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Just need to talk to my friends (141)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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 Time for #141 - time goes fast.

 Sara, remind me why you've been in quarantine, please.  I know you don't get out too much either but you'll be glad when you can go if you want to.

 Ron, so you're enjoying Blue Bell.  Have you had any problems with it?  We used to eat that kind of ice cream all the time until the problems they had - then switched to Blue Bunny primarily.  A few months ago I bought a pint of Blue Bell (didn't realize it was that brand until I got home).  Guess I was fixated on the flavor - some kind of decadent chocolate.  Took one bit, realized it was Blue Bell and haven't eaten more.  I haven't seen any reports of problems they're having but just wondered.

 Did you all see on the news this morning where the police arrested a teenager in Plano, TX who was walking in the street on his way home from work at WM?   There was snow everywhere so guess it was easier walking.  The police stopped him and even though he told  them he was just trying to get home they arrested him and kept him in  jail overnight.  He was cold, only had on a t-shirt.  Guess the Police didn't have much to do that night.  The police chief said it should not have happened - that they should have just taken him home.

 Another story - Chief Hoskins, Chief of the Cherokee Nation wants Jeep to rename their most popular vehicle called Cherokee to something else.   Jeep says it's honoring the Cherokee and Hoskins says it's no honor to have their tribal name on the side of a car.  More straining at gnats.

 It's 40 here this morning, sunny and calm.  This time last week it was -13 (not wind chill, actual temp).  Mike came last night and set out four bales of hay so the girls are happy this morning.  They'll go off to graze later.  Tom and Jerry were here this morning and ready for breakfast.  Whatever has been, maybe still is, in the carport caught a bird - there were featheres all over the ground under the PU.  Or, maybe Tom or Jerry caught it. 

 Had to get up at 2:30 this morning and let Stormy and Sheena outside - must have heard a wolf. They still haven't come inside - guess they're going to enjoy the 70+ temperature we're going to have this morning.

 Ron, hope your PCP appointment goes well today.  Ask him for some kind of anti-anxiety medicine for you to take when you're stressed.  I've taken Librium 10 mg. for probably 50 years.  It really works for me.  Sometimes I might take two in one day and then not take another one for months.  It's just that it's there if I need it - probably should have taken one during the snowstorm. 

 I'm still sore all over.  Chopping that ice and worry has really done a job on my muscles.  In 2011 we had 24" of snow but then we didn't have the extended sub-zero or near-zero weather for two weeks.  Guess it'll just take time to get over it.

 Sara, you can imagine how happy I was when both vehicles started.  I was dreading trying to figure out how to use the n\ew battery charger.  I was isolated completely during the snowstorm except for the Gator and a person would have frozen driving in it.  But, it's over and hope we don't have any more really cold weather this winter.

 Talked with Carol yesterday.  She had her first Pfizer shot Saturday.  Said she hardly felt it and her arm never did get sore.  Her husband's arm was a bit sore the next day.  She said it went like clockwork - very organized and professional.  She'll get her second shot March 12.  I guess I've decided to get mine but will have to wait until mid April at least.  If I did have a day or so when I didn't feel up to par wouldn't work until feeding the girls is over for the year.  Hopefully, I'll be able to get it at our Health Department. It's terrible that over half a million people have died from this virus - who would have thought something like that could have happened in our day and time.  Odd they can send a vehicle to Mars, millions of miles away and get pictures back from it, but they weren't able to get this virus under control to save lives.

  Hope all of you are well this morning and that your weather is better today.  Guess I won't be going to town until probably Thursday.  They'll get a feed truck in tomorrow but I imagine the feed will be gone quickly.  Maybe if I call early tomorrow and order and pay for mine, they'll keep it until I get there.  We'll see.

 Enjoy the day.




  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    The lady at the grocery store hugged me three separate times.  She had a mask on properly.  I had mine on.  To be safe thought it was the right thing to do.  Tomorrow am will be the 14 days.  Going to go to store if nothing happens in a day or two.  Looking forward to getting my vaccines so I can put on my mask and go out and feel as safe as you can feel in life. Think at least a couple of people sitting on the porch with us are getting their second shot this week. Yeah!

    Guessing the reason it was able to make it to Mars is they were all thinking on the same page.  They had a common goal, that helps.

    Sore all over too.  Was glad no new snow this morning. 

    Ron when  read Blue Bell, at first thought what is he talking about.  Then remembered, think that is an ice cream in the south.  Think some stores carry a little bit of it here too now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Sara, I didn't realize it had been two weeks since that hugging thing happened.  This is just about the first time I haven't been in that 14 day countdown for quite a while. 

    You're so right about being on the same page with the same goal in mind.  That just did not happen with the virus but it's beginning now.

     Today I'm not going to do anything except shampoo my  hair and bathe Barclee.  Will have to sweep the LR and kitchen.  Where did all this dust come from?  Probably a lot of it from my boots - I have a boot tray in the LR by the door with two pairs on it so that and the GPs must be the reasons.  I did brush my hair this morning (put a mark on the wall as Charles would say).  I say this because I don't think I brushed it yesterday - other priorities and no one seeing me anyway.  I remember a couple of years ago Mike came early in the morning for some reason and I told him he caught me without combing my hair.  He said "that's all right if you're not going anywhere".  I think I'm turning into my grandma.  She had silver hair and when she'd comb or brush it there would be hair in the brush. She'd take it out and twist it then roll it around her finger before she threw it away.  I'm doing the same thing now and I am noticing my hair is not nearly as thick as it used to be.  So many weird things happen to us as we get older.

     Sara - in our little store they also have a brand of ice cream called "Cow Bell".  I've never tried it but one time asked the clerk or someone in line if they'd ever tried it and they had and said it was good.  I'm not much for trying new brands of some things.  My favorite ice cream and frozen yogurt is Braum's.  I doubt you all have that up north. They actually have their own dairy somewhere south of OKC I believe.  We don't have a store in our town but there's one about 25 miles away - north, south and west of us.  Still have almost a full carton of Cappicino Chunky Chocolate I bought alst June.  I just cannot remember how to spell that word, sorry.

