Just need to talk to my friends (200)
DW used to make a delicious mac & cheese with Velveeta, white sauce and dried onion flakes. I have her cookbook and could make it if I wanted, I guess, but I haven't done it lately. Ditto her meat loaf and tuna casserole. Guess I'm getting lazy in my old age.
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Good morning everyone
Ron this is just my thought, not telling you what to do. I think Lou would be happy if you went to one of those dinners. The holidays have never been the same for me either since my dad died. If you skip it that is ok to. Glad you are seeking treatment for your depression as like any illness not good to leave it untreated.
Dad always seemed to enjoy the holidays. I want my nephews to have good memories. I know they enjoy family gatherings. Im grateful that my nephews and and I’s wife seem to enjoy hanging out with us. I enjoy Christmas as celebrating birth of Jesus and I try to avoid commercial part of it. I have not bought gifts in a long time. I get people gifts at other times. I often feel I celebrate it alone, in my heart, it is special to me. I usually get to see my BIL’s family on Christmas and I enjoy being able to be with them.
Eagle that is a funny story.
Iris like you I find keeping myself busy is very good for me emotionally. If I get to feeling blue I set to working at somethingi and remind myself that Jesus is with me. I know though that you can get to a place where it is hard to climb out and you then need to seek outside help.
Carl I often say life is short I have a little dessert every day
Hope each one has a peaceful day
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Goodmorning, this is my 3rd day just sitting in the dining room looking out the window at she skyline of Boston and reading waiting for lunch.
This is such a niceplace for VETERANS I'm a Vietnam Era Veteran and finally we are getting the respect that we never received when we came home.
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David— I love the VA home's life is uncertain, eat breakfast first approach to their daily menu.
Eagle— wow, that's some woman. I hate that the dealership was so predatory with an older woman. I think it's worth calling them out on social media.
I love the funeral home story. It kind of reminds me of planning my sister's funeral with my mom. My idiot semi-BIL (they were separated and he's since remarried but he's still ghastly) had her body taken to some sketchy funeral home where we headed him off at the pass. BIL, a penniless addict, was ordering all manner of extras when my sister had expressed the desire for direct cremation and simple memorial. Since my parents were paying as beneficiaries of her small insurance policy, mom wanted to be prudent in order to have that money for my sister's kids who were living with my parents at the time.
The funeral director was disappointed when mom shut this nonsense down. In a bid to upsell mom into the full meal deal, he said "Cremation is a respectful choice. I want to assure you we do them one-at-a-time and we never do dogs" thinking she'd reconsider. Mom and I looked at each other and laughed so hard we nearly wet ourselves.
HB2 -
Hi, I just called the health dpt. To make an appt. For my covid shot. It seems they only have Moderna. I have always had Pfizer so would like to continue with that brand. I think some of you have had different brands. Did you have any more of a reaction to the shot if you mixed brands?
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Called WM and the pharmacist raid they have plenty of Pfizer so will get my vaccine there. No appt. Needed. Noisy here right now. They're feeding my cows and the other herd is down here bawing for their feed.
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Great photos David, thank you for sharing. Really a lovely setting. Do you have a private room or do you share? Pics are good quality, camera must be a good one.
How are you feeling now? Hope all is okay and doing well. I imagine you may perhaps still be settling. Do you have activities that you enjoy doing or watching?
Bet they will have a huge Thanksgiving dinner celebration. Will have to hide a drumstick in your shirt to hide in your room - can you imagine the shock finding a drumstick in your nightstand? Do they have small refrigerators in the rooms? Some places actually do but most do not. Facility specific for sure.
Really nice of you to take the time to share, it is appreciated.
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Jo C. Every one has own room with a private shower. Everyone eats in the dinning room if they want or they can eat in their room. I eat in dinning room for commardie.
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I had to take my 15 year old girl cat Seven to the vet today because she was lethargic. The vet examined and said her hips were painful, he prescribed gabapentin for pain relief. I'll see how this goes. My hips are painful, too!
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Sign at Village Inn restaurant: "Stressed? Spell it backwards for the cure."
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One of my SILs loves pastry even more than I do. Once, in a place in Joplin called Red Onion, she ordered two desserts instead of, say, a sandwich and a dessert. Some people just know how to live.
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Good morning
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Good morning.
It's chilly and dry here this morning after 3 days of rain. We need the rain desperately, but the piddling 0.4" we got was hardly worth the cranky joints and bad-hair days.
Iris— I hope the gabapentin helps Seven. Mom's cat was initially prescribed it when she first came to live with her. Poor Sugar had been through several hurricanes and struggled with rainstorms of all kinds for a couple years. Mom's specialty vet pharmacy sent it as a chicken-flavored suspension but even that was a challenge to get her to take. I hope you have less trouble.
