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Just need to talk to my friends (141)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Zetta we had beautiful sunshine yesterday, but cold.  Was able to sit on porch from about noon til 2pm.  Took it awhile to heat up, faces east so as soon as sun went down it started getting cool.

    Noticed a few daffodil blades poking their noses through when put garbage out yesterday.

    Hope to start a few seeds this morning.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    I'm okay, just a headache on left side. Took down trash.  Now waiting for callback from doctor's office. Talked with nurse who said might need X-Ray .
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Ones - what can I say except thank you for your loving concern.  Zetta, your reaching out meant so much.

    I was an embarrassing, embarrassng  911 call with subsequent eight days on bedrest in hospital which has left me SO weak; amazing what such a small down time can do to a body.

    Lots of consults, etc.  Was not my back, they think hip, had CT and Interventional Radiology, and on and on and on.  Had two roomates with advanced dementia, one a screamer all night and day - felt so sorry for her. That is another story for another time.

    I will be having PT and OT and I hope a Registered Dietician to get me on my way. It appears I have a hip with arthritis which is not a surgical hip, but so much up in air.  Never, ever had such pain in my life, even with four childbirths.

    Much to tell and will later, I am just so tired.  Find myself wishing you all lived near so we could visit in person.   Or at least speak on phone.  Missed all of you, wondered about all of you and how you were doing.

    Much love and hugs dear ones,


  • storycrafter
    storycrafter Member Posts: 273
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    Lorita, glad you're checking in with your doctor about your head and the vaccine. When I was much younger I fell on the ice once, hit my head hard, and it was several months before I began to feel up to par. It takes a long time and lots of patience, lots of extra rest.

    Sorry to hear Barclee is having troubles. Our pets are important family members and I know you must be concerned for him. He is lucky to have such a caring mama as you.

    I've been meaning to ask, what in the world is "creep?" Sounds like it comes in heavy bags? You are an amazing woman managing all that you do. I love hearing about it all, the animals, where you live, and thank you for sharing about it.

    Beth is right, Zetta; elk can be very dangerous; they are wild animals; beautiful to see, but unpredictable. My parents lived in Estes Park in the Rocky Mountains for many years. I remember my dad describing the first time they heard a very strange loud sound and realized it was elk rubbing their antlers on the side of their house!

    Thanks, Zetta, for checking about Jo C. I hope things will turn around soon for her.

    Glad you're feeling better, Sayra. I'm with Sandy about getting the vaccine. Just heard the J & J one is now offered in our county. I kinda wish we could have gotten that one and be done already. We'll get our second one on the 19th. I'm waiting to do anything extra until two weeks afterward. So grateful to have gotten one at all, the Moderna. Glad they are becoming more widely available as time goes on.

    I am doing better, energy picking up again after surrendering to grieving and resting; so relieved. Am aware I'm mourning everything, not just Dad. Just received news that his apartment may have sold already. Should find out today and be able to take care of the final check for those expenses; will be a great relief. I'm also feeling lighter because got his tax info to the CPA last week. It seems like I'll never be done with his affairs; it goes on and on, always another detail. And his estate is fairly simple; can't imagine what it takes for more complicated property!

    I'm making progress on sorting through his things here at our house, slowly but surely. Am feeling more energy to continue working on it. Still have his files all over the kitchen table and need to get that corralled soon. Last week I set up a cozy reading corner in our bedroom with my mom's comfy chair, small bookshelf and good reading light. Also completely unburied the ol' treadmill so I can walk on it again, cleaned out a dresser, cleared out son's old desk so we can donate it, am making progress toward my new life goal of having all flat surfaces in the house bare of junk .

    Heard over the weekend that our son and wife in NC are definitely coming to visit the end of May! It'll be wonderful to see them. Am a little nervous for them because they will not have had the vaccine and they are flying. At least we will have had it ourselves. It gives me extra motivation to get things cleaned up around here so they have someplace to lay their heads, lol.

    I hope this finds everyone well. I send good wishes and hugs to all.... ~Helen

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Jo,

    It is so nice hearing from you and I am so sorry your in so much pain. We were all worried about you and we were getting ready to send a Posey out to look for you. 

    Now its time for you to get a lot of rest.  If you ever want a person to talk too I would love to be one of them.  Just send me a connection request and I would be glad to give you my phone number. I am in Oregon I am not that far away. 

    Hugs, Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Dear Jo thankful you are home and had enough strength to say hello.  Hope you gain your strength back quickly.

    Lorita hope you were able to get your X-rays done.

     Storycrafter it is always such a relief to get things like that taken care of.  They kind of weigh on you.

    Zetta thank you for your kindness to Jo.

    Take care each one

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Helen, creep is a smaller version of cattle cubes - they're about an eighth of an inch in diameter.  We used to feed the big ones, about the size of a broom handle, until one of our cows choked and died and a calf got choked.  Much easier for the cows, especially older ones and calves to eat the little ones.

     The year I lost Charles I hit my head several times and you are so right, it takes a while to get over it.  I even bought a hardhat to wear and I did for a while.  Guess I'll have to begin wearing it again.

     Barclee's pacing the floor.  He wouldn't eat this morning but I got his medicine down him and he did eat some later.  Seems like he just can't be still - but, then he'll sleep for hours and not move.  He's incontinent much of the time.  I keep those waterproof pads on the bed and a chux on them - had to change them twice last night.  If he slept in a chair, he'd wake up and fall off - even falls off the bed sometimes.

     Jo - so glad to hear from you but sorry to hear of all you've been through.  Glad you're home and on the road to recovery.  We really missed you just as we miss every one of our friends when they don't post.  We probably need to have a number for each of us - just in case.  I have numbers for about three of our friends and they have mine and we have Judith who can track down anyone.

