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Just need to talk to my friends (146)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita tHope Sarah will have a smooth recovery.

    Lorita this is just a thought I have.  Have seen where more mature people trip over their little dogs and suffer a break of some sort.   

    Zetta right now we don’t need water.  We have had a lot of rain.  That can change fairly quickly though.

    Think I may be able to start planting everything out starting Monday if forecast remains unchanged.  Looks like it will start warming up nicely.  Ron got your peanut butter cake recipe on a card now.  Hope to try it one day.

    Our governor just announced that everything except congregate living settings returning to normal mid June. 

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     It's in the mid 50s this morning but supposed to be in the low 70s today and warming up more each day - of course, along with the possibility of storms.  Weatherman says this area may have 2-3" of rain next week.  Right now we don't need it.  Wouldn't it be great if we could put it in reserve until July and August when we will need it?

     Sara, I'm already having that problem with those Savannah cats.  Sammy will run in front of me, then lay down stretched out in the floor right in front of me.  I'm always afraid he'll trip me or I'll almost step on him and that will make me fall.  Not that steady on my feet all the time anyway because of the Morton's Neuroma.  Carol says she's the same (no neuromas) but if she can just touch something it's better.  Same here.  I'm going to have to think long and hard about getting another, little dog.  If I did it would be an older one. I love puppies but Stormy was my last one and that was six years ago.  It's so hard to believe it's been that long.  He's six and Sheena's seven.

     I called Sarah a few minutes ago and talked with her a short time.  She sounds like it kind of hurts to talk. She says they made long incisions on each side from top to bottom.  She's so sore she can't move anything except her arms but is sleeping off and on.  She hadn't seen Dr. C. this morning I don't think.  She said the nurse last night told her they weren't letting people stay in the hospital very long so she'd probably go home tomorrow.  Can't believe that.  I am going to get in touch with the case manager this time (probably today) and make sure she has made the appropriate discharge plans - she didn't do diddlysquat  last time.  Sarah's going to need help until she's better.

     Thought I'd lost my binoculars this morning.  Early, early the girls are always at the MH but as they begin to drift down I can use the binoculars and see them.  They weren't in the usual place so checked everywhere - sometimes I leave them in the Gator - not there.  When I got back to the porch I found them laying on the bannister. I think I was doing something on the porch and laid them down and forgot it.

     Really hope the tree guy shows up today to look at what I need to get done and that they can do it before next week when we're supposed to have storms.  I'm going to try to remember to take a picture of one of the trees to show you all  how tall it is.  I was amazed.  It's an Elm, old, old.  I know it'll be hard to take care of because of the propane tank, generator, electric lines and fence.  One of the Royal Empress trees is closeby and just about as tall so not sure if something needs to be done with it.  The top of it is full of buds but not blooming yet.

     I told Sarah you all were praying for her and she said to thank you and that she needs all the help she can get.  I also want to thank you for your prayers and good thoughts and continuation of them.  It's going to take time for her to heal.

     I'm about ready for some juice and hot tea - also kind of hungry.  My costochondritis has been bothering me the last day or two so I'm leaning against a heating pad - the pain is going through to my back now.  Hope the girls are okay so I won't have much to do.

     Sara - I think Ron's peanut butter frosting would be good on a chocolate cake, too.  Chocolate and peanut butter are really good together.  Did you enjoy your loaf of bread made in your new pan?  Looks like it was a really big loaf.

     See you all later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good to hear that Sarah is doing fairly well; hopefully they will not send her out too soon, but one never knows and she has in the past self-encouraged being discharged early and misstating how much help she has at home when she has no one.

     I would like to suggest something.  If you call the hospital and ask to speak to the RN supervisor on Sarah's floor, ask for her/him to contact the doctor to get an order for an in-hospital visit with a Certified Enterostomal Therapist RN prior to disharge AND that this visit be done with both Sarah and Todd present.  Do not let the supervisor fog you that a staff RN can do the teaching and care; a specialist RN is necessary due to complexity of person and condition, especially as there has been so much prior failure.

    An Enterostomal Therapy RN is specially educated to deal with ostomies as well as complex wound care above and beyond what the average nurse does.   The knowledge base for such a person is complex and very patient specific.

     When there is a first or a new stoma, there are placement issues that will affect how the patient is able to position themselves, there are clothing issues, and appropriate stoma care and specialized fitting of  ostomy bags as well as the most appropriate one and for size of said bag and so much more.  There is a lot of assessment and patient/family teaching that happens.

