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Just need to talk to my friends (142)



  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Speaking of tacos...today is Taco Tuesday!! My ex was Hispanic and his mom would boil down the beans then "fry" in lard with onions and Mexican seasonings......once I had that I threw away my cans of refried beans.

    Hello to Betty and Jean, welcome to the "porch" have a seat grab your drink and make yourself comfortable. 

    I'm Nicole. I live in Sacramento CA but currently staying with my 85yr uncle in Las Vegas who has dementia. I hate being a caregiver.


  • Jane Smith
    Jane Smith Member Posts: 112
    Eighth Anniversary 100 Comments

    You are all so kind and welcoming. Thank you!

    Nicole, I’ve seen some of your other posts elsewhere and know it’s a tough situation caring for your uncle. I am also on Team Hate Caregiving. I wouldn’t do it if there were any other choice, I can tell you that (my mother and I were never close).  It’s a terrible disease, for everyone. 

    Dinner was Taco Tuesday at my house tonight!  I confess that we use store bought crispy taco shells for when we make what I think of as the “American style” crispy tacos that I grew up eating.  My favorite brand is the Trader Joe house brand as they are well priced, crispy, and have a short list of ingredients I can pronounce.  Because of Covid, I stopped going to the store in person so it’s been whatever brand the grocery store could supply.  I agree those Ortega brand Good Grains shells are very good.  I love the idea of lining the taco shell with a lettuce leaf and will definitely try that!  We do semi-homemade refried beans.  We start with a can of pinto beans (or black beans today because the pantry was lacking pintos), and mash them up in a skillet with most of the liquid from the can, some bacon fat, and seasoning (Mexican oregano, cumin, maybe coriander, pepper, usually not salt because the canned beans can be plenty salty already!  Making tacos was a Thing when I was growing up and something I have happy memories of, especially with my dad.  When I was a kid you could not easily buy salsa so we would make our own, although I often skip this step now to make it a faster weeknight meal.  My parents divorced when I was quite young and my father died over twenty years ago; I do treasure those happy memories.  Also, I like to eat!

    Lorita, I know it’s unlikely anyone could identify me from this website, but the violent person from my past did obtain my personal email once and that was unpleasant, so I tend to be extra cautious.

    I think it’s always interesting to learn about other people and what their situations are like.  I promise not to think I’m dull if the rest of you don’t think you are!

    I do like to hear about Lorita’s “girls” as I’m mostly a city girl.  Well, suburban, and I was lucky to grow up in a place with lots of trees and green space and where it was safe for kids to roam around the neighborhood and play outside.  My dad's family have been city dwellers for generations, but my mother grew up in a small town in a very rural area.  Her father’s family lived in town but her mother grew up on the family farm (dairy farming mainly, they also kept horses, poultry, maybe pigs but I’m not sure, definitely grew most of their own vegetables, and also raised fodder for the livestock).  That grandmother made sure I spent time visiting her friends on their farms so I would know where my food came from and not be afraid to get dirty once in a while!

    I only lived in a city proper for a couple of years as a college student, but again, across the street from a park and in a city with some trees.  Otherwise I’ve lived in suburban areas all my life, almost all of it in the Midwest, except for a few years on the East Coast.  Where I live now we don’t have a big yard, but we do have a bit, and a tree line/undeveloped area behind our house.  The area around us is getting more developed but we have plenty of suburban wildlife:  birds, including plenty of turkey vultures and hawks, squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs, opossums, raccoons, skunks, rabbits, field mice, bats, no doubt other critters we don’t see, foxes, and coyotes.  And the Canadian geese who think this is a nice place to live and don’t migrate!  There’s a pond not far, and we are close to a river, so we see and hear ducks as well as the geese, and my favorite to see, herons, and the occasional egret.

    We have put up some bird feeders recently and our cat LOVES to watch them flying around.  My husband thinks it’s amusing to also throw out peanuts and such for the squirrels, supposedly also to entertain the cat, but maybe really for him?

    We have a good park system in the area and since Covid means no travel plans, we have been exploring them a lot more this past year.  We went to a new-to-us park this past weekend when we had nice weather and the frogs in the vernal pools were deafening!  My grandmother called them, spring peepers, but I have no idea if that’s a real species or not.  I suppose I could Google that.

    Jo, I’m sorry you have to deal with kidney stones. Ugh.

    Thank you all for listening and for the distraction!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita you can use pinto beans as a meat substitute for a taco.  Have done that before and it is good.  Just sprinkle some taco seasoning on too.

