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Just need to talk to my friends (146)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Thought I'd go ahead and get started with an empty cottonsack tonight.  Guess I'll never forget how that felt.  Those of you who are new to our thread may not know what I mean by that - when I was growing up we picked cotton or pulled bolls.  We put it in a long cotton sack with a green cotton boll tied in one corner at the end of the sack to help keep the sack pulling right.  We'd pull the cotton sack until it was almost full of cotton, then bring it in to weigh.  Then, when we started picking cotton again the sack was empty and didn't pull good until we got a few pounds of cotton in it.  You all just don't know what you missed if you didn't grow up on a farm.  I loved and love it.

 Nicole - I don't like hot summers either.  In Oklahoma we have pretty long, hot, humid spells with not much rain sometimes.  Completely drains you and you hate to go outside even though you have to.  I've always heard the heat in your area - NM west is a dry heat but heat is heat, dry or humid.

 Hump day for sure.  When I worked I always looked forward to Wednesdays.  Now, every day is a weekend day.

 It's been beautiful here today - cool and calm for once.  I bet you could count on both hands the number of days we have without wind and I think it's worse the farther west you go in Oklahoma.  I've tried having those wind things that go around and are so pretty - the wind ruins them and I can't have pretty Boston ferns on the front porch because of our south wind blowing through and drying them out even if I do mist them.

Hope you get finished with all your legal matters before long.  Keeps you busy all the time, doesn't it?  How's your uncle doing in this really warm weather?

 Sara - I found some flower seeds.  I like to plant Heavenly Blue morning glories on the arch over the gate and I know I collected seeds last fall.  Thought I'd put them in a little bottle in the freezer but couldn't find them.  Did find other packets of flower seeds though - one of mixed colors of morning glories so I'll plant them - also some zinnias, marigolds and cosmos.  I think I'll mix the seeds and plant them on either side of the gate around where the Gerbera daisies are.  I found a pkg. of zucchini seeds so I'm going to try to find a good place to plant a couple of hills of them - that will be more than enough if they make.  I think I can plant them out by the hydrant where I water the girls - about the only really sunny place I can think of and there will be water closeby if I need it.  Last year Mike brought some zucchinis and I grated them and made a loaf of zucchini bread (the recipe you said you liked best) and froze a couple of packages.  I need to use that before long.  I think you're supposed to put it in a colander and let it thaw and drain before you use it.  I found the handwritten recipe for zucchini bread so that must be the one I used - that you also liked.

 I left the water running in the lot - again.  I turn it on and think I'll remember to turn it off and I don't.  Usually I set my phone alarm but didn't do it this time so no telling how many gallons ran through the lot and out in front of the barn.  I was going to let the moms and babies out today but they decided to stay in the barn so I'll do that tomorrow - that way all the girls can get into the barn at the same time and not be so crowded.  A dozen or so stayed in the shade in front of the house today instead of going into the cowshed.

 I haven't had a headache today (knock on wood) and for that I'm very thankful - hate headaches.  So, hope that's over with. 

 Put the last of the gas in the Gator today so in a few days I'll have to go to our convenience store and get some more - maybe get a gallon of milk and a dozen eggs if they have them.  I'm still not sure about how the county line will be so I'll wait as long as I can.  Now - the phone alarm's going off.  A couple of nights ago I set it while I was running water and haven't changed it so it goes off at 7:30.

 Hope all of you enjoyed the day and are safe and well.  See you in the morning.



  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  Thought I’d better post before I seem MIA.  We’ve had rain, sunshine and warmth, and another couple days of rain this weekend.  I’ve enjoyed the rain because we sure need it.  

    They put me on higher dose of prednisone in case I have Giant Cell Arteritis.  I had temporal artery biopsies last Friday, and do not have it.  Good news.  I get to start tapering off to a lower dose on Saturday.  Thank Goodness because it gives me the jitters.  My voice was even jittery this morning.  Blood work and inflammation numbers still all messed up, so I might need a new med instead of prednisone.  Dr. thinks I have the original diagnosis, so will proceed with treating that.  Seems like a guessing game trying to identify autoimmune diseases.  I’m feeling so much better and feel that is a great sign.  I pray they get it resolved soon.  I know it takes time.  

    I hope Jo is getting through her kidney stone procedures ok, and the problem resolves.  Judith too, with her recent event.

    Praying for all of us, even if it’s sore muscles from working in the garden.

    I plan to start weeding flower plots this week.  I cut back plants last fall, but need to get them weeded and cleaned up a bit.  My neighbor is my new lawn guy.  He just retired a year ago and wanted something to do this summer.  I’m sure my yard is going to look better than ever.  Had a huge apple tree pruned back.  Sure looks better, but boy, was that expensive.  $435.  I got a couple estimates and both were high.  This crew had a girl working.  She climbed the tree and was cutting with a chain saw.  Strongest little thing I’ve seen.  

    I plan to get back in the basement and finish cleaning out the store room.  That’s what I was doing back in August when I started feeling bad.  It’s time I get that finished.

    Zetta, alpaca pics were great.  They do look lovable, but not sure they are.  Same with Loritas calves.  Sure are cute.

    I read every day here, so am keeping up.  I can’t believe the beautiful gardens you all have.  So much work.  But so worth it.  I love all the pictures.

    Hope you all have a restful evening and good night.  Rest well.  Joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Beautiful day today it got up to 87. I was going to work outside but I got sidetracked and rearranged my front room. My front room is pretty small so not much room to move stuff. But I found new places for everything. Rascal the cat went into hiding he finally came out now he is trying to get this all figured out. His toy box his cat bed and the couch he lays on to watch out the window have all been moved it will probably take him 2 days to figure it out. My son got the sprinklers all set out and back on the timers I sure love the sound of the sprinklers and the fresh smell.

     Lorita,  I am glad your head is feeling better I hope it is nothing more then a simple headache. More rest and down time is what you need and I am sure you get as much as you can. So how many babies do you have now? I lost track, I would love to see the little ones running and playing I bet it is cute. 

     Nicole,  Nice hearing from you and glad you have AC. My Niece lived in Vegas for a while and she it really get too hot. Do you think you will be spending the summer in Vegas?

    Joan,  I am glad your feeling better, please don't overdo yourself till you get your strength back. Its always nice hearing from you.

    Iris,  Wow!  5 cats they are good company and they must keep you busy. I love cats and dogs I have always had a few of each. Right now I have a Tuxedo cat his name is Rascal he is 9 and my little dog is Molly she is a chihuahua mix and I rescued her from a kill shelter. She is 7 now she was 1 when I got her. My daughter once lived on the second floor of a condo and her cats would go on the balcony and jump on the tree that hung over and go to the ground and run around for awhile then right back up the same tree. They are 17 now so she keeps them inside. No more tree climbing. 

    I hope you all have or had a good nights sleep. Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, the mom of one of my friends grew a few cotton plants so her grandchildren would know what it was and all about cotton picking.  I learned, too.  The cotton looked just like a ball of cotton from a drugstore--who would have thought?

    Zetta, it sounds like Rascal and Molly are good friends and good company for you.  I kept a lot of cats because I thought they would enjoy playing with each other.  But they do not.  They are really quite antisocial with each other.  Instead, they are very attached to me and want me to play with them and to sit on my lap.  In fact, they can get jealous if they see another cat on my lap, and they try to push the other cat off.