     The new stoma will be swollen for awhile, it then begins to shrink in size which affects the fit of ostomy bags.  Proper wound care, skin care and proper fit of the ostomy bag appliance is extremely important; if a snag is hit, the patient can then call their ET Specialist RN who would be familiar with them.  One would wnnt a Certified Enterostomal Therapy RN to follow her at home too, but we know from many other instances, that Sarah does not permit any of the care RNs to enter her house.  An average every day Home Health RN will not have the same skills that a specialsit does but not all Home Health has such a person on their staff - however; they can call one in.

    Todd needs to be present at such training at the hospital as he should know and understand facts straight from the RN re step by step care needs and all that entails as well as supply needs and especially what to look for and report re the wound/stoma.  This way, he knows the actual facts with certainty.

     Often, the Enterostomal Therapy RN will be called in prior to the surgery to assess best placement for stoma; but there was no time for this for Sarah.  Placement of said ostomy stoma is fraught with many concerns and it would be great to have such an appt. prior to discharge so as to assessin order  to anticipate and prevent problems as much as possible.

     Just an idea.

     Summer sure is about here.  Cherries hit the store this week; got some and they are really very good.   Summer fruit is always a treat.  I love to make fruit in a crock with cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew melon balls, add fresh pineapple chunks, some grapes.  Let sit in crock in refrigerator for a bit to meld and then eat!  Sometimes, at a BBQ, I might even pour just a little tidge of Sprite over it for a little fizz.  Love, love fresh fruit.

    Got a nicce pineapple corer/slicer tool which makes using a pineapple so much easier; do not have to "skin" pineapple at all, the tool does it all in one fell swoop.  Just cut off pineapple top, on goes the tool, and off I go.  It comes out in rings, but then I chunk it to the size I wish.

    DHs birthday tomorrow, he gets to eat whatever he wants for dinner; what he wants is a take-out pizza. He has not had that for a year, so I guess the sodium and fat just once in a year will be okay. That and a tossed salad will do it for him.  His favorite birthday cake is German Chocolate, but he wants to forego that.  His birthday, so anything he wants goes.   I am blessed to have him with me and I am so very aware of that.   I have known him since we were 14 years old and we became a "couple" in high school.  Honor student (me) went bad and eloped with him at age 18.   Shocked and stunned my poor parents to the core.  Guess somebody forgot to teach me about hormones in the honor classes.    Our parents said it would never last, but here we are many decades later!

     Saw son again yesterday.  He visited and brought his four little rescue dogs with him.  They were so excited to be here; they like to visit and I sure get a whole lot of doggie love and lots of petting and scratching tummies, and rubbing ears - (the dogs, not me!)

    The stories of those four are amazing; three of them immediately pending death, but pulled back by DIL and son who unexpectedly came upon them in dire straits.  Now if son and DIL will only feel that way about aging parents when the need arises . . . . 

     Out here, there is a 26 million dollar winning lottery ticket that is about to run out of time for collecting.  There is a winner, but no one over the year has claimed it.  Today is the very last day the winner can collect; if that winner does not do so, the money goes into a fund for schools.  How awful it would be to find such a ticket after the cut off date.  No exceptions are made.   It has been on TV over and over, would be nice if the winner finds their ticket and collects.

     Oor day lilies have not yet bloomed - soon; as will the agapanthus (Lily of the Nile); we have a lot of those in profusion all along the back wall - they multiply themselve.  The azaleas do their own thing and do it well.   We have not yet done bedding plants, but the season is long here in SoCa.   We also will soon have to be mindful of what the state decides to mandate re any exra restrictions due to this being a drought year. 

      See you all on the  front porch again soon;


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     I've been without internet for three or four hours - thought of all the things I needed to ask Google and to post to all of you.   Finally decided to call the telephone office (I get internet through them) and the phone didn't ring so someone was probably digging somewhere and broke an optic line - has happened before.

     Jo - I talked with the social worker - seemed really nice. I didn't want to wait too long so she'd have a chance to talk with the doctor and to make discharge plans.  Waited too long at OUMC and then they discharged Sarah without much warning.  The social worker had planned to see her this afternoon and she's also going to see what's going on with Sarah's application for Medicare.  This has been an ongoing thing so hope she can help.

     In the past Sarah has had an Ostomy nurse (is that the same thing you were talking about?).  This doctor seems concerned so maybe he'll make a referral. I will contact the RN or SW and see if they can get a referral done.  Don't know how Todd will be able to be in a meeting - he has a job in Stillwater that has to be finished by June 1 and then on to Dallas - but maybe he can.

