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Just need to talk to my friends (146)



  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning.  Happy Mother’s Day to all.  Ron, I’ll be there for cake.  Thanks for the coffee Sara.  Sounds like a perfect combination.  I’m going to daughter’s for lunch.  

    No planting here yet.  It was 32 here this morning.  We’re expecting storms through Tuesday morning.  Sure hope we get lots of rain.  We had thunder and rain last night.  Was fun hearing thunder again, but sure don’t need lightening to start another fire around here.

    Jo, my rheumatologist is from the University of Colorado Health hospital in Denver.  I think we are on the right path now, but if I don’t get better results, will seek out a second opinion.  It’s such a guessing game.  I get your frustration.  I saw 4 different doctors last week.  I know all weren’t directly related to what’s going on, but still not fun to spend every day at an appointment.  I had bone density scan, oncologists follow up, virtual with rheumatologist, and biopsy stitches removed.  I’m feeling a little less jittery after dropping prednisone to 50 mg.  Thank you for being our resident nurse.  I value and trust your wealth of knowledge and your urging us in the right direction.  I hope you’re feeling better and getting good results with treatment.  

    Lorita, sounds like you had a busy day yesterday.  Hope you can rest today.  I bet your yard looks beautiful.  It’s so nice to get all things trimmed and cleaned out.  I’ve loved seeing your pictures.

    Sara, I want cheese cake.  I’m trying not to eat a lot of sugar until I get off high dose prednisone, since it can cause development of diabetes.  I’m not a huge sweet tooth, but when I know I shouldn’t eat something, it makes me want it more.  Lol

    Hi to all on here.  I hope everyone has a great day today.  Joan

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Happy Mother's Day wishes to one and all no matter in what way you may be a mother; there are many ways to, "mother," and all are a blessing.

     Lorita, interesting in that you brought up the topic of ticks.  Consumer Reports just did an article on how to avoid mosquito, ticks and other insect issues.  Here is the link:


    Have to say, no one has to worry about mosquito bites if I am within a mile of a  mosquito - the darned things think I am a smorgasbord; I sure do seem to attract them.  Last year I was bit in several places on my arm and got a dreadful reaction.  I even got blisters and one swelled to the size of a golf ball and I needed to see the doctor.   We are not in a tick area so that is one less insect to be concerned about.

     Regarding glucosasmine/chondroitin; interesting in that I cannot even try it.  I have a deadly allergy to scallops; the glucosamine/chondroitin is made from either shells or animal connective tissue.  I contacted the companies making the product with shells and they said that all sorts of shells are used including scallop shells and I may not be safe taking such a product.  I will not use the glucosamine/chondroitin made from cow and pig connetive tissue, (recommendation not to from orthopedist), as there was some concern re bovine encephalopathy from that type of derived substance; (mad cow disease),  that dread condition is caused by prions and prions just cannot seem to be killed; they will last through pretty much any processing. 

     When there was an outbreak of this terrible prion disease in England; they had to kill entire large, multiple herds of cattle.  They could not be buried as prions live through that; so they burned the dead cattle; to the utter surprise of the experts, prions actually lived through the burning.   Ashes were then stored in huge hanger-like buildings; haven't heard any more about the aftermath of that.

     It has even been questioned that there is a possibility that some persons diagnosed with dementia may actually have bovine encephalopathy; the incubation period of that prion disease can go up to 20 years.  But I digress . . .  on to timely information.

    According to the Mayo Clinic; if one has glaucoma, one should not take glucosamine/chondroitin as it may raise eye pressure thereby worseing the glaucoma.  It may also exacerbate asthma and can interact with some medications.


    I know; here I am with more downer input, but since I care about all of you, here I am posting it anyway.  Just good to have knowledge to put in your pocket and to discuss with one's physician.

     Sayra; I too like cilantro; Ina Garten has strongly said on more than one cooking show that she cannot stand cilantro.  It is interesting that some people actually have a genetic issue that makes cilantro taste like soap and it is really very disgusting for them.   Glad it isn't me.

    You all have me craving cheescake now; and there is none to be coming my way.  It is so good when there is a good recipe.  Not only lucious flavor, but a wonderful mouth feel too.  Has to have a buttery, sweet graham cracker crust for my creamy cheesecake dream.  Ah well.

     Sad, sad, nightmare situation in India; I feel so very bad for all that is happening.   On national news today, the estimate was that though the number of COVID deaths in India have been said to be 4,000 per day; it is actually somewhere about ten times that number due to poor data collection across the country.  So much being said by the Indian people regarding their leadership's gross mishandling of the situation and opening the country to multiple massie, massive gatherings of  thousands of people for certain rites rather than protecting the country and its people. 

    Read yesterday that an Infectious Disease MD from the U.S. went to India for a short period to help with the treatment set-up.  He had been thoroughly vaccinated and was well past the time to wait for full effect of the vaccine. The poor man contracted COVID in his short time in India and he died despite having been vaccinated.  Horrible.

    I came upon a good movie that was made awhile back and watched it again last night.  Have you seen, "The Gods Must Be Crazy,"?  It was made in Africa and involves a tiny bushman as a main character who finds a coke bottle that falls from an aircraft flying overhead.  (He has never seen a bottle, or clothing or modern transportation or white people).  The mysterious object (the bottle) seems to cause bad things in his village, so he takes the bottle and tries to trek to the end of the earth so he can throw the evil thing away.  In the meantime, there appear other characters - American and British - and it all begins to evolve.    It is SO funny!  I found myself laughing out loud.   It also has some poignancy to it a bit, but mostly just so funny.  It is good to laugh.

    Antique Roadshow had a show last night that dealt with stars of stage/film/sports; they had items to show and have evalulated.   I only watched a few minutes, but omigoodness, will have to see if it has reruns so I can record it.  It hiccuped back and forth between the stars, but Jay Leno was on . . . . he has a house isolated above the ocean down the California Coast; he bought it (truly huge mansion with multiple wings) fully furnished even with paintings and all decorator items in situ.  It is lovely inside; downright calmy beautiful - but with the show hiccuping around I did not have time to wait and see more of the house if they showed it.  Love when things are recorded so I can fast forward through commercials and junk.  I never thought of Leno in such a setting, but it is really awesome; no wonder he bought it, "as is."