    Lorita, for years I didn't believe I was allergic to cats, although I tested 4+ to cats.  The allergist told me to keep the cats out of my bedroom.  Before, they slept on the bed with me.  A funny story:  I visited my brother who has a dusty home.  I always blamed my allergic sniffling on dust.  But when I visited him, I had absolutely no sniffling.  But when I returned home to my cats, the sniffling resumed.  So that experiment confirmed to me that I truly am allergic to cats!  When I'm in my bedroom I don't sniffle, but I sniffle in the living room.  Oh, well!  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Joan glad you are feeling a little better.  Autoimmune diseases can be very frustrating.

    Lorita glad your head felt better yesterday.

    Was another dark wet day yesterday.  Got very windy in afternoon so maybe dried things up a little.  Giving sunshine today will look forward to that.

    Got the cheesecake made.  Turned out good.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning front porch friends! Reading all the post on gardening makes me miss when I would grow my own fresh vegetables. I was going to make a small raised garden spot on my back deck, but just haven't felt like it.

    Lorita, I have had the experience of dragging a cotton sack behind me with a boll tied on it. Even though I grew up in the city we had a lot of country kin we visited often. I have many fond memories and just a few bad. I did not enjoy picking cotton but wouldn't trade the experience for anything. I remember going out to the watermelon patch, busting it open in the field and digging the heart out, sitting by a bushel basket of cherry tomatoes and eating my fill, standing by a plum tree getting a tummy ache from overeating, riding a horse with my cousin, sliding down a mountain of sawdust and many more memories. 

    I don't remember if I mentioned this but for several weeks I have had more than usual pains waking me up. I've had hip pain for some time now but it has been extremely painful lately, also sharp leg pain not related to muscle cramps. I do know that when prostate cancer spreads your bones is one of the places it goes and hope that is not my problem. Don't want another worry but it has become painful enough to have checked out. I aslo go next Monday for dental appointment to see about permanent teeth. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning all. 

    Lorita, thanks for starting the new thread. However, I'm going back to the previous thread to make sure I don't miss anything. Glad your storms weren't damaging, but sorry you had so much rain and flooding. We'd love to have your rain here. So dry, rivers so low. 

    Joan, I am so glad you are feeling better. Now you seem to have energy and want to go work in the gardens and basement. Try not to overdo it. 

    Nicole, I am sorry you have to spend the summer in the desert, when you aren't really enthused about it. Are you still considering placing your uncle? Then you could go home and live with your dear hubby. 

    Iris, I enjoyed hearing about your cats. I'm so glad you joined this thread. Such a warm, welcoming community here - we like to "sit on the porch talking and enjoying an iced tea or lemonade." Figuratively speaking, of course. 

    Sara, we learned about that no bake cherry cheesecake in 4-H when our leader served it at a meeting. Graham cracker crust, cream cheese and whipped topping center, and cherry pie filling on top - that's how we made it. I haven't made it in years but still have the recipe. Lately I have been making pies: blueberry, chocolate cream, chocolate chess, apple crumble and banana cream. Next up: strawberry rhubarb and then fresh strawberry (berries not baked). When my kids and grandkids come over for dinner (most weekends) I always try to make a nice meal. I enjoy cooking for them. Everyday cooking - not so much. 

    Ron, I enjoyed hearing about your farm experiences. I grew up in a small town of 400 people. I spent a lot of time at an aunt and uncle's farm. Climbed up in the hay mow once, and was afraid to climb back down! lol  The farmers in the neighboring area would get together to help each other with crop work, and my aunt would fix them all a huge meal, such as meat, potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, and dessert. Yum. Ron I hope you feel better soon and that the pain is arthritis, etc, not cancer. 

    Sara, I have never raised ranunculus before. I read that each tuber can produce many flowers with flowers lasting up to 6 weeks. They are annuals in our zone, so I may dig the tubers in the fall. I have not raised pineapple sage but did have some pineapple mint once. Smells so good. I don't allow mint on the property anymore.  lol   If you've ever grown it, you know why!  So nice you have a woods on your property. Do you find morel mushrooms? You mentioned wild naturals - you can try Prairie Moon Nursery or Prairie Nursery for natives for your timber. I don't have a woods but I do grow trillium, Virgina bluebells, Shooting Star, Dutchman's breeches and Jack in the pulpit. Your May apples sound great! 

    Lorita, glad you are feeling better. You amaze me with your capacity for work. You put me to shame!  I do walk the dog and spend hours in the garden; that is my exercise.

    Judith and Jo, hope you are feeling better and looking forward to another post from you.

    We have been going to grandchildren's softball and t-ball games the past couple of weeks.  Staying home tonight. 

    Many blessings,  Beth
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Had to come back to the porch to let everyone know I switched my westerns off this morning to watch some movies with music from the 50s. Now watching  a 1957 movie Jamboree, after it is 1956 Dont Knock the Rock.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita asked if I watch westerns.  No.  Other than The Young and the Restless, which I have watched since 1991, and a few CBS comedies, I don't watch tv.  I listen to the radio during the day and watch youtube videos in the evening.  I like to read before bedtime. Since the public libraries have been closed, I have been reading from my stacks of books I had set aside to read "sometime in the future."  

    My big challenge lately has been gathering my scattered paperwork to present to the accountant for tax preparation.  That was a chore!  It really stressed my brain cells!  I have to give my brain a rest now.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Well, the nursery is empty and closed - for now.  I guess I'm an empty nester - except for the cats and GPs.   I let the two babies and their moms out this morning - tried to get a picture but wasn't able to.  I watched them running around and exploring - a whole new world to them.  I thought one thing,well several things were so cute. The two babies went down by the pond and then started running full tilt back south with one of the moms running as fast as she could to keep up.  Then, they found the two little boys so they're all acquainted now.  I opened all the gates to the barn and I think everyone's inside now - at least I don't see anyone outside.  I spent a good hour or so out with them this morning, trying to see everyone and watching the babies.  I think they've gotten acquainted with all of the cows and little calves so they're part of the herd now and everyone will take care of them.  Zetta, I think we have about 13 little ones - these four who are under two months and either seven or nine a few months older.  I remember many years ago when we had over 100 head, we  had about 30 little ones.  At that time I wasn't counting everyone.  One year we had five or six little boys who were always running around together - we called them the bad boys.

     Zetta, I know what you mean about moving around furniture.  When Charles was here I couldn't do it because it upset him, even moving things around to mop or sweep would upset him.  Then I couldn't because Barclee and Kitt were used to where things were.  I'm not good at arranging furniture anyway.  My sister was the best at doing things like that but not me.

     Joan, I was reading your post about giant cell arteritis and the biopsy and remembered one of the shows of Doc Martin when he was doing the biopsy on his aunt when he thought she might have arteritis.  Looked kind of painful to have the biopsy.  So glad you didn't have it and hope you can get weaned off the Prednisone so they can start something different. 

     I agree, don't do too much or overdo.  I know when we don't feel well, then feel some better we want to get things done - but they'll wait - things will still be there later on.

     Iris, cotton is a very pretty crop - it has pink flowers that turn white (think I have that right), then the green bolls that grow until they're mature and open with four sections that are filled with the white cotton.  The cotton has seeds so has to be taken to a gin to separate the seeds from the cotton.  When I was growing up, every little town had a gin - even our little one.  Now, I doubt there's a gin within 100 miles of here.  There's a flea market type building south of Muskogee and sometimes they plant some cotton out front for people to see.  Picking cotton or pulling the whole bolls with the cotton inside is really hard on the fingers - the ends of the open bolls are as sharp as can be.

