Just need to talk to my friends(201)
Marie, glad you were able to be with your mother and family for Thanksgiving and got her tree up for her. Does she live close to you?
Still hear some of the moms calling their babies. Stormy and Sheena have already gone to bed and I won't be far behind. Seems like it has been a long day. See you all tomorrow.
Iris, a Couple of the hosts on QVC have had some kind of respiratory infections and can't seem to get rid of their coughs, too. Hope yours goes away soon. Allergens must be floating around here this week. Both of my hands have been really itchy. Good night.
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it's almost midnight and girls from both herds are still bawling. They sound almost frantic because they haven't seen or fed their babies for hours. I know their babies are calling their moms, too.
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We bought some Kewpie doll tree ornaments a few years ago at Bonniebrook, home of the creator of Kewpies, Rose O'Neill. I think I'll put some of them on the tree this year. You may have seen the PBS special on her life a few weeks ago. She made a fortune as an artist and gave most of it away.
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Good morning 18F here
Definitely going for nonstick JeriLynne.
Eagle I do lots of things in pieces and parts anymore.
Please take care of your eye Lorita.
Have seen those sans castle baking pans. Never thought about getting one. Think a bundt pan is about my limit lol.Iris looks like Dr Griffin is right that whooping cough hangs around for a while.
Lorita you have sure had a lot to deal with.
Hope to go see mom this afternoon. J’s son called yesterday and said his mom is in hospital with her heart and pneumonia.
Hopefully my house is sold. Closing set for 12/16.Take care everyone
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Good morning. It's nippy here this morning. We went from consistent temps 10-20F above average to -10F below. It's been like moving from late September into January overnight. I have a range of fall jackets I never got to wear. And I need to find my gloves.
Beth— Thanks for posting your pictures. That looks like an amazing trip. I especially like the beach snaps as I love a sunny day on a pretty beach. I love your tree— it's very photogenic. I also like the chandelier reflected in the window. I wanted something like that over my dining room table but the ones I liked were just too big for the space so I went with a single white drum light.
Lorita— I'm sorry for your cows. It sounds like it's hard for you to listen to their distressed calls. I know my cats would look for their babies for a couple days when they went home to new families. I felt badly for them.
I hope you get your eye checked out soon. Sometimes vision changes can be urgent, so you don't want to delay too long.
David— Your tree is very charming. And I agree the sheer Priscilla curtains are very pretty. You don't see them as often these days.
Mint— Congratulations on the sale of the house. What is it about muffin tins? Are they breeding behind cabinet doors or something? When I cleaned out my baking pans, I had enough to make 56 muffins. I kept enough to make 24 in case I ever need to make muffins, sticky buns or cupcakes. My bake sale days seem over. When I culled the contents of mom's kitchen, I got rid of a similar number of pans. The irony is, when she moved out of the house I bought from her, she insisted on leaving her muffin tins for me as I had a kindergartner and would presumably need them in the future and yet she had stacks of them in several sizes.
Eaglemom— I hear you on zhuzhing the garland. I skip it on my bigger tree. Barbie gets shiny pink beads and the crystal tree gets sheer sparkly ribbon instead. When I had real trees, I like tinsel. This made DH nuts. The only thing he hates worse is Easter grass. You'd think he was the one running the vacuum.
Judith— The castle pan sounds adorable.
Iris— I'm sorry you're still coughing. Me too. That URI I had in October's cough is lingering. I didn't have COVID or Flu and when mom seemingly caught it from me, she was negative for whooping cough and RSV as well.
Jerilynn— It sounds like you cleaned up at Talbots. Between sales, signing up for credit cards, texts, rewards and the odd "note" that appears in your loyalty account, it takes college level mathematics to figure out what you'll be charged. My mom hates to math, as it were, so she likes me to go and crunch the numbers for her. She especially likes the Red Hanger Sales when she can walk out with two massive shopping bags for around $120. Last Red Hanger, she ended up with a third bag just for shoes which she forgot meaning I had to circle back for them. I love the customer service there— I have had them look up previous purchases to match colors for mom and get the right sizes for friends. I don't do as well at Chicos— their stuff tends to be too colorful or embellished for me. But every now and again I pick up a great staple there. A few years back I got a silk and cashmere blend hoodie that I love.
Carl— How cool to have Kewpie's from the source. What are they made from?
Loveskitties— I need to get mom's tree up. DS will be driving past her house on the way to class tomorrow and I may need to bribe him to get it done. She has an 8-footer. It's in 3 pieces, but the bottom one is heavy and unwieldy. I tried to get her to ask my cousin's husband who was visiting last week. His leg was bothering him, so she didn't.