     I've seen those pineapple things on QVC - looks really easy and so much easier than doing all of it with a knife.  I remember when we first got a deep freezer - I was pretty young - and mother bought a lot of pineapples and we fixed them to freeze.   She had found some kind of freezer boxes that were round and the slices fit in perfectly.  Then I think she filled the containers with pineapple juice.  Really were good.  I like pineapple slices in oriental food - gives you that bit of sweetness.

     Saw something cute this afternoon - another cow/calf story -  the girls had all gone into the barn  and then I heard a cow start to bawl- just a couple of times.  We were down here with mother once and a cow was bawling and she wanted to know why. I told her that was just what cows do. Now - I've turned into my mother.  If a cow bawls I want to know why.  Anyway, I went out on the porch and saw two of the little babies going toward the barn.  I guess when the cows went in they were together somewhere asleep and didn't go in. Then when it was time for lunch she realized the baby wasn't in the barn and called her.  She didn't go to the baby - she made the baby come to her - always works that way.

     I called the tree guy and he had gotten stuck in Tulsa but he said he'd come in the morning.  I explained to him that I was really concerned about the one big, old tree and he said he'd try to get the crew together to come out Saturday to at least take care of that one.  Hope so.  I don't think I've mentioned this but - I've talked about the big tree north of the barn that's so very old and each year loses one or two big limbs to wind or snow.  It had two huge limbs left and a few days ago noticed one had broken, probably in the wind last week.  So, there's only one big limb left, sticking straight up.  I've always told Sarah when that tree goes, I'll go.  Hopefully, not.

     How good of your son and DIL to take in those poor fur babies.  I've only been inside an animal shelter twice and it wasn't easy. I felt so sorry for all of them.  One time one of mother's dogs had several puppies and she already had several dogs so when they were old enough I took them by the Shelter on the way to work and left them to be adopted.  I will never do that again - made me feel so bad.  The other time was when I was looking for a big dog that would bark.  Went to Happy Paws and they had a Black-Mouthed Cur so I sat in the cage with her for a while.  Decided not to take her but it made me feel bad not to.  In one room she had several little dogs, not in cages, who were having the best time running around, barking.  I think dogs that are rescued know that and are so grateful to be alive that makes them really good pets.  I think Sheena appreciates having a good home.  She was sort of a rescue; her owner, an older man, passed away and the daughter couldn't keep her. I guess she told Mike and he knew I was looking for  Great Pyrenees.  He told me about her and I took her and she has been wonderful. 

     It's been a most beautiful day - in the low to mid 70s, sunny and no wind.  I wish we could have a couple of months of this kind of weather, then two months of hot instead of four of very hot weather.  But, Mother Nature doesn't listen to us.

     Did you hear?  I happened to turn the TV to CNN about 1 p.m. and they were having a conference with Dr. Fauci and the head of the CDC.  They've decided if you've been fully vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask, inside or outside, with large or small groups.  I can't do that yet - besides, if you don't wear a mask you'll have to begin putting on makeup again.  I will continue to wear one when I'm around people.  It is up to the individual and what they feel is right for them.  Last night Chris Cuomo was questioning her and she wouldn't say anything but, today, she did.  I also heard that 600 people in the US passed away yesterday - so it's not over.  Ask the people in India.

     I'll stop and watch Cheyenne. Need to check the creepfeeder later but think I'll wait until tomorrow to put in feed to give my costo time to get better.  Not hurting as much as it did earlier.

     Jo, thank you for the information.  I'll see to it tomorrow.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm glad Sarah's surgery went well.  I hope she accepts close follow up care.

    Happy Birthday to Jo C's DH!  May he enjoy his pizza!

    Lorita, I gave learned to shuffle my feet when I walk around my cats.  I have had a lot of falls from stepping on tails and paws.  You would think they would know to move away, but they don't.  I also turn on the overhead light at night and don't rely on the bathroom nightlight--it's not bright enough.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Thanks, Iris, I hope she does, too.  Time will tell if they can work out something that is helpful for her.

     Good idea to shuffle my feet.  I'll try that.  I do walk around at night in the dark so should stop doing that, too.  This getting "mature" is hard sometimes.

     I took a couple of pictures of the trees over the house I need to get trimmed.  Forgot to post them.  These were taken of the trees on the north side.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, what is in that large tank outside your home?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    It's a propane tank, Iris.  That's what we heat with.  Everything else is electric.  The other thing is the generator.  .  Judith and others who have generators, check them for ants.  A couple of years ago ants got into the computer part   of ours and everything had to be replaced -not inexpensive.  Just found ants in ours so put in a couple of ant traps.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    LOL, the only propane tanks I have seen are for barbeques--that's quite a size difference!  It looks like your home is nice and toasty during the winter!  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Hopefully the water table is building up so we will have water we need if it gets dry.

