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Just need to talk to my friends (141)



  • Jane Smith
    Jane Smith Member Posts: 112
    Eighth Anniversary 100 Comments


    “My Chart” is a brand name for an EMR (electronic medical record) system.  It’s used by a lot of hospital systems, medical systems, and medical practices/doctor’s offices.  Most providers who use the My Chart EMR system have an option for patients to be able to log into the My Chart system to see information like test results, appointments, and so on. It can also send messages to patients (by phone, email, and/or text messages). 
    The term My Chart is also used as shorthand by a lot of people to refer to whatever EMR system or online chart their doctor uses.
    Hope that helps.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    It does, Jane, thanks so much.  I thought it had something to do with the virus thing.  When I worked in the hospital all the charts were paper charts - it still is with my doctor.  Signs of the times, I guess. 

     Well, I was feeling better today and got several things accomplished; then, went out to give Rose Bud her feed for the day.  I was trying to get through one of those small cyclone fence gates.  I pushed it open, bent down to get the feed pan and the darn gate came back and hit me in the head.  Now, I have a headache.  Some of you all may remember the year after I lost Charles I was always hitting my head on something - a bucket,, part of the headgate, anything.  Luckily, I had on my trappers hat so that padded it a bit but it still hurts.  Guess I'm going to have to find that powder puff and mosquito bar mother was always talking about when Charles and I were doing things where we could get hurt.

     Zetta - that was the same Gunsmoke that was on here today - so, we must get the same shows the same day.  Watching In The Kitchen with David on QVC.  Since I couldn't get my cookies until June, I ordered 14 crumb cakes - cinnamon and lemon filled.  Boy, do they ever look good.

     Had a call from Todd a while ago.  He's on his way back to OKC - still about eight hours away.  Hope he makes it all right - said he was kind of tired but was driving 75 mph - too fast for me.  It'll be good that he's home with Sarah to help her through losing Mason.

     Sara - I bet you can hardly wait for Friday morning to come.  You've really been counting the days, so to speak, until you could get the vaccine. 

     I'll stop for now.  Thanks again, Jane, for the information - much appreciated.  There's so much I don't know - seems like things change every day.

     Sleep well.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I am a lot like you there is a lot of things I don't know and I do not need to know. because I have a had time keeping up with the things that I do know!!!    I am so sorry to hear about Sarah's, Mason, that must be so hard for her. I am praying that Todd makes it home safe.

    It does sound like we get the same Gunsmoke each day. I get Bonanza for 1 hr then 4 hrs of Gunsmoke.  Is yours on TVLAND? 

    I also can get My Chart online from my Drs office but I don't know how to do it and I really don't want to learn. Like I say I have a hard enough time remembering what I do know.

    I am sorry the gate hit you on the head. Your lucky it did not knock you over and break a bone or something. I hope your head is not hurting too bad.

    Please let us know in the morning how you are feeling. I will be looking when I get up.  

    Good Night to All, Sleep Well, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Lorita hope your head feels better this morning.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     No headache this morning but my head feels different and will for a few days, I guess.  The spot where the gate latch hit it doesn't feel sore but I'm not pushing on it.  I'll take it extra easy today and not "watch" TV as much but will have it on.  It's on most of the time even if I'm not watching it.  I think it was on all night because it was on when I woke up this morning.  Barclee and I both slept through until about 6 this morning.  Also think I'll put off cleaning up the utility room - guess there's no big hurry.

     Sara, I bet you're so excited this morning - just think 24 hrs. from now you'll have had your first shot, or almost.  You've kept up on what's been going on with the vaccine and now it is your turn!  Hope it all goes well.  Are you getting the vaccination at your doctor's office?

     Just went out to feed the boys - only one of them's there this morning.  I can't tell them apart - both black and white, mostly black.  There's still something in the carport that either stays or comes and goes.  I give them quite a lot of dry cat food each morning and it's always all gone by the next day - much more than two cats would eat plus two small cans of cat food.  I keep water for them in an old dutch oven and it always seems to be dirty so I'm thinking a coon probably because I think they tend to wash their food before eating - don't see how they can wash the tiny pieces of dry catfood so they must be playing in it.