     I need to do what you've been doing - getting papers together and compiling information to take the my CPA to get my taxes done.  If I'd just get started it wouldn't take more than two or three hours.  I keep a book with receipts of all the things I can deduct - so go through that, check registers and bank statements to make sure I don't miss anything.  Then add up everything and get it all written down with the receipts. I have to get it done eat one or two settings though - can't leave things out on the table because the cats would scattered it everywhere.  I'm sure you have the same problem.

     I'm also glad you decided to post on our thread.  Many of us have been together from the very first - some stay and leave and others start posting.  I know the thread and learning from everyone helped me get through the caregiving years - I had a slight knowledge of alz. because my mother had it but didn't know nearly enough. I've learned so much from everyone.

     You said you were allergic to cats - do you take a pill to counteract the allergy?  I'd be in an awful shape if I became allergic to them.  Also glad I don't have allergies to weeds because I live in the middle of a countryside filled with them.

     Sara - glad you got the cheesecake made.  Sorry about the bad weather you're having though.  I used to make two different kinds of those cakes - or pies.  One I called Cherry-o-cheese cake (really a pie).  I can't remember but I think it had cream cheese and Eagle brand milk with a graham cracker crust - then topped with cherry pie filling.  The other one was lighter - no cherry topping.  I need to look up those recipes.   If I made a pie now I'd have to eat the whole thing (wouldn't that be awful?) - guess I could make little individual ones in glases.

     Beth - what wonderful sounding pies you're making.  I love pies.  When I was working there was a group of five of us that would have our birthday lunches together.  One of them retired and we'd go to her house for lunch.  Each one of us had a certain kind of pie she'd make for us - the one she made for me was Apple Pie Baked in a Sack.  I used to make them often but haven't for years.  I love pies (think I already said that).

     Your flowers sound so pretty - so  many of them I've never heard of.  I can just imagine how you love to sit out in your garden and enjoy the beauty and fragrance.

     Ron, I wouldn't give anything for the experiences I've had on the farm either - watching daddy change the equipment on his tractor to do certain things for the crops, helping him chop cotton or corn - everything.  .  You mentioned busting a watermelon in the patch and eating the heart of it with you hands.  Nothing ever tasted better, did it? 

     Ron, a few years ago I was having a lot of pain in my left hip.  My doctor told me I should take Glucosamine Chondroitin MS for it.  I did and within a few weeks the pain was gone.  I'm beginning to have it again so should start taking it again.  I hope it's not metastases - not sure if that makes your bones hurt or not.  Hope it's something else.

     I bet you're enjoying those movies today.  I looked or them but evidently don't get them here.  The music from the 50s and 60s is my kind of music - Charles liked doo wop - me, too. I've been watching Gunsmoke most of the day so I'm watching for both of us.

     Just have a slight headache today and I think part of that was being out so long in the sun.  Because of the iridectomies I've in in both eyes and cataracts too much light gets into my eyes.  I should wear sunglasses and do most of the time but I do take them off because they're very dark.  I shouldn't - when I get back into the house it takes a few minutes for my eyes to get back to normal - things are kind of dark for a while.  Gosh, when we get older there's so many, little things that happen that we never think about when we're younger.  Just goes with the territory, I guess.

     Iris, when I was growing up my grandmother lived with us and during the summer I watched soap operas with her.  There were two or three she really liked - I think at that time they were 15 minutes long - really enjoyed those times with her.  I don't watch any of them now - mostly westerns, it seems.    My mother collected all of Zane Gray's books to read when she retired.  She developed macular degeneration along with cataracts and never got to read them.  I still have them and have read a few - really good if you like westerns.  I don't read much anymore but used to enjoy it.  Your cats sound so lovely - are they rambunctious?  Our two Savannah cats are something to behold in the mornings.  I keep a spray bottle of water to try to quiet them - doesn't always work either.

     Hope Jo's getting along all right - maybe she'll post soon so we'll know how she is.  We miss reading her posts.

    My cooling pad is working off and on.  I ordered another one last night that should be here by Monday.  Of course, after that discovered a wire that was almost broken.  I have it taped back together now but it still comes loose.  Seems like there's always something going wrong.

     Watching The Waltons now so I'll stop and finish that. Talked briefly with Sarah - she's plodding along, trying to get appointments.  Says she has a migraine headache.

     Back later.  Enjoy the afternoon.  Sorry this was so long.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Goodnight everyone.  Sleep well.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello there Front Porch Friends; it is nearly 11:00 pm and here I am up and writing.  Go figure. I accidentally napped this afternoon sleeping deeply, so I am being a night owl for a bit.

    Lorita; here comes old Nurse J. again.  Your headaches:  do you have a reliable, accurate blood pressure monitor sized for your arm measurement to take your blood pressure at home?   Being that you are having recurring headaches and that they have been rather persistent lately, I would be much more comfortable knowing that you were checking your blood pressure on a consistent basis.   Since the headaches have been recurring, it would be best to have yourself checked rather than guessing what they might be attributable to.  We are, as I am wont to say, more "mature," that means more at risk of this and that happening. 

    For those who have the at-home blood pressure monitors, next time you have a doctor's appt., take the monitor with you to the appt. and after the MD or nurse checks your BP, then have it taken with your monitor to see how close the two measurements are.  It can  be surprising how often our at-home monitors are way off; not at all accurate and that is very important.  Having a monitor for your personal arm measurement so it is not too big or too small is also important for an accurate reading.

    The pics of the little ones were so cute, Lorita, and I really love the trees on your property; they are beautiful.

    It has finally cooled down a bit here; back in the 70's again which is so nice. Had to use the air conditioner for a couple of weeks and so glad to have it.  Of course that means high electric bills even if the AC is not set at a chill temp; but it is necessary in the worst of the heat.  We do not use heat much at all in the winter, so it balances out.  I think this is going to be a doozy of a summer for sizzling heat and I do not do heat well, especially if it comes with humidity - that does me in.

     Everyone is busy planting, sowing, and having their hands in the earth.  I miss that. The only planting I am doing at this time is planting my backside onto a chair.  The kidney stone intervention is still going on and on and on . . . . still have stent; have to go for another x-ray on the 20th to see what is what.  I may have to have the lithotripsy repeated.  Every once in awhile, I get a low back ache and the stent becomes uncomfortable - in about a day I pass a teensy, teensy tiny little bitsy bit of a stone only about the size of a period at the end of sentence or just a teensy speck larger.  All that trouble for so little.   

    I have to stay upstairs. We only have a small powder room downstairs, and since I must use a plastic "hat" and a strainer when voiding which need cleaning and sanitizing, (which now seems to be my new hobby), it is far more expedient and sanitary to use the larger upstairs bathroom, so I am granny in the attic.

    Have to say, I am SO tired of having to spend so much time running to the bathroom. I am drinking tons of water as I am supposed to, and especially with the stent, it is run, run, run including waking up in the middle of the night.  I am feeling a bit petulant, but am reminding myself to chill and be grateful for all blessings in our life.  However . . . .

    Supposed to drink acidulated water to prevent new stones; that means about 1/2 cup lemon juice every day mixed with water.  Guess that is now permanent in my life. Turns out once one has a kidney stone, most people will have a recurrence within ten years and acidulated water helps prevent that stone formation.  Enough about that stuff.

    No bake cheesecake.  My no-bake included using a mix, but boy it was good and no one knew a mix was involved.  I used a springform pan, using a nice graham cracker crust made with butter and sugar pressing it into the pan bottom and a bit up the side. I then took the mix, added one large and one small package of softened Philadelphia cream cheese and a bit of fresh lemon.  I used the mixer on the cream cheese and lemon first and then added the mix with milk according to the package recipe.  Poured it into the graham cracker crust. I also used a cherry pie filling topper adding a little to it and spread it on top the cheesecake.  At dessert time, I simply took the cheeseake out of the springform pan; it looked wonderful and it was really, really good.  Everyone loved it and I told no one a mix was involved since no one asked.

