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Just need to talk to my friends (146)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Is the heavy rain and flooding as far north as you and Lou?  I saw some scenes from the flooding in Baton Rouge - looked awful.  Hope it's not in your area.

     Hope things are good with you and Lou today and that the BBs are gone for good.  I've always heard it takes a long time to get rid of them, even with spraying.

     Did your neighbor ever say anything about them being in her house?  You know I'd be afraid to sleep in a motel or hotel anymore because of that?  When I was younger didn't think anything about it.  Is it wisdom that comes with older age or more caution?  Don't know.

     Got some bills mailed and a card to Sarah.  The roads are muddy but it's not raining right now but weather says it will later today.

     I keep getting a pop-up message on my laptop that some of the layers of Malware protection is turned off and it wants me to turn it on.  Haven't done it so guess I should call tech support.  Just hate to do that because every time I do it takes 2-3 hours.  Because of all the hacking I'm afraid to do it myself. 

     Thinking about doing some more on my tax compilation this afternoon.  Haven't heard anything from the tree guy so guess they still haven't gotten that truck fixed.  Anyway, don't really want heavy trucks to be on our road.  Need to call the guy to see if there's any gravel available he could put on the road when it dries up some.

     Are you all enjoying the afternoon?  Zetta, just finished watching Gunsmoke - about the older Indian Festus found in a cave and brought to town to take care of him.

     Judith, any names of good attorneys yet?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Just a quick stop at the front porch - I just saw this regarding how to grow an avocado tree from an avocado seed indoors and then later planting outdoors - easy peasy and I thought of all of our gardeners; perhaps it may be fun to see how this turns out:



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Whoops - forgot to show you this.  We have a new member whose avatar name is, "Poulsbo," that is the name of the town that she lived in for some time.  DH and I have been and stayed there multiple times.  We in fact were giving great consideration to move there, but then both of our sets of parents had health issues including dementia that cropped up.

    Anyway; I just wanted to share a photo of Pousbo with