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Just need to talk to my friends (194)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Marie and David, I'm praying for you and your family.

    Mint, that book is a true story. I am not too far into it yet, but am enjoying it. The two authors were the young people who wrote back and forth and they tell their story.

    HB, hope your mom does well with her stress test.

    Anyone watching the NCAA tournament games? I'm watching some. My favorite team is Iowa State and they play tonight.

    Take care everyone and rest well.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Thank You Bethl.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    You are so right, Caro Lynn. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. As we get older we realize that more and more. Thanks for asking-' my ankle is doing well but still wearing the compression toeless sock to support it. Now my right knee(the good one) bothers me some which I'm sure is because I've been favoring the ankle. I try my best to watch over the girls. We've raised each of them from birth so they're are like family.

    Well, Score A+ for FedEx. I get so many calls on my cellphone that I don't answer because the number isn't known to me. About 5 today I had one, then heard the message notice. Listened and all I got was FedEx. Called the number and he asked if it was Dixie and was I home. It was the FedEx guy.. Said he was walking up to the house,-I had two 60 lb. Pkgs. He was carrying.

    I hurried down with the PU to get them. He was a big guy who had delivered a few times and the other one was a slender younger boy. He was way behind the other one and was exhausted. Had them put the boxes inside the PU and told them I'd take them back to the road but they declined. I told him if I had a delivery and the gate was closed to come through. They wouldn't leave them at the road because didn't know if I was home and it looked rainy. The delivery was an auto ship of cat and dog foods - heavy cans I didn't know was coming. I think that was beyond the call of duty. I did explain why the gate was closed.

    There were cows in pastures on each side of the road and they were scared and running away, not a usual thing to see someone walking on the road. They are not socialized. I can go out in a hat and different clothes and they're on alert until I take off the hat and say something. Hope each of you has a good, restful night. See you tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited March 22

    Marie 🙏🏻for your dear SIL . Please let us know how he is doing.

    Caro_Lynne we do not know the battles others are fighting for sure. I try to keep that in my mind. Wish I was better at it.

    Thinking off each ofyou especially those who are dealing with so many things. 🙏🏻for each of you. Thinking of you today David.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    edited March 22

    "NYC? Which granddaughter is going with? The little shoe-maven or someone a bit older?" @harshedbuzz I'm taking the 19 year old Mini Me. Two summers ago she worked at the Shop for me, chaufeurred me to 2 dental appointments requiring anesthesia, 2 cataract surgeries and plus ran the front counter so I could concentrate on other tasks. So, when after a Sunday dinner she asked if I would take her "someday" I picked up my phone and made the reservations. We will be staying in Midtown just off 5th Avenue, we are going to see The Wiz (her choice), we have picked restaurants, churches, museums and the Staten Island Ferry ride and shopping and each neighborhood to visit for our trip. This will be her first plane ride, so I got 1st class seats, a longer layover in Atlanta so we can take our time and shop there. We've shopped for new clothes and shoes here, she's gotten her summer hair-do already and mine is scheduled next week. I'm hoping to show her an experience she'll never forget. She's working part-time, going to school taking almost a full load and plans to go into Nursing. My Mini Me.

    On another note, I totally get the "mental load" situation. And the frustration and sadness that goes with it. I've been doing the same thing as you in making lists and folders for my oldest daughter in case something happens to me and she has to take over care of my FIL. And getting DH's affairs in order as well. He doesn't have children of his own but has partial custody of one great grand, 20 other grands and great-grands and a partially disabled brother. Not to mention the nutjob Sister that I do love, but she's work. It's a lot. Between dealing with the FIL and all this, I have recently found myself feeling "put upon" and like I'm swimming against the tide. And wondering how folks survive in this world without a "lick of walkin' around sense". And then you get up and do it again the next day. DH oftens says "I'm grateful we're able to do for folks". He's a better person than I most days. And @BethL You did not sound insensitive. Anybody that can create gardens the way you do is NOT insensitive. Hopefully your DH continues to improve and regain mobility.

