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Just need to talk to my friends (142)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Sara, glad everything's okay.  When we are used to seeing a post about the same time each day we kind of worry when it's not there.  I've had that happen to me years ago. 

     Brown beans and macaroni and tomatoes - one of my favorite meals.  I've been wanting to cook macaroni and tomatoes but haven't gotten around to it.  We had it fairly often when I was growing up.  Do you cook your macaroni first, then add the tomatoes and cook a bit more or cook the macaroni with the tomatoes to begin with.  I have a new instant pot so I'm thinking about using that when I get around to reading and comprehending all the instructions.  Sandy tells me it's easy to use - we'll see if it is for me.

    Sara - even if you don't have much to say we still want to hear from you.  I don't have much to say except about the animals which probably bores many of you.  We always like to hear how your plants are doing. 

     Judith, what's the name of the company you ordered your caladiums from?  I want to get some ordered this year before it's too late.  I know yours were so pretty.  Did you plant caladiums last year?

     Dear Jo - thanks for all the really good information and suggestions - they're accepted as offered.  I'm fairly sure I know which lawyer our neighbor used - probably the one he used for his trust.  She's the daughter of a really good neighbor who passed away some years ago from alz.  Also went to school with her sister and brother.  The lawyer I used when I had to get Charles' name off the deed is closeby and is well respected.  This other lawyer is in Tulsa.

     Jack called today and could tell something was wrong.  He said he was down and just having a bad day.  We talked for some time - just trying to give him someone to talk with about things that might be bothering him.  He says he can't talk to his daughter - she's evidently just not receptive to anything he might say.  He'd really like for her and her partner to invite him to live with them that won't happen.  He's in a quandary - not knowing what to do.  He doesn't have friends here so he's in the house all the time except when he has to go to town.  I urged him to let Zelda out of her cage to be with him - that she'd be a lot of company for him.  This will not happen - he says she's way too hyperactive.  He's even considered either selling or giving her away.  I also suggested that maybe getting a small dog would help - one that could sit by him in his chair and just be company.  Doubt he will do that.  Say she just want to go to sleep and not wake up the next morning.  He says he never knew he'd miss a person as much as he misses Patsy - thinks of things he'd like to tell her and just for an instant almost does that.  Haven't we all done that? 

     I asked if the town near us might have a senior citizens place where he could go for lunch or meet people.  Wouldn't consider that.  I guess the best I can do is talk with him to try to help a bit.

     Jo - our neighbors aren't selling - just leasing.  As far as I know they'll still live there, at least I hope they do. 

     The man who's going to do the fencing just called.  He's called to say he had some time to come out and look at what I need done so I'll stop for now.  Be back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,   Jo is so correct we are concerned about you not being prepared. She gave you a lot of information and I am glad to say I am prepared. And you have a lot more things to prepare for. My biggest worry is Molly I want her to stay with my family and I am sure your biggest worry is your pets and the girls. Rascal will stay here in the house with my son. He works long hours so he may have a problem caring for Molly.

    That plan you told us about with Mike, sounds like a good plan. You can still live in your house and you know he will take good care of the girls.

     Jo,   Thanks for all the information I probably need to make sure mine is all updated. I don't think there is any thing that needs changing but I guess it won't hurt to look.

    Joan,   So glad you did not get hit with a lot of bad weather. I also got some snow and like your snow it melted right away. I still have a few piles of snow like where the street plows put it. I hope the new meds are working good and your pain is not as bad. 

    I got to sit out on the porch for awhile, the sun is shinning and it felt good. Right now I am watching gunsmoke. 

     Lorita,   I just fixed some of that Broccoli Chatter Soup. I added some bacon to it. Sure was good. I will have some more later with a grilled cheese sandwich. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi - back again.

    The fencer came and I showed him what I needed to have done close around the house. The fences are new but some of them need an additional wire or two and the existing wire to be tightened in places.  This is the area where I keep cows with new babies and I'm always afraid the calves will get through the fence.  We have a pond just over one fence and it's a steep bank so don't want babies in there.  You know they can almost walk through a barbed wire fence.   Then we drove up to show him the fence Darwin and I worked on a few weeks ago when calves were getting out.  Couldn't go all the way to the west fence because of the mud - we were driving through water anyway.  That fence, or part of it, is about six years short of being my age with a few repairs that are newer.

     He said he could set the braces the end of this week, let them dry and then work on fixing the fences.  He thinks he can work on the west fence even in the mud with his 4WD tractor. 

     We had a nice little visit.  He's either Swedish or Norwegian - has the nicest accent.  I asked him if he'd had his vaccine but he said he and his whole family had the virus back in June and July.  Light enough cases that lasted a little less than a week.  About the two weeks of bad weather - he said the day it began he went to Belize for ten days and the weather was nice when he came back.  He had to take a test before he went and they said he had a lot of antibodies - also when he got there - same thing - lots of antibodies.  I wore my mask and felt all right about being around him.   I'll be so glad to have those fence repaired and rebuilt.  Still about half a mile left around the meadows but the cattle aren't in there so it's all right.

     Judith, I don't think so - I think he'd still be interested.  If not, there won't be any trouble in selling when I get ready. 