     Girls have drifted off to graze.  When I woke up about 5:30 I could barely see them still laying around near the hay but by the time it was good daylight they were leaving.  Rose Bud and Sweet Pea are still up there.  Stormy and Sheena stayed outside but have come in to sleep.

     Zetta - when I talked to Todd about 6:30 he said he was about 450 miles from OKC so that's a good 8-9 hours travel - they say you average 50 miles per hour on trips but he was driving fast.  He said he'd stop every so often to stretch his legs and rest a few minutes.  So, I'm sure he's home by now.  I know Sarah will be glad when he gets home.

     I get Gunsmoke on TVland and Inspiration so if it's not on one station it might be on another.  Insp. is the channel I get a lot of old westerns on - High Chaparrel, Big Valley, Bonanza, Wanted: Dead or Alive and others.    I've noticed something different about Matt on the very early shows - he walks a lot faster, is much thinner and is more aggressive in his speech.  Also noticed in some of the old Bonanza shows they were much more aggressive in their speech and actions.  Guess time mellowed all of them.

     I'll stop for now and finish my juice and get some hot tea.  I was bending over to pick up the feed pan when the gate came back on me.  Don't know why I did that - guess I was trying to get the feed out to Rose Bud before she tackled me.  A person should just take things a big slower and be a little more careful.  Thanks for thinking about me.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I found out yesterday that my 80 y.o. neighbor has Covid. She said she has been sick for a week.  She had her first vaccine maybe 10-14 days ago. She says they told her she likely was exposed before she got the vaccine. I wonder if she will have to re-start the vaccine series after she recovers? 

    She is the third of my neighbors, that I am aware of, who have had Covid. I don't know any details on symptoms other than my approximately 40 y.o. neighbor (male) who had it told me he had decreased taste and smell but no other symptoms.

    Some persons seem to "live dangerously;" in other words, live "normally" in a pandemic world. That isn't wise, to my way of thinking. However, I will live a little bit more normally now that I'm fully vaccinated. For me, that means I will go to church, grocery store, library, doctor, dentist, hairdresser etc...with a mask. I saw online yesterday that it's expected the CDC will come out with statement that you can meet with others who are vaccinated (when you too are vaccinated) inside, without masks. That will be so welcome. I will be so glad when all my family members are able to be vaccinated.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Lorita it will not be at the physician’s office.  The health care system has set up a vaccination site.  It is at their fitness center.

    Beth I understand what you are saying.  A lot have gotten away with it so far but a lot haven’t.  It has been mentioned that quite a few like your neighbor are getting it when first get vaccine.  They feel it is behavior related.  We are so ready to go when we want.  Went to grocery store this morning.  Thought about going to Menards and thrift store.  Then I thought no, it’s just something I want to do, not necessary.   You have been careful this long you can do it a few more weeks.

    Talked to J yesterday.  She talked a long time, so much of it is inaccurate that I’m not sure if anything she mentions is accurate.  She seemed very happy though and content, thankful for that.  The stories are the same and consistent each time I talk with her, so in her mind that is how it is.  Told her in six or seven weeks hopefully will be able to visit.  

    Haven’t talked to my Aunt in several weeks.  Her phone is tore up and and sort of a hassle as her daughter lives in Florida and my Aunt is in Kentucky.  Maybe will message her this eve and ask how her mom is doing, if I don’t forget.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    Very cold today looks like I will be staying in. 

     Lorita,   I am glad to hear your head is better. You never know when a bump can turn out to be not just a bump. Resting today is a good idea your utility room can wait. I think for you getting the vaccine would not be a problem. I could be wrong but I have not heard any warnings about prior illness being a concern. I hope your Dr clears this all up for you. 

    My TV is also on all day. I change the channel 3 times a day I always have the same things on but when I sit down to watch TV I usually am on my computer not paying to much attention to the TV. For me it's just the background noise I need. 

     Sara,   You will feel so relieved when you get your vaccine. I was very relieved after I got both of mine. 

    Beth,   Sorry to hear your 80 yr old neighbor has covid. Hopefully she is not staying alone. It makes me feel better when the older people survive. I worry more about the 70+ getting sick. So many have underlining issues so covid hits them harder and they may not be strong enough to survive. 

    Take Care, Hugs Zetta   

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Spoke too soon I do have a headache on top of my head.  I'll lay low today.  Got everyone fed and medicated and started a loaf of bread.  It's beautiful out this morning.

