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Just need to talk to my friends (142)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    OK...grow bag + potting soil? Do you keep the grow bag outside or inside until ready to put in garden. The pic I saw showed large tomato plants...stake and "cage". Another article said they bags were reusable and said to be careful what material they were made of. 

    I agree about a landscape with no greenery...just a lot of air. I am not comfortable with that much air!

    Does anyone else wonder who are the thousands of people who follow this thread ?  I sometimes wish they would say hello.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     I'm running late today. Believe it or not it was 7:48 when I got out of bed this morning.  I woke up earlier and the TV was still on so guess I was watching "something" and went to sleep last night.  I'm going to have to do better than this - have to start getting up at daylight to see the girls before they get away to graze.  That, because I guess calving has begun.  Stanley (bull) came the first part of June last year so will have calves the latter part of March and on.  I have been out to see all of them and all's well this morning.  I gave the new mom some more hay. Baby looks good.   Had to stop and run out and turn off the water.  I turned it on to fill a water tank when I went out to see the girls and forgot about it.  Since then I've had a couple of phone conversations and had breakfast.  Needless to say I've water a good portion of what used to be the garden.    The baby who had pneumonia is doing well - can't tell which one it was - they all look okay.

     I'm wondering where Zetta is.  Is this the time she was going to be away from home for a few days?  Can't remember and couldn't find her post about it. 

     Have never tried grow bags.  I have lots of pretty blue tubs and tan ones and some smaller black ones that held minerals and proteins that are really good to use for container planting. The only problem is finding dirt to fill them.  You'd think with all the dirt here on the farm there would be plenty but most of it's covered with grass and is now sod and hard to shovel.  Would take bags of potting soil.  I do have the four big pots where I have the caladiums and violets filled so I'll have to do a couple of others to have a couple of tomatoes, an eggplant or two and maybe something else.  I could use the bathtub for spinach instead of flowers but the cows would eat it while I have them up.  Absolutely love creamed spinach but have never made it.   

     Judith, I've often wondered about who all reads our thread, too.  Must be a lot of them.  One occasionally will stop by for a bit, then disappear again.  Wouldn't it be nice to know where all of them are from?   

     I checked on Floridaboyscaladiums.  The caladiums are gorgeous - going to have to delve into that some more.  I saw the price list once and it disappeared but it didn't look like they were too expensive.  If I got the jumbos I'd only need maybe 20.  I usually get at least three different kinds - I like a red one in the middle and a white one in each pot, then green with red or white for the rest.  Usually takes 5-7 bulbs in each pot and I have three big pots and I usually put one in a small pot by the steps.  I was using the tablet so I'll check into it with the laptop so I can see more and stay in place for a while.  When I've bought them in the store I've been able to make sure I get bulbs that are sprouted.  I'd love to have some more elephant ears - they so pretty.  When we lived in the MH we had some out in front and they were huge.  This was on the east side of the house and I can't think where I'd put them down here at the house.

     Zetta, how did your friend's test come out?  I hope it was a good report.

     Sara - I've never seen grow bags.  Like I mentioned, I've seen big, long, plastic ones on TV where they cut slits and plant in those places.  I doubt they'd be reusable unless you were super careful.  Do your grow bags come with the potting soil or is that purchased separately?

     I'm making bread again this morning.  I had about a l l/2" piece left this morning but it was molded where the little metal piece goes.  I usually keep the fresh loaf in a LocknLock container for two or three days, then the refrigerator.  Guess I'll have to begin putting it in the refrigerator sooner.

     Talked with Sarah this morning.  She said she was afraid and when I asked why, she said because she was afraid of dying.  Didn't get to talk about that much more because the pizza delivery guy was there.  They ordered pizza last night for Todd and when it came it was burned so she had them replace it and it just came today.  I'll talk with her more about it later.  Not really sure how to talk with her about her fear.  She's so frustrated - Dr. D. saw her about a month ago and said he didn't want to see her again for a year and she says she's tried to find another doctor and when they hear he was her surgeon they won't see her.  I don't understand that.  She needs to see a PCP immediately - says her hands and feet are swelling and she has another hernia - I think that makes four or five she's had.

     Going to feed the girls this afternoon - if I don't blow away and will have to put some feed in the creepfeeder.  It's warm but, to me, the wind feels chilly.

     I'll stop and look at some more caladiums - normally don't plant them until May so have some time, however, it said one variety was already sold out.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.

     Another question - Darwin and his wife have both have had both of their vaccinations and I've had one (on Tuesday it will be two weeks since I had it).  Will it be safe for me to be around her with a mask on, in her house?  I'm thinking this because he has someone coming Tuesday to appraise his cattle and it may be that I need to be with her while he's out in the pastures.   I think it will be but want to hear what you all think.  Twice now I've been around Darwin with a mask - once before I had my shot and yesterday after the first one.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita...Dr Dunn is a surgeon. Sarah does need to have a PCP and she did have one at OUmed. She also had a Dr at pain management and a psychiatrist. 

    What do you suppose  happened to the Drs Sarah was seeing  as well as the referral to a gastro. Do you think Sarah still has access to all those meds with out seeing a Dr.? 

    Dick had a PCP at OU med. All we had to do is call for an appt. His Dr. was wonderful. 

    Grow bags;  https://www.almanac.com/discover-grow-bags-alternative-plant-container

    I always put a lot of packing "popcorn" in the bottom of my pots before I add potting soil. Saves money and makes moving them a lot easier.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,    I am still here I have just been having a lazy few days. Congratulations on the new baby. Looks like you never get much down time.    I do plan on going to spend a few days with my daughter but that won't be till the last of May.  Do you think that maybe Sarah is not as bad as she thinks she is? that might be the reason the Dr told her to come back in a year. If she has to go to E.R. hopefully she will find another Dr that way. I wonder if her ins. company can help her find a Dr in her area. 

    I have spent most of the day watching the LTM channel, there are some pretty good movies on it today. I am watching Flowers in the Attic, it will be on all day each movie runs 2 hours long and it is a continuance of the lives of the children that were in the attic. It's kinda sad.

    I also slept in till 7:30 this morning. I woke up at 5 my coffee maker had not started yet that won't start till 6am. So i went back to sleep then next thing I knew it was 7:30. I got up and had my coffee on the front porch.  Molly and I love to do that. This morning it was warm enough. 

    Thanks for asking about my friend, all of her test came back good. Some of the cancer has completely gone and the rest have got smaller. The Dr will remove the small ones and hopefully  she will be good after that. 

    Judith,       I was one of those lookers along time before I wanted to become part of this thread. I felt there was a closeness here and I was not sure I belonged. But as soon as I posted I right away felt the closeness and I wanted to belong. There is a lot to be shared here.

    Sara,     I read your post on the I have Alz thread. I thought I would reply to it here. Please don't allow yourself to feel alone, you have a lot of loving friends right here. As far as you knowing what  lays ahead for yourself I am sure you have that all figured out. After seeing Dan go through dementia I knew I needed to plan for myself. My kids all know what my plans are so I am sure they will be followed. With you taking such good care of your Gma and your Mother and your neighbor you are way ahead of things. You are a wonderful caregiver for your Mother. I feel like I live alone. My son lives on the property but he is in a cabin out back and I really don't see that much of him.  I see him daily as he comes and goes he will come in and make sure I am OK.   But we are all here for each other and that is a wonderful feeling. 

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Happy Sunday, the 21st.   For me, it seems March is passing so very quickly.   Spring has sprung - kind of - we are about 68 degrees today, thin sunlight is gracing us with promises to come.

     Of course; what lurks around the future corner waiting their turn are the dog days of summer; and I do recall how none of us "mature" folks here do wonderfully well with that; (understatement),  and we wilt, wishfully waiting and hoping for cooler weather . . . .  (my least favorite season is summer) . . . . whereupon, in the Jack Frost days of winter, we glove cold hands and sock cold feet and wait for the warmer weather once again.  Sure do wish we only had two seasons - Autumn and Spring - but Mother Nature has not asked for my opinion.

     The grow bags for plants are interesting and something I shall have to try.  The only "bags" I knew were the burlap bags that plants and trees came in that are planted in them; the burlap rots away and roots spring out joyfully unharmed.

     I have just sent for the very cool, "Wind and Weather," catalog.  They do have their wares online, but the catalog is ever so much better.   Really some great decorative stuff for the garden; I really like purusing the catalog and do it over and over again.  Nice little things to add to a garden or patio and also some nice unique gifts for others.   Here is their link:


    At the bottom of the online first page there is a place to enter your mailing information to obtain a catalog. 

     Thank you Sayra, for asking about Laurel.  After she was finally weaned off the ventilator, that was the key first step.  She has had a slow course but get this . . . . she was discharged home on Friday to wait for her surgery in a few weeks!  Her cognition is pretty well normal with a bit of memory lapses, but not too much.  She can communicate normally, is able to eat with care; it is a miracle.   She was discharged right from ICU/CCU directly to Acute Rehab for a short while where they helped her to walk again.  She is very, very weak, but uses a walker with standby assistance.