     Last night I remembered that I have not done anything at all on my income tax preparation - didn't even send out the form to people who did labor for me.  I don't think I had any except the vet (for large animals only).  I had some mowing done but don't think the amount came up to the designated amount to report.  I guess I just had other things on my mind.  Not sure how I'll get it to Sam this year.  Last year I dropped it off and they sent it back to me.  Hate to make a 50 mile round trip to drop it off so maybe I can mail it with one of those big envelopes for a certain price - but, then, I'd have to go into our post office.  Virus just makes things so much harder, doesn't it?

     Enjoying watching Denim & Co on QVC this morning.  Haven't bought anything - I go very little so no need.  I think I have bought four new tops this winter so I'll have to go somewhere to wear them - or maybe just around the house. 

     Stormy and Sheena are still outside and Barclee and the cats are asleep.  I could probably manage a nap.  I mentioned I put the GPs out about 2:30, then Barclee woke me up around 5 and that was the end of sleep last night.  I will go to the mailbox after the mail runs around 12:30 - haven't been in over a week.

    Sara, like you being glad there's no new snow to shovel, I'm glad I don't have to cut ice or feed today.  I've seen the girls and they seem okay and I've fed Tom and Jerry so no need to go outside until I go to the mailbox and fill the water tanks again.  You know, for some reason those girls drank more water during the cold, cold weather than afterwards - or maybe, it's just me thinking that.

     Be back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I am missing something again...quarantining. I looked it up again;

    • You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more.
    • You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19.
    • You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them)
    • You shared eating or drinking utensils.
    Why are you all putting yourselves in quarantine after every time you have been near someone while wearing a mask and distancing?

    I have had both shots but will continue to mask and distance until they conclude I can not carry the virus but am only going to quarantine if the above holds true. What am I missing???

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:

       Hate to make a 50 mile round trip to drop it off so maybe I can mail it with one of those big envelopes for a certain price - but, then, I'd have to go into our post office.  

    Hello, Lorita.  Can you fax your information to the office?  That's what I do. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Its good news to hear that weather for everyone is getting better. I am so afraid one of these days that you Sara will get hurt shoveling all that snow and Lorita it is not safe as you know for you to be doing all that you do. 

    The sun is out at my house and the snow is melting but weatherman says more is coming this weekend. We got some rain last night hopefully more to wash the snow away.

    Lorita,   I hope you plan on resting today so your soreness goes away.  I also got up early this morning I woke up at 3am and felt like getting up so I turned my coffee on and got up I will prob go to bed early tonight.   I am glad both of you vehicles started. My car sits sometimes for 3 or 4 days before I go anyplace if it did not start I would be grounded till my son gets home.  

    Sara,  I am glad you won't be shoveling today you also need to get some rest and relax so your soreness goes away. If I am sore I love to use my heating pad. But I don't shovel snow I am not as brave as you are. 

    Lorita,  I also will go a day or so without brushing my hair. It has gotten long enough that I have it in a ponytail and it never seems to get messy. I also lose hair when I brush it so I got one of those fork type combs and it does not pull the hair out as I comb it.

    Judith,  I am not sure why I stay in 15 days after I get close to people I guess I do because other people do.  I get my 2nd vaccine tomorrow then I will count 15 days then I will feel safer. I will still continue to ware my mask but will not count the 15 days any longer.

    You all are talking about ice cream I plan on getting me some tomorrow so if I don't feel good after my shot I will eat ice cream that will make me happy. I think I have seen Blue Bell ice cream at the store so I may give it a try.

    You all stay warm and get some rest. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     The news this morning reported a 13 year old boy has gone missing around Stigler.  He went out late yesterday, on a tractor, to feed cattle and hasn't been seen since.  They found the tractor about five miles from where he should have been.  Whitehorse Police and several other agencies are looking for him.  The odd thing - a few years ago his mother went missing in the same area and was never found.  Hope he didn't fall in a frozen pond - ponds still had a lot of ice on them yesterday.

     Judith - it's not exactly a quarantine - more of a 14 day countdown to be sure the person you came in contact with didn't have the virus and transmit it to you. 

     Iris, good idea but I don't have a fax machine.  Guess a person should look into getting one of those.  It'll be a few weeks before I get the information compiled so maybe by that time I won't mind driving in so much - just go, drop it off and come home.  The drive might do me good.

     Zetta - sorry you're going to be getting more snow.  I'm getting tired of cold weather, snow, ice and now mud.  I know it's really muddy around here so I imagine the roads are just as bad.  I'll see when I go to the mailbox this afternoon.  Maybe I might wait until tomorrow morning - the vet's going to put medicine for Stormy and Sheena in the mailbox when he goes by to feed so maybe that would be better.  Maybe not being able to get feed today is good - to let the roads dry out some.  You should see the PU now - I almost got stuck in the pasture two or three weeks ago and had to get it into 4WD to get out - there's mud and grass all over the lower part of it.  The mirrors were completely covered in mud after it happened so had to get that off. 

     I haven't heard from Sarah for several days.  Tried to call a while ago - no answer.

     It's 65 degrees right now - think about that - at least 60 degrees warmer today than a week ago.  I'm for that. 

     Should get the GPs inside to eat something - guess they're enjoying the sun and warm weather.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    O NO!   That poor little boy, how far away from where you live is Stigler. Did they never check the pond for his mother. I bet your PU looks like my sons did after he went 4wheeln. I hate mud worse then snow.

    Molly also likes laying in the sun she is laying right in front of the window now with the sun shinning on her. She has a blanket on the back porch she will lay on when the sun hits the porch but right now it is too cold for her.