     Jo - so appreciate all of your good advice.  The one thing that was bothering me was not having something of my own.  I've always wanted to live here until the end -  I'd trust the vet to keep his word but he has children so that could be a problem unless the necessary steps were taken.  I have about three other pretty big projects I want to get completed when the weather permits - then, I'll take care of this.  By that time everything, hopefully, will be back to normal and I'll be fully immunized. 

     I wouldn't want to go to OKC (no offense, Judith) if eventually I do go to a LTC facility.  They have a couple of nice ones in Muskogee and I have LTC insurance where care could be provided in the home.  The one thing I'm kind of concerned about is --- either passing away here at home and no one knowing and/or passing away and them not knowing that I had prepaid plans.  What do you do about that?

     Like Scarlett O'Hara, I'll think about that tomorrow.  But, I do realize that the tomorrows are getting fewer and fewer.  I still say - the best way to go if you've been married or with someone for many, many years, is to go at the same time - like in The Notebook. 

     You know when we're young we don't think about things like this and the time passes so fast it's upon you before you realize what's happening. 

     Zetta, I've already arranged with our vet for him to find homes for Sheena and Stormy when something does happen to me.  The cats can hunt, at least the outside cats and the inside ones will learn except for Kitt who has limited vision. 

     Glad you liked the soup - it is good - very cheesy.  I still have some of it frozen.  I had told Carol about the Bear Creek Soup and she found some and plans to make it - also Cheesy Broccoli.

     I'll stop for now.  Stormy wants to go outside and I need to "observe".  Have a good evening and sleep well.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I also have prepaid plans and I was given a card to carry next to my DL and it tells them who to call. The whole process has been paid for. So if I am out of state I will be taken to the closest place. So if you don't have a card maybe just make one and put it next to your D.L. I guess next to your DL cause your DL will show if your are a donor of any type. It is good you have plans for Sheena and Stormy.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Thanks, Zetta, good idea. I'll call tomorrow. Also want to ask about  obituary.

    You could talk to your vet about placing or caring for Molly.

    Now I'm wondering- should I feel All right or safe around that man. Was sitting next to him in the Gator. I had on my mask he did not.  14day countdown?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    If you can get a card that would be a good idea. My card is very noticeable with the name of the funeral home standing out. I was told they look for things like this.  Molly was a rescue and I really don't want her to be with strangers. I have a friend who will take her but my friend is dealing with Cancer right now. Molly and I stay at her house a lot when she is traveling and Molly knows her dogs. It would be a perfect fit if it works that way. Looks like my friend will beat this cancer. It's looking good. 
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Zetta, glad your friend's doing better.  I don't blame you for wanting Molly to be with someone she knows - I'd feel the same. I will call about the card tomorrow. I do have one of those cards on the refrigerator that has lots of information.  They also say EMTs look for those.   I have a personal question to ask - if you don't mind answering - what did you do about the clothes?  I haven't done anything yet but told them I'd bring something over.  I'm thinking since I like to wear caftans I might take or send one of those.  Usually people are buried in something they like to wear. Another question - did they do a partial obituary?  That's something I need to ask when I call. Will stop for now - Gunsmoke's on and I've only watched a couple of them today.  This is the one where Chester wrote to a girl and she's come to Dodge to marry him.  He sent Matt's picture and she sent her sister's.  Looks good. Hope all of you sleep well tonight.  Tomorrow I need to put some feed in the creeper and do dishes - nothing else, I hope. I think it's so nice for us to be able to talk about things like these since we're all friends and have only want the best for each other.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    When I was at the funeral home taking care of Dan, that is when I decided I needed to take care of my plans as well. We both wanted to be cremated so I did not have to think about cloths. I did his obituary as well as mine. Both very simple just names of the kids. I did have to make arrangements for who would be picking up my ashes. My daughter and I took Dans. He is in the deserts of Wyoming and Oregon. I will be going in the Ocean. It is good we can talk about these things.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

    This is house cleaning day.  Always glad to get that over with.  A bit boring.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning all. It's misty, sort of foggy morning in the 30s and will get up to the 40s this p.m. We had several days in the 60s and 70s last week (above normal). Looking forward to that again. We got rain and snow yesterday; the snow was minor and gone before the day was over. No accumulation on streets or sidewalks so that was good.

    I am going to donate blood today. They will test your antibodies for free so will do that. I had both my shots, 3 weeks out from the 2nd. Hopefully they are good. I avoided Tylenol and Ibuprofen before and after. I did have minor side effects so feel it was doing something in my body.

    Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day. Anyone celebrating? We often go to the St. Patrick's Day parade but it was cancelled this year and last. I've made corned beef with cabbage, carrots, potatoes and onions in the past but don't feel like doing it this year. No green beer either. Just a regular day. Do any of you celebrate? Anyone Irish? (I've done some of my genealogy and I am French, Dutch and English - maybe others thrown in too but these are the ones I found in where some of my ancestors came from).  Have a good day everyone!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     I hate this time change - always do but guess I'll have to adjust.  It's still dark until at least 7:30  and I don't want to get up in the dark so always get a late start on the day.

     Housecleaning day, Sara, don't work too hard.  I need to have one, or two, of those.  I just can't seem to get motivated.  I do sweep the LR every morning to get rid of white hair and dust.  Need to get back to working on the utility room. 