     She did not have health insurance, so had to go onto Oregon's version of Medicaid.  They hold a tight ship for utilization as the reimbursement to hospitals is not much, so utiliztion is very tight.   They have sent her home to wait for that surgery.  Her caregiver is her 19 year old daughter and her 22year old daughter is there temporarily from university who is lending a hand before she must return to school; she graduaes with a Masters in Psychology in July, so she must maintain her education as closely as she can so close to the finish line.   Hospital discharge was on Friday, she has Home Health ordered, but they have not called and will probably not do so until Monday.   I do feel concern for the girls who are doing their very best to do Mom's care and oversight as well as the meals, laundry and cleaning.  They are really sweet and caring young ones; but they are very young.   They will also be in charge of the post-op care after the aorta repair surgery. 

     Laurel will need three areas of her abdominal aorta repaired from the three tears that happened.  It will be a delicate surgery with another recovery period.  So hope and pray all goes well for her.  She is so very young to have such a thing happen; it is important to know that if one has a first degree relative that has had such a condition, then all other first degree family members need to be checked as this is a silent condition that has genetic possibilities and is not usually symptomatic until the worst happens.

    Evidently the pandemic isolation got to my DH.   I suddenly found out we now have an Instapot he purchased from Amazon.  Oh boy.  I found out we had it after he decided he would make a St. Patrick's Day dinner and I was not to be in the kitchen.  Corned beef, potatoes and carrots with soda bread.   The meat and vegetables were done to perfection; the best we have ever had with that menu.  It was at the point when I complimented him that he told me he had bought an Instapot.  Could have knocked me over with a feather.   Have to get an Instapot cookbook so we get good use of it. 

     We had enough St. Patrick's Day dinner for three meals and it was so good that is what we did three nights in a row.  Have to grin in that what we call St. Patrick's Day dinner is not at all what happens in Ireland.   It is okay with me; just keep the corned beef coming.  I do not each much beef at all, but this is an exception for me once a year.   As my friend always says; it doesn't matter what nationality one is; on St. Patrick's Day, everyone is Irish.  Wonder what the Scots have to say about that! 

     Interesting in that the church we have attended opened up today for services for the first time since the pandemic shut down.   Only at 25% capacity, six feet apart except for families sharing a home; must wear masks throughout the service and while on church grounds.   The first service of the day on one side of the church pews; the second service on the second side of the aisle church pews.  This gives time to disinfect the pews.

     It was interesting in that the mild mannered Pastor stated that ALL requirements MUST be adhered to with no exceptions.  If in the course of the services, anyone breaks the mandates, the person(s) not complying will be asked to be in compliance; if refusing, they will be asked to leave and the service will stop until they do.  If still refusing, they will be mandated to leave - period - no exceptions.  It was good to hear the firmness of that.   Protection of all is so important; not everyon is vaccinated.

      Joan, it is good to hear you have had some progress.  That is always good; when "mature," it seems recovery or even maintenance of any improvement is so slow and tenuous.  Gimme back my young body!  Wonder where the heck it went!  I know what you mean about not having your helper come in for cleaning.   Our lady retired in December; we were looking for someone new when the pandemic hit; our house sure can use a good deep cleaning. It is a big two story and we are "joint people."   As in; knees, hips, backs, thumbs, etc. that are all hobbled.   Parts may be parts, but must they all rebel at once?

    I used to work at hospital all week and on weekends, do all laundry, shopping, vaccuming, floor washing, all three bathrooms, kitchen, dusting, bed changing for six people, cooking, etc., etc., and still have time for family.   Now, just typing this makes me exhausted.   How in the world did I do all that?  Only answer seems to be, "youth."  Sigh.

      On Thursday, we will be two weeks past our second COVID Vaccination.  I am going to contact the beautician at the salon I used to go to.   She is a bit older and has probably also been vaccinated.  If so, I am going to make an appointment for a haircut.  Wearing a mask.   It will feel so good to get a good professional cut.   She gives the best haircuts I have ever had which is good as I have so much hair; she seems to have the patience for it.

     Dr. Fauci is concerned.  We have had a lovely decrease in cases across the country; BUT - suddenly we hit a plateau and the plateau has stayed and stayed and stayed at the same level rather than continuing on a slow decline of cases as would have happened IF all had stayed the course.  What this portends is that the country has not stayed the course for another two months necessary and what we can expect are . . . . more surges with increased cases and all that means!  Of course this also means more tightening and closures.   Still politicalization of the dynamics; politicians coming up for re-election and opening up too soon to satisfy businesses and the self-indulgent.  Of course businesses are in a horrible position; I truly feel so badly for their situation which is horrible, but if we had stayed the course for another couple of months, we would be so much better off as would the businesses and staying open would be for long term. 

    New Zealand, as I often point out, is still zero cases and they have ordered in sufficient Pfizer Vaccine enough to vaccinate every single adult in their country.  Amazing!  Different culture from ours with a compliant citizen population.

     The need to once again shut down in multiple European countries is a frightening spector as Dr. F. says; this will be us for failures in sticking to the course here for another couple of months.  Sometimes I just despair.  One would think for the "greater good," best practices would be adhered to, but alas.

    Poor little Barkley; doggie dementia is very real.  Our son and DIL's 16 year old, Izzy, has dcclined hearing and vision, has arthritis and they feel she too has had onset of dementia; like Barkley, she is given very loving care.   Barkley is so lucky to have you, Lorita.  Izzy's favorite place is on my son's lap whenever he sits down to watch TV. There she sits, and sleeps, secure and so content; she loves him dearly and him likewise.  That is one of their four rescue dogs.  I always tease that when I get way into my old age, I will have to go outside with a wet nose and lie in the middle of the road whimpering to get "rescued" by them.   But then they would send me to the vet!  Oh my!

     Congratulations on the new calf baby, Lorita.  She sounds so strong right from birth; soon she will have her own name.  Bet she is adorable.

     Sarah will indeed have a primary doctor, Lorita - that is a mandate by the Oklahoma State Insurance she has.  There is always an assigned primary doctor.  She also cannot obtain all the prescriptions she has without a medical provider, so if she has forgotten who that primary care MD is, all she need do is make a call to her insurance and they will give her the name.

     Sweet Zetta; modern dentistry with a good dentist is nowhere near what it used to be.   Dear Zetta, no way do you want to be without teeth with your nose touching your  chin, affecting your speech, your health, and including your nutrition.  Don't care that someone brags they can eat anything without their teeth - not so, and wonder what their health and stomach issues are like.

    Dentures are not what they used to be and many have had permanent replacement teeth put in either where necessary or even full mouth.  Many folks have crowns, many have partials; my dear friend has permanent partials in two areas of her mouth and says they feel like her own teeth, so do not go down that toothless valley - it is not necessary.   And I am a real dental-phobe; hate those visits, but they are necessary.   Also have had over my lifetime, three root canals; not a wonderful thing to do, but not painful and then have maintined those teeth which is good.  So . . . hang in there and if you do not have  a good modern dentist who is counseling you on what is new and great, perhaps time to see if there is another choice of dentist for you.   We care very much about you and woud hate to see you come to preventable difficulty that would affect your quality of life.

    Goodness; sorry, this is over long; time to let go and get going.  Everyone take good care and be well.  A big hug to all of our dear friends here on the, "front porch" where the weather is always good and the rocking chairs fit every size backside and the coffee, tea, and other libations are at hand and delicious.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Still windy here and it's kind of cloudy.  Wanted to feed the girls but only 18 cows and their babies had come up - the others were up in the south pasture and with the south wind they couldn't hear me calling them by honking the PU horn.  Tried and tried and finally gave up.  I didn't want to feed some and not the others.  So, the ones who were out front went up to graze.  Rose Bud stayed around and I fed her and the new mom.  Guess I'll call the baby "Spring" - because she was born the first day of.  I think most of us are old enough to remember an actress called Spring Byington.   She's as cute as a bud's ear.  I'll try to get a picture of her tomorrow so you all can see her.  Her mom has pulled hay out of the hayfeeder and she's laying on that nice, soft bed.  I just got back from going up to make sure everyone's okay for the night.  I'll feed tomorrow.

     I plan on taking down the trash in the morning - got it all together.  I'll have to go at 6:30 which is before daylight.  I'll take Stormy with me for protection. 

     Judith - Sarah says she'll have one PCP at Family Practice, then they move on and they assign another.  She tells me she's been calling trying to get an appointment - she says they are aggravated because she keeps calling and hangs up on her.  I've told her to start calling again in the morning and she says she will.  I don't know about the prescriptions.  I can't understand why another doctor won't see her - maybe the "white wall" - like the "blue wall" of police?  I don't know.  I've also told her she hasn't followed through with appointments and that's the most important thing for her to do to try to feel better.  She says she can't keep anything down - even the formula she takes through the feeding tube.  Also says she has another 6" hernia.  All I know is what she tells me.  As you know, she's noncompliant - maybe she's afraid of what they'll tell her.  If Dr. D. isn't going to see her, he should make a referral to a GI doctor - and that hasn't happened.