     Beth, , sorry about your neighbors - so glad you're fully vaccinated but wear your mask  and be careful anyway.

    I  agree  that it's too early to open up things.  Our Gov. agrees -he has all along.  Wish they'd wait a while.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Yesterday was a very quiet day here.  Hope every one is doing ok.

    Will check back in later.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Just a short note.  By now Sandy has had her second Pfizer vaccination and in two weeks will be fully immunized.  Good for her!   And, also by now Sara has had her first, long-awaited vaccine.  Anxious to hear how both of those went.

     Slept through the night again except for getting up once with Barclee.  When I got up didn't have a headache but have one now.  These will probably last, off and on, for 2-4 weeks if I remember correctly from the last time.  Went out and closed and opened gates and straightened the feeders so I could feed today.  I may wait until tomorrow.  It rained a little last night and another line of showers will come through later today.  I'm thinking I'll give my self another day of rest, as totally, as possible.  Some things have to be done.

     At 7:50 I had thought Mike would probably set out hay tonight or tomorrow morning but heard something and he was here already putting it out.  Girls were off grazing but as soon as they saw his truck here they came - really pretty to see them coming to the house, running and playing.  He was here all of 20 minutes.  I took out the barrel of cheese balls so he could keep them in his truck to snack on.  He said his grandson loved them so he'll get some of them for sure.  He said he had called to tell me he was coming but it didn't show up on my phone.  He calls periodically to see if I'm still kickin'.  Same with Jack so that makes me feel better.

    We visited a couple of minutes.  He said the country roads are still horrible.  The County has filled in some of the big holes with 8" rocks - that'll be hard on tires.  But he says there's still lots of very soft places that pull your vehicle to the side.  There's at least one of his pastures they can't get in to with trucks, even after over a week.  He said some ranchers who have a lot of cattle have lost from 3-20 little calves and lots of older cows.  I feel blessed that I got ours through - with the help of the water at the house to keep them away from ponds and the barn so they could get out of the cold if they wanted to.  This may be the last or next or next to the last hay this season.  Last year they ate 30 bales - so far this year they've eaten 38 bales counting those this morning.  But, grass is getting greener by the day so it won't be long. 

     Saw another couple of bunches of daffodils blooming - one is the tiny ones, so pretty.

     I'm going to stop - just took an acetaminophen - and finish my hot tea and get rid of this headache.  Take it easy today and be safe.

     Congratulations, Sandy and Sara - so happy for both of you.  Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last night - thanks again for the cookbook.  I'm anxious to get it and get this instapot set up and running.

     Wasn't so short after all, was it?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    Cold at my house again today, the snow is almost gone but looks like more is on the way.

    Lorita,    Sorry to hear your head is still bothering you, why do you say it could take 2-4 weeks to stop hurting? Are you sure thats O.K..  I was worried when I started getting headaches that is not normal for me. I found out it was allergies. 

    You are lucky to have Mike and Jack checking on you, hopefully it is a daily check. At times when I am alone and at's not too often I wonder what I would do if I fell and could not get up. I keep telling myself I need to get one of those alarm buttons. And I keep putting it off. It's nice knowing that you talk to Sandy because that is another check. 

    I would love to see a picture of the girls all coming to the house I bet that would be a sweet picture. 

    I wish I knew how to take pictures and send them. I had all the elk in my front yard yesterday I was able to get a picture through my screen as they were leaving. I wish I knew how to send it. Maybe when my son gets home I will haver him do it. 

    Sandy,   How are you feeling after your 2nd shot? My arm was sorer with the 2nd shot but nothing else. And I waited all day long for something to happen and nothing did.

    Sara,   How are you feeling after you got your shot. I am glad you finally were able to get it. Now at least you will have a time set for your 2nd. Too bad your Mom wont get one but if she is in and your her only contact hopefully she will be fine.

    Is there anyone who has a way of checking on Jo. With her being a ALZ Volunteer I wonder what would happen if we asked them. I may try to connect with them today unless someone else has a way of finding out.

    Back Later, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Well got J&J, so no second shot.  Every thing went smooth.  Came home washed some clothes and made pumpkin cookies and muffins.  Took some to my mom and went and picked up my taxes.  Just now starting to absolutely freeze.  Do that some times this time of day but think it’s worse than normal.  Other than that feel about normal so far.  Once I eat supper if I’m still cold will just go to bed.