    Eight o'clock here; I can hear DH waking up, so time for me to get a move on.  The day will be pretty much packed with Mom-day phone calls, so have to get my ears ready.

    May it be a lovely day for everyone,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Happy Mothers Day to all.

     Ron,  Please give Lou a Mothers Day Hug from us. Thank You for the Yummy P.N. Butter cake I will be on the porch this afternoon to enjoy the cake and Sara's coffee and visiting all of my friends. 

     Sara,   Your such a Baby, I was 18 years old when JFK was president. I was driving home from work the afternoon he was shot    and its was being announced over the radio all the cars on the Sacto freeway pulled over in shock. 

     Lorita,   I also have rabbits that live on my property. Usually I have a MaMa and PaPa and a few babies. A few years ago Molly made friends with one of them. She could walk right up to it. She chases and they run the one she made friends with did not run. It was so cute. 

    Iris,   It will be  nice if you can get your sleep back on track. I also have problems with my sleeping. My Dr. has me taking Melatonoin every evening and it seems to be helping. I have been taking if for a few months now and seems around 8pm  my body is telling me its time for bed. I just wish I could sleep all night. I never have a problem going back to sleep I just wish I could stay sleeping.

    Joan,   We have been getting rain off and on for a few days  now. It is nice I love the smell of rain. I am sending wishes your way for rain. I remember the days all you had to do was go to one Dr,  and that one Dr seemed to know everything. I miss that I really want a Dr I can trust and when you so many it is hard. My Dr is in a clinic but he is the only one I make a appt. with and that works as long as he does not want to send me to some kind of specialist.

     Jo,   I have been having stomach issues and I think it is because I pigged out on avocado's.  Its been about 5 days now and I am starting to feel better. I don't want to go to the Dr but I guess if it don't clear up in a few day I will need too. My stomach is not hurting but it is doing a lot of rumbling. And I have been spending a lot of time on the you know what.  

    Your all talking about Cheese Cake I found in the fridge I had some cheese cake yogert. It was good it would have been better it if had the gram cracker crust. 

    I will see you all later on the proch for coffee and cake.   

    Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Serving pie again tonight: Strawberry Rhubarb. Rhubarb is from my garden. I use the refrigerated crusts from the grocer - just easier. I have a book "Ms. American Pie," by Beth M. Howard. There are close to 60 pie recipes in the book and I've probably made 25 of them. 

    Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Fixed Lou's favorite meal today; talipia, broccoli, roll and peanut butter cake for desert. 

    Lorita, the cake is easy! Prepare the Yellow cake mix from instructions on the box. Icing is 2 cups condensed milk, 1 cup sugar and 1 cup peanut butter. Bring condensed milk and sugar to a boil and add peanut butter. Reduce heat to medium and stir with a slotted spoon. When the icing will not go through the slots,  its thick enough to spread. Make sure your cake has cooled down.


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    Happy Mother's Day.

    Hubby got me a gift card to get a massage, had 2 dozen red roses delivered and a gift card for delivery for a meal for uncle and myself. He's a good guy, guess I'll "keep" him.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Joan, about all I've done today is rest - did get the trash together and drove out to check the girls a couple of times.  Took Stormy and Sheena for a walk and that's it.

     I don't like doctor's appointments either and I put them off.  I hope you can feel better soon.  It's really chilly here today but won't be down to freezing.

     I feel the same way you do about Jo.  I also value her opinion about things.

     Nicole - I think you have a keeper - I'd hang onto him.  Two dozen red roses - sounds beautiful and the other things, too.  Hope you enjoy the dinner.

    Jo - do hate to hear there's animal products in the glucosamine but it does seem to help -  just wish the caplets weren't so big.  I've also heard of something they give for knee pain that's made from rooster combs.  Don't know how that worked out.  I remember when they were destroying all those herds of cattle because of mad cow disease.  How awful for the ranchers - just can't imagine how they must have felt.  I haven't heard anything about it for a long time.

     I saw about five minutes of the movie you mentioned.  It was on TV this afternoon but I didn't know it until it was about over.  Looked kind of interesting. Sands of Iwo Jima is on in about 15 minutes and I think I'll watch that.  I think John Wayne's really good in war movies.

     I don't think I like cilantro either.  I tried it once and didn't like it - same with Basil.  I have purple basil coming up all over the place every year.  It makes a pretty plant if you can keep it pinched back and not let it go to seed.  I think I'll keep a few plants this year just for the color.  Don't know if it's good to eat or not.  One of the social workers gave me a couple of little plants probably 30 years ago.

     Zetta, hope you get over your stomach problems soon.  Sounds like it might have been the avocados. 

     I love little rabbits - what a cute family you have every year.  I think I've mentioned that when I was a little kid daddy would be plowing and sometimes he'd find a rabbit's nest.  He's always bring one of the little rabbits to the house for me to play with.  Never did get bitten until I was probably 30 years old.  He had brought one to Sarah and Eric and I was playing with it and it bit me -  hurt like the dickens and had to really shake my hand hard to get it to turn loose.

     Beth, I love pies and it sounds like you do, too.  I've never eaten a rhubarb and strawberry pie but I bet they're good.  I also use the store-bought pie crusts when I did make pies.  I think I have a couple in the freezer now.

     Thanks, Ron, for the recipe.  I love peanut butter and the cake sounds really good.  I bet Lou enjoyed it today.  I also love broccoli and used to like tilapia.  Sounds like you and Lou had a really good meal today. 

     Been very quiet here today - in fact, I dozed off a couple of times in my chair.  My head kept falling over to the side so finally laid down on the divan - then, no more napping.

     Hope all of you enjoyed the day.  Joan, hope you get some rain soon.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, President Kennedy had the best inaugural address ever.  "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!" That made quite an impression on me as a young student.  I chose my medical career to be of use to my community.  

