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Just need to talk to my friends (141)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Zetta sorry you had more snow.  Ours is very slowly going away.  Seen many big snows here in April, so we have a way to go yet.  Suppose to rain today and be around 50.

    Good to hear from you Barb, hope that cold doesn’t stick around too long. 

    Got a hold of J yesterday.  She seemed very glad to hear from me.  Told me she had not had a phone for two weeks.  She said it was tore up.  She can have visitors now.  Her son had been there that day.  She still is definitely not right but I just visit with her in her world.  

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    I also had to smile (just a little, I know the pain is awful)  at Jos post about her pain meds...that drug makes most people sleepy, but for a few it has the opposite effect. They will be very very chatty and sometimes more active. I myself cannot take it before bed, else I will be up scrubbing kitchen at 3 am.

    Storycrafter, I know FTD is different. But my DH, in earlier times, was always talking about some big project (like building a workshop, or making home repairs) .it took me a while to realize it would never happen, he was not capable of following through on such plans..it caused more trouble earlier, for me, when there were things that really needed doing that he said he would take care of. I had to learn the hard way they would not get done unless I did them or hired somebody else to do them (which made him mad at first, now he doesn’t notice).

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Our morning started off uber foggy - visibility in all of NE Okla. was zero - normally it's ten miles.  I could barely see the girls from the porch and window.  In two hours it was totally gone although everything was wet from it.  Supposed to get bad weather late today - just what we need, more water.

     Got out and fed Tom and Jerry and let Stormy and Sheena in.  They stay out at night and patrol - I think Sheena spends a lot of time in the storage building.  They both came in, found their places and went to sleep.  Barclee didn't want to go to sleep for an hour or so after we went to bed but after that he slept all night.  He's up now, had his medicine and breakfast.  He sounds really congested. Scares me when he's sleeping and is really still. 

     Thanks, Judith for the link.  I'll try that next week and also call our local health department to see where they are with vaccines.  After reading how happy all of you are with having had your shots I think I've decided I'd go ahead and get mine when I can.  Dr. Fauci says it's better to go ahead and get them now instead of waiting.  I heard this morning that about a quarter of the people in Oklahoma have had at least one vaccination - also the percentage of people who are no longer hesitant has gone from 37 to 55%. 

     It's amazing how many of you all have had sciatica and have such good information for Jo.  Hopefully the new medication is helping with her pain. 

     Judith, Sarah hasn't been called about her appointment yet - she thinks it'll be with the doctor who's next door to Dr. D. - no idea who that is.  She called last night - they're still in Amarillo but are coming back to OKC today, then on to Houston.  She was thinking she'd stay in Amarillo while he came to OKC to get something he had to have in Houston, then he'd go back to Amarillo and they'd go from there to Houston.  I checked and that's why too much driving and it isn't safe for her to stay there by herself.  It's 150 miles farther going from Amarillo than from OKC to Houston.  He's afraid for her to stay by herself.  Hard for her to make the trip but I told her to have him empty the back seat and pad it with a blanket and lay down on the trip.  Seats in a RAM PU are not soft. 

     Zetta - I wish there was some way to feed without lifting the sacks.  Well, there is, but it involves raking the feed out of the sacks or scooping it into buckets, then into the bunk feeders.  Takes longer and more energy.  When I bring the big sacks of cat and dog food into the house from the porch I sometimes do use a dolly - also those big cans of cat litter - 35-40 lbs., about the same as the dog and cat food.  It's all sitting on the porch now - I'll open the boxes tomorrow and get it inside - or the next day, no big hurry. 

     Glad you didn't have any more reactions to your vaccine.  Aren't you glad that's over.  I could tell you were a bit apprehensive about the possible reactions to the second shot.  Always glad to get over another hurdle. I'll be the same way so all of you who've had your vaccinations will have to lead me through it and keep me sane.

     Helen, good to see your post.  Sorry you're having to deal with so much right now.  I know with the winter weather, cold and snow and caregiving plus all the other things you do is hard.  We all need some sunshine and warmer weather.  I dread when the time change happens next month - it'll be dark later in the mornings which I don't like.

     Your husband is probably thinking about what he used to do and what he wants to do now as far as making a workshop.  Like us, we think about things we want to do and I, at least, never get some of them done.  Maybe this will pass and he'll forget about it.

     Barbara, hate that you have a head cold.  They're awful.  I think or worry sometimes about being out in the cold so much and getting a cold.  Then, remember, a doctor I worked with many years ago told me something that reassures me.  He was stationed in Alaska when he was in the service.  There was no way to get to where they were except by plane or boat.  He said they never had colds until a ship came in and other people brought colds to them.  Makes me feel better about being out and about.  I've heard there is much less flu this year, too, with people wearing masks.  Another good thing about wearing masks - you really don't have to put on make-up unless you want to - I don't.  With the mask and sunglasses you're almost completely covered up.

     I think it's wonderful that your city hasn't had a new case of the virus in so long.  Your Country has done a great job and I imagine most of that is from wearing masks.  I don't understand why people are so resistant to wearing them.  Saw some of the most ridiculous remarks from that Senator in Texas last night about wearing masks.  Why would someone think that is infringing on their freedom.