     Finally felt like opening the Chewy boxes on the front porch and got some of the sacks of dog and cat food inside.   Helen - those feed sacks weigh 50 lbs.  I bear hug theme to lift them easier.  Have lifted one or two that had rears in them in another way but it's harder.  If I'm not feeling well or my back or shoulder hurts I empty the sacks by bucketsful - makes it a lot easier but longer to do.

     Didn't get a callback from the doctor or his office - not really surprised because it was his first day back from vacation and he's the only doctor in town.  When I called at noon Janette said they had a room full of people.  He may call in the morning - if not, I'll call again.  Had a note from a friend in Montana (not Leanne) who said she and her husband were able to get their vaccinations from the health department in their town - hope I can do the same.

     My head has hurt off and on today - stopped hurting on the left side, now it's back to the top on the right side - moves around.  Getting an x-ray wouldn't help - I know what happened and they couldn't do anything except prescribe rest which I'm trying to do.

     Got to go - my alarm is going off for me to turn off the water to the water tanks I'm filling for the night.  The girls went off to graze and in a few minutes I heard Rose Bud bawl - telling me it was time for her feed.  She went to the place where I feed her.  Smart girl.

     Sleep well.  See you all tomorrow.  Zetta and Sara - glad you both are all right.  What kind of seeds are you going to start, Sara?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    This reminds me of an ongoing Thread long, long go; 2006 or just a bit later.  We had a group back then that was also really close.  We also wanted to communicate directly with one another, sometimes with cards, or calls, etc.  We of course could not do that by putting our private information online.  What ended up happening, was that for those who wanted contact, one single VERY trustworthy person who had been around a long time became our contact Gatekeeper.

    She privately was available for direct contact for those who wanted to be put on a contact list; we sent our addresses and/or telephone numbers. ONLY those who had been Members on that ongoing Thread for about a year were considered safe to be on said list .   SO . . . . our gatekeeper kept the list of all names and addresses and email addresses and gave the updated list out to NOBODY except those who were on the list.

    We even sent cards to the Loved Ones with dementia of the List Group Members.  It worked so very well; some of us sent or got cards, small packages; even calls; 

     It did very well.   As said, that was a very trustworthy person Gatekeeper keeping the information and only trustworthy people of history on the listing. It was good to keep up with the list because some had no close relatives or even lived alone and of course we were all caring.  Long time later, our Gatekeeper's spouse died; she sold her home and moved quite a distance and we had to let the list go.  Twas interesting.

    Well; I had been having what was thought to be sciatica starting with back.  Oh boy; it left my back and my left hip where I had never had any problems began to hurt something horrible . . . . as time moved forward, that is not a correct word . . . . hurt became suddenly excruciating - got to the point I could neither stand nor walk and when trying to stand it was dreadful. Tears and I never, ever cry and am not a baby.

    One day, I could not move at all; tried and tried.  Doctor recommended 911.  There was no other alternative. . . . 911 - here comes big red fire truck with all the men jumping off of it and four police cruisers with men jumping out of them, and ambulance guys.  I was really embarrassed to bits.  Fireman said they were going to lift me onto the guerney and he said, "We are sorry, but this is going to hurt like hell."  I responded saying I understood and it was okay.  Second biggest embarrassment, it hurt beyond excruciating and without knowing my body would do it, I let out a blue murder scream.  Omigosh, as said, terminally embarrassed.

    Transported to hospital about 40 minutes away by insane wild driver.  In ambulance, one rides backwards facing out of the two big back windows where the eyes realize one is going backward; no red light or siren, but the driver was weaving in and out, in and out, in and out of lanes like mad; on curves he swooped so that all things seemed to want to fly off shelves and the guerney and attendent were sliding this way and that; he also would STOP and then START abruptly over and over.  Bottom line was that when I got to the ER, I began to have vomiting that lasted nine hours.  Doctor said it was motion sickness between brain and  middle ear from riding backwards and wild driving.  They medicated me over and over with no luck till finally many hours later it stopped.   So. if ever in an ambulance I recommend keeping eyes closed and ask driver not to keep swerving unless you are in life danger then swerve all they want.

    Had a long wait in ER for a bed; but I was pretty much medicated.  No one knew for sure why I could not stand and why the level of pain. X-rays day later, then CT Scan on a later day; MRI out as I am claustrophobic.   Had Orthopedists, two of them; one pain doctor;; a spinal specialist, two others I know not who the heck they were as I was pretty medicated.  They were worried about spine and spinal nerves.  They could not figure out what was what. Have some arthritis in hip that I did not know about, so they decided to go with that as pain was focused in hip.  All of this took days.

    Had to go to Interventional Radiology to have hip injected uinder fluoroscopy then wait two days to determine effect or whether spine was issue after all.  Finally getting to feel hip less severe, and later PT and OT came to scope me out.  Sadly, these two were like Frick and Frack.  The very young OT should be drummed out of the corp. What she does with pts. is really not good and gets information screwed up and does not listen to clarification and a nasty disposition on top of it.  I finally gave up trying to clarify her preconceived ideas of my function and home setting. She was a lulu.

    Nurses overall very lovely, but the roommate with late stage dementia who was a screamer; they had no insight into dementia and kept trying to have her make sense and have her address questions and follow complex instructions with four nurses all shouting commands at her all at once.  I kept my mouth shut, but was so concerned for patient, I almost levitated off the bed - then they would have brought in an exorcist for consult!

    Eight days of bedrest.   Not even allowed up to bedside commode and THAT  was an experience.  RN gets a personal refresher course.  I am absolutely amazed to the depth and breadth of weakness and deep fatigue after just eight days of lying pretty flat.  But then I am also in the, ahem, "mature"class of people.  So that is that.  Thank goodness someone at home to help as I am still not able to do what needs doing myself as far as meals, etc.   Will need shower bench for a few weeks. AND - ODE TO JOY:  SHOWER - SHOWER - AND SHAMPOO!!!!   Heaven after eight days.