     It's  supposed to be a pretty day here but rain tonight and tomorrow morning, then again in the later part of the day and night.  Going to turn colder on Thursday - 52, then warm up again.   This time of the year we have rain and/or storms every couple of days.  Just doesn't give time to dry out.

     Girls are already off grazing and babies are in the creepfeeder.  Should put some feed in it today but my back's hurting so we'll see how it works out.  I've been out - watching Stormy (nothing) and did feed Tom and Jerry.  Now back to watching the news and weather and having my juice.  I'm hungry this morning for some reason.

     Beth - not Irish here - English, Czech and a little bit of Cherokee.  But - I always wore some green on St. Patrick's Day when I was working.  I've never had corned beef and cabbage but I've heard it's really good.  I always liked to watch the St. Patrick's Day parades on TV - maybe next year.

     I've been out walking around the yard with Stormy and the daffodils are beautiful - the rain made them lean over but maybe they'll straighten up some.  Some of the clematis are already beginning to grow.  I have three or four of the autumn clematis with the tiny, white blooms later in the year.  There was one that self transplanted in the runway in the corral.  I need to take down all of the dead foliage so the new can grow.  There's a tree that's grown up in it - not going straight up but sideways.  I'll have Bryon cut it Saturday if it's not rainy and he can come.  The yard is full of little sticks - it'd take a week to get rid of all of them.  The elms are turning green - blooming - and even the honeysuckle is beginning to come back.  Everything seems to have greened up almost overnight.

    Still a little concerned about being around the fencer yesterday.  Google says if a person has had the virus and recovered and isn't reinfected he can't infect anyone - so hope that's true.  He did say he had a lot of antibodies two weeks ago so guess it's all right.  Just don't want to get this far along and do something wrong.  We were outside and I had on a mask.  Guess we were in the Gator 10-15 minutes.

     Supposed to be 75 today so guess I better do what I can before the rain, more mud and colder weather tomorrow - in the 50s.

     My goodness, the sun's shining on the laptop and talk about being dirty.  Guess I need to work on that along with all the other things. 

     Enjoy the day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Zetta happy to hear your friend is doing better.  

    Lorita nothing in this life is 100%,  that being said, you were outside which makes a huge difference and you had a mask on.  Think you need to be aware but think your risk would be low.  We all need to be aware, important if you get sick to be tested.  If you are positive the monoclonal antibody drugs are proving to be helpful but need to get them within first seven days.  Those of us who have started the vaccination process would not be given these I don’t believe, but if you haven’t had vaccine very important.  

    JoC looked online for Certified Geriatric Care Managers in our county.  The only one that came up was in Cleveland.  Guess could call Center on Aging and be sure that is accurate.    Something that could possibly be helpful to me in the future.

    Have wondered if I should go ahead and make funeral plans.  It is a chunk of change, and would rather spend that on other things right now.  There is money for people to bury me.  If I get the other home sold maybe I will do it then to save them that hassle.

    Beth, I had to stop giving blood last summer because my Hg was a little low.  It had been a little high few years before that.  That tends to happen when I give blood consistently, that I drop.  Have been doing things to help increase it and hopefully will be ok when I go back in July.  Then I might start giving again.

    The antibody thing.  Pretty sure I heard on This Week In Virology that you use two different tests in checking for antibodies.  One test is for natural infection and one for vaccine induced, of course they are continuously working on coming up with new tests, so this could be outdated info.  Think TWIV would probably update this if it changed, they are good about that.  Just saying this Beth, so if you don’t get the answer you are hoping for that your aware maybe it just wasn’t the test you would need.

    Is corned beef what they use on Reubens?  Love a good Reuben but have had some bad ones.  Have never fixed corn beef.

    Believe I am a mix of Welsh, German and American Indian at the least.  Not sure about my maternal grandmother at all.

    Gray day, no sitting on the porch.  Got house cleaned and mopped, feels good.  Had lasagna and greens for lunch.  Very pleased with the greens I froze from my garden.  Has encouraged me to try and do better with them.

    Nice hearing from everyone.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita...https://www.floridaboyscaladiums.com/    I get the jumbo. You can keep them from year to year by digging up.

    Regarding info...the frig is a great place to leave info if in fat it with accept a magnet...most sold today do not. My DPOA agent has access to all of my legal and financial info ...also will. I will be cremated and placed or scattered with Dick's ashes. I do not want a funeral but I do want an obit in the Sunday paper. 

    Everything that looked dead is putting forth new leaves...whew. The tulips that came in the wrong color and I thought were pulled out are popping up. Not all, just about 10 plants.

    My Birthday was splendid. Family dinner, 5 vaccinated, 1 has had Covid and one other. I felt perfectly safe. Saturday was with 5 close friends...all well beyond their second shot. My most fun gift? Ownership of land in Ireland. Probably a square inch but it carries with it the title of Ladyship. What a kick! 

    Joan...hope the weather and your health are good.

    Jack's dog being caged is naturally hyperactive. What a shame.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning,

    I am English, Irish and Welsh. I like cabbage and corn beef but I have never fixed it myself. I do have a head of cabbage I cook a little of it each day till it's gone. It is a veg I do like.

    My friend had a cat scan done yesterday and she will get the results on Friday. The hope is the cancer is gone, please pray for her.