    Lorita, if you sprinkle boric acid, be sure animals can't get to it because it is very toxic.

    Jo, thanks for the cautions about glucosamine.  OTC medications must be researched and used carefully.  I saw the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy when it first came out.  I remember I enjoyed it but I don't remember the plot.  

    Beth, I once made a rhubarb-apple pie.  I love rhubarb.  Restaurants and bakeries don't seem to offer it here.  I think I did see frozen rhubarb in some store recently.

    Ron, thanks for the directions for peanut butter cake.  It sounds delish!  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita got some herbs, dahlias, flat of alyssum and a few other various flowers.

    Beth bought two of the vista bubblegum.  My sister bought some too.  She was very excited about them.

    Pie crust are easier from a box for sure.  Living alone, not sure how many types of pie would be ok frozen.  Guess the only way I will find out is to try.

    Enjoy your massage Nicole.

    Lorita got sent a free pack of purple basil seed.  Have a few started.  They are very pretty.  They are edible, says they have a clove flavor.  Probably will just grow them for looks.  Will stick with Genovese variety for my spice variety.

    Iris I do know that quote from JFK.  That would have been a good theme for this past year.

    Have an appointment to visit Jean today.

    Hope to start rest of my seeds today. 

    They are giving sunshine for several days now so hope I can get my plants back out on porch.  It was so cold on porch yesterday that just had to place some things that I bought in the house.  Some of them were to big to go under lights.  Just one day shouldn’t hurt them as big as they are.

    Ron took a picture of your recipe so should get it on a card sometime.  Think I would like it and it should freeze ok.  Thinking it might be good on a chocolate cake too.

    Take care everyone

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Zetta, just wanted to let you know that here, there has been a stomach bug going around with same symptoms you have.  I know one family, all sick with it most of last week, and still not at 100%.  Hang in there and hope you feel better soon.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Thanks, Iris for the heads-up about the borax.  Guess I can't use it because the ants get on the cabinet and the cats  can if they want to.  Guess I'll just use the spray and then disinfect afterwards and hope they go away.  Wait, was it boric acid or borax or are they the same thing?

     I loved Kennedy's Inaugural Address, too.  I was 21 when he was assassinated.  I was at work and Karen called me and told me about it. Thought she was kidding.  Afterwards we went to the Canteen and it was very quiet, not like usual.  I remember watching his funeral while I was making a suit to wear to a friend's wedding.  Such a sad time.

     Sara, sounds like you're going to be busy planting all those flowers and herbs you bought.  I bet you and your sister really enjoyed plant shopping.  Charles and I always did.  There's a huge nursery in Broken Arrow where Charles and I did go a few times.  But, it's so big and there's so many plants, it's overwhelming.  Always thought Home Depot had good plants but not one of those within my driving zone now so guess WM will have to do when I do finally go.  By then most of the plants will be gone or picked over.   I've always liked to make a hanging basket of oregano - also always have had one of purslane.  Always thought it was so pretty. 

     Glad you got the purple basil seeds.  You'll never need to plant again.  I try to keep the ones I have pinched back so they get bushier but eventually they outlast me and go to seed and they scatter everywhere.  I've never tasted it.  Still haven't mixed together the flower seed packets I have to plant and it's too windy today.  And, it's cold.  I wore a coat and my hat to take the trash down.  Hate that I have to go so early.  Stormy went with me because  I had told him last night he could go.  Backed the Gator up to the back gate and loaded the trash and he started crying.  Had to go to the front gate to get his leash and he was ready.  Promised Sheena she could go the mailbox with us this afternoon.

     I think alyssum is so pretty.  When we moved to the mobile home we planted seven Chinese Elm trees because they were supposed to grow fast - they did.  We made a flower bed around one of them and I planted white alyssum.  Didn't do well - maybe because it was shady. 

     Just had a tussle with a big, yellow can of cat litter.  I order it from WM and this time they put red tape all around the lid.  I cut it with a box cutter and tried to get it open - didn't work. So, got a pair of scissors and a screwdriver to get it open - didn't work.  Got a hammer to try to pry it open, then it dawned on me that there's a heavy piece of plastic all around the lid that you have to pull off. Guess I'm not running on all cylinders this morning.  Got the boxes emptied and refilled - that's always a chore and I hate doing it but love the cats so guess I'll continue.

     Zetta - glad Joan told you about the stuff going around - maybe that is what you have.  Hope so -hate to think avocados would cause it because they're so good.  My dream would be to have an avocado tree, a banana tree, a mango tree and potatoes.  I think I could exist on those things.

     Got the boxes opened that came Friday so will have to take things out, wipe them down, get them inside and put away.  It's cold on the front porch and windy so I'll wait until afternoon.

     Carol called last night and we had a nice, looong visit.  She's quite a talker and she has so much to say.  Reason for the call was that Karen's husband had sent us a picture of their two sons by Karen's headstone.  I remember those boys as young kids - now they're grown and have grown kids of their own.  Time does really fly.  She said one of her daughters and her husband took she and Bill out to dinner Saturday night  - said there were bout 50 people there - not one had on a mask.  It's a big lodge on one of our lakes that daddy help build many, many years ago.  Also  they had Mayfest in Tulsa and the news said there were 150,000 people who attended the two days - the on the clips I saw of it,  not one person was wearing a mask.  Makes a person worry that it's too much, too soon. 

     GPs are blowing their hair.  When I brush them there's loads of white hair - and there's always tufts of white hair on the floor.  They always shed some but right now it's worse.

     Hope all of you are well today.  Judith, hope you got over your UTI and are feeling much better.

     Back later.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Looks like everyone's been busy this afternoon.  Sara, did you get your plants set out and the seeds planted?   It's been very cool here today with a pretty good north wind.  Each time I went out I wore my light coat and hat.