    Know a couple where the husband refuses home care that would probably be useful. The reason is they are no longer able to care for the inside of their home as they use to.. he believes that if they come they will report him to someone and will force them out of their home.  Wonder if this could be part of S issue with accepting in home help.  Just a thought.

    Judith hope you are doing ok.

    Jo that sounds like a nice treat to share in porch.  Wondered if those pineapple corers worked.  Like pineapple in stir fry too.  

    Have not had takeout pizza in over a year either.  Made homemade pizza instead.  Hope to change that soon also.

    Our state is lifting all restrictions June 2 except for congregate settings such as nursing homes.  Indeed it is still here.  Know of a family where quite a few of them recently got Covid.  The 69 year old died. No vaccines and one victim is a  health care worker who should have known what result of covid can be.  She has lots of morbidities even though she is in her 40s. Interestingly Dr Griffin out of NYC says most new cases they are seeing now, spread is from family members.  Not surprising as that is probably where people are the least compliant.

      We have been at a low level for months but that low level is not lowering, it is a plateau.  The next couple of weeks we will see if Mother’s Day brings an upward blip or not.  Easter did for a very short period of time.  Just saw a Infectious disease specialist out of SF say we have 150 hospitalizations today and not one case is vaccinated.  From the numbers I’m seeing the break through rate for those vaccinated is .01%.  That is pretty low, majority are older and/or immune compromised.  

    Probably will take it slowly at first myself.  Will continue to wear mask at least for awhile, especially in indoor setting, til I see if this experiment does any harm or not to the vaccinated people.  Hopefully will prove we are good to go.    Have no interest in getting sick.  Vaccine is freely available now and so everyone is now responsible for themselves.  Don’t feel I have a responsibility to protect others as much.  Our county averages around 98 new cases per week.  I’d say average about one hospital admission per day and very few deaths.  Will go days without a death.   A little exposure is good as long as I don’t get sick lol.  Each time that I am expose my immune system gets a boost and makes my  body even better prepared to fight it off. 

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Weather report - beautiful so far, sunny, cool with a bit of wind.  Today and tomorrow will be the last good days for a week or more.  There will be a little rain early tomorrow and again late evening and from then until next weekend rain chances are 60-70%.  It's still muddy and wet out in our pastures.  I did see the guy, or hired hand, who owns the farm eeast of us spraying yesterday - big rig and noisy.  I haven't been able to get our pastures sprayed yet, just too wet.  Sara, hope you get enough rain so you won't have a drought.  You can never tell what's going to happen later in the year.

     I don't think that's the problem with Sarah not having in-home help.  She has always kept a good house as far as I know and Todd's kind of a neat-freak.  If there's something she can't get cleaned up, he does it along with doing laundry and other things.  Their washer and dryer are in a place that has steps to go down and he won't let her go down thinking she might fall.  She's had lots of different nurses and people to do light housekeeping in the past.  I think one thing that makes them leary is that someone she trusted stole a lot of jewelry and money from them.   This wouldn't apply to  nurses that come in for a little while but might for someone who would do light housework.  She has in the past talked about some kind of long-term facility so don't know where that will go. 

     I talked with her nurse last evening.   Sarah's vital signs are still good but they're having to try to keep her pain under control.  She's had problems with that for a long time.  I asked her about the nurse Jo mentioned and she said that would be up to the doctors to determine what she needed.  One nurse or someone had told Sarah she probably wouldn't be in the hospital long but it didn't sound like that with this nurse.

     Nothing going on here today - hope that guy comes to check out the tree(s) and can have a crew out tomorrow to work on that one tree.  The Royal Empress tree is as tall as the elm but it's kind of leaning away from the yard/house.  That's the tall post-like thing in the picture that shows the propane tank.  Probably should move the car if it's really stormy - if that tree came down it would crush it.  We lost two huge Royal Empress trees three or four years ago - their roots were in an area that was lower than the tree and held water so it killed them and the wind finished it.  When one fell it actually bent part of the pipe corral.  Green wood is so heavy.

     Today or tomorrow I need to put some feed in the creepfeeder.  I checked it yesterday and it has leaked where the hinges are so will have to get that molded feed out so the babies won't eat it.   When I got up and first looked outside I saw the two little boys going into the NE pasture.  One, or both, of them were calling their mom and I heard her answer.  It's amazing that the mother knows the baby's voice and vice versa.  Hope we don't have new babies during the rainy weather.

     Really miss being able to talk with Darwin and his wife.  Don't want to upset her so I don't call.  The vet had talked with him and she's better about suspecting him of things but he said she was beginning to get really mean.  She's not a very big woman,, smaller than him, but he's older and more frail.  This past winter just about did him in.

