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Just need to talk to my friends (141)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

    I had a good night and no side effects from my 2nd vax. My arm is very sore but that's all. I plan on just relaxing today. 

    More snow is on the way. I am so tired of snow. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Judith, I am knocking myself upside the head. Yes, I *should* daily use my mothers sterling. My DH can not do any IADLs and few ADLs, but he can notice when his dinnerware  does not match! Silver tarnishes incredibly in S. FL humidity, but silver polish is one chore I kind of like—big results fast. Hopefully you inspired me to get it out.

    My mothers china....I just don’t like it, not at all. I also have my own, which I do like, but care is  a lot of trouble. And doesn’t suit the room at all, could not be more discordant. I tried to sell it all 2-3 years ago, but Replacements would not take any (most were discontinued so I thought that might mean a market, but no). And eBay has tons, all priced so low it wasn’t worth the trouble. The sterling has some sales value, though, just as silver. And some of her serving pieces were wanted by resellers.

    What DID work for me, of all that kind of wedding stuff, was my crystal, which I got more of over the years, and still use daily. (Although not so much use now for all those cordial and “party” pieces, but back in the day...) That maker (Scandinavian) shut down several years ago, now that lines is selling for unimaginable prices! I really should try selling some of that.

    Speaking of  family heirlooms, I have some furnitures —cabinets, chests of drawers, desk, bigger stuff—that was hand built and documented in family records as they brought over from England in 1700s. Our kids have no interest whatsoever. None. If I ever get the gumption, I’ll talk to antique dealers, although there’s little market in FL. I’d do better with those back in SC!

    Stuff stuff stuff. It’s all too much.

    Zetta, hope all is still well with your vax. 

    Lorita, Jos ideas about using Fed Ex and other delivery services more, sound good. I have also used them a lot for business documents and had good experiences.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Our feed store is the only one in the area and just would not be feasible for them to deliver feed.  When they sold liquid feed, they did deliver that and also delivered a couple of hayrings for me a few years ago.  I keep the feed on the PU - otherwise, it would have to be put into the barn, then loaded back on whatever I feed in and it gets really muddy out in front of the barn.  Years ago we tried unloading the feed but it made twice the amount of work, lifting three times instead of once.

     I left to get feed this morning just about 8 a.m.  I went the usual way - there were a few soft places but nothing too bad.  Then, came upon this hill where I could tell someone had been stuck in the mud.  Got through that one and sadly didn't  make it through the second one.  Even in 4WD the PU wouldn't budge.  Out in the middle of nowhere - what to do.  So, called Mike to see if Toad might be in the area.  He was somewhere in the area so he said he'd contact him.  He called back to ask if I had a chain in the PU - no, I didn't and Toad didn't have one either.  He said many of the roads are closed because they were so bad.  When it snows and freezes, then melts and thaws, the bottom falls out of country roads - seems like you go down forever.  Oddly, this happens most often on hills, which is where I was stuck.  He said they had parked their feed trucks and were feeding with tractors.

     He called again and said a man who works for another big rancher was going to come and see if he could pull me out.  The men who work for him are really nice.  A day or so after I lost Charles a couple of his hands showed up on my porch to see if there was anything they could do to help.  The man and a young man came in their truck, chained the PU to theirs and pulled me out backwards.  So, all I had to do was back into the gateway, go half a mile back, then back to the highway.  I had driven 3 1/2 miles all right.  I shouldn't have tried to go through but the sun was in my eyes and I couldn't tell how bad it was.  I haven't been stuck for at least 30 years - close, but 4WD got me out. 

     Got into town, got loaded and headed for home.  Came back the way I came out and made it home.  There's something going on with the PU steering - noticed that when I backed into the dock at the feedstore and again when I made another turn.  May just be mud underneath.  It's a 3/4 T. and pretty tall but I bet I was on high center so maybe that's it.  Really didn't think about the roads being this way but even our lane is a bit soft.

     There was one car at the grocery store but after all that had happened all I wanted to do was get home.  Got here and the cows heard the PU and started bawling.  I'll feed sometime around noon - have to close the gate to that pasture and it looks really muddy out that way.  Can't feed out of the PU so will have to put the 150 lb. in the Gator.  I remember one year when it was really muddy, we broke the 50 lb. of feed into three sacks and then had to carry them out to the feeders from the road - that made 12 trips through the mud.

     So, that's my sad story - just glad to be home.  Jo, I hate I had to dispose of all those cookies but I guess they got hung up in Arlington - they were there three days because of the snow and ice, I guess. 

      Sara - my face masks finally came.  Got them out of the mailbox but they're still in the PU.  I called a day or so ago about cancelling the order since they were shipped Feb. 1.  I bet you'll enjoy going thrifting when you get to go.  Do you like garage sales?

     Ron, hope you're feeling better today - about everything.  Bet those tea cakes helped.  You know probably whatever recipe I do find for tea cakes may not taste the same as grandmas because she used lard instead of butter or Crisco.  I think I mentioned we made our own and kept it in a big can in the pantry.  Back then, didn't think a thing about it -- everyone did it then.  I know you can still buy lard but not for me now.

     Jo - hope your sciatica is feeling better today.  My friend who had it really had a hard time - can't remember how long it lasted or what she did for it.

     Zetta - let us know how you're feeling today.  hope it wasn't too bad.  Good you had that ice cream just in case.

     I'll stop for now and finish my hot tea - it's been to town and back and is still hot.  The only food I've had is a few Ritz crackers so may make some soup later or thaw out some.  It's cold out this morning - sunny right now, but clouds are on the way for later.

