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Just need to talk to my friends (198)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

Time to begin a new segment of our thread. Hope everyone is well. Been a quiet day here. Hasn't been too hot but the heat is coming next week. Heat index up to 112.

Sleep well. See you tomorrow.



  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 792
    500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes 25 Insightfuls Reactions
    edited July 28

    Good morning.. adding pics of Granddaddy and “Little Man” driving the boat and Hoochie who is definitely a Roo practicing his crowing skills this morning 🤣

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning. It's cloudy here this morning. Some showers way north of us but not going to get to us.

    Thank you, Iris. Sarah was a fighter from the time she wss born. She was born two months early and has had CP all her life. She's st rest now, free from pain and well.

    JeriLynn, your pictures are so good. What a sweet looking little boy and handsome husband. The chicken is a kind I have never seen before. Is this the one with the injured eye?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Thank you. Eagle. I'm glad that the pain and suffering is over for her. I will miss her and miss talking with her. The last time we talked last week she struggled to get the words out. I know Todd is devastated. He was such a good caregiver for her. Her pain is over.

    Hope you are well. Good to see your post.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,352
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    Good morning, Porch People.

    Sunny and warm here today, but the humidity should be reasonable. I have to run some errands; I should go to Costco but don't know if I have it in me to deal with that nonsense on a weekend. I need to buy a bottle of wine for dinner with friends tonight and a prescription for DS so Costco makes sense.

    DH and mom had their derm skin checks Friday. The same practice but different doctors. I do love killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Mom came out with nary a single biopsy or zapped area— that's a first. DH got zapped twice but has graduated to a yearly check from every 6 months. I took mom to the pool for a couple hours yesterday. The weather was perfect, but a couple of newer residents brought a number of their adult kids and grands who seemingly unaware of the many rules of the pool. It's a 55+ community and normally a very serene pool. It's why we go to her pool and not mine. There's no lifeguard, so it fell to several cranky old dudes to snap at them. Tomorrow, she has an appointment with a new doctor in Princeton, so I have to figure out how to get there as it's not in the big medical building.

    I hope you all have a pleasant day.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 792
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    " The chicken is a kind I have never seen before. Is this the one with the injured eye?"

    Lorita, he is a Silkie… and no, he isn't the one with the injured eye. She seems to be okay. Not always keeping her eye open, but it isn't inflamed or oozing so I've left her alone. I do have some Terramycin if she flares up again. If it ever stops raining (all this week again) I need to clean the coop. I have some food grade diatomaceous earth to sprinkle in there with fresh shavings.

    We've had over 7.5 inches of rain so far this month. Makes keeping the grass cut a little difficult. DH is out there now but it has started to sprinkle again.

    The new boat motor did well yesterday, so DH was pleased. One set of grands took the jet skis up for us and they rode those to test out the work that was done last year. One may need a new motor. 😒 I'm trying to convince DH if we are going to keep all these "toys" we need to rent a boat slip instead of lugging all this stuff up to the lake every time we go. I do think the "toys" would get more use if it were easier to just go. Plus, backing that boat and pulling it out of the water makes me nervous as a cat. Not that I do it, but I have to watch.

    One set of DH's Grands/Great grands coming today. I'm not cooking. They are stopping by to pick up something I have for them and then going shopping for school clothes. (with my debit card, of course, lol). They're good kids. Each of them worked their other grandfather's corn field again this summer and the roadside stand. The 16 year old is applying for after school jobs. The oldest is a sophomore at Alabama majoring in criminal justice; works every summer and keeps an odd job to help support his spending. The 12 and 14 year old boys are planning their school year and are both in band. Maybe they can get some swimming in before school starts. I like having them here.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited July 28

    Nice to hear from everyone

    HB mom keeps you busy.

    going to be a warm one here today. I brought mom’s load of wash home with me to do that. My lunch is not something you would normally eat on a warm day. A roast beef was already cooked. Carrots and celery were all frozen in the freezer and everything else was handy so it didn’t take me long just to put it all together make it almost like a soup/stew. I baked a pan of cornbread. It turned out very nice. I make it from scratch and it’s been a learning process for me but I found out today for the amount of cornmeal that I use for my self a half an egg works really well. It rises better than when I don’t use an egg, but with a whole egg rose too much, I didn’t like it that thick. I added just a little bit of yellow cornmeal to it also but not very much.

