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Just need to talk to my friends (142)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Sara, glad you got some of your seeds started.  That's always a good sign that spring is almost here.  It was so warm when I woke up this morning - 69 here and 43 in Pawhuska (Pioneer Woman's home) way NW of here.  There's a front that's going to stall out just south of Tulsa so we should stay warm today.  Got out and saw the girls from the porch, fed Tom and Jerry, filled a water tank and went to the mailbox.  Had a couple of bills to pay and a blouse to return to QVC (I never ordered it).  So, back in the house now.  It's misting here.

 Beth, I know you'll be glad when all of that snow melts.  I always thought it looked awful after it was piled up and got dirty.  I looked up the aconite - what a pretty little plant and flower - don't think I've ever seen them.  I did pick a bouquet of jonquils or daffodils (whichever they are) while I was out.  I have two or three kinds - some are really huge but they're mostly stilt at the MH - bulbs have gotten too deep to dig up and transplant.  Then I think there's one little bunch of double ones, some that are big and a few bunches of tiny ones about an 8th as big as the others.  Somewhere I used to have a bunch of white ones with pink centers.  I'll look for those when I'm out again.

 I think I mentioned (probably several times) that the back of my arm where I got the vaccination was so sore.  Still is - so, got to thinking maybe it's bruised.  I looked and sure enough there's about a 3" long bruise, narrow, so I've hit my arm on something and that's why it's been sore - been blaming it on the vaccination.  The injection site isn't sore and never really was to amount to anything.  Head hurts a little bit but it will for a while.

 Sheena stayed in last night and when I let her out Stormy went nuts - so happy to see her.  He saw something out in the NE pasture and then she saw it - both barking like crazy.  I could never see anything but this time of year the wolves and coyotes are kind fo hard to spot - same color as the grass. 

 Sandy, those crumb cakes came about 5:30 yesterday.  He left the box on the car.  So, went out, brought it to the porch, sprayed it, then opened it later.  They weren't frozen - really packed into that box but not crushed.  They look delicious.  Froze all but one of them - lemon I think.  I'll try that out today.  I've never ordered food from QVC except pears and honeybells - kind of worry about that but Dr. Google says the virus isn't easily transmitted through food because it needs a human host. 

 So glad I got that first injection - again, thanks for the push.  I need that sometimes.  I think Jack is really thinking about taking it because he's called WM and the health dept. to see if they're giving them.  He needs a push, too.  Since he's alone now he needs to do all he can to take care of himself. 

Glad I got the girls fed yesterday so won't do that again until Saturday.  I've lengthened the time to every third day - feed Wednesday, then again Saturday.  They have liquid feed in one feeder and I don't think I'll have them filled again - don't want the feed to stay in them all summer and congeal.  I'll use protein tubs instead and I think I'll start using Anaplas blocks again instead of the mineral tubs.  Probably will feed what I have now and maybe get another half ton.  Probably one more feeding of hay.  Sorry about that, just thinking about what or how I'm going to end the feeding this year.    Don't have Charles to talk to about it so you all get the fallout.

 I baked some scalloped potatoes yesterday (from a box) - and they're really good.  Cooked them a little too long so added more milk to make the sauce.  I'd never used them before but Carol said she had baked a box and they were good.  Might be something I keep in the pantry.  I'll be glad when my five weeks are up so I can have a baked potato.  Zetta, I haven't been to a grocery store for over a year now so I'll be glad to go, too.  I froze quite a lot of milk and took some out yesterday to thaw - still have another one so it'll last until I can go to the store.  I really can't tell the difference between fresh and the frozen after it's thawed.  Also have some powdered milk - never have used that.

 I'll stop for now and finish my juice and see about that crumb cake.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Beth, thanks for the reminder about the time change - I hate it, especially this time of year.  Instead of having daylight before 7 - it'll be until almost 8.  Wish they'd leave it one way or the other.

 Back later. 



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Jo, we must have been posting at about the same time.  I was late getting this new part of the thread started - so, if anyone's reading, be sure to read the last three posts on #141 - Sara, Beth and Jo.

     Jo, do that also call those pasties "hand pies".  I think I've heard of them and they sound kind of the same.  My daddy used to make fruit pies - he'd use a biscuit, roll it out and fill it with fruit filling, crimp the edges and then fry it. They were so good.  Kind of the same concept.

     So, now that I've had my first vaccination, when do I get the 70% immunity?  I think two weeks after the second one it's something like 94 or 95% from Pfizer.  Already I feel a bit more secure or safe, even though I won't be seeing people.  I'm glad I do go ahead and get it and got to see my doctor. 

     Thanks for the kind words about Mr. Barclee.  He has been a wonderful companion for Charles and I for the past 19 or so years.  He's had his medicine and breakfast this morning and is now cocooned in a fluffy throw in his chair.  I keep it over the back of the chair and he finds his way underneath the edge of it - he's warmer and away from everyone else.  I'll miss him so much when he's gone - and I'll keep him as long as he isn't in pain.  I think one of the meds he's taking is for pain.  When he's gone I'll bury him close to Napoleon, a little poodle we had for many years.  There's so many pet graves in our old garden spot and in our back yard at the MH and I remember all of the little ones.

     Isn't it awful to not feel well?  I'm not used to that - I like to be able to get out and do what I want to - or just sit and watch TV.   I was tired when I got home the other day - four hours away from home - unheard of for me.  I'm sure I was tense most of the time, not being around people and getting the vaccine and seeing the doctor.  It was good to see him - like seeing an old friend.

     I also want a new robe and can't find one I like.  I remember a fleece robe I had years ago that I really liked - it was so warm and cozy. No idea what happened to it.  You know, I think of clothes I used to have and wonder what happened to them - just like they've disappeared.  I imagine if I looked in that storage building in the boxes I'd find some of them.  I know there's two or three boxes of jeans, Charles and mine, either outgrown or too big.  I pity the person who has to go through those things.

     I tried one of the lemon crumb cakes.  Good - but I was expecting a filling of some sort - haven't found it yet and I'm almost half finished with it.  It's a bit dry - moist but a little dry - needs a little sauce on it.  I used to make something called Cottage Pudding.  It was spooned or cut out to be served and I made a chocolate or lemon sauce to eat with it.  Really good - this is sort of the same.  Guess I wasn't familiar with crumb cakes, Sandy.  They looked so good - think I was expecting something like a cinnamon roll. 

     I'm going to stop - talking way too much.  Jo, I can relate to you being chatty when around people for really the first time in a year.  I talk to everyone on the farm - cats, dogs, cows, calves, sometimes even the flowers.  People would think I'm nuts - maybe I am, kind of.

     Anyway, just wanted to let you all know to read those other posts.  Going to take it easy today.  Sandy, I picked up the mail today and I got a return label from QVC.  Called them and it was for the Instant Pot.  Told them I decided to keep it.  Maybe I'll read some about it today.  Anxious to try some of the good recipes in the cookbook you sent.  Thanks, again.

     Judith, I agree, we haven't seen a post from you in a while.  Hope you're okay.  Last night I saw the Power XL advertised.  I know you decided not to order that one.  How do you like the one you have? 

     Also, Joan, is this awful, coming snowstorm going to be in your area?  They're saying there could be up to 3 ft. of snow -  hope it's east of you. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Thanks for missing me. I guess I have just been listening on the porch.