     When I got up this morning I went to the bedroom window to look out at the girls - the hayrings and feeders are on the south side of the house.  Stormy was standing, watching one of the girls walking, then he changed and started watching another one coming to the water tanks.  He was beautiful - doing his job.  They're still outside enjoying the sunshine.

     I'll be back after I feed.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    The point being better you break your company sterling etc than it goes into the dumpster. You are going to be the last person to appreciate it. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Zetta, I posted and then saw that you had posted while I was typing.  Glad you got through the second shot with only a sore arm.  Good that you're going to rest today - and enjoy that ice cream.

     I use stainless steel flatware, too and salad plates and plates we bought at The Dollar Tree - really pretty and so colorful - that is, when I use a plate which isn't very often.  Times have changed and people don't entertain like they used to - not that we ever did though.  Sad to think about what will happen to all of that pretty stuff we have.

     Jo - I have eggs in the refrigerator that I need to throw away.  I know they're 2-3 months old.  I find canned things in the pantry that are way outdated.  Guess I'm saving them for a rainy day and just wait too long.  I still haven't read that link you posted about the eggs, but will.  The way I test eggs to see if they're okay is to put them in a bowl of water.  If they float, they're bad.  If they stand on end, they're okay but better use them soon.  If they just lay on the bottom they're fresh.  I used to like deviled eggs but haven't made those in years.  Sounds like I haven't made or cooked anything much in the last few years.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita and Jo., here is my grandma's recipe!

    1 cup ole (softened)

    4 eggs

    1 tsp. Vanilla 

    1 tsp soda

    4 1/2 cups flour 

    2 1/4 cups sugar 

    1/4 cup buttermilk 

    1 tsp baking powder 

    1/2 tsp nutmeg 

    Cream butter, gradually add sugar and beat well; add eggs- beat well.  Combine flour with other dry ingredients  (sift all  together). Add to creamed mixture alternating with buttermilk.  Mix well. Stir in vanilla. Drop by teaspoon on greased cookie sheet.  Bake at 375 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes. 


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I forgot to mention these are soft and lightly browned on the edges.  Grandma use to put a thumb print in each one, said that was her signature. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Both of my grandparents were too poor for China etc.  My one grandma had a set of dishes.  They were white with ivy leaves.  Have no idea what happened to them.  My other grandma, poor thing, everything was old.  Neither one of them had water in the house til I was older.  After we moved to Ohio and dad got a good job he had running water and a bathroom put in their house.  A dam was put in where my moms parents lived, they then built a small house close to my aunt and that is when they got water in the house and a bathroom.

    Lorita you are one tough knot.  I would have probably went back home.  We lived way out in the country at one point, and roads got muddy, but not like that.  You only got stuck if you went off the road.  Sure was dusty in the summer.  They tarred and chipped it though before we sold it.  Flooding was the biggest issue for us.

    Zetta glad you are doing ok.

    Liz hope you are ok, haven’t heard from you for a few days.

    Almost all of my dishes are from goodwill, volunteers, garage sales and eBay.  Like old things like Pyrex, Fire King, Federal,   Gladbake etc.  Do like crystal and do have a nice set of glasses that I picked up at one of the thrift  stores.

    Not a fan of snow either Zetta.  Sunny day today.  Got my garage swept out.  Snows just cause your car and garage to be trashed.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,,    Sorry to hear you got stuck in the mud. It's nice to hear you have people close to help.  This has been a very quite day for me. No reaction to my 2nd vx other then the sore arm I took some acetaminophen and that helped a lot. I had a bowl of ice cream for lunch and it was not as good as I thought it would be. 

    Lorita,  when you get your vx just make sure you plan a down day for the day after the shot just incase. I am glad I got both of my shots and it's all over with.  Hugs to All, Zetta    

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Ron, thanks for the recipe - they sound good - glad they're drop cookies.  I think grandma rolled hers out.  I'll write down the recipe and make them when I get some eggs and more oleo.

     Zetta - that's why I'm going to wait until after I stop feeding the girls - so it'll be sometime next month before I can even start to make an appointment.  How do you make the application for appointment? and are there questions you have to answer?  Carol said they had to give them some kind of paper when they got their vaccinations.  I talked to our health department and they said to call 211.   I'm so glad you didn't have any kind of reaction other than the sore arm - that was enough.  Did you have any chills and fever after the first one?

     Zetta, I'd never seen this man who pulled me out today.  I know his boss (Carol went to school with him).  He had a big one-ton feed truck and just hooked on and out the PU came.  I had it in 4WD and helped a bit.  You know I had never had it in 4WD more than two times and was always worried I couldn't get it out.  After I got out I thought I had it out and drove on to town - shifted good - and back home - still shifting good but when I put it in the carport after I fed, the 4WD light was on - finally got it to go off so I don't know if I was driving it that way or not.  Maybe that had something to do with the steering.  I called Mike because a few years ago Charles and I were going to town and had a flat just before we got on the highway.  I called AAA and we were waiting for them when this PU went by on the highway, then came back.  It was him and his daughter.  He said to call him when we had trouble - so I did.  And to boot, a year ago the gas gauge wasn't working on the PU and I ran out of gas.  I called AAA and they had one heck of a time pinpointing my location - even had me located over close to OKC.  It is nice to have someone you can call on.  At home I can call on Darwin and he's here in five minutes. 