    Beth's garden being a stop for monarch butterflys reminds me of one time when we were driving over Mount Tamalpais in Marin County above San Francisco; it was a surreal experience.  We were unaware it was monarch migration time; we drove up the mount; we were the only car on the road. Suddenly we saw  there were hundreds and hundreds, I actually think thousands of monarchs just everywhere, everywhere - it was like a colorful fluttering cloud covering everything around.  To top it off, there were a half dozen monks making a pilgramage; they were with shaved heads in ruby colored robes . . . they would walk about three steps on the side of the road, kneel, put their foreheads to the ground, rise and take three more steps and repeat, repeat, repeat.  As said, it was surreal and lovely; could not have planned that whatsoever; just one of those surprising times life unfolds and gifts us with when not expected.

    Joan; I am truly sorry for all the kerfuffle with all that is happening.  Glad you did not have giant cell arteritis; so that is a positive.  Taking steroids over time is not a happy thing; again, so very sorry.   You are such a good spirited person, we can take a lesson from you. So hope this gets resolved. I am sure you are seeing a specialist, so that is a big plus. Do you feel you may need a second opinion consult at a large med center, or are you feeling okay with what you have going?  Usual specialists for autoimmune conditions are rheumatologists and endocrinologists.  I know for me, I am really tired of seeing all the different doctors for what has been recently happening.  Not a pleasure.

    Ron, hope those bed bugs are now vanquished; they are hard to get rid of; here's hoping.  The hip pain can well be from something else such as arthritis or nerve involvement; an xray will tell the story.   I had to have mine injected due to a nerve issue that popped up out of nowhere.  Boy; the parts are all rebelling lately. 

    Zetta; I know what you mean about how wonderful everything smells after the sprinklers have done their job; I love that smell and also the smell of newly mown grass.  Can the cat still see out of the window with the room changes?  You have been doing a lot.  I see that 15 counties in Oregon are still on lock down due to increased COVID outbreak; I was surprised to see Bend caught up in that.  The pics of the alpacas made me smile; their legs looked like they were wearing pants. 

    Goodness; it is a few minutes past midnight; time to make another run to you know where and then to try to get to sleep.

    Nightie nite one and all and good morning when you read this,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    Ron sorry you are having more pain.  

    When I was very young and we still lived in Kentucky, there was a big field between us and the neighbor.  Know at least one year my dad and the neighbor raised watermelons in the field together.  In Kentucky people would sell them alongside the road.  Think they brought them in from Georgia.  Have never seen that here.  Anyways if I can grow a good watermelon what a blessing that would be.  It and pineapple, if you can find good ones, are probably my two favorite fruits.  Bought several watermelons last year and none of them were any good.

    Beth all those pies sound good.  Do you make your own pie crust?  If you do, and you don’t care to share, when you have time would enjoy getting your recipe.  Buy mine and would be better if made it myself.  Need to get into that habit.  

    Will be interesting to see what you think about ranunculus. Have ordered from prairie nursery in past and have always been satisfied with their plants.  What kind it setting are your trilliums in?  Was gifted one last weekend.  Put it in the woods and have it marked with a bamboo stake so will know if it returns next spring.  Read it takes seven years to raise one from seed.  Now know why they are a little pricey.

    Lorita talking about you nursery, made me smile.  That is how I talk about my plants.  When they first sprout put them in an area I call the nursery.  There the lights stay on 24 hours a day.  Then when I know they are okay they move on lol.  Just reopened my nursery as some zucchini,  cantaloupe and okra that was planted Monday are starting to sprout.

    This cheesecake was made in a pie pan.  Used cream cheese. Lemon juice and Borden’s condensed milk.  Going to try and  freeze apiece today.  Then tomorrow will eat it.  If ok then will freeze the rest.  Hope it freezes well as would like to try a few other things with it.  Wanted to make a pineapple topping.  Another person said they put a layer of bananas in bottom of crust  and substitute lime juice for the lemon juice. 

    Well rained all night.  Giving rain today and tonight.  Not much porch setting weather here lately.  

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, My trillium are in part shade. I have red, yellow and white. The white is my favorite. I first saw the yellow in North Carolina at Biltmore. 

    I forgot to answer your question about the Mexican shell flower. I have never seen one. They are so lovely.

    You mentioned lights for your plants. Are those special grow lights, or your house lights?

    Going to get groceries today and go over to a friend's to plant a flower: I had a large 'Carnival in Mexico' daylily that I split 3 ways and am taking a piece over to her. It is my very favorite daylily. Love daylilies, one of my absolute favorite flowers and I have around 100. I linked a photo of it below.

    To all the mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     It's partly cloudy, kind of windy and cool this morning.  I'm really anxious to see how the little ones made their first night out in the pasture but just don't want to drive up there through the mud and water.  I'll wait until they come farther out into the pasture from the MH yard so I can, hopefully, see them.  I know I'll end up going up there.

     Went to sleep last night watching - you guessed it - Gunsmoke.  Woke up and thought it must be daylight because the TV was still on - it was only a little after MN.  Hate when that happens.   Went out to feed Tom and Jerry and both boys were there - always makes me feel better to see both of them.  You all can tell I like to know where and how everyone is. 

     Jo - question for our RN - if you have diverticulosis, can you still, safely, eat strawberries?  I love them but have been hesitant to eat them since I have had a couple of bouts of diverticulitis.  I do to want to have that again - way too painful.  Also kind of wondering about things like couscous and rice - guess they'd be all right because they're soft.  I've read they've decided it's all right to even eat nuts and popcorn - I don't think I'd chance that.

     Not really worried about the headaches because I've had that kind before, many years ago and I know it's nerves and anxiety.  Hadn't even thought about taking my BP.  I do have a BP machine that we used for Charles.  I have white-coat syndrome so every time I do go to the doctor my BP and pulse rate is/are high.  He was a bit concerned about the BP a year or so ago so I took it three or four times for a couple of days and took the readings back to him - no elevated BP.  But, I will take my BP and see what it is later today.    I'm always appreciative of your concerns about our illnesses and injuries so please don't stop taking care of us. 

     Sorry you're still having problems with your calculus - well, calculi now, I guess.  Did the doctor have any idea how long he thought it would take for all the little bits to pass?  Where is the stent - in the ureter?  So when they decide everything has passed it will have to be removed?  If it's in the ureter, they had to go through the urethra, into the bladder and then into the ureter?  Sounds kind of painful but, hopefully, not.  Kind of miss my days in Urology.  I was very young, just 20 and, of course, all the patients were men.  One nurse decided I was too young - but, we got that worked out.  Worked with a really nice, really good, retired Army doctor.  He was a bit rough the patients said but was an excellent doctor.  I think I mentioned once before that he's do his surgeries in the morning, have lunch and come back and get on his exam table, fold his arms and sleep for 15 minutes - power nap I guess it was.  He moved on to Big Spring, TX VAMC.  At the time I began working at the VAMC I was barely 19 - Karen was almost 18 - so we grew up there.  Carol was a bit older with four little kids but she had been there a year or so before we began working there.  The secretaries were young and the doctors and nurses were old (we thought), probably in their 40s or 50s. By the time we retired the ages were reversed - we were the older ones and the RNs and doctors were young.  Funny how that happens.