    Jo's right about having Plan B in place. Without it what you want to happen probably won't. All of my "assets" are in a trust which will be divided between my two children upon my death. That would mean selling my home or my daughter buying out my son if she still wants to live here.  If they sell it someone may buy and live or buy. tear down and rebuild. So be it. 

    Lorita,if you do nothing what will happen to your land if you do nothing? Does it matter to you? 

    Looks like we are thriving with our Covid shots. Blessed relief.

    Today is my last in my 70's. 80 is king of hard to understand. I certainly do not feel like 80. Tomorrow night my soon to be son-in law is grilling a steak to have with a baked potato and salad. Saturday night I am having 5 vacinnated friends over for pizza and cake. You are all invited. I got a mani pedi and today a haircut just in case I and up in a group photo...lol

    Speaking of baked potatoes, Lorita why can't you have a baked potato?

    Jo, happily on the mend. Keep up the good work!

    The electrician was here for 5 hours yesterday....adjusting cans, install dimmers, fixing outside outlets (seems they were never wired!) and other small stuff. Next I am going to have the plumber fix the flapper in one toilet and to make certain all water shut offs are easy to turn. Iwill also discuss a new water heater and look into an on demand unit. 

    I do like my Cuisenart airfry toaster oven. It toasts but does not rotissary like the Power XL. The XL looks like a good buy. I now pretty much just use the microwave and the Cueis. Oh, do take shape into consideration as well as heat clearances. Mine is flat on top.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
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    Judith, have you used the fryer function on your air fryer? Did it work well? I keep looking, that is the main function I’m interested in. Isn’t it great to get those repairs done! 

    Lorita, I had family pass with no Plan B. What happens then, is the courts give their property to the closest living family, even if several “levels” removed. I get the idea that your closest relatives are Sayra and her brother (tho not much said about the brother, but if Sayra is related, I’m thinking so is her brother). 

    If so, they would get it.

    What they did with it then, would be up to them. If they don’t want it, they’d still get it and then dispose of it however they choose. It was a huge problem in my family and other cases I worked later because the relatives did not want the deceased’s property (nor even know of the deceased).  The process also takes some time, during which is no maintenance and great property decline.

    But if you do not have a Plan B, the probate courts will decide, (within the law, which says family), and can do things you really might not like to happen.

    So glad to see Jo is back with her wisdom. Much missed and appreciated!  Fingers crossed for great recovery. And me too on chattiness. Sometimes I feel like I’ll be that crazy cat lady who just grabs anybody at the grocery store and talks and talks! I think we’ve all been chat-deprived for a while. 

    There’s been some really interesting magazine (reputable, not blogtent) stories about the emotional loss of not having those quick, chance exchanges with clerks, passerby’s, etc, that we missed during the lockdown. It’s a real thing.

    Jo, I like longer tops as well. I often do better at searching for “tunics,” at most online places I shop they’re like regular tops (not tent-like) but longer. “Tall” also works sometimes, although I am anything but. Lands End has lots of longer short-sleeve (and other) tops; so does Chico’s.

    South Florida is having perfect weather now, 75-80 days, 60 at night, low humidity, except it’s full-blown pollen season. The only time of year I take allergy pills daily, and have to hose off car daily, too, or else you can write in the pollen coating. We are also in full tourist season; the roads and beaches and restaurants are packed. I’m still reluctant to eat inside, although we’ve had both shots 3 weeks. But it’s obvious few others share my reluctance on that front.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon,

    I was able to go to the store and I really enjoyed being out. I was gone for 3 hours I went to the Grocery store then to Bi Mart then got me a cup of coffee at the drive thru coffee stand. I got everything put away. The sun is shinning so hopefully I will go sit outside for awhile. 

    I am not a chatty person I prefer to go do my shopping in the morning so I don't run into people that want to visit. I am not shy I just never have been a people person. Unless a person has a dog with them then I am right there petting the dog. I am not a snob just not much of a people person. When we all get to visit on the porch I will probably just sit there and smile. So please bring your dogs. 

     Lorita,   I also bruise easy and sometimes they are big enough I am surprised that I don't remember how I got it.  I have a lot of my pets buried on my back acre. I even have one that was cremated and she is in a pretty box in my bedroom.  I cook the scallop potatoes that come in the box also. I really like them. I remember as a kid at times we had to drink powdered mike and I did not like it at all.  Poor Barclee 19 years old is very old for a dog. Just hold him keep him warm and give him a hug from me. 

    Beth,    Thank you for the reminder of moving the clocks forward. I probably will not remember till the day of. 

    Jo,   I hope your starting to feel a little better. And you were right I loved my shopping trip. I knew I was going to fill 2 carts so I went to two stores and filled each cart. It is so nice that your son will be there for a visit. Get lots of rest so you don't get so tired when they are there.  That was so sweet of you to give Herman CPR. I have never got close to a hamster, but I am sure I could if I had one.

    Judith,   Nice to see you back. I hope you have fun at your pizza party. I am having pizza for dinner tonight. 

    Sending you all wishes for a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Happy Birthday, Judith, just a bit early.  Sounds like you have a good birthday celebration planned.  I have a good friend who's 84 and she's blowin' and goin' - same with my SIL who's the same age.  Have fun.

     As soon as my  full immunity kicks in I need to have a few things done, too.  It's too wet right now but I'll have some fencing done, barn cleaned out and a new floor in the utility room.  Also need a new flapper.  Things have piled up a bit this past year with not wanting to have people around.

     Judith, I haven't had a real potato in months.  I was in the store March 6, 2020 and got ten pounds of potatoes and other vegetables.  I've had potatoes but not in their original shape.  I doubt I'll buy anything though that can't be peeled - such as cauliflower and broccoli.  I've had frozen ones so that's all right.  I've been able to order almost everything I need from WM.com and Amazon and have gotten milk and eggs at our little convenience store but no store would deliver out in this area.

     I think I know what I want to do with the place.  What I had originally wanted was to keep it in the family but that's not to be.  In 15 years our family will have been here 100 years.  I'll have to do some more thinking about it and talk to a couple of people.

     Zetta - three hours!   So, you know how I felt being out of pocket for four hours - and not even going to a store.  

     I'm not much of a people person either although I worked among hundreds of them during my career but after that not so much.  I enjoy people and visiting but really prefer just being here and going when I please.  Charles was quite the opposite - guess that's why they say opposites attract. 

     Barclee's at least 21, Zetta.  We got him when according to the vet he was about two years old.  He has really declined in the past few months but his doctor is good although he says there's not much more he can do to help.  I'll miss him so much but not sure I'll get another small dog.

     I went out on the porch just now to see where the girls are.  Didn't see any south of the house, then heard a cow bawling.  Knew it was Rose Bud.  All the others are way down in the NE pasture and she was staying around waiting for me to come out.  She's used to me feeding her every day and she's come to expect it.  So, gave her the fortified grain and now she's happy. She'll graze some until it's time to go back to the hay. 

     Rescue Mom -  Sarah's brother is about two years younger than she.  He's been living in Kentucky for years and is a trucker.  We don't see much of him or hear from him.  I think the last time he was by here was a couple of years ago.  I have an idea of what I want to do but, as I said, will need to think about it a bit more.

     Our weather is nice today, too.  It's still warm, in the 60s but cloudy so guess the front didn't make it down this far.  Glad of that because we need for things to dry out some.  The roads are still not too good.

     I'm glad Jo's feeling better, too.  Hate for any of us to not feel well. 