     Zetta - how happy we all are that you decided to post on our thread.  What a wonderful addition you've made and such a good friend now to all of us.  I don't recall for sure but I don't think I'd ever posted until Charles was diagnosed with vascular dementia.  I didn't have anyone to talk with about it - at that time my sister was beginning to have symptoms and she just said he was crazy so that didn't help.  I decided I had to learn more about it and just be able to talk to someone  - so I posted and I'm so glad I did.  I learned so much from everyone and that got me through it.

     Sara - I also read your post on the other forum.  You're not alone - you have all of us.  My mother had alzheimers and we made it through that, then Charles had vascular dementia and then my sister developed alzheimers.  My niece (Sarah's aunt) and I were very concerned that we might also get it - but she passed away a couple of years ago from MS.  Now, I worry.  When I forget something it bothers me but I think of what I forget a short time later so that makes me feel better.  When the time comes that I never remember I'll really worry.  I've lived alone for six years, well, over six years with no close relatives nearby and I don't talk to someone every day so I worry that the time may come when I go down that path and there will be no one to tell me what's happening - because I don't believe alz. patients know.  So, remember that you're not alone.  We all have each other.

     Jo - I so enjoy your long posts.  Makes me feel better that someone else also writes a lot. 

     Instant Pot - I have one that I've never used - yet.  My friend, Sandy, sent me a vegetarian cookbook for the Instant Pot and I'm going to learn to use it.  I had ordered one previously and because it seemed complicated I returned it.  They had such a good deal on this one that I reordered.  I will learn to use it.  I'm reading the "getting started" booklet but to me it seems like it leaves out a lot of things I'd like to know.

     What a nice, thoughtful thing your husband did.  Does he cook often?  Charles was a very good cook and did it often - as much as I did.  I liked to bake and he didn't so we made a good pair. 

     There's another company that has such pretty things for the garden called "Plow and Hearth".  I ordered some wind things from them but they don't last here because of our persistent, strong wind so after a few weeks they come apart.  I usually put them on the north side of the house and even that doesn't help.  Same with wind chimes.

     I'm glad your Church is back to having services.  Carol's has been having services for the past few months - sitting apart but without masks.

     What Dr. Fauci says is very concerning about the surge in Europe.  I agree that we should stay as shut down as we were for another couple of months.  People are too inpatient - sounds like this could be really bad again.  I'll be glad when I can get my second vaccination.  Just hope they have Pfizer on the week of the 29th.  Our neighbor and his wife had Moderna at the same place where I got Pfizer.  They say they don't know which kind they'll get until that week.  So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

     Just saw the weather - it's supposed to rain tomorrow so wish I could have fed the girls.  I'm going to stop and go out and see if they're close enough to feed now - still another hour or so of daylight.

     My wild violets are blooming, still small but beautiful blooming along with the daffodils and today I noticed my flowering almond is beginning to bloom.  The violets in the big pot are no longer there so I'll probably plant caladiums in it this year if the violets don't revive.

     I made another loaf of bread today - cut the top end off and had it with blackberry jam - delicious. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Got 'em fed. They were close enough to call down but counted them as they went through to make sure everyone came down.   I was out about 20 minutes- hurried so now costo is going to act up. But they're fed and that's the important thing. Will put feed in the creeper tomorrow.  It's dark, dark now.

    Sleep .

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Start my seeds in the very small grow bags.  Then when time, plant them into the bigger grow bags,  have 5, 10, 15 and 20 gallon grow bags.  Also use other types of containers.  Like the 18 gallon totes, also make my compost in them.  Advantage of container gardening is can bring things into garage at night if we get a late freeze.  I have a hand truck which makes that a lot easier.  

    Have wondered who all is out there with us.  Know they are, personally read this post for a year before I got the nerve to comment.  Once in awhile someone drops in and visits a bit.

    Know you guys are here and I appreciate that.  Also know God will provide and keep his eye on the sparrow.  One of my sisters would probably see to me.  Guess where my 60yo and 50 yo something sisters are right now for two weeks, Florida.  My other sister is trying to set up a cruise.  Guess I am becoming so don’t trust their decision making for several reasons.  That is what has me wondering.  Have taken care of patients where an attorney had charge of their affairs.  That has its set of issues too.  Felt sorry for those patients and not really an option I want.  Have seen patients who were extremely well taken care of by a niece, nephew or neighbor.  Have also seen them taken advantage of by these.  Don’t worry about it but am aware.  Just sort of wondered if Iris had a plan B in place.  She seems to have some good thought processes in dealing with her illness.

    Glad Laurel is doing better.  Yes indeed a miracle.  Sounds like her children are trying to be responsible.  It is a heavy load for them.  Hope it will lighten up for them.

    I’m going to remain optimistic about pandemic til I have to not be.  Our county had been static but this past week we went down by about half in our new daily cases each day.  So that gives me new hope also.  Our new hospitalizations has continued to decrease too and is about what it was last summer.  Our vaccination % goes up a little each day.  There are also still people obtaining natural immunity.   For well over a month now the nursing homes have no patient cases and very few workers.  The schools have the most, but even that is way less than earlier in the year.  Think I would like being a New Zealand resident.  Would fit my personality better.  Dislike drama, am more to just buckle down and do what needs to be done, and make the best of it.  Will keep wearing my mask when out and about.

    Dentures are a good thing.  Did not mean to imply they are not.  Believe he actually had a set of dentures but said he could not use them.  He actually ate everything we were eating at a meal.  He seemed to enjoy eating.  May have been that his dentures were poor quality.  My dentist told me that I would have a very hard time wearing dentures because have a lot of palatal tori, which is extra bone growth.  Thought everyone had them, didn’t realize it was abnormal lol.  Have one in roof of my mouth, and the rest are under my tongue.  Have always taken good care of my teeth but realize could get a medical condition that would change this.  Dental health is important for overall health.  Many poor people simply cannot afford it.  Dental care is expensive.  I know people in that situation.  

    Suppose to be a nice day today, so hope to set up a few more containers.  Trying just to do a few at a time to make it easier on my muscles.

    Lorita no one gave you an opinion about sitting with Darwin’s wife so guess I will stick my neck out.  This is just my opinion, not medical advice.  If it were me, would wear my mask as you are not two weeks past second shot, keep good distance between you guys.  If she is two weeks post her second shot then that would be great.   If I interpret cdc guidelines correctly, if she is two weeks past second shot she would not need a mask according to them.  Personally if she is willing to do that, even if two weeks post last shot that is the safest for now to me .  If it is a nice day and you can set out on porch or open windows while you are there that would he helpful also.  The risk decreases significantly with good ventilation.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Sara, you seem to be a morning person, like me.  I've always liked getting up early - guess I had to because I had a 30-45 minute drive to work every day - but I still enjoy being out and about when everything and everyone is waking up and getting ready for the new day.  I think watching the  little calves are having breakfast after getting mom up and then going off to graze is so sweet.  The moms are so good - they don't move a muscle when the babies are nursing.

     I got back about an hour ago from taking down the trash - in the dark.  They changed drivers and routes for our trash pickup so instead of picking it up at 10 a.m., it's now between 7 and 7:45 so right now it's dark when I take it down.  I did take Stormy with me - didn't see anything except a couple of car lights.  Stormy's barking now so he must see a coyote somewhere in the pasture.

     I started the Gator to take down the trash and heard the girls began to bawl.  They associate the sound of the PU and Gator with feed because I feed out of them.  So about a dozen of them were waiting out front - those girls would eat three times a day if I'd feed them.  When I got back they'd all gone off to graze.  So, we've put out the last of hay for the spring.  I saw the new baby and her mom - she is so cute.  I'll try to get a picture of her for you all today.

     Sara, we used to start our seeds in trays, then transplant to pots when they were bigger and then into the garden.  I kind of miss gardening but it was a lot of work.  I'd like to plant at least one zucchini plant but can't figure out where to plant.  The best place is out in the SW corner of the yard - plenty of sun and water is right there but there's not much space.  I did plant in a couple of big pots out there a few years ago so may do that again. 

     I'm so glad you and Zetta decided to post on our thread and wish more would.  We're all easy to get along with and just enjoy visiting on the porch.

     I heard on the news this morning something about Florida - maybe a big increase in virus cases -  just heard it in passing.  Your sisters are braver than I - but I'd never go on a cruise at any time anyway.  I want terra firma under  my feet at all times - don't even like to climb on a ladder. 