     Sara, glad you were able to talk with Jean.  Doesn't sound like she's too coherent about things.  You were right to visit with her in her world and I'm sure it made her feel better being able to talk with you.  Glad your snow is going away.  Ours disappeared almost completely within a day or so.  Hard to believe how cold and snowy it was - now 40 degrees feels warm.  I went out to feed Tom and Jerry this morning without a coat and it's 40.

     Rescue Mom -  your post reminded me that years ago I had a cold, I guess, anyway when I went to bed I took some medicine - think it may have been Alka Seltzer Night-time.  It was supposed to help you sleep.  Had the completely opposite effect on me - not any sleep all night - felt like I could climb the walls.  I've never taken a sleeping pill so don't know if all of them would have that effect on me or not.  Chinese Zen music puts me to sleep - very relaxing.

     Nothing planned for today.  Made that potato soup yesterday so have a lot of it left.  I can't get over how really good it is - and it makes so much.  I keep trying to get Jack to buy some and make it.    I do need to do dishes - I've let some of them collect in the sink again.  Took them out and got them ready to wash a while ago - I'll get to it sometime today.  My back's hurting this morning so I'm leaning against a heating pad - it's the costo - must have slept on my side.  Also had an ocular migraine - just came out of nowhere.  They're the oddest thing.  I remember the first one I had way back in the early to mid 70s.  I was shopping while Charles was in Cosmotology College and all at once I couldn't see the price tag on clothes - there was a little gray, round spot right in the middle of the tag.   I got out of the store and went to his college and we came home.  It starts with that little gray spot, then develops into something resembling a boomerang with lights on it.  It starts very small and increases in size until it disappears out of your vision.  I don't normally have a headache afterwards, thank goodness.  I have three or four a year with no problem afterwards.  Odd thing.

     Girls are happier - they're drifting off to graze.  I wasn't able to feed Rose Bud yesterday - she stayed around the hay.  I made eye contact with her this morning so I'll try to feed her.  Checked the water tanks - one was about 3/4 full and the other less than that so I'll fill them when I stop talking.   Watching a show about the zoo in San Diego - very interesting how they train and treat the animals.  They seem to get very good care.  Barbara would be interested in this - they're showing some kind of very small kangaroo-type animal - they think it has a joey in the pouch and they're trying to find out. 

     I'll stop and finish watching the show and drink the last of my hot, now cold, tea.  Probably should make another loaf of bread.  Sara, how's that new bread-cutting tool you got working out?  Occasionally I am able to get a slice that's uniform in thickness but they all taste good.

     Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I have about 8 ins of snow outside. It is deep enough that Molly has to plow her way through it. My son keeps her a potty place shoveled out but she prefers to run in the snow. Right now the sun is shinning pretty so looks like the snow will be gone in a few days.

     Lorita,   You were right I was waiting for more reactions to the 2nd shot and I got none. The only thing I had was the sore arm and it was not that bad.  I am glad you decided to get the shot and plan on getting it soon. It would be worst if you got the virus. And we are all here for you. If I lived closer I would go with you. 

    I am also watching the San Diego Zoo show. I saw the one about the baby Joey in the mamas pouch. Today I have seen snakes, Rhinos, turtles, right now it is pandas. 

    Helen,  It is nice hearing from you. I bet your DH keeps you pretty busy. What would happen if you told him its a good idea to finish the back deck and the door then he will have the other project to think about. 

    Barbara,  Its also nice hearing from you and sorry about the head cold I hope that goes away soon.  Did you have to go someplace to get the testing done or did you have a home testing kit?

     Jo,   I hope your feeling better today. I am not a medical person but as Barbara said there may be something else adding to all you pain. 

    Rescue Mom,   I had another laugh when you thought the same thing I did about what Jo said. I hope Jo also got a laugh. I bet she is still sleeping.

     Sara,   We got so much snow I am glad I changed my plans about going to visit my Daughter this week end. I would have had to drive over one of the passes and right now they are all deep in snow. The one I would have had to go over is (US 26 at Government Camp) I tried to show it but I don't know how. Right now there is a big long lane of cars either things are moving slow are there is a wreck up ahead. I am glad I stayed home.

     Lorita,   Right now they are hatching  Butterfly's at the zoo. And they are giving Ella the elephant acupuncture. 

    Hugs to All, Zetta   

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Just to let you know, my covid test was negative, as expected. I had to go to a testing site, about 10minutes away by car, in a disused hospital. You drive in, one set of staff take your information, then drive to another spot in the grounds, stay in the car and lower your windows, more staff do the swabs, then you drive out. Had a short queue to to wait for, but all done in 30 minutes. Results came by sms within 12 hours. Very efficient.

    Cold is still with me, but rather better already. Won't visit DH today -- Sunday is my regular day -- as I don't want to spread germs to him and other residents. Usually staff tell him I am coming, so will have to telephone and warn them not to do that. There will be activities for the residents, so I know he won't fret about me not being there.

    Hope the cold continues to improve, so I can visit him on Wednesday, also my choir is singing in another NH on Thursday afternoon, and I want to be there for that.

    Dh should have had his first COVID injection on Friday, must have happened, or I would have heard otherwise. My first one will probably be in the middle of March. Our Government is protecting medical and NH homes first, then folk over 70 next. Expect to have everyone protected by October. Sounds good to me.

