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Just need to talk to my friends (194)



  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    No I do not take anything to sleep. The doctor gave me something to help me to have fewer nightmares and believe it or not that med has helped.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Hello! I had another good night asleep awakening @8:30 am.

    David, I used to have such interesting dreams that I called them "story dreams", they were mostly about me traveling to get back home. But then I began to have very bad dreams, about horrible situations or death. Lately, I have not been dreaming, or at least, not remembering.

    Ron, I'm sorry about your toe. Ouch! Did you slip on the slick walkway? I hope you feel better soon!

    To everyone expecting rain, I hope the rain won't cause too much damage. Here in SoCal, we have had record rainfall, minus two inches. But we might get those two inches this coming weekend.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Iris, I wish my dreams would stop but I have Louybody. From what I understand the dreams may get worse that is why my doctor gave me a med to slow down the dreams (I can't remember the name) this med seems to be working.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Bot, it's cold. Went out to close one gate and open another for GL and hurried back inside. North wind blowing to boot. Going to keep her up by the house today.

    I tried to order flowers for Sarah as I always do when she's hospitalized and was told she's in the Pavillion and they don't allow anything to be brought in that might compromise patient's health. She said it's like intensive care.

    I'm thinking about a nap but have a loaf of bread working and I like to take it out when it's done and spread a little butter on it to keep it moist.

    I hope the storms haven't been bad for any of you.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers,

    David. Sorry about your scary dreams. I dream every night and Iam surprised I remember them. In my younger years if I dreamed, I did not remember them. My dreams are usually something I have done that day or something I have been thinking about. Maybe during the day are you thinking about driving someplace? I also see ghost, I not seen one in years, but I feel their presence sometimes. Always friendly.

    Mint. You have done so much for your mom, please don't ever doubt that. Iam sorry she won't go with you I also feel that would be the safest thing for her to do. But you can't drag her, you have done all you can do. She lives pretty close to you doesn't she, if I remember it's like next door? My mom also had a hard time appreciating things we would do for her.

    Ron, I just had a lot of testing done, its required by my ins company. Its done pretty much every year. They don't find anything wrong with me, "knock on wood". Maybe your doctors are just trying to stay ahead of things. I went and had a blood test done this morning. Once I complete my testing, I will get a $75.00 gift card from Starbucks. I bet your toe hurts, hopefully you can stay off it today.

    Iris, It's so nice you're getting some good sleep as you know sleep is the best thing.

    Lorita, you watch a lot of sports are you not going to miss your sports channel. Hopefully you still get your westerns, Iam sure that's not one you would have cancelled.

    We are getting a nice warm day today, right now its 73. I have my doors open and I will be going outside with Molly to enjoy the sun.

    Hugs Zetta

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    The sleep specialist charged $1030 for a 15 minute visit. He told me six hours is enough sleep for me. It isn't. What a racket!


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Wow!!!!!!! that does sound like a racket. Your smarter than he is. I sleep pretty well most of the time. I just wish it was it was a longer sleep. it's usually 5 hours than I can go right back to sleep for another 4 hours. Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi , Iris,I agree with your six hours II s not enough sleep for me. I'm trying to get eight and sometimes I'm still sleepy. I fell asleep in my chair today.

    Zetta , I really don't watch tennis anymore so got rid of that channel and seldom watch ESPN. I figure if it's an important sports event it will be on a local channel. Kept TVLand, fetv and INSP. Lost the weather channel which has Highway thru Hell which I do like and National geographic wild. AWill Miss that one bug it will be oksy. Still Have my westerns.

    Talked with Sarah again. They put in a new feeding tube, then put in a PICC line. She's getting IVs but they'll try the feeding tube, then the PICC. She says after all the major surgeries. her stomach Is gone along with most of her intestines. I can't remember all she had, just too many.

    Darwin called. Yesterday a granddaughter was there and today a daughter. He is worn out. Said he was going to take a long nap. Evidently no appt. date yet but he says he is going to have the surgery. He told me that years ago he had three stents put in but the doctor somehow lost a fourth. He is thinking maybe it travelled and caused the aneurysm. Is that possible. Iris and you other medical people? I'm tired and haven't done diddly squat today except the TV thing. Zetta, I watch Emergency, Adam 12 and Barney Miller which doesn't go off until MN. Do you watch those. All made in the 70s. Rest well tonight. See you all tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, what brand of shoe did you say I should check into? I need a shoe that i s cushioned for my Morton's Neuroma.