    Lorita can Mike get in your house if he couldn’t get a hold of you?

    Mom does have contact with others and none of them wear a mask and they don’t have dementia for an excuse.  It frustrates me, but I can’t let on, would do no good.  I am assuming none of them do because she told me that the lady who snow plowed and me were the only ones who have been to her house with a mask.  Always wear mine and keep my distance except for an extremely short period once in a great while.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Sara,     It's over and I bet you feel good about it.  If I had the choice I would have choose J & J. It was not approved when I got my shot. At least you will not have to go back for a 2nd one. If its normal for you to be cold and your feeling colder then normal might be do to the shot. Sounds like you have had a good day.  Pumpkin Cookies Yumm I wish I had some. Did you ever give us the recipe for the cookies? I would love to have it.

    Lorita,  Good question from Sara, will Mike be able to get into your house? I guess if he can't he will brake down the door. 

    I just baked me a chicken breast in BBQ sauce it was so good I wish I had more. I am not a cook so I am surprised when things turn out good. I miss Dan's cooking. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Sorry I haven't checked in just busy as usual.

    I'm concerned about Jo. Hopefully she will post a message soon.

    My hubby is coming on the 10th for 9 days so excited to see him. He has the hotel booked and I have booked the caregivers. 

    My plan is put my uncle in respite care by the end of this month so I can go home.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Nicole, I was beginning to worry about you.  Nice that we have each other to help keep track.  Sounds like you have a good ten days planned.  I know you'll be relieved to be able to go home and you'll know your uncle will be having good care.  Another load off your mind.

     Zetta - the year Charles passed away I had a period of hitting my head two or more times, don't remember.  I do remember being in bed with frozen peas on my head and my boffice at hand.  That went on for two or three weeks until the headaches finally began to diminish.  I wasn't in bed all the time, just when I didn't have anything else to do.  Thankfully, it was during the summer and fall so didn't have to feed the girls - can't really remember about calving.  Google says 2-4 months but I don't think it took that long.  This headache comes and goes - today part of the day it was on the left side, now it's back on the right.  No problems with coordination (other than the normal), vision, hearing, etc.  Also no broken skin or swelling, not even a bump.  Not sure what part of the latch hit my head - just thankful I had on my heavy hat.  Also no nausea or vomiting which would indicate a pretty bad concussion. 

     Just came in from filling the two water tanks - takes three trips out there but it's not far.  Girls are happy tonight - they have four 1800 lb.. bales of fresh hay and they have the hay that was left in the rings to lay on.  I always feel better when I know they have hay and water - just 39 other babies to take care of. 

     No way that I know of that Mike could get into the house but if it was an emergency he'd find a way - our outside doors in the LR and utility room are metal but there's a wooden door in the sunroom.  I just talk with him from time to time and always for a minute or so when he sets out hay.  Don't really talk with Jack daily either - he's never been here so wouldn't know where I live except he does know the road.

     I'll feed the girls tomorrow - today wasn't a good day - we've had rain and it's quite a bit cooler than yesterday - in the 40s now - to be in the 60s tomorrow and the next several days. 

     I'm worried about Jo, too.  Zetta, I was thinking the same thing - wondering if anyone on the forum knows how to get in touch with her.  I think your idea of getting in touch with the people at Alz. connected to check on her would be a good idea.

     So, Sara, you're finished with the vaccinations - how great for you.  I hope the coldness you're feeling goes away and that's the only reaction you might have.  Just think - last week at this time you were so anxious to try to get your vaccine and now you've had it.  How long will it be before you're fully immunized?  Did you have a choice of vaccines?

     Sandy, haven't felt up to even looking at the Instapot except in passing it sitting on the dining room table.  Hope you got your vaccine and that you won't have any after effects - and that you got your groceries delivered.  How I wish I had that option. 

     Today when the noon news was on the divan was vacant! - so I laid down, covered with a serape and thought I'd listen to the news but went to sleep.  Woke up and thought I'd been asleep five minutes - but it was an hour.  Went back to sleep and woke up at 2:30 so I had a 2 1/2 hr. nap.  First daytime nap I've had in ages.  Everyone in the house was asleep all that time and now everyone except me is asleep again.  Stormy and Sheena went out with me to fill the water tanks but that was all. 