    Mint, I'm sorry Mom is back in the agitation loop. You do so much. And those pictures were awesome. I love looking at the clouds. We've gotten our above ground beds ready and onions in. And we are discussing what else we'll plant this season.

    David, prayers for your test today. Ron, you are such a patient caregiver. I passed the ear crystal test, but they hook me up to a harness and make me walk with my eyes closed, moving my head up and down, left and right and then stopping to bend forward and do the same. I feel like a drunk monkey when I finish a session.

    @Lorita GL is living her best life with you. Hopefully keeping her separate from the bulls will be effective. I think she's had enough calving . Judith @jfkoc I have been channeling your knowledge, skills and abilities while getting all these tax issues addressed. I'm not good at it, but I've pushed thru and will visit the Accountant today. @Caro_Lynne you are so right. We don't know, but the Lord does, doesn't He? I'm thankful for this group every single day.

    Today is the last sunny day for most of next week so we've got lots of plans and running to do. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 22

    Morning, Just got up a few minutes ago. It's been drizzly all night and there's a lot of water out there. Need to feed GL and open the gate. I hear some of the girls probably just coming out of the barn. Beth, I didn't see anything insensitive in your post either - this is a place where we can feel free to post anything we feel. I'll be back.later. Still sleepy.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning, I just finished putting the fourth washing in the washing machine. Hate it when I get behind on my choirs! Still need to get Lou up and start breakfast.

    been drizzling here all night also Lorita, guess it will be a long dreary day today!!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Dear friends, thank you so much for your prayers and concern for DSIL.

    Has had lots of tests but not seen the neurologist yet. On a heart monitor for 2 days just as a precaution. Have started him on blood thinners and Lipitor for cholesterol.

    Hard part is he is exhibiting the "usual" male stubbornness...about walking without assistance, driving and getting back to work. Guess I will have to have heart to heart with him about what is most important...lol. He is the primary breadwinner, so worries about finances...My mother and I are in position to help with that until he is better, but he doesn't want to be a burden to others.

    Another complication is that if his work puts him on unpaid leave of absence, insurance will stop...trying to get hold of social worker about getting him on Medicaid for the time he can't work.

    Lots of issues spring up with this type of disability whether short or long term, but I am doing my best to support the family with whatever they need, be it financial or emotional or running errands.

    Again, thank you all for your support. It means more than you can know.

    Hugs, Marie

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, when I was caregiving I always had two or three loads of laundry every day, and , I also remember those heavy trash bag filled with depends. I'd do it again in a minute if I could. Now I only have one or two each week.

    Still sprinkling so will be a dready day just right for finishing tax ptep.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited March 22

    Ron that is a lot of wash.

    Marie so thankful that SIL seems to be recovering. Yes you are right, medical compliance so very important going forward. My Aunt had a significant stroke but was very medically compliant afterwards and never had another stroke and lived to way up in her 90s. It means a lot when there is family that can step up. That in itself is such a wonderful blessing.

    Remember when we were caregiving for my sister and her family there was 3 or 4 loads of wash about every day.

    Made chicken pasta salad for lunch. It turned out really nice. I’ve been making it with just a small amount of mayonnaise and a small amount of relish because as you guys know, I was asked to keep my sodium intake down. So I’ve not been putting mustard in it or on anything because at least Dijon, which I use, is so high in sodium. Well, the other day I was looking at a mayonnaise recipe and it called for dry mustard. So I looked into it and dry mustard is very low in sodium.So today I mixed some dry mustard in with it it was really good and so I’ll be able to do that for lot of different things. It always feels good when you’re challenged with something and you’re able to overcome it.

    I got some sad news today. My mom‘s brother found out he has a tumor on his spine. He is also in the very early stages of dementia. We hate when people we love have to suffer through these things. We just lost his sister recently.

    take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited March 22

    @Mint So sorry about your uncle. Tragic!