     I'm trying to decide if I want to go get some gas for the Gator today or wait a couple of days.  I put the last I had in a day or so ago but there's enough for a few days.  I'm still not sure about how the road will be and just don't want to get out -  maybe I'll go tomorrow when the little store won't have so many people there.  Seems like there's always several vehicles there. 

     Our trees - funny you should mention them, Jo.  When I was out yesterday I was looking at the different shades of green and how beautiful they were.  You'd think green was green but there's so many different shades and shapes of leaves.  My favorite is the Hackberry.  They're so big and shaped so nice - kind of a rounded top.  We have so many trees, most of them are probably Hackberry and they live so long.  I've mentioned the one north of the barn.  It's almost gone - only has a couple of big limbs that are still alive.  I know it must be way over 100 years old - comparing that to one at the south end of the garden.  When I was very young it was a big tree so that tells me it's probably 100 years old.  The make such a good, dense, cool shade in the summertime.  I took pictures each season of the one north of the barn many years ago, enlarged and framed them.  I'm so glad I did that because it was in it's glory then.  I've told Sarah that when that trees goes, I will also go.  She doesn't like to hear that.  But, if we have another icy winter or really strong windstorm it may not last a lot longer.

     I've begun to rattle so I'll stop.  I'm going to look for that cheesecake/pie recipe.  I really liked them when I made them so often.  I also like the one without the topping - can't remember exactly the recipe but it was a lighter version. 

     Have I mentioned that Sheena likes iced tea?  I drink my tea in a big, soup-mug type cup.  If I'm not careful she'll try to drink it.  Last evening I had it on the little table beside my chair, heard something and she was drinking it.  I let her finish, then washed and sterilized the mug - I'm using it this morning.  I promised her I'd fix her a "glass" of iced tea every day.  Guess it won't hurt her.  Those Great Pyrenees are the most wonderful dogs a person could imagine having.  They're such good watch/guard dogs when they're outside - and inside - and quiet as mice when they're inside.  So thankful for having them.  But, I still miss Mr. Barclee.

     What a wonderful thing to have seen all of those Monarch butterflies.  I can only imagine how that must have felt.  I love butterflies but hardly ever see them anymore - don't know what happened except probably the spraying of the pastures and meadows have taken away their food.  Nature is a wonderful thing and man always seems to interfere with it's mission.

     Sara, I've seen pictures of trilliums but have never seen one.  Do they multiply?  Good idea to put a stake there so you'll know where it is.  Glad your plants are doing well.  I want to get a watermelon this year, too.  I didn't get either a watermelon or cantaloupe last year.  I hear so much about problems they have with the safety of the cantaloupes - maybe from spraying?  Wish I could find an orange watermelon.  If you ever see one, buy it and try it - very good.

     Hope the cheesecake freezes well.  you can buy them frozen so it will probably be all right.  All of this cheesecake talk is making me really hungry for one.  I'm going to look up that recipe.  I think I have everything except the Eagle Brand milk. 

     Beth, have a good time grocery shopping today.  The Carnival in Mexico daylily is beautiful.  I have the old-fashioned, orange ones that used to be at every house.  We dug ours up somewhere.  They're pretty but haven't bloomed yet.  Looking forward to that.

     I'll be back later.  Enjoy the day.

      I'll stop and be back later. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Beth that is a pretty day lily.  Think day lilies are pretty but have had a lot of trouble with deers eating the blooms and don’t like all that dividing.  Did have about five where mom lives and I have two where I am now.  Have not had to divide them so far.

    Did not know there were yellow trilliums.  Have seen the small and large flowered white ones and the red ones.  Have always just seen them in the woods so not sure how quickly they spread.  Beth probably knows since they are in her yard.

    Just use LED grow lights.  Need to be at least 5000K and think it is 2000-3000 lumens.  They work great.  Put my seedlings in totes, lay the lights across top of tote.  Use books or small totes if needed to adjust things because at first you just want them an inch or so from light.  Get them out on glassed in porch as much as possible.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sayra, when looking for a watermelon look for one that is the same from one end to the other. Also look at the stim; if its brown, cut the stim off and if it's still brown at the end next to the melon, it's been out of the field for awhile. Look on the bottom side for discoloration, it's been allowed to ripen in the field. 

    Talking about produce has reminded me of my younger days! I might have mentioned it before, but I use to work at a melon/produce stand growing up. We had two refrigerator trailers, which one was used only for melons. Had picnic tables in the back where ice cold watermelon slices were served for 35 cents a slice, went up to 50 cents in the 70s. I cut many melons and the best was your georgia rattlesnake which is the green one with dark stripes. I even worked there part time after my tour in the army and was even offered partnership to run it. The owner did a great business on the melons as well as all the produce. I would have taken him up on his offer if I didn't have a young family growing up and i knew you had to be there from early morning to late night 7 days a week.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Lorita, permitted dietary intake for diveticulosis has changed dramatically with modern medicine and is very liberal.   Foods that used to be on the "do not eat" list are now permitted as it was found that it made no difference.  If a particular food causes difficulty, then one avoids it.

    If one has diverticulitis, (rather than diverticulosis), that is a flareup and a whole different story - that flareup diet is usually limited to clear liquids only; sometimes a person must have no intake for a day or two until the flareup calms down before having clear liquids; this all must be prescribed by and followed with a physician.  That is not a do it yourself sort of dynamic.

    The best diet to follow is of course the one your physician tells you to follow; there is a ton of information to be found using Google and much of it from very credible sites.  

    Today, corn, seeds, raspberries, strawberries, popcorn, rice, beans, and so much more are all on the "permitted" list.   You can ask your doctor next appointment if this is right for you; if you use Google reading credible sites you can find much information.

    Here is an informational link to just one of the sites; always use directions based on what your physician has instructed you to do of course.


    I really feel awful saying the following because I know how much you love your sweet animals; but tea and coffee are absolutely on the "forbidden" list for dogs and other pets.   Caffeine can cause multiple issues; amongst them, including changes in heart rhythm/rate; you can find a lot about why tea and coffee are forbidden fluids for dogs using Google.  The vet sites will outline what foods/fluids are safe for dogs and which ones are not.  So much I never would have thought of as unsafe foods certainly are.

    The Carnival In Mexico Daylilies are really beautiful; I had never heard of them before.  What a lovely floral display in a garden and what an interesting name they have.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Ron, what about thumping a watermelon?  What's it supposed to sound like if it's good?  Also isn't there something about the part of the melon that laid on the ground being cream-colored?    If I buy from a farmer I always ask him which is a good one.

     Thanks, Jo.  Guess I won't be giving Sheena that glass of tea.  By the time she gets to drinking my tea it's very weak so, hopefully, that hasn't hurt her. 

     Thanks for the information on the permitted foods to eat if you have diverticulosis.  I'll not eat any of those things - but I do eat beans with no problem.  I did ask my doctor about eating lettuce and he said to try a little and see what it does.  I haven't.

     Well, I went in the front bedroom to get some dry catfood and, of course, turned on the light and fan and it came on!  Darn, so must be a short.  I've put a piece of tape over the switch so I won't do that again.  Guess I'll have to call Steve to check it.  Seems like there's always two or three things that need to be taken care of.  We have one in the kitchen that's very noisy so don't use it much, one in the LR that's working all right and another in the bedroom that I very seldom use.  I have dry eyes anyway and using a ceiling fan makes it worse.