    Spring is a nice looking baby.  

    JoC sorry you are having to deal with kidney stones.  Hope they can get them under control quickly.

    Betty had not thought about squeezing lime juice into the taco mix.  Think that would be good.  Like to use left over chicken and roast too.

    Lorita 5.5 mm is just a little less than 1/4 inch Mr Google says.

    Jane we don’t have a Trader Joe’s where I live.  Have been to one in Columbus.  The Ortega Good Grains has a pretty clean list of ingredients.  Maybe one day we will get a Trader Joe’s.  Think will try making my own refried beans like you said you did, as that would be better for me, can just make a small amount.  Glad you have good memories of your dad.  Miss mine too.

    Love hearing the peepers but they can be loud.  No peepers where I live now.  When we lived in the country just loved hearing them.  They weren’t real close so we’re in the distance.

    In the neighborhood where I live there is a line of woods between houses.  Have woods behind my back yard.  Hear birds all the time.  Wish more would come into my yard.  Not a lot in my yard to attract them though.   Too old to mess with that now.  Could draw them with a feeder but it also pulls other things into your yard that I want to stay in the woods lol.

    Have eight containers set up now.  Still a lot more to do.  Will try to slowly keep plugging away.  The seedlings are doing well.  

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I have a Trader Joe's about 1.5 miles from my house. It is a good sized one and I love it. The milk stays good longer...the coffee ice cream is the best ever....love the Tomatillo Roasted Yellow Chili Sauce and always have some frozen item for dinners at the ready as well as their cheddar with parmesan cheese which we call Mr Mee cheese in honor of my daughter's fiance.

    I have always lived close to a grocer so it is nothing for me to go every day. My mother always ordered groceries every day. They were delivered to the kitchen table. I am only aware of her going to a grocers once. The milkman also delivered. He picked up the empties and left the new in a small chamber between the house and out side. 

    Love the new folks on the porch....we are so different yet alike. And, we live all over the country an on several continents! Our interests have no bounds....plants, pet, livestock, books, movies cooking....but we are always here for each other as caregivers when a problem arises. 

    Jo....too many health problem on your plate! 

    Loritta...it occurred to me in the night that you are in far more danger of falling and injuring yourself in a field that you are getting Covid from a piece of mail or  a shipping box.

    It is close to time here to see just how much damage that ice storm did....which branches don't have leaves!

    Still plugging away with taxes....anyon done with theirs?

    Getting ready for this summer's big exhibit on Pompeii....https://www.okcmoa.com/visit/events/pompeii/

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning All,

    I was able to get outside for awhile yesterday and clean up the yard a bit. Now I really want to get out and do more but looks like rain today.

    Lorita,    I hope you are able to get your second vaccine when needed. I agree with Judith, your more apt to fall when out feeding your girls then getting the virus. Maybe after your 2nd vaccine you will feel more relaxed.     I really don't  like the flat bottom taco shells I prefer them to be softer. I bet you can make a good taco with out meat. I use refried beans, cheese, taco sauce, lettuce, tomato's and it probably goes on and on with what you can add to them. 

    Sara,   I like your idea of mixing the stuffing all together. I will try that the next time I do tacos.

    Betty,   I spent a lot of time in my younger years  on the Calif Coast. Have you ever been to Bodega Bay and Jenner?  My Grandparents owned a resort overlooking the ocean and I waited tables during my summer breaks from Jr. High and High School. I love the ocean. I also spent a lot of time in San Francisco and have seen all the sights and had my share of eating fresh crabs. YUM! 

    Jo,    I am so sorry your now having to deal with kidney stones. Hopefully as Rescue Mom said the disposing of the stones will go easy for you. You are in my prayers.  You have had so much to worry about hopefully things will mellow out for you soon.  

    I would love to plant flowers but the weather here changes daily and even in the summer we can have a freeze at night. I do have some hanging flowering plants on the front porch very pretty and they don't need water. ( fake )   I have some bird feeders and the birds are coming back. Molly (dog) and Rascal (cat) both have beds on a table in front of the window they lay real still and watch the birds.  