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Mint, it sounds like your home sold in a matter of days! That's great! Hope all goes well with the closing. Sorry to hear J is ill. You have been so good to her. Glad your mom is adjusting. I hope her fractures are healing and she is able to be ambulatory again.
Lorita, sorry about the mama cows. It's hard for them. Will Mike bring a bull again soon? I hope you get the water issue figured out. Expensive!
Carl, I read about the history of Kewpie dolls. Apparently they started as a comic strip, then paper dolls, then bisque head dolls. They were said to be popular carnival prizes. So interesting! Would love to see a pic of your tree with the dolls!
Marie, good to hear from you again. Write whenever you can.
HB, please show us your Barbie tree. It sounds so pretty.
We got the mantel decorated and also a couple of pots on the front porch yesterday. The decorating is pretty much done other than adding a couple of poinsettias.
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harshedbuzz, Here is a photo of my tree in my unit before and after the lights in Boston came on
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Good morning,
I slept in until 6 this morning after getting up at 1:30 am yesterday! I feel like new woman.
Well, we seem to have misplaced the cord that connects all the lights on the pre-lit tree. So I guess we'll string lights this afternoon after church 🙄DH will grumpily help as it requires a ladder to do this.
Movie was great. Dinner out afterwards. Had a good time. My tummy is not happy with the popcorn I consumed but I'll survive. There's just something about buttered popcorn - I cannot resist and then pay for it the next day.
Sunny and 40's here today. Yesterday DH worked on the lane he is making to connect 4 pastures to make it easier to sort and move the goats. He will be taking the last of the sheep to the sale barn this week. I'll be sad to see them go but it's best for all. I still have a sickly chicken in a cage on the patio. I don't really know what is wrong with her, but she seems to have injured her leg. She just flops over when she walks. I'll have to get DH to hold her so I can get a good look at her feet. Also has a little diarrhea. I dont really know what to do and we don't have a Vet that tends to chickens. Maybe Mr. Jones at the hardware store will know somebody. I'll ask him tomorrow.
Mr. Jones is quite the character. He's a big grump. Except with me. The store has been there since the 70s I guess and is fascinating to wander thru. So I usually find something to ask him "what is this for, what does it do, how do you use it?"…. or ask him about a "project" I've dreamed up that DH rolls his eyes at. Mr. Jones get a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his face while he sneaks a look at DH while responding to my questions. He's actually very helpful. And funny. And tender in his own way. I enjoy visiting.
Well, I gotta go get this day started. Hope you all have a good one.
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Morning, cold and foggy here earlier but the fog has burned off and sun is out. I heard the girls bawling before I got up but had been quiet until a few minutes ago. They were up in the pasture and must have heard one of my little calves bawl and all of the heifers came down bawling and looking in the corral for their babies. Hate this.
Last night I was bringing my check register up to date and found an entry for the same amount as the water bill I just received. Same amount to the penny. Will need to call Mark to check on this tomorrow.
Gary comes tomorrow to fix the sink and Sears cones Tuesday for the refrigerator, 8-5 so can't leave those two days. This eye thing may be allergies- they were talking last night about how bad they are right now.
Mint, sorry J isn't doing well. You have been so good to her. Happy your house has sold so fast. Great news for you. One less thing to worry about.
JeriLynn, you need to be near Mike to care for your chicken. A while back he had been on a farm call way south of here to take care of some chickens. He treats anything except skunks- won't touch them.
David, your tree is so pretty and that skyline is something else. I just can't imagine being near that many buildings. Sandy, hope your Thanksgiving went well this year. How's the weather - did you have any snow? I heard that in some areas in the NE they might have six feet of snow! In some places Buffalo?- they were asking fans to help clear the snow on the field for the game today. I think I would pass on that.
Back later
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David what a view!
Love Mr Jones…
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Just got a text telling me a slot for refrigerator repair had opened up for tomorrow! I took it-Want to bet they both show up at the same time? If not, it will be between 8 and 5.
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The view is something else. This is what I've known most of my life. Being in the Navy I've lived all th place ( Chicago, Washington DC,Florida) always came back to the Boston area.
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It is a Fantastic view thank you
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I take Robitussin DM if I have to be around people, because it will hold the coughing for about four hours. I no longer use it before bedtime.
It's the first of December--countdown to the end of the year!
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.....and longer days which begin December 21.
I just got all the water from under the crispers in the refrigerator and got the trash ready to take down.
Bryon just called to check on me. Nice to hear from him. Darwin calls twice daily. Both very good friends.
Girls are still hanging around the corral waiting for their babies. Makes me sad. I know how youb feel about your sheep, JeriLynn.
Beth, there's a bull in our pasture they moved from the heifers. Billy is in there and right now he's standing across the fence from the worried moms. Got to go, forgot I left water running for the girls.