     Also, thinking about calling the vet again for the cow's foot.  He gave her antibiotics for the infection but said he might have to grind off some of one of her toes that's trying to go over the other one.  When I went out to see the girls after most of them came out of the barn, there were five still in there laying down and one baby - Fawn - her mother was the one with the bad foot.  I'll watch her tomorrow and decide.

      Very quiet day here.  Sarah did call and said she was supposed to have a phone visit with a doctor at 4 but he called about 1 - he had seen her in the ER so he's going to make appointments with a Urologist, Psychiatrist and stomach doctor and another doctor in his office.  He told her he wanted to be her PCP but he's booked for the next two months.  All I'm doing is asking questions so trying to just listen and not make too many suggeestions.

     Hope all of you are well this afternoon.  It's been a pretty day.  They're having Mayfest in Tulsa this weekend and several other local festivals - Strawberry Festival in Stilwell.  Worries me that it's too soon.  The  weatherman was at Mayfest and very few people were wearing masks. 

     The news just said only about 3% of the people in India have been vaccinated.  Heard earlier that they had 400,000 new cases in one day.  Feel so sorry for them.

    They've moved Cheyenne to a channel I don't get but he's still on INSP some of the time.  Guess they can't decide what to do.  Found a tick on Sheena just under her right eye this afternoon - as big as the end of my thumb.  Hate those things.  I've found at least six or seven on myself this year and some of the places are still itchy.  Also have two or three chiggers that are driving me nuts.  I walked in the grass in the garden without boots on a few days ago and they got me.  Blackberries are blooming like crazy - gosh, how I'd love to have a blackberry cobbler but I won't.

     Enjoy the evening.  Again, thanks, Jo for the information.  Just not brave enough to try some of those things.  Diverticulitis hurts too much to chance it.

     Addendum:  Jo, found that BP machine and took mine - it was 130/75 - about what it always runs and my pulse is okay. If I get the headache again, I'll take my BP and see what it is then.  Thanks for caring.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I never thought much of the thumpin. If you thump it a ripe melon would have a hollow sound, but to me that doesn't tell much. I found the best melons are always uniformed in shape. The cream color is correct! That means they let it ripen in the field instead of pulling it green.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Jo,   It's funny you asked about the cat still be able to see out the windows. Molly figured out how to jump on the couch to see out the windows, but the cat for some reason was not happy about the move so I moved his bed back in front of the window, we are all happy now. 

     Ron,  I love water melons' and last year I bough a few and was not real happy with them. I will make notes of all these tips and hopefully my next one will be good. This year I think I will buy them from the farmers market in town. 

     Lorita,  I bet your babies liked being out last night. I am sure you are enjoying your beautiful weather and being able to spend more time outside with the girls. There has been a few times I will wake up early and think it is morning and its only 3am. Sometimes I will just get up. Is it safe for you to be going out at MN to feed Tom & Jerry?

    My stomach has been doing a lot of rumbling and has a lot of gas. This has not been a good day I have spent a lot if it in the BR.. The only thing I can think of is I got a bag of avocados last week and have eaten more then normal. Has any one of you had a problem eating avocados? and how long did it last?  Like Jo, said the older we get we need to watch things closer. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Umm, watermelon!  When I was a child in the city, watermelon was a treat for picnics.  To my surprise and great enjoyment, my country cousins could go into their garden and pick out a watermelon whenever they wanted.  I was impressed!

    It seems all of you live in the country.  I live in a condo in the city.  I always wanted to live in the country, but I think it's too late for me at my age.  

    When I went to the pet food store today, I noticed two devices to remove ticks.  I never saw these before.  Perhaps they are expecting a lot of ticks this season.

    The Mexican day lilies are absolutely beautiful!

    There are so many interesting topics to discuss.  I was told I have diverticulosis, but I never changed my diet.  I eat nuts, seeds, berries with seeds, grapes, and beans.  It might be a good idea to read about soluble and insoluble fiber.

    My rheumatologist suggested that I take glucosamine for knee pain.  It did help.  Once I lost weight, most of my knee pain went away.

    I wear eyeglasses with automatic darkening lenses.  I never notice them changing and I have no difficulty on re-entering the indoors.  It is very important to avoid ultraviolet light outdoors because it can contribute to cataracts.

    My sleep schedule is messed up.  I sleep until 5 or 6 am, stay awake for a couple of hours, then fall back asleep around 8 or 9 am until 11 am or noon.  I don't like this schedule and I keep working on trying to get back to an all night sleep schedule.  I do take melatonin.

    I used to use Nasalcrom, a steroid spray, for allergies.  Then I had allergy immunotherapy shots for about three years or so with much success.  I was asymptomatic so I stopped.  During the Covid time, being indoors so much, the allergies are back.  But I'm not as bothered as before.

    I leased a car two years ago.  I purchase about 8 gallons of gas every other month.  I just broke 5,600 miles.

    Where I go for my walks in the housing tract, a lot of houses have dogs and most are small dogs.  Today I saw a large German shepherd sitting on the grass, no fence.  But he was well trained, and didn't make a move.  I am leary of unleashed dogs.  If this continues, I may have to go back to using the treadmill at the gym, which I really don't like.  I prefer being in the open air.

    I have lived in California for over forty years, but I have only seen one monarch butterfly.  There used to be many, many hummingbirds around my balcony, now only a few.  Even the songbirds are fewer, although I do have some outside my dining room to serenade me when I have my morning tea.  

    There is a restaurant in Brooklyn that was supposed to be famous for cheesecake, Junior's.  I don't know if it still exists.  I love cheesecake, and have made many baked and no-baked ones.  I love them both.

    My grandmother baked great pies and my mother baked great cakes, so I decided my bakery specialty would be cookies.  I took a shortcut however, because I would bake the "slice and bake" cookies.  Easy and no chance for failure.  One time, I wanted to impress a young man, so I baked oatmeal cookies from scratch.  He took a bite but they were as hard as rocks!  He was too polite to say anything, though.  

    When I got married I took cooking classes at the adult school.  My husband said I didn't know how to cook a lot of things, but what I did cook was tasty.  That made me feel good.  He was a good cook and did most of the cooking anyway.  He was not American and said American food was too bland for his taste.  I gradually developed a taste for spicier foods.

    Mu county, Los Angeles, is now in the yellow tier.  All the surrounding counties are still in the orange tier.  This means that cases, hospitalizations and deaths are dropping.  Stores and restaurants can service more patrons indoors.  Some libraries will reopen on May 17.  Things are moving in the right direction here.  I will be able to resume making medical appointments soon.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Judith and RescueMom hope you guys are doing ok.

    Beth you mentioned mint the other day.  Do raise it in pots.  Really like mint tea hot and cold.  My own is much better to me than what I get at store.  Freeze it and seems like it is fresh when I use it.  

    Ron thanks for the hints.  Do always look for a nice yellow belly.  Will pay attention to uniform size.  Always am aware of how heavy it feels too.  If feels heavy for size then it is usually very juicy but still doesn’t always have good flavor.  Probably due to variety.  Never gives avariety just says watermelon.  Have never had an orange one that I can remember but have had good yellow ones.

    Lorita fans dry my eyes too .  What works best for me is a regular fan blowing on my feet.  Find that cools me off nicely and doesn’t dry my eyes.

    Lorita saw a map of US yesterday and looks like Oklahoma is doing pretty good with covid right now.  The events are outside so hopefully will go ok.  Iris saw you guys were yellow yesterday.  My county is still orange.  But we have been at a low steady pace for awhile except for a small blip right after Easter.  We shall see what Mother’s Day does.