     I don't think I mentioned this but the day I went up to the store to get gas I noticed one of our neighbors about a mile or so away has some longhorns!  No idea how long he's had them.  I only saw a couple but there were other cows in the pasture and I was driving so no idea. They were very pretty - such big horns.  The place that services our PU has a cedar bench with as set of long horns on the back of it.   There's no way one of them could be gotten into a chute or head gate.  On the old westerns you see a few of them.  This neighbor is the son of a boy that was in school when I was but much younger.  I think it was probably his son who brought my cookies to me the other day.

     Very quiet here this afternoon.  Tried to see the girls as they came out of the barn but, of course, didn't do a very good job so drove down to see them.  There were still five cows and one baby in the barn.  The cow who had her foot treated was in there with her baby.  The others came out when I fed Rose Bud and after they left I fed her again along with the cow who was in the barn.  I looked out just now and saw her in the lot so went out and gave her some good hay - didn't see the baby so guess she let him go down to be with the others for a while.  The herd is split - some on the hill south of the house and some north of the house.  I heard her call her baby once but she's quiet now so guess she's not worried.  I asked Mike about her the other day and he said we should give her a few more days.  Her foot looks pretty good but the toe may have to be trimmed some.  She's walking but slowly.

     Hope all of you are well tonight and can have a good night's sleep. 

     Trying to find something to watch on TV - not a very good night so will probably go to bed a bit early. 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, boric acid and borax are different.  Borax is used for laundry (twenty mule team borax).  Borax may be less toxic than boric acid, but I couldn't say by how much.  There are recipes to make up using boric acid and applesauce or other sweet food to attract ants and other pests.  The concoction can be put in cans or dishes away from pets and other animals.  There is a lot of info about the difference between the two on the internet.

    I used to have a problem with ants getting into mt cats' food when I fed them on the balcony.  I traced where they came from and I poured boiling water down the anthole.  It might have taken a few tries.  Of course, the surviving ants could have moved just a few feet away.  But they didn't come back for the cats' food.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    The sun did shine yesterday but not very warm.

    Lorita it will be awhile before I can set out my plants.  We could still have freezes here. Usually not safe til last week of May.  Still see several nights in extended forecast in low 30s.  I don’t like buying my plants so far ahead of time but that is what my sister likes to do and I like going with her.  You do have a better selection going early. We go to the Mennonite nurseries as they are so much cheaper.  But, they have farming to do so they close at the end of May.  Planted cucumber, sunflower and green bean seeds yesterday.

    Checked out my glucosamine yesterday and it is still made from shells.  Go yearly for eye check and my pressure is always good.  So thankful for that as it has been so helpful with my knees.

    Housecleaning day, hope can work outside a little once I get that done.

    Saw J yesterday.  She looked tired.  She talked a lot though.  She seems to know what is going on in a way, but has it all so muddled.  Never really know if anything she says is correct or not, sad.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     It's cloudy and chilly - rain forecasted for later this morning - already out in both Panhandles - it just feels like rain.

     I worried last night (nothing unusual for me) about the mom with the bad foot and her baby - whether the baby stayed with her during the night or what.  So, after I fed Tom and Jerry decided I'd go check.  The cow and Rose Bud were up in the south pasture.  Also found Billy the bull up there.  Kept looking for the baby and saw some cattle up by the south fence.  Our neighbor has some young cattle in that pasture - probably weaning them and the baby was on our side of the fence visiting with them.  Finally got him away from the fence and back to his mother - had to run him halfway across the pasture.  He went to Billy first and decided that wasn't his mom so went back to the others.  Drove on up while I was out to see the others - saw the three little ones.  The pastures are still muddy and you drive through water in many places.

     Sara - it's supposed to be 48 here tonight - too cool for many plants.  Years ago at this time of year we'd have big, green tomatoes on the plants - doubt they're there this year.  Hope all your seeds come up.

     Glad you got to visit with Jean yesterday and glad she was able to visit with you.  I know when I'd talk with my sister she'd do pretty well for five or ten minutes, then start to drift off into things I knew weren't true.  It's very sad to have to deal with this.

     I'm going to check on my glucosamine - I'll continue to take them when I can remember.  Guess pretty soon I need to make another eye appointment - last time I saw the doctor was last June.  I'm still cautious but it seems like everything seems almost back to normal.

     Iris, thanks for the information about Borax and Boric Acid.  I had a coughdrop on the dresser in the bathroom last night (not opened) and this morning it had ants on it.  Wish they'd go away.  Maybe they're inside because it's been so wet for them outside.  I find the same thing about the ants on the catfood.  I feed our cats on paper plates on the floor in the kitchen and sometimes there will be ants on the plate later in the day.  So, I'm probably feeding them which is keeping them here.

     I got Stormy's toenails trimmed yesterday - may not have gotten them short enough because I can still hear them click on the floor when he walks.  I'm always afraid I'll get them too short and they'll get into the quick and I know that hurts.  Now, to get Sheena's trimmed which won't be as easy.

     I just read a post from Jeff on another thread.  Have you all noticed that there seems to be more men on the forum than ever before?  Used to we'd have one or two but there's quite a few now. 

     Nothing planned for today.  I did trim back some of the ends of the rose bush while I was out.  The red knock-out roses are blooming and beautiful.  I have one out in the area where the new moms stay for a while and they always eat the buds but it's recovered and doing all right.  The cold weather, snow and ice really damaged it and so many other things but most are recovering.  Crepe myrtles that I thought were dead are beginning to grow back from the roots and the glossy abelia is now leafed out.  Those were two dreadful weeks.  There is a small tree beginning to grow within the rose bush so I'll have to get that cut out.  My prickly pears are a mess.  I don't know what to do with them.  The cold weather made them collapse and there's little trees growing up in the middle of the group of them. 

     Hope everyone's okay this morning.  Ron, hope things are well at your home this morning. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I had a few ants in my bathroom this am.  Pot out my borax, powder sugar mix with a little water mixed in  and now there are ants all over it.  That is a good thing.  Could you put it in the room where you are having trouble and close the door so pets can’t get into it?  Just a thought.  