     I'm worried about Barclee today.  Normally he eats really well but he wouldn't eat anything this morning - had to put his medicine his mouth and got it down that way.  He's slept all afternoon.  He may not have long and that makes me so sad.  If he's down on the floor he will walk around some, then just stand with his head down.  Poor little guy.

     Sarah called.  Todd made it home all right (may have already posted that).  They're planning on going back to Houston on Sunday for a week.  He doesn't want her to stay home alone so she and the two dogs are going.  She's dreading the 9 hour trip and I don't blame her.  That's a long time to be in a vehicle.  Hopefully, they can fix it so she can lay down in the back seat if she gets tired. 

     Zetta - I hope your son can show you how to post that picture of the elk.  I've never seen one - just pictures.  Can't imagine how exciting that must be.  They're huge, aren't they?  What does Molly think about them?  Would they be dangerous if you were around them or would they be scared of you and run away?

     Ron, haven't heard from you lately.  Please post so we'll know you and Lou are all right. 

     Same thing with you, Joan.  Let us know how you're doing.  Always like to hear from our friends and to know what's happening in your life.

     I'll stop for now.  Hope all of you are well tonight.  Enjoy the pretty weather while we have it.  Supposed to be a doozy of a storm next week for three or four days beginning Thursday - rain - hope that's all.  Supposed to be wind all week - dread that.

     Forgot to tell you - when I was laying on the divan, awake for a little while, Kitt (the tuxedo cat who's Tom and Jerry's uncle) got up on the divan with me,  under the cover and slept a long time.  He's a sweet cat - only has one eye (Tom cat scratched his eye when he was a baby and he lost it), not much vision in the other one. 

     Okay, good night for now.  Sleep tight, don't let the BBB.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Hi all!  So far no reaction from my 2nd shot.  It was the Pfizer Vaccine.  I did have chills a a slight fever the day after the first shot.  We will see what tomorrow brings.  

    Dixie, please talk with your doctor Monday.  You need to be checked out regarding the headache.  It doesn’t sound like a simple bump on the head.  Also get your vaccination.  I’m sorry Barclee isn’t doing well.  You always have so many things to worry about.  I’m glad Sarah is going with Todd.  It isn’t a good thing for her to be alone.

    Nothing else happening here.  Still cold, snow should be gone by tomorrow.  It’s supposed to be 60 on Sunday.  I don’t post often but I’m do read every day.  I hope everyone stays well.  Worried about Jo too.  Hope she’s able to let us know how she’s doing.

    Take care,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Nicole know you will be glad to get home.

    No choice where I went.  49 days til full immunity.  At 28 days something like 66-72%.

    Still have some chilling this morning but better than last night.  Have a headache, some dizziness and nausea.  Zetta attached recipe.  Let me know if it is too small for you to read and will type it out.  I’m a little lazy this morning.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     it's another beautiful day - foggy earlier but it's gone now and there's hardly any wind - for now.

     Sandy, let us know if you're feeling well this morning from your second shot.  Hope all is well. 

     When I got up this morning - no headache but after I was up an hour or so it came back.  It'll just take a while for it to go away.  Dr. Google says to limit screen time so I'll try to do that.  I take an acetaminophen an hour or so ago and it's a bit better.  I'll look in my journal for 2015 and see how it went then - I know it took some time for all to get better.  I have to feed the girls this afternoon but I'll take my time and that's all I'll do today.

     Barclee isn't well this morning.  He woke up about 4 and I couldn't get him to lay down to sleep again so left him in the bathroom a while, then he went to sleep and slept another three hours.  When I got him up this morning he wandered all around the LR - tried to give him his medicine with his food but he wouldn't eat and I had one heck of a time getting his mouth open to get the tiny pills down - hope I succeeded.  Gave him his favorite food and he wouldn't eat - maybe later.

     Sara - I hope the chilling is even better by now.  You said you feel chilled every day - have you always been like that?  Just take it really easy for a couple of days until you fully recover from whatever reaction you had.  Same for you, Sandy, take it easy today and tomorrow. 