     Sara, I'm going to continue to wear  my mask, too - inside and outside - for a while.  I just don't feel comfortable without it yet.  Sounds like just about everything's going to be open and not requiring masks, even the big ball parks without the distant seating they've had.  Hope it works out all right.  I don't know if our County is doing good now or is on a plateau.  I'll try to check later.

    Enjoy the day - can't believe it's the middle of May already.  Iris, did you get your tax paper together?  I'm going to work on mine next week when it's rainy.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Well, the tree guy came.  His company did tree work for us years ago.  I thought it might have been seven or eight but he said it was sixteen or seventeen.  He remembered some of our trees, even and where gates were they could go through to load the wood.    His company is a family affair - him, his sons, cousins - all family but two I think he said.  He said they have a new truck - bucket goes up 70+ feet and out about 55 so he can park it outside the yard on both sides and reach everything.

     We walked around and decided what needed to be done - we have one big, old elm with a younger one growing beside it.  We've left the little one there because we knew the old one would go sometime.  He said it would be better to take it out now and let the new one grow and spread out.  Anyway, after what they'd trim from the old one, there wouldn't  be too  much left.  He'll take everything off the house and cut out old limbs.  Really hate to do this but it's a necessity.  They live around Sallisaw and he said so many trees over into Arkansas came down last week in the storms and a couple of them fell on houses.  That's what I want to prevent happening.  They won't look so good for a while but...   I don't think I'll be able to watch - sometimes I try to micromanage and I don't want to do that.  He walked all around the house videotaping and telling the guys what needs to be done - then walked back around filming and repeating what he had said.  He'll be here part of the time.

     A couple of his sons were young when they were here before and one of them walked down where the cows were and they got after him and scared him.  He bought a Dodge Charger from us so he could teach the boys to drive.  He said they had the best time driving it and it lasted a long time. 

     So, after tomorrow I'll be $6,000 leaner - and that's with a senior discount - but it's tax deductible on my farm taxes so that'll help.    You all know I'm a tree hugger but the house is more important - if that big elm fell it would crush the whole west end of the house.  He said that tree was probably 65 or 70 years old.  Dread tomorrow.

     Judith, I looked to see how much your tree work costs but couldn't find it.  How many trees did you have taken out or trimmed?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Glad they are doing ok.  Wasn’t sure if S was able to do house cleaning. 

    Glad you are getting those trees cut.  Had everything removed here that was above my roof.  Not good for the roof or the guttering.  Then if they fall on their own that can be really bad.

    Sunny, cool but eating on the porch.  Nice for working  out.  

    Lorita we will let others be the guinea pigs.  In a couple of months we will know kind of where we stand.  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    To take down 80 year old Elm was 3,500  and to take out 2 smaller trees and trim up the remaining trees was 300. I had a company do the Elm because they were bonded and the rest done by my yard mower.

    I too am still going to wear my mask a lot.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Judith, didn't you hate to lose your rpm or was it badly damaged in the storm?  I hated to  have the elm taken down.  Are you feeling better?
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    The elm had actually fallen. I feel a bit better but not tip top yet.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I got my tax preparation papers to my accountant shortly after the beginning of the month, and I already have them back.  I don't owe any federal or state tax.  

    I'm glad the tree is being taken care of.  The townhouse I had purchased had a tree that was actually lifting up and removing roof shingles, but the homeowners' association wouldn't do anything about it!  Beware of homeowners' associations!  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Nice sunny morning.  Two week forecast shows 50 or above every night so think I’m good to go for putting my plants out.  Hope they are right.  

    Judith glad you are feeling a bit better and hope you are feeling much better soon.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

    Sara,   I bet you will enjoy setting your plants out today in the nice weather. I planted a few seeds in the pots on my back porch a few weeks ago but I think I planted them a bit too early. Enjoy your day in the nice weather.

    Judith,  I know how you feel when life slows you down. I just went thru a spell of that. It will get better so take care of yourself and get lots of rest.

    Lorita,    I just took some pumpkin spice muffins out of the oven they are cooling down right now, they sure smell good. This is the recipe you gave us and it's the first time I have made them.

    I am at my daughters house in Longview, Wash its a 4 hour drive from my house. Molly and I came over yesterday. My daughter and her husband are going to New Your for  10 days so Molly and I will be staying at their house cat sitting. I just took the muffins out of  the oven so they will be getting up soon.  I like being at my daughters house I do all the cooking and they love it. I do the cooking and the cleaning I don't even like her in the kitchen when I am in there. When they get home I will have the house all cleaned. She is a good housekeeper but I will add the Mothers touch.  It's nice to be needed. 