    Got all my work done including a loaf of bread.  So hopefully this afternoon can trim around the yard a bit.  Not warm out at all.  A strong wind.  It is sunny though.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello everyone; I saw the sweetest thing this morning and thought I would share it with you:


    Beth, your strawberry rhubarb pie sounds lucious - been years since I have had fresh rhubarb; it does not grow well out here and the only kind you can get is from the grocery store - but it is grown in hot houses and is not the same.  We used to have it growing in our yard in the U,P. of Michigan and it also grew wild in so many places. 

     It is really good news that they are tapering the prednisone Joan; that should help the jitters and other steroid symptoms; as you say, it sure isn't fun.

    Zetta, I am so very sorry for your dreadful GI issues.  How much avocado did you eat?  It usually does not do that. I have never had a reaction to it.  Usually I have two ounces every day at lunch time, but have eaten half an avocado at a time. in a salad.  If it was in a dip; well, heaven only knows how much I consumed, I can't leave that stuff alone.  Have not eaten dip in ages, which is probably a very good thing.

     Avocados have 322 calories to an average size one; (I looked it up.)  Each average size avocado has 4 gms of protein and 17 gms of carbohydrate, and 30 gms of fat (but the good fat), and has nearly 14 gms of fiber!   Sometimes the fiber is too much for people if they are not used to so much fiber at once in their diet if too much avocado is eaten.

    According to Cleveland Clinic, one avocado a day in healthy people should not cause GI symptoms if there is not an allergy. 

    As for the tummy involvement, five days is a long time; probably a good idea to have contacted the doctor.  Do you ever experience episodes of irritable bowel syndrome?   Sometimes if that is a factor in a person's life, occasional dietary issues will cause a flare.   Some people have an allergy to avocados - interestingly, they will also usually have a latex allergy - they seem to be connected strange as it seems.

    Like any other vegetable or fruit, we need to scrub the skin of the avocado very well before cutting into it.   An avocado, like anything else can have mold or bacteria on it; most often bacteria will be listeria or salmonella.   Salmonella symptoms will usually occur between six hours to six days or so.  It will usually involve a fever and last about six to seven days.  Listeria can incubate hours or days up to months later, but one also usually has a fever and is much more ill.

    So hope you are doing better now; if not able to keep fluids and feel or look dehydrated, or if you have a fever and symptoms are hanging on, probably a good thing to contact your doctor.  I so hope you are feeling much better very soon.

     As for pests in the garden or house; have any of you used diatomaceous earth to control or eliminate them?   A few years ago, the neighbor at the end of our cul-de-sac street, cut down  a very long line of large, older Italian Cypress trees - they covered the entire end of the cul-de-sac.  OMIGOSH!  They were filled with cockroaches - EEEK!  Those awful things were literally running down the street and the sidewalks; scores and scores of  them - it was like a bad science fiction movie.

     Well; we got some in our house as did all of the neighbors. We were looking for ways to eliminate them and some advice we were given was to use diatomaceous earth - food grade only, (even though one does NOT put it in any food); anyway, we did so and boy, was it ever effective.  We put some in the back of cupboards and under the stove and refrigerator and it took care of the problem very quickly.   It supposedly is not harmful to pets or children.  However it is not supposed to be used on a pet to eliminate fleas as it would take too much and one does not want children eating it.  It is like a fine white powder, and we simply put a line of it at the back of the bottom cabinets and under the appliances.  It supposedly works for other pests like silverfish, ants, carpet fleas etc. too.  Turns out, as I read, one female flea can lay 5,000 eggs in her short life and they can literally survive for years in a carpet.  Dreadful thought; guess one can use the diotamaceous earth for that too, but look it up if you are thinking of using it; do NOT take my word for it; it is just what I read.   A friend said she uses it outside in her garden and planters and it has worked well for her; yet, I am not an expert on this whatsoever, others may have more input.   I would also check with my vet if I had pets. Always, always err on the side of safety by getting professional advice from one's vet, pediatrician or one's own doctor.

    Heard on the news that it is snowing in Denver today.  Good heavens, in the middle of May.  I do remember that in the  U.P., going to school on my birthday at the end of May, that there was still snow on the ground.   We would so wait for summer, but then it was hotter than the hinges on the gates of purgatory and the mosquitoes were so big I think they may have had feathers!  Well; at least it seemed so.

    My hands are so dry; I lotion up, but they are sadly like sandpaper what with all the lengthy washing.   I think I am turning into a very large white prune . . . . ah well; along with it disappeared the sparkle in my eyes.  Can say though, that I am living proof that gravity really does work.  Sigh.

    Judith, I have been thinking of you and wondering how you are doing; did you look into getting one of the lifeline buttons? 

    Got to get my RN license renewed; I finished all of my contionuing education requirements a bit ago, I must renew before the end of June; just want to do it and get it out of the way.   They no longer let you do it by mail; they want it on computer, but for some reason I cannot get my computer to connect, so I have a call through to them.   Hope I can get this out of the way soon.

    May this is one of the good days for everyone; now if all we front porch rriends can just get a slice of Beth's pie and Ron's cake, it would be a perfect day!


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Joan,  Thank You for reminding me of the stomach flu I looked it up on Google and it pointed to everything I had going on. So far today has been a good day for me I got to go grocery shopping and I think I am going to live.   

     Jo,   Thank You for all the information you sent me. I really don't think it was the avocado's I really did not eat more then I usually do. After I googled Stomach flu it all seemed to be what I was going through. It lasted for about 5 days and I only think I had a fever one night I woke up a few times and was sweating pretty bad. I have been eating bland food and getting a lot of rest. I need to get better about washing things I don't think about washing things like avocado's. I don't eat the skin but Dummy me I need to remember the knife I use touches the fruit/veg and I eat that. Even oranges I don't wash and I cut with a knife. Thanks for this reminder. I feel real good today and so far I have not had a BMovement it could be because I over dosed on my dia meds last night. I sure hope that's not the case.      My stomach was growling so loud a few days ago Molly was barking at it.   True Story. 