    Your chicken pasta salad sounds good. Did you use your own canned chicken? I like to make chicken salad with canned (store-bought) chicken. Tuna salad too.

    @ronald71111 That is a lot of wash in a day. My goodness. I usually do about 4 loads a week, but usually one or two a day. We recently bought a new washer and dryer. Speed Queen, top loading washer - like it so far! The old one was about 16 years old and leaked. The dryer was 10 years old and since that is the average age before a dryer fails, we got that too.

    @harshedbuzz I hope your mom's testing went ok and that it wasn't too trying of a day for the two of you.

    We had a little snow this morning. Not much, gone already except for small amounts on the grass and on roofs. Cloudy and dreary now. May get more snow/rain mix Sunday morning.

    I made red beans and rice for lunch and we'll have Polish sausage for dinner.

    Have a nice weekend!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Mint, I'm sorry about your uncle - such sad news. How old is he?

    We had drizzle all morning but now it's sunny and nice. Can't seem to get going today. Did make a loaf of bread this morning. Had the top piece with apricot preserves. I ordered a Cass of Roar from QVC about a month ago and didn't like it so gave it to Darwin. I had forgotten I did the auto ship. Tried to cancel it but too near ship date. It's coming today by UPS. The main gate is closed- just drove down to open gate but GL is too close so they'll have to leave it at the gate. The road is a little muddy where there's no gravel. May have to get another load of crusher run.

    Beth, I think we're finished with snow. We only had a little bit which is fine with me. I remember when I was growing up we had big snows. Always liked to go out in the snow and take pictures.

    My roses are leafing out but there's dead branches I'll have to cut out. Just glad they're living. Most of the trees are budding or already leafed out except the Royal Empress trees. Hope they live. Everything is so pretty and green.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I had my test today unofficially I have drugged induced Parkinsons.I will let you know officially after I talk to the Dr. So I only have ALZ.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    That's great news, David. Bet you get a good night's sleep. Thanks for letting us know. It is so windy and it's a cold wind from the north. Supposed to be up to 40 mph Sunday with late storms.

    Went out just now and called GL up so I could close the gate. Coming back to the house I slipped in the mud and almost fell. Thank goodness I caught myself. There's danger out there, as you all know. Sleep well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth, I made fresh chicken for the chicken pasta salad cause I had plenty of time to do that yesterday. I only have a small jar of chicken left because I only did like a pint and a half pint because I didn’t know if I would like it. Now that I know I do like it when I have time lots going on in my life right now I will Try and can several little jars of it and I think it would work.

    Lorita believe my uncle is 89.

    They were giving a wintry mix for last night and this morning with not really any accumulation. Too dark to really see out yet but I believe I’ve heard little pellets of something hitting the windows.

    Lorita glad you did not fall in that mud. Hope you had a good nights rest.

    David, hope they’re able to get you off the drug that’s causing your issues so that you can start feeling a little better.

    Take care each and everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning front porch rockers!

    I had the sweetest experience with Lou last night before bedtime! She asked me to come sit by her and of course I did. I asked, did you want to hold hands? She responded, yes. We just sit there holding hands, nothing else and I could feel the love was still there. Precious moments like that is what keeps me going!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,354
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    edited March 23

    Good morning. Rain and flood warnings locally-- we're supposed to get 2+" between now and 5pm. The ground is fairly saturated with the river and creeks higher than usual. We're supposed to meet friends for Thai food this evening just as it's ending. I hope it works out as I don't have anything planned for dinner.

    Poor DS will be working today-- Easter Bunny Express in the pouring rain. Yuck.

    Mom's stress test went well. The results were posted earlier this morning. It doesn't show any blockages and her ejection fraction remains preserved. It seems like the new medication her cardiologist added is being tolerated well, so I think we can relax for now.