    I will pray for that little boy. Please keep us posted. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Zetta, it's about 30 or 40 miles from us - in the southern part of the County.  They found the little boy, alive and seemingly well - 20 miles from his tractor.  That was just a news conference so they didn't have much information.  He was missing about 18 hours - no idea how he got 20 miles away unless he was disoriented or lost. I don't remember when his mother disappeared - they said it was five years ago - don't know what time of the year it was.  I'm not familiar with that part of the State even though it isn't far away - the landscape and terrain change down in that area. Got my hair shampooed and dry and I'm doing a load of laundry now.  I don't think I'll bathe Barclee - he sounds like he has a cold or congestion.  Guess I'll begin a round of Amoxicillin. Good for Molly - I bet she's enjoying the sun as much as Sheena and Stormy who are still outside. Isn't it funny how they have their places they like to lay.  Stormy's favorite place is the divan and chaise lounge in the bedroom.  Sheena never has gotten up on the furniture.  You know when I got her she was about a year old and would not have anything to do with junk food.  Now she's a junk-food eater (probably not good for her but she enjoys it).  Also, when I'm move my hand toward her to pet her she'd flinch.  I'm afraid her owner, an older man, wasn't too good to her.  She doesn't do that anymore.   I filled the two water tanks and the girls were really drinking.  They're lounging now - probably will try to convince me it's feeding day.  When I go out the door and they hear it close they start bawling.  It's still warm but the wind is really blowing.  We still have places where there's a lot of snow - guess that's where it was drifted and is in the shade most of the time.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I am so thankful he is fine. I guess its normal for him to be on that tractor. He was probably scared to death being lost for 18 hours. I hope your having a restful day I was able to sit out in the sun for awhile. Now I am watching Gunsmoke. 

    I hope your all having  a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Judith I have not quarantined much, very cautious though.  This time I did because that lady hugged me three separate times.  Know her but only time I have contact with her is at the grocery store, she works there.  Our contact was probably not over 5 minutes.  Just felt it was the right thing to do as I had no idea if I had been exposed or not and as is my nature would rather err on side of caution.
  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    HI all.  We sure know how to chat our way through 4-5 pages in a hurry.  Glad rest wascin store for Lorita and Sara.  You’ve both been working hard this winter.  

    Jo, I had a time with sciatica about 10 years ago.  I had an mri and cause was stenosis and a bulging disc.  Of course the surgeon wanted to operate immediately.  I opted for PT first.  It too me several months of PT, but finally subsided and I’ve been pain free since.  I still do exercises every day to keep disc in place.  That is so painful.  I found ice really felt good, and sometimes heat.  I sure hope you find relief soon.  Hopefully the prednisone will help.  That pain is debilitating.  I could hardly get from bed to as chair.

    Thought of you Sara.  My sister ordered her seeds and is excited for them to come in.  She has a huge garden.

    Just saw where Tiger Woods had a horrible car accident.  Injuries to both legs and in surgery.  Sure hope he can still play golf.  Guess he had to be extricated from the car.  Poor guy.

    Friday will be 2 weeks since my last covid vaccine.  I feel so blessed to feel like I’m safer, and will soon be out and about more.

    Nice day here today.  We were in the 40’s, but expecting snow over night and tomorrow.  It’s so nice to have sunshine.

    I made a salad for dinner with a bunch of added goodies.  Guess I should dress it and eat.  Salad is always one of my favorites.

    Have a nice evening.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     We do know how to visit, don't we Joan.  Nice to have good friends to talk with.

     I did rest a lot today and plan to do the same tomorrow.  I'll order and pay for my feed and I think they'll be able to reserve it for me to pick up on Thursday.  When I called yesterday they had put a limit of 1,000 lb. of each kind you can order.  That will be enough for the girls for six feedings.  I guess people were afraid they wouldn't be able to get feed for their girls so they really came in and bought a lot of it.  One of the girls who work there said it was horrible there on Saturday - like a drive thru with limits. 

     Joan - the car wreck Tiger Woods had was the same kind my friend Karen and her husband had six years ago on Christmas Day.  Their car went down an embankment and rolled several times.  If that hadn't happened Karen would probably still be with us.  You just never know what will happen when you get behind the wheel.

     Glad your day was warmer.  Did it get so horribly cold there?  We had probably the worst two weeks of cold weather I can ever remember.  We have cold snaps of three or four days but two weeks is unheard of - plus two snow storms.  I think everyone was completely stressed out.

     Jack called this afternoon.  He went into town today - went three or four places, even got a haircut.  He said hardly anyone was wearing a mask today.  Last week he said a lot of people were wearing them.  I guess since the number of new cases has gone down (about 300 today) the last five weeks people think it's over.  I hope this doesn't create another surge (people being complacent).  He said he called our Health Dept. and right now they're only giving shots to people who have had the first one.  Walmart is giving them, too, he said.

      Nothing much on TV tonight except news of Tiger Woods.  So, I'm thinking of going to bed early.  Zetta, I've watched Gunsmoke three or four times today and I'm still seeing episodes I've never seen.  Wonder how many of them were made?

     Hope all of you have a good night's rest.  See you tomorrow.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Gr-r-r-r-r-r!!!!!   I wrote a long Post . . . . when I went to Post it, I got an "error" message and not only did it erase my Post, it knocked me completely off the Board.

    Sigh.  Bad word or two running through my thoughts; better go before I have an "excited utterance."


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Jo that has happened to me a few times lately.  

    Going to store today with my KF94.  Feel like I can really go shopping.  If others don’t have on a mask it is their risk, not mine too, now.  Wish I would have known about them a year ago.  Will probably always keep a supply of these around and will wear as needed especially  late fall winter.  Think I might go to thrift store later in week too.  Have quite a few things to donate too.

    Lorita if you order the KF94 they are disposable, but they remain highly effective  for 30 to 40 hours of use or til the elastic weakens and cannot get a good seal as long as you have not been in a dirty environment.  He does rotate them.  Once he takes one off he lets it set three or four days before he wears that one again.  Putting mine in a paper sack and marking date and  time worn. Going to use mine 35-40 hours each.  Today will wear a different one, not one I wore yesterday.

    Joan will soon be seed starting time.  

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning. Checking in with a report on how I felt with the second Moderna vaccine. I had the vaccine on Monday. I felt pretty much normal other than a headache on Monday. I also had some chills. Tuesday I had a headache off and on. Headache was mild. I feel fine today. I did not do any self-medication with Tylenol or anything else.