    Lorita, get thee to the doctor ASAP.  I have had patients that have had tiny seepage for days into weeks from intercranial bleeding; that can be rectified easily; but if one lets it go it can be catastrophic to the brain. Please get in and get seen. There is no logic whatsoever by avoiding being seen and no logic connected to refusing COVID vax due to worry about side effects.  That is false. If you get exposed just a teeny bit and get COVID, you are going down the long haul . . . . if you have injection which you can have, you save everything.  Your history of Epstein-Barr is not even a consideration whatsoever - I had it twice in past years and I am fine with vaccination.  You are I imagine fearful, trying not to do anything that might have the slightest risk of taking you off your chores; but by doing this, you are indeed putting yourself at huge risk of begin taken of chores and even permanently due to age and impact on body.  SO  . . . use logic and good judgent and hie thee to the doctor for your head AND sign up for the vaccination.  PLEASE. I am speaking frankly due to being obnoxious from too long in hospital.  That is my excuse and I am sticking to it.

    Off to rest my old gal body and eyes.  So glad to be back with you and will go backward and read all happening to everyone a bit later.  Zetta; thank you so much; you are an angel; but then they make them like that up there in Oregon!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Jo, what an awful experience you've had.  Glad that part of it is over. Now for you to rest and recuperate.  Patience is the word for now.

    How do they determine if there is seepage? Last time I did this my doctor was reluctant to do a CT scan because of the radiation but was going to if if it didn't get better soon it did but took a couple of weeks.   I had on my thick trappers hat that cushioned the  blow  I don't want to get in a crowded doctor's office. if I can help it  .w.How do they fix it?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, you are a trooper and a dear person par excellence; but someimes we create our own barriers out of unreasonable fear for things that may never happen or from our denial  I have been there as most all of us have.  Pretending nothing is happening is a dynamic that can lead to preventable disasters from hurting us in one way or another.  No pretending things can continue as is and be fine for always.  This I have learned the hard way.

    Concussion; no trappers hat will protect that.  Concussions can happen because when head is hit, the brain bounces back and forth within the solid skull and we do not feel that; it hits the hard skull and causes issues that can be dangerous including swelling.  You need to know about this as a fact to be eliminated rather than pretending all is right..

    As for the doctor's office; your imagination is making it far worse than what is reality.  All doctor's offices are screening patients when they come into the office door.  Temps are taken; all patients are wearing masks, and in most offices, only necessary appts. are being made, and the patients area kept very well separated, pts are taken into the exam rooms immediately or asap.  All staff wear masks, and by now, in the vast majority of doctor's offices, the MD and staff have all had their two vaccinations.  You should be good to go, Lorita.  Yet you go to pick up feed, supplies, and at times other areas of potential contact and you mention people not wearing masks.  PLEASE do not let unreasonable fear keep you from protecting yourself; how awful to be lying in an ICU bed gasping and wishing that you had the vaccination instead of denying it.  If others are not wearing a mask and IF they transmit the virus to you, if you have been vaccinated, it will keep you safe from getting the virus and should you contract the virus, most often it will be such a light case, you will not even need to go to the hospital

    I sound much more stringent than ever and I do realize that and do not wish to be cruel, but while in the large med center, I did not sleep much at all; too much going on.  During late night, the midnight shift RN, a big fellow, would come to my room in the late or wee hours and we would talk which I really enjoyed.   He had been on the COVID care team in the COVID ICU and on post ICU Ward for awhile.  He related what he saw, what he did, how he felt including having a sort of PTSD afterward.  He has been deeply affected by all he did as a professional as have all the other RNs in that unit. He keeps waking up at night thinking he is hearing the alarms going off. While I was there, I could hear Code Blues being called; some were for the closed unit where COVID patients were.  I heard multiples of them.  WHY NOT VACCINATE ASAP?   Makes no sense not to do so. This COVID with the mutants is going to be around for a long time.  One cannot hide and expect a good outcome.  However, it really is up to you.  Worried about a half day or one day of feeling a bit punk?  No biggie; look at how many here have had their two vaccinations and have had no reaction to only a tiny blip of fatigue for a day or half a day.  Up to you; nothing more to say about that.

    Also, Lorita, you are about to be 79 years old.  It is past time to get that Plan B made if suddenly you are not able to manage the ranch for awhile or even permanently hands-on.  There are probably people who can help you with having a Plan B in the background.  Best to  do that before the need so you will feel safe and comfortable.  I am really being a horrible nag, but in my eight days in hospital, so much happened and being an RN, I was tuned into most of what I heard and saw and talked with so many RNs.  Please do get yourself some backup in that Plan B even if you have to hire a consultant, and finally make the call and have a telephonic appt. or two with your attorney regarding making Trust and DPOAs.  Even if you are undecided as to what to do, the consult will be a great help in getting started and knowing all options available to you; that will be a great guide to get you safe.  You have too much to lose not to do this.

    It is weird how suddenly one finds oneself is "mature," how the heck does that happen; one day I am running full tilt, and suddenly; well, here I am.  Never would have thought that of me.  Yet; time badgers all of us in one way or another. Build safety nets as much as possible, we will be glad we did.

    Now that I have cheered everyone up, I need to go and get some bubbly water; I am really thirsty since hospital.  Our second vaccination is on Thursday, so want to be in good stead.  Will be happy, happy once two weeks after the second vax.  Hurray!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Jo concerns are valid Lorita.  After you have a head bump best to have medical follow up to keep an eye on things just in case.  

    Didn’t get my seeds planted yesterday, but hope to today or tomorrow.  Planting some chives, poppies and petunias.

    Suppose to be warm today.