    The weather here is going to be nice but I will just stay at her house I don't like going anyplace just in case something happens to me and no one will know where I am staying. And the kittys will go unfed. 

    Gotta go people are getting up. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     rpm? where did that come from? Judith, glad you can interpret what I type - guess I had my fingers on the wrong keys. Glad you're feeling somewhat better and fully recover very soon.  Sorry about your big elm.  I know I'll miss our old elm - probably 65 years old.  When Eric was a little boy (he's 49 now) he bought an "R" for daddy for his birthday probably and daddy nailed it to the tree.  I took it down yesterday - kind of sad.

     Best laid plans - just after 8 a.m. got a call on my cellphone (didn't recognize the number so didn't answer) but he left a message.  It was Adrian (tree service owner) telling me they were having a problem with their bucket truck but would be here as soon as they got it fixed.  Just had another call - still working on it - something about the fuel - but they'll be here. 

     I've been up in the pasture trying to count everyone - never did get the right number but I checked all the pastures so they must be in the used-to-be garden where's there's lots of berry vines and I couldn't see them.  I didn't wear my sunglasses because it was kind of dark and cloudy when I left.  There's rain about 50 miles north of us - but not here.  So, without the sunglasses got way too much light into my eyes and thing are just now beginning to get back to normal.  If any of you have cataracts, is that how light affects your eyes?   I've had laser surgery on both eyes for narrow angles so I know that lets more light than normal in.

     Sara - sounds like it'll be safe to get your plants out.  That's the kind of weather we've had the last few days but today it will begin to warm up and get more humid.  I think the humidity was 84% this morning - it was 44% a couple of days ago.  Weatherman says we could have up to 6" of rain next week.

    Zetta, hope things are all right in Oregon - don't remember seeing a post from you yesterday.  How's your weather?  How hot do your summers get and are they humid?  Sometimes in Oklahoma summer is really hard - very hot and so humid and hazy.  We can be short on rain and it will still be humid -  much more than it was when I was growing up.  I think it got much worse after they built Lake Eufaula and I think there's more ponds now because there's more cattle and less farming.  When our winds blow in the summer it's from the south and sometimes feels like a sauna when you walk outside.

     Hope all of you are well today.  Be back later.     

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,  Funny I was posting 2 min ahead of you this morning. I was on the road driving most of yesterday I am now in Longview Wash.

    I made the pumpkin spice muffins this morning and we all enjoyed them. We had bananas with them. Still some left for tomorrow. 

    My daughter's TV has all I could ever want to watch. I just tell it what I want and there it is. Right now I have it set to watch 8 hrs of Rifleman. So 2 more hrs of Rifleman then 8 hrs of Wagon Train. It don't get much better then that.     

    Hugs to All, Zetta   

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Judith, I'm so glad you're feeling better!  I didn't realize you were under the weather.

    Lorita, are yours dairy cows?  I don't remember if you said earlier.  


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just wanted to let everyone know I'm alive and well! Been listening to everyone on the porch, but have been feeling sorry for myself and have stayed out of sight under the porch. Hope to visit again soon!!


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    We are here for you please let us help you feel better. You and Lou are very special can you share your thoughts. Hugs To You Both.  Zetta 

  • SweetiePie
    SweetiePie Member Posts: 10
    Seventh Anniversary First Comment
    Zetta, I loved your post about staying at your daughter's house.  She is lucky to have you.   Enjoy the t.v.!
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning, 

    Zetta glad you had a safe trip, and got to enjoy the muffins with others.

    Know that was disappointing Lorita that you didn’t get your tree work done.  Hopefully soon.  

    Put a roast in the oven yesterday eve.  House smells good this morning.  Will take mom part of it when I take the plants I raised for her over this morning.

    55 degrees this morning.  Yes my plants should like that.  Got all my peppers out yesterday, my celery and about half of my tomatoes.  
    Going to take a day of rest today other than weed around moms house and maintain what I set out yesterday.  Very sore and stiff this morning.  Massage gun does help some.

    Good to hear from you Ron.  Hope you find a little peace today.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Well, I'll try again - got about a third of my post typed and it disappeared.   Hate when that happens.

     Zetta, so glad you all liked the muffins.  I like to have one, or two, when they're still a bit warm - or warmed up a few seconds in the microwave.  I split them and put just a tiny bit of butter inside - so good.  I always put some mini chocolate chips in the batter and maybe a few on top.  I think I'll make some today.

