New to Alz
J & L are new to Alz. We have one support group in 52241 and we are the only active members. Our diagnosis is "Early-Stage" and we are in the upper 80s but otherwise in good health. We have freely shared our diagnosis. We are reading all we can about proper nutrition for dementia. We are active in National Senior Games…
Bed bound & aggressive -looking for advice
I'm new here and looking for advice. A little background -I help care for my 84 year old father. He has late stage Alzheimer's, bed bound and completely dependent for care. Communication is difficult as his eyesight and hearing are poor and his ability to speak coherently is mostly gone. We are having a terrible time with…
feeling sadness and panic and heartbreak seeing my mom like this
She was failing at home, seeing things, getting a bit dangerous, not able to care for herself etc so we were lucky to get her in a home. She has not liked it, tried to escape, fought a little bit to get out, but then got weaker so not as mobile. She has been going downhill so fast. She is weak and crying and moaning. They…
Advice for Going Back to Work
I took FMLA for a year to assist with the new diagnosis of Alzheimers for my mom. It was intermittent FMLA so while I still worked, I was able to take off for appointments, my own mental health, and days that seemed like my mom just needed someone to be with her. I was averaging about 20 hours a week rather than my full 40…
Not sure what to do.
Im taking care of my grandma who has been diagnosed with dementia, i started taking care of her since i turned 18, this really wasn’t a choice for me but im here and im trying my best everyday however there are things that are popping up making it difficult for me to care for her and i need help, she argues all the time i…
Feeling Fragile
I feel so sad. My DH of 54 years has VD stage 5 or 6 our partnership over the years has been so strong, we've worked together in our own business, sailed together, flown together, had our children together, and always relied on and supported each other, and now it's just me calling all the shots. I love him dearly and I am…
Memory card financing
hi community, just wanted to get advice on how to finance your DH staying at a memory care facility. Does insurance cover that?
Feel Lost, Need Advice with Mom's Dementia/Alzheimers, Living and Depression
Mom was diagnosed 3 years ago with dementia. We believe she is about 5 - 6 years into it though. She also has severe depression, diagnosed 30 years ago. She is in an AL, but absolutely hates the place. This is her 4th home in 3 years, and the smallest so far (IL, AL, MC, AL). She is again in a severe depression, they seem…
Not taking it well...
Hi, I am totally new to this...writing and my husband behavior. I also have a hard time with sharing about our life but my daughter told me...mom find some group for your self I can't help you. My husband developed sings of dementia last year in february which we didn't noticed right away. It has been getting slowly…
Is there any other way to relieve agitation besides medication?
My dear grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's last year, and just in the previous few months, she has gotten worse. She has been yelling, berating, and crying lately, more like a manic patient. Sometimes she yells at my grandpa, mom, and aunts over a small thing. We are all heartbroken. And she refuses to take her…
Eating and eating and eating
I know this topic can’t only be something that I’m dealing with. Some background here my fiancé and myself moved in with his grandfather a year ago whose health had deteriorated tremendously in the previous year. I thought we would be temporary until he got back on track. Well I decided to remove my blinders about 2 months…
Moving parents from home to IL/AL
Both parents have ALZ diagnosis and currently live independently with support from a 2x/week care giver and daily support from sibling living nearby. Their needs are increasing and we want to move them to an IL w/cont home health aide support. The place has AL (currently no openings) but no MC. The mom is very resistant to…
My grandfather sudden change
Hello, my grandfather,87, has been slowly losing his memory and in more recent months it’s progressed to not remembering what’s happened that day or who visited. I go over to my grandparents house for a couple of hours once a week to stay connected to them. But today as I was visiting, I noticed a change in his behavior.…
Not sure what to do
My mother has dementia, pretty advanced in my opinion, though maybe not for others. Her primary care giver is my father who has recently been diagnosed with Diabetes. My mother will not leave the apartment, she is argumentative with my father specifically and she is becoming more incontinent, having accidents. My sister…
Familial AD
Hi everyone. I am new to this group and am in shock. I recently learned that my father and grandfather both died of EOA. I was adopted so I did not know this history until recently. They both started symptoms in mid 60s and died at 69 and 70. I am devastated, terrified, depressed, lost. I have been reading everything I can…
Primary Care partner having trouble getting sibling help
New to all of this, and just looking for some support. Mom (75f) been on cognitive decline for several years and recently diagnosed with dementia. I (43F) have recently moved back home to help care for both her and Dad (80M). It can be A LOT. I'm having a hard time controlling my frustration with a siblings who just can't…
Hi I'm new to this group and looking for some advice. My mom is diagnosed AD last month. Her MMSE score is 14. Would Leqembi be effective for her? Does anyone have recommendation for resources we can talk to (researchers, medical experts, etc.)? Thanks in advance.