     I'll do the same with my head - there's nothing more a doctor could do except say rest, be quiet and take pain pills.  I will try to get to talk with him Monday.  I know he'll be so busy after being off a week but maybe when he gets a slack moment he can call me and he can charge it like an office call.  He's very easy to talk with. 

     Stormy and Sheena stayed out last night but they're in, had breakfast and are asleep now.  Girls had drifted off to graze when I got up but they're coming back in now.  When I went out to feed Tom and Jerry, I opened the PU door to get their dry food, then closed it and some of the girls heard it and started bawling.  I can't do anything without being detected.  Lilly and Sammy have run amuck this morning, running and jumping but they're quiet now. 

     I thought for sure it was Sunday.  I hurried out and fed the boys and got back in so I could watch the morning news shows.  Searched for them and finally realized it was Saturday. 

     I'll get off now and rest a bit, then feed the girls this afternoon.  Hope all of you are all right this morning.  Zetta, did you get in touch with the Alz. people about Jo?  It seems I remember years ago we did this to check on someone - can't remember when or who but they have all her information and could contact her.

     Enjoy the day.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning.  Weather is turning way too warm too early.  It’s supposed to be in high 50’s today, but snow and rain later in the week.  We need moisture to get out of this drought we’re in.

    I’m going to finish up taxes this weekend.  I’ve been dragging my feet, not wanting to sit down and get them together.  

    Sara, yum for the cookies.  I hope your reaction resolves today.  I was so tired the day after my last shot, so hopefully you will feel better tomorrow.

    Nicole, I bet you’re excited for the respite.  Enjoy every second, even though it never seems to be enough to get totally rested.

    Lorita, Sandy has good advice for you.  We all want you to be safe and in good health.  All the ranchers around here are starting the calving process.  Little ones all over the fields.  They are so cute.

    I sure hope and pray Jo is doing better.  Maybe she will check in this weekend.  Sciatica can be extremely painful.  Sometimes, surgery is necessary, so I hope that’s not what’s happened.

    Zetta, I find it hard to figure out what I want to eat.  Seems I fix things and then get sick of eating it for days.  Guess I need to get better at making smaller portions, or even freezing some of it.  

    Better get on the taxes and get them finished, or I’ll be looking at them again tomorrow.  Take care and have a nice day.  Joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning,

    I just emailed AlzAsso asking about Jo C. I told them we were all worried about her and if they can share info about her well being to please do so. So I will see what happens. I am not sure it's done this way but we will see.

    Lorita,   How is you head this morning. I agree with Sandy a call to the Dr would be a good idea. You have so many things going on in your world you need to take care of yourself.  Poor Barclee I hope he is having a good day I know how sad it makes you to see him that way. I had a little poodle years ago pretty much the same as Barclee and I hate saying this but I was so relieved when he passed. He did it at home he is now in my back yard, next to the others.

    Lorita,  I don't think the Elk would be dangerous. Last year they came right up to my back porch. When I went out the door I was looking down on them so they just left. I am not sure what would happen if they were looking down on me. They are Huge but I think they would run away. If it was Molly I think they would kick at her. She is a big chicken so I don't think she would chase them.

    Nicole,    I am glad you will be getting some rest, I am sure you need it. It will be so nice to be able to be with your DH for awhile. How is your Uncle doing?

    Sara,   Thank You for the cookie recipe, yes I can see it good. So as soon as I can get to the store to get what I need I will be baking cookies. Yum!  Sounds like you are getting some of the side effects from the shot, I hope today is a better day. I was hearing that side effects are good because you body is reacting to the vaccine. I wish I had had some, I hope my body accepted the vaccine as well as yours did. 

    Sandy,   I am glad you got your 2nd shot. We got more snow last night not much but it is very cold out. I am glad you asked Lorita to call her Dr. that was a good idea. 

    I am sending wishes for a good day to all. Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Zetta, Elk can be dangerous. When we were in Rocky Mountain National Park during their "rut", they were all over the place and many people were walking in the area. One bull finally got tired of it, and he chased us! We ran up a hill and fortunately he stopped.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Beth,    Thanks for the warning. I would never go up to one but now I won't be so brave stepping out on the porch when they are there. Thanks Zetta
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning,

    Sandy hope your second shot is easy on you.  I started feeling more like my old self yesterday evening.  Feel good this morning.