     I like longer tops, too, with not short sleeves.  I buy most of my clothes from QVC - Denim & Co.  They're well made and usually the styles I like.  I haven't bought anything from a department store in many years.

     Zetta - had some more of those scalloped potatoes and mixed vegetables for lunch.  They're really good - don't know why I hadn't tried them sooner.  I don't even know what new-fangled things they have in the store.  So glad you enjoyed your outing today.  Did you wear a mask?

     I saw today that our Governor is opening our State 100%.  For the life of me I don't see why they can't wait a couple of months to make sure there won't be another surge.  I do feel better now that I've started on my immunization.  Things just seem to fall into place.

      Laid down for a while this afternoon and I think I went to sleep.  Barclee woke me up barking to get out of the chair.  Slight headache today but not enough to take anything for it.  Zetta, I used to bruise so easily and, like you, didn't know where half of them came from.  Not sure about this since this bruise is a long, narrow one - maybe from the gate that hit my head.  I think the worst one I ever had was a few years ago  - a cow was going through a gate and I got a bit too close to her and she kicked and the front of her hoof scraped down my thigh.  Swelled and hurt like the dickens.  Also one kicked me on the shin once.  My fault - I was trying to get her to move and kicked at her foot - she retaliated.  That place was the size of a lemon by the time I walked six steps to the Jeep.  Perils of having cattle, I guess.

     Enjoy the evening.  Our President is going to speak tonight - looking forward to hearing what he has to say.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,  I have never know a dog that has lived 21 years. My oldest one was 17 years. Barclee has a real good loving home he plans on staying around for awhile.  Those scallop potatoes in the box have been around for awhile there are a few different kinds all just as good. Yes I did ware a mask. I hate the mask but I will continue for as long as I need too.

    Molly enjoyed out outing to town, she goes every place with me. She loves going thru the coffee stand they give her a cookie. She gets cookies at the gas station the bank and the coffee stands.  

    Before I retired I worked in the hospitality industry most of my work was behind the scenes so I did not have much people contact just a lot of phone work. Most people were pretty nice on the phone. I had more contact with people when I had my pet sitting business and I loved every one of them. 

    I hope your getting rest and your head is feeling better. I got me some ice cream I better go before it melts. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Just came in from outside - it's cooler now, around 60 and cloudy, so the front made it this far.  There's a light north wind and I smell smoke, probably from the fires in the northern part of the State.   They had some fires on the Drummond Ranch around Pawhuska (Pioneer Woman).  They have their own big water trucks they use when they do burning and one truck driven by Ladd (Ree's husband) and their nephew, Caleb, ran headon into each other on one of the roads.  The boy was ejected 70 ft. from his truck.  News just said both are still in the hospital but will be okay.  Guess the smoke and dust from the gravel roads made it impossible to see the other truck.

    Ice Cream - sounds good.  I have some cappuccino chunky chocolate in the freezer so might have some of that later.  I bet Molly did enjoy being out and around after so long. She probably knows each place where she'll get a cookie.   Barclee used to go everywhere with us, too and if we went by the bank drive-through, he'd get a milk bone.   Stormy loves to ride in the car but is reluctant to get up into the PU although once when I took him to the vet he jumped into the PU as soon as I opened the door.  Guess he wanted out of there.

     Weatherman just said we should have some storms Saturday morning and heavier ones Sunday morning.  Really hope we don't have a spring with bad storms.  Looks like Joan may be getting a lot of snow - hope it's east of her.  Joan, are you okay?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning, 

    Nice to see everyone chit chatting yesterday.  Guess I am a chit chatterer.  That is something I miss.  Like running into people I know at store.  

    When young, mom always made those scalloped and au gratin potatoes from the box.  Thought they were good. 

    Happy Birthday Judith.  Hope you have a really nice birthday, sounds like you are.

    Zetta glad you got to enjoy a little freedom.  Got my first week in, yeah!

    Have never had a pasty but would love to try one some day.  Have looked at recipes but seemed like too much work lol.

    Yes Lorita not feeling well is the pits.  Nineteen hours of not feeling well was enough for me.  Glad Jo urged you a little.

    Must be the only short backed person sitting on the porch lol.  Have problems with tops being way too long.

    Rescue mom I will not be comfortable going into a sit down meal at a restaurant either.  Not worth being sick.  Plan on doing pick up for a while yet.  Once have full immunity will be comfortable with picking up food with my mask on.  Have done it a few times but always wasn’t sure about it.   Going to observe a bit once we open up and if a bit of time goes by and no surge then will consider it.  I’m just thankful can go get food and then invite a person or two over.  

    Made stir fry yesterday and it was good.  Have not made stir fry a lot due to trying to avoid soy.  Tried the coconut aminos as had read you can use it as  a substitute. Turned out really well, also added honey and some of my raisin vinegar.

    Hi Ron and Lou.  Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Hope your special day is wonderful.  You know you only turn this age once or any age for that matter.  You're only as old as you feel and you feel young - good for you.  Enjoy the day.

     Sara - I like tunic length tops.  When I started working at the VA Hospital women could not wear pants.  After a few years we were able to but the tops had to be tunic length.  What a difference being able to wear pants made - felt like we were liberated.  I wear pants 99.9% of the time, probably 100%.  I bought a couple of dresses a few years ago - never wore one.  Can't even remember exactly when I last wore a skirt.  Pants are so much easier and more comfortable.  However, in hot weather I do wear patio dresses - no pants in the summer except when I go to town.  Also remember wearing those awful, high heel shoes.  No way could I wear them now - I'd fall off of them for sure.  I like 1 1/2-2" stacked heel or wedges - can't really wear something like a flat shoe.  Also have to wear mules or slides because of the injury I sustained a couple of years ago wearing boots with a strong string across the back.  I can wear boots in the winter and it doesn't bother me - so that's what I wear in the wintertime.  One of our social workers was three or four years younger than I and she was tall and liked to wear high wedges.  She'd come into the office and tell me she'd been walking down the hall and fell off her shoes.  That's kind of dangerous.

     I like potatoes any way you can fix them.  I have a bag of hashbrowns and some crinkle French fries and should have some steak fries somewhere in the freezer. .  Guess I've been saving them for hard times - hopefully those days will be gone in a few months.  Also love sweet potatoes baked in the microwave, sliced open longways, sprinkled with just a bit of sugar and then eaten with butter.

     I think the President's speech last night was so good.  What a difference in two people - hard to imagine.  The way he talks and what he says makes me, anyway, feel much safer and optimistic.   It's hard to imagine that this has gone on for a year - time has gone pretty fast for me - not a whole lot of difference in the way I live anyway except for not going to the grocery store.  I'm so glad I did go ahead and get the first shot - things just seem to fall into line.  I know people were so eager to get the vaccine and spent hours on the computer trying to get an appointment.  Friend, Carol and her husband were only able to get appointments in Tulsa so they had to travel for theirs.

     It's cloudy, humid and warm here this morning.  It was sprinkling when I went out to feed the boys.  Walked around the yard some and looked at the pretty daffodils - they're beautiful but so many were harmed by the cold weather.  Also noticed several of the shrubs are not in good shape - will have to really be trimmed back.  I have a plastic water pool I keep in the yard for water for the GPs so emptied and scrubbed it and put fresh water in it for them.  Didn't need to fill the water tanks for the girls - still had plenty of water in them.  All the girls were way up in the pasture grazing but while I was out they came back down - guess they heard me talking. 