    Cheers, Barbara

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi Barbara,

     So glad your test was  negative as you thought it would be.  But, anyway, always a relief, isn't it?   Also good that your cold is improving.  They can make you feel you awfully bad.  Looks like there would someday be a cure for them.

    I know you hate not to visit your DH but better than you don't until your cold is better - probably will be by Wednesday.    Just take care and rest until it's better.

     I just watched the best show - if you like dog shows.  This was entitled "A Dog's Way Home" - about a dog separated from his owner who made it 400 miles back to him and all the adventures he had.  Really good - I cried at the end - good ending, just cried.  Have you all ever watched "A Dog's Purpose"  - another good dog show.  Patsy told me about another one "Racing in the Wind" , I think.  I haven't watched it but will.

     This afternoon I decided I'd go close the gate to the NE pasture so I could feed the girls tomorrow.  Also wanted to pick up Rose Bud's feed pan so I'd have it tomorrow.  But, she and another cow were out front and here they came - she knew she was going to be fed.  No way could I feed her without the other cow interfering so decided I'd just feed them today.  It's supposed to rain tomorrow so got it in gear and got it done.  Took feed out of the PU and into the Gator and fed out of it.  Got finished doing that and filling water tanks and as soon as I got back in the house it began to rain.  It rained for a while and that may be the end of it but at least they're fed.  They had gone up in the pasture to graze but called them down with the PU horn.

     Watching Dr. Pol now so I'll stop and watch it.  Did talk with the vet this afternoon about Barclee.  He says 20 years is really old for a dog.  I had asked if there was anything else we could do for his congestion - there isn't.  He says his body has just worn out so I may not have him much longer.  He has gotten so thin, so quickly - almost overnight.  He has trouble walking and he'll stand in one place with his head down for quite a while if you don't move him.  Also walks around and around in circles.  Really hate to lose the little guy - don't think I'll get another small dog - we'll see.  I'm really getting too old to get another one but I can't be without a dog - never have been.

     Hope all of you sleep well tonight.  I feel much better since I was outside doing something - surprising how that works.

     See you tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good Morning,

    Storycrafter my mom wants a project going on all the time.  Understand your stress.

    Zetta glad you stayed home.  Our roads are fairly flat and straight.  There are some hills but no mountains, passes etc.

    Sorry Lorita about poor Barclee.  I’m not the animal lover some if you are but when we lost one of our dogs on the farm it would make me a little sad.

    Seems like was so quiet yesterday.  Have a lot to do next week though.  Have to drop my taxes off.  And it is a little bit of a drive.  Have a dental appointment.  Think I will take my car to get it washed.  One of those where you stay in your car.  See I can pay a certain amount per month then get car washed as often as I want.  Think I will try that.

    Hope everyone has a nice day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Cloudy and muggy here this morning - it's in the high 50s, 70+ degrees higher than we had early last week.  There is rain around so not a really good day.  Glad I fed yesterday.

     Sara - does sound like your week will be busy.  I'm going  to check with the CPA I use tomorrow to see if what I believe is true - that our Oklahoma and Federal Tax reports due date has been extended to June 15 - I hope it is.  Just not in the mood to work on taxes. 

     Sandy, I did open the Instant Pot box this morning.  Seems like you have to put the whole thing together - and there weren't any real instructions with it as far as cooking - not how much water to use, if you use water, etc.  I'm sure there's lots of recipes on line.  I did call QVC to see if there was supposed to be a few recipes and customer service said none were to be included.  I've been wanting penne and tomatoes - not sure how to cook that - so, this one may go back.

     Watching some of the news shows this morning - am not going to watch Trump's speech later if it's televised.  Dr. Fauci was on a couple of them talking about the J&J vaccine.  Says to take whatever is available - sounds like he doesn't believe this one is less effective.  I think the program said 55% of people are going to take the vaccine when it's available to them.

     Sheena and Stormy stayed out last night and did their jobs.  Now, both are inside, sound asleep.  Everyone is sleeping except me.  Barclee woke up around 5 and I couldn't get him settled down so left him in the warm bathroom for a while - he just stood there.  He's had his breakfast and medicine so he'll sleep a while.  Thanks, Sandy, I hate to see him this way to remembering how active he was when he was young.  But, guess it's that way with most of us - I know it is for me.  I can remember how easy it was to do things when I was younger.  I look at things I've made and done and doubt I could do it again - or even want to.  I realized last night that this April Charles and I will have been married 50 years - hard to believe and/or realize where the time has gone.

     I'll stop for now and have some more hot tea.  Haven't heard from Sarah so don't know if they're back at home for a while or still in Texas.  I've made that trip to north of Amarillo several times - not a pleasant one after you leave OKC, especially when you leave Elk City (that's where we left I-40).  Interesting how different the countryside is - but the people who live out there love it.  Guess it's just what you're used to.

     Judith, you mentioned seeing so many of our evergreens that were damaged by the cold weather.  I've noticed that here.  I have a couple of golden euonymus  that have lost most of their leaves.  Even the hardy daffodils that I've seen bloom in the snow - several bunches of those have turned brown and will not bloom. The ones that were very small are all right.  Just too much cold weather for far too long.