    Our county anticipated receiving more of the Moderna vaccine than actually came through. They didn't save back vaccine for dose #2. Consequently, the county is short 14,000 doses for 2nd dose administration. They say that they should get up to speed on # of vaccines by April, and that waiting 42 days instead of 28 shouldn't be a problem. In fact, you may find this interesting: some physicians and clinicians, in view of the shortage in vaccine supply, are recommending getting first doses administered and hold off awhile (? up to 3 months) for the 2nd, so that more people can get partial immunity. According to Dr. John Campbell (this is based on data, not guessing): after the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, after dose 1 there is around 91-92% effectiveness - after the second, closer to 95%. So not that big a difference. However, how long it lasts after one is not known - but of course, we don't know how long it lasts after both vaccines because it hasn't been around long enough to know.

    Hey - to prevent losing a post. After you write it, before you hit post, do this: Highlight your text and "copy." Then, if you lose it, all you have to do is bring up another place to post, and hit "paste." Voilá!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I'll be glad when things get back to normal around here. I went to the local grocery yesterday morning and was able to get what I wanted. Neighbor told me this morning she went to Walmart last night and shelves were empty, stopped at the local store I went to and they were out of most items, finally found milk at the dollar store. Hard to believe so many had to restock so much after the snow and ice and  believe it's more of a hording issue again. I dont know why stores aren't limiting supplies again.

    Had more bloodwork yesterday, even though oncologist just ordered some two weeks ago. Dr. also told me the consult for community care dermatologist had been approved and now just waiting on phone call for appointment. She did tell me what I thought was a rash looked like petechiae and showed me a picture that looked identical to what I have. Of course, it can be caused for several reasons, so still dont know anymore. 

    Dont remember if I mentioned it but I finally broke down and baked some tea cake cookies the other day, hopefully I'll get back into my baking again and fatten up a little. I've lost 16 pounds since my cancer treatment started and having teeth pulled.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Ms. Beth; thank you for the good advice, I shall do that from now on; it will save aggravation.

    Joan, I appreciate your input on sciatica. I had no idea how excruciating a level of pain that is.  Almost not able to get to walk; slow dragging feet inch by inch (liierally) and had to lay across a walker;; could not get onto the bed without big time assistance and a step to get on even though bed is not high; just regular height,  and done with a bit of yelping - it was horrible.   Still pretty much uncomfortable.  Would not want this again.  Glad to hear your episode has not repeated itself.  What type of exercises do you do to keep spine in good stead?  Still have pain but able to move. Was not able to shower for several days due to inability secondary to level of pain.  However, was able to shower and shampoo yesterday; sure felt wonderful; but the discomfort did increase afterward, but not excruciating; just kind of bad; ah well; it is what it is; just so good to feel clean and fresh.

    Lorita, I sure can understand your not wanting to drive that distance to get your taxes done, nor do you want to be in a setting where multiple people may be milling around; so . . . . why not have FedEx pick up the packet with your tax prep papers and deliver it for you?  It is not that far.  We did that with an item and it cost us about $40.  Well worth the money and very quick.

    Ron, I am so very sorry for the upset that the missing money is causing you; it seems that was the straw that broke the camel's back.  Diagnosis of cancer, radiation treatments, swallow difficulty, all teeth being pulled, caregiving 24/7; and more - no wonder your stress is off the grid and you are feeling you are at a breaking point.  Ron,  I think that getting ahold of your primary care MD and getting a bit of medication assistance to get you over the hump of all you have happen lately would be a positive thing to do to bring some much needed relief.

    I have thought about the missing money and how badly you feel that one of the visiting relatives may have stolen it.  Was the entire makeup bag missing, or was it just the cash missing from inside the makeup bag?

    When giving this some thought, I realize that in order to find the makeup bag, someone would have to go through your dresser drawers one by one to see what was in them. It is far more likely that Lou did this going through drawers rather than the visiting relatives.  It would take time and risk for a guest to possibly being caught in your room checking out your belongings in drawers.

    Lou, if looking in drawers,  may have had a tiny blip recalling the makeup bag for an instant, or was attracted to the bag and looked inside - when she saw what was there, she may well have taken it and put it someplace else; she of course will not be able to recall where it is or that she even did that. . It really makes more logical sense that it was Lou that went through drawers and found the stashed item rather than your family visitors.   We will not know with certainty, and I can only imagine how horrible it feels to think you may have been betrayed by family, which hopefully may not be the case.  Time to let that go and say that a difficult lesson has been learned about getting a lockbox or more safe locked place to place cash from this point on.  You do not have to continue to carry the ton of stress level on your shoulders; there is help to be had through your physician.  I send my warmest thoughts to you and know that we here do feel badly for what has happened.

    Laurel has had a bit of a setback; she had a severe bleed from the feeding tube that had been placed and required a blood transfusion.  She is now able to know what city she is in, but does not recall that she is in a hospital; she has asked where her children were, so those are good signs.  Her speech is still mumbly and she is rather confused.  In all probability that is from the stroke effect that happened when she had the tears in the aorta.  Really hope they have plugged in Speech Therapy; that will get the brain fired up and active.  Her poor kids, they are on tenterhooks. 

    Our single daughter had driven from Houston to Louisiana to a relative's house after she not only lost all power, all heat, all water, and curses:  no toilet!  That was the big one.  Her townhome is three levels and it was as she said, freezing cold no matter how she layered bundles of clothing and blankets.  She went home after two days. No broken pipes, but afraid to run the dishwasher or ice maker or shower and taps as told to do by the power company.  Her pipes are all in the attic above the third floor - she said if she has a small leak that cannot be seen, if she powers up the water, she fears a pipe break.  Trying to find a plumber to check the pipes,, but that is difficult as they are on overload with some horrible situations.