    the new flower bed is not that pretty, but I still really enjoy it. The goldfinches love it, they come and eat sunflower seeds.. When the petals on the head fade, then I cut the head off and I put it through my chain link fence. So I’m seeing a lot of gold finches, which I think are so pretty. I like to see them in the flight, they kind of have an up-and-down motion. There was some buckwheat in there too. It’s self sows and seeds also get in my compost and I leave most of it alone because the bees love it and I think maybe the Cardinals have been coming and eating off of it because it’s starting to seed. I’ve seen them in my flower bed quite a bit. I’ve also seen several butterflies they like the zinnias. Before when I sat on my porch, I really couldn’t see any of my flowers, hardly except for the few that I let grow up in the garden.

    if any of you gardeners have never raised Mountain Spring tomatoes, don’t. I bought them because the greenhouse said it was their number one tomato and usually I found their recommendations good there. This tomato is horrible. I’ve only eaten one, but when I sliced into it, it was very firm and it had like a white cord, looking pattern throughout it, and had no flavor. I’m going to let one or two more ripen, but if they’re no better than that I am cutting the plant off and throwing it away. I’m not wasting anymore time or water on it. From now on anything they recommend that I have not heard of. I will look it up before I buy it. I won’t trust them ever again.

    Thinking of all of you. a couple of days ago my uncle’s blood pressure had been running on the lower side. Some days he’s a little more alert than other days.

    I just saw a female hummingbird in my flower garden. That’s the first one I’ve seen. I kept telling people I have not seen a hummingbird. It is trying out the zinnias it looks like. It is a female, I have not seen a male hummingbird in years. When we lived on our small farm, we saw them all the time, them and females. I have two pineapple sages in that flower bed. They’re beautiful when they go into bloom but they don’t usually bloom till later here in our climate. Later can also vary quite a bit, but I’m not seeing any indication of blooms yet on mine. A few times I’ve had them not bloom till it was almost frost time.. That’s disappointing when they do that. I still like to have one or two every year because they’re such a pretty red. If they bloom early enough, the hummingbirds will like them. I will have to try to figure out something to put in that bed that will attract the hummingbirds. Maybe you have a suggestion Beth. My Mexican sunflowers are starting to get a few blooms. Once they get into full bloom, they should attract things also. When I lived with mom, I raised a vine. It was sort of ferny and has like little red trumpet flowers all over it. It did well there, the hummingbirds loved it. I’ve tried it two or three times here and I have not had a lot of success. The plants come up fine. In fact, I’ve cut them down all summer, but They don’t make a big plant like they made at moms that is covered in flowers. It was pretty, here it gets blooms but they’re just scattered and it is ugly and so I’m not messing with it anymore.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Back now in Louisiana and glad to be out of that Dallas traffic. I enjoyed my visit, but glad to be home. I've been having stomach problems even before leaving Dallas this morning, hopefully it will get better now that I'm home. Looks like it rained quiet a lot while I was away!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Last Sunday in July. Not possible!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Thank goodness, now to get through August and most of Sept. Was just going to ask where you were, Judith.

    Mint, you have so many beautiful flowers and plants. I had to look up pineapple sage, very pretty. When we were younger we had all kinds of flowers and shrubs. Now, nothing except a few clematis, roses and caladiums, and wild violets. The vine you mentioned with red flowers sounds like cardinal vine. When we lived at the MH, we had a fenced in garden and we had cardinal vines on one side of the gate, on the fence and luffa with their big yellow blooms on the other side. I also remember a shrub called Christmas Kochia. It was a ferny shrub about four feet tall and a pretty green but in the fall it turned a bright red. Glad we enjoyed doing that. Now don't have a place for those things except in the yard and really not much inclination to have them. Grasshoppers are eating everything except the crab grass. We always had red salvia because my mother loved it so much. I learned she always had it because her mother loved it. She also always had sweetnpeas.

    Stormy and I just took down the trash. It's hot out there. With the medicine I was taking I was supposed to stay out of the sun but I have stopped taking it. Saw no need because the sting is healed except for one little spot.

    Ron, glad you're home but I know you enjoyed the trip and being with family. No place like home though. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Welcome home, Ron.

    HB, do you have a Trader Joe near you? They have a Two Buck Chuck wine that is supposed to be pretty good, I never tried it.

    Mint, how can you tell the female hummers? I have a couple that come to my yard in the mornings. I used to put up a feeder before I had cats, but Simon was a bird chaser.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    iris here we only have ruby, throated hummingbirds. The male has a red band on the front of his neck and the female does not.