     Just have a very slight headache this morning so decided not to watch the court shows - enjoying Isaac Mizrahi and his pretty clothes on QVC.  I'm having some trouble with my right leg/knee so decided I'd wear the knee brace for a while.  It's the leg I step up into the PU with - it's a 3/4 ton so the step, even with the bar we have on it is high - should use the stool I have for that purpose.

     I'll stop for now and drink my hot tea while it's hot.  Hope everyone's well this morning.  Joan, still wondering about you and how much snow you might get.  Kind of looks like it won't be nearly as much as Denver will get - but the snow's good for skiing.  So hope you're continuing to improve.

     Back later.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  I’ve been reading and not replying.  I’m sorry it’s been so long.  Thanks for thinking of me.  I’ve been on phone day after day, trying to get rheumatologist to update notes so my dr. can start treating me.   I’m in a fair amount of pain with no answers.  I did get to talk to representative at UC Health in Denver this morning.  She’s going to call me back when she figures out what the holdup is.  I’m frustrated to say the least.  

    Sorry for the rant.  At least I know you all care.  That’s a plus in all our lives.  

    We’re expecting a huge storm in Colorado.  The total snow amounts keep changing because the Low keeps moving north and south.  Right now they’re saying tomorrow’s prediction is 12-16 inches here.  The big snow should fall east of us.  Up to 3-6 feet.  Probably get a lot of wet, heavy snow.  Today we have beautiful blue skies.

    Lorita, so glad you saw your dr. and got your shot.  You’re on your way to more peace of mind.  How nice for you when you can wander around the grocery store.  Feels like such freedom.

    Happy Birthday Judith.  Enjoy your celebrations.  You deserve them.  

    Jo, I hope you continue to improve and get back to doing the things you love.  What an ordeal you’ve been through.  I’m glad things are improving for you.

    Sara, I’m short everywhere, and most tunics hit me at my knees or below.  Unless I can fins petite sizes, most shirts are always too long.  I’m in the mood to find a few new things for summer.  I haven’t really replaced much, so everything I have is pretty worn.  Guess I’ll start looking online and see what’s out there.  I also need a new robe.  

    Zetta, I think this storm coming through started up your way and picked up force along the way.  So happy you enjoyed your shopping experience.  I’ve felt the freedom of getting out, and it’s uplifting.  

    I had other things to say, but they have escaped me.  I’ll get back on and let you know what the big storm brings tomorrow.  We might not get anything.  I’m prepared for staying home if I need to.

    Hi to all.  Joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Looks like I will be having a nice warm day. I went out and swept my porch off got my chair all cleaned up I plan on Molly and I sitting out side today. It's 46 right now I am waiting for it to get to 60. I even got my sun tea jar all washed up and got the tea bags yesterday. The first hot day I have my sun tea jar will be going outside.  

    Judith,   Happy Birthday.      I am sure you will enjoy your company and the pizza party tomorrow. The older I get the younger 80 looks. Like Lorita said your as old as you feel and you sound like you feel young.  

    Joan,   I am sorry to hear your having to deal with pain. I hope you get some answers today. Are things getting worse or just not getting better?  I would be frustrated also. I hope your not going to get some of that snow. I keep getting a few flakes but nothing sticking and the days are getting a bit warmer.

    I also love robes. A few years ago I was looking for a jacket length robe and I could not find one. One day I was looking thru a Goodwill store, I love to do that. And there was a short robe and it was my favorite color, blue it looked almost new, so for $5.00 I got me a pretty robe. You never know what you will find in those places. 

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith:   Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday and "New Year!"  Hope you had a sweet day. Big birthday hug being sent your way.

    Joan, I am so sorry that your pain issues have not been adequately nor fully addressed.  Having considerable unrelieved pain can really make a person exhausted and it is also pretty depressing.  So hope that someone captains that ship and gets you relief soon.  As for petite as in sort females, there is an online catalog called, "Drapers and Damons" that has a lot of tops not tunics that are shorter; some very pretty. Pricey, but they often have big percentage off sales.  I do not like all their clothes, but they often do have some pretty tops.   Also carry Foxcroft non-wrinkle blouses. Wish that tunics came more attractive; I guess I need to get some ideas for online catalogs. 

    We had our second Covid Vaccination yesterday afternoon.  We have been lucky in that neithe one of us got a sore arm and neither one of us has any side effects.  The first vaccination, the site was sparsely populated; yesterday the place was packed to the rafters.  That is a good sign; more people getting their vaccine.  The place was well organized and the floor was clearly marked six feet distances to keep people apart.  In two weeks, the 25th, our vaccine will be at full strength in our bodies; then we can see our son. 

    Lorita, about two weeks after your first vaccination, the protection is anywhere from 50% to 70%; that is pretty good.  Hurray! 

    Zetta, Herman was an unusual Hamster.  We had him for almost three years which is ancient for a Hamster.  He was a loving little thing and loved to sit curled on ones shoulder against one's neck.  He played and loved his little Hamster treats.  Our son also had a pet bunny.  He did not have a name, son just called him "Bunny."  There was a next door cat named, "Clyde."  Every day we let Bunny roam free in the back yard and Clyde came to play; they chased one another and wrestled around and lay next to one another to rest; Bunny and Clyde.  At night Bunny would go into is hutch to be safe.  And also an assortment of dogs; my favorite was a shepherd mix, he was an awesome dog. 

    Our son and DIL have four rescues and our Oregon son has one rescue.  Two of he rescue are geiatric dogs which I really love the idea of.  

    Got the pasties.  Lorita, no; one would not call the pasties by any other name.  Sometmes they are called, "Cornish Pasties," that is because they origniallycame from Wales where the miners there took them for their meals.  Never called, "hand pies," they are very proud and protective of their pasties in the U.P.  Some will use hamburger, but that is so looked down on as a non-pasty.   In the UP; never is gravy used, only ketchup on the side.  Funny how some things take off and must be done a certain way.

    Off go, be well everyone,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Joan, so glad to see your post but sorry you're having such a hard time with the pain and getting something done to help.  Seems like that's often the case anymore -things are just too complicated - one doctor has to do something before another can do something else.  Sarah's going through that with trying to get an appointment with a gastroenterologist - has to be a referral from Dr. D. and he doesn't seem to be doing it.   Hopefully, you'll be able to get some help soon.

     I don't envy you the snow you're going to get at all.  We didn't have more than 7 or 8" but the cold was so destructive.  We have so many shrubs that look bad - maybe they'll lose their dead leaves and recover.  Two different kinds of euyonomus (never can spell that word) honeysuckles and this evening I discovered the glossy abelia we have at the south end of the porch is brown as can be.  I broke one little stem and it's still green - so there's hope.  Even the patch of the so pretty white flowers are brown at the tips but maybe they'll come out and bloom.  Our weatherman talks about people going to some of the ski resorts in Colorado for spring break and how hard it's going to be to even get there.  We're getting rain this evening with more off and on the next two days - but don't think it's going to be cold.