     Scott Gottlieb, M.D. just now said there will be booster shots for the virus this fall.  Guess it's going to be like the flu vaccine. 

     I'll be back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

     Lorita,   I am so sorry how your feeling about Barclee, I know how hard it is. I have never seen a dog live 20 years. I had one that lived for 17 years. You have given Barclee a wonderful loving life. With him going in circles I think it must be some form of dementia. Just hold him and love him he will tell you when he is through.  I know how you feel about having dogs. I have had them all my life, even had 5 at one time. I will always have one but I am too old to get a puppy. You will always find a older dog that needs a loving home. Molly is 5 and with there being like a 7 year diff in a few years she will catch up with my age. Being alone you do need a lap companion and a sleeping buddy.  

    I have started watching the Zoo channels. I get The Bronx Zoo the San Diego Zoo and also I have been watching North Woods Law. That is about Forest Rangers protecting the wildlife. I am good watching things like this as long as I don't see a animal get hurt. 

    Sara,  I also like the drive thru car wash places. We have one in Bend thats 25 mile from me. I don't go as often  as I should but right now with the snow and mud my car will never stay clean. So as soon as the snow has stopped I will get my car all cleaned up. Then it will look like new again.

    Jo,   How are you feeling it has been a few days and I am thinking about you, please let us know.

    I hope you all have a very restful day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Back again.  Was a bit hungry so, Zetta, warmed up a bowl of the potato soup I made a few days ago and had that with the top slice of the loaf of bread I made a day or two ago.  Talk about good!  You know it seems to me there's more potatoes in the soup than was in the first packet I made.  Probably just me.  Sheena was laying on the floor in front of my chair, asleep, and I threw a little piece of the bread down to her.  Landed about 6" from her nose.  Guess she smelled it because she reached up and got it a minute later.  Then, gave her the last little bit.  It was so good.  That's my favorite piece of the bread I make.

     It seems colder - a front came through and the wind's from the north - still 52 though.  Two things that came to mind:  one was about the mud we're having.  Remember I almost buried the PU the other day, just fell through the road.  That happens when we have freezes and thaws.  There's a big chicken house or two east of us four or five miles.  I heard a semi was going up to it, on a seemingly dry road and fell through.  Took bulldozers to pull him out.  The FedEx guy yesterday told me the roads are getting better - the County is putting rocks in the bad places.   Another chicken thing - watching QVC and they were selling Corky's chicken tenders.  When I see those or wings I think of the poor chickens.  Just think how  many chickens lost their lives to make those.  My BIL always loved fried chicken and after he and my sister divorced he moved to southern Missouri.  They have lots of those huge chicken houses in that area.  He stopped eating chicken because of what goes on in those houses.  I shudder to think of it.

     I seem to be in an odd mood today - don't know why - guess this weather has gotten to me plus all the other things going on in the world. 

     Decided I'd return that instant pot but they didn't send the invoice so called and they'll send one - but it'll cost $10 to return it so maybe I'll keep it and put it together when I'm in a better mood.  Our friend, Sandy, has one and really likes it.

     Zetta - I think Barclee does have dementia.  The first time I took him to the vet, I asked him if dogs get dementia.  He says they do so I'm 99% sure that's one of his problems.  My sister insisted that her cat had dementia - she'd go around and around trying to catch her tail - and she wasn't a kitten just playing.

     I've always had a dog - my first one was a black and white rat terrier called Tiny.  I was a little kid and I'd carry her around on my hip.  I had a poodle when Charles and I got married and he was jealous of Charles so we left him with my parents.  It took us 2-3 weeks without a dog for us to buy another poodle.  We had as many as a dozen poodles from time to time.  Then had Queensland Heelers - beautiful, big dogs.  We had two girls and they'd have as many as a dozen puppies.  We gave the puppies away on the WM parking lot - I think we probably populated the whole County with them.  We have a really nice animal shelter close to us so if the time comes I don't feel I can do without a little dog, they'll have one for sure. 

     Tried to watch Gunsmoke just now but had seen that one - doesn't often happen.  Zetta, just thought of something - you watch a lot of old westerns - have you ever noticed on the cattle drives the cattle are always Herefords?  You hardly ever see a Hereford anymore - they're almost always Angus or Brangus.  Mike did say he has about 125 Herefords and has crossbred some of them with Brahmans which produces a Tiger Stripe calf.  I've seen them and they're really pretty.  Sorry, I got off on that - I know that's not very interesting to you ladies who live in town - just thought about it and thought it was interesting, to me, at least.

     Better stop and check the water tanks.  I did this morning when I fed Tom and Jerry and they had water then but it's probably gone by now.  Hope all of you are having a good Sunday.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  Lorita, we had Herefords on our ranch.  Must have been the breed back then.  All have white faces.  I would be curious to see the cross breed with brangas.  I hope you’re having a more restful day.  My daughter and family love their instapot.  They use it all the time.

    Jo, what a bad time you’re having.  You may need to see an orthopedic for backs if it doesn’t resolve.   I agree, nerve pain is awful.  I had to sit or lay down most of the time to get some relief, and it still hurt.  I never developed pain in the hip or leg.  Mine hurt in an L shape.  Down the backside and straight toward hip.  You asked what exercises I do.  I do push-up exercises specific to my disc in lower back.  So far, I haven’t had another episode.  Prayers for your DIL.  I hope she’s still making progress.  