David— I'm glad you have your own private space. When my MIL needed to go into a SNF, it always bothered me that she had a semiprivate room and that no consideration seemed to be given in terms of roommate compatibility. I mean, college freshmen get to fill out a comprehensive form about likes and habits and then get to ask to change if it doesn't work. Seems unfair.
Lorita— I'm glad you found some Pfizer if that's your preference. I saw a few papers suggesting that mixing brands/types was associated with a slightly higher level of protection. Studies I saw comparing efficacy of Pfizer versus Moderna give the latter a statistically insignificant edge. FWIW, I've done Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax. I'm one who does have a reaction— the reactions were about the same, but the Novavax was for less time.
It's an early day for me today. I have to meet my bestie at mom's house. There's a barely used desk chair my niece bought back when she used to stay at mom's before she was married that is going to bestie's refugee family's daughter. My friend made mom a bunch of low-salt meals for her "exploding" freezer. Bestie's church did a meal train for a congregation member who recently had heart surgery, so she called me about tips and recipes. She made extra for mom who will be thrilled. I need to make DS some lunch and grab a shower soon.
I worked on DH's Christmas present. He has a thing for robots. In the past I have made him 2 pair of PJ pants with robot prints. Alas, he's worn the broadcloth pair out entirely and the print on the flannel has faded terribly. I've been looking for something to replace it them for a couple years and finally found something. He's been pestering me about this, so I'm certain he'll be pleased if I can keep it a secret. We share the space in which I sew. To him it's the library, but to me it's either the "atelier" or the yoga studio. The challenge is keeping him out of the space. I got the entire thing cut out making adjustments for length, so I hope to start sewing today. I'm using my more complex pattern with a proper fly as opposed to one of the quick ones I can throw together in 45 minutes.
I had a classic "this could only happen to my mom" situation. She'd been sick last month and missed her regular haircut. She scheduled for last week, but her stylist was sick, so she was rescheduled for yesterday. I've been encouraging her to be more independent and use Uber to have some fun. She managed to use the app yesterday, but things went sideways. She put in the address of the salon and somehow, according to Uber customer service, she got directed to that same street address in New York. Her driver wasn't fluent in English, so she made it 30 minutes away in NJ before Uber was able to correct the glitch. The driver did take her to the salon- no charge. She did give him $20 for the adventure. Good Lord, I would have been terrified. She got her haircut and the stylist who was done for the day, gave her a drive home.
HB1 -
Good morning all Yes it is nice to have a private room and shower. I can dress as casually as I desire.
I am in the process of arranging my photos on my desk, when my wife comes to bring me home for Thanksgiving she will bring the rest of my photos and my bible.
I am still figuring out where to put all my electronics
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Morning, all's well here. Ordered my groceries to be here between 2 and 4.. Hope everyone is well.
Iris, hope the pain medicine helps Seven. I'm also giving pain meds to Sheena. The name begins with a ,D but can't read the rest of Mike's writing. Normal for a doctor.
Carl, figured it out and I'm willing try it for sure.
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the saga continues….last night my iPad went dark. It took me way too long to figure out that my phone (aka my hotspot) had run out of battery…
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Judith, do you charge your phone every night?
HB, your mom's "adventure" halfway out of NJ sounds scary. Should she be traveling on her own? I have had my own bad experience with a driver relying on bad directions when I knew exactly how to get to where I was going.
Seven has refused the gabapentin in food, from the dropper and from my finger. I tasted it, it doesn't taste good. A friend suggested laser treatments for arthritis. I have to figure something out.
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Iris, don't know if it would work for cats but I give the GPs pills wrapped in cheese. Mike showed me.how to give meds to cats when we had so many in the barn. He said to find a piece of screen or something they can get their claws in and have it vertical and get them to stand and get their claws in it. That way you don't have to worry about the front feet and they're standing on the back ones and you can get their meds down.
With the ones I have now I dissolve it in a drop or two of water, draw it up in a syringe and put it in the side of their mouth or sometimes hide it in the food. That's what I do with the Pyrenees.
Groceries delivered and put away. I got my can if black eyed peas for the NewYear. Didn't have them.last year and lots if things had to be done so maybe they will help. Enjoying a bottle of Boost now.
Cows were bawling and I saw the two guys out by the corral. My girls were in the lot and the others had followed the truck down here. They let one cow out of the lot and left. No idea why, hope it wasn't one with a baby. If so, she'll come back down to the baby.
I finally brought my charger into the bedroom and charge my.phone on the night stand during the night.
Eagle, the Sooners play Alabama tonight. I can watch that one. Sooners are going to have to straighten up. Chiefs tomorrow. Did you hear about the breakin at Mahomes and the other guy's homes?
I did laundry and when I checked the clothes in the dryer I closed the dryer door on my finger. Hurt like the dickens but didn't break a nail and not blue yet.
Still Need to get down in the pasture, dig a.hole and empty the bottles of Draino and cover it up so no animals will get in it. Why we had so much I do not know. Can't remember ever using it.