Need Advice - Elder Abuse
Hi all, I need some help. My parent was diagnosed with alz last year, it is moderate to severe based on my perception. I don't know that the doctor ever told us what stage they were. They have a partner who is significantly younger (almost 30 years difference) than them who they've been with for maybe 2 years or more (both…
My journey so far
Here’s my story. About 2 years ago I began to notice changes in my husband’s memory and behavior. We were big outdoor enthusiasts, travelers and longtime birders and my husband loved photography. He began to complain about his binoculars and camera, they were not working he said and replaced them. I discovered he wasn’t…
New here, looking for support
My mom has been on a steady cognitive decline over the past 2 years after a big fall and some medications she was placed on. We have not been given the diagnosis of Dementia due to the fact that she will not get tested and gets extremely angry when it is suggested. (She has always had anger issues and does not let anyone…
Conflicting Neuroquant MRI and Petscan
I am have started Kisunla infusions, and after my first treatment I had a “ neuroquant MRI” in order to detect if there has been any brain hemorrhages due to the medication. The results fortunately came back negative and the report also mentioned that I do not have brain atrophy. Other MRIs have said I have more brain…
New, Scared and Confused...
I'm obviously a newbie to this site, as well as the amazing and mysterious world of Alzheimer’s. I began seeing a neurologist last summer because of an inability to think as clearly as I once did. Memory didn't seem like much of a problem since as far as I can remember, I always had a bad memory. Other issues that I…
My LO has FTD and struggles with accepting support
We have important financial and other things that need to be resolved and my LO can’t seem to get anything done herself and refuses to let me take on the tasks. How can I convince her to accept the situation and let me take control? Just reminding her and getting her to write things down hasn’t worked. Now she is getting…
UTI Test for Incontinent?
Hello. Is there any way a nursing home can test a patient who has Alzheimer's and is incontinent? My mom is 87, and recently, her agitation and combativeness have continued to escalate. She is hitting, biting, scratching, screaming, and, as they said, "speaking in tongues." She sleeps mainly all day and does not eat as…
New to the group, any advice helps!
My mom got diagnosed in September of this year with Alzheimer's. Right now, it is mild where she needs things explained to her a few times or gets confused about dates. She still has her memory and wits about her and luckily her and my father retired earlier this year so he's taking care of her. She can still function on…
Why so hard to get diagnosed?!?
:/ I am so infuriated as to why it is so hard to get doctors to take me seriously!! Why does being highly educated, very intelligent and a health professional make doctors think I am "just stressed out." I would not be ruining my career if I did not know that something is happening to my brain!!
DW recently put in MC facility
My DW is 82 , and has middle stage Alzheimer's. After being a 24/7 caregiver for 2 years, I had to place her because I just couldn't do it anymore. She has been there for 3 months now. I visit her often, and she knows who I am and that we are married. However, she seems to be attracted to several men in the facility, and…
Daughter to Mother with Dementia, just moved from the Lebanon to Los Angeles
My mother, almost 79, was diagnosed in November 2020. We've had to move out of our home of 20+ years in order to make a new life here. The move has been really hard on both of us, especially her. My dad had to stay behind until he can get his visa to move in with us. Her body is suddenly failing to do simple things, she…
Nonstop for my dad. Need suggestions.
My mother has had dementia for 2 years. My father is taking care of her in our own home. Recently, she has been nonstop needing something after helping her just 5 minutes ago. If no one answers right away, she'll throw her cup on the floor, then she will knock her tray down. She also intentionally tries to roll of the…