    My sister had her yorkiepoo put to sleep yesterday.  She had been on lasix for awhile.  Said she was doing good night before but when they got up in the morning she was really struggling.  She followed my sister everywhere so she will miss her.  Her bichon doesn’t know what to do with herself because she followed the Yorkiepoo around.  I will miss precious too.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, here is some information re CT Scans re risks which you have mentioned as a concern:

    CT Scans were first in use in 1972.   Modern CT Scanners are different from what was available back then, about 50 years ago.

    Mayo Clinic:  "At the low doses of radiation a CT scan uses, your risk of developing cancer from it is so small that it can't be reliably measured."

    Harvard Medical School:  "Radiation-related risk in anyone above 65 years of age from a diagnostic CT of the chest or abdomen is negligible to none," says Dr. Dushyant V. Sahani, associate professor at Harvard Medical School and director of CT imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital

    The American College of Radiology recommends limiting lifetime diagnostic radiation exposure to 100 mSv. That is equal to 10,000 chest x-rays, or up to 25 chest CTs.

    Now consider that the lifetime risk of dying from cancer, no matter what the cause, is about one in four and rises with age. The added CT risk is a blip, barely above the background rate."

    Kind of puts it in perspective.  The use of CTs has increased and has been a significant asset in preventing misdiagnosis and avoiding unnecessary surgeries or other invasive procedures.  No need to do any x-ray willy-nilly without good rationale, but when indicated, it appears not too much worry.

    The spector of developing dementia as one ages for me seems much more a concern on a comparative scale.  This is why we need to have our legal paperwork in order and have those Plan B dynamics thought of and addressed.  We never, ever know what minute of what day in our lives something totally unexpected may well happen.  If one needs to,  hire a Consultant re property management if one cannot continue to do the job, as well as an attorney for Trust and DPOAs, as well as consulting with a good Social Worker who helps develop Long Term Needs plans would be well worth spending a bit of money on.  It would give options never before thought of and also bring much peace of mind.

    As it is, if you had unexpected loss of life, if Oklahoma is like other states, then the entire estate would go into the state/county and they would make the decisions.  Be wary of those who are "friends," whose intention is to stay close to get first dibs at property should it be time to sell; having those legal papers in place would really protect.  You can also say in your legal paperwork what you want done for your care if heaven forbid, you should become incapacitated.  Your wishes; not someone else's ideas which may not match yours.

    I know we are all at the mercy of others if we are alive and "unable."  Having a Trust, DPOAs and a Will within the Trust certainly made us feel ar more at ease.  The attorney was able to advise us on so many things including all options for who would manage care should we be unable to make our own decisions. There was a lot we had not thought of.   Anyway; as said, well worth the money to have those Consultants mentioned above.  No time to waste at our stages of life.  Downhill seems faster than that uphill climb, drats!

    Just my opinion for whatever that is worth.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sayra, I am sorry about the loss of sweet little, Precious.  It is  a difficult time of the heart.  Our son and DIL have their 16 yo Yorkie-Poo, Izzy (short for Isabel), she is failing and it is so hard on the kids, especially our son who this dog adores and dotes on.  She has lost much vision and hearing; she is at times incontinent, they are fairly certain that she has also developed doggie dementia to a certain level.  She has had cancer several times and also has pain which they must address.  They know the day to give her release is coming before long and it is a heartbreak; but as son and DIL say, when it is beyond the beyond in pain or suffering, they will lovingly give her release.  DIL is a Vet Tech and said no way would she continue to let Izzy suffer without surcease.

    Izzy was a rescue dog. She had been thrown against a wall as a pup and had sustained multiple broken bones and other injuries. The owner's mother had brought her in to the vet clinic be put to sleep.  DIL was the one who took the dog in; she got a release and decided to go the medical route and that was a success. Son and DIL have had her for those 16 years the dog otherwise would not have had and Izzy led a very beloved life and all the comforts.  I am hoping that the kids realize that and that it comforts them when the time comes . . .

    Yep. those Elk can be murderous especially when in rutting season.  We hiked a bit in the Hoh Rain Forest in Oregon.  It was Elk rutting season when the bulls get crazier than crazy and attack just to attack; the rangers cabin was bashed to the dickens by an irate Elk. So . . . lots of room and admired from afar.  I flinched every time I heard underbrush crackle when taking that hike thinking that an Elk was about to come out frothing at the mouth.  Silly me.

    Storycrafter, it is quite a job going through a beloved's belongings after death. That was extremely difficult for me.   So much to do and so many things with memories attached.  Heartbreaking.  I felt as though I was removing my Loved One from having ever been present.  I am really good with "Hello's," but not at all good with, "Goodbye's."  Hope it goes well for you while getting the work done.

    We have rain forecast today and the next couple of days; temp today about 62.  Sure wish I had it in me right now to make a nice pot of stew; ah well; guess a Lean Cusine will have to do.  Had salmon last night, it wasn't as good as it usually is.  However, I did not have to fix it, so that made it REALLY good.  Ha; I am such a cheap date.

    Let's hope we all have a day of only good things happening.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    1. Don't know why the number is there.  
    2. I'm scheduled to get my vaccine at 1 pm today and will see my doctor at 2:45
    3. .  called the health dept. And they put me on the list to call.  Half an hour layer they called because they had extra doses.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Lorita thinking of you and praying for you.  Know you have felt rough the past few days, can tell.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   That is good news I am glad your getting your vaccine and seeing the Dr. My 14 days of waiting time after my 2nd shot is up tomorrow. I plan on going grocery shopping and yes I will have my mask on.  Jo gave you some real good ideas, many of them. 