     Darwin and Donna had their shots quite some time back.  Tomorrow I'll be two weeks out from my first shot.  my second one is due next Tuesday and I'm hoping and praying that our health dept. will have Pfizer vaccine that week.  If not it would be all right for me to wait until the next week to see if they had it then.  I think you can go up to 42 days after the first shot to get your second one.  I'm thinking a guy from a sale barn is coming tomorrow to appraise Darwin's cattle.  If he comes in the morning she'll still be asleep but after that probably not.  He had about 250 head so not sure how closely they'll do the appraisal.  They don't really have a porch that's conducive to sitting so we'd be inside and I will wear my mask when I'm over there.  I keep one in my pocket all the time.  I'm even wearing one when I feed because of the dust and sacks.  Carol's brother passed away from the virus and before his first symptoms he helped his SIL unload feed so it makes me a bit leary. 

     You know I worked in a hospital for over 33 years - ten years or a little more as a medical secretary on the wards with the patients.  We'd occasionally have a patient who didn't have relatives or anyone to notify if they got to be seriously ill or passed away.  I always felt so sorry for them - and now, here I am.  I still have Sarah but her health is so bad.... I think I mentioned a while back that one of our social workers retired - she wasn't  married and after a few months she sold her house and moved to a new retirement center in Kansas.  She did this because she was afraid she'd pass away in her home and no one would find her.  She wasn't that old and was in good health as far as I know.  But, it's really something to think about.  I don't have phone contact - or any contact - with someone every day (except all of you) and anything could happen to me while I'm out with the cattle or just in the yard.  When you're young you never think of something like that - at that time you're invincible and everything's going to stay the way it is at that time.  If I was in bad health or took medication I'd be more worried but right now things are all right - but, I need to wear that pendant when I'm out and about.

     Had a text, or picture, from Carol as I was taking down the trash.  She sent a picture of about five or six of us, probably taken at someone's birthday party.  There were several of us who went to the canteen together and had birthday lunches together.  She, Carolyn and I are the only ones left.  Sad to think of all the people we used to work with and enjoy being with, being gone.  I still miss Karen so much.  She and I went to work on the same day, same kind of work - medical secretaries until each of us moved to be service secretaries - she in Chaplain Service and I in Social Work Service.  We grew up together - she was almost 18 and I was just 19.  Carol had been working there a year before we came and she was a little older with four little kids.  You know I can't remember a cross word among any of us in those 59 years.

     I'll feed the new mom after a bit and need to put some feed in the creepfeeder for the little ones.  I'm hoping a little later the girls will move to the NE pasture so I can close the gate.  If I go out to put in the feed now, every one of them will be down here in no time flat.  As soon as I start the PU, they'll come down so I'll wait and see if they go to the other pasture later this morning.

     I'll stop for now and finish my juice.  I'm a bit hungry this morning so guess I'll have malt-o-meal and toast again. 

     Hope all of you are well this morning and can enjoy the day. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning All,

    I also get up early but the first thing I do is take Molly out then get my coffee and turn on the news. Then I get my second cup of coffee then sometimes my third. Thats the first 2 hours of my day. I am 2 hours behind you guys so right now it is 8am for me and its light outside, now I am thinking about what I will be doing today.

    I woke up to snow on the ground and when I let Molly out it was snowing she did her duty and ran right back in. 

     Lorita,    Can you take your trash down Sun night? Our trash is also picked up Mon morning so if my Son does not plan on being home Mon he will take the trash down to the road Sun evening. 

    I am glad I joined the thread.  The way I found this website is when Dan went into MC there was a ALZ coordinator there meeting with families of new arrivals. I checked it out and I had so much help from everyone here so that made things easier for me try to adjust to my new life.  I would read this thread and I so wanted to belong. MC was my family for 2 years and now I feel like your all my family. 

     Jo,    I am also glad that Laurel is doing better and yes that is a big job for her daughters. If I was a little closer i would love to go help them.  Thanks for the denture advice. My Dentist did offer to refer me to a denture specialist I told her I would think about it. I still have lower teeth and enough on top to chew. 

     Sara,   You did not say anything to make me think anything bad about dentures. My Dentist told me I would have a hard time being fitted for them because my bone was deuterating  is the reason my teeth will be falling out. I took good care of my teeth but I could have done better.

    Has anyone heard of someone passing away after they have been vaccinated?  My news is always saying how many new cases and how many deaths. Some of the ones passing away are older people. I am thinking they may have not been vaccinated?

    Hugs, Zetta       

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Yes I am a morning person.  I got up at 4:30am when I worked.  Would probably not get up as early now but call mom at 6am, so I try to be cleaned up and have my hair combed in case I don’t get an answer.

    My trash pickup is early Monday morning too.  Put mine out on Sunday.  You may have to worry about critters getting in your garbage Lorita , know that is an issue for some.  Don’t seem to have trouble with that where I live now.

    When first started raising plants, used trays.  I’m a little lazy and quickly realized , didn’t like all that transplanting.  So start things in a small container.

    Going to try and raise zucchini this year.  Have not done that before.  Going to try and raise them in a container.  

    I’m partial to terra firms too.  Also very partial to my own bed and bath.  Really dislike hotels even before pandemic.  Did  stay in a holiday inn once in Indianapolis that was very nice.  The only one I have stayed in that was comfortable to me.  

    Wear my mask this year when messing with the potting soil.  Has always bothered me a bit as it is dusty.  Thought I have a mask this year and I’m going to use it.

    Sorry you are having snow Zetta.  It is a beautiful day here.  On porch with windows open and hearing a lot of birds.  Ordered a hummingbird feeder and a finch feeder today.  They have good reviews.  The ones I had last year were cheap, especially the finch feeder.  Snow, at least for me, gets wearisome after awhile.

    Crocuses are out today.  My garlic is coming up nicely.

    People do die that have been vaccinated.  What that doesn’t mean is that the vaccine caused it necessarily.  Like J she has a very bad heart and has been placed in hospice.  She has had both shots and did well.  She could have died though because people die every day, her heart is bad.  She also has very low platelets so could develop a bad bleed.  The vaccine wouldn’t prevent her from dying from other causes, but doesn’t mean it caused her to die either.  As far as I can tell no deaths have been directly connected to any of the vaccines being given in US.  The Astrazenica vaccine seems to be having a lot of bad press.  Not sure about it.  People in the UK have been getting it for a while and they don’t seem to have issues.  But Europe is another matter.  UK withdrew from EU and Aztrazenica is out of UK.  So who knows if this is political or not.  Believe Europe has not been doing much vaccinating so this is an issue for them.  Hope for the sake of their people they get this safely straightened out. 

  • mxnmomma
    mxnmomma Member Posts: 5
    Legacy Membership First Comment

    Hello everyone:

    I  guess  I am one of those  who reads and does not post.  I tend to be very lethargic  and  with being  alone and staying home most of the time,  there is never anything new to share.

    I still love my boys, Oscar and Diego.  Not  sure what I woud do without my furbabies.  Diego likes  to lay on my lap all day but Oscar  snuggles up against me at night.  It is nice to have the  company  even though they tend to bark a lot.  But barking is their job,  makes my home more secure.

    Not sure if I have mentioned that my yard has a  chicken  coop which just needed a little repair so I bought 10  chicks last spring.  No one told me I  could get an egg a day from each hen so I have a lot of eggs.  I give away most of the eggs,  find that people are thrilled to get them  and I am not much of an egg eater. The bonus is from time to  time the people I  give the eggs to send me something for dinner.  Nice to have some tasty Mxn cooking

     My cleaning lady  comes 3 times a week,  The pups are in and out all day so the floors need sweaping and washing and it is just nice having help keeping the house clean.  I have fallen a few times and hurt my back so I can't manage on my  own.  Wish friends  would stop telling me  I need to go for walks because the back pain is too intense to go far.  

    I was very happy to get  my first dose of Covid vaccine last friday, It took 6 hours but I had a chair with me so I was fine.  The  staff were  wonderful, even gave us bottles of water so we wouldn't dehydrate.  They plan to give us the second dose in three weeks but I plan to ask a friend to pick me up  since she got her vaccine last Friday too and  will be going when I do.

    Not much going on here.  I spend most of my time  with the pups   but do find chatting with friends on FB  and calling family and friends helps deal with the  boredom.

    Good to know most of you are doing well.  I just  wish my back was good enough to be more active.

    Take Care and stay well


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, you asked about Florida news re: virus. We do not have an outbreak, numbers are dropping,  but what has been in the news seems to be all about Miami Beach having such huge crowds for spring break. Much more than usual because FL is so open. Most are not wearing masks, not taking precautions, etc., so the city officials enacted a curfew and some other things to try and get some crowd control regarding virus. A Miami Beach curfew in spring break, really is news.

    Of course that’s all college kids, I don’t know what good it will do, and the businesses just want the business so they’re not helping much at all.  The gov. has been criticized hugely (correctly, IMO) for so few restrictions; some local governments try restrictions, and a lot,of stores/businesses elsewhere do require masks, but FL is more “open” than many places. And then add Spring Break, it’s a big mess.