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Zetta...Yes I love the Northern coast too. My in-laws lived in Sonoma County and every summer we would spend a week with them at Patrick's Point State Park in Trinidad, above Eureka. They were a farm family so the men activities and women activities were pretty sharply defined. We towed a boat and every day the men would take it out of Trinidad and fish for salmon. Fortunately they would bring in salmon every day and we had salmon for dinner. Loved that! The women would go down to the beach every day and hunt for agates. It was quite a hike down to Agate Beach but I never tired of that activity. The north coast ocean can be pretty wild but I loved every minute. I still have all of my agates. I had such a great mother-in-law. I loved her so much. She taught me to be  a good mother-in-law and my DIL and I have a great relationship.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    My sister goes to the grocery stores most days I think.  As a child we always lived in the country.  Once a week we went to the store.  Here lately Have only been going about every two weeks.  Had kept several things ahead during pandemic so would not have to go if I didn’t want to.  Now I’m going to start not replacing anything til only have one or two left. I’m glad about that because don’t like the pantry being stuffed.

    My taxes are done Judith.  Use to do them myself but not anymore.  Just wait til everything is in then drop off to CPA.  Much less of a headache than when I did it myself.

    Betty your summers sounds like a lot of fun.  That is great that you and your DIL have a great relationship.

    Had breakfast for lunch.  Do that about once a week.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     You know I never think about falling or getting hurt when out and about - well, almost never.  It's just something I've always done.  I have fallen - in the snow and in the mud but really never got injured except one time when I stepped on a stick and my other foot went under the stick and down I went - on top of three bottles of milk for babies.  Really hurt my chest and foot - but that was years ago.

     It's a beautiful morning here - kind of cool but sunny with no wind.  All the girls and babies are laying around in front of the house.  I'll feed this afternoon about two so don't want to disturb them until I'm ready to feed.  Baby and mom are all right.  I opened the gate for the mom to come out north of the house to graze but Spring came out first so got them back in the lot.  I'm going to have the fences north and west of the house fixed - wire needs tightening and a couple more wires in a couple of places so the babies won't get through the fence to the west meadow or the pond that's west of the house or into the garden.  That happened last year and I was able to get the calf into the yard and al the way through to the north where her mother was.  She was really smart - knew exactly what I was doing. She went all the way around and met us at the yard gate.  Cattle are really smart and they're such wonderful mothers - that new baby is their whole life.  We were feeding once way up by the MH (cows were down at the house).  At that time we were living in the MH.  We called the girls and they all came up - except one mother whose calf was nursing.  She would not budge, even to get her feed.  Needless to say we took feed down to her. 

     Looks like our state will open all vaccinations to everyone over 16 years of age on Monday.  Good news.  Looks like Oklahoma's doing all right but still need to be careful about what we do.  I'll be glad to get the second one and then two weeks out.  I'll be sure to get the Pfizer for the second - I imagine you have to show them your card so that says Pfizer on it.  If our health dept. doesn't have Pfizer next week, they probably will the next - we have 42 days from the first vaccination to get the second and still be safe.

     I'm worrying about Ron and Lou.  We haven't seen a post from him in a long time.  He was having a rather hard time so hope he's reading and will post so we'll know they're all right.  I know some bad weather has gone through his area so hope there was no damage and they're all right.

     Never been to a Trader Joe's but it sounds like a good place to shop.  We've never had groceries delivered and that will never happen way out here.  We can have things delivered but no dairy, fresh or frozen foods.  Used to see a truck that delivers frozen food occasionally but not for a long time.  Schwann's, I think it was.  Never bought from them though. 

     News conference said in January Tulsa County had almost 500 people hospitalized from the virus - now it's 39. So things are improving.  The Mayor's speaking now  - he got his first shot the day Carol and her husband got their second one at the Fairgrounds in Tulsa.

     I'm going to have to start getting up earlier in the mornings - if I sleep until 7:30 or a little before I feel groggy all morning - don't like that feeling.  I'll be glad when it's daylight at 6 a.m. again.  Stormy and Sheena have been outside all morning - just now came inside.  Barclee got up pretty early - got his medicine down but he wouldn't eat - he's sleeping now. 

     Peepers - we've  never called them that.  I know frogs really croak a lot after a rain.  I always told Charles those were spiders - don't think he ever believed me.  We used to have a lot of bullfrogs in our ponds but I haven't heard one in years.  Many years ago mother and daddy had gone somewhere and Lorita, my sister, and her husband came down so we were all at the farmhouse.  Charles and Lucky caught some bullfrogs and we had froglegs (I didn't).  Lorita cooked them and I remember them jumping around in the skillet.  Always heard they tasted like chicken.  I also remember that hot grease popped out on her hand and she ate with her hand in a bowl of ice water.  Really miss talking with her (lost her to alz. in September).