    Jo,  Thank you for all the research you did concerning the CT scans. This hopefully will help Lorita feel comfortable following through. And you are so right how important it is for all of our plans to be in place. After Dan passed away I made sure all mine were in place I even have my daughters name added to my deed and my final expenses have been taken care of. I don't have much but I rest easier.  That is a good story about Izzy, she was so lucky to have found a loving home. My Molly was also a rescue dog, she was one of many that got rescued from a kill shelter, she was on her final days of stay. I don't know or even  want to think what I would do with out her. 

    Sara, I am so sorry about your Sis's Yorkie, I do know how hard that is. At least she has her other dog to comfort her. 

    Lorita,   Please let us know when you get home and how things went.  I wished I lived close enough to help you.

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dearest Lorita, It is good that you are getting your vaccination.  I have been very concerned on your behalf.   So alone way out there in the ranch land; wish we all lived closer to one another.

    I will extend a sincere apology for the rather badgering Posts; done out of deep concern.  While in hospital those eight days, I was able to hear so much going on with four different roomates as well as what was going on across the hall in some of the other rooms, and lots of discussion with the nursing staff.   Some of the elderly who had not had plans made with DPOAs and other matters, were in a less than good place when they had to rely upon themselves.  To make matters worse, the hospital case management was beyond dreadful with almost no input and pretty much lacking in assessment.  In eight days, not a single person assessed me for discharge plan needs despite me being "mature."  Never, ever did any of my departments function so lazily and without care for those needing .some arrangement when going home; even if just for awhile.

    You know Lorita, we have developed sincere affection for one another; each of us different in circumstances and personality.  Never met  each other personally, but speaking to one another over the years or months we have established relationships like an electronic family.  I have been on this Board since 2006.  My goodness!

    Know that if there were any way for any of us to be of help we would gladly do so.  Just knowing that you would be getting advice and formatting of options known and options as yet unknown would be soothing on multiple fronts to keep you safe no matter what.

    We get our second vaccine on Thursday and hoping we do as well as we did after the first one with only a bit of fatigue the next day.

    Just think; two weeks after your first vaccination, you are about 70% protected. That is really big!

    I feel pretty sure your head is okay and all else doing fairly well. Getting some labs will confirm that and then one can breathe a bit easier on that front.

    So; hope I am forgiven, you are very special to all of us.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi everyone,

     Sara - I'm so sorry for your sister's loss.  Losing a friend and pet is so very hard - Charles and I have been through that so many times and I fear that's going to happen again before too awfully long with Barclee.   Do I write differently when I'm worried or don't feel well?  Our friend Sandy also can tell by the way I write the mood I'm in.

     Zetta, I got home at 4:15 - I was actually gone from home four hours.  Can you believe that?  I bet Stormy and Sheena thought I'd deserted them for sure - and, the girls.  I was going to feed them today but when I got home they were already up at the hay.  So, filled the water tanks and I'll feed them in the morning.

    Jo, thanks for all the information and the little push.  I needed that.  I'm a bit stubborn and/or reluctant about certain things.  I appreciate your concern and value your friendship - would never think you or any of our friends was overstepping their bounds -  no way could that happen.  The concern all of you show brings tears to my eyes.  We have indeed become close over the time we've been together posting.  Wouldn't it be nice if we were closer together to help each other.

     Got into town just before 1 p.m. when my appointment was to be.  Evidently several people were coming at the same time - I think there was about a dozen all together.  They had expected to have about 125 appointments but just before noon found there would only be about 50 so all of those extra doses were available so they got on the phone and called people - and they showed up.  Could barely feel the needle go in and  right now I can barely feel where it was - may be sore tomorrow but that's okay.  I waited almost half an hour, not because I wasn't feeling good but because my doctor's appointment was at 2:45.  When it's time for my second shot all I'll have to do is call the health department since I didn't go through the website.  Oh, by the way it was the Pfizer vaccine.

     After I got out of there I went to the vet's office to pick up more medicine for Mr. Barclee.  I had called earlier and had their check made out - $65 worth of Lasix,and two other meds - but he's worth every penny.  I didn't go in - one of the girls brought it out to me.

     Got back to the doctor's office early so called and had a visit with Carol.  Her daughter had just gotten her first vaccination and Carol's second one will be Friday.  When I went in the doctor's office there were three other people in the waiting room - everyone was wearing a mask and they signed in for me.  I've been going to that clinic since I was young - in high school - I'm on the third doctor to own the clinic so I know the people and feel okay going there - just don't like going to doctors very much even though I worked in a hospital for over 33 years. 

     Good to see the doctor - I've known him for years.  I told him what happened and he said "what were you doing fooling with gates - are you still feeding cows?"   Anyway, he had my head x-rayed - no fractures which is good.  He asked if I had sinusitis problems - told him I used to quite a lot.  He said my frontal sinuses are twice as big as normal.  Right now I'm having some problems with elm and cedars - lots of them around.  We have two huge elm trees in our yard and they're blooming - also have some big clusters of mistletoe in them.  We had a short visit and I was out of there!  He did tell me he had a patient some years ago who was working on a window and the window frame came down and hit him on the back of his head.  He was in his 40s and in one year he was in a nursing home with alzheimers - from the injury evidently. 

     Got out and called the feed store so I could get feed while I was in town.  Drove down to the feedstore and they loaded me and I headed home.  When I left home I couldn't go the direction I wanted to - there was a huge truck parked in the road so went another way and had to wait for about ten minutes because they were working on the highway.  The roads are still not too good - very soft places that pull you to the side when you go through them. 

     So, all in all, the trip was good - got four things done that needed to be done so won't have to go back for a while.  I have enough feed to last through the end of the month and more.  

     I felt safe in the health department and in the doctor's office.  Everyone, everywhere except the feed store were wearing masks.  I didn't go into the feedstore - just saw the guys outside and one of the girls who brought out the recipt.  Did put all my clothes in the washer to do tomorrow.