    Barbara, I hope you’re recovering from your cold.  Glad it wasn’t covid.

    I got my diagnoses from rheumatologist.  He thinks the statin reaction triggered an autoimmune reaction called Polymyalgia rheumatica.  A lot of people resolve pain and stiffness on their own.  If not, a small dose of prednisone for 6 months usually resolves it.  Glad it was nothing worse.  Sprained hand and foot both feel like they’re healing, but taking a very long time.  I’m starting to move more, so happy about that.  Just need energy to pick up so I can get moving more.

    Zetta, eight inches of snow is a lot.  We’re supposed to get warmer weather this week, so I’m sure ours will be melting fast.  

    Ron, as soon as I can stir again, I want to try your cookies.  They sound delicious.  I hope Lou is calm today and you are having a restful day.

    Hi to all.  Prayers for all our specific needs.  Have a great Sunday.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Happened to think I'm going to have to ask my doctor if I can take the vaccine since I had/have EBV and CMV. Again, I've been thinking (probably shouldn't do that) maybe since I've been so tired and not up to par all week if maybe the EBV has returned.  I couldn't remember when I had it so looked back in my journal and it was diagnosed in September 2016.  I had nausea, diarrhea, sore throat and fever plus the tiredness.  None of those symptoms except a very mild sore throat off and on, mostly early morning.  Gosh, I hope that's not what it is - probably isn't but it's scary.  I remember some of the posters, Jo, for one, had a recurrence and how bad it was for her.  Seems like it lasted for months. Went out and topped off the water tanks.  Rose Bud was out by them so told her to come around to the front and I'd feed her.  The north wind was blowing so she stayed where she was and I took feed to her.  She got a few bites until a couple of other girls realized what was going on so she backed off.  I'll manage to feed her somehow tomorrow - don't feed all of them until Tuesday. I have to take down trash tomorrow - haven't for a couple of weeks.  He runs anywhere from 7 a.m. to 7:45 so I'll try to get it down there before 7.  I have it all sacked up and part of it outside the gate.  Hate that he's running so early - pickup in our area is at the beginning of his route (new driver).  It's all right in the summer but it'll be dark, dark in the wintertime. Fixed some mac and cheese and English peas for supper - tasted good.  Thought I'd had enough potato soup for the day.  Barclee settled down and slept for two or three hours.  It may be that since he can't see he barks because he thinks he's alone so I sat down in the chair by him and kept my hand on him until he went to sleep.  Hope you all had a good Sunday and can have a good night's rest.  See you tomorrow.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Where is everyone?  Must be enjoying the beautiful weather - if it's like it is here.  I think Ron may be getting rain.  Hope things are well there, Ron.

     It's sunny, windy and warm here today.  Some showers expected tonight and early tomorrow. 

     Had a call from a cousin last night. He's a few months younger than I.  He's had Parkinsons for several years and has some trouble getting around and it's really affected his speech.  He just called to see how I am.  He and his wife of 59 years are having a hard time.  She has had double knee replacements and both ankles fused so she really has a hard time walking - he says she can' walk 15 feet.  Their daughter, an RN, is trying to get them to look into home health to get a little help. Neither one can help the other very much.  Another cousin, 91, has alz and his wife is the sole caregiver for him.  They're trying to get her to either place him or go with home health but she's refusing - says she can do it but JW says she's worn out.  Seems like our whole family, both sides, has really been having problems.

     I'm trying to take it easy today.  Just filled a water tank and had a nice visit with Little Bit, Ron.  He was at the water tanks and I petted and talked to him over the fence.  He's very friendly, too much so that he could knock me over and not realize what he was doing but I like to pet and talk to him.  All the other girls are laying around in the sun.  They'll  need hay, again, in a couple of days.  Last year the last hay was given on March 14 and last cubes the 21st of March.  Hope that can hold true this year.  Normally it's in April.

     I don't know anything so I'll stop and watch the news.  Hope all of you are well and safe this morning.  I did check back and I had EBV and CMV diagnosed in October 2016 and was still having problems in June 2017 so hope this is not what's going on now.   Our weather just said this has been the 4th coldest and 4th snowiest in Oklahoma on record - I believe it.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good afternoon.  Very sunny, beautiful, very windy so nippy.

    Got the taxes dropped off.  Got my car washed, gave them $22 and now can have it washed as many times as I want in March.  Am thrilled and hard to believe.  Hate a dirty car, keeps my coat filthy no matter how hard I try not to rub against it.  Asked him can  I come every week?He said I suggest you come every time your car needs it lol.  Hard to believe.  Had not been to a car wash in over a year.  Washed it by hand last summer but not tough enough to do that in this time of year.  Paid almost that for one car wash in past.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi Sara,

    Just posted, then saw your post.  Glad you got those taxes dropped off - that's always a relief.  That's a good deal on car washes.  I think you said it was the kind you drive through and stay in the car.  I haven't washed our car or PU in who knows when.  I used to wash the PU with one of those wands at the carwash and by the time I was finished my arms were worn out.  Can't seem to get it done now because when I go to town it's to get feed and I can't wash it before because the bed would be wet to put the feed in and surely can't do it after it's loaded.  Anyway, driving on the dirt and gravel roads keep them dirty. 