    It was a boring day for me. I kind of needed to hang around for 4 hours just in case. Ugh, in a waiting room with horribly uncomfortable chairs and HGTV's most insipid programming. I chose a seat farthest from the TV, about 40' away, but it was still too loud for me to tune out. The admin at the desk was kind enough to turn it way down for me and fortunately nobody asked her to increase the volume while I was there. As someone who spends a lot of time in waiting rooms, I really miss the waiting room magazine selections of the pre-COVID era.

    While I was waiting, I stepped outside to take a call from my BFF. She's spent the afternoon with a friend of hers she'd kind of lost touch with-- they bonded over a shared love of hobbies. The friend had moved to a more rural area to be near her husband's kids and hates it. She's the sort of person who loves city culture. She shared with my friend that she'd recently been diagnosed with mild dementia and is terrified. Friend called me to ask questions.

    Lorita it seems like working Fed Ex in your neck of the woods is a tougher gig than it is here. Half the time the drivers here fling packages from the driveway as if they were Frisbees.

    David I hope that is good news for you and turns out to be reversible in short order.

    loverskitties I'll be thinking of your son-in-law and family. How unfortunate for him and all who care about him. My cousin had a stroke at about the age and recovered beautifully.

    jfkoc DS said the battleship movement was really interesting to watch. He was on the Philadelphia side and was on the deck of the USS Olympia when she returned NJ's salute. He and DH are hoping to visit her in drydock during the time she's at the Navy Yard.

    Carolynne you are so right about the fragility of life.

    Jerilynn that sounds like a wonderful itinerary-- I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves. Say hi to the Naked Cowboy for us.

    Beth L we've gotten away from March Madness. Years ago, we followed really closely. Noe of our schools are in either mens or womens brackets this year. My late MIL was super into basketball and was a rabid fan of IU back in the Bobby Knight era. The woman always loved a bad boy.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Rainy but clearing later this morning. Cold wind gusting at 20 mph. Too nasty for outside work, so I've been at this computer doing Shop business. Hopefully April will be the last sales taxes I have to file for work. I've not enjoyed that hanging over my head. But, I'm almost "free"!

    Ron, how sweet those moments are.

    HB, DH made some country ribs and pork chops yesterday so that's what he'll have for dinner. I'm just not in the mood to cook today, so I'll probably just nibble on some cheese and crackers.

    My lung scan was clear. Which is amazing for a 50 year smoker like me. So, now it's time to really try hard AGAIN to QUIT. So any spare prayers you might have will be appreciated. Both my parents smoked (well, back then everybody in my family smoked) and both died of lung cancer. DH quit over 30 years ago, so he's supportive. Anyway... Monday is the day.

    I think we now have a plan going forward for my FIL. The new Director of Nursing has arrived and we spoke by phone. We will do a urine and a CBC to rule out any infectious causes of his recent decline and re-evaluate his mental status/memory care placement. We will get a Palliative Care consult. They have agreed that they will continue to support bathing. And now that the Shop is mostly under control, I can get back to visiting more than 3 days a week. (I don't think it's a UTI. I think it was the move and just normal progression). I'm going today to see if he got his shower yesterday.

    Well, I'm gonna get started cleaning this house and finish setting up my office so as to lessen the crazy I've been feeling. Have a good day everyone!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, looks like it's going this be cloudy today. Just came in from feeding Gray Lady and it's cold. She was in the paddock close to the others. She does that a lot. . Just checking in- back later.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Your prayers for SIL are working!

    He was able to come home yesterday. He has to have OT-Neuro Vision. Only lasting effect seems to be in one eye. Motor skills and strength are back to normal. We are hoping the OT will have good effect, since right now he is forbidden to drive...which his job requires. Expect him to be on Leave without pay for some time yet until the eye issue resolves one way or the other.