     So, again, thanks for the little push - I needed that.  So glad I got the vaccine.  Oh, forgot to mention my doctor had his first vaccination and was so very sick the next day.  He said the pharmacist gave him the shot and told him he'd have problems - because he had the virus in November.  Said he's dreading getting the second one.  The nurse, or one of them, hasn't had hers - says it's hard to be able to get it while she's working - looks like she could have done that last week when he was on vacation.  At any rate she was wearing a mask.

     Sheena and Stormy were happy to see me when I got home.  Barclee slept the whole time I was gone and now Kitt's asleep in the chair beside me.

     Jo - I don't think social workers are like they used to be.  When I worked in SWS not one patient who was referred to them left the hospital without a discharge plan - and a good one.  When Charles was in the hospital I had problems with the social worker assigned to him so gave her a piece of my mind - told the doctor about it and he just shook his head like he knew what I was dealing with.  But, a good social worker is worth their weight in gold to you.

     Thanks for the information about the CT Scans.  I've had a few when I was having problems with my stomach, I think.  I remember one time Charles went in with me and was sitting in a chair while they did the scan. When they said "take a deep breath and hold it" - he said "okay".  I thought that was funny.  Boy, do I ever miss that man - guess I always will.

     So, now to deal with Plan B.  I know I should get something done but it's so complicated.  I can't leave the farm to Sarah - she and Todd would never live here and can't leave it to her brother.  He would not be a good neighbor to anyone, in my opinion.  I am so glad I told Scarlet I was going to leave it to her.  When I told her I heard her gasp - but she passed away but she knew it was going  to be hers. 

     I probably will sell it to our vet who has said I could live in the house as long as I wanted to - but there might be problems with his kids if something happened to him.  Got to have that worked out.  He's take care of the land for sure.  I see how he takes care of the land he has so that would not be a worry.  Just will take some more thinking.

     I'll stop for now and watch some news to see what's happened during the day.  Judith, you mentioned seeing lots of shrubs around OKC that looked brown or dead.  I have several that look like that - not sure if they're alive or not so will have to prune them back to see.  Daffodils are blooming like crazy!

     Again, thanks dear friends.  You just don't know how much I appreciate each and every one of you.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,   I am still laughing about Charles taking that deep breath and holding it. I bet that was cute.   Sounds like you had a big day getting out and about.  I am so proud of you for getting the shot, You see there was nothing too it. Just think pretty soon after your 2nd one you can stop worrying so much.  So you see your troupe can get by 4 hours without you. So 14 days after your 2nd shot hopefully you will get out more. My time is up tomorrow I plan on going grocery shopping. 

    I am glad you had your head X Rayed, (that sounds funny) so does the Dr think the headaches are caused by your sinusitis?  That makes sense.   Now its time for you to just relax and get some rest. Then tomorrow you can think about Plan B.    

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Lorita glad you saw your doctor and got your vaccination.  Your not as chatty when you don’t feel well, I’m not either.  

    Zetta enjoy grocery shopping.  Seem like your six or seven weeks has gone by so fast to me, but probably not to you.  I’m so ready for my freedom to go, mask wearing doesn’t bother me, probably will use it November thru March every year when out in the public.

    The issue for me is having two sisters and a brother-in-law who I am pretty sure will not get their vaccines.  They are  paranoid about a lot of things.  Not sure about dealing with them.  Will continue to watch for guidance on that.  My understanding at this moment is, once I’m fully immune, it is ok to be with one family with unvaccinated people as long as they are low risk.  So my one sister is fully immune, her husband is going to take it when eligible (he is still in 40s).  Don’t know what my nephews will do.  Anyway hoping to start out by visiting with them.  They also won’t be bothered by me wearing a mask.  My vaccinated sister and I can start having lunch again as soon as I get my immunity.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     It is WINDY this morning and is going to be the next two or three days.  I hate for the wind to blow so hard - just blowing all of that cedar pollen around.  Reminds me that I should take my allergy pill.  I have a headache and my arm is sore - not so much at the injection site - but lower.  Seems like I'm sore all over - probably was tensing muscles yesterday.   Barclee and I slept well last night until 4:30, got up and went to the bathroom, then I couldn't go back to sleep until about 6:30, same as him.  I probably won't be too chatty today either, Sara unless I get rid of the headache.

     I have to feed today - checked the creepfeeder and I need to put some in it, too. The rod I have up to keep the bigger calves had fallen down again so wired that up.  Drove around and around and finally saw everyone.  Had to stop and run out and turn off the water.  I was filling a watertank and forgot about it so watered part of the garden.

     Zetta - have fun at the grocery store.  In five weeks (maybe) I can go.  I usually don't spend much time in the store - I have my list, get the things and get out. Some day, I keep telling myself, I'm going to take a little time and look around and see what they have - probably would be surprised.  Patsy has told me about some kind of frozen eggplant dish that she and Jack really liked.  She got it at WM so my little store wouldn't have it, I'm sure.

     Sara - I'll wear my mask during flu season, too.  I've done that to some extent for the last couple of years, especially if I go to the doctor during the flu season.  The number of flu cases is way down and it's simply because of mask wearing.  I don't mind wearing them either, at least when it's cool.  I wore one mask yesterday with the earpieces tied the way Jo told us about.  It really works, kind of cups the mask around your face.  Then I wore another one over that.  I was happy to see that everyone had on a mask yesterday - almost, everyone except the guys who loaded the feed and the woman who brought out my receipt - and not close to them.

     I'll stop for now and get that allergy pill and finish my juice.  I need hot tea.  It's very warm here this morning and I think I have on too many clothes this morning.