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David…I am from Chicago? Did you enjoy that time? I really miss it!
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I was really at Great Lakes for boot camp in 1965
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Here's my December Calendar looks like I will never be bored
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Thank you Beth. She is walking all on her own with a walker. She really likes her walker says it makes her feel safe. I asked her to use one at home but she wouldn't. We had a nice visit today.
David enjoyed seeing Boston skyline. They do keep you busy.
JeriLynn if there are any Amish in your area that you are acquainted with, they might be able to be a resource for your chickens.
Lorita glad a slot opened up for you.
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Mike just can't to get the Gator to check cows st other places. He was looking Gor allergy medicine in his truck and dropped a syringe. I picked it up and raised up and hit the top of my head on his big side mirrror. Guess I will have a bump on my head and headache. He will give the GPs their allergy shots when he gets back. Just back about dark. Will stop by the clinic to get the
Prednisone in a day or two. When he got back Stormy got twisted up with me and I fell,hard, on my left hip, one that bothers me anyway. So I will be sore tomorrow from head to toe. Already am. Also fell on my little finger, left hand. Guess nothing is broken or I couldn't walk.
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Feel better soon, Lorita!
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Good morning
Lorita hope you are doing ok this morning
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Goodmorning all hope you had a nice weekend.
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Morning, I slept pretty good. Took a pain pill during the night and rubbed with analgesic creme.. Really sore but no swelling or bruising so guess nothing was fractured. I can walk all right but slowly.Probably wouldn't be able to walk if there was a fracture or break. Guess I dodged a bullet. This is the second time Stormy got his leash wrapped around my legs and caused a fall. When Carol and I talk the last thing we say is "don't fall" but you're down before you know it. My left hand looks awful though but not too sore.
David, when you look out your window you see big buildings. When I look out mine I see pastures, ponds and cattle. Each to his own, I guess.
It's froggy here this morning. That's foggy and frosty. First frost I have seen. But, it's sunny.
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Lorita, so sorry to hear about your mishap…yes we of a certain age must be extra careful…it is so easy to fall for even the slightest reason. Hope all your aches and pains go away soonest.
David you sure do have a good view from your room. The lights at night particularly.
As the weather goes towards winter, everyone be careful on the hard surfaces…can't always see the ice. I often will walk in the snow rather than the sidewalk because of that. At least I can see the snow…lol.
Take care all and have a wonderful day.
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Busy morning but believe, hope I am right, that all is done for closing day.
Good reminder Marie. My sister slipped today at the bank. Thankfully she didn’t fall. We had a light skiff of snow overnight.
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hope you were wearing your Medical Alert…..the falling is easy…..the getting up much harder especially if you are hurt!
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Oh my goodness Lorita. I'm so glad that nothing was broken. I bet you are sore head to toe. I used to tell my mom I wanted to invent something like bubble wrap and put around her so if she fell she'd not hurt herself. She looked at me and say it would be better if the bubble wrap was springy so she'd bounce off the floor back to standing. Then we'd both laugh. Maybe I should invent it! Do take it easy.
The den tree is completed. I'm going with less ornaments and frankly we both really like it. The dining room is completed also. I want to do something on the fireplace mantle, but each year its a challenge. It's brick and not very wide. It's just a difficult size to work with. Then I'm ashamed of myself because I have a house to decorate. All of the hurricane damaged homes, fire damaged homes, flooded homes, I'm certain those people would love to have their mantel to decorate. This morning I saw a video of the Tampa area - it hasn't changed much since the hurricane came through. Lots of destruction, so shame on me for complaining about my silly mantle.
DH has a hair cut this afternoon. I make the appointment on line, then I park several shops from the store. He gets out and walks in just like all the "guys." Its his last freedom of doing something on his own, so I'm letting him do it until he can't. I've pre-paid so that's easy peasy for him. He walks out and I always get out of the car to meet him. He always has a huge smile - it makes my day.
Be safe everyone. Back later.
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Good afternoon. We got about an inch of snow overnight and temp is in the 20s. Brrrr
Everyone take care in this cold. Mint, glad things are all in order for the closing. I know it's a lot of work and I imagine you will be very pleased once the deal is done.
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Eagle, the bubble wrap idea sounds good to me. Charles and I were always doing things mother felt was dangerous. She would say she needed to put us on a powder puff with a mosquito net over us to protect us. I'm thinking I may make an appt. For tomorrow to get my hip X-Ray rayed. Can't today because the repairman is coming at 3. My head is sore but no headache so guess no concussion.
I wasn't wearing it judith, but Mike was nearby. I need to put that thing on when I get up in the mornings.
Appt. made for 1:30 tomorrow.
Commonly Used Abbreviations
DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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