    Lorita,  I hope my answers helped you and gave you some ideas. Like Judith I don't want a funeral. Part of Dan's ashes were sent to Wyoming he has kids there. They may have had a gathering when they did the spreading. Dan and I both have family's scattered so we decided we did not want funerals.  

    Lorita,  That soup I made yesterday was way too salty. I did not add salt I added bacon but I don't think that's what made it so salty. I will add more water to it today and see if that helps.

    Sara,  I always feel good when when my house is clean. I have 5 rooms and 2 bathrooms so I clean one room a day and bathrooms the same day. That way it is not a all day thing. Today is my bedroom so right now my sheets are in the dryer. 

    Judith,  I agree with you it is sad that Jack keeps his dog caged. My Mom had a dog that was crate trained and she would shut her in the crate at night and when she went to work. When she retired she left the cage door open and the dog still would spend most of her time in the cage. So I guess if dogs are trained to be in the cages then alls well.

    I hope you all have a sunshine day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Thanks,Judith for the website.  I waited almost too late last year to get any so want to make sure this year.  I love caladiums because the pots are in the shade and they do so well there and are so colorful.  I know you had white ones a couple of years ago - did any of those survive after you dug them?

     I've talked with Jack and suggested he let Zelda out to be with him.  I told him she'd be very curious about everything in the house for a while but would settle down.  He's pretty stubborn and set in his ways and he says that wouldn't work - said Zelda  has always been hyperactive and I remember what a hard time Patsy had with her when she was a puppy.  But, I agree she would settle down and would be a lot of company for him.  I couldn't have a dog in a crate - I think that would be cruel.  Even his daughter has told them it's the wrong thing to do.  He used to be a dog trainer so thinks he knows all about it.  She's not even in the same room where he stays.

     I have been so sleepy this morning - went to sleep in my chair for a few minutes.  This time change always bothers me.  I get up at daylight which is later than usual and never seem to get caught up.

     Sara - I was reading about whether people who have had covid can transmit it to others and it says they don't unless they're reinfected.  Like you said, we were outside and I had on a mask so maybe it'll be okay.  Judith said she was with two people who had had it - don't think she mentioned if they wore masks.  That's one reason I haven't had someone rebuild the floor of the utility room or even clean the barn (that can wait until the wet weather is over).  You never know about people you don't really know (that sentence doesn't make a lot of sense but you all know what I mean, I hope).

     Zetta - I like cooked cabbage occasionally.  I usually cut the head in quarters and cook it in a little water, mostly steamed, until  it's just fork tender.  Charles liked it cut finer and cooked until it was almost falling apart. 

     Sara - the reason I went ahead and prepaid my final expenses was that there wouldn't be anyone else to do it.  You have relatives that could take care of it for you and make sure your plans were followed.  If you decided to prepay I'm sure you could pay it out.  Also glad I have the headstone in place so all they'll have to do is put on my date of death.  Just thought of something I need to check - grave opening cost.  So, need to call the woman I made the arrangements with and ask her about that and the obituary.  I'll carry her card in my billfold, too, so maybe that would help.

     I have been getting so many calls from unknown numbers 4-8 a day - sometimes leaving an almost unintelligible message.  I called Consumer Cellular and they gave me the number to call to hopefully stop the calls.  I did and hope it works - it's very disruptive and aggravating.

     Our news just told a story about a man who was drunk and climbed into a garbage truck.  He couldn't get out so police had to use a ladder to get him out.  What next?

     Also just heard that Ladd Drummond and his nephew are back home.  He broke his  neck in two places and had to have surgery and the nephew broke a few ribs.  Odd weather - awful fires one day and lots of rain the next. 

     Sarah and Todd are still in Amarillo.  She says they may come home tomorrow or the next day.  I think she's kind of enjoying being there so maybe it's good for her - nothing to worry about at home and sort of like a vacation - better for her than the Las Vegas one for sure.

     Sara - don't know about what's used in Reubens - never had one.   Glad you got your housework done.  I haven't - just been sitting here in the chair watching TV.  Need to put some creep in the feeder this afternoon if the girls go to the NE pasture to graze.

     Zetta - I didn't notice the saltiness of the cheesy broccoli soup but I thought it was a little too cheesy.  I've heard if you have something that's too salty you can cook some potatoes in it and that will help.  Never tried it so not sure it works - worth a try though unless extra water will help.

     Judith, your birthday sounds great - glad you had such a good time.  Did you feel all right being around people who had had the virus - were masks in place.  I may have already asked that - sorry if I have.

     I hope Stormy's okay - saw another BM this am - nothing that I could distinguish as being the paper so maybe the stomach acid disintegrated it.  Both he and Sheena are asleep now. 

     Judith, did you decide against placing Dick's ashes in the National Cemetery?  Jack told me yesterday that he didn't know if they'd buried Patsy's ashes yet.  I had thought he said he and the funeral director were there when they did it.  Sarah still has her grandmother's (my sister's) ashes - don't know what she's going to do with them - maybe scatter them when they're able to come. 

     My golden euyomus has lost all it's leaves so guess I'll have Bryon take them out if they don't recover soon - they need to be trimmed.  Both of my new knock-out roses have green leaves so they made it through the cold weather.  I have one tulip coming up - last year after they were up, the cows ate the leaves - guess they missed that one.