    Do any of you have Morton's Neuroma? Mine is bilateral. Started with probably the right foot and got into the left one a year or two later. My right foot has a nodule where the nerve is on the bottom of my foot between the second and third toe. It bothers me to walk barefoot and I think it May be changing my gait somewhst especially in the house. Probably should have seen a Podiatrist sooner to get the cortisone injections.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, do you wear lace-up shoes indoors? They might give you more support. Thst's what my podiatrist told me, so I usually wear my lace-up shoes indoors, and Crocs in the evening, which have built-in arch support.

    Highway thru Hell is available on Discovery TV, also on YouTube TV for pay.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning rockers, air-condition on yesterday and switch to heat this morning. Wish I could get 6 hours sleep! I have been told you should get at least 8 hours sleep.

    Had some blood in my throat again this morning! I guess after the ct scan later this morning we will at least know if it's still from the oral surgery or my lungs.

    Coffee has finished perking so need to go pour a cup where it can cool down. That's another drawback from the surgery, nothing hot and I like my coffee hot.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning porch people.

    @ronald71111 I'm sorry about the call out-of-the-blue for the CT scan with no explanation; that's a shot of adrenaline you don't need at the moment. I wonder if it's an old order that they're just getting to but has already been done.

    I hope your mouth feels better soon. I was going through the pictures on my phone the other day and found one of mom taken right after her lower implants were installed— the pair of you could be twins were it not for the moustache. It's a very characteristic pattern of bruising.

    How's the toe this morning? I feel you on the hot coffee. Tepid is no substitute.

    Lorita Crocs might be an option for an indoor shoe. They do have a squishy footbed with a decent arch support. They aren't much to look at, but they do come in fun colors. I do hope this most recent surgery improves Sarah's quality of life.

    Iris I am glad you're sleeping better. It's hard to power through the day when you aren't rested.

    Mint I hope you and your mom are OK this morning.

    David those are some crazy plotlines. Sometimes I feel like my dreams are a bit like when a computer defragments— it's like a bunch of random snippets bump into each other. And the older I get the more weird they are. I'll settle for weird— I've had a few periods where my PTSD kicks in making me dread laying down at night.

    Jerilynn were you the one who was giving up smoking? Dare I ask how this is going.


    I took mom out for a bit yesterday. The weather has been miserably wet so she'd been stuck home aside from Easter when she went to my niece's house for the egg hunt.

    Mom wanted a new spring wreath for her front door and some fabric to cover the pad on the wicker chair on her little porch. She also bought some weird Easter decor that was 70% off. The woman loves a sale.

    After I took her to the grocery store with me. I needed to get some stuff to make dinner for the week but after chasing her around and hauling in all her purchase, I was too tired to cook so DH took me out for a burger at the local dive where we got the table near the fireplace which was lovely. I'd stepped in a puddle shopping with mom and my Allbirds were soaked. They're wool, so not as chilly as, say, wet leather.

    Today is a "cheat day" for DS, so I'll make pizza. I also want to put together some enchiladas for tomorrow and try a new soup recipe— Lasagna Soup. If I do that today, I won't have to cook or think about food for a couple of days. It's good soup for dinner weather and something easy to heat if the power goes out. The ground is already saturated and we're due for another 2" of rain with winds picking up later. Two local roads were closed for downed trees and wires; I won't be surprised if more come down.

    I had a funny text from my niece the other night.

    "Auntie. I'm at Target and I just saw something I didn't know existed. Depends that are targeted for men"

    LOL for days.

    Be safe out there today.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited April 3

    HB, I found out later yesterday that the cat scan was ordered by ER Dr that I saw Sunday. The only thing he had mentioned to me was the dentist wanted to see me Monday.

    My youngest son told me that my grandson, who is freshman, was named as the designated hitter for the varsity team. If it wasn't for having to leave Lou I would drive to MO. for everyone of his baseball and football games, which he excels in both.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    good morning

    We had a calm day weather-wise yesterday. Most of it was south of us. Seems like Kentucky may have gotten hit the hardest of all in our area from what I saw last night. Thankful, though that there was no loss of life there as far as I could tell.