    Feel so sorry for India too.  Think a good thing pandemic has done is give me empathy for others in the world.  Covid has given me a connection to them.  Liked a lot of the Indian doctors that I worked with.

    Zetta I have to be careful about the types of food I eat and how much.  Have never ate a lot of avocado but know there are other foods  or combinations of foods that I have to be aware of how much of them I’m eating or get the symptoms you are complaining of and it takes three or four days of behaving to get to feeling better.

    Iris I live in a small city but as a child lived in the country on a small farm.  Live on a city lot that is decent sized.  Blessed to have woods behind my house.  

    Glucosamine has been very beneficial to my knees also.  My BMI is and always has been normal.  One day in my early twenties my knees just swelled up.  For a long time could not do anything on my knees, would have to sit on ground or floor.  Once I got on glucosamine I can.

    Have trouble with allergies too.  Take lotradine and now and fluticasone too.  

    You drive less than I do Iris.  Your mileage and gas money sound like the past year for me.  But starting to pick back up now.  It’s a little bit of drive for me wherever I go.  Do not live close to mist family or friends.  Today if nothing happens going plant shopping and that is out in the country.

    Know what you mean about walking and dogs.  Find it a little frustrating. 

    I like spices but not like Indian cooking spicy.  Had some authentic food once cooked by someone of that culture and it was a bit much for me.  Maybe if I ate it more often would get use to it.  Thought cilantro a bit strange when first ate it but now is one of my favorites.  

    Saw where a RN I worked with died.  She was a year younger than me.  Made me cry a bit, always liked her.  

    Nice chatting with everyone on the porch.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     It's cool, breezy and partly sunny here this morning - beautiful.  The girls were all on the other side of the pond between here and the MH laying down and some grazing.  I saw Rose Bud straight east of the house laying down.  Tried to see everyone without going up - couldn't.  Then, they got up and started toward the barn. With the binoculars saw two babies laying down away from the girls.  When the girls got almost to the barn, one mom stopped and started calling her baby.  I saw both of the little ones get up and start toward the barn - not fast enough for the mom so she went to meet them calling them all the time.  Most are in the barn now except Rose Bud and the cow on the other side of the pond and a few out front grazing.  I did see one little baby go toward the creepfeeder - won't be long before they start going in.

     Ron, did you ever hear the theory that you could cut off the end of the watermelon runners and they would produce seedless melons?  Daddy told me about that but I don't remember him ever trying - if he did I didn't know it.  Good hint about the melons being a uniform size.  I'll remember that.

     Hope Lou and you are both well today and enjoying the pretty weather before it gets too hot and sticky.  Dread that.

     Zetta, sorry, I didn't make myself clear about feeding Tom and Jerry.  I feed them first thing in the mornings but I wouldn't be afraid to go out at MN - have done that a hundred times when we had a cow up trying to calve. There's plenty of light from the two security lights but I always take a flash light and check out everything.  If there's anything out there you can see their eyes - and I have.  It's a short walk from the yard to the corral and barn.

     Glad you got the furniture moved around so Rascal is happy to be able to look out the window.  They're really creatures of habit - just like all of us.

     Sara - Oklahoma is doing all right but I'm so afraid they're opening up too many things too fast - Mayfest for example.  Loads of people walking around without masks.  Our Governor seems to be intent on getting everything back to whatever normal we may have. 

     I've never raised mint so know nothing about it.  Never even had it in tea.  Probably a good idea you have it in pots because I have heard it's very invasive.

     How's your mother doing, Sara?  I hope she's all right and staying safe.  I'm sure you'll probably see her tomorrow.

     I need to get back on my glucosamine religiously, too.  Having to take one step at a time going down the steps because of my knee - first one, then the other.  It really helped my hip when it was hurting so much.  I also take Loratadine - works for me when I can remember to take it.

    I'm like Iris - used very little gas the last 18 months.  I have to keep track of the mileage in the PU because the gas gauge quit working- only drive to town every two or three weeks and to our convenience store when I need gas for the Gator.  I drive so little I have to start them and let them run or drive them a bit to keep the battery charged.

     Iris,  I've lived on this farm/ranch my whole life with the exception of maybe a couple of years total.  When I was five we moved to McAlester for a year for my parents to rest a bit.  They bought the farm and worked so hard to pay for it - just needed a rest.  They didn't rest - still worked - but a different kind of work.  After I began working, I lived in town with Sarah's mother three times, in apartments for 2-3 months at a time.  Then, when Charles and I got married we lived in a duplex for about five months, then moved to the farm and lived in a 8x30 travel trailer for a year or so, then bought a 14x70 MH where we lived until 2000 when we moved to the farm house.  My parents passed away 13 months apart in 1995 and 1996.  I was born in this house and hope this is where I take my last breath - but, do hope someone will find me soon afterwards.  No idea how but one can hope.

     I can't imagine living in town but you know I can still remember the sounds of town when we lived in McAlester - kids yelling, horns honking, etc.  But, I do prefer coyotes and wolves howling and cows bawling.

     I don't see nearly as many birds as I used to either.  We used to have dozens of barn swallows that even made their mud nests on our front porch and always in the barn.  Hardly ever see a butterfly either.  I keep bird feed out for the birds in the wintertime and food for the hummingbirds.  I used to see and hear them but haven't for a year or so.  I'll try again this year.

     About ticks - they are going to be awful this year.  I've found six or seven on myself already and a few on the GPs.  I've never used the tick removers - always use my fingers and sometimes a tweezer.  I need to put flea and tick medicine on the GPs but when I pet them I always check for ticks and get them off - sometimes I miss one.  We have a tiny, tiny tick that is very hard to remove.  You never know they're there until the place starts to hurt and swell - usually about the size of a nickel before you realize they're there.  They are very hard to remove.  I'm having trouble with ants right now - seem to be mostly in the kitchen and bathroom.  I sprayed the cabinet tops last night so maybe that will  help.

     Iris, if you continue to go for walks, take a big stick with you to protect yourself - just in case.  I think walking outside would be much more enjoyable than a treadmill.  I need to walk but knees won't let me do too much of it.  I've always thought it would be good for me to take the GPs and walk to and from the mailbox - but that would be half a mile with the last quarter being uphill.  Sheena makes the walk all right - Stormy rides with me in the Gator and walks back.  We need to do that today.

     I'm going to go see if Rose Bud is up yet.  Always worries me when she's slaying down until I see her up.  I took feed down to her yesterday morning and she was laying down but got up when she saw me coming. 

     Hope all of you are well today.  Hard to find much to watch on TV so I think I'll start watching baseball.  Used to really enjoy it when I was much younger.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi again,

     This should encourage us - just watching the Weather Channel and there's a man who is 78 years old and he's running from LA to DC.  Says he can run 30 miles a day and it'll take him 100 days to get there.  I can't even run ten feet.  Guess he's always done a lot of running but, my goodness.  Better man than I.

     Couldn't stand it any longer.  Kept watching Rose Bud and the other cow across the pond.  Finally the other cow laid down and I could see there was a little calf with them.  So, Stormy and I drove over and there was the cow and her baby and one of the little boys and Rose Bud.  Neither wanted to get up but I encouraged Rose Bud and she finally made it.  Put my hand on her to steady her some.  I think she'd laid down so long and she got a little stiff and it was really hard for her to get up - harder than yesterday morning when I drove down and fed her.   I left and they're still over there.