     Sara - I had to go on to town to get feed for the girls.  I used the last of it two days ago.  I wasn't able to get the creep feed I use for the babies so will have to go back when they have some.  Guess the company that makes it got way behind because they didn't send any on the truck yesterday.   They said they'd probably have some tomorrow but I'm not going then.  They still had some quick start and I added 100 lb. so they'll do them for a while. 

     I think Charles and I have been stuck on every road around here.  Carol and I were talking about when we were growing up it wasn't unusual for someone to knock on the door, day or night, to ask for our daddy to pull them out of the mud.  The roads are usually pretty good except after weather like we had the last two weeks. 

     Gave the girls 150 lb. of feed, gave Rose Bud her fortified grain and put 100 lb. of creep in the feeder for the little ones.  So, won't have to feed until Sunday.  Still have to fill the water tanks for the night.  I'm tired but glad it's done - right side hurts a bit - lifted some sacks of feed and turned or twisted with them.  It's hard not to.

     Sara - I never had any china - I do have a set of milk glass dishes that I really liked when I used them but they've been put away in boxes in the storage building - will never use them again.  I think of buying some of the pretty kitchen things on QVC - pots and pans mostly - but then I think I'm this old and can do without them.  The pots and pans I'm using now we bought at a flea market years ago and they do the job so guess I don't need more.    You know, Sara, we didn't have an inside bathroom until I was eleven or twelve.  Daddy and one of my uncles turned a double closet into the bathroom, plumbed it and everything.  We had it enlarged a bit in the late 90s.  Still remembering how scary it was to go to the outhouse at night.  The building is gone but the commode is still there.

     FedEx brought the cat and dog food from Chewy - three big boxes and a small one on the porch.  I don't need to open them right now so they'll set a few days.  Gets to be a job trying to make sure all the cats, dogs, girls and babies have feed. 

     Zetta, you talking about ice cream has made me hungry for it.  Guess I could eat some of that Blue Bell I have.  Haven't heard anything about recalls and Ron's eating it so must be all right.

     I'll stop and go fill the water tanks.  Girls will be wanting some water.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   My Drs office told me they would be letting all their patience know when its time for them to come in for the shots. we were e-mailed. When they had the vaccine I was notified to call in and set my appt. When I went in and got the 1st shot I was given a card with my 2nd appt on it. I have friends who don't go to the Dr as often as I do so they also had to call and try to get a appt. Right now it is just 70 and over. 

    I did have to fill out a form when I got there both times just answering simple questions. Then they gave me some brochures to take with me telling me what to look for. I had a few chills yesterday but they were small and fast, by the time I felt the chill it was gone. With me it all went well and I am sure it will with you. It's better to get the shot then not.

    I will let you know how I feel tomorrow. I keep waiting for something to happen so far nothing has.       

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Ron...is the ole in your recipe oleo margarine.  Would butter work?

    Lorita...I have lard in my frig. Why do you not use lard?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Judith, it's animal fat and I'm a vegetarian.  I'm sure butter would be fine or Crisco or Butter Flavored Crisco.  I remember my parents and grandma making the lard.  Daddy would butcher a hog or two and when they'd dress it, they'd put the fat in a big, black, iron pot over a fire and render the lard from the skin.  What was left was cracklins. Good idea to use FedEx to take my income tax papers in - if and when I get them compiled.  When is the time you can quit filing taxes anyway? It's been a pretty day but cloudy this afternoon.  I think it's going to be about the same tomorrow with a little rain tonight.  Ron, are you in the Arklatex or just south of it? Everyone except me is asleep and I think I'll go to bed early and sleep in a little bit tomorrow morning.  Glad I don't have to get out on those roads again.  Really scary when it's muddy like this and you meet a car or truck on a one-way road - have to watch ahead and if you see someone coming you can pull into a gate or wide place in the road.  Just common courtesy out in the country. Did I mention I talked with Sarah last night?  She saw Dr. D for a couple of minutes.  He doesn't know what to do so he's referring her to a gastroenterologist - why didn't he do that months or years ago? Todd had to go back to Amarillo to check on a job they're doing and she went with him.  He was afraid to leave her alone at home because of her seizures.  Four hour trip from OKC to Amarillo but his PU seats recline and she can rest and then stay in the motel and rest.  They have one little dog and they'll take her.  His friend will take Mason with him and they'll leave Tegan at home and someone will check on her.  She'll think they've deserted her but she's way to big to taken with them.  Hope it all goes well. Not much on TV tonight - watching  Highway Thru Hell. Hope all of you have a good night's sleep.  Sara, still haven't opened those masks yet.  I wore my mask while I was feeding today except when I put the two sacks in the creepfeeder.  Doing this because Carol's brother helped his SIL unload some feed just before he got the virus.  Doesn't hurt to be careful - wish I'd had it on all the time.  I did tie the earpieces close to the mask today and it worked well.  Think it would be better if you did that and put a dab of glue to hold the ends inside. See you all tomorrow.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh boy; whatever it is I have is a puzzle and is awful.  The left lower back pain and spasms decided to go away; but the pain looked for a new home and found it in my left hip and a bit on thigh.  Today was horrible, the hip pain excruciating with me hanging onto things for dear life trying to get between the bed and the bathroom so I could sit up straight on the bed with legs in front of me.  Only up and about for bathroom run today.  So hard to get up on the bed - short me and regular height bed, but move leg and hip . . . . YOW!  No going downstairs to sit on the sofa even with a stair lift.  Oh; it was horribly bad!  (Whimper.)

    I have never thought about sciatica leaving the back and being only in the hip - made me wonder - "Do I have a fracture of the hip?"  Google does say it can be located in hip; and it is a doozy.  Guess I really will have to take off those extra pounds.  I know I will, don't want to do this again.