     Lorita,    It was so cute when you said the baby was checking out the baby next door. They sound like they are very curious. I just read something about Bonanza and Gunsmoke and it said that Bonanza was the 2nd longest running western and Gunsmoke was the longest. When it said Bonanza was the 2nd I knew who was the 1st.   

    It's 75 at my house right now I am getting a glass of Ice Tea and heading for the front porch. I have a pitcher full if  anyone wants to join me.

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     It's been a cold, rainy day here.  We got another .6" of rain.  Weatherman said McAlester has had 11.1" of rain in the last 30 days.  Not sure how much we have had but it's 8.4 the last 2 1/2 weeks.  It's been in the low to mid 50s all day but supposed to begin a warm up tomorrow - then warmer over the weekend which means severe storms again.  Can't win for losing.

     Jo - thanks so much for sharing the video.  It was beyond sweet.  People don't realize how intelligent animals are unless they take the time to observe them.  Now most people don't have that time.  I do and I see so much that amazes me - how much the new and old moms care for their babies and take care of them and protect them.  We have Billy the Bull who's probably four years old now and also have his mother - Sweet Pea - and she still takes care of him. So often I see them standing side by side.  They don't forget.  Patsy once told me when she'd see cattle in a pasture she just thought they were old, dumb animals but she changed her mind after things I told her.  They have their families just like people and grieve when one is lost and seem so happy when a new baby arrives - they all come up to see the new baby.  I can go out and ask one of them where her baby is and she'll look right at it.  The mother gorilla knew it was a baby and her maternal instincts clicked in even if it wasn't a baby gorilla.  Have you ever noticed how they treat their babies - so, so sweet.

     Never have had rhubarb pie but I understand it's really good.  I haven't had a pie in a coon's age either - need to remedy that.  I used to make the best chocolate cream pie.  It was daddy's favorite and I'd make it for him.  Charles' favorite was pecan with ice cream on it.  Mother loved lemon pie and she made the best ones.  I just like pie!

     I thought I'd found a container of lentil soup in the freezer this afternoon so thought I'd have that for supper since it's so cool.  Thawed it out and it turned out to be tiny, English peas.  So had those and instant potatoes for supper.  I have some of the Bear Creek Cheesy Broccoli soup frozen so may look for that tomorrow.

     FedEx brought the second part of my dog and cat food order today.  UPS was supposed to deliver my new cooling pad.  Hadn't come so when I went down to check on the girls I went to the mailbox thinking he might have left it there - not there.  About an hour ago checked my e-mail and it said it was delivered.  Called our local UPS place and sure enough he had left it at the gate.  Why in the world do they do that - irritates the heck out of me.  I've complained so many times to them and it doesn't do any good.  I'm not going back down there tonight -  just hope he put it in a plastic bag.  However, really don't need it at the moment since I taped the little wire back together - kind of - and it's working but I'll have a spare just in case.

     Zetta - glad you're feeling better.  Don't you hate to feel bad?  Glad you've decided it wasn't the avocado.  I'm guilty of the same thing you are - not washing things like melons or avocados before I eat them.  I will try to do better. 

     Jo - when I was growing up and after I was grown we used Sevin in the garden for pests.  When we had cabbage worms we'd sprinkle the cabbage head with Sevin and it got rid of them.  Eating it never hurt us and I know the powder got down into the head.  Also used DDT to kill flies and other flying things.  Guess we were lucky.  Also used Sevin to kill potato bugs.  I'm afraid of bugs so couldn't pick them off - much easier to dust them.  Of course, the potatoes are underground so it didn't get on the tubers.     

     We used to watch Bonanza all the time, Zetta.  I haven't watched it in a long time but it is on here.  I've started watching a couple of hours of Cheyenne in the late afternoons and I don't remember seeing them.  I've kind of caught up on Gunsmoke - seems like they're doing reruns of some of them - same with The Waltons.  I think I mentioned I'm going to have to start watching baseball this summer.  Used to watch it a lot when I was younger.  Always liked the White Sox.

     I'm listening to Malt Shop Oldies on the TV - those were my kind of songs.  Kind of know a lot of the words and so many bring back memories.  I don't even know the names of the singing groups now and can't understand any of the words.  Guess I'm too old for that stuff now. 

     Didn't get my flower seeds planted today, Sara - maybe tomorrow.  I knew it was going to rain so wanted to wait until afterwards.  I mixed daisies, zinnias, and marigolds together.  I'll just plant them together and see what happens.  Also have some cosmos so may add them to the mix.  The roses are really pretty - red knock-out.  The salmon colored ones have big buds and the sweet, little pink ones over the gate have buds and will be in bloom in a few days.  Need to check on the Tropicana.  I have one big lavender Clematis blooming on the yard light pole (used to be a gas light, then when we stopped using natural gas, changed it to electric - doesn't work now) but it makes a good place for the clematis to grow.  I have three on the east fence and one white one has bloomed - guess the others are later.  My Jackmanii by the side gate was doing so well - had it running over the gate but something (probably one of the cows) broke the stem so it's gone for this year. 

     I watched Gunsmoke a while ago and Chester had made some soup for Doc Adams who had been shot (they were out on the prairie).  He said he put some sheep sorrel in the soup.  I'd never heard it called that - we always called it sheep showers.  So, googled it and it's the same thing.  We used to have some that was really big in the south pasture and I'd always eat some when I was riding my bicycle up that way.  I rode it in the cattle trails - just perfect size for the bicycle.  Sounds like I'm living in the past right now.  Carol and I talk about that - all the memories we have of growing up that are tucked away and come to the front occasionally.  Neither of us have anyone to talk to about those things so it's good we have each other.  Think I mentioned she was born on the farm just east of us but moved about the time I was born.

      I'll stop for now and look out and see if the girls have come up.  Doubt it - will probably stay in the NE pasture tonight.  I hear a truck on the road east of us - someone has a really, noisy one that goes up or down the road every evening.