    Also been reading a lot about the bad statistics Sayra mentioned with good explanation.  Just because somebody dies after getting vaccine, does not mean the vax caused the death. They may well have died anyway. But anti-vax people will play up the deaths and distort it.

    Jo—we used to get that Wind and Weather catalogue! I got a lot of boat and weather-related gifts for DH from there. (Sailors usually take big interest in weather; we had boats and sailed a lot—including San Diego and SF—before Alzheimer’s). But it had so much fun stuff for yard and garden. I’d kind of forgotten about it, now I want to look. And I agree, I’d rather flip through a catalogue than online.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Anne,

    I wish I had some tasty Mex cooking the closets I get to that is Taco Bell. It is nice hearing from you. I am also one of those people that add to the looker count. I look a few times a day and I don't always post. My little dog Molly spends most of her day in my lap. My friend has 2 pugs when I am at her house Molly has to share my lap with them. One pug is on the right leg the other is on the left leg and Molly is in the middle. We spend nights with her pugs when she travels so Molly has grown up with them. 

    Sara,  Thanks for the stats on the vaccines. I was just wondering if the people who are dying are dying from the virus after they received both of  their vaccines. 

     I also have some hummingbird feeders I had to move them off my front porch and hang them in the trees. The sweet stuff was dropping on the porch and drew a lot of ants. I want to move them back up to the porch maybe I will see if I can find something to extend the feeders out I love to watch them feed. 

    I have had snow off and on all day. Weatherman says we will be having a summer like week end. I sure hope he is right. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Guess I should call myself a 'looker' as well, read every day, but don't post very often. Nothing interesting to share, live goes on day to day without much change.

    Just got an appointment for first covid shot on Wednesday week at my Doctors surgery. It will be AstroZenica, because they don't have to have the extreme refrigeration. Also we can make it here in Australia, so don't have to import. The EU has been holding up our imports, saying they need it more than we do. Probably true.

    Now in real autumn here -- we don't have many trees that drop their leaves, so don't call it 'fall'. Just cooler weather. My autumn crocuses have finished flowering, soon it will be daffodils etc. Thinking what vegetables to grow for winter, tomatoes have virtually finished, but still have capsicums and lettuce to pick.

    The book is being edited. I think I'm getting excited! Barbara

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Zetta, I'm afraid if I took down the trash the night before it would be all over the road by morning. I always have at least one sack of cat and dog food cans so it would tempting to a wolf or coyote.  It won't be long before it's good daylight when I have to do it.  I'll figure out something next fall and winter.

     You're having snow and right now we're having a little rain.  There's another line of storms to come through late tonight which could be severe but it may be south of here.

     Sara - I don't have any crocus - used to have a couple but they're disappeared.  And, I don't believe the pretty, white flowers in the yard are going to bloom this year - guess the freeze got the blooms - the leaves are still there but no buds.  I think I mentioned the  Bradford Pear trees are beginning to bloom so guess the redbuds and dogwood are about ready, too.  We can't seem to raise either the redbud or dogwoods - guess it's too cold and windy up on this hill.  I do see a lot of them along the creeks on the way to town.  I do think they're so pretty.

     I've never really thought about raising a zucchini in a container - might try that.  I do love them cooked with tomatoes and onions and fried.

     Anne, glad to see your post.  What kind of chickens do you have?  You know Charles and I had chickens many, many years ago - at that time we were both working at the VA Hospital so we decided we'd sell the eggs up there to the employees.  They were jumbo and we sold them for fifty cents a dozen.  If you're getting ten a day - you'd have five dozen to sell a week and still have some for your use.  I bet you could sell them for at least a dollar or dollar and half a dozen.  Many people won't buy or use the eggs sold commercially - the ones raised in cages and never touch the ground and are given antibiotics.  But, exchanging them for Mexican food is a good idea, too. 

     Glad to hear that Oscar and Diego are doing well.  Dogs are so much comfort and company.  I think I'm beginning to lose Barclee.  Today he slept until 1:30 p.m., was up a while, then went back to sleep.  He has been eating pretty well but yesterday he ate very little and the same today.  I can't even get his medicine down.  I think I'll stop trying to force him to eat and let nature take it's course.  A hard thing for me, or anyone, to do but I think it's close to his time.  Our vet agreed and that was a month ago.

     Glad you got your first vaccination.  I got mine two weeks ago tomorrow so have another week before I can get the second one.  I'm just hoping our health dept. has the Pfizer one next week.  Guess I could wait until the next week but hate to do that.  Our health dept. says they don't know which vaccine they'll get so I'll just have to wait and see.

     Rescue Mom - on the news tonight they were showing the near-riots in Florida - Miami, not sure.  The kids were going wild, so close together and no masks at all.  I think they were trying to enforce a curfew.  I'm just afraid states are opening things up too soon - two more months and we'd be much safer.

     Sara is so good at explaining things.  She has taught us so much the last few months about what we should do to avoid getting the virus and about the vaccines.  Very smart lady.

     Zetta, I love hummingbirds but have a hard time keeping the wasps and ants out of the feeders.  I make my own food instead of buying the red kind.  I don't remember seeing a hummingbird last summer even though I did keep the feeders filled - something was drinking it or it was evaporating.  I'll hope to see some this summer.

     Barbara, do your daffodils blooms this late?  The ones we have bloom in the spring -they're in full bloom now but will be gone in a week or so.  I think they're one of my favorite flowers.  I keep a bouquet of them on the kitchen counter and another by my chair so I can enjoy them.  I've been picking them for at least a week - I pick the ones that have fallen over.  It seems like every year there's more of them, in different places.

     I looked up that capsicum vegetable you mentioned.  It said it's what we call a bell pepper. Reminds me when Darwin was here to help with the baby, he had cooked stuffed peppers.  He said he knew I didn't eat meat so didn't bring any.  He's asked me if I wanted some before.  When I was growing up my mother often made them.

     When do those beautiful purple-blooming trees bloom down there?  Can't remember what you call them -  I call them Royal Empress trees - ours have big buds but no blooms yet.  They usually bloom in the spring and some blooms in the fall.  I can always tell when fall is near because they start to bud, then overwinter buds.  I'm always glad to see them bloom.

     You ladies need to post.  I know people get tired of reading about me feeding the girls, the dogs, etc.  I don't have anything of interest to much of anyone except me so what you have to post would be better than mine.  But, I'm always glad to see any posts you all do.

     I took pictures of the new baby, Spring, her mom and one of Rose Bud.  There's not much light where I'm sitting so I'll post them tomorrow.  I need to get a better picture of Rose Bud - the one I took looks like she's all head. 

     Hope all of you have a restful night - I think I could go to bed now and go to sleep.  I watched a basketball game today, first I've watched all year.  It was the Sweet Sixteen - University of Oklahoma played Gonzaga and lost but a pretty good game. Well, there's always next year.

     Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra wrote:

       Just sort of wondered if Iris had a plan B in place.  She seems to have some good thought processes in dealing with her illness.

    Sayra, I posted a long response to you that got lost in cyberspace, and I know I cannot replicate it. 

    I do have a quasi plan B but it's not in place.  It's mostly in my head.  I do have notes and an outline of what I'm going to do, or what I am thinking about going to do.  My aim is to rely on technology to assist me.  First I will massively downsize and live simply.  If and when I need human help, I will hire from an agency.  I have done this before.  I had I hired my neighbors to help me, then I hired from an agency.  This part is not difficult.  

    The difficult part is finding someone competent and trustworthy to handle finances and medical care--someone who will follow my wishes.  I have a brother who is competent and trustworthy, but he is still working on the other side of the country.  After reading so many caregiver posts, I decided I don't want to impose on him or on any of my other relatives.  I have no nieces or nephews, my first cousins are old or sickly themselves, and their children don't know me that well, some not at all.

    I had been thinking of moving to a CCRC but after reading about the lockdown-induced solitary confinement and isolation and the many deaths in facilities, I am leary!  I'll take my chances in my own paid-for home for as long as I can.  At least as long as I am ambulatory and not housebound.  I read about Lorita with great interest and encouragement.  If she can do it in the country with so many animals, I hope I can do somewhat as well.

    If you have ideas, please let me know, now or whenever you think of them in the future.