     Got back in the Gator and I had turned off the motor when it was in high and I couldn't get it into neutral so it would start again.  Tried and tried.  Finally rocked it a bit and it went into neutral and we got home.  I was beginning to think this was the day for bad things to go wrong with Gators.  Mike called this morning and he had planned to drive his Gator out to check the girls and he couldn't get it into high. Dreaded calling him to tell him this.  The last time I put some feed in the creeper one of the hinges or part of one of the hinges came loose so I told him about that.  He said he'd try to get over to check on what it needs.  I just hate to have to depend on someone to help me with things but the time does come.

     I need to get up to the store to get some gas for the Gator - maybe the middle of the afternoon when there shouldn't be many people there.  I'll take Stormy with me - he loves to ride in the car.   It has really gotten windy and there's a few showers north of us. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Ron, I found an old John Wayne western made in 1948 - The 3 Godfathers.  I've never seen it and it's pretty good.

     Iris - got some more done on compilation of my tax papers.  At least I got the bank statements in order - little by little, I guess.

     Had a rather eventful and productive afternoon.  Stormy and I decided to go get the gas for the Gator.  Got that and went into the convenience store.  There were several cars around and people but I guess they were in the part of the store where they play games, or something.  They had milk but no eggs.  They did have some rainbow sherbet.  Stormy was glad to go but he got hot - it was at least 80 this afternoon. Tomorrow it'll be in the 50s and lower 60s.  Glad that's done.

     We'd only been back home about an hour when Bryon and anotber of his friends came to mow and weedeat.  They took out what was left of the mimosa tree - hated to see it go because daddy had dug the seedling up somewhere and planted it at least 50 or 60 years ago.  The tree was rotted and the wind had blown it onto the fence. They did a really good job - so now there's another corner of the yard where they will be son. Maybe that's where I'll plant the zucchini. They cleared out a lot of the overgrowth on the south side of the yard and Bryon mowed the yard, north and west of the house and all the way to the mailbox and around it. Surely looks better.  They were here at least 2 1/2 hrs. and worked hard.  Didn't get quite all done but will finish it when he and Shane come back.   After the yard's mowed I always feel like I can breathe better.  I think by the time he mows next time the daffodil leaves will be gone and he can mow everywhere.  I think I'll even have him mow over the violets - they'll come back.

     Whatever was eating the violets in the pots on the steps hasn't been eating them the last few nights and they're beginning to grow.  Kind of worries me that it might have been the rabbit and the dogs got him - haven't seen any evidence of it though - hope I don't.

     It was very, very windy this afternoon and when Bryon got here and I was showing him the tree to take out he saw another tree fall.  It was a small, dead one that was covered with honeysuckle and wild roses - at the south end of the garden.  I guess the next thing I need to get done is some tree work.  Some of the elm and maple trees are laying on the house.  The elm is very old and I'm worried about storms and it blowing down on the house.  Our roof is metal and the last time someone tried to do something with it they couldn't get good footing on the house and it's too far inside the yard for their bucket to reach. It'll be hard to do.  And, if it doesn't rain much I'll check with the guy again about cleaning out the barn.  Not quite ready to open the doors yet because of storms blowing through and catching it so maybe I'll wait a week or so.

     Hope all of you have had a good afternoon and will have a better night.  Iris, good luck on getting your sleep pattern straightened out. 

     See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    When John F. Kennedy was president, it was popular for boys and men to go on avfifty mile hike.  My brother went on one with his Boy Scout troop.  Out twenty-five miles then back twenty-five miles.  Does anyone remember that?  I don't remember girls going on those hikes.

    I think the farthest I've ever walked was about five miles.  When I was fifty I participated in a 5k at the mall.  They called it Senior Olympics .  But now that I think about it, I probably walked more than five mile in my teenage and young adult years, because I used to walk downtown, and I know that was more than five miles, and I walked all around my college campus.

    Today is the day we remember our moms.  I love you, Mom!  

    Happy Mother's Day, everyone!   


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning

    Lorita mom is doing the same.  Thank you for asking.  She wanted two butterfly bushes.  Was able to find them yesterday.  So bought her two for Mother’s Day.  

    Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers out there.  

    You mentioned ticks Lorita.  We have a nature preserve here in town.  Seen someone put out a warning about their dog was covered in ticks after they were there.  

    Borax will kill ants.  I mix equal parts of powder sugar and Borax. Usually does a good job of getting rid of them.

    Maybe the rabbits found better pickings elsewhere Lorita.

    Iris I don’t remember JFK being president.  Looked up when he was President and I would have been 4-6 years old during his presidency.  Would have still been in Ky.  

    Going to be a wet cold day here.  It is 41 right now and that is the high for the day.  Starts warming up tomorrow and right now looks like that trend will continue for the next two weeks. The next four nights will be in the 30s.  After that looks like nights will be warming up.  Have to decide what to do with all those plants I bought yesterday lol.  Smaller ones can go under lights.  They should be fine for a day the bigger ones whatever I decide to do with them.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Happy Mother's day to all the sweet mothers meeting on the front porch today. I'll bake a peanut butter cake this morning and serving early afternoon for all that comes!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron I will bring a pot of coffee.

    Lorita meant to tell you that I froze a piece it the cherry cheese cake.  Put in refrigerator to thaw.  It tasted good, no texture change at all.  So will freeze the rest.  Very happy about this.  Will try the other varieties later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there - both mothers of human babies and fur babies (I'm the latter).  I remember on Mother's Day if our mother was living we'd wear a red rose to Church - if she was gone, we'd wear a white one.  We always had a red, rambling rose that bloomed around  Mother's Day.  Love my mother, too, Iris.  She's been gone for 25 years - hard to believe it's been that long.

     Ron, you may have posted a recipe for that peanut butter cake but if you have time, would you do it again, please.  I love peanut butter so think that would be good.  I bet that's Lou's favorite cake - I remember you  mentioning it before.

     Sara - what kind of plants did you get yesterday?  How sweet of you to get butterfly plants for your mother.  I've had them before but, for me, they only lasted a year or so. Forty-one is pretty cool for this time of year but I think it's going to be in the 40s here tonight.  When I got up I was really too warm - not sure what the temperature was but the wind was still from the south so the front hadn't come through yet.  I walked out to feed Tom and Jerry and saw some of the girls.  Came back in and decided I'd go see all of them.  Just in that short time I know the temperature must have fallen at least ten degrees with a stiff, north wind.  It was pretty cool out there in the Gator.  It's cloudy and I think we may have a shower or two today.

     I kind of remember now about the Borax - guess you just sprinkle it around?  I'll have to order some - they're driving me crazy.

     Sara, you're really young - I wasn't old enough to vote for Kennedy  - but I would have.  I think he was a really good president.  I was only 18 when he ran for President and at that time you had to be 21 to vote. 

     Glad the cherry cheesecake turned out well after it thawed.  You can make one and cut it into individual pieces and freeze them.  Sounds like a good idea.  I was thinking last night I think I remember seeing a can foo Eagle Brand milk in the pantry.  I'll look but it's probably expired because I don't remember buying it.  Also think I have some cream cheese and I do have graham crackers.  I'm going to check into that and look for that recipe I mentioned that was a bit lighter - maybe used pudding mix in it.  Funny how there are recipes you made so much, then forgot about.

     I hope the rabbit's okay, Sara.  Don't see many of them around any more - guess there's too many coyotes that are hungry. 

     Ron - I'm watching Cheyenne now.  Something new being on Sunday mornings.  Rather watch him instead of news shows.

     Iris, I've done lots of walking around here on the farm and probably hundreds of miles at the VAMC where I worked.  Don't remember hearing about the bike rides though.

     Time to finish my juice and get some hot tea.  Enjoy the day.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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