    Lorita believe the vine, I raised, was cardinal vine. Was afraid I might be wrong though. I have a red salvia in my garden, variety is Lady in red

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Iris, I was wondering the same thing. I haven't seen any hummingbirds this year or any butterflies. We used to have milkweed in the pastures until they started spraying a couple of years ago and pretty purple thistles. No wildflowers now. Can't have weeds in pastures when you have cattle.

    Mint, you mentioned Mexican sunflowers. Never have seen those but we had Mexican petunias a few years. Big bush with lots of flowers. I miss having flowers. Mother always had a couple of rows of flowers in the garden and we had fresh bouquets. We did that a long time but can't have plants or bouquets now. Cats won't leave them alone. So, guess I'll have cats.

    Iris, how are Seven and Simon?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited July 28

    Hello everyone. We had a great day at the ballpark (AAA team here in IA) with 2 of our grandsons. They have lots of added attractions besides the game. They throw out (or shoot out of a "cannon") hot dogs and t shirts. One of the grandsons caught a hot dog and the other got a Frisbee so both were pleased about that. We had lunch there and it was hot dogs, fries, onion rings, etc. Lots of water and a large lemonade for all - it was HOT and we had to stay hydrated. 89 degrees, sunny, dry little breeze.

    Tomorrow we're going to go to a 4 acre sunflower field to see the flowers!

    Mint, hummingbirds like honeysuckle, bee balm, petunias, salvia, daylilies, Rose of Sharon and some others I can't recall right now. Love seeing them!

    Ron, glad you made it back ok. Take care of yourself. You've been through a lot and it can affect your physical and mental health. Ditto for you, Lorita as these days have been difficult for you and for Todd. Be kind to yourself.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Thanks, Mint. I'll have to try to get a closer look at the necks of the hummers that come to my yard.

    Lorita, Simon and Seven are okay. I took Simon to walk in the grass this morning and I took photos and a video of him, he's so cute!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning

  • aconite
    aconite Member Posts: 30
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    Sharing something that makes me happy. I see these flowers from my kitchen window and decided to make a collage of the photos. I also have a bird feeder nearby. We've had cardinals, goldfinches, bluebirds, blue jays, house finches, morning doves, woodpeckers, chickadees, towhees, chickadees, and an assortment of nuthatches and sparrows at the feeder. I'm in Southwest PA.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    hi aconite, nice to see you on the porch

    your flowers are beautiful, the orange butterfly weed grows wild in Kentucky, where I was born. I can remember seeing them just out blooming on the middle of a hillside. Maybe I can have one again someday.

    I enjoy trying to feed my birds with my garden. I know a lot of people enjoy feeders, but I’ve tried them several different times and I just don’t enjoy them. It’s a lot of work keeping the feeders clean and it draws varmints to my yard that I don’t want. It’s also quite expensive. Sounds like you have a nice array of birds. I also have quite a few different birds.

    thank you for sharing, I live in North Central Ohio,

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited July 29

    Aconite, your flowers are beautiful! What a nice variety of birds you have! We see lots of sparrows, blackbirds, cardinals, rose breasted grosbeaks, orioles, house finches, goldfinches, nuthatches, chickadees, wrens, hummingbirds, doves and woodpeckers (hairy, downy, red breasted and the occasional northern flicker). We live in Iowa. If I put out peanuts, we get bluejays but the abandoned shells leave a mess. I feed sunflower & safflower seed, nyjer and in oriole season, grape jelly.

    Iris, Simon is adorable.

    Iris, Jo, anywhere close to the wildfires? Even here in Iowa, the Canadian and maybe Californian too wildfires have been giving us hazy skies and the most beautiful bright orange sun.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Good morning all, this is an unusual day for us we have nothing on the schedule for today no doctor's appointments or anything else.

    How do you know when it is time to start a new thread? and how do you notify everyone when one is started?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, David, I try to start a new part of the thread when we get to page 20. I went over a couple of pages this time. Glad you found it.

    Thank you, Eagle. I have to remember Sarah is free of pain now. I told Todd the best thing for him, after he rests a while, is to keep himself busy so he doesn't have much time to think.

    Stormy went to the window and barked and barked. No alarm had gone off. It was Toad, came through the gate behind the barn. He left "our" cows in the NE pasture. I called him and he said there was some grass on the north end but nothing where the heifers are so they will move their calves and the three bulls to other pastures and let the heifers in the east and south pasture.