    We have had a lot of rain, but I think flooding is minor flooding. My sister could not wash towels at mom‘s house yesterday because when the water gets high we have to keep a cap on the pipe that normally we hook the washer hose into because if not, mom’s basement becomes flooded. But today I think it’ll be fine and I can do the wash it’s just that we like to get it done the day before I clean house as I it kind of keeps my mom busy folding towels when I’m cleaning the house and seems that it’s less agitating to her but that wasn’t possible so I’ll have to deal with it .

    Hope to make a pumpkin pie either today or tomorrow if I can. I did not get to make one back in November or December and I do like them so I thought I’m gonna make me one now and they freeze well. I can freeze it in slices.

    Take care

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning all. Talking about cooking, HB, what you are making sounds good. I am trying a new recipe today. I took 2 chicken breasts, a can of black beans, a can of Rotel, a can of corn and 2 Tbsp of taco seasoning and threw it in the crockpot. I will shred up the chicken, stir it up and serve it over rice.

    Josey the dog goes to the vet for blood work today as she is having a dental next week.

    It drizzled all day Monday and rained/snowed on Tuesday. Grass is growing like crazy, thick and dark green. Need to get it mowed soon.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Goodness,lots of you all are up and at 'em early today,- oh, forgot most of the posts were from you all in Eastern time. Sunny here and cool but the weatherman just said it's going to be flat- out windy today. I've had the flag down for almost a week.

    Iris, I don't think I have any lace up shoes. I wear Dawgs most of the time except a pair of slip on tennis shoes when it's muddy. I ordered a pair of Sketchers yesterday that looked good- can't wear a shoe that comes up on my heel or has a strap around the heel.

    Ron, you have a good looking grandson. Wish I had his hair. .

    Felt like I was at a borborygmus concert last night. The GPs sleep in the bedroom and I thought it was both of them with some from me. Stormy wanted out before Sheena got up so most of it was from Stormy. He acts all right but today will only give them dry food. He ate his and some of hers yesterday. Need to get an allergy shot for him and both need nails trimmed. I can do his but so far Sheena will only let me do one of hers. Can't get her in car so will need gett Toad to put her in before they stop feeding this spring.

    There were six tornados in Oklahoma Monday with quite a lot of damage all north and west of us. Just heard they recovered the body of the woman who was sleeping in a storm drain and was washed away and drowned. How sad. A man was sleeping in there but got out in time.

    Mint, I didn't get a pumpkin pie made either so might do that, too, or the pumpkin spice muffins.

    Beth, grass is growing good here, too but cows are doing a job on it. Still haven't gotten yard mowed.

    Mint, good luck with your mom today. I need to do some laundry, too. Better go and finish my juice and let Gray Lady out to graze. Ron, I used to like hot coffee, too. Now I drink hot tea and when it cools I drink iced tea. Never tried iced coffee. When do you get the CT scan?.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    "Jerilynn were you the one who was giving up smoking? Dare I ask how this is going." Yes, it's me and the answer is "it sucks"… but I'm trying 😕

    Cool and windy here today after yesterday's storms. We were lucky during the Tornado Warning, the funnel cloud stayed up in the air. Some local damage in our county but no loss of life. Kids and grands here, Tennessee and Ohio are all ok. So thankful for that and that you all are ok too!

    I've been up since 2:30 am and have gotten ALOT done! DH slept in until 5 and then had PT @ 8:30. Housework is done, Shop sales tax and asset sales done, and now that he is up, the laundry is done. So now I can go play! As in, work in the garage and have leftovers for dinner, lol.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, when you talk about Toad feeding the girls, what is he feeding? Hay? Grain? Mineral tubs? Salt blocks?

    I had horses when I was young. We fed a grain mix (bagged feed from feed store) and hay. Fed hay year round, but less when they could eat grass. I had an old fashioned pump above a well and had to pump the water and carry buckets into the barn.

    Glad all of you are ok given the storms from last night. None here. Sounds like the NE is possibly going to be hit with a nor'easter. Some tornado watches in the south yet. Stay safe everyone!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, they're still feeding hay but since the grass is up and growing the girls aren't eating maybe a third or fourth of what they ate in the winter. Still feeding a grain mixture they make every other day. Don't know how long they'll feed that. We used to feed creep feed til mid April. They kept out mineral tubs but haven't seen new ones lately. I imagine the salt is mixed in the feed.