    Big issue we have now is that his health insurance thru the company is an HMO and they have no doctors within 50 miles of where he lives. Exploring all options. It doesn't make sense to self-pay the company insurance premium given the lack of doctors, so will be looking at short term Medicaid or the Gov. Market Place for other coverage so he can see docs close by.

    Go glad for good new some of the rest of you have received. Ron, what a special moment with Lou. Something to store in your heart for sure.

    Please take care of yourselves, you are all such special folks!

    Hugs, Marie

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,354
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    @ronald71111 I'm glad you and Lou had that moment together. That's really special.

    @JeriLynn66 I'll be sending you all the good juju in your quest to finally quit smoking. That would be so good for your health, to say nothing of the money saved.

    I come from a family of smokers-- mom and dad both did, my sister did, my niece has from time to time and even DH was a smoker when we met. Do you have a plan? Are you working with your doctor to get support around quitting? Mom, DH and my niece both quit using the gum. Niece started again and added Zyban (aka Wellbutrin) to the gum when she got back on the horse. She's been off them for about 5 years now. Even my dad was finally able to quit smoking although he never got a handle of alcohol. He was doing the patch when my sister died. He forgot to replace it the next day and when he took it off the day after that he said he couldn't imagine feeling any worse than he already did and never smoked again.

    @loveskitties I hope the eye situation clears. I hope you can resolve the health insurance piece quickly. Even if you have to turn to the marketplace, it may be less than COBRA.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I want to thank everyone for praying for me and I will let you know what's going on after I see te Dr.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    We are expecting 2 to 3 inches of rain today we don't need it we have had so much this year.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron, nice to hear that you had a good day yesterday.

    Good to see you this morning Lorita. We will be watching for you to come sit on the porch.

    Marie so glad for the good news from your son-in-law. I was on marketplace insurance for about four years after I retired until I got Medicare age. It worked out OK for me, hope it will for him too. I believe marketplace insurance will be a lot cheaper for him than cobra.

    JeriLynne I’m thankful that your lung scan was OK. That was really good news. Quite a few patients at work told me that the nicotine patches help them to be able to quit smoking. Hopefully you will find something that works for you. Some people are able to just quit cold turkey too. Wish you all the best with this.

    HB made my pizza today. A couple of days ago I stirred up the dough. The recipe said to refrigerate it less than 24 hours but a lot of the people in the comment said they let it refrigerate two or three days and it had a lot better flavor. So mine sat about a day and a half. From all the things I saw, I was afraid that I would not be able to make it from just 00 flour. Thought I would have trouble handling that as it is very soft. So I looked for a recipe that used half all purpose and-half 00. Found one from New York Times called Roberta‘s pizza recipe. And I’m glad I chose to go with that because it was pretty soft and felt so different than what i was use to. I could see all those bubbles though in there and so I knew it was doing what it should do. I was able to pull the dough and shape it with my hands. I kind enjoyed that . Then I baked it like I bake my normal pizza crust. I used my cast-iron skillet and I had no trouble lifting up the dough and getting it into the skillet. Oh, and also I put a small amount of olive oil and a little bit of cornmeal in the bottom of my skillet before I put the dough in there. Then I put it on the burner on medium and let it heat there for about five minutes. This helps the bottom to have a nice crust. Then I put it in a 500° oven. I think around 10 minutes it could’ve been 15. It turned out really nice I will leave a picture. it was just like the Italian guy said crunchy on the outside soft on the inside. It will probably be my pizza crust recipe from now on. It was just so light and you didn’t feel stuffed after eating it. I ate half of it and it was way less sodium than one slice of pizza from the pizza shop. I could eat the whole thing and the sodium level would be about the same as one slice of the other. I use the light salt in my crust, and that worked fine. I made my own pizza sauce which I always do. I liked the fresh mozzarella and it’s way lower in sodium, and the fat is the same. But there’s not near as much cheese on there like the one from the pizza shop plus I can control it. But I noticed in all the videos I watched they don’t put a lot of the fresh mozzarella on there. I did it about like they showed they did it. When summer comes and I have my fresh basil, I’m going to try the margarita I’ve never had one before , see what I think . Thank you for encouraging me to do this. I am so pleased with it and feel like I can have pizza often.