    Any of you folks have your sciatica just in a hip?   Advil not helping; so today, because pain is truly near-tears, so severe, doctor ordered Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen; don't think I have ever taken that before.   Last prescription pain med I had was over 30 years ago after having a surgery.  Will have to see how it makes me feel; don't mind being a bit loopy if the pain will just gear down.   Will save it for severe pain and use Advil or Aleve for moderate pain.  NOTE:  Meds will work best if you take the med right at the beginning of pain, if you wait until the pain is severe, the meds do not work as well.  And there I am, waiting . . . . guess I will get on top of it and not do that now.

    The Prednisone tablets caused some moodiness, woebegone, unsettled, antsy, tears in eyes and I am NOT a crier.  Recognized it for what it was, it is one of the side effects including my hands and feet getting puffy from water retention.  Oh glory be, just what I need, more weight!  Seems it too has not done much if anything.

    Back to silverware.  That silver we bought; we were in the right place at the right time; the price of silver had dropped wa-a-a-a-y down which lowered the price of the silver; and Bullocks Dept. Store had a 15% off sale, and the silver company had a 25% off!    We were to go on vacation, but then one of the kids got the ick and we had to cancel; so we used our vacation money and all the discounts to get started.  That is how we also got all the serving pieces and steak knives too.  Love the serving pieces, they are so pretty.  The re-sale price on our silver is holding, so I may end up selling if the grands are not going to want it. 

     I love pretty old fashioned antique crystal smalls.  Whenever we went to the Pacific Northwest; there are some awesome antique buildings in Washington which we really enjoyed browsing.  I picked up some of the most beautiful Heisey pieces; gave some to DIL, and have some lovely ones, but they too need to find a new home.  When we were young with the four kids, we were acquiring "stuff," now that we are getting long in the tooth, we need to divest ourselves of it.   When younger, I wanted to live in a place like Jessica Fletcher; near the ocean in a sea-side town and have an antique store that carried smalls, and I would have a sitting area for customers with tea and biscuits.  Nice fantasy. 

    Woo!  I am starting to feel the hydrocodone - if I start to go Baa-Baa, it is because I am feeling a bit mutton-headed.  Clouds in my head!

    Gosh Lorita, so glad your rescuers got to you fast; I am sorry that happened.  One more thing in a bunch of so much.  I've noticed that as we have "matured," we have more of those sorts of unexpected things happening.  I want the old me back; she was pretty darned good;  and everything was still in its correct anatomical position.  Where in the world did she disappear to?   Gravity - sigh.  Hopefully your chocolate chip cookies will soon come along and make things seem  a bit better. 

    Well; we broke down and have ordered the latest Roomba from CostCo. DH was not approving because they are pricey, but hey, neither of us is in any condition to vacuum the big two story.  They are $100 dollars off the one that is the latest model and empties itself.  Still pricey; BUT I told DH that we have not had the every other week cleaning person since January when the pandemic hit - our cleaner lady had just retired.  So . . . . I told him, we would have paid this money to the cleaner; and it is in the bank beause we have not spent it, SO . . . buy the dratted Roomba - it is our cleaning lady money.  And he did.  In fact, he got one for the downstairs and one for the upstairs.  Gulp. Sure hope we like them and that they are worth it. If we hate them, CostCo has an excellent return policy, no questions asked, so that is a good thing to know.

     I liked the new Roomba model, you can program it with Wi-Fi; and it has rubber type"brushes,: not the ordinary wire brushes some vacuums have, this keeps string and hair from getting around them, it cleans itself, so hooray for that.  It does empty itself, and the new model had good reviews and it also has stronger suction.  Oh boy.   We shall see.  I know our Joan has a robot vacuum  and she said she really likes it, so that is good.

     I am going to get so catty - meow!  Forget the baa-baa.  Okay; back to a catty funny re silver purchases.  I was a student RN; we were in final year and doing our rotation at a med center.  The Director of Nurses (DON), Mrs. O, was a monster.   She was greatly insulting, looked for ways to sneer at the students and yell at them, scared the heck out of many of them; she waited to catch them even breathing and would berate them. Didn't get me often, I kept my head down and my powder dry. She also dressed like a million and bragged about her social contacts and her , etc., and literally draped herself over the physicians; not romantically, just gushing for self-importance.  She really did look down on the students.  Wasn't very popular would be an understatement.

     Anyway, another good dept. store was having another big silver sale, I wanted some more serving pieces and they had to be ordered in.  The sale created such a run on the silver that we were told we only had several hours to pick up the silver ordered when it came in as the demand was so great. 

     So; there I was, on hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor and the phone rings. Omigosh, the silver came in. The sales person recommended coming down right away as the sales were going through the roof and she could not guarantee it would all be there too long. So - me; all sweaty, old clothes, hair on end gets in car and goes to dept. store. Wouldn't you know - there at the counter stood that devil DON! Dressed like a million and I was the poor sweaty scrub woman. Gnashing of teeth, and inner groaning. Ah well.

     She looks up and sees me, looks me up and down and simpers; "Ah yes, one of the student RNs, hm-m-m; what are you doing here?   "Came to pick up purchase from the sale," I replied while feeling intimidated.  She looked me up and down again and said, "Oh, then you are buying like I am.

     The sales person who was a sweet little lady, (bless her), did not intend to insult, but said, "Oh no, Mrs. O, it isn't the same; you bought silver plate, Mrs. R. bought sterling!"   Didn't say a thing - just swallowed hard.