     I think a car always runs better after it's washed - probably my imagination though.  What kind of car do you  have?  This time last year the virus was just beginning and I thought, hopefully, it would be gone by fall so I could buy a new car. Didn't happen and still hasn't happened.  

     Enjoy your pretty day - it's in the 50s here today.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Well I will try again. I must have hit POST the same time you did Lorita, yours made it and mine I am not sure where it is? 

    It is warm and sunny at my house today. Lorita you were right when you said the weather makes your moods. When it is warm I love to get out and sit on the porch. When it gets a bit warmer today I plan on sweeping off my porches and cleaning my porch chairs I would love to sit out for awhile this afternoon.

     Lorita,  You asked if I noticed the different types of cattle when I watch westerns. I don't know enough about the types so I have not noticed. I will watch closer and see if I do. I did notice that Kitty sometimes has the same dress on in different shows. 

    You asked where every one was this morning I though the same thing. I come on around 8am my time and I think that is 10am your time. So this morning I was wondering where you where. 

    Joan,  Its nice hearing you hand and foot is feeling better but please don 't rush your energy to come back you just rest up and get ready for spring.  And your right 8ins is a lot of snow. The sun is melting most of it right now. 

     Sara,   I love when my car is clean. Hopefully I will get it to the car wash next week. I always go to the one that is 25 miles away. We have one only 5 miles away but the owner who is there all day is a grumpy old man and he tells everyone how to vacuum their car and if your in the wash car yourself lane he will hurry you along if some one else is waiting. I don't go in that lane but I think it is rude when he tells people that. I told him one day he was rude so now I won't go back. 

    I sure hope that Jo is alright I miss hearing from her.

    Have a good day, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Have an older Honda CRV.  It is the best car I have ever owned.

    Yesterday our governor announced that the state is getting a large number of vaccines this week.  Starting Thursday 60 year olds are eligible.  Will start trying to work on an appointment today.  Will see if I have any luck.  Police, funeral home workers and some others also becoming eligible.  They need it worse than I do so will stay patient.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good news for you, Sara! 

    I'll be taking my taxes in today, going to select new glasses at Walmart - I used their optical dept last year and I like it and it's not too pricey - and also hitting up Starbucks and stopping at a friend's to pick up some notecards. I'm part of a prayer group at church and it's time for us to write our Easter cards to those on the list. We write monthly. I've been doing this for a long time. The ministry has been complimented and appreciated greatly. It truly is a privilege to serve in this small way. 

    We're going to be in the 50s today. Sounds wonderful! Much snow is gone but our backyard is still covered. I do have a few plants poking through in front. There are many bulbs - a couple thousand - in back. That includes daffodils, tulips, winter aconite, crocus, squill, striped squill and glory of the snow. I used to have snowdrops but they didn't come back last spring. 

    We also have 2 large new trees (sugar maple and Sun Valley maple) that we planted last fall. One of them was extremely root-bound in the pot, so I am hoping and praying it will make it. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Beth sounds like you are planning on having a nice day, hope you do.  Your yard must be beautiful.  Have a few bulbs.  Many came with the property.  There were no daffodils so planted a few of them.  Last fall planted a few Scilla.  If they survived they will spread like a weed.  Will try to remember to see if anything poking head through when I go to mailbox.  By fall my poor muscles are so beat up that I don’t fell like feeding the fall bulbs, am just done.  They would probably bloom better if I did.  

    A lot of cilantro came up last fall.  The snow has about all melted and it is green as can be and ready to take off.  Makes me smile.

    Called my health care system.  He said they have not heard anything official yet.  Is on the health departments website though, so know it is happening Thursday.  On My Chart, says thursdays is when they get their weekly supply of vaccines usually.  He told me to call back Thursday at 8am.  So that all fits together.  Guess they don’t want to truly count their chickens til they hatch.  I’m going to check back on my chart several times a day just in case they stick it up early.  They may well send me a notice too since I will be eligible.

    Wish my mom would take it.  Not going to happen unless God intervenes for me.  She told me she is not taking it and hopes I won’t either.  Just said nothing, often the best. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Zetta, I've noticed Kitty wears the same clothes a lot, too.  Also have noticed on the westerns there's especially one dress that gets worn a lot -  kind of a butterscotch print with a sweetheart neckline with a white inset and dark trim around the neckline.  Herefords have white faces and can be polled (without horns) and horned.  I've noticed on those old westerns the cattle driven up from Texas usually have horns.  A few years ago there were a few long-horned cattle along the way I sometimes drove to work - they're gone now.

     Jo - we're getting concerned because you haven't posted.  Know you weren't feeling well on your last post.  Maybe you'll feel like posting if only a few words.  Hope you're feeling better.

      It's a beautiful morning - supposed to be about 70 today and a bit warmer tomorrow - I'm for that.  It was in the 30s this morning but I opened the WM box I received Saturday and wiped down the things.  I ordered a couple of cases of catfood and some chips and crackers.  Needless to say the chips were crushed and the boxes of saltines were almost folded at one end.  I also ordered Pepsi and they didn't send all of that so called them and they'll replace the chips and crackers.  Guess they'd be all right with soups but not with peanut butter and crackers.  I haven't opened the Chewy boxes - don't need the food yet so I'll wait on them.