    The grasshoppers are eating the grass and leaves on shrubs and trees so they're having to move cattle around. They ate one meadow behind Darwin's house before they could bale it. They may have to move all the cattle to pastures east of here where the hoppers aren't so bad. I was out that way last week and grass and trees are pretty and green but when they eat everything here, they'll move that way. He Said they were even worse just North of us. they can spray to kill them but would have to every thirty days when others hatch. Darwin told me he is seeing little ones again. Situation is getting dire. The section east of us is all in crabgrass, like in our North yard and the hoppers aren't eating crab grass so they will be able to bale that.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Lorita1, if I wanted to start a thread would I be able to?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Absolutely, David. Click on the orange circle with the plus sign in it at the right, lower corner of the page. It will have a space for your threads title and below that a space for your comment. Good luck.

    Sorry for the content of my previous post. I know it was boring but this is cattle country and it's what is foremost in everyone's mind.

    Iris, Simon is beautuful. Looks like he likes to be outside. If I let ours out, they would probably take off and a coyote would get them. About how much does Simon weigh?

    Your flowers are beautiful aconite. I dug up a butterfly weed along the highway years ago and transplanted it but it didn't survive. I ordered four from QVC and they didn't make it to even be transplanted. Don't seem to have much luck with their plants.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    David…My screen does not show what Lorita's does so here is and alternative;

    ALZConnected.org>rightside orange oval new discussion

    Will there be a service for Sarah we can go to?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,352
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    You can absolutely start a new thread as long as you are logged on to the site.

    The site looks and works a bit differently depending on whether you are on a phone or laptop.

    On my phone (iPhone/Safari browser) there is a orange/yellow button with a "+" in the middle. When you tap that, you'll get a pop-up that says "New Discussion". When you tap that, a new page will open with diaglog boxes for the title and text of your post. Once you've done that, you can tap the "Post Discussion" button at the lower right.

    On my laptop (PC/Edge browser) "New Discussion" button is at the top right on the page just below the purple site banner. Tap that button and it takes you directly to the dialog boxes.

    On my iPad, the site looks and works like it does on my laptop.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    I like your threads because your threads let us from the east know what's happening where you are.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    I have a question so everytime I start a new discussion is that a thread?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    David, yes, every new conversation is a thread. Keep in mind that this thread is on the Spouse/Partner Caregiver board. You have already started a few threads of your own on the "Living with Alzheimer's " board.

    Aconite, your flowers are beautiful.

    Mint, I'm with you, I'll let nature feed the birds. I couldn't keep up with a feeder.

    Beth, I'm nowhere near any wildfires, here in the LA area. The sky is bright blue but there is haze in the distance, probably smog.

    Lorita, we like reading about the cattle. Are there any left where you can get to them, or were they all moved far away?

    Simon has lost weight, because he has sarcopenia. His back legs are atrophying and weak, but his front legs are still strong. When I take him outside he likes to walk around and munch on the grass. My cats graze on grass, just like cows. Just a little bit, though.

    My feet and legs have been bothering me since I returned from my trip in early June. I finally started wearing support hose, and the pain is easing up, after only three days. I purchased the hose at Big 5 Sporting Goods store.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Iris, there are still 20-25 head of mine and probably around 60 head of heifers , calves and bulls. I so hope they don't have to move all of them. This time of year, after we had hay baled and the meadow had recovered there would be knee high grass and that's when we let the girls in to grade there. But, there were few grasshoppers. I've noticed some of the trees have fewer leaves so guess they're eating higher and hugher. The bad thing is when they eat everything here, they'll move east or wrst. I have never seen it like this. There is some kind of vine on the north yard fence they aren't eating and, of course, the knee high crab grass. Luckily, the section east of us is crab grass and all if it except 160' acres can be baled.

    So glad Simon can get outside and eat grass. I have noticed our GPs eat grass sometimes. Always thought it was when they had an upset stomach.

    Judith, I don't know what arrangements Todd has made. He had talked about having a very simple graveside service. Maybe he will call later today. Couldn't get much done over the weekend.

    Just watched some of the men's gymnastics- amazing what they can do.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Todd called. He has the arrangements made.. Judith, the service will be at 11 a.m. Thursday morning at Pleasant Valley Cemetery. It will be a graveside service, small and not elaborate. He sounds tired. Not sleeping much. He said he and their two dogs felt Sarah's presence the last two nights. I think that made him feel better. He's already looking for work and thinks he has found some with a small construction company, not much but a start.

    I'm watching men's synchronized diving. They are really good. Have a good night. See you tomorrow.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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