    Interesting that Mr. Cancun's wife is beyond upset that a couple of people she sent her Cancun invitation memo to was given to the press. She wants to know who so she can confront them.   Mr. Cancun used gutter language to say that the ******** who are making a big deal out of this need to stop and . . . . blah, blah, blah.  How tone deaf and self-serving.  Getting the family out of town I sure do understand especially since the power company people stated the entire state was at minutes risk to lose all power.  However; when a Senator, one has ways to open doors and to get various kinds of assistance throught their work and contacts. Shameful. Evidently decision to return was when the flack hit the news including cell phone videos of him on plane, etc. when he saw he was caught out is when he came back.  Talk about telling lies and blaming kids, etc.  Guess we have the measure of that person.

    Of all things, the Cancuns left their miniature poodle, "Snowflake," at home in the cold house. There was a security guard in a vehicle that went in to feed and water her, but the little dog was alone in the freezing cold house.  What the dickens.  There is a picture in one of the Houston newspapers of the little dog looking through a pane of glass.  Probably wondering if someone will soon come and warm her up.  Cannot fathom it.

    Power company people trying to insist it was the wind turbines and solar power that failed. However, their own engineers stated clearly on TV, that those items are only 7% of their power; the big problem came from frozen and burst gas and oil pipes that had not been winterized despite asking for that to be done; but there are no federal standards and the companies did not want the expense.  NOTE:  Finland,  Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Antartica, Minnesota and other winter countries/states use wind turbines and they function fine in the freezing winter because they have beenn winterized. I was not aware that Iowa's power grid gets 40% of their power from wind turbines.  So hope the citizens keep the legislators feet to the fire to make monumental changes. Cannot imagine not being on the US and Canada grid.  Not only could the states have given Texas power assistance, but Texas could also help other states if they had a problem.  They still do not want to do this; cannot understand such thinking.

    Sure need to do infrastructure work across the country for so many things, but our U.S. power safety is a HUGELY important issue.  If that gets hacked or goes out, that is really bad and cripples the nation.

    We keep a supply of Arrowhead bottled water and have three 55 gallon barrels of water in potable barrels for earthquake supply.   We would be able to flush toilets, wash ourselves, clean wounds, drink, etc. for a good period of time.  The barrels stay at the side of the houses and have siphons as well as water purifier that one uses a couple times a year.   We usually change water each year; big job, but water is life and safety.  Hope we never have to have such an occasion, but it is better to be a bit prepared.

    Lorita, please be easy with yourself and rest your body.  That muscle and other pain you feel is your body telling you something.  Such strenuous work and the harm to the body is cumulative.  So wish you had someone to help during the winter days when it is so hard.  You are amazingly strong; I could never keep up with an nth of what you do.

    As for people counting 14 days after exposure; the 15 minute contact, physical contact is no longer the completely accepted measure.   There is a large group of scientists and physicians in virology and infectious diseases who have been strenuously trying including writing a recent letter to the CDC to have them define the COVID Virus as an airborne disease, but CDC has not yet done so.   Much testing and is proven, it does not take 15 minutes, and that one does not have to be in close contact; the virus carries on air currents for a good amount of time, it lives on surfaces such as handles on freezer doors in the super market and if on hands and inadvertantly rub face or eyes, in it goes. 

    I reported the Radiology business to the Public Health Dept.  Small waiting room, chairs crammed against one another; much people traffic, everyone 6 to 10 inches or so apart; the staff - some wearing masks, others not wearing masks including the techs doing the radiology test. Unbelievable how in non-compliance they were.  They could cost people their very lives.  Not able to get test done, so we left after being there for nearly two hours. I was in so much pain there was no way I could have made it  back there again; but kept myself faced away from chairs and we were double masked. Still going to count those 14 days.

    Our grandson in military; just left for the Middle East. The entire military unit even though testing negative, had to stay isolated in single person rooms for 14 days before leaving on the plane.  Military being very cautious.

    Well, off I go, time for some oatmeal, take good care and may everyone's day be a good one.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Uh-oh; Beth I did try to copy my Post. I highlighted it, but it would not permit me to "copy."  Wonder if there is something else I should be doing. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Jo, I think "control+c" is the copy function for PCs. For Mac's, I click on "Edit" then "copy." There are ways to do this if you are using a phone, too. Maybe google "how to copy text."

    Good luck! 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning.

     Jo,    I had a post just disappear on me yesterday it was the first one that has disappeared for me I hit the refresh button and it came back. I guess I was lucky. I am so sorry to hear that Laurel has had a setback that poor thing and I feel sorry for her kids. They are in my prayers. 

    That is sad about that little dog I guess if I was the security person I would have done something about it. That is animal cruelty. Those people should be ashamed of themselves.  Please do what you need to do to get over the pain you are in. I am glad you did that reporting. 

    Ron,    I am glad you got the approval for having that rash taken care of. As Jo said you have so much on you plate. Please keep up the baking you like doing that so it should be a stress reliver. And Lou loves you to bake.

    Beth,    Thank you for the update on how you felt after your 2nd shot. I get my today. It's also Maderna. I have kept notes how each one of you reacted to the second one so if I have one of those reactions I wont panic. 

    Well got to go get my shot. I will be back later. Hugs Z

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Same thing happens here Ron if they give a big snow for us, every time.  Often wonder does this many people not have a few days worth of food, water and toilet paper in their house? Don’t know.

    I’m sitting on the porch eating my lunch in February.  Feels so good.  Very sunny, very windy.  Doesn’t feel so good outside but great on the sun porch.  The birds are singing to me too.

    JoC something that helps me, is to stoop down with my legs doing the work and keeping my back straight, but know your knees are a big problem too, so not sure if this would work for you. 

    Hope your daughter can find a plumber before too long.  Indeed she is blessed that her pipes are ok.

    My uncle in Tennessee once had something to leak in his attic and caused an issue with his ceiling.  That seems strange to me having pipes etc. in your attic.  The only thing we have in our attics is insulation, chipmunks and mice lol.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     It was a pretty morning, calm and warm, then a cold front came through. The news showed a picture someone from Muskogee had sent in of a roll cloud (comes just before a front comes through, sometimes). I have pictures of those and they're scary looking.  It's cooler now, not cold, but very windy.