  • Jane Smith
    Jane Smith Member Posts: 112
    Eighth Anniversary 100 Comments
    Lorita, obviously I can only speak for myself but I absolutely, positively, do not get tired of reading about you, your girls, and the dogs and cats. In fact, I often save reading this thread as a sort of treat for myself!  I am sorry that Barclee is not well and know it must be a worry for you.   And Jo, I’m glad to hear the mostly very positive news about Laurel, although of course the remaining surgery is stressful and I know it’s still very concerning and upsetting. 
    I post sometimes on the occasional thread but had not thought about posting regularly. Thank you for the invitation.  Although I would rather share more details with you lovely people, generally I don’t like to give a lot of personal information anywhere on the internet because there are some people from my past who don’t need to know anything about me.  I live in the Midwest and currently have two relatives with dementia:  my mother, who is in late stage and in a memory care unit in a nearby facility.  She’s also on hospice. I have another relative on the other side of my family who is in early stage dementia and is in a different facility in a different city; a mutual relative is her caregiver/PoA, but I’m involved.  My maternal grandmother also had dementia and my mom was her sole, and live-in, caregiver for many years and that was all kinds of awful for my mother. They had a very difficult relationship at the best of times.
    I am very fortunate that my mother so far has sufficient funds for her care, an excellent facility, and a great doctor.   I am grateful to have a supportive husband and a couple of good friends who are understanding about the dementia/caregiving thing. (A lot of people mean well, but don’t understand at all; I’m sure you know what I mean.) I had a fabulous local support group before Covid but we did not transfer to a virtual group. I have found a virtual support group that is great and hospice started a support group a few months ago also. I complain about my mom’s hospice company a lot, because they annoy me a lot,  but the parts they get right they get really right!  Her current hospice nurse is good and the grief therapist has been super supportive for me and has helped me a lot. The less said about the administrative stuff, the better.
    I often feel like, since dementia and caring for my mother started, I am not a very interesting person and don’t always want to talk, which is probably why I’ve not posted here much. It’s certainly not for lack of kind listeners!  It’s been almost ten years since becoming my mother’s caregiver and it just…took over an awful lot of my life, and then Covid took over a lot of what I had left. If that makes sense. 
    Which makes me sound very whiny, which I didn’t intend!  I like to read, I like to cook and bake, and thank goodness Covid hasn’t stopped any of that. No kids, one cat.  I’m fully vaccinated and my husband will be eligible to schedule his first shot soon. A lot of our friends and what family I have nearby (all of his live farther away) are starting to get vaccinated so I’m hoping to be able to visit with people more soon. Case numbers in my area are getting better, and vaccinations are picking up so that is good. I love spending time with friends and family and traveling, which has mostly not been possible with Covid and/or winter weather.  We had been planning a big trip to Europe for 2020 which of course didn’t happen last year and we are not even going to try this year. Maybe a driving trip somewhere once we are both vaccinated, later this year.  
     Oh and a haircut!  Now that I’m vaccinated and my stylist is vaccinated I’m excited to have my first haircut since , I don’t know, maybe last September.  Nobody at work will recognize me since between a mask and my ridiculously long hair, you basically can’t see my face.  I normally have very short hair but not right now!
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Really enjoyed visiting on the porch with all of you yesterday.

    Anne good to know you are doing ok.  Had thought about you several times here lately.  Ate at a Mexican restaurant in Houston once.  Was really good.  Was very different from the Mexican restaurants here.  The pinto beans were so good.  Wish I knew how to cook them like they did.  Glad you are in the process of getting your vaccine.

    Zetta I personally have not heard of anyone dying  after fully vaccinated.  In the trials there was no hospitalizations or deaths post people being fully vaccinated. 

    Did get hummingbirds and yellow finches to my feeders last summer.  So hopefully will again.  

    Barbara glad you are able to get your vaccine.  So interesting that your flowers that are blooming now are blooming now here too.  Guess I always assumed that they bloomed in the spring everywhere, guess that is why we are not suppose to assume.

    Talked with J Sunday.  She always seems so happy to talk to me.  Mentioned a couple of times how  happy she was to see my sister.  Hope to go see her in a few weeks.  She talked a little over a hour and her conversation was totally normal.  She would like to see my nephews.  They are not vaccinated yet.  Know one will have to if they go on the cruise they are planning.  So maybe he will go with his mom or me to see her if that happens.  That would make her day. 

    Redbuds and dogwoods are so beautiful out in the woods.  Don’t get to see that too much now since not out in the country.

    Watch a you tube channel and she grows a lot of zucchini in containers.  Think certain ones are more suited for containers.  These were the types I got seeds for.  Looked up the Royal Empress tree.  Have never seen one.

    Hi Jane, Sounds like you have a pretty good support system in place.  Nice that your family and friends are being vaccinated.  Wish my family would all do that.  Right now doesn’t seem that will happen.  Very disappointing.

    A friend is getting her second shot Wednesday.  Then in two weeks we will be able to get together.  Are going to do carry out and planning on a plant shopping trip in May. She raises a garden too, and neither on of us are mask phobic.  

    Iris thanks for your response.  My posts get lost now and then.  Seems like we have quite a few of the same thought processes though.  My biggest concerns are the same as yours.  Have started not trusting those I have in place to do that.  Not a real comfortable feeling.  Will keep trusting that something will come to my mind and work out if that needs to be, and think it will.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day, take care

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    I'm another reader/not-often-poster here. My life really isn't very noteworthy. Anyway...for Sayra regarding refried beans. I love Mexican food, being born and raised here in California. Several years ago I heard this hint: put some sour cream in your canned refried beans and maybe some hot sauce or taco sauce if you like and mix it up. It really does help. I've always bought the Rosarita brand of refried beans, preferring the green chile lime version. They say to add 1/3 cup of sour cream to the can but I found that that is too much for my taste.

    Also, I'm a nut for tacos. Love them! I got sick of frying the tortillas and having them crack in the bottom resulting in everything dripping down my arm! So now I just put them directly on the gas burner and char them on both sides. Another trick I saw on TV was to line the tortilla with a romaine lettuce leaf (or half a leaf) and the pile your stuff into the tortilla. Do that instead of putting the shredded lettuce on the top of everything else. You still get the fresh crunch without the mess. It's a shame I had to wait until I was a doddering old lady to run across these hints that make my taco life easier!  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Seaside your life is noteworthy.  Think all of us on here feel that way a bit.  In reality think most of us, if not all,  just like hearing about everyone’s daily life.  Someone recently said it was their treat for the day.  Feel that way too.

    Just looked and yes that brand and variety is available here.  Will try it.  Have never made my taco shell.  Use Ortega  good grains crunchy ones.  They are pretty stable and heat well.  Have an electric stove.  Maybe I will look into it and try it sometime.  Do you use corn tortillas?  Do you make your own tortillas? Love the leaf of lettuce idea.  Will try to remember to try that.  This I just sort of accidentally found out on my own.  Take  all my topping ingredients and mix them together including sour cream and taco sauce.  Then stuff my shell with it.  The toppings don’t fall off that way.  Love tacos and eat them frequently.  Just about any type of leftover meat I have, use it up on a taco.

    The beans I had in Houston were not retried.  They were just cooked. They had a broth.  Best I remember they had onion and tomato in them but don’t know what they used for flavoring.  Do you ever cook any that way?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Sara, daddy was a really good cook and he'd sometimes put tomatoes and onions in his beans as they cooked and I think maybe sometimes a little chili powder.  Maybe that's what you were tasting - or cumin.  I don't like cumin so don't use it but most people do. 

     Betty, I love refried  beans and what a good idea to put sour cream and/or hot sauce in them - good thing to remember. 

     Sara, mixing all the taco ingredients together and then adding to the tortilla is another good idea.  See - we all learn from each other - things I've never thought about and sound so good and easy to do.   We used to make chalupas quite often (probably spelled that the wrong way).  They were so good but the tomato/cheese sauce was thin and made it's way down your arm.

     I'm so glad all of you enjoy reading our posts - things that seem mundane to us can seem differently to others.  Maybe the reason you all like to read my posts is that most of you live in town or urban areas and I'm in the country with animals.  I've lived here my whole life except for about two years, total, living in town.  I think I probably enjoyed it while there but would not move back unless it was a necessity.  I like to be able to get up in the mornings and go outside in my gown and not see anything except green grass, trees, cows, dogs and cats.  We're a quarter mile off the road on the north and east so hardly even hear a car or truck on the road. 

     The girls had gone off the graze by the time it was light enough to see them this morning.  After good daylight I could see them way up by the MH - saw Rose Bud standing in the south pasture with a couple nearby.  Later when I looked all the others were gone and she was laying down.  Always worries me when I see her laying down - I'm afraid she won't be able to get up - and that time will probably come.  I just looked and she's up - always breathe a sign of relief when I see that.  She's kind of  - not sure what the word would be - but when I feed her I always try to pet her head and she shakes her head.  Doesn't like that at all.  Most of the girls like to be petted.  Brings me to think of Spring, the new baby.  When I went out to give her mom some more hay this morning she came over to me.  Guess I sort of imprinted on her because I was the first to touch her and had my fingers in her mouth and nose.  Yesterday she came all the way over to me and let me pet her.  Her mother is as big Brangus cow and she looks so small next to her.  You'll see in the pictures I post.  I'll try to get a good picture of her by herself and another one of Rose Bud in a day or so. 