     Sandy, before I left home yesterday UPS came and left a flat package on the car.  GPs were outside so he didn't come into the yard.  I couldn't imagine what it was.  I did put it inside the car before I left.  Brought it in this morning and opened it, after I wiped it down.  It was the cookbook you sent me!   What a nice cookbook - so many recipes.  Thank you so very much.  When I get over  my headache I'll get to work on that Instant Pot and figure out how it works.  Thanks, again.

     I'll be back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Lorita sorry you have that old headache still.  My dad was on a ladder and it broke.  He had headaches for weeks.  In fact they were getting ready to do another CT scan to make sure there wasn’t a slow bleed going on and the headaches finally went away.  The sinusitis is good at causing headaches too. So you may have a double whammy.

    Very windy here today too.  Giving rain tomorrow so went and got mom’s groceries today.  

    Called Jean, think she probably talked for an hour.   Tells me a lot of the same things but that is ok.  She said a couple of ladies are coming to visit her today.  That’s nice.  She is in hospice, can’t remember if I told you that or not.  

    Yes I saw the flu statistics yesterday.  Can’t remember them exactly but was sort of astonishing. Like wow this really works.

    Sitting on the porch.  Just finished eating my dinner.  Fixed tacos with some stew meat.  They were good.  Found shells by Ortega, believe they are called Good Grains.  They are made from blue corn.  Really like them, they are crispy but yet a lot sturdier than most taco shells.  They will be my taco shell from now on.

    See you later if the Good Lords will

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Well today is my all  clear day and I was going to go shopping. But we got more snow last night and its still coming down. I am not a fan of driving in the snow so I guess I will have to go another day. 

    Lorita,  Sorry you have a headache, but I am not surprised about the acing arm. My arm hurt for 2 days. I hope the headache is due to the shot and they say that is one of the things that can happen. I never got the headache. After seeing your doctor yesterday you can probably rest easier. The allergy pill will probably clear up the headache. 

    Sara,   Yes the time has gone by fast. I have a friend and we want to go out to lunch but she will not get her 2nd shot till next week then we will wait the 14 days, then we will go to lunch. I hope that time fly's. It is so nice you call Jean, I bet she loves talking to you. You bring her a lot of comfort. 

    I hope your all having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     The headache is all but gone.  It may be partly allergies but I've never had them but have had lots of trouble with sinusitis.  The doctor didn't think they had anything to do with the headaches - just a sore head.  I remember when I was working I'd have a headache when I woke up and I'd saturate a wash cloth with hot water and hold it on my forehead for a couple of minutes - and that worked.  That was sinusitis. 

     My arm is also a lot better - just hurts a little about halfway between the shoulder and elbow at the back or side of the arm.  I've used it quite a lot today so that probably helped.  When I was waiting for my shot yesterday a man who had just had his was rubbing the area like crazy.  I do remember they say if you'll use your arm after an injection it prohibits some of the soreness.  I didn't do that - will next time.

     The girls were out front bawling at me so fed them.  Didn't lift a whole sack - put some in a bucket a few times, then lifted it - also put 250 lb. in the creepfeeder - did it the same way.  And, darn it all - just before I went out I checked my pocket to make sure I had a mask to wear while I fed - I did - but guess who forgot to put it on until I was finished.    The sacks are probably all right but I've been using a mask the last month or so.  The feed is made and sacked way north of here, then trucked to our feed store where the guys unload and stack it.  Then, they load it so I have no idea how long it's been in the warehouse.  I wasn't able to get the right kind of feed for the babies - Quick Start - because the company can't get caught up on several kinds of feed since the back eather.  I'm giving them the same kind of creep the girls get - 20% protein.  I had Rose Bud's feed ready but she got through the gate too fast and wouldn't stop so Gray Lady got her feed today.  I'm afraid for her to eat with the others because they get pretty rough and rowdy around the feed and I'm afraid she'll get knocked down.  I may try to feed her some later today because I doubt she got enough at the feeders.

     The wind is terrible but at least it's not snow like you're having Zetta.  I hope we're through with that.  Now comes our tornado season - right now - it's fire season and there's several big ones north of here.  I always worry when we have high winds in the spring before things get really green.  There's always something to worry about - or if there's not, I find it.

     Won't it be nice when you ladies can get together with your friends and sisters - it's taken a long time and not quite there yet but it's coming.  I'm just afraid some states are opening up things too early - like they did last year.  In our State they're going to let people visit in NHs and LTC facilities.   Seems like waiting a bit longer would be a good benefit or idea.

     Sara - I don't remember what Jean's problem is - just dementia?  My sister was put on Hospice and the nurse called me one evening and said the family could  visit because her time was near.  Before anyone could - she called the next morning and Lorita was gone.  I think if she'd never had those falls she'd still be here with us - but who knows for sure.  Life is very fragile.

     Going to rest this afternoon.  UPS should bring my crumb cakes this afternoon so I'm looking forward to that.  Sara, your lunch sounds really good.  We used to make tacos a lot and shalupes (I spelled that wrong I'm sure).  Just a tortilla with browned hamburger on it, then a cheese sauce which was a bit hot and lettuce and tomatoes on top.  They were so good but it really dribbled down your arm because of the sauce.    You know I've been a vegetarian for years and the one thing I still can remember the taste of really well is Spam.  We didn't eat a lot of it but sometimes would slice and fry it and make sandwiches.  There's an advertisement on TV where the girl has cut it in little cubes and fried it, then served it with English peas and carrots and rice.  Looks really good.

     I think I'll make scalloped potatoes for supper - from a mix.  Looks pretty good but I'll probably end up eating something else today.  You know I think after all of this pandemic is over I'm going to continue making my own bread.  It takes all of five minutes to get it ready and it's so much better than store bought.  Just wish my bread machine made bigger loaves.  I like a slice or two of it toasted with peach preserves mixed with peanut butter for breakfast - had that this morning.  Who would have thought peanut butter and peaches would go together - but it does.