     Zetta, I'll be anxious to know if you have any kind of reaction to your second shot - hoep not - but everyone says whatever they have goes away in a day or so.  Carol said her husband asked one of the aides who was helping when they got their shots how many people had any kind of reaction.  He told him there had been four - a little nausea and kind of faint feeling.  He didn't say how many had shots.

     Ron - tea cakes!   My grandma used to make those and they were so good.  I've looked high and low for a recipe like hers - never found it.  They must have been cut-out cookies, very light in color with only a tiny bit of brown around the edges and they were soft cookies, kind of cakey.  She didn't have a recipe - you know - a pinch of this and a little of that.  I'd give anything for a recipe like hers.   Patsy also remembered them.  Her mother used to make them - probably learned how from grandma.

     Not feeling on top of the world this morning - still kind of a stomach bug.  I ordered some things from WM.com this morning and as I was in checkout, everything disappeared - order didn't go through.  Really aggravates me. Every time I order from them, they've changed things and it's harder to do.  So, guess I'll have to redo it.  That's probably what made me feel worse - being upset.

     I've never copied and pasted - but from time to time I do lose posts.  I'm not very much computer literate, quite the opposite. 

     Jo, sorry Laurel's not doing too well.  Hopefully, she'll improve soon.  Also so sorry you're not feeling well and having so much pain.  Pain can really make you tired. 

     Good idea about FedEx or UPS.  I'm getting to the point I don't trust UPS too much.  They have a delivery for me today - Instant Pot - out for delivery but no telling where it'll be delivered.  Our FedEx delivery man is out of McAlester and I think he has a delivery from Chewy in a day or so.

     Still haven't ordered my feed - giving them time for the truck to get there and get unloaded.  Those guys on the dock really work hard.  When I get a ton of feed - that's 40, 50 lb. sacks, they put ten (500 lb.) on each dolly and bring it out.  They toss those 50 lb. sacks around like they weigh 5 lb. I have to bearhug them to move them.  I didn't wear my mask last time I fed (Monday) - kind of hard to remember to do those things.  I've been pretty good about wearing one, especially when it was cold - keeps your face warmer.

     I asked Jack about the store shelves and he said our WM was well stocked but hardly anyone was wearing a mask.  I think I mentioned the same thing happened with the feed - people wanting feed for their livestock and because of the weather and slick roads delivery trucks probably weren't able to get there. 

     Sara - Charles and I loved to go to resale shops and to garage sales.  I haven't been to one since I lost him.  I always looked for glassware.  I have things I should take to one - things I've bought and used a while and then put them back in the pantry to never be seen again.  I pity the person who has to clear out this house when I'm gone.  Carol has been going through her things and giving things to her daughters she thinks they'd like and still, even after three years, has more to go.  Sad when a person passes away and their treasures are tossed in a dumpster - that's what she was trying to avoid because it happened to her neighbor.

     I started the PU and went ot the mailbox this morning and you all should have heard all the bawling.  When the PU or Gator starts, the cows think that's a signal they're going to be fed.  I'll try to feed Rose Bud this afternoon - she wasn't around close enough yesterday.   I'll be glad when feeding is over for the summer - but, then, calving season will begin and that keeps me on edge.

     Yesterday there were 300 new cases of the virus - news just now said there's 800 today.  Wonder why the big difference?

     Hope all of you are safe and feeling well this morning.  Sometimes I wonder what the purpose of all this could be - getting up and doing the same thing every day with no change in sight.  Only thing is the difference in seasons.  I guess my one purpose is taking care of all the animals - guess that's something.  Only Tom or Jerry was there this morning - other boy must be off hunting or still asleep.  Worries me when both of them aren't there.

     I'll stop complaining and get on with my rat killin' as they say.  Need to put eyedrops in Barclee's eyes and give him his Nutri-Cal.  He really loves the taste of that - licks it off the tube.

     Back later.



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, just wondering - would the feed store deliver your feed for a fee?  It may be worth looking into; or perhaps one of their workers would deliver if paid.  I would think it would be worth having to pay for that.  Think of all the time, and  difficulty that would save in such weather on such muddy roads not to mention winter challenges.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    So much going on with everybody....now I’m the one wishing we could be in a group face-face, with so much to talk about. (And I’ve been laid low a few days and starting to get a little (maybe a lot!) stir-crazy.

    Jo is so wise and well-spoken, on everything from our LOs “hunting and gathering” (somebody started another thread dealing with LO who does that) to Texas. I have friends there, and it’s infuriating. And the leaders had reports from years back saying they needed to make improvements and better maintain their power grid and equipment. Making it even worse, so many officials are lying about the cause—and it’s a complicated matter, easy to fool people who are struggling to survive. Grrrr. I hope people remember at election. I had to stop reading about that.

    Now plumbers are in huge demand. Water causes so much damage...we had a pipe burst in upstairs bathroom, and it only flooded the first floor. Ran down inside the walls and out into the kitchen, and guest BR and that bath...but nothing on 2nd floor.

    Jo when I think how fast that happened to your DIL, even with her being healthy, it just takes my breath away. It’s just too much for a family to deal with....as for sciatica, DH used to go to PM for disc disease, but many others were dealing with long-term sciatica and all said it’s unimaginable...the ones who were there, at that point, were struggling to find something that gave relief, which apparently can be very challenging sometimes for some people.  It sounds terrible. I hope yours get better and/or you find good treatment.

    Lorita, I used to thrift, but I did way too much, and I also had a liking for glassware and dishes. And when they’re so pretty, and “it only costs $1” well, it sure mounts up. Plus my mothers real China, crystal, and silver for 12!! THEY never used it, and I don’t even like it. Guess what? It’s such a boomer problem you can’t even give away china and crystal anymore. Nobody wants it, not even as donation, many thrifts won’t take. Yet throwing it away is just impossible. As said, somebody else can deal with it when I’m gone. I know they won’t like it, but I won’t be here.  I’ll have to leave instructions to watch out for whatever DH may have squirreled away lord knows where! 