     I'll stop for now.  Ron - hope things are all right with you and Lou.  Maybe a post?




  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Sayra, something that was “news” to me, is that you can pre-PLAN without pre-PAY. I never thought about it, but it’s true IME. You can pick a place and decide whatever with them what  you want, but you (or whoever) don’t have to pay until the time comes.

    I also love Reubens. I make them with corned beef or pastrami (probably heresy to some) but I can’t tell the difference, once you get all the ingredients in there. I think CB is traditional. The sauce is the deal-breaker for me; I make my own.

    St. Patrick’s day has never been a “thing” here except for the bars but now I’m inclined to make Reuben tonight.

    Lorita, I also hate this time change. I want it to be light earlier, it’s harder for me to get going when it’s dark. And yes, sales calls (or the ones where they just call to see if/when you are home for future calls) are beyond annoying. We are on the “do not call” lists, but the sales people ignore that, they know no penalties, and many originate outside the country anyway.

    Re: what others have said, Hospice and ambulance etc. folks tell me they always look first on the fridge door for any instructions, especially dealing with older people. It could just be a note saying “look for instructions in....(wallet, desk, whatever).” 

     You or family/friends can (or have to) write your own obit, but I keep hearing that newspapers charge outrageous amounts to print anything more than name and city. I’ve told everybody I don’t care about funeral, I won’t be around!

    I’m trying to do taxes, was less organized about it last year and now having to deal with that...and a flat tire, which means going to get a new one. Ugh..

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    When my mom had dementia and was in AL and I took over her finances, I pre-paid her funeral expenses. She already had the stone and burial space as was being buried next to my dad.

    I investigated 2 funeral homes. One you could go ahead and pay, but when the death occurred, if prices had gone up, you owed the difference. The other one, you paid and even if prices went up, you were good. So pay attention before signing anything if you are pre-paying your funeral. I chose a casket from the Trappist Monks around Dubuque, IA. They are simple but lovely. Hand made. I paid $1500 at the time. I chose the simple rectangular in oak. So pretty. Each casket is handcrafted and blessed. They use premium woods from their sustainable forest. I have attached the link that shows the casket we purchased, as well as the simple rectangular in walnut and pine. They also have not so simple caskets - absolutely stunning.  p.s. I paid several thousand dollars, and got a refund as we didn't use all of their services. That was classy.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Rescue Mom, I checked with the funeral home rep. who did my prepaid plans and everything's in order - opening and closing grave, flowers (three pink or salmon gladioli) putting date on tombstone and a death notice in the paper.  This alone cost $20.  and I know that it does cost a lot for the whole obituary.  I don't remember how much it was when Charles passed away but do know that we didn't have it put in the Pampa, TX paper - cost for that was high.

     Beth, the funeral home I have my arrangements with consider the prepayment what the cost will be no  matter price increases.  This is the home my family has used as far back as I knew what was going on.  Very reputable and so helpful.  The caskets you posted are very nice.  You know when I was selecting the one for Charles (as close as I could get for what we had for my parents and also what I will have) I saw very pretty pine (I guess) caskets.  I was amazed at how pretty they are.  We also have had vaults  - mother had that for her parents and was insistent on having it so we did.  The cost of funerals goes up every year - I know there was about a thousand dollar increase from when daddy passed away and 13 months later when I lost mother - and a couple of thousand more for Charles.  Mine was about the same as his.  I think prepaying is a good idea because otherwise the person making the arrangements are so hurt by the death they want to do everything they can to make it as nice as they can and some funeral homes take advantage of that.

     For a day or so I've been watching, I think, the same little calf laying down kind of away from the others.  I'd watch and she'd get up after a while and look all right.  Just this nagging thought that something was wrong.  This afternoon I noticed a little one laying down up by the hay.  I walked up there and she didn't get up so came back and closed the gate to the NE pasture so she couldn't go down there - walked back and got her up and walked her down to the lot.  She walked slowly but ears and head were up but when we got to the lot she was really foaming at the mouth and nose - and, when I got her up she was breathing really hard.  To me, this spelled pneumonia.  Called the vet's office to have him come out and treat her.  He came this evening after the clinic closed and treated her.  All this evening I could hear a cow bawling but she never came down and the calf never answered.  I know it must have been her mother calling her to nurse.  Finally, about ten minutes ago I heard a cow bawl out front so went out and let her in with baby.  She's getting her supper now.  I'll leave them up tonight - gave them hay and some cubes.  Also opened the other part of the barn for the girls to go in if they want to.  Supposed to be some heavy storms later tonight and early, early morning.  I do wish the rain would miss us. 

     I saw there were blizzard warnings out for parts of the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles and tornado warnings for NW Okla.  Springtime on the plains and tornado alley.  Just plugged in my weather radio - have had it unplugged all winter.

     I did put some more feed in the creepfeeder so won't have to do that tomorrow.  Maybe I can do some of the things I didn't do today.

     Hope all of you are well tonight.  Saw on TV that about a third of Oklahomans are fully immunized - I think that's what they said anyway. 

     Rest well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Zetta I have six rooms and two baths.  Will try to remember the one room at a time thing in case I ever need that.  

    Get those unwanted calls too Lorita.  Just don’t answer and mute them.  Haven’t been getting as many here lately, hope they are catching on.