     Judith - you're right - new people posting so we can learn about them and where they live - quite a diverse group but, like you said, alike in so many ways.  I remember when I posted the first time I didn't know what to expect but one woman answered and signed her name "Your sister in alzheimers".  I think her name was Dana but not sure - that was many years ago - 13, I guess.  She made me feel welcome and I've learned so much from everyone on the forum.  This thread resulted from that - can't believe it's been going 13 years. Guess we all have a lot to say.

     Tacos with pinto or brown beans sound good.  I need to cook some of them.  When I was working and had errands to run on my lunch break I'd often stop at the taco place and get a couple for lunch and eat them on the way back to work.  Never have tried the flat-bottomed ones.  I haven't made tacos or chalupas  for many years so they sound really good. 

     Watched an hour of LocknLock on QVC this morning - had to talk myself out of ordering more of it.  If you all haven't tried it, you should.  Really good quality and keeps things really fresh. 

     Glad to see everyone posting this morning.  Sara, glad your seedlings are doing well.  Still need to look up those container zucchinis.  Guess it's safe to bring in the seed catalogs now - they've been in the car and PU for days and days.  Did get some of the things inside from the WM delivery Monday - need to finish this afternoon.

     I'll stop for now.  The Tulsa County Commissioner is speaking now.  She said after the second vaccination you'll feel so much more optimistic.  She and her husband had the virus several months ago. 

     Enjoy the pretty afternoon - or enjoy the rain if you've having it.  We'll look forward to rain this summer.

    Addendum:  Sara,  just read your last post - I'm going to do the same.  I kept a good supply of things ordered during this past year so need to cut back on some things. 

     I haven't done anything much on my tax compilation.  Oklahoma has until June 15 to get both our State and Federal taxes in - because of the two weeks of terrible weather we had.  But, need to get started on getting them together.  If I would get started it would only take 3-4 hours, if that long.  I can't leave the papers out on the table because the cats would have them scattered everywhere.  Darn cats (Sammy and his mother Lillly) run and play all morning - jumping over things and sliding on tables.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Lorita had never heard of LocknLock til yesterday.  A YouTube channel I watched mentioned it and you mentioned it.  Guess they have one made specifically for bread.  May check it out sometime.

    Today and tomorrow may not be too nice.  Giving rain and high wind.  Can’t complain, has been a beautiful week.  Have got ten large containers ready and just have two of those left to do I believe.  Then the rest are small to five gallons.  Ate lunch and supper on porch yesterday.

    Thinking about venturing out to the thrift stores if it isn’t too rainy.  Saturday is suppose to be real nice again.  Probably will be more crowded then though, so will try to go today.

     This weather will probably ruin the crocuses.  They have been pretty.  Can’t remember if they were already here or if I planted them.  Usually by fall I’m tired and worn out and ready to quit.

    Thinking about making some coney sauce today.

    Downloaded a scrabble game a few weeks ago. Starting to really like it.  Just play against the Ipad.  It never gets upset when I win and I like that.

    Thinking of you Ron and Lou.  Haven’t heard from Beth in a few days either. 

    My Aunt finally has her phone again.  She had not had it for about a month.  She is doing ok.

    Take care everyone

  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hello all my friends.

      I know it’s been a long time since I wrote, and I certainly have not caught up with all of your doings, but have a lot of news from my side of the world.  As you know I met a fella and formed a relationship,  welllll that became quite intense, so much so, that we are to be married in May!   

    We have been doing a lot of travelling , just in the state of NSW, and what with that, and getting to know each other, organising things here, etc, I haven’t been online very much.   I probably won’t get to talk a lot from here on in, but just want to say how much I have appreciated and loved the friendship from all of you and the many chats on Loritas porch.  

    Blessings to all as you continue on your individual journeys


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sandy, that is wonderful news! Congratulations!

    We've had rain several days this week. The grass is very green and will soon need to be mowed. 

    I bought a turkey at Thanksgiving and froze it. It's now thawing in the frig and will eat it, and share with son and his family, Saturday night. We are not meeting inside yet as not all the adults are fully vaccinated but do expect that soon so then we can get together again. Here's how I cook my very moist turkey. Cook "all day" in the electric roaster. Carve. Next day, place the meat in roaster or crockpot covered with chicken broth and cook for several hours, then serve.

    The dog is going to the groomer today. She is a miniature Schnauzer. I need to look through my seeds and see what I can get started. I'm not starting seeds inside this year, will just plant directly in the garden. Also today, my day to start my weekly house cleaning. Also I have several good books to read. 

    Have a good day and weekend!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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