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Just need to talk to my friends(201)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,819
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Sorry this took so long, tablets are acting up. Will post more later



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,819
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    I went to the mailbox and when I got home all the cattle in the east pasture were bunched up and bawling. The other girls were headed that way so figured something was wrong; maybe a downed cow or a calf was hurt. Got my boots, coat and hat on and went to check. By the time I got there they were wandering away. Didn't see anything wrong but it was close to the pond so maybe they were after a snake. It is cold out there with a cold, south wind.

    Hope all of you have a restful night.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 553
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    Lorita, Osage orange and bois d'arc are one and the same. The Osage Indians made bows of the wood, which is orange, and it became called Osage orange. The French called in bois d'arc, which in English means wood of the bow. The wood is very dense and rot resistant and makes excellent fence posts. Real good firewood too, more BTUs than oak. Of course it makes a real good wooden bow.

    The fruit is also called hedge apple, since the trees tend to grow in hedges. My artistic aunt sliced them with an electric knife, dried them in a low even, and painted them like flowers. She sold them and some other crafts at craft shows, wearing a bonnet and long dress.

    The trees are real common in SW Missouri. Hence the town of Bois D'Arc, MO.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,819
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    edited November 2024

    Thanks, Carl, I thought they were the same. There are some around here. Darwin had one that died and he cut it up for firewood. He said it was really hard wood. We don't have any here on our farm though, lots of Hackberry s which I love. Is the wood orange? I know the fruit is sort of lime green and large and rough.. Darwin talked about now pretty the wood was when he cut it.

    Really an interesting story. I didn't know of that town in Missouri. I have never cut any of them open and didn't know they were also called hedge apples. How inventive your aunt was to think of a way to use them and also make some money. Thanks for telling us about the Osage oranges.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 1,002
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,967
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    Good morning

    Carl very interesting about osage orange. They are quite a few trees here in the part of Ohio i live in.

    Was a very strong cold wind here yesterday too. Snow is in forecast starting tonight. Going to be below average temperatures for a few days too it looks like. Going to get out and get my grocery shopping done for week before it gets real frigid. JeriLynne don't work too hard.

    My sister and I are trying to keep it simple. We have both had a very busy month. Hoping things will settle down soon. I will just make sweet potatoes and i bought pumpkin bars from the Amish. We are each just making a few things . My nephews wife also and sometimes my nephew will bring something. Its nice to see that.

    My sister is going to take a small plate of food and eat with mom at supper time. I know mom wants more but the personality disorder makes that pretty much impossible plus don't feel comfortable with taking her out. My mom does a little better with one person than 2 or more.

    Carl hope you had a better night.

    Ron hope you are doing ok. It is ok to skip holidays, they are not required. I have had years where i was glad when they were over and would have liked to skip them.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,882
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    @David1946 Au contraire. Brussels sprouts are very popular these days. Breeders have tweaked the taste profile of commercially grown crops to be less bitter. That, along with roasting now being the preferred method of preparation, have made them the darling of the autumn dinner table. I don't know anyone under 70 who won't have them on their Thanksgiving Day menu.

    Carl— that was quite an education on bois d'arc. Around here they call them "Horse Apple Trees". Go figure.

    Lorita— I'm glad there wasn't an issue with your cows by the time you got back from the mailbox? Is it a far distance from the house to the road?

    Mint— I hope you have a nice holiday meal. What are pumpkin bars? I don't think I've ever seen them at our Amish market. They do pies, muffins, rolls and whoopie pies with pumpkin here.

    Jerilynn— Good luck with your busy day today.

    Mom's niece and her husband are visiting. This was my favorite cousin growing up but there's something about this that I find faintly off-putting. My cousin's parents died years ago, and then her favorite auntie died in 2016 and of late, it's as if she's rediscovered mom to fill that void after decades of radio silence. Her DH is irksome as well. He's always talking about money and he'd kind of condescending. I was there the day they arrived, and he said something snarky about me always rushing off.

    I think part of my reaction is to the person mom becomes in their company. It's kind of like showtiming which feels dismissive of the sheer amount of time and effort I spend on mom supporting her facade of independence.

    I hope all get through the holiday with the least amount of hurt feelings.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 963
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    edited November 2024

    Hello everyone, just waiting for my wife to take me home for Thanksgiving. I can't wait to go home and see everyone. I will be home until Saturday .When I return to the VA I will start to learn my routine pt, op. Gym etc. I will never be bored with all the activities here bingo, poker all kinds of trips. Once I get my key card I will b e able to come and go as I please so long as I tell them where I am going.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 942
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    Osage orange - we called them hedge apples. I heard they were originally planted to make hedges to define pasture borders. The "apples" have been sold in grocery stores supposedly to place in your basement to ward off spiders. They are pretty as part of an autumn decoration.

    David, it sounds like you are getting along great and are in a very nice place. I'm happy for you.

    Cooking 2 small turkey breasts today. I slow cook them today and cut up the meat. Tomorrow the meat will go in the crock pot with chicken broth. It makes for a very moist turkey. Plus it makes food prep easier for actual Thanksgiving day. Also making 2 pumpkin pies.

    HB, pumpkin bars are cake-like and have cream cheese icing. If you want a recipe, I have one and they are wonderful!

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 703
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    Good morning everyone, Goodness it seems like everyone has something going on. I think its this time of year and with Thanksgiving being a week later, its like people are just acting wild. We were out yesterday for a quick errand and DH looked at me and said "man, its peopley out, lets get home." I totally agreed with him.

    There is nothing wrong with being home Ron. If that's what you want. Or go be somewhere with friends for an hour and leave - its all up to you.

    I didn't know that about hedge apples. Good to know.