     It rained last night - lots of water around and it's only 50 degrees and cloudy.  So glad I took advantage of the good weather yesterday - I put 400 lb. of creep in the feeder so won't have to worry about that for a while.  Also put 50 lb. in the back of the car where I have Rose Bud's feed - so that leaves enough feed for the girls for six more times.  Not sure if I'll buy more or not.

     So, a week from today, hopefully, I'll get my second Pfizer vaccination.  Surely do hope I can get in at the health dept. instead of driving to another town.  I think you have 41 days after your first vaccination to get your second one so that's three more weeks - maybe I'll wait if they don't have Pfizer next week.  But, would like to get it done and on toward being fully immunized.

     I'm glad you ladies decided to post - we always like new people to talk with - so, please come back as often as you like.  We like to hear about your lives, too.  All of our lives are noteworthy - just that sometimes it doesn't seem that way to us but does to others.  That's the way I feel about mine - just being home, taking care of all the animals has become my way of life.  Really, before I lost Charles it was our way of life, too.  The only time we left was for appointments and to get groceries.  We used to go to Tulsa almost every weekend but not for a long time before we lost him.  I enjoy people and talking with them but guess I'm sort of a loner as far as going anywhere.

     FedEx guy, Colton, brought my catfood, pop and sugar yesterday.  The big box was so heavy with the catfood and pop that it was coming apart.  I took out some of the things and sprayed them but everything's on the porch and will stay there for a few days.  Bryon and Shane may come tomorrow after they get off work at 4 to trim back the holly.  It's way too muddy to get to the brush to take the limbs but he'll haul away the holly trimmings anyway.  The leaves are sharp and I can't chance the girls getting them in their throat.  They like to eat leaves so I'm afraid they'd try and get choked.  It'll take a couple of years to get them back into shape.  Also need to get the altheas and crepe myrtles trimmed.  I've always done that until the past two or three years.  After I hurt my shoulder cutting ice a couple of years ago I can't reach up and use the lopper to cut the limbs so they're not blooming as much as they should. 

     This morning I put water in my electric pot for my hot tea, then started to get some for Tom and Jerry and the pressure was really low - finally went off so don't know what's going on with the water.  Glad I filled the water tanks late yesterday.  Anyway, there's places the girls can drink when they're out in the pasture besides the ponds and water tanks. 

     Barclee (thank you all for mentioning him and feeling bad that he's not well) slept fairly well last night until about 2 a.m.  Got him up to the bathroom, then he went back to sleep for a while.  When he woke up again I put him in the warm bathroom for a while, then back to bed.  He did eat some of his breakfast this morning - and his medications - and is now back to sleep.  I need to bathe him but I think it's too cold.  He has an open sore place on his hip that the vet says is a pressure sore that I can't get healed and has had an abscess under his chin so he needs to be bathed - maybe it'll warm up enough in a day or so.  Seems like he lost weight almost overnight - used to weigh almost 20 lbs. but I bet he doesn't weigh more than 10 now.  Both the GPs stayed in last night, went out early, then back in when I came back in - they've had breakfast and are now sound asleep.  I put some kind of flea medicine on them and was thinking I might use Seresto flea collars this year but heard a day or so ago that many dogs have died from using those flea collars - so I won't for sure.

     I've written enough for now.  Zetta, Gunsmoke's on so I'll watch a couple of those.  Saw a little bit of Cheyenne late yesterday - another good western that used to be on.

     I'll post a picture of Spring and a couple of she and her mother.  Notice how big her mother is - she could walk underneath her.  The picture of Rose Bud isn't too good - I took it at the wrong angle so I'll get another so you all can see how thin she is.  Hope you like them.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions


     Lorita,   I enjoy hearing about all your critters. I am a animal lover so with you talking about your girls I now have a better understanding of cows. I would love to see the pict of Spring. That is a perfect name you gave her. I understand how your trash can get messed up with coyote's we have to make sure the lid on our can is down tight if not the crows will drag stuff out. And the crows know what day the garbage cans are set out. I hope you are able to get out and enjoy some good weather today.

    Sara,   It is so nice you visit with J. She is probably pretty lonely there and looks forward to your visit. Just think how happy she will be when she sees you and gets a Hug. 

    Jane,    Your not whiny, please don't feel that way. This is a good place to come and share how you feel there is a lot of comfort here. All of us have or are still being caregivers so we can share your feelings. I know caregiving takes a lot from a person. My DH was in MC he passed away 3 years ago. I found a lot of comfort here from these caring people. 

    Betty,     You sure don't have too be Noteworthy to post here. I totally am not Noteworthy. But you will find the posters here will make you feel special.  I love tacos I try my best to make them but I get board with the way mine turn out. I love your idea of putting the lettuce down first so I will do that next. I am from Calif  I was born in Sacto,  I now live in Oregon. What part of Calif are you from? With the name of Seaside my guess is you live close to the coast. I grew up spending a lot of time along the coast.  Is that a little dog on your lap? I also have a little dog that is her on my lap. Her name is Molly.

    Have a Good Day, Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, how nice for you to see grass, trees, cows, dogs and cats in your nightgown when you get up.  It's refreshing to the eyes.  I live deep in the city, but my condo is in front of our only large tree with a grassy area.  Now that it's springtime, I'm beginning to hear birds chirping in the morning from my balcony.  There is a duckpond a few blocks away, and I will occasionally hear ducks honking when they are flying overhead.  I feel like I'm in the country.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Back again - Iris, your home sounds beautiful - how lucky you are to have that one big tree and grassy area in front of your condo so you can enjoy it.  Many people in cities don't have grass around at all - just concrete.  Do you ever see the ducks or just hear them.  When I was growing up we had ducks on our pond but coyotes got all of them.  At that time we had chickens and somewhere daddy found some duckeggs and put them under a sitting hen.  When they hatched the hen thought the ducklings were her babies (guess they really were).  Daddy cut a tire in half, put it in the yard and filled it with water.  The little ducks jumped right in and that really upset the mother hen. She'd run around and around the tire trying to get them out.  I guess eventually they got big enough to go to the pond.

     We have coyotes, wolves, wild hogs, panthers and who knows what all, too.  I've seen the coyotes and wolves and also wild hogs.  Last fall I had the front door open and looked out and there were at least a dozen wild hogs on the land east of us.  The owner had soybeans in it and guess they were having lunch.  I've never seen any on our place but they say every one of our counties (77) have wild hogs.  Our neighbor's son got rid of a lot of them on his place.  I don't ever want to meet one of them out in the pasture.  The man who helps our vet feed has had run-ins with them.  Twice he was feeding and they ran him up on the bed of his truck.  They can be dangerous.

     Zetta - I've seen on TV that they have taco shells with a flat bottom - never tried them.  I've always bought the shells already made so didn't make my own.  I don't eat meat now so guess tacos would be on my menu - except for the vegetables.

     The sun has come out here so it may warm up a little bit this afternoon.  I think I'll drive the car down to the mailbox after a bit so I can see the girls in that pasture.  I see a few of them laying close to the pond in front of the house.  Tomorrow I think I'll let the new mom (going to have to name her) out north of the house to eat the grass that's growing there.  Amazing how fast things are getting green.

     Caught Sheena laying down asleep and was able to cut her toenails on her right back foot and cut a couple of pieces of matted hair off her foot.  She has long hair on her legs and feet - Stormy doesn't.  Their hair is so different - his is flat and straight and hers is fluffy.

     Sara - I have a couple of seed catalogs in the car or PU so I'm going to check on those container zucchinis - guess the bush isn't as big as the ones you plant in the ground.  There used to be a restaurant in Muskogee that had delicious fried zucchini.  I think they dipped them in milk, then in bread crumbs before they fried them - so good. I've tried it using Panko and they were pretty good.  Years ago I used to try a lot of different recipes - now, not so much.  You seem to try a lot of different things and I like to hear about how they turn out. 

     I've been wanting to make pancakes but I'm out of eggs so looked up what I could use as an egg substitute.  There are 17 different things you can use; one was l tsp. baking soda and l T. apple cider vinegar for each egg.  Dawned on me that's what I've been using in that chocolate cake I make - l tsp. soda and l T. lemon juice in it.  The combination makes it rise.  Also can use applesauce.  Some morning when I'm really industrious I'll try that in the pancakes.  Maybe if I can get my second shot next Tuesday I'll wear two masks and go into the grocery store - maybe.

     Glad you got to talk with Jean and that she was coherent - makes conversations much easier. 

     Jane, sounds like you've had a lot of dementia in your family.  Same here;my mother and sister both had alzheimers and my husband had vascular dementia.  I have a cousin who's in his early 90s who has alz - his wife is his sole caregiver and it's about to get her down.  One of my nieces and I have always been afraid we might get it because my mother and her mother both had it.  She passed away a couple of years ago from MS - I still worry sometimes when I forget things.  Guess that's just natural.  I was Charles' sole caregiver for seven years - he's been gone over six years.  Hard to believe it's been that long and in another way it seems much longer. 