     Beth, sounds like you're going to have a busy day and a beautiful one, too.  I agree with Sara, your backyard will be beautiful when the bulbs bloom.  I'm going to have to look up scilla - not familiar with that one or squill either.  I have lots of daffodils but the very cold weather ruined some of the earlier ones that were already blooming - the others seems all right.  I have a very few tulips - had some yellow one on either side of a red knock-out rose but they disappeared.  There's one small bunch of rosy-red ones on the south side of the house.  I noticed yesterday that our maples (we have two) already have buds on them so Spring is on it's way.

     I called the CPA's office this morning and the State and Federal taxes for Oklahoma won't be due until June 15 so I have a couple of extra months - good for that.  Guess they did that because of the severely cold weather and snow we had.

     Sara - glad you're going to have a chance to get the vaccine soon.  I called my doctor's office this morning to see if it is all right for me to get the vaccine because of the EBV and CMV but he's off this week so I'll call Monday morning.  No need to call the Health Dept. until I know I can take it.  Maybe Jo will post today - she had EBV and took the vaccine so I can ask her about it.

    I woke up at 5 something this morning - thought it was after 6 so watched a little TV and just stayed in bed until 7:15 - almost unheard of.  When I looked out the only cow I saw was Rose Bud - all the others had gone off to graze.  If the pretty weather continues they won't need much more hay - they'd much rather graze green grass than dry hay - don't blame them.  I have enough feed for six more times so probably will only have to get one more load but creepfeed for the babies will continue to be needed. I'll feed them this afternoon and I think it's dry enough to feed out of the PU so won't have to lift the feed twice.

     Barclee slept through the night until about 6 so both of us got a good night's sleep and I feel better today.  He still sounds congested at times.  I only have half a dozen more Lasix so will have to go to the vet's office to get more early next week.

     Probably should do a load of laundry today and get rid of some of the things in the utility room so I can mop it.  I swept the LR yesterday to get rid of dust and tufts of white hair - but it's back this morning so will have to redo it.  Should break down some of the opened boxes on the front porch so I can take them down to the trash Monday.  I hate that the trash guy runs so early. 

      When you get the vaccine, there's not a choice of the kind you get, is there?  You take whichever one they have?  Dr. Fauci says any of the three is good to take but with the J&J there's only one dose which would be good.  I think I did read there had only been one or two bad reactions from it.  What have you heard, Sara?

     Enjoy the pretty weather, if you're lucky enough to have it.  Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Seems like, can’t remember for sure, that heard somewhere that J&J had very few anaphylactic reactions.  At this time there is no choice, you take what they have.  Hope that is a light I see at the end of the tunnel.  J&J is also doing a trial now I believe on a second dose.  If it makes a difference that will probably be offered.  I’m going to take whichever one the Good Lord blesses me with.  I’m so excited, to be able to at some point, to go out with my mask on and be at ease, I hope.  My KF 94 is much better for talking too. Glad I got them.  Don’t feel like I have to shout, and people seem to hear me better.

    Did not know what squill flower was either Lorita.  Just looked it up and it is what we call Scilla.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day, sunny and in the low 70s.  What a difference a couple of weeks make.  Girls are already off grazing - they were at 6:30 when I got up - except for Rose Bud.  Only one of the boys (Tom and Jerry) were there this morning.  I heard one goose take off from the pond.  I saw only one the other day - don't know why only one.  I think it headed south.

     Sara, have you seen those things they're advertising called a turtle?  It's a plastic thing, not solid, that fits inside the mask to make it easier to breathe and talk.  I hope you're able to get your vaccination soon.

     Did you all see what the Governor of Texas did?  He's opened up the whole State and dropped the mask mandate.  My in-laws live in Texas and they were either in Dallas or Houston a few weeks ago and my SIL had her mask off and some official came over and told her to put it on.  Sad that's happened just when things are getting a little better.  I think there's several States that have opened up.  That's what happened when all of this began.  People were being really careful and then things were opened up and everything got bad again.  I saw President Biden yesterday and he said there would be enough vaccine for every adult by the end of May (two months earlier than they thought).  I saw a nurse on Chris Cuomo's show last night from Texas and had just gotten off work.  She looked so tired and looked like she was about to cry.  They're just so overworked and devastated by what's happening to their patients.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  More of my daffodils are beginning to bloom - still two or three bunches are brown and are not going to revive but the others look good.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Have not seen the turtle.  

    Received a text from my chart this am telling me I needed to make an appointment.  Thought that is my cue.  Sure enough was and have an appointment for 8am Friday.  Did it all online, no waiting on the telephone.  Was fairly easy, did all the paperwork already.  Hopefully will be smooth sailing.

    Went to dentist today.  They got their shots two months ago.  All had on PPE, air purifier in hallway.  Said they have had no problems with COVID even through the surge.  Made me happy.

    Beautiful day here too, but cool.  Looked around mailbox yesterday and didn’t see any signs of daffodils yet.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    It is a beautiful day here today. Not as warm as you Lorita, but I guess I should not complain. Right now it is 46 and the high today should be 55. It was nice yesterday I swept both porches off and was going to sit out. When I got around to doing that it was cold. As soon as the sun shines on my front porch Molly and I will go out. I need to start walking but there is still ice and snow in spots so when I feel safe Molly and I will start walking. 