    Thanks for that information Rescue Mom and Beth, was helpful.  Those are nice caskets.

    Rescue Mom if you don’t care to share the recipe for your Reuben sauce I would like to have that.

    Going to go get moms groceries today.  Giving quite a bit of rain tomorrow, so hope to stay in. Guess it’s coming from you Lorita.  Friday, according to what I read, I will be at 66% efficacy, two weeks out.  Stays around that for two weeks, then over next three weeks after that increases a lot.  Remember I have J&J.  Think I’m the only one on here with that one.  Thinking about putting on my KF94 and going to the thrift store Friday.  They are giving sunshine Friday.

    Talked with one of my friends and we are going to get together sometime after April 2, which is day 28 for me.  She is not vaccinated, she is understandably hesitant as she got Guillain Barre after a flu vaccine, and cannot take the flu vaccine again.  She still works as a respiratory therapist.  Said she wears her mask and distants all the time.   She has done ok so far.  She has a lot of common sense.  Hope it is a nice day and we can have the windows up too.  We are going to pick up food and bring to my house.  Saw recently where it said most health care workers who got Covid contacted it outside of work.  Guess it shows PPE works. 

    Hope your little calf is ok this morning Lorita.  

    Hi Ron and Lou.  

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Sara, glad to see your post.  We like for you to start off our day in the right way.   Do you think you'll feel safe enough to be around someone who isn't vaccinated?  Isn't it awful to have to think about whether it's safe to be around people.  Maybe someday we won't have to do that. Wonder what the difference is between Guillian-Barre and Epstein-Barre?  I'll have to look that up.

     The little calf seems pretty well this morning - no white foam.  Just gave her mother, Sally, some more hay and creepfeed.  Sally's thin and the vet says that's because she's feeding a big baby.  I'll keep them up today and tonight because it's supposed to rain later today and tonight and it's going to get colder.  The rest of the girls are out grazing.

     Awful storms east of here - Ron, I'm afraid you and Lou may in the path of some of those storms but, hopefully, it's just east of you.  I hate days in the spring like this - storms are so scary.

     Sarah just called.  They're still in Amarillo and snowed in and it's still snowing.  They had blizzard warnings out there last night.  She said the motel's power is off so they don't have heat or light.  I asked her about food and she said they have cereal and milk.  The motel usually has a breakfast for their occupants but without power they can't do it.  I don't know how long the snow is going to last - our weather (what I've seen) hasn't said much about the Panhandle.

     It's cloudy and very damp here - rained some during the night and it's huuuumid - very uncomfortable.  Of course when I went out I had on my thermal top and a sweat shirt and got hot.  I've shed the sweatshirt and still am to warm.  Stormy and Sheena stayed in last night but have been out and are now back in.  I'm filling water tanks in the garden.  Glad I don't have to feed today or put feed in the creepfeeder.

     Sara, I miss going to thrift shops.  Charles and I used to go to Tulsa quite a lot and there were two or three we'd go to sometimes.  One was Goodwill.  It was well organized and had nice things.  We used to have a resale or consignment shop in Muskogee where I worked and we've bought several things there and have taken things there for them to sell.  The winter coat I wear that's so warm is one thing I bought there, probably 15-20 years ago.  The zipper's broken but I've put on snaps and it's still good.

     Barclee just got up - or I just got him up and he's as wet as sop so I'll probably have to do laundry today - the pads and might as well change the bed and sheets.  That's a big undertaking.  I usually wash and dry the sheets and put the same ones back on - that way I don't have to fold them.

     Sara - how's your State doing as far as the virus and vaccinations?  I heard last night that our State is ahead of all others in the number of vaccinations they've given.  I think it said 500,000 are fully vaccinated and 1. something million have had their first shot.  My next one is due on the 30th so maybe I should call and make an appointment.  It says if you can't get in on that day you still have a few days leeway - but I want to get it overwith.  Still kind of wondering about being next to a person who has had the virus and not the vaccine.  He and his son (both unvaccinated but have had the virus) will be back either later this week to set the braces and probably next week to repair and build the fences.  I won't have to be near them except to pay them so that'll be okay.

     Going to stop and have my juice and go out and turn off the water.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Back later.

     Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone, Irish or not.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi - back again,

     I've been watching QVC - absolutely beautiful sweaters, ponchos and vests made in Ireland of beautiful wool.  So very pretty.  I'm tempted but I have sweaters I haven't worn yet so they'd stay in drawers probably.

     The name of one of the people in Ireland showing the sweaters was Kerin - which reminded me of a show I watched some years ago.  Jo - and others - who watch PBS a lot - maybe you can remember the name of the show.  It was set in Ireland and went on for weeks.  It was so good and I looked forward to each week to see the show.  Do wish I could remember the name of it -  maybe one of you will.

     I just called our Health Dept. to see if I could schedule my second vaccination on the 30th.  She said I have to go through the portal but not until the 26th or 27th.  Is that hard to do?  I also asked if I would be able to get it where I got the first one.  She said she wasn't sure - sometimes and sometimes not.  What if they give you a location where you don't want to go? 