     Mrs. O turned a bit stark, looked like a deer caught in the headlights for a moment, and I kept a straight face saying nothing while I concluded my purchase.   That is one of the rare times in my life that I was looking SO bad but feeling SO good.   She never bothered me at  the med center; in fact she purposely did not even see me.  We were moving on to a different med center anyway.  Don't know why I told that story; but it was rather satisfying at that moment in time.  Must be the Hydrocodone.   Being catty is not nice and I do not indulge; but that was an exception considering. 

     Thank you for the recipe, Ron; it sounds wonderful.  Bet they are delicious; I would like a couple with a nice cup of Earl Grey tea.  You are an awesome cook and baker, Ron.  Actually, you are our Chef Ron!

    Well, it is almost midnight and here I am on the computer.  Med did not  make me sleepy at all; that is weird.  Getting up on my feet will be the measure to see if the med helped; so hope it did.  Please.

    Okay all of you dears, that is it.  Hoping Zetta is still doing great tomorrow, sounds like it is going to be so.  Ice cream not as dreamy?  Maybe it needs a little hot fudge- I'll be right over!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Jo indeed my hip and leg are involved in the sciatic issues.  In fact the worst part for me was the leg pain that occurred when standing in line or trying to take a walk.

  • Doityourselfer
    Doityourselfer Member Posts: 224
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments
    Just read your posts and I hope you all have better days ahead.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Jo - so hope the medicine finally did the job so you could get relief from the pain and could go to sleep.  Seems like when you're in pain it tires you out so much.  I remember when I was having my gallbladder attacks - pain was awful from time to time.  I hadn't looked in the mirror for a while and when I did, my goodness, how old I did look.  Still do but now it's not so much from pain.

     This was the morning I could sleep in a bit.  Set the alarm for 7 a.m. but Barclee woke up about 4:30 and hasn't been asleep again - me either.  He just can't settle down - walks around and around in circles.  I think he actually has dementia.  It's so sad - I can remember when we got him and for many years after how active he was.  We always took him with us when we went somewhere and when we'd get home I'd put him down on the ground and he's run around and around exploring and just enjoying being outside.  Then, the trouble with his eyes - he was playing with a cat and whirled around and the side of his head on the doorfacing.  We took him to the vet but the injury didn't seem bad.  Then, a cat scratched him in the eye.  I think that was the beginning of the problems with his eyes.  The eyeball kept getting bigger and bigger.  There's an ophthalmologist for animals in OKC and he came to Tulsa every two weeks.  We began taking him to him and he treated him.  His eyes got so big I was afraid he's hit one of them and it would burst.  Finally, the doctor did surgery on his eyes (can't remember the name of the surgery)  to keep fluid from accumulating.  Now, you can hardly see his eyeballs and they mat every night so have to take care of that and put in drops.

     He has lost so much weight but still eats good.  He's just wasting away before my eyes and there's nothing to do for it.  The vet has him on Lasix because he seems so congested and another medicine.  Yesterday I began giving him Amoxicillin again.  He also takes Comfortis every month and Medrol every other day.  We'd also added Nutri-Cal.  Vet says at his age he needs it twice daily.  He loves the Nutri-Cal - licks it off the tube.     Didn't mean to get into that so much.  Just makes me sad to see him decline.  We all know that feeling, don't we?   I saw it with daddy, mother, my sister, Charles and now Barclee.  I'm declining, too.  Can really tell it after lifting things.

     Finally got up at 7 and fed the inside cats.  I wanted to see the weather and one thing led to another.  Called Mike last night to thank him for arranging to get me out of the mud.  He said they were going to try to feed with their trucks today instead of using only tractors.  They've only been able to feed hay the last few days so I know his girls will be glad to see the feedtrucks.  He's going to leave the medicine for the GPs and Barclee in the mailbox - if they get this far - so I'll go down and get it sometime this morning.  I came by the mailbox yesterday before the mail ran.  I still have mail in a bucket waiting to be sorted.

     Our news just had a story about a little boy playing with his new calf>  Baby was born in the snowstorm and mom rejected him so they brought him to the house and are bottle feeding him.  Many new babies have been lost during the bad weather.  That's one reason I like for the calving season to be in April and May, sometimes the latter part of March - but then, you get into the hot weather and that's not good either.  A new baby can get so hot and disoriented he just gets up and walks away.  Another reason I like to keep our new ones up for a couple of weeks.

     Jo, your silver sounds beautiful - do you use it much?  I remember our Chief Nurse - I think the RNs cringed when they saw her coming.  Also some of the Supervisors were not a welcoming sight.  When I first started working at the hospital the nurses were so proud of their caps they had earned.  At that time they wore starched uniforms (dresses), white hose and white shoes usually with the block heels - and, of course, their caps.  Now, you can't tell the nurses from anyone else - at least that's the way it was when Charles was going to the VA. 

     Just heard that Oklahoma is giving people until June 15 to file their taxes because of the bad weather.  I need to get to work on mine.  Every year I think I'll do mine in January - never get that done though.  Time slips away so fast.

     I'd better stop and go feed Tom and Jerry and have some OJ/CBJ.  This time the CBJ is mixed with Raspberry - kind of an odd taste, but good.  Wish I had some waffles or pancakes but don't want to take the time to make them so guess I'll have toast and Malt-o-Meal.  Have you ever tried mixing peanut butter with peach preserves and having that on toast?  Really good.

     Back later. 