    I wish I could have given you my Insta-Pot. Apparently everybody down here already has one, they all love it.

    Judith, from what I read you and I are very similar in how we deal with COVID threat. But I am thankful to have that 2nd shot of Moderna. My arm muscle is still a bit tender if knocked, but nothing to complain about. The itching went away in less than 24 hours. Overall, it was nothing, but sure makes me feel better. I’ll still distance, avoid crowds and mask.

    I watched all of “Bridgerton”, the TV show set in Regency England, noble and royal family drama. Was awesome eye candy, but overall kind of boring story IMO, but I know it’s been a huge hit. I just don’t get it—but I did ooh and ahh over the locations and costumes.

    Ron, I know waiting for doc appointments, consults and test results is terribly anxiety producing. There *are* meds you can get from your doc that can help, even just short term. Meanwhile, keep baking! That’s good in itself, plus too much lost weight can lead to other problems. You have to take care of you, to care for anyone else. At least I keep hearing that.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sandy, UPS brought my David's cookies just now.  I know you said to be sure to keep them frozen - opened them and there was a warning not to touch the dry ice with bare hands. What dry ice?  All that was in there with the cookies was an empty plastic bag.  It left SC on the 16th, got to Arlington, TX on the 19th and this is the 24th.  They were partially frozen but still.    I called QVC and she advised me not to eat them.  They'll send a replacement but gosh, I hate to throw away 104 cookies.  I can't cook them for the GPs because they have chunk chocolate in them.  But, guess I will throw them away.  I don't think it would be good for the birds to eat them either.    If I baked one or two and ate it and felt bad, you know what I'd think.  Darn.  I had my mouth all set for chunk chocolate cookies this afternoon.  Now I'll have to wait until March 5 to try one. I saw that little squirrel again a while ago.  Threw some pieces of that French bread I made out to see if he'd eat that.  The birds are eating it.

     Got the water tanks filled again and tried to explain to the girls that I didn't have feed for them (fed them Monday so wouldn't feed again until tomorrow).  I called to order my feed  - they had everything I needed except the Quick Start for the babies.  Even was able to get 3/4 T. of 20% creep for the girls.  If I have to I can put a couple of sacks of that in the feeder until I get theirs.  He said it should be there Friday - but, we're supposed to have showers Friday so can't go if it's rainy.  I saw some netwrap laying on the ground up by the bales of hay so walked up and got that.  When the hay was put out and there was ice on it, they cut it and lay the netwrap with the frozen hay on it on the ground and now it's thawed.  One big piece was mixed in barbed wire so that was fun getting it off the wire. 

     Todd called - Sarah's appointment with Dr. D was scheduled for 10 this morning.  They called this morning to reschedule it to 1 p.m.  I guess she missed the call and had just found it.  It was 1 p.m. when he called and they were almost to his office so don't know if they made it or not.  I never saw anyone who had more trouble with getting and keeping appointments.  Not always her fault but she's been so sick she really needs to see him.  Wouldn't be surprised if they didn't admit her to the hospital.

     Rescue Mom - we do become collectors, don't we?  Our little town doesn't have a thrift store but when we'd go to Tulsa we always went to a couple up there and always found something we couldn't live without.  You talked about your mother's china and silver.  I have mother's silverware and years ago I found more pieces in the same pattern so have that, too.  Her china's in an old deep freeze we had in the storage building. I can't even get to it if I wanted to because of all the things piled on top of the freezer.  I use mostly paper plates now but when Charles was here we did use plates and bowls.   I don't know what will happen to all the things in this house - Sarah won't be able to do anything with it so guess it'll all go into a dumpster, too.  When mother passed away Charles and I cleared out a lot of things from the house and even that was a job - that was 21 years ago so there's more here now.

     It's warm and windy here today.  Just have on two layers and a vest but do wear my trapper's hat when I go outside.  Now, I'm looking for something I've mislaid.  I bought one of those no-contact thermometers and I can't find it anywhere.  I used it yesterday so it can't be far.

     Zetta, good luck with your vaccination today.  Keep those notes for when I get my vaccinations next month. 

     Ron, hope your doctor's appointment went well and he was able to give you something to help.  I think with the pandemic, horrible snowstorms and super cold weather plus your caregiving and everything else, it's just about gotten to everyone.  I feel like I've crawled out of a deep, dark hole - maybe I'm still climbing, not sure.  My poor daffodils look the worst for wear but maybe they'll straighten up - that's the ones that were beginning to bloom.  The ones that were smaller look all right.  I always look forward to seeing them bloom.

     I'll stop and find something to eat - kind of hungry. The corn flakes I had this morning are about gone - and I can't eat the cookies!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    I just got home from getting my 2nd shot I got it 2 hrs ago my arm is starting to feel a bit heavy but not sore. I stopped at the store and got me some comfort food (ice cream) just in case I need comfort tomorrow. I am all ready for a down day. 

    Rescue Mom,      I am sorry to hear you had some busted pipes. I would sure hate for that to happen here. I try to remember to leave water dripping at night but I forget more then I remember.   I really bet plumbers are hard to come by at this time, I hope yours comes soon.

    Lorita,    You have a lot of reasons to do the same thing every day,  just go out and count them. You love them and they love you, just like we all do. I need you and everyone else here on the porch to make my day, your all beginning to feel like family.   The news was say the numbers are low but will be picking up a lot because reporting the numbers was hard due to the weather in some places.  You take care and get rest sorry to hear your stomach is still bothering you. Relax and drink some hot tea and check in on Jo's idea about having the feed delivered to you. That is a good idea. Think of how much time that would save you and maybe the guy delivering would be interested in helping you with the heavier things. 

    I will let you know how I feel later today. Hugs to All, Z  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I now use my sterling every day. I did that when I was first married but stopped when I found a piece in the sandbox.

    I have my mothers "china". It is actually Wedgewood Queensware and not very user friendly since you can not put it in a dishwasher much less a microwave. Almost the same for my Wedge wood. I use clear glass every day.

    It is a simply beautiful day. Time to do some work outside. I need to get a narrow rake for those places where you can't use a leaf rake.  