     I'm busy doing laundry - or the washer is.  Have one load washed and in the dryer, another one in the washer and another one waiting to go in.  I'm going to spray the bed with Febreze and let it air out today before I remake the bed.  I need to do dishes (when do I not) and will have to sweep the LR floor.  Every morning it looks like it hasn't been swept in days.  I have a boot tray by the front door but the dirt gets out of it anyway.  Very quiet here today - hope it stays that way.

     I did call Jack to see if he's okay.  He went into town yesterday and said there weren't too many people - some wearing masks, some not.  I think he does.

     Sara - I bet you're glad you had the J&J so you don't have to worry about getting that second vaccination.  When did you say you'd be fully immunized?   I got the Pfizer and really not sure how much immunity I get from the first vaccination - before the second one.  At any rate I'll continue to wear a mask.  Yesterday Carol said she thought people would always wear masks. 

     I did see on TV last night that some countries and cities in Europe and Canada are locking down again - because of the variants.  Dr. Fauci or Dr. Jha said we would probably get another surge from the variants.  I bet this is going to be like the flu vaccine - will have it every year. 

     Better go check on the bedclothes in the dryer.  I won't remake the bed until later today - always feels so good when fresh sheets are on it.  I remember when I was growing up we always hung clothes on a clothes line to dry.  How wonderful the sheets smelled after drying in the sunshine.  Not so much for the clothes we dried in the cold weather - they froze stiff quickly.  Did you all see this winter how people were dipping jeans and other clothes in water and sitting or hanging them out on the lawns to freeze to look like they would like if they were on people?  Really funny.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Lorita she will not be coming til after day 28, April 2.  Suppose to have 85% efficacy at that point.  From there to day 49, April 23rd, bincreases even more.  No hospitalizations or death reported after day 28 is my understanding with J&J.  Think I’m only one on here that has received it.   So at some point I have to start getting back on with life a little.  She will never be vaccinated I’m assuming.  Actually my guess is it would be ok but never would I say that to her.  That is totally her decision as it should be and I totally understand her hesitancy.  She missed three months of work.  Anyway will wear a mask except when we are eating since she is not vaccinated.  We will be seated probably about 12 ft apart.  If it is a nice day we will eat on porch with windows open.  From what I can tell this totally meets cdc guidelines as it is only the two of us.  Actually cdc has said two weeks for J&J but have seen others comment they are more comfortable with four weeks and so am I.  This isn’t easy for me, but I have done my best to protect others and will continue to do so, but feel it is time now to start doing a little more.  Will still continue to follow cases etc., and if see a spike will go back to only essential things.  Very comfortable at grocery store now with my mask.  It’s no hassle when I get home.  Not wearing face shield anymore, will if it would start surging.  Really feel more free than I have in a long time, but still wonder what if I’m wrong.  Have to get past that.

    As of March 15 20.9% of Ohioans have started vaccination and 12.2% completed.  

    Have never taken care of a patient that I was seeing due to Epstein Barr.  Not really sure about it.  Have taken care of several Guillain  Barre patients.  All of the patients I took care of had it after having the flu, not the vaccine.  Their ages varied but were young to mid age the ones I took care of.  It is sort of like a temporary paralysis.  Starts in your feet and legs and sort of works it’s way up.  Know at least two of my patients ended up on ventilators as it affected their respiratory muscles.  My friend was fairly young and she had a lot of muscle pain with it.  Never moved up to where it affected her breathing and still missed three months of work.  I worked RT for 41 years and probably saw about five patients so not real common. 

     Have not really been following vaccinations, just looked it up for you. Just keep my eye on new cases and hospitalizations in my county.  We have been sort of plateaued for several weeks.  Hope it goes down at some point instead of up but only time will tell.

    Here in Ohio people that I know who have tried to use health departments have not had good luck.  The hospital systems seem way more organized and efficient. They have no problem with you calling like the health department does.  Think they are more prepared to handle it.  

    Seems to be the same in Kentucky.  My Uncle there did not know how to get it.  Last weekend had him to give me the name of the hospital.  Looked it up, right there was the number for an appointment and in fact you had to call, no online.  Did mine online but through health system and was fairly easy. 

    Well enough about that, hope it answered your questions.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I had to make vaccine appt online.  So did everyone else I know. My second appt was scheduled at the time of my first vaccine. Same for everyone I know. I know people who traveled 2 hours for their shot. Others an hour. My spot was only 20 minutes away. I think you take what you can get. Be certain it is the same med!

    No, Dick is still here at home.

    I looked up the Trappist caskets and then other online. I particularly like the woven ones I found.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    We just had a heavy thunderstorm.  I was waiting for the weather to see if we were going to get rain before I went out to give Sally some more hay but waited a bit too long.  After it was over (there's another one coming) I did go out.  I think all the girls had gone to the barn except little Rose Bud.  Sally and her baby were way back in the barn so I opened the gate, got the feed pan and enticed Rose Bud into the lot.  I had given Sally some more hay in the hallway so Rose Bud will get out of the rain and cold tonight.  She wouldn't go into the cowshed because too many were in there.  When I came in I saw all of them coming out.  It has really turned colder - 40s around Tulsa and 60s south of us - 50s here with a cold north wind.  I think it's supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow.

     Ron - looks like all the bad weather had gone past you and Lou.  Hope no damage was done in Shreveport.