     Hope all of you have a good, restful night.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning

    Lorita think your flowers will be pretty if you get them sowed.  

    Not much going on here.  They did mow my yard yesterday eve.  Was very happy that they were able to get that done.  Got a little yard work done yesterday eve.  Giving it cool and sunny again today so maybe will get a bit more done.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Sara, glad you got your lawn mowed.  That always makes me feel better and like I can breathe.  Mine's growing like a weed since they mowed last week.   Chilly again this morning - supposed to be near 60 today.  I dread the hot, humid weather.  In the winter I dreaded the cold and snow - guess I'm never satisfied.

     Saw the girls without going out this morning - didn't get a count on them but saw the babies and lots of the girls - hope everyone's okay.  The cow is really limping - hope they go in the barn today and I'll keep her up and have the vet check her again.  I touched her foot and she jerked it so I know it hurts. 

     I did go down to the mailbox and got the cooling pad and some chips they had in the same package - glad it didn't rain more last night because they didn't put it in a plastic bag.  I guess Amazon has a contract for delivery by UPS - wish they'd use FedEx but that's not up to me.

     I called the tree company this morning.  He said they'd be out tomorrow to look at what I needed to get done.  We used that company years ago and were very satisfied with their work.  At that time they had probably seven or eight family members doing the work - and they had a chipper.  Very fast and did good work.  I hope it's the same now.  They're not close but I'd feel better using them - they're about 60 miles away.  I do hope they can get it done before the bad weather that's expected this weekend and the first of next week.

     I should work on getting my tax papers in order to take to the CPA - another thing I keep putting off.  All I need to do is get started - therein lies the rub.

     Maybe I can get my flower seeds planted today - looks kind of like something did a little digging close to one of the Gerbera Daisies.  I have several small pieces of short fencing - probably should order some more - hate to put up a big piece of cattle panel against the fence.

    Stormy and Sheena stayed outside last night and are still out.  I know it's silly but it seems so lonely in the bedroom at night without them in there.  If Max wouldn't try to lay on my feet I'd let him stay in the bedroom.  It's funny but when Charles was here and I had to get up at night, I'd try to be quiet so I wouldn't wake him.  Then, after that I'd try to be quiet so I wouldn't wake Barclee - when the GPs are in there I do the same thing.  I know it's silly but I just got in the habit of doing that and can't seem to break it.  Creatures of habit we are.  In a way I'd like to get another little dog but at my age probably wouldn't be fair to the dog -  especially a puppy --- maybe an older dog.  But, maybe I'm better off like I am with just the cats and two Pyrenees. 

     A day or two ago I was down in the pasture where my favorite tree is.  I mentioned it had two huge limbs that were still alive and standing.  The wind we had a few days ago blew down one of the big limbs so now there's only part of the trunk and one limb.  If we get another strong wind it'll probably go.  Really hate that- poor thing has been there so long and now it's life depend on the wind.

      I'll stop and have another cup of hot tea and get to work on those tax papers.  Hope all of you are okay this morning.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Hi again,

     I just had a call from Todd.  Sarah's in the hospital - Mercy Hospital in OKC.  He said she had an appt. with a doctor at Mercy tomorrow so decided to have an ambulance take her there today.  The doctor has seen her and is trying to get information he needs from Dr. D.  The area around her colostomy sticks up about two inches and is purple.  Doctor says it's all dead tissue.  He's trying to get information about what Dr. D. has done and how much intestines are left so he can remove the dead tissue and reroute whatever it is.  He said he seemed awfully disgusted with what D. has or hasn't done.  Todd says he plans on doing the surgery today if he can get the information he needs. 

     Maybe if she had had a different doctor in the beginning things would have been better but from what they were told and what I read online it sounded like he was all right.  He's never done adequate followup - she'd see him and he would tell her to come back in a year or six months and never did anything except three or four major surgeries.

     Todd really sounds down this morning - I think he's scared.  The doctor told him if there wasn't enough left of the intestines he can't do anything to help.  So, prayers and good wishes are much needed for Sarah. 

     Todd went back into the room to see what the doctor has found.  I'll let you know.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Jo,    I loved the video of the MaMa Gorilla. She wanted to hold the baby so much. Thanks for sharing that. And again thanks for the advice on the stomach issues I really appreciated that. I am feeling a lot better. Stomach still growling.  

    Lorita,  It sounds like when baseball season starts you will have something on TV to watch. I don't mind seeing the reruns of Gunsmoke but it seems like they replay them every other week. My son has my TV set up so I can get on netflix and a few other things like that. All's I need to do is take the time to learn how to do it. I find Gunsmoke very comforting but I really don't follow it. It's on right now and I am on my computer not even paying attention to it.  I have never been interested in watching sports on TV, as a kid someone was always watching sports I never got interested.

    It sounds like Sarah is in a good place right now. Let's hope with this Dr they will find what her problem is and take care of it. I hope she stays in the hospital till they get things under control. You are all in my prayers.   Your are lucky it did not rain and get your cooling pad and chips all wet. You would think they would at lease put them in a plastic bag. 

    I bet you really would enjoy a little dog, maybe not a puppy but one about 5 or so. I have a friend who said if anything happen to me she wants Molly. Molly and her dogs play together a lot. If you had someone who would commit to that then maybe you will feel better about getting one. 

    Sara,   I love the smell of fresh mowed lawns. My son set all my sprinklers up and the timers so right now they are running I love the sound the sprinklers make. My grass will be getting ready to be  mowed soon.   

    I hope your all having a nice day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Thank you, Zetta, Sarah needs all the prayers she can get.  I waited about four hours and couldn't wait any longer so called Todd.   He said they were getting her ready for surgery and made him leave so he ran home to feed the dogs and cat.  While we were talking he got a text from the hospital telling him the procedure had begun.  He didn't know how long it would take because the doctor didn't know what he'd find when he got in.

