a true thing you wouldn't have been asked to pay shipping.

    One of our social workers was from Medford, Oregon. I think that's close to where they have the Royal Riviera pesrs. Her parents would send her a box every year.

    When are you going on your trip, Iris?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    My trip to Oregon is in late May. In early May I am going to Texas and Oklahoma.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Iris is this an organized group trip with the same people or are you traveling with friends? Coos Bay is beautiful, the whole coast is just stunning to a southern girl accustomed to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic. My late DH and I used to travel there often when we lived in Washington State. Hoping I can get this husband there soon, though I don't know how to manage that this year.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Ron I got floaters after my cataract surgery too. Believe that is fairly common. They don’t bother me though, rarely notice them.

    Got 3&1/3 half pint jars and from what i can tell that is about the average. As it set overnight it should be more like butter consistency this morning. I have not used it so not sure how it tastes. It is suppose to have a nutty taste but mine may not. I learned a few things since i made it that i had questions about. Should have kept it in oven til that bottom layer started browning a little. This process will take longer the more butter you use. I will do better next time. Know at least one of them did seal as i heard it ping.

    You know I don’t know what type of glass it is. Beth last time noticed it and asked me if it was a compote dish. I told her no it’s a candy dish. Well since then i saw something that made me think Beth is right about that. So looked into it and it is a compote candy dish. I don’t know much about dishes as you can tell. Just know what i like, and that i like old things better than new.

    My cabinets are cheap Lorita. What you see in the picture is an island in the dining area of my kitchen. I’m so glad I bought that because as you can see, there is a huge cabinet underneath it. It’s where I store all my baking stuff. And then it also serves like a bar so that’s where I eat all my meals in the winter. In the summer I eat out on my enclosed porch. I got to do that a couple of times last week. I have a very nice big table in my dining room, but I only eat there when I have several people over as it seems too big and lonely if it’s just me or one other person.

    Iris believe it is a scam too. Hope you have nice trips this spring. Are you feeling a little better?

    Good morning JoC. Marie we haven’t heard from you in a while, hope you are ok.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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