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Judith,  butter is what I use for the tea cake cookies, the recipe was how my grandmother made them. If anyone makes the cookies I would suggest that you put parchment paper between the layers if you put them in a container. They will stick together. 

    Jo., talking about pain moving around reminded me of when I hurt my back. The Dr. Zhad me on 600 mg anti inflammatory medication for years which ended up causing stomach problems. Got to where my stomach hurt more than the back. I have taken hydrocodone several times after surgery and always had over half left when the pain would ease up.  Never liked taking pain meds!

    I will be glad when I can eat and be able to chew again, getting tired of pasta, eggs and chicken noodle soup. Gums are finally healing after the last of bone fragments worked out  but last time I tried eating with them I didn't have a tight seal on lower and food got under them. I go back to the dentist March 3rd. 

    Would love to make some gumbo,  stew, lima beans and rice, red beans and rice with sausage,  roast with with gravy over rice, mashed potatoes and peas and I could go on and on, but cant eat any of it. Really got tired of cooking a lot after it got harder to please Lou. She eats a good breakfast but cant get her to eat as much supper. I have found a few small meals she will eat! 

    Still waiting on call from outside dermatologist which I have been approved for.  I googled the petechiae that PCP said it looked like. It might not be much to it but also could be leukemia. With the previous cancer you always worry,  but I'm sure it's not much to it and will be easily resolved. Don't remember if I had mentioned, but when i started my radiation the psa was over 5 and now its 0.13.


  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    For those of you with sciatica: last March it hit me and as with several of you, completely incapacitated me. The pain was from my right hip down my leg and numbness in my foot. But with covid gaining steam I decided to tough it out via YouTube, etc. Nothing I tried was improving the condition. And I was gaining weight with my inactivity. October arrived and I was still in pain. I had Tramadol from another problem but it didn’t help the pain at all. I had to have an in-person visit with my rheumatologist for my RA. He set me up for physical therapy for the sciatica. It took 11 sessions, steadily improving pain...coming and going pain but gradually improving. All of a sudden...pain free! I’m so grateful!

    I’m in the San Diego area and am 77. Of course was nervous about being out and about, but couldn’t take the pain any longer. Protected myself as best I could. 

    Had my 1st Pfizer vaccine and will get the 2nd on March 7th. So difficult to get an appointment. But my cousin ran across a “pop-up” location run by our fire departments and it was a dream! Easy to get appt. No crowds. I feel so fortunate and thankful. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Thanks Ron...I am giving it a whirl. I will likely not need the parchment paper. The red beans and rice sound particularly good. I was told it was a Monday dish...easy to fix on laundry day.

    Sciatica .... often treated with a muscle relaxant like Valium. I would also look into the best marijuana which I think is much less dangerous than  an opiod.

    I remember Dr D talking with Sarah about a gastro. She also saw my daughter's gastro years ago when she was in the hospital. Sarah did not like him. I hope she gets a different one. I hope she also gets a referral to a neurologist.

    Jo....the DON story is wonderful! 

    Today marks my peak effectiveness for my Vaccine. I may celebrate by going to the grocery store. I will wear my mask but will take my time.

    The cowboy is painting my front porch. It looks 1000% better. I think I will have him continue while he builds up his real estate folder. Lorita....any possible land sales/purchases over your way?

    Zeeta....glad you had no side effects to mention.

    Seaside...good to know about the PT.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Seaside, so good to see a post from you.  I'm glad you were able to get relief from your sciatic pain even though you had to go to the doctor.  I haven't been to my doctor since December 2019 - still don't want to go unless absolutely necessary.

     Happy that you have had your first vaccination.  What about reactions from it?  Take care and stay well.

     Sara - you keep up to date on all the masks so..  I just received some I ordered from Amazon.  They have KN95 stamped on them and the little paper says they are made in China.  They're white and have that odd shape, to me, at least - like you have a beak (seam down the middle from top to bottom).  I'm wondering if it's safe to wear masks made in China and if they're really KN95.  Didn't have any instructions or paperwork with them.    A couple of years ago I ordered some and when they came, they were also made in China - black ones.  I washed them a couple of times but these seem like they're made out of paper (not sure).  Worries me about wearing something made in China but seems like a lot of them are.

      Can you tell me exactly which ones you ordered from Amazon.  I want to get the best kind but there's so many it's hard to make a decision. 

     Got Barclee fed and medication and now he's sound asleep.  Guess I'm going to have to do like mothers or caregivers do - sleep when they do.

     Better stop - need to get some bills in the mailbox before the mail runs. 

    Addendum:  11:05 - made it to the mailbox - there's a light mist but looks like it may have rained a quarter to half inch last night.  Glad I got into town yesterday.  The girls are scattered everywhere, mostly laying down.  They're ready to start grazing - and I'm ready for them to do so.

     Sara - I cut one of those masks and the outer layers are a heavy-paper-cloth like material with two I guess filter-like layers inside - so they are four layers.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Ron it is nice that you are getting a desire to cook again and hope soon  you can eat things better.  You and Lou continue to be in my prayers.   Seaside glad you are feeling better and that you will soon have both vaccinations.  Happy for each one and will be nice when I am eligible. 
    Judith can imagine how you feel.  Just finding the KF 94  made me feel more comfortable so I went in the store and looked around a bit which I had not done in a year.  Will really take my time if I ever get fully immunized, and go when I want too.  Went to two stores this week.  Next week nothing happens might go to Menards and thrift store.  Have to go to dentist too, delayed my November appointment when things were surging, so maybe I’ll just go to one store.  Wonderful what a coat of paint does.
    Lorita KN from Amazon do have the potential of not being legitimate.  Think I am going to order my masks from sites other than Amazon from now on.  Aaron Collins the YT channel I listen to is legitimate I believe.  He has purchased or viewers have sent the masks he tested except for  just a very few that a company sent him asking him to test their mask.  Probably hoping to increase their sales I guess.  They know if someone is watching they are interested in masks.  He has also been mentioned in articles where Fauci is quoted, kind of surprised me.  