    Lorita,  I am glad you are getting some nice weather you will be warmer and your chores if possible will be easier and more enjoyable time visiting with your girls.  

    Sara,   It's nice that your getting your vaccine and things will go smoothly from here on out. I am on my 7th day from getting my second shot so when I get to the 14th day I will feel better about going places. I will still mask up but I will feel better about going out.

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Sara, I'm so happy for you.  You've been so diligent about doing the right thing and being so careful so now it's your turn for the vaccine.  Do you have any idea which vaccine you'll be getting?  My friend, Carol and her husband get their second shots on Friday but they had to go to Tulsa - about 50 miles from their home.

     You said "your chart" - what is that?

     Sarah called this morning  - still in tears.  Their Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler died yesterday - Mason.  He had been sick for a long time and the vet didn't know why.  She said he was still eating but was getting to just skin and bones.  Same with Barclee - I bet he doesn't weight 12 lbs.  Todd's still in Houston so she was at home by herself when it happened.  Todd's partner is still in OKC and he came over and buried Mason.  I tried to tell her that Mason's better off now - he's not hurting and is well - but, I know how she feels.  I'll feel the same when I lose Barclee.  This morning she said Teagan is grieving and won't leave the place where Mason was laying.  Animals grieve, too.  I've seen that so many times with the cattle.

     Well, called QVC yesterday to see when I might expect that shipment of cookie dough.  I won't be getting any until June.  They didn't have any to ship out.  Luckily I did an auto ship which will be in June so will have to wait.

     I've been busy this morning - doing my second load of laundry now - have one in the dryer.  Also went through all the junk mail I've been collecting for a few weeks.  Amazing how much of that you get. I had a stack of receipts and other things I'd been letting stack up so got all of that put away.  I think I mentioned our taxes won't be due until June so won't worry about them for now.

     Very quiet here today - the girls and GPs are really enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.  I don't have any heat on except the little electric heater in the LR - I have that on for the cats and Mr. Barclee's standing/laying by it. 

     I'll be glad when my doctor's back in his office so I can ask him about taking the vaccine.  Still thinking that Jo had EBV or CMV and she was able to take it - wonder if that might have contributed to her reaction - just a thought.  Wish she'd post so we can know if she's feeling better. 

     Need to do some work on the utility room this afternoon but may relax this today and do it tomorrow.  I won't feed again until Friday if it's not rainy.  Girls aren't eating much hay but Mike will set out some more for them - probably the last of the year.  We talked a bit this morning and he said there were so many little calves and older cows that perished during the awful cold weather we had - babies born in the snow and cold wind didn't survive and cows walking out on ice to try to get water even though holes had been cut for them to drink.  That's the reason I like to water them at the house but that isn't possible way out in pastures.  I'm so glad I was able to get our older cows through the winter - but, they had the barn and water tanks so they could get out of the cold wind if they wanted.  And, the house and storage building is on the north side of their hay and liquid feed. 

     Barclee was restless last night and he's barking right now.  So, my sleep, and his, was interrupted several times.  I'll stop and put him up in the chair and see if he'll go to sleep.  I keep him on the floor quite a lot because he gets too close to the edge of the chair seat and falls off - same with the bed.  I'm afraid he'll break a leg and really get hurt falling.

      Sara, I noticed some of my daffodils are getting ready to bloom.  Oh, the scilla - I have some little flowers that may be that.  No idea where they came from unless a seed company sent a couple of bulbs with an order - don't remember.  They're white with a green center and have slender, long leaves that look kind of round.  I noticed ours is pretty and green, too.

     I'll stop and see about Barclee.  Hope you all are enjoying the pretty weather.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,   Looks like you and I were posting at the same time. That happened a few days ago and mine just disappeared. Today they both made it.  

    I am getting ready to watch Gunsmoke and today it is in 3 parts and it was filmed in The Sonoran Desert, the part of the desert thats in Calif. I remember as a kid I saw part of that desert. I grew up in Calif. I am looking at it online right now trying to find some rock formations that I  might see on Gunsmoke. There are some real pretty ones.    

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Last load of clothes in the dryer!

    Did you know Gunsmoke was filmed in Utah?Didn't think it  looked like Kansas very much. We're having a two-parter but I've seen it.  Love those cacti in that desert.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I have seen this 3 parter a few times. I guess I never realized I had seen it. Its the one where Matt is on the train and hiding in the last car while Dr Adams tends to a gun shot he had. While the crooks are a few cars ahead. So my mind is wondering right now I am getting ready to go sit outside and enjoy the sun.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, I'm glad you are getting your vaccine this week! That's great news!

    Another nice day here, in the 50s. Most of the snow is gone. I hope we don't get any more but it sure could happen. 

    Lorita, I am sorry for Sarah's loss. It's hard to lose a beloved pet. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Zetta like you looking forward to feeling better about going out.  Never dreamed would be able to get it this soon.  As I heard a doctor from our state say that everything you do adds another layer of Swiss cheese, less holes for the virus to get through.

    Lorita will not know which one til I get there.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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