    Time to get ready for our daily Zoom. I do have to put on a brave face and make a run to the liquor store today. Thanksgiving evening our circle of friends gather at someone's house (we take turns each year) and bring our leftover desserts and have Bailey's Irish Cream!! Just a quiet relaxing time, and if someone is in their jammies, good for them! We're a relaxed group.

    Be safe everyone.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 963
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  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,087
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    edited November 2024

    In OKC we call them horse apples. I love the color and often have a bowl of them on my island. They are sticky! Thanks for the info Carl.

    HB I have someone who I would like to avoid too. She is the most self-centered person you could imagine. She calls wanting to come over every day. When she is here she talks non=stop about everything "her". When she runs out of stuff she leaves. I have given up on a conversation and just listen now…lol.

    Today I will make stuffing and clear off the dining room table and island.

    Eaglemom…what a great tradition.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,819
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    Morning, Beth, they were sold in grocery stores? Had never heard they repel spiders. We were somewhere around the lake years ago and I picked up a few but they didn't last long but maybe they had been on the ground a long time. Seems to me we used to call something else "horse apples" if you get my drift but maybe that's just in my head.

    It's been noisy here the last hour or so. Cows were ready for feed and guess they heard the truck and began to bawl. Bradley just fed so it's quiet now. I think they're still trying to get it figured out who to feed first, etc. When he goes up across from the MH to get hay it pulls the heifers up there but he brings it down behind the barn to feed my girls which brings the heifers down here. Then he repeats. After he feeds ours he feeds the heifers which takes them back up to the MH. He'll figure it out I guess. One of the bulls is still down here bellowing . Wish you all could see the tiny calves running to keep up with the rest, so cute. Everyone seems okay this morning so if it was a snake yesterday guess no one was bitten.

    HB, the mailbox is more than a quarter mile from the house. The house and barn are in the center of the farm so it's about the same distance to all the perimeter fences on two sides with roads on two sides.

    I bought a box of Stovetop dressing so may have that and mashed potatoes (probably instant) tomorrow. Judith, I have never made dressing from scratch but watched mother make it. Always cornbread dressing but I think she also added a biscuit or two. It was so good. That is what she always took to her workplace dinners.

    QV?C is selling Sketchers and they are so cute. I can't wear a shoe that touches my Achilles tendon on the right after my injury from my boot years ago so have to wear a higher boot or a mule. Also need a little bit of a heel.

    Still have a left sided headache this morning but vision is okay. I think I got Ben Gay in my eye. Goodness, it is almost noon and I still have on my gown and robe. Guess that's okay though. Better go and feed the GPs. Back later.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 963
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    Just got home from the "home",it feels nice to be home even if only for 5 days

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,967
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    Judith laugh out loud maybe you know my mom😊

    Enjoy your vacation David.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,099
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    I know I have been a poor correspondent, but I do read daily about what you each share. This has been a taxing few months.

    Much planning and worry and work getting things ready for my mother's 100th birthday bash which was held last Sat. at her church. About 100 people came. Mother was pleased with the event and that is all that matters.

    This week we will be celebrating her actual birthday and Thanksgiving on Friday. Most of the close family will attend.

    Now to think about Christmas! Will sure be glad to see the New Year in!

    In the midst of all this I had COVID…mild case…but it sure was draining. Then a month later got an upper resp. issue. Either serious but made me low on energy when I had so much to do.

    I know each of you has had your own trials recently. Please know that I think of each of you and pray for easier times and better health for all.

    Hugs to all

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,819
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    Hi Marie, nice to hear from you. Happy 100th Birthday to your mother. I bet she did enjoy the big party. So sorry you've been sick and wish you a speedy recovery and lots of rest. It will be nice when we get to 2025, maybe everyone can relax. Keep reading and post when you can. Happy Thanksgiving.

    David, enjoy your five days at home. This time you won't be nervous about going back to the veterans center.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,967
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    Good morning

    we have a skiff of snow this morning

    Take care Marie

    Hope each one of you have a peaceful Thanksgiving how ever you spend your day

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 963
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    HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL, it feels good to be home for Thanksgiving with the family.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 942
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    Happy Thanksgiving! Whether you spend time with others or not, whether you have a big meal or not, think about the meaning behind Thanksgiving. I have much to be grateful for.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,819
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    edited November 2024

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Hope you have a peaceful day whether you're with family or you spend the day with your fur babies as I will be doing.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 703
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    Happy Thanksgiving to my porch family. I hope each of you has a wonderful day and stress free. It is just the two of us, and we both are just fine with that. Low key is my theme.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 553
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    Sign on the Hickory Ridge Baptist Church: "Count your blessings, not your calories"

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

    DS spent the night and will eat turkey with us today, then go home. We had a good night and are having a nice day. Cooking and talking and watching the Macy's parade.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,563
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    Happy Thanksgiving Day to all!

    I will watch the Kennel Club Dog Show after the Thanksgiving Day Parade.


  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 553
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    Where I come from, horse apples are brown and found behind horses. My mother's neighbor spread them on his lawn to fertilize it, without breaking them up. His wife didn't like it much, but she wasn't upset enough to go out and chop them up.

    I've heard hedge apples repel roaches, but it doesn't work. Never heard of repelling spiders. 🕸️

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,087
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,819
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    edited November 2024

    You got my drift, Carl! That is exactly what I meant about horse apples. Funny story.

    Thanks, Iris, for mentioning the dog show. Will watch some of it. Always look for the Great Pyrenees.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 963
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    Hopes everyone had a good Thanksgiving

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,563
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    Lorita, I saw the Great Pyranees and thought of you. So many dogs, 205 different breeds!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,967
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    Good morning

    28F this morning and high for the day.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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