    He says to never order mask off of eBay.  Amazon can be ok, but could not be ok.  Here are some of the sites he suggests ordering from.  KollectUSA.com, BehealthyUSA.com.   Will be trying them next time I place an order.  Here are some of the masks he likes best for himself, it is finding what you like as he has not tested a KF94 out of S Korea that was not very effective at filtration around 97-98%.  His favorites are BOTN, MaskLab version 2, Airwasher.  Several commenters mentioned they like Klaring and that it is used by many people in S Korea and that it comes with ear protection.   Others that he tested and mentioned they were really nice is Evergreen Clean, Bluna and Product lab.  Ordered one last week called Dr Puri which he reviewed and was 98.3% effective so see what I think of it.  Should get it today.

    The BOTN, one I wore this week is easy to breathe with.  Has a little odor but not near as much as the N95 we wore at work.  It is large, I have a long face.  Remember these are made in Asia.  Fit is pretty good, get no steam on my glasses normally, but if bend forward noticed a small amount on one corner of my glasses.  They do bother my ears a bit but ordered something I hope will help with that.  Will let you know.  Should come today too.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Got my mail.  Aarons complaint about Dr Puri was that when he takes a  deep breathe it collapses in toward his mouth too much.  It is much softer than BOTN.  Fits my face better, does collapse a little with my deep breath but does not come near my mouth.  The lanyard is great, you snap it around each piece of elastic then tighten it to where you want at back of head. I am so glad to find these.  Glad I listened to a lot of commenters who liked Dr Puri and tried it.
  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Friday All,

    Zeta I had to laugh about ice cream being your "comfort" food. Mine too. Though I've been "comforted" way too much so now I don't even buy it.

    Lolita, throw away chocolate chunk cookies, that should be against the law. Though you did the right thing....me? I  don't know about that even with the "risks"

    Judith, what mentioned about "isolating"  is spot on with what our Dr in the family has said. Too many things in the news good/bad and I think people get fixated on what they see/read in the news.  I choose not to isolate after being out. Just use the obvious precautions. Working for me but maybe not for someone else.

    Both my uncle and I have had the 1st vaccine (Pfizer) and will have the 2nd next week. So far no side effects for either of us.

    Even though I was an RN and now an attorney I never give any advice medical or legal to anyone not even to my family. I've been witness to many lawsuits due to giving advice. Just how I handle "advice" 

    Finally heard from my hubby, apparently one of his team members was hurt on the job. That's all he could tell me. Little does he know us wives/girlfriends talk so we already knew what happened. I will always hate his job, but I knew what I was getting into when I said "I do" sigh.

    Waiting until next week to have a conference call with our attorneys to see how we can place our uncle into an MC. But as I told my cousin dementia doesn't wait for anything.

    Been nice here in Vegas, in fact it got up to the 70's yesterday. Really nice.

    Stay safe all.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    RN and Esq. That is a lot of years in school! I would love to have the law degree but the other? No... I can't even handle splinters. I did get a Masters but had to be fluent in a second language to get a doctorate so gave up the idea.

    Went to the bank drive through this afternoon. I was shocked to see how many plants that we treat as evergreen look totally dead. It was a wicked Arctic storm. We seem to be OK here but TX certainly is not. I wonder what the outcome of the hearings will be.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Nicole, I am going to throw away the cookies (frozen now) but haven't gotten it done - but I will.  It should against the law.

     Glad you heard from your husband.  I know you were worried.  Hope his friend wasn't injured too  much.

     Judith - could you tell me the website again to get an appointment for the vaccine?  I'm thinking maybe I should go ahead and get it and rearrange my feeding schedule to fit the appointment.  I thought it was vaccinateoklahoma.gov but that doesn't work.  I see they've approved the J&J one-shot vaccine today.  Also heard Oklahoma's going to get more than normal vaccines next week.  On that portal, can you select the place you want to get the shot?  I'm going to call our health department Monday and see what they ssay.  Jack said he talked to them this week and they were only giving the second shot.

     Not sure about the J&J one-shot - it isn't as effective as the other two percentagewise. I heard this afternoon that they may have to give another booster for the Pfizer because of the variants. 

     When you get the vaccine, do they test you for the virus? 

     I think I've strained my side/stomach muscle on the right side again - that and my right knee wants to try to give away so guess I'll have to start wearing the knee sleeve again.  Haven't worn them for a long time.  Haven't done anything today except fill water tanks and did go to the mailbox one time.

     Gave Stormy and Sheena their dewormer medicine today.  WAS NOT EASY.  Tried breaking the big old pill in half and trying to hide it in their food.  Didn't work especially for Stormy - he just ate the food and left the pill.  Even tried it wrapped in cheese.  So, crushed them and mixed them in with their dog food - that did some better.  Finally got all of it taken after I mixed Stormy's with catfood. Then touched my finger to my tongue and I can see why they didn't want to take it - bitter as all get out. 

     Sara - I guess I'll just stick to my surgical mask with maybe a cloth one over it - or two of them.  Thanks, though, for all the information.  I may order some later.