     I'll stop for now.  Glad you're staying home out of the snow today, Zetta.  Those groceries will be there another day and you'll be safe. 

     Sara - did you get your seeds started?

     Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Lorita glad you are starting to feel a little better.  J has heart problems and her body is not doing well at making platelets which you need to help your blood clot properly.  Gist I’m getting is she needs a new pacemaker but due to platelet issue that would be risky and they have chosen not to do that.  

    Did get my seeds started.  Won’t start any more now til April.

    I hear the wind so know it is strong.  Suppose to rain today too so we shall see.  Don’t plan on going any where, hope to just stay in house.

    Zetta hope you are able to go to store soon.  Know it was disappointing.  

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, I am so sorry for what you have been going through. Do they think your hip pain is due to arthritis? How are you getting around these days? I cannot imagine the amount of pain you have been going through and hoping you are well on the way to recovery. 

    We had a couple of days in the 70s but today it's much colder. Happy for those nice days. The snow has finally all melted, except for the huge piles in mall/business parking lots. The grass is greening up and the daffodils and tulips are up. The winter aconite are blooming, such beautiful little yellow flowers. I see that the deer ate off my fig tree - oh well. I'm really looking forward to spring!

    We "spring forward" this weekend. Don't forget!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So very glad that our Lorita is now about  70% protected from the evil virus!  And Pfizer vaccine no less; excellent vaccine.  Could not get it locally out here, so got the Moderna; getting second vaccination this afternoon.   Sure was a long day for you; must have been exhausted by the time you got home.

    Raining big time out here.  Yesterday afternoon, the skies opened up and let loose - oh boy!  Huge peals of thunder right on top of us and forceful rain followed by quite a bit of forceful hail!  Back yard filled with hail; looked like it had snowed.  Really unusual for us.  When that storm hit, the temp steeply dropped in seconds.  Rained during night and we get some more throughout today and again tomorrow.

    Yesterday, I ordered some pasties (pass-tees) from the UP of Michigan from a pasty shop we used to go to and has been there for years. Pricey, but DH loves them and it is a surprise thank you to him for being so kind and helpful.   Will be shipped two day mail in insulated cooler; frozen and in dry ice.  They bake frozen in a 350 degree oven for about an hour and fifteen minutes. I used to make them, but it is labor intensive and my bad knees would scream for a few days afterward.

     I am a Yooper; that is, a person born and bred in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  Pasties are a staple up there for Yoopers and were often the meal for underground iron ore miners; my grandfather was one of those hard working miners and was tragically killed underground by falling ore. 

    A pasty is a meal in a crust; each pasty about 17 ounces.  Diced potatoes, diced onion, small diced rutabaga, diced beef (NEVER ground meat - sacrilege!), a bit of parsley; some use a little finely diced carrot; mix all together; then have lots of pie crust made; pasties are individual for each person.  Roll out the crust the size of almost a dinner plate, put heaping handful of meat/veg mixture on one half of crust; (you want a lot of filling - no "flatsy" pasty allowed), fold other half over, crimp the edges, put three slits in top of pasty to let out steam and voila!  Then onto filling the next and next and next.  Takes forever to make them, but oh so good.  House smells heavenly while they are baking on a cookie sheet till golden brown.  Usually served with a side of cole slaw or sweet bread and butter pickles.  And catsup.  Now I am hungry.  Only one rule, never leave out the rutabag and of course mortal sin:  NEVER use ground meat.  They should arrive today.  Dinner tonight I think.

    Not long before our Lady Zetta hits the store - look out grocery cart - I would go nuts just because I was finally out.  When in the hospital, I could not believe myself.  Omigosh, I was SO chatty - poor nurses. Chatter, chatter, chatter,, and then more chatter!  I finally figured out why - that was the very first socialization with other people in a year.   Holy cow; sure was making up for lost time till I finally wound down.

    Gosh in two weeks we can see our son.  No one has been in our house since the beginning of this dratted thing.  Oh; except for a group of handsome firemen, policemen, and a couple of ambulance attendants.  Uh-Oh; forgot about that.  They tested me twice in hospital; upon admission and before discharge; negative of course.  PT is coming in next week, have to call and find out if the person has had her vaccinations or not.  I far prefer a vaccinated therapist mask or no mask.

    Give little Barclee a soft hug from me, Lorita.  Poor little guy; he is readying for his cross onto the Rainbow Bridge where he can once again scamper and play. He has all the loving care of his Lorita-person; he is in good hands.  It is heartbeaking to begin losing such a dear little friend.  I even tried to give CPR to our beloved little Herman the Hamster our son had for so long.  Glad the kids were in school when he passed; I cried all afternoon. They are all precious creatures; I am very partial to dogs; just love them.

    Going to order some short sleeved tops for warmer weather; only thing, for some reason, the clothing industry is mostly making knit tops and even blouses only 27 inches long; that is really too short.  Lift arms, bend over, reach for something from waist and one's back beomes exposed.  Wish they would go back to making them a big longer like they used to. Must save them a whopping amount of money on fabric.  Still looking for a robe; got one from Vermont Country Store, but when I got it, sure was disappointed.   Inside of robe was weird; kind of like the inside of a fluffy slipper - felt icky, so back it went.  Want one that zips down front and a light weight one that ties at waist for suitcase.  Wonder what ever happened to the really lovely robes that used to be so easy to find.

    Best to finally sign off; I am experiencing the page five problem issues; keeps losing typed words and sentences; won't be long before entire paragraphs and then the worst . . . . entire Post goes missing and I get knocked off Board.

    Good day wishes being sent to everyone;; by the way, haven't seen Judith on a while - YOOHOO, JUDITH!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    In Michigan, The Pasty Isn't X-Rated. It's A Portable Pie With History  Baked In : The Salt : NPR

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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