     I laughed when you said you were watching all those hours of The Rifleman and Wagon Train.  We were faithful watchers of both of them.  I saw Chuck Conners on an episode of Gunsmoke a couple of days ago.  He played a prize fighter and was mean - but Matt got him in the end.

     Four hours driving is a long time.  If we drove those hours we could be in Kansas City or Dallas.  Can't spend much time in a car anymore - and I don't drive the PU or car enough to keep the batteries up.  I tried to start the PU this morning to put some feed in the creepfeeder and both batteries are down.  I have a new battery charger I've never used but if the tree people come today or tomorrow I'll ask them to jump it.  They're not here so far so probably won't make it today.   I did put 200 lb. of creep in the Gator and got it into the creepfeeder so they're okay for a while.

     Iris - our cattle are Brangus so not dairy cattle.  Those cows are usually Holstein - big black and white spotted cows.  I used to go to school with kids from a family who had a dairy and some of the cows were as big as our big Brangus girls.  There used to be some dairies east of us but there aren't any around any more.  Guess the price of milk didn't offset the cost of feed and keep.

     Sara -  glad your plants are doing well.  You're growing celery?  Never tried that - we did have bok choy and it did well.  I used to like it in salads and stir fry, too.  Hope your celery does well. 

     Ron - come out from under the porch - it's dark and snaky under there - I was there a couple of weeks ago and didn't like it.  Zetta is so right - we're all right here wanting to help in any way we can.  Many times if you'll just talk about something out loud or put it down in black and white it makes you feel better.  At least it helps me to write in my journal and on this forum.  I'm afraid I do take advantage of all of you when I'm down.  For some reason these cats and GPs don't have much empathy.   Hope things are better for you this morning.  Maybe if your weather is good you and Lou could get outside a bit today - you may be getting rain this next week like we're supposed to.  They're saying five or more inches here and it's still wet from the 7.8" we've had the last two weeks.

     Sara - I was disappointed about the trees - had myself all revved up to endure it.  I doubt they'll make it today and really not sure about next week because of the rain.  Adrian said they could still do it even if it was raining unless it was a downpour.

     Had good outcome to something yesterday.  Over two weeks ago we had a new mom who was having trouble with her foot.  Sore place between her toes.  You all know cattle have two toes on each foot so when there's a sore it makes them limp and lay around a lot because it hurts to walk.  He treated her with antibiotics - but, on both back feet one toe was trying to cross over the other and that made it hurt to walk.  So - last night he came to see if he could trim her toe enough to prevent that.  If he wasn't able to do it, he'd have to sedate her.  I so dreaded that if it had to be done. 

     The girls went to the barn and didn't come out until 4 p.m.  I was trying to make sure she stayed in and she did with four little ones and Rose Bud.  Before Mike came I let Rose Bud out and two moms came to get their babies so she was left with two babies - one of them hers.  When he got here we got her in the chute.  He had a pair of things that looked a bit like loppers - with long handles.  He said he was afraid he couldn't be able to get underneath the pipes in the chute - but he did!!!  Trimmed one foot, then the other and trimmed a bit more on the first one.  She was so good - stood still with only a couple of kicks to get her pedicure.  I told her she was getting something I'd never had.  So, the toes looked pretty good when he finished and he gave her another antibiotic shot.  He was careful not to trim enough to get into the quick.  Just like when we trim our nails too short or they get torn into the quick - hurts like the dickens.  I let her and her baby out and the other mom came after her baby. 

     Stormy and I went out this morning to see everyone - didn't see any of them laying down so maybe she's doing better today.  But - I did lose my binoculars.  I had them laying on the dash of the Gator and used them in one pasture but drove up into the other one and somewhere, out in that pasture, they're laying in the grass.  I didn't miss them until I started into the house.  I do go back up and look but they're gone unless by accident I see them again.  I have another pair so I can still check girls from the porch.

     This is too long but I wanted to tell you all that Sarah called this morning.  She said Dr. C. had just been in to see her.  He said he was very worried about her when she came in and he had to do the emergency surgery.  This is the awful, almost unbelievable part - he said when he got in her abdomen he found staples that were loose - not closed - sponges and even a glove.  He was appalled.  Before the surgery he called Dr. D. and asked him if he wanted to correct  the surgery he had done and he told him he didn't want to have anything else to do with her.  I can't imagine something like that happening but evidently it does.  Some doctors have the God complex - I've seen a couple of them and evidently he does.  He had to remove quite a lot of her intestines that had literally turned black and were dead.  Also repaired the hernia - said he hoped she didn't get another one - I think she's had three or four.   Dr. C. told her she'd be there for a while and it looks like the social worker is going to make good discharge plans.