    Especially in the winter to keep the girls away from the ponds I keep two water tanks filled; one in the lot and another in the old garden place. I remember seeing daddy carry two five gallon buckets of water to the barn when he had someone up. When we had city water put In We had a hydrant put in by the lot fence and another out by the garden. I do good to carry half a bucket of water.Glad you didn't have storms. We lucked out, too, but did get some hard rain which was okay. How is your husband, Beth. That fall must gave been so scary for both of you. Were you there when he fell?

    JeriLynn, I haven't accomplished anything except feeding cats and eating breakfast. Glad you got taxes done. Rest some. I need to do some laundry- maybe.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    edited April 3

    Lorita I don’t think that would’ve caused an aneurysm. An aneurysm if I understand it right, it’s just where the wall of a blood vessel starts basically thinning I guess you would say, and then it sort of bulges, and the risk is that it will rupture. In certain blood vessels, especially, that can be quite dangerous. As you can imagine, if it was like the main blood vessel coming off your heart or one in your brain really can be life-threatening. it’s not that unusual for someone to have an aneurysm.

    HB Thank you for your thoughts. Housecleaning went pretty well today. My aunt calls it my exercise day. She has a house cleaner and she comes every two weeks and it’s on the Thursday following the Wednesday I clean mom‘s house. She told me when she cleaned how she always told her self she was exercising. Anyway, it went pretty well she was pretty good today.
    If your enchilada recipe is simple, I would be interested in it. I have one of those complicated ones and I just don’t make it too often because I don’t think it’s worth my effort. Lasagna soup sounds good to. I continue to make your granola I really like it and the pizza.

    Beth hope to try your chicken recipe. I believe I have some rotelle frozen from something I may not too long ago that didn’t take the whole can. Know I have beans canned up so that sounds good. I think I’ll try it.

    Ron I agree you have a very nice looking grandson. I also could borrow some of his hair too lol.

    My pie is in the oven and I’m looking forward to a piece. I’m hoping it’ll be cool enough by supper time. If it turns out tasty I’ll take a piece to my mom tomorrow and see if she likes it. I got the recipe from a homesteader channel, she said it was her grandmas I think. it’s very easy to do. I don’t really know how much different it is from the original as I usually make pumpkin pie once a year. I do remember though that I cut the sugar in half and my mom and I both thought it was still too sweet so I cut it by another fourth of a cup this year. I didn’t want to do anything too drastic.

    Was able to get mom‘s wash done today too. I did two loads. Usually as soon as it quits raining heavily you’re fine it’s just while it’s raining real heavy that sometimes you can’t do laundry unless you wanna flooded basement.

    They are giving snow showers here. I believe it’s tonight and tomorrow and tomorrow night but little to no snow accumulation. Then they are giving it to warm up just in time for all the visitors to our county. So I’m hoping that those two days maybe if it dries up enough that I can do a little more work in my beds. Then on Monday I see they’re giving partly cloudy right . I think I might’ve noticed some raindrops too so we’ll see. H

    JoC just want to say hi in case you are still able to read here. Everyone on the forum here I pray for. Joan hope the moving thing is moving along OK (pun intended).

    take care, everyone

    if I missed anyone I’m sorry

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Back from the VA, now the wait and see game. They did a regular chest xray and also the ct scan with contrast of the chest. Why they did the regular chest xray I have no clue.

    Had the air conditioner on yesterday and switched to heat this morning. When I left for the VA the wind would cut right through you.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita…What shoe did your podiatrist tell you to wear? Mine said anythiing from Orthofeet and yes I had the Morton'n but not since wearing what I was supposed to.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Haven't seen one yet. Orthofeet? Will check that out again. How far advanced was your Mortons? Party had it in one foot but it went away. Instead of going away ,in my case the other foot got it! Just my luck.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Put on a pot of Brunswick Stew with the leftover pork roast. Got cornbread in the oven. It's too cold to be outside in this wind!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good for you staying focused on your goal around smoking cessation. Some really struggle with it. I'm sorry it sucks so badly.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I think the enchiladas are fairly simple. The hardest part for me is opening all those cans. Especially since I usually double the recipe and freeze half for DS.


    If the soup turns out, I'll let you know. I expect it'll be great or really disappointing.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, I can see your resemblance in your grandson's eyes.

    Lorita, the Dawgs look cute, and they look like Crocs.

    Today is my birthday, so I'm taking it easy, no demands today.


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Happiest of birthdays Iris!! Have a great year! xo

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Happy, Happy Birthday Iris! 👸💃🌺😁

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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