     I saw this afternoon that Oklahoma is going to reset the due date for income tax reports to June 15 and a while ago I think I saw where the federal income tax has done the same for Oklahoma. 

     Zetta - I made some more creamy potato soup about noon.  It is so good so will have a little more for supper.  Did you try some more ice cream today? 

     Supposed to be rainy tomorrow.  Sarah called - they're coming back to OKC tomorrow, then T has to go to Houston on Sunday for a couple of days.  She said she was exhausted after the trip but was feeling more rested today after she slept last night.  I hope she gets to see a different gastroenterologist, too - or she'll have to bite the bullet even if she doesn't like her. 

     Zetta - any more reaction from the shot?

     Hope you all have a good, restful night.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita...I signed up through OK Co, see if this works for you. I do not know anyone who knew which vaccine they were getting until they arrived and no, there was no  pre testing. There were a lot of people both times I went. Winda got her's in the car.


    Looks like there are 2 female gastros at OU. Both have excellent educations and patient ratings.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,    No reaction to the 2nd shot. Just the sore arm and the pain med helped that. Just a little sore today. The ice cream just did not hit the spot I guess I did not need the comfort food. I am trying to lose weight so I gave the ice cream to my son and told him to take it out to his cabin. That potato soup really sounds good I might make me some.

    When I got both of my shots I was not tested for the virus they just ask if I had any symptoms of the virus. That is part of the form they give you to answer questions.  

     Lorita,  You really want to be careful when lifting that is probably what is straining your muscles. Do you have a dolly with a lift or something like that, that can do the lifting for you? Getting your shot as soon  as you can is a good idea. 

     Ron,    You need to make a list of all the things you want to cook. I bet Lou will eat 3 times a day when you start cooking again.

     Nicole,  It was a good thing the ice cream did not hit the spot if it had I would have ate the whole quart. Vanilla Ice Cream and chocolate syrup are my favorite  but I gave to to my son  so I would not change my mind.

     Jo,   You poor thing you must be in a lot of pain. I had to laugh a little when I was reading your post when you were talking about pain meds. Then you just started talking about things I said to myself that the pain meds were working. Sorry I laughed but I was glad they were working. You are in my prayers so please take care and get a lot of rest.

    It snowed so hard at my house today it was a white out when I looked out of my windows. A lot of wind. I guess we will be getting a nice warm week end. I hope so I would love to sit on my porch.

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • storycrafter
    storycrafter Member Posts: 273
    Ninth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions 25 Likes

    Hi Everyone. Glad to "see" you here.

    Ron, I hope you keep healing and feeling better and stronger. That tea cookie recipe sounds good.

    Lorita, you are so brave and active with your animals and dealing with the tractors/trucks/vehicles/etc.

    Zetta, glad no reaction to the first vaccine. I had none to my first Moderna shot last week. In fact, wondered if I really got it, lol. Wished I had actually looked to make sure, hah! Didn't feel anything; only a very slight soreness the next morning; could have imagined it. It's a hopeful feeling to look ahead to perhaps getting out more or seeing friends in person again. I know it's not foolproof, but  it's something to improve the odds. I wonder if it'll be like the flu and change every year.

    Jo, so hope your pain soon lessens and you feel better. It sounds miserable.

    I'm on that grief journey where it comes in waves and sometimes fatigue hits and I take a nap during the day. Find myself sometimes feeling like I'm grieving for everything. Combined with winter blahs I often want to just hibernate like the bears do. I carry on and endure and know it will eventually ease, until the next thing. I've got to get my dad's tax info to the CPA and finish closing out his bank account, continue helping my sister with his estate, figure out what to do with all the furniture now in our house and sort through his files to dispose of things. I get tired and can only do a little at a time.

    I'm a little concerned my FTD husband is gung ho now about building a workshop garage. I don't have the heart to put the cabosh on it yet because it gives him a lift to consider and plan. But how realistic is it really? With his FTD is he thinking clearly? Here we are both 68 y.o., almost 69 and he's going to build a workshop? He hasn't finished the back deck and a door repair.

    I remember my dad accidently cut off the end of his finger once and he voluntarily stopped all his woodworking projects after that. I don't know how old he was. Steve just seems to want more space and then more space again, for woodworking tools, etc. I haven't talked with our sons yet to ask them what they think about it; need to do that. Steve has overtaken the garage such that now only one car fits in it. Right now it has my dad's/parent's queen size mattress and box springs in it so even my car sits out on the driveway in the snow now. I need to finagle with Steve so we can transport the bed for donation and get it out of the garage so my car can fit inside again. It takes energy and I haven't much of it lately.

    Pardon me blathering a bit. Thank you for listening. Wishing you all a safe and healthy weekend. ~Helen

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes
    Hi cobbers 
    Me again,  sitting in the recliner feeling sorry for myself,  with a thick head cold. Had a COVID test this morning,  but it will be negative,  I'm sure. No cases in my city for many days. but they ask us to get tested 'just in case'.

    Jo, wanted to share my story of sciatica from 20 years ago. Finally had MRI and found stenosis of spinal chord. Operation on spinal column fixed the problem,  pain was gone when I woke up. Could have had horrible outcome without the op, so do get checked as soon as you can.

    Then about 6 years ago, dreadful pain inthe other hip. Assumed it would be similar problem. Wrong! Had X-rays, hip was fine, but pain referred from knee. Knee replaced, no more hip pain. Who would have thought.

    Not a medico, so no idea if your problem resembles either of mine, just sharing fyi. Hope you get relief soon.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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