    2 more days and my Moderna is fully active. Going for the hair cut!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Another Post lost in mid-typing and it was short . . . . evidently the gremlins are runnng the show.  Off for now.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    Well my arm is sore  more sore then after the 1st shot. I guess that's OK I might take some Advil PM before I go to bed. I think that would be OK. I fixed enough dinner so we have left overs for tomorrow just in case. 

    Take Care all I will be back tomorrow. Hugs Z

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    It is really good to hear that the missing boy was found safe and sound.   How terrifying for his parents. 

     Lorita, I am sorry for the way the cookies arrived.  Drats!  Just when you had your mouth set for a nice gooey chocolate chip cookie.  Glad you did not try to save and eat them.  A lot of the time, when we have a GI problem, we have not picked up a bug; it comes from food we have had in the frig, etc. that we should not have eaten, etc.  One of the issues we have is that we do not use eggs very fast.   I use the measurement for safety from https://food.unl.edu/article/cracking-date-code-egg-cartons

    One of the larger issues at our house is that hard boiled eggs should be used within 4 - 5 days, but DH will actually boil far too many or make too large a bowl of egg/tuna salad and kept far too long.  That tuna/egg is delicious and his "specialty." Yet . . .

    Joan, sure wish we were all near one another, I so enjoy reading your Posts.  You have a good and active life with family not far; that is a blessing for sure.  Our grandchildren are all far out of state, sure do miss having them nearby.  We do keep in contact, but not the same as having the close to hug.

     Have to smile; Judith is nearing her haircut!   My friend is counting the days from her last Moderna Vaccine and the first thing she is doing is . . . . yep; getting a haircut. We both have the same beautician, we are wondering if she has had the vaccine; if so, that would be a big plus.   Yesterday, testing/demonstration report came out showing customers and beauticians  in asalon; both masked, but how with talking the virus particles still pass; they used special light and some sort of smoke measuring the same as virus particles.  Turns out the beautician with head and mouth over the customer passes particles downward very easily when talking despite being masked.  Huh?  Oddly, there are several salons in our county that restrict conversation while getting hair done - no casual conversation.  Wonder how they manage to keep to that considering what it sounds like in most salons with chatter, chatter, chatter and laughing.  That would be hard.  I took to cutting the top of my hair couple of days ago, it was beginning to fall across my forehead and hard to blow dry; doesn't look too bad.  If only I knew how to cut the sides with a degree of not committing hair mayhem . . .

     Wow Judith, brave enough to use silver every day!   I know what you mean about not using items; we never had anything from our parents or grandparents for family heirlooms, and earlier in younger years thought to have items to create heirlooms we could pass on to children and grandchildren; besides we had LOTS of company for dinners.  We were the house for the extended large family dinners on holidays, special days and just any day.  In light of that for special days and wishing to create family heirlooms, over time we had acquired service for 16 in sterling; svc for 16 in fine china, 16 service for Waterford water and wine glasses and other pieces in between. Really lovely.  I enjoyed setting beautiful tables despite the work, but always told company to come in relaxed ; blue jeans all okay, kick off shoes and enjoy yourself.  Everyone had good relaxed time and the table for those dinners was really lovely.  BUT . . . no heirlooms will come out of that effort.  Not a single one of our four children nor our growing up grandchildren are interested in such items - they just do not entertain like that anymore.  So . . . here we are.  Guess they would be happier with our back patio plasticware and bbq items.  That is okay; each generation unto their own ways.

     Actually, one of my aunts sold her sterling; another aunt sold her fine china.  Each said the same thing, no one entertains like that anymore and what the heck it was going unused, so they decided to unload the unwanted.  It served its purpose over the years and now was going on to others who actually would get some use from it.  We use our every day stainless steel flatware and our inexpensive dinnerware bought at a Mikasa outlet years ago.   My neighbor who used to use china and crystal had me chuckling; same thing with her.  Kids not interested in china or other items, so she sold the stuff and on family gatherings, she has buffets with paper plates and plastic utensils; she said food still tastes as good and no dishes to do.  Hurrah! 

     Stuff is just that; stuff.  Sure need to clean out all closets in all rooms, there sure will be a lot of stuff that can be donated.  

     We need to get Ron's reeipe for tea cakes; having heard so much about them from Lorita, I would love to try them.  Ron is a great baker, that is a real talent.  Also good to put back on a little weight that had been lost.  Ron; I know where those lost pounds ran off to, they went cross country and landed on my front porch; ahem, that is not accurate, they actually landed on my back porch!  Sigh.

     It is great learning about everyone getting their vaccnations. Such a good feeling when that two week mark is reached after the second vaccination.  We had the  Moderna vaccine which is much more available due to Pfizer's freezer issues.  Yesterday, I was a bit taken aback to learn that Moderna is a bit concerned about the vaccine being effective against the mutated African and some other strains . . . in fact, they are in the process of creating an "updated" vaccine and are talking about people having"booster shots."  What the dickens.  Pfizer saying and doing the same, so we do not know the ups and downs of all of this as yet.  Still, I am grateful as can be to have the vaccine; it is a very touching experience for me to witness all the people at the vaccination center and the professionals giving the vaccinations.   Here is a bit of info re Pfizer developing their booster shots:  https://www.yahoo.com/news/pfizer-testing-3rd-booster-shot-114500231.html

    I wondered; if the feed store or a worker from the feed store delivered your feed Lorita, would that person also lift and heft heavy sacks and put them where you store them?  Would save you much strain and pain perhaps saving you from injury.   As for having FedEx versus UPS pick up and deliver your tax prep documents; FedEx is the company that does the lions share of such management; they are very effective and efficient. That is the company most businesses use for such purposes.   We have run into no problems with them on mail delivery the few times we have used them; even when we had to have something go overnight.

    Zetta, hoping you do not have anything but mild effects from second vax.  You have ice cream on hand to soothe, so you are ahead of the game on  that one.

     Once again, breakfast time - come on oatmeal!  One of these days I will have to eat something different for breakfast.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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