    Joan those unusually warm days are nice but sometimes they cause fruit tree blooms to get killed when it turns cold again, hate that.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sara, glad you're feeling back to normal this morning.  Now, we need to hear from Sandy - hope she's doing as well.

     Joan - I love to see bunches of new babies in the pastures - they're so cute and full of life.  We have nine little ones (not from this season) - seven are about the same size and they stay together and the other two are a bit larger and older.  I think next month is when our girls wills start calving.  I like for that to happen in April and May but I think this year they'll be spread out more than I like.  Hard to have babies in the hot weather.

     I fed the girls yesterday, took it easy and didn't lift anything heavy, even managed to get 100 lb. of creep in the feeder for the babies.  I have enough for two more times plus 50 lb. for the feeder but may get enough for another ten times to carry feeding through mid April.  However, the grass that was completely brown in the garden, south of the house, before the snowy weather is now turning a pretty, bright green so we'll see.  Right now the girls are laying around in the garden enjoying the sun and warmer weather. 

     You're so right, Joan, so often we have a spell of warm weather which makes the fruit trees bloom and then a cold snap that kills the fruit.  I'd love to have another good year for the Asian pears.  Last year the trees were loaded and all at once they disappeared - no idea what happened.  I didn't notice any of them on the ground.  They're delicious when fully ripe.

     My head is much better today.  I didn't watch much TV yesterday and won't today and won't be on the computer much.  It's just a very slight, dull feeling - no pain so probably didn't have a concussion.  Just like when you hit your leg or arm, there's soreness and some pain for a couple of days.  When I get to talk to him, if I do, tomorrow I'll ask if there's anything else I should be doing.

     I weighed this morning - had been meaning to but I've been getting up and putting on all my clothes and I don't want to weigh with all of that stuff on.  I've lost at least 25 lbs. in the last year.  I knew I'd lost 20 a few months ago and plateaued for so long but the extra poundage was a surprise.  Now, maybe I can get into some of the clothes that were snug last summer.  Didn't go anywhere to wear them anyway.  I guess we should put on some nice clothes and wear them even if we are home. 

     Barclee's sound asleep again.  He got up just after I did and I fixed his food but after he'd wandered around on the floor for a while I put him in the chair and he went back to sleep.  He had a slight seizure this morning and fell over - just for a few seconds.  He seems to be resisting food and taking his medicine that was so easy a few weeks ago - I don't think I'll force the issue.  He's not happy like he is and his quality of life is so poor right now.  Sheena stayed in last night and when I woke up this morning I heard Stormy barking - must have seen a wolf.  They're both outside in the sun now.

     I'll stop for now - may not be back again today - but, I'm okay.  Thanks to all of you for your concern.  If I do talk with my doctor tomorrow I'll ask if there's anything else I should be doing.  I read my journal about the time I had the concussion in 2015 and he didn't recommend anything special - just rest and quiet and some pain pills. Did say if it didn't resolve in a while he'd order a CT Scan - didn't want to do that when I saw him because of the radiation.  It just takes a while to resolve.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Sandy, let us know.  I'll read a little later to see if you've posted. 

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Day 3 after Pfizer 2nd shot.  Arm a little sore but no other side affects at all.  1st shot had chills and slight fever on 2nd day.  Don’t hesitate, get the vaccine.  Be safe.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Great news, Sandy.  Glad you posted.  Hope other things are better, too.  I'll get mine as soon as I can if my doctor says it's okay.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning,

    Sandy and Sara,   Get rest and all will be good. I am glad you got your shots. I have had both of mine and I do feel good about it.

    Lorita,  You also need to get as much rest as you can. I had a concussion a few years ago the Dr told me the same thing your Dr told you, but also to rest in a room that was darker with no sun shinning in. So if we don't hear from you later today I won't worry. 

    It's cold at my house today we got a little more snow last night.  I was wanting to set out in the sun today but looks like that won't happen.

    Hugs Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I just got a reply from AlzAssc answering my question. I told them we were all concerned about Jo C. Their  reply was thank you for the concern but they can not release any info but they would check in with Jo and let her know we were asking. I hope we hear from her soon. 

    I hope your all having a good Sunday. Hugs  

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Zetta, Thanks for checking! Hope we hear from Jo soon.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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