     I did four loads of laundry and dried them. Stripped and remade the bed, did the dishes and swept the LR floor - that's enough for today.  The cats are enjoying the nice, clean bed.  I will do a little later.

     Judith, I don't know why they didn't make appointments for those of us who got the vaccine at the health department unless that was an unusual happening.  They told me they wouldn't let them make appointments.  Looks like they would so more people could get vaccinated.  If I do get online to schedule an appointment and it's too far away, guess I won't have to accept that one.  I think you can 5-6 weeks after the first vaccination until you get the second and still be safe.  Hopefully, it won't be too far away.  I've been wondering if the vaccine they give for the second one is the same and in the same amount as the first.  Would be interesting to know.

     Zetta - the funeral home rep. is going to send me a card to keep in my billfold. She suggested I give the information to my doctor - she says all medical records are online now - I doubt that those of his patients are because they're still writing when they see you.  I'll check into it.  I just don't want to konk out here and not be found if found for them not to know what to do with me. 

     I laid down on the divan for a bit this afternoon and think I dozed off.  After I got up Stormy took over - guess I got his place.  Sheena got very nervous when it started to thunder but she seems okay now so guess the rain may be over - I hope.  Sure is lots of fresh water standing though.

     I'll see you all tomorrow. Sleep well.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I hope  none of you are experiencing bad weather. It has been a warm day here, the news says we could be getting some snow in a few days. 

    I had to go to the Dentist today and have a tooth pulled. One of my teeth broke off so I had to have the rest of it pulled. My teeth are pretty loose and they are falling out on there own. I am not as brave as Ron, and get them all pulled so I am just waiting to be toothless. I do not want to have to deal with dentures. I can live on soup and ice cream when the time comes. 

    Lorita,   It is good that they will send you a card to carry with your I.D.  I also think it is a good idea to make sure your Doctor knows this, so I will check and make sure I told mine.  I also cut my cabbage in chunks and I simmer it in water till it is very soft then I add butter.  I also wash and reuse the same sheets its not because I don't like folding them it's because I only have one set. And it is time I get me another set. 

    I am surprised they did not book you another date when they gave you the first shot. I was given one and all the other people I know were given one. They gave me a card with the date of the first shot and the date of the second shot I guess we are suppose to keep it with us. So hopefully you don't have a problem getting your second shot. 

    I am glad to hear your baby calf is doing good, they all must love you so much probably just as much as you love them. 

    Happy St. Patrick's Day, Hugs Zetta 

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Finally had a beautiful day today.  Warmed into the 50’s.  I got to watch granddaughter play her last bb game this afternoon.  She’s in 7th grade.  That was nice.  I’ve been watching them online since we can only see home games.  They were limited to 6 games because of covid.  Sure was nice to get out and amount the young.  Everyone required to wear masks, so I felt safe.

    I’m feeling better this week.  The Dr. is going to have to change prednisone dose age as I’m still having pain and stiffness in the morning.  It will be so nice when I can wake up and hop out of bed without feeling like I’m 90.  I am thankful for progress to this point and don’t want to sound like all I do is complain.  I got released from hand therapy today. One of the tests was to hold a hammer with my injured hand, and I could do it.  Yea.

    Judith, your celebrations sound so fun.  I’m happy you were able to enjoy yourself.  It’s nice to feel a little freedom and joy from family and friends.

    Sara, I hope you enjoy getting together with your friend.  Isn’t it fun to feel like we can start doing a few normal activities?  I’m loving it.

    Lorita, glad the baby is feeling better.  You got a lot of inside work done today.  I need to get cleaning some this week.  I lost my cleaning lady, and haven’t replaced her yet.  I think I’ll wait awhile.  In the meaning time, I’ll just keep up as good as I can.  It’s just me, so I don’t make too many messes.  

    Zeta, sorry about your tooth.  I hope it’s not painful.  Take it easy for a few days.  Sounds like you’re having nice weather.  We’re not expecting more stories until next week.  It will be nice to have sunshine.

    I hope you’re all having a quiet evening.  Hi to all.  I hope everyone is ok.  Joan

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Sorry for all the errors.  I didn’t proofread.  Lol.
  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Just an aside about the vaccine. I got both of my shots at a pop-up site run by firemen in San Diego County. Before we left they suggested that we take a picture of our card with our phone. Said that there are no real central records kept by our state, county, or nationally. I thought that was a very good idea and appreciated them mentioning that to us. Also suggested that we might want to send the picture to our doctor. I put my original card in my files and made a copy of the picture on heavy photo paper to keep with my medical things in my purse.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    See the stoop is wet so it has rained during the night.

    My sister went and saw J yesterday.  Said she has lost so much weight.  Think my sister was a little shocked.  That has been an issue for awhile and is apparently getting worse.  I took her to hospital for CT back late fall I think.  It was negative.  Hope to go in a couple of weeks.

    Joan glad you got to go to see your granddaughter.  Know that felt good.

    Zetta as a child can remember my dad’s uncle who had no teeth.  He could eat anything he wanted to.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita...this is the portal I used.  The appts fill up almost when they go online


    Winda signed up with a local pharmacy and got on their list..  She was also on the state portal but they never called.  I would check the portal on line.



    https://vaccinefinder.org/search/ ........shows vaccine in stock at your Walmart.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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