     He called Dr. D. and from what he told Todd didn't get straight answers so he doesn't know if there will be enough intestines to do what he needs to do or not.  He says he has to move the colostomy from the present site, hopefully into the mid line.  When he first saw Sarah's stomach without bandages he shook his head and said stomachs and colostomy stomas  were not supposed to be purple.  Todd said the last two times they saw Dr. Dr. her stomach looked like it does now - purple - and he told them nothing was wrong.

     He'll keep me informed and forward the texts he gets from the hospital to me.  He said Sarah fell either yesterday or the day before, in the bathroom, and hit her head which made a big knot on her head.  She had told me she had a seizure and was out for a long time. 

     I just hope and pray that this time the doctor has steady hands and is able to do what he knows needs to be done to help Sarah.   Judith, have you heard of this doctor - Dr. E. Cole - looked it up but not much information about him. 

     Zetta - I hadn't even really thought about getting another little dog until yesterday.  I just don't know if I should.  I've talked with our vet and when something happens to me and I still have the GPs he'll find homes for them.  Guess he would for a little dog, too.  There's a really good Shelter called "Happy Paws" about six miles from us and I know the woman who runs it so it wouldn't be a problem.  I'll have to think long and hard about it.  I do miss having a little dog.  I'm glad you have someone who would take Molly if something happened.  I think Jack worries about Zelda.  He told me he had told his daughter if she didn't hear from him in a couple of days to call for a welfare check for him and for Zelda.  He keeps her locked up in her big cage all the time except when she's outside.  I do wish he'd bring her into the LR with him.

     Just went out to the barn to see if the cow with the hurt foot was still in there.  There were still too many to do anything so I'll go back - still have on my boots.  Rose Bud was laying in front of the cowshed when I went out but she got up.  Every time I see her laying down I hold my breath until I see her up again. 

     I'm going to drink some water and watch the rest of the Waltons.  I've watched Gunsmoke a couple of times today and t least an hour of Cheyenne.  His show will be on for two hours beginning at 4.  He's sort of a lady's man.  Zetta - have you ever seen Matt Dillon kiss Miss Kitty or anyone else?   I don't think I have.  Thank you again for your prayers.

     My potato chips were all right - they're Hawaiian kettle chips and are kind of hard - not sure I like them.  I really Utz potato chips.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Lorita, prayers for Sarah and you and Todd too.  I hope she is blessed with a successful surgery and more quality of life.  Keep us updated, please, and try not to worry.  We’re here for you.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I said a prayer for Sarah.  I'm praying for a good surgical outcome and good recuperation.  


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Lorita, it may be that the new surgeon will be able to help Sarah; I so hope and pray that he does.  I did look him up with the name you provided. Don't know if you saw the same link I did, but he has 31 years in practice with an expertise in many different surgical procedures; some very, very complex.  If you scroll down the link you will find the areas in which he has expertise.


    So hope and pray for Sarah's well-being and for a good outcome; let us know how everything is going.

     A new dog . . . . if I may make a suggestion; having a new puppy or new young dog may not be the best choice at this stage of life; BUT . . . . it is difficult for geriatric dogs to find a new home; so getting a new dog with a whitening muzzle would make for a peaceful relationship as well as having a very grateful dog.   Our son in Oregon rescued one and it is a wonderful dog who still has a lot of life left in him.   Just an idea.

     Zetta, so glad you are feeling much better; you are such a sweet person, and I like to think of you happy and content in your home.   I know what you mean about the sound of the sprinklers and the smell of newly mown grass and also the smell of the earth after the sprinklers or a good rain.  I even love the smell of the rain on blacktop or cement sidewalks . . .  just one of those wonderful little gifts for the senses.   Always have loved that as well as loving trees but that is another story altogether.

    It is in the low 70's today and really feels good; wish it was that temp year round.  As if.   The lawn will be mowed on Friday, and is done each Friday.  If it is not, within two weeks it is really scruffy looking.   We have such a small front and back yard, it does not take much, but I do love the green.  Don't know what will happen this summer as we are in the midst of a drought again.   We shall have to wait and see what that means for watering. 

    Had a computer outage pretty much all day today.   I thought it was a problem with my computer, but it turned out it was our provider who was "working" on the system; would have been nice to know that.  Strange how I feel when there is no computer.  I now use it for so much.   How things change.

     Got to get going, our granddaughter's school band is streaming live in a little while, I sure do not want to miss that.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Thank you friends for the prayers and good wishes.  So far they're working.  I hadn't heard from Todd so texted him and he called back.  The surgery lasted about 1 1/2 hr.  She's in the recovery room.  He hadn't been able to talk with anyone except for them to tell him where she was.  While we were talking another doctor (maybe an assistant?) came out to talk with him.  I heard him say her vital signs were good, nausea under control and pain was doing all right.  They redid the colostomy - put it above the other one, repaired the hernia and did an appendectomy.  Strange that an appendectomy had never been done.  I always thought when they did surgery they removed it.   They told him he could go in and see her for a minute.  He's going to try to wait to talk with Dr. Cole before he goes home.  He sounds exhausted.

     So, evidently there was enough of the intestines left for them to do what they wanted.  Again, thank you all for support - it means so much.  Your posts made me cry to realize that I'm not alone - that you all are there for any of us when we need support.

     Now, I can relax a little bit.   I did go out and the cow with the injured foot and her baby and others were in the barn.  She was in the pen with her baby and another cow so I closed the gate and called the vet's office to see if he wanted to see her or wait a while.  We'll wait until the weekend.  So, went back out and let them out.  Looks like to me she may have to have one of the toes on both back feet trimmed. 

     Thank you, Jo, for the link.  Looks like he's a pretty good doctor - 4.8 out of five rating from patients.  Todd said he looked like he was in his 50s so that would be about right.

      I'll talk with you all tomorrow.  May we all rest well tonight.  I'll be glad to maybe talk with Sarah tomorrow.  Thank goodness she went to the hospital today and got this done.  Hopefully, with good results.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Prayers for Sarah, Todd and you.

    Hope all goes well.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    THank you, Shirley.  Hopefully her recovery will go well.

    I hope you and Bill are well.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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