     Jane, I think maybe, we don't always use the right names for neighbors and/or friends.  Probably no way anyone could trace where we are but it is best to be careful.

    Enjoy the afternoon.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    How nice to see Anne and Barbara.   Been awhile and I have been wondering how you both were doing.   Hello to both of you; good to see you here on the front porch.

    Iris, so we are both hearing ducks.  I have been hearing ducks quacking around our housing tract.  We have a small park on the back of our block, but no pond.   However; there is a large park about a mile or so away and it has a large water feature with ducks, so that may be where they live.  Just so odd to hear them amongst the houses.

    Well . . . . on top of everything else, I got some startling news this a.m.  I had been having  hematuria for a few weeks off and on; so the doctor ordered a CT Scan of abdomen and pelvis.  Of course, I first was so hoping there would not be anything in the way of tumor and I am blessed that is not the case . . . . BUT . . . . me, the water drinker, has got kidney stones in both kidneys.  Oh no!  One kidney, the stone is 5.5 mm; the other kidney, it is 1.5 cm.  SO; off I go to making a urology appointment.  All of this after just being discharged from eight days in the hospital.   Last time I saw the inside of a hospital as a patient was nearly 40 years ago.  It is all coming down at once it seems.

    Really surprising to hear kidney stones as in multiple; I do not add sodium to my diet, I do not eat a lot of meat, (except this last St. Paddy's day), don't eat cheeses but rarely; I eat fresh fruit at each meal and veggies at lunch and dinner.  I drink about 2 liters of water a day; yet here I am.   My mother had kidney stones as has my daughter and one son.  So it appears genetics are at work. 

     I imagine this will not be an easy time of it.  Geeze, if it isn't one thing . . . . . .

    Thank you for the photos Lorita; Spring is a sweet little girl with the term "little" being rather relative.   I think you will be fine with your staying with your neighbor for a few hours; a mask will make you feel more comfortable and it all should be well.   I  too hope you find the Pfizer vaccine for your second vaccination, that will be a wonderful feeling to have it all taken care of.

    Here I thought my first big outing after the second vaccine time period of two weeks this coming Thursday, would be to get a haircut; but it appears the big trip will be to the urologist instead.  Drats.

     Got a shower bench as per PT for during my recovery.  It limits the space in the shower, and cannot close the shower door as my elbow hits it and springs it open; water, water everywhere no matter how careful I am.  Yet, it is good to have a seat, now I know why all the newer houses have built-in seats in the showers; sure is nice when shampooing.   I always thought we had a nice big shower; but evidently not as big as it felt.  It is the width I think.

     Off I go; need to call and make that urology appt.  



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,   Thanks for the cute picts. Spring sure looks small standing next to her MaMa.  I was watching the Zoo Chanel yesterday and I saw a big animal giving birth to a big baby. I can't remember what it was but it was not a cow, but it was big.     

    Did you hear about the idiot who took his 2 year old daughter into the Elephant yard at the Bronx Zoo?  The elephant went after them but they  survived and he was arrested. I hope he is still in jail.  I am watching Bonanza now and when it's over Gunsmoke starts. 

    I hope your all enjoying the day. 

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Jo, it will be interesting to see how you and your doctors handle your stones. I have had them blasted twice, last time about 10 years ago. The process is called lithotripsy; you probably know, but they don’t cut you, they  break up the stones with sound or laser waves. (Hugely different then when my mother had stones 30 years ago).  Same as same-day out-patient surgery. You are “asleep” when they do it, no incision to deal with, and no pain afterwards except feeling a bit bruised, best I could describe it.

     By now they may have another new way to get rid of them. I also have still have some small ones they decided to leave alone. Its if/when they start to move down and out that they cause such indescribable pain. Worse than childbirth. Incapacitating, mind destroying. 

    At least when I had them, the hospitals would immediately give you major pain med. knowing what pain they cause.  Now they’re so reluctant to give pain meds for anything, I seriously fear another attack and no relief provided. I wish now they’d gone ahead and got my small ones, but....too late now.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    A little more about the tacos for Sayra. I use Mission brand white or yellow corn tortillas. "Supersize, Supersoft, Low Fat." Another way to prepare is to microwave the tortillas gently just to warm them up so that you can fold them and they don't break. Then you put your grated cheese in the folded tortilla, then some meat. Then fry them that way in skillet with oil. After both sides are crispy take them out, gently open them up enough to add your toppings. I stopped doing it this way because I didn't want to consume so much oil...also couldn't put as much meat in them with that method. Also like to top with a slice of avocado and squeeze lime juice over all. I miss cooking for a family...had 3 children and loved to cook. Lots of times now I'll slice 6 chicken breasts horizontally so that they're thin, marinate them, and grill them outside. Then I have chicken for nearly a week...can use for salads, season one up for tacos or use in a casserole. Same with a small tri-tip roast...roast it for my Sunday dinner, then fix the leftovers several different ways. No fun to eat alone, is it?

    Zetta...I was born in Glendale and lived in the San Fernando Valley nearly all of my life. But you don't want to get old in the San Fernando Valley! What a mess is now! Our son still lives there...says we all bailed on him. We had 3 children. One now lives in WA state and the other 2 live 2 hrs. from me, in different directions. They were such a loving help when we were going through Alzheimer's. My parents retired south to the San Diego area in the 70's. When my mother got lung cancer I pretty much lived down here for 6 months caring for her and my father. My husband was retired and one day suggested we pull up stakes and move south. I was elated and so we did. My mother died one night, and that next morning I had to go back up to help with the moving van, etc. What a sad time! I don't know how I even made the 2 hr. drive north that day. But you do what you have to do. My sister had come from ND for the last week of our mother's life. I couldn't have gone home if not for her...couldn't have left our Daddy alone. My sister is a cloistered nun (Carmelite) in ND and it was the first time that any of them had ever been allowed to travel for a sad errand such as this. Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it! Ha! We bought a home on a 1/2 acre down here, which is a pretty generous parcel for the city. My husband was a farm boy and needed his space for gardening, etc. It was so pretty when he got done with it that our grandchildren always wanted to play in "Pa's Park." We were so happy until...well, you all know how that story goes. He died 6 months before what would have been our Golden Anniversary.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Oh no, Jo, kidney stones!  But, like Rescue Mom said, better now than 30-50 years ago.  I worked in Urology for quite a long time - I was just thinking how many years ago it was - 57 (can't believe it was that long).  We'd have big, strapping men come in with stones and they'd lay in bed crying like babies.  It must be so painful.  Are you having pain or just the hematuria?  Back then, it was waiting a while to see if it would pass or, if not, then the surgery.  I remember once the doctor did surgery to remove a staghorn calculus - just could not imagine having something that looked like that.  At that time lithotripsy wasn't something that was done but as I remember before I left Urology for Medical Service they had begun to talk about it but the patient had to be transferred to another VA Hospital because ours didn't do it.  I don't know how big 5.5 mm. is but do they think it will pass - guess that's what the Urologist will talk to you about.  So sorry to hear about this especially since you've only been out of the hospital a short time.  Keep us up to date, please.

     Glad you all liked the pictures of Spring - I'll get a good one later.  Right now she's laying around a lot, gaining strength.   Yes, Zetta, I saw the story about that man getting into the elephant area.  Good thing that elephant decided to give him and his little girl time to get out before he really charged.  They were infringing on his territory.

     Jo, glad you think it'll be all right to be with Donna for a while. That is, if Darwin will call me.  I called her a while ago to talk a couple of minutes.  She was in bed, not feeling too well today.  I asked about him and she said he had gone into town for groceries and came home and went to bed.  She was probably asleep when he left.  The time will come when he won't be able to do that.  I'll just have to call every so often to make sure they're doing all right.  I can tell that he's really gone down in the last year.  This past winter has done a job on all of us - really a hard winter for ranchers.  He and I were talking about that and he said it just about did him in.  I didn't even have the heart to ask if he lost calves and cows.  He's soft-hearted and loves his cattle.  He told me when he didn't have so many he'd name then like I do.  They do become friends and/or part of the family.  The winter was hard for me, too, and I didn't have to cut ice on ponds - just in water tanks.  So very happy I was able to get our girls through that time.

     I haven't done anything today except sit here and watch TV (after I did my morning things).  I've been reading and looking at the Instant Pot.  Reading their instructions it sounds like you have to take it all apart and put it together again.  Also can't figure out what the little metal thing with feet is for - maybe to put inside when you cook a roast or something.  Sandy will know.

     Been thinking about going to the mailbox but I think I'll wait til a little later so I can check the girls before night.  I'll have to do that at least twice daily for the next few months.  It's beautiful and sunny now and I imagine it's warming up.  Everyone else in the house is asleep.

     We've been a talkative bunch today, haven't we?  Good porch-sitting weather.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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