     The girls came out front about feeding time this afternoon but I had decided I wouldn't feed until tomorrow.  But, got to thinking about the possibility of rain tonight and tomorrow and the fact I probably wouldn't be able to feed out of the PU, decided I'd feed this evening.  So, about 4:30 I gave Rose Bud her feed and fed the rest of the girls about 5.  It was beginning to sprinkle by that time so being in a hurry I lifted a 50 lb. sack of feed - put it in a feeder that had a hole in it, emptied some of it, then had to pick it back up and back into the PU bed.  So, have had a headache after that but it's about gone now.  I've tried to refrain from lifting since I hit my head but lifted quite a lot today.  I'll rest tomorrow.

     I've been seeing the advertisement on TV about  Car Shield.  Our PU and car are both 20 years old but both have low mileage.  I called to get a quote on the PU and decided I'd try it for a while.  They'll send all the information about it and I'll have 30 days to keep or drop out with return of my deposit.  It's $99 a month which doesn't seem bad at all if something did go wrong.  Being 20 years old, it's a possibility - and anything that had to be done to it would be expensive.  It covers almost everything you can think of - so I'll try it.  Will give me peace of mind at least.  I don't want to buy another PU - which would be at least $70,000 for a comparable one - and I have to have it to get feed for the girls.  Didn't do anything about the car because I'm still thinking about a Jeep when the virus problem is over.

     Jo - glad you and your husband got your second vaccination - and no side effects which is wonderful.  Carol and her husband got their second one today so I'm anxious to see how they do.  I heard on the news this evening that over 25% of the people in our Country have had at least one vaccination.  I've told Sarah that she and Todd should get theirs as soon as possible.  Surely wish Jack would get his, too.  Thank you and the others on the thread for giving me that needed push to get it done. 

     You ladies need to watch QVC.  They have all kinds of pretty clothes - and they have petites and talls along with the regular lengths.  Many designers have their clothes on QVC - Isaac Mizrahi, Denim & Co, Bob Mackey, Logo and so many others.  Like I've said Denim & Co is my favorite - they have long and short tops, tunics, great-fitting jeans, nice trousers and pretty, feminine blouses - and they're not that expensive.  You also can return anything within 30 days for a full refund - and if you get a size or color you can't use, you can return it for an exchange and they pay postage.  I've ordered from QVC for probably 30 years - good quality clothing.  Another good thing - you see the clothing on models of all sizes.  Try it, you'll like it.

     Zetta, hope you got to sit on your porch for a good while today. It's getting to be that time of year - almost.   Does Molly like to stay outside a lot? 

     I've never had a hamster but think they're cute.  When Mason was about to pass away, Sarah said he stopped breathing and she gave him what she called snout to mouth and revived him but he passed away the next day.  Many years ago Charles and I were working different shifts so he was home trying to sleep during the day - must have been cold weather because he had the electric blanket on and one of our poodles, Coco, chewed on the cord.  Woke Charles and the cord was still in Coco's mouth so he got it out and gave him mouth to mouth to revive him.  He survived but lost two or three teeth because of the electrical current.  We do all we can to help keep our pets alive.

     Boy, 50-70% immune in another week and a half.  Will be glad when five weeks pass - but, I'll continue to wear a mask and be careful about packages and mail. 

     Judith, hope you had a happy, happy birthday and enjoyed that steak and baked potato.  How's the cowboy doing?  I remember you asked about any land that might be for sale around here.  If anything comes up for sale, it's snapped up in no time flat.  We have a couple of big ranchers who are expanding their herds so need more and more land. 

     Dr. Sanjay Gupta's on CNN so I'll stop and see what he has to say.  Like him and Dr. Fauci.

     Rest well tonight. There's flood warnings for the northern part of Oklahoma tonight and tomorrow - wish we'd miss this rain.  Sandy, I called Bryon about trimming shrubs - he'll try for next weekend - and - he'll take the holly trimmings back to his house.

     See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning,

    Joan so sorry to hear that you are still having pain.  Pain can get wearisome.

    JoC  nice you guys have your second vaccine done.  

    Guess I will just take it easy today.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sara, I'm with you - I'm going to take it easy the rest of the day, too. 

     It's cloudy and kind of windy here this morning - lots of rain north of us but just a fine mist here earlier.  Fed the boys outside and last night when I fed I saw the rod on the creepfeeder had fallen down again so the bigger calves could get it so took some wire out and fixed that.  Rose Bud was closeby so she came up for some feed.  Girls were up by the MH but when they saw me they started coming down.  She got some of her feed but not a lot.   Will feed her some more later today.

     I was getting low on bread so started another loaf, then decided I'd make some of the pumpkin-spice cupcakes.  I'd laid out the frozen pumpkin last night to thaw.  I don't think I'll buy another big can of pumpkin - when it's frozen the texture changes a little bit.  Just got them out of the oven and taste-tested one.  I put some mini chocolate chips in them and two or three on top and when I tested them for doneness, of course, got  my finger in a hot chocolate chip - burned.    May work a little bit more on the utility room.  I gave them a second litter box so I need to keep them cleaned.  I forget about them because they're out of sight.   Fed Barclee and gave him his medicine.  He slept through the night and I did until about 5 this morning, then napped off and on.

     Called Mike to put me on the hay schedule - I think this will be the last of the season - things are really getting green. 

     Sarah called last night - they're in Amarillo for a couple of days.  Better that she's there nearer him than in  OKC by herself.  They took both of the dogs.  She said the trip was hard because she wasn't feeling well.  It's not a pretty trip - after you leave OKC it isn't pretty until you get closer to Albuquerque and they don't go that far.  When we went we left I-40 at Elk City and that scenery was even worse.  Guess it's just what you get used to.

     Jo and Joan - hope both of you are feeling better today.  Seems like the older we get, the longer it takes to get over feeling bad.  At least it does with me.  My head hurts a little this morning and my right knee and leg are not feeling up to par.  When I get up out of a chair I hear all kinds of noises - and kind of have to unfold. 

     I'll call Carol this afternoon to see if they had any kind of reactions to their second Pfizer vaccine.  He plays golf every day so he's probably out playing if he feels okay.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  I'll be back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

     Lorita,    I love hearing about the love you have for all your girls. I never would have known how personable each one can be. I bet you feel a lot of love coming from all your critters.

     Molly does like being outside. I wish she was not so small then I could let her stay out as long as she wanted. I am so afraid that something will come drag her off so I always go out with her. She loves laying on the back porch when the sun is shinning on it, I will let her lay there by herself because I know if she saw anything she would start barking and I could rescue her. She is a chicken she wont chase something.  One of these days I would like to put a low fence on the porch so she can't get off. 

    Now I want some pumpkin spice cup cakes. They sound so good.    

    Joan,    How are you feeling today. I hope someone finally got back to you with some help.

    Jo,     I also hope your feeling better. Years ago I had a bunny her/his name was Captain Crunch. He/her was litter box trained so I never had to put it in a kennel. It would sit on the back of the couch and help you eat whatever it was you were trying to eat. Those were the days no cats or dogs in apartments. No one knew you had a rabbit.  Molly is also a rescue, she was just a little over a year old when I adopted her. She is now almost 6. 

    I am so glad we are all getting our vaccines. Now that I have had both of mine I want to get out more, but I have no place to go. I plan on driving over to my daughters in May. Her and her DH are going to NY for a week, so Molly and I will stay in their house and take care of the kitties. They live in Kent, Wash and that is a 4 hr drive for me. So I am looking forward to that. 