      I'll stop for now - just wanted you all to know what she told me.  She said she was almost afraid to tell T. because of what he might do.  He and I talked the other night and sounds like he has plans for a possible lawsuit - if they can find a good attorney to take the case. 

     I'm hungry so better have something to eat - already had juice and one cup of hot tea.  Think I'll make some scalloped potatoes - from a box.  I've had them before and they were really good.

     Hope all of you are well today. Radar looks like it's already raining in OKC - headed this way.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Sunny, just warm, not hot, gentle breeze, bird singing.  Eating lunch on porch with windows open.  

    Have never planted celery before Lorita.  Watch Robbie in Southern California raising it.  Mom tried once and didn’t have success.  Just trying for fun, we’ll see.

    Lorita you need to take your vehicles for a spin every week.  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

    Lorita,   That is so sad all the crap they found inside Sarah, If I was T.  I sure would file a suit. For any Dr. to be so careless he should be paying for that and people should be hearing about him.  Its good  news that the vet was able to fix the cows foot I bet she will fell a lot better. 

    My 4 hrs of driving time takes me about 6 hrs. I hit all the drive thru coffee stands and rest areas. So Molly & I can take a potty break. I do enjoy driving and singing alone to my radio. 

    Now that I have this fancy TV to watch I am trying to remember all the westerns I like. All I have to do is tell the control. It is crazy talking to a TV  control. 

    Ron,   I hope you feel better today. Like Lorita said if its a good day to set out and enjoy the fresh air that might be good thing for you and Lou to do.

    SweetiePie,   I love going to my daughters house and she likes it when I am here. I have been up for 3 hrs and yes I am watching Rifleman. I just put a Quiche in the oven it is so  nice having someone to cook for. I love her TV I just tell it what I want to watch and it will go to that and I can set it up for as many hrs as I want. I want to have this all mastered because they are leaving for NY on Wednesday and I will be in western heaven. 

    Sara,  It does  not sound like you will be getting much rest today if your going to weed around your Mom's house. But your just a youngster I passed being a youngster a few years ago. I still think I can  do things but I am usually too tired to try. 

    Time to go its breakfast time and the Quiche smells good. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Sarah, I've been trying to remember to drive the car to the mailbox every other day - should do the same for the PU - I could take Stormy and drive around the section north of us.  Just kind of lose track of time.  I use a humidifier in the bedroom at night and it holds enough water for two nights - but, it seems like I have to refill it every night.  Time just goes so fast.

     Good luck with the celery - wouldn't that be something to raise celery?  So nice that you can sit on your porch for lunch.   Is it a screened porch or are the open windows in the house?  Bet that roast was good.

     Zetta - what about Rawhide?   That was one of my favorites.  There was another one I didn't watch often called Sugarfoot - wasn't my favorite.  We get Alias Smith and Jones - again, not one of my favorites.  There was a western that was really good.  My mother and Charles' mother had a little crush on the foreman but I can't remember the name of it.  A woman owned the ranch and he took care of it for her.  Really a muscular, strong man - not really tall but handsome.  Might be able to google old westerns.  I'll try that.  What a TV!  That must be something to be able to do that.  I'm not much for new technology but would enjoy that.

     Just went out and taped up the hinges on the top of the creepfeeder to see if I can prevent leakage.  I saw the cow who had the pedicure last night going into the barn.  She was walking slowly but I looked at her feet and the toes weren't touching.  Will probably take a little more time for the sore place to heal and to get used to the "new" pedicure.   Everyone's in the barn - they didn't come out until about 4 yesterday.  There's rain west of us so we'll get it this afternoon.

     Todd and I talked a week or so ago about what he felt he should do.  I've known a couple of people who did file lawsuits for malpractice and nothing came of it.  But, maybe this new doctor will help.  I told Sarah to try to find out the names of the people who might have been in the operating room this past week.  She said there was a nurse in the room this morning when the doctor told her these things.

    Zetta - I couldn't find spice cake mixes online so got white ones and will add spices to turn them into a spice mix.  Just l tsp. cinnamon, l/2 tsp. nutmeg, 1/2 tsp. allspice and 1/4 tsp. ginger.  I've seen other recipes, I think, using more ginger.  I probably wrote it down so will check.  Going to rest a bit first.  I get 18 medium sized muffins out of one recipe and bake both pans at one time so it doesn't take long.  Every time I make these, just before the batter comes together, I think it never will.  Amazing how it does that.  Did you use an egg?   I have but haven't lately and can't really tell the difference.  I've also tried it with a chocolate cake mix - good, but not the same.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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