    To all those who are checking on the porch, but unable to talk, we miss you, pray for you, and think of you often

    I put a few slices of steak on it. Will freeze other half and probably eat it in a few days. I just wanna see how it freezes. My old one froze really well.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,354
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    I get what you mean about the texture of dough made with 00 flour-- it was a bit of a learning curve for me especially since prior I always used high gluten bread flour-- sometimes even with about 1/4 whole wheat added for interest. Two to three days in the fridge will add flavor for sure. I've even frozen it dough back when it was just DH and me.

    That looks beautiful. Good enough to eat. Well done, you.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good afternoon to my fellow Rockers. I just have to say it. Ron, that story about you and Lou - that's about the sweetest thing I've ever read. It truly gave me goosebumps and a tear or two. The love it there & strong. Thank you for sharing.

    Beautiful day here, but its to be very windy later on. I want to get a walk in with the dog prior to that. She's now 14 months - but she's a puppy through & through. We certainly are enjoying her, but she's work. I'm thrilled to see how she and DH have a very sweet relationship. My goal is to get her Caine Certified so she can be with us always. She brings him much comfort and joy. She looks to me for feeding!!

    Be safe.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    JeriLynn, I've posted this before, but it's worth reposting for those having trouble quitting smoking.

    I was a heavy smoker for over 40 years and a two pack a day when I quit. I tried everything, but nothing worked until a idea came to me. Lou never smoked and hated it, especially after my dad died due to years of smoking. In 2001 I decided to give my wife the gift of me hopefully living longer bt stopping smoking for our anniversary. I started putting it in my head everyday for months before March 31st. Come anniversary time I told her I was through with the cigarettes. Her response was "not today, your not ruining our a anniversary (in the past when I stopped I was very irarable). I stopped April 1st 2001! I did keep a mint in my mouth a lot and put weight on, but I'm still alive.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again, Marie, so glad your SIL is improving and I'm sure it will continue- just takes time. You're so good to help them and I know it's much appreciated. We all need help sometime.

    Mint, the pizza looks delicious. Glad you found a recipe you like.

    It's turned out to be a beautiful day, still cool but no wind. I had to close the main gate so decided to take down the trash - supposed to be rainy tomorrow evening. Glad that's done. Stormy was at the yard gate so after I started down the drive I felt bad so backed up and let him go with me. Let GL out and she started down the drive to graze. Girls are scattered everywhere makes a person feel good to be outside and see them and beautiful nature.

    My wild violets are growing and blooming. So glad they survived. Going to get my taxes finished today because I'm tired of thinking about them. Next thing I want to do is my will. I have one we made in the 70s but nothing is the same now so guess he'll have to start from scratch. Do wish Joe had not retired.

    Beth, there's lots of NCAA women's basketball games on today so May watch one later. I haven't watched any yet.

    Ron, how very sweet. These lucid moments happen , thank goodness. The recognition and love is still in there and come forth at times. Darwin goes through the same with Donna. He seems so happy when things are going good. We have to enjoy each of them and I know you do. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again, Sandy, I just saw Carolyn Gracie on QVC!! You told me a while back that you saw her name on the schedule. I kept watching for her and tonight while I was trying to find something to watch, I saw her name.

    She has a new business"Girl Next Door" all about plants and gardening. Very good show and, as you know, she has always had gardening shows on QVC. People were calling in to tell her they were glad she was back. She said she had had tears in her eyes all day. When her show began she said"I'm bavk"!. Rick was on with her.

    I would have called you but by the time her show was over it was 10 pm your time. I'll call you soon. Hope you and the family are well. Saw something on TV about fires in Virginia. Are they close to.you?

    Goodnight everyone, see you tomorrow.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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