David, what's for supper? Ron, hope you're doing better today. Let us know.
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Iris…I charge my phone "religiously" every morning at my computer. I can also charge it upstairs. I just blew it!!!
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Got rid of the drain stuff. Wasn't just Draino, other kinds were there. Stormy and I went wats down in a pasture where the girls aren't staying and dug three holes, emptied the stuff in and covered the holes. Put the bottles in a plastic trash bag that will go in the trash pickup Monday. I wore a mask, eye protection and rubber gloves. Had to be careful.
We have a persimmon tree down in that pasture and it is loaded with lots on the ground. I tested a Couple on the ground and I think they.might still pucker. I might go.back next week.if we have a good frost which is what it takes for them to.be good. So far everyone has only found spoons in the seeds. Didn't see anything of the remains of the white calf.
When we came back, we drove down to see our girls. I knew we had two black, White faced babies but we saw four along with several black ones. Stopped and visited with Billy the Bull a while. He is really good lookin'. Also saw a new big boy in the pasture. Don't think he has been in there, not long anyway. No tag so. not sure.
Took the GPs for a little walk when we got home. I'm finished. I hope, for the day.. Felt good to be out in the pasture and around the girls. Stormy enjoyed it, too. Have a good evening. Watch the ballgame -Boomer, Sooner!!
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I tried charging my phone in the bedroom, but the darn thing pings and lights up when it hits 100% and wakes me. Back to the kitchen.
I've never used an Uber. The drivers aren't vetted like licensed taxi drivers. A local doctor used Uber when he planned to be drinking, and the ride home was with a driver who was deaf. The driver drove right past the doctor's house, didn't respond when the doctor asked to be let out, and the doctor panicked. Doctor ended up being charged with assault, losing his surgery privileges at a hospital, all sorts of bad because he was inebriated and because he didn't know the driver was deaf. One of my friends, an attractive young woman, never uses Uber because she has read of sexual assaults and such.
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Lorita, I think I saw some beefalo when we were driving in the country the other day. They looked just like bison but were only cow sized, so I assumed they were the cow/bison hybrid.
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Carl, I have never used an Uber either.
Lorita, why are you pouring Draino in the holes in the ground?
This is Day 12, last day, of our cruise. I plan to post some photos in a few days after I go through them.
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Lorita, yesterday I had milk,Italian ice,fish chowder, garlic crusted cod, roasted potatoes and broccoli. Today I had a salad,pepperoni pizza,Italian wedding soup,and an apple turnover plus milk. The breakfast is the same either fried eggs or scrambled eggs or French toast.
I have put on 3 lbs. I lost 40lbs on weight watchers at this rate it won't long to put the wait back on.
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David, I thought I saw some king-sized veterans in your photos. Now I see why. You eat like a king, you get king-sized.
My wife and I had tossed salads with a grilled chicken breast and a sliced boiled egg on top this afternoon (she slept until noon), and a slice of chocolate cake with mocha frosting. She went to bed early, so I guess I only fed her once today. It was pretty good though.
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Beth, your cruise itinerary sounds like the old Beach Boys song "Kokomo." "Key Largo, Montego . . . "
I envy you. What a great time!
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Carl, I have never seen those. I know there is a rd of buffalo at Willowroc, near Bartlesville. What a shame people nearly drove the buffalo to extinction. Have you ever watched the show Ken Burns did on that? Awful thing people did.
Beth, I found six full and half full.bottles of that stuff under the kitchen sink when I had a new faucet put in. Didn't want to keep it because I would never use it and didn't want to put it in the trash. Didn't want to pour it out in the pasture where it might get in the cow's water and didn't want any animals to get into it. Burying the liquid is all I could think of doing.
Looks like OU has straightened up tonight. Their QB is doing great, 17 to 3.
David, all the food sounds great. Just eat and enjoy it for now.
OU just made another TD!
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Buffalo are BIG. I saw some at Yellowstone years ago, and they were really impressive. Some fool was disregarding the signs telling us to stay away from them and walking really close to take pictures, and I could see the buffalo getting annoyed. Nothing happened, though. I thought I was about to see someone killed, but the buffalo wasn't that annoyed.
Never saw the Ken Burns show on buffalo and missed the one just on about Leonardo Da Vinci. I guess I'm just a deadhead.
I know from my reading that it was public policy to eliminate the buffalo so we could turn the plains into farms and ranches. Just imagine a couple of thousand buffalo passing through a cornfield and you can see why they did it. It is a shame, though.
My FIL was digging out a silted pond once and encountered a buffalo wallow at the bottom. His diesel Caterpillar stopped dead when it hit it. Apparently, red clay and buffalo hair make a pretty good brick mixture.
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Seven fought like a banshee when I tried to give her the gabapentin by dropper. She seems to be doing better without it.
I rested all day, didn't get dressed at all. The promised rain did not happen.
Commonly Used Abbreviations
DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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