    I hope your all having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi Zetta,

     Those are the easiest muffins in the world to make - just a can of pureed pumpkin and a spice cake mix - and an egg if you wish  I don't usually use one.  If you don't have a spice cake mix you can just add the spices to a yellow or white one.  I like to add the chococlate chips to give it a little more sweetness - I love chocolate.  I use a medium sized scoop to fill the muffins papers.  You can mix and bake them in half an hour and have 18 muffins.  I freeze them, then thaw a couple in the microwave for a few seconds, add a little butter and it's breakfast.  You know I have a couple of muffins tins (6 muffins each) that you use in the microwave.  You use muffins papers and I think you bake them for two to three minutes - works really well.

     I went into the kitchen a while ago and smelled something so good - couldn't figure out what it was for a bit - it was the bread that had just baked and was beginning to cool.  I take it out of the bread machine before it cools it, rub butter over it and let it cool.  I'll eat the top with some jam in a little while.

     Sammy and Lilly have run amuke this morning - they are so full of energy - wish I had a third of their energy. When I was in the waiting room at the doctor's office an older lady was waiting with her four year old grandson.  My goodness, talk about energy - he was blowin' and goin'.  She was keeping him for her son who was going to college to learn a trade.  She didn't get around very well so that was quite a bit for her to do.

     Molly sounds so sweet.  You know I've heard of big hawks or eagles picking up a really small animal and going away with it.  And, you're close to the woods and who knows what's in there.  Do you ever see the elk when you're sitting on your porch?

     Our girls are really good - they're gentle because we've always handled them from birth and as I walk among them I'm always petting them.  Little Bit is gentle, too gentle - he's pretty big and they don't know their strength.  I name all of them that I can tell apart from the others and most of them know their names.  I have one - Billy the Bull (I've talked about him before) - only vision in one eye and he knows his name for sure.  When I see him I always talk to him and he turns his head and listens.  The bull in my avator - Jasper - was very gentle.  We could drive up to him or walk up to hi and he'd give you sugar - same with his daddy - Casper (named him that because he was so black).  Jasper weighed 2200 lbs. when we sold him (so hated to do that but it had to be).

     You have a rabbit!  How great.  I love rabbits but don't see many any more - sometimes on the road I'll see one but not out in the pastures.  Guess that's because ewe have so may coyotes and wolves.  Zetta, when I was growing up daddy was a farmer and when he'd be plowing he'd sometimes find a rabbit's nest.  He'd bring a little rabbit to me to play with.  I had a doll house I got for Christmas when I was about five and I'd turn it on it's side and put the little rabbit inside to keep it from running away.  I was never bitten by one until I was married.  Daddy had brought one to the house for Sarah and Eric and I was playing with it and it bit me.  Had to shake my hand really hard to get it to turn loose.

     Once when he was plowing he found some little skunks - three I believe - and brought them to the house.  They were so cute.  He built a little pen in the backyard to keep them and from time to time I'd bring one in the house to play with.  They never threw their scent.  If they got aggravated they'd stomp their front feet.  They eventually found their way out of the cage and ran away.  Reminds me, our vet told me once that skunks were the only animals he wouldn't work with - because of rabies. 

     I'm not doing anything today - glad I fed yesterday so won't have to do that but better go check the water tanks pretty soon.  If I go outside anywhere around 2 p.m. and the cows hear me (they always do) they start bawling, trying to get me to feed them so better get that done before that time.    I'm watching The Zoo.  I think you said you watch it sometimes.  Isn't it amazing how they can train those wild animals so they can do tests on them - like standing next to the fence so they can do ultrasounds, etc.  And, they take such good care of them. 

     Didn't mean to write so much - just got started and couldn't get stopped.  I did watch a couple of Aerial America shows - New Hampshire (home of Twink, a lady who used to post here), Vermont, Main and Hawaii.  Can't believe how beautiful the trees are in those NE States.

     Where is everyone today - hope everyone's well.  Jo and Joan - hope there's improvement in how you feel.  Judith, how was that birthday = bet you had a good time with your daughter and SIL to-be. 

     Don't forget (wish I could) that we set our clocks back one hour tonight.  In the fall I don't do that until I need an extra hour of time but it doesn't work in the springtime.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I thought we set them forward. I remember the saying, Spring Forward and Fall Back. Molly is not so small that a big bird could carry her away but they could hurt her if they tried. I don't see the elk when I am sitting out but sometimes I do see the deer. 

    It is cute they each have names, maybe just have one name for all the ones you can't tell apart. Then all of those will come a running when you call that name. 

    I have the spice cake mix but not the pumpkin. I am guessing it's a small can, right? I am watching The Zoo, right now it's little bunnies. With Giraffe's coming up. It's The Bronx Zoo.

    The porch is pretty quiet today. We did hear from Sara this morning she said she was going to take it easy today. Looks like that is what she is doing.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    You're right, Zetta. This is the one I don't like.  Had rather have more daylight in the morning.

    I've been filling water tanks and watching The Lone Ranger.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Looks like the storm has finally moved into Colorado.  So far we have had very little snow.  I hear it is ramping up on the eastern side of the state.  

    Good news.  My daughter called the Dr.’s office and finally got to the right office.  She was very adamant the Dr. call me yesterday, so the receptionist stayed until he was finished with his last appointment.  I got a call last night around 5.  He chatted with me for a bit and said it was time to treat the autoimmune disease with prednisone.  I picked up at the pharmacy and took the first dose.  I think I already feel better.  At least less pain, and my hips don’t hurt.  I’ll have to be on low dose for 6 months to a year.  I know there are risks, but I feel it’s something I need to do to feel better.  Quality of life means a lot.  Thanks for your concern.  I hope Jo is feeling better too.  Pain is not fun to endure, and seems to stop all activity.  Looking forward to getting back to feeling better and those long walks I love so much.

    I hope all have a good weekend.  I’ll let you know how the storm progresses tomorrow.  Have a good night.  Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Lorita I don’t like frozen pumpkin either.  Definitely changes the texture, that is why I made cookies and muffins the last time so could use it all at once.

    Made up some bread dough Friday.  Made 8 dinner rolls, 4 hamburger buns, 2 hotdog buns.  Had not done that before, think I will like that.

    Joan hope the storm takes it easy on you.  We can have storms here even in April.  Hoping the prednisone works out for you.

    Springing forward doesn’t bother me too much now, but really disliked it when it was my weekend to work.

    Did not do too much yesterday.  Took care of my plants.  Quite a few of the poppies have germinated.  Hope they will do well.  Once I get a few started they will sow themselves and do much better.  Petunia and chives have not germinated yet.  Had my car washed and dropped something off at my sisters house.

    Hope all have a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     What great news, Joan.  I'm so glad you've gotten started on some medication that's already seeming to help.  Just take it easy as you get to feeling better and let the medicine do it's work.  I know you love to walk and it won't be long before you're back on the trails again.

     Hope the storm hasn't been too bad on your area. Maybe this will be the last gasp of winter for all of us.  There was really bad, tornadic weather out in the Texas Panhandle with several tornados but as it progressed toward us, it lost much of it's punch.  We are having rain now.  I hope we don't get too much because it was just beginning to dry out some in the pastures.  The roads are still not too good - just keep falling in when you drive over them.

    Our vet came this morning not long after I got up to give the girls four more bales of hay.  This will probably be the last of this season because grass is getting greener by the hour.  Even the meadow is greening up - just overnight a couple of days ago.  When I got up the girls were all out grazing but when they saw his truck they came running =  Just like they were starving - they weren't because there was still some hay in the rings.  They just like something fresh - just like all of us.

     Sara - glad your seeds are germinating.  I think it's so interesting that we can plant one little seed and it makes a big plant with lots of blooms or vegetables or fruit and hundreds of more seeds.  God really knew what he was doing, didn't he?  I was watching a gardening show yesterday on QVC and they had perennial gerbera daisies - one of my favorite flowers.  I have three steps down from the front porch and I have black pots on one of them and one on the ground and I had gerbera daisies in them last year - so pretty and vibrant.  These can be planted in pots or in the ground and they overwinter and come back the next year.  They said (if we can believe this) that the first year each plant will have up to 100 blooms.  We shall see.  I think I'll plant them by the side gate going out toward the barn (inside the yard).  Probably will have to put good fencing around them to keep Stormy from "investigating".

     Your bread and rolls sound good.  Sara, after you set the bread maker on dough and take it out and form your rolls or bread, do you let it rise again before you bake it?

     This time when I thawed the pumpkin I used an immersion blender to get it back to a semblance of the right texture - worked pretty well.  The muffins are good - I like the mini chocolate chips in them.  But, I probably won't buy another big can.  I think I still have one or two packets of the frozen pumpkin to use.

     Sandy, I tried the cinnamon crumb cake last night - ate half of one and it was really good - still think they need a little bit of sauce.  I froze all but a couple of them so they'll stay good for a year I think they said. I guess I had never had a crumb cake before.

     Talked with Carol last evening.  Neither she nor her husband had any kind of reaction to their second vaccination on Friday.  She said she was a bit tired but she had changed the bed and did laundry - that's tiring in itself.  She said she kept waiting for one but nothing happened.  Sounds good to me.  I need to call Jack this morning - he called while I was talking to her and it was too late to return his call.  I hope I can convince him to take the vaccine. 

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  The rain has almost stopped but don't know if there's another line of showers to come through.  I think by afternoon it's supposed to be over.  When I woke up at the usual time this morning, it was still dark - did not like that.  Still haven't changed the clock in the LR - guess I should do that. 

     I'll probably be back later.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    We got about 6” of snow.  Looks like it’s trying to clear up now.  Weird storm.  Snow piled up on deck, but didn’t stick to driveway or street.  Pavement must have been too warm.  Deck snow is already melting.  That’s the beauty of spring storms.

    I think I feel a little better this morning.  It takes a few days to start feeling less pain.  Some of it is probably the barometric pressure going up and down from the storm.

    Sara, I have little tomatoes forming on my hydroponic plants.  I ate the lettuce weeks ago, and it was delicious.  We’ll see how the tomatoes fare.  This was a fun project for me, but the lights have raised my electric bill by about $20 a month.  Not sure I’ll do it again.

    Nothing else going on here.  Have a good Sunday.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Back again with something else to worry about.  I think I mentioned I ordered some crumb cakes - tried one a day yesterday and thought I'd put the rest of it back in the refrigerator.  Looked for it today and couldn't find it - then, found the clear paper that had been around it on the floor.  It came in a 4x4x2 kind of heavy paper liner.  I think Stormy must have found it, got it out of the wrapper and then ate it along with the paper liner.  Can't find it anywhere at all.

     I called the vet to ask him what to do and if he could pass it.  I had given him a couple of the crumb cakes so he knew what the liner is like.  He said he probably would pass it - probably chewed it up so he could swallow it along with the cake.  He said to give him an inch of Laxatone three times today and again tomorrow and watch his stools.  I've been through this before but then it was heavy foil that came on Barclee's food.

     So, will have to follow him when he goes outside and "observe".  He knows when I'm doing that and tries to get away from me.  Can not imagine why I didn't put that in the refrigerator - probably got interrupted by something.

     Joan, glad you didn't have much snow and that it's already melting.  We had rain today out of the same storm - made things really wet again and it's cooler, probably in the 50s. 

     Also, nice that you're feeling better today.  It'll probably take some time to get the Prednisone in your system and really start to work.  I know patience is hard to come by when you're in a hurry to feel better. 

     Hydroponic tomatoes and vegetables?  I bet that was fun and you can grow them anytime of the year.  Enjoy the tomatoes.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Lorita I preheat the oven to 200 and turn it off.  Shape my dough, cover with a towel and let rise thirty minutes in oven.  Hope Stormy does ok.

    Joan quite a few people use hydroponics.  Sort of am ready for a break when winter comes.  Glad your snow isn’t hanging around too long.

    Beautiful day, got to set on the porch and heard a few birds.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Thanks, Sara, Stormy knows something's up.  I've been outside twice with him and trying to watch to see if he goes to the bathroom - he tries to hurry and get out of my sight and if I keep a leash on, he won't go.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.

     Talking about birds - did you see the yellow cardinal on TV last night.  Don't know where the picture was taken but they said only about nine or ten in 12 million are yellow.  Looked just like the red ones but was yellow.

     You deserve a break - you've worked so hard since you retired.  Maybe just take it easy for a few months.   Thanks for the information about the dough/bread.  I'm going to try that next time -  maybe.

     Talked to our good neighbor and his wife this afternoon.  He's almost 82 and almost as soon as we began to talk he said he was getting out.  Says he's too old for all of this.  This bad winter has really gotten to him.  He had three or four ponds to cut ice and he said by the time he cut the 7 or 8" of ice on one he was worn out.  He sent 150 head of calves to Ft. Smith yesterday to sell.  And, he's selling his cattle to Mike who will lease his land.  He told me a few years ago he was going to go five more years - not sure how long ago that was. 

      One other thing that has made him decide this is that his wife has alzheimers and he's afraid to leave her alone for any length of time while he does his work.  I told him anytime he needed to go somewhere or just wanted a break to let me know and I'd come and be with her.  She's a sweet lady and I really like her so no problem.  He has done so much for me - I could call him any time and he's be here in five minutes.  I hate to see him get out of the cattle business but guess it's time.  Both of them have had both of their vaccinations and I've had one so things should be all right.  He loves his cattle and it'll be hard on him - just as it will be on me when I get out - but some of them will still be there and he can get out and be with them some if he wants to.  He has 80 acres just north of us and another section and half so he has had a lot to do - cutting, baling and hauling his own hay plus taking care of his girls.

     His wife wandered off once and he and a neighbor had to look for her.  There's a creek than runs through his place and they found her down there.  She told him she was going down to the little white house on the creek (no house there).  I know she's been really confused the last time or two I talked with her.  So sad for him - he lost his first wife after they moved here (I didn't know her), then another friend who lived with him developed alz. and he finally had to have her family place her.  He and Donna make such a cute couple and seem to love each other so much - such a shame this happened - as it always is.

    I knew all of this because Mike told me yesterday but I didn't let on that I knew.  You just never know what another person is going through.

     Sorry, didn't mean to write all of this - guess I just needed to tell someone and you all are the people I talk with.  Life is hard sometimes - certainly not a bed of roses or a bowl of cherries, is it?

     Girls went down to graze this afternoon but are back at the hay.  Kept hearing something out by the creepfeeder so got my boots on (it's muddy again) and went out.  The bar was down again.  Tomorrow I'll take out some more wire and fix it the right way so the bar won't come out.  Darwin said he was going to feed about another ten days - I'll probably feed cubes until the end of the month, maybe a couple of weeks into April but I imagine this is the last of the hay.

     Hope all of you enjoyed the day.  It's 8 and just now got dark.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sara, are you all right?  Usually we see an early morning post from you.  Hope everything's okay - maybe the time change has you off routine.   I know it has me - I didn't get up until 7:54 this morning.   Hate this time change especially - you lose an hour's sleep and can't reconcile times.    I think it even has some of the cattle confused.  I saw Rose Bud up in the pasture a little ways - most were already up by the MH grazing but there was one still laying down in the corner of the garden. Worries me when I see that.  So, at this time I was in my gown and robe following Stormy around the yard to check to see if the paper liner had passed.  I walked out and as I got near realized it was Billy the Bull.  Told him to get up and he did - seems okay - just still sleepy.  Got back in the yard and saw something up by the hayrings.  Thought it was just a pile of hay but it was too black.  So, walked up, still in gown and robe and it was a calf still sleeping.  She had her eyes closed and when I said something she jumped up - looks okay, walking a little slowly but ears and head are up and she's not coughing.  Drove the Gator out and closed the gate to the NE pasture so I can feed today - it's  muddy so will have to feed out of it, I guess.

    Already I've gotten three phone calls on my cell phone - just  numbers.  How do they get your phone number?  I opened the phone on one and said to quit calling this number but it was a recording of some type.  Really irritating - I get several of these every day.

     When we went out on the porch Stormy went directly to the place where the concrete steps meet the house and was looking around, then back on the porch to look and smell around a sack of dog food and one of cat food. Both of them were really interested in smelling so something had been on the porch  We have two doors on the porch  - one we hardly ever use that goes into the sunroom - Sheena was there smelling around.  Then I noticed the sack of dog food was halfway laying down and there was a hole in the bottom of the sack.  We have three openings that go under the house and a couple of times I've noticed the piece of sheet iron I have against the one on the south side of the house has been down.  Also noticed the one by the back steps is kind of opened.  So, there must be something staying under the house that comes out at night.

     So, that's my morning.  Did finally see Stormy go to the bathroom - checked that out and didn't see anything unusual.  He had to be the one who got the cake and liner - never have seen Sheena get something off the counter.  Stormy knows I'm watching him so he's kind of reluctant to do his business.  So, more watching today.  Already gave him his Laxatone - will do it two more times today and hope for the best. 

     Just fed Barclee and gave him his medicine.  Tom and Jerry were both waiting for their breakfast.  I'm sure there's something staying in the carport, too.  Water  pan is always either dirty or empty and all their food is always gone - always give them more than they eat.  It's absolutely amazing how green things have turned - almost overnight.  Darwin says he's already mowed part of his yard - the south side of ours needs it, too.

     Swept the living room - always have to do that every morning because of tufts of white hair and dry dog food and dirt and dust from my feed and the GPs. 

     I hope everyone's okay this morning.  Looks like Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska have really had a lot of snow and a blizzard.  Our weatherman's daughter lives in Cheyenne and I think they had about 3 ft. of snow.  Joan, so glad you were just west of all of that - can't imagine three or even two feet of snow. 

     I'll stop for now and finish my hot tea.  I didn't take down the trash this morning - it was dark, dark so it'll wait until next Monday. Maybe by that time I'll be used to the time change (doubt it).

     Back later.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Doing good Lorita, just didn’t know anything to say.  Glad everyone is ok there.

    Still don’t have anything to say lol.  My plants germinated nicely.  They are all real little and fine.  We will see how they do.  Those type are a little harder to have success with sometimes.

    Not warming up much today. Giving a little rain starting this evening.  

    Had pinto beans, macaroni and tomatoes for lunch.  Always brings memories of my grandma. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sorry to hear about your neighbor, Lorita.  Time for him to wrap it up.  The sale will gie them their stake for future needs and they will find some ease to their lives; bet he keeps touch with ranching in one way or another though as he gets his wife's care plan in place.

    Lorita, why not contact him as well as other neighbors you know and ask them about the lawyeers they use for their property and also what attorney they use for their personal issues such as Trusts, Wills and DPOAs; get the name and numbers for said lawyers.  You can look them up online.

     Reason for this, is you need someone sharp who is up to date on all the complex changes in property and farming/ranching laws as well as someone who is very sharp regarding Trusts and Wills. Laws change and evolve, and you need the cutting edge for setting things in motion for you wishes.

     The following is not telling you what to do, it is more or less what I would do for myself if I was in your situation; your lawyer can advise you on an adequate level.

     As it is; I know how much you love and respect your ranch; that is understandable.  The fact is; that no matter who ends up with the property; whether it be through a sale, or a family member, or the state by default when there is no plan; we have NO control over any of that land and what is eventually done with it whatsoever.  We do our best, but facts are facts; things change.  I think whoever does get your land through sale, will probably work it; seems that is what happens in your area around you.  Relatives of course if getting it, will probably sell as soon as possible; this I have figured for our own beloved house. Tis what it is.

    Caution:  No matter how nice someone seems and how they befriend you; do not ride along on that current.  You STILL need a competent attorney of your own to represent you and handle your own best interests.  Befriended or not, human beings are still human beings and seeing to their own interests no matter how fair they seem. Remember; we are not attorneys - we don't know what we don't know. That is a big one.

     As for who would follow you should you need someone to assist, since there is no really responsible person to do complex matters and follow your wishes to a T and manage things you can no longer do as you would set forth in your Trust and Will; including what to do should you not be able to make your own decisions, while that is something to discuss with your knowledgeable attorney, there is also the option of using a Certified Geriatric Case Manager and getting to know her in advance of actual need and setting up wishes in advance. The University of Oklahoma, has such a major program and they also have Case Managers for different needs at different levels.  In fact, I am now curious and will look into them to see what they do and how they do it.

     I do not know what medium or larger city you are near, so I cannot be specific, but dear friend,  it is time to put one toe in the water and begin; 79 years old with 80 breathing down your neck and a lot of responsibility; no time to waste on this.  Stuff happens when we least expect it; be a good Scout and be prepared.  So . . . . why not get ahold of the neighbors and ask them about their attorneys; don't have to say much, just updating your plans.

    Also; when you decide to make a move; do NOT use just the friendly buyer's attorney; you need to be individually represented by your own so as not to have anything important overlooked. Repetitive I know, but so important.

     If you want to live in your home or own your home until your death, there would be a way to do that.  When the ranch is sold, your own attorney will set up the legal contract to say that you have LIFETIME (not just able to live there while you can), ownership of your house, drive and however much land you want with the house - 1/2 acre; one or two acres; your call. After your death, that property if you wish can then be willed to the buyer/owner of the property you sold to or current owner of the property.  Even if you needed care in a facility, that house would be yours till your death.  If you needed care in your home, you would have sufficient assets from the property sale plus whatever assets you already have to pay for care in your own home. If you want to name a facility in your plans should that need ever arise and you liked the facility your sister was in, that name could be provided; again, you would have funding.

     In this way, you would have a reasonable plan in place for much of what comes along and your sharp up to date attorney will be able to discuss much more with you as I am not a legal expert whatsoever.

     We do feel concern that should anything pop up, you are not safely prepared.

    Now if I only had a magic wand, I could fix everything for all of us; but alas on that one once again.  Drats!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Jo is right and I have neglected to put in my instructions where I want to be placed if needed. Lorita...now that Mike has made arrangements with your neighbor does that mean he will no longer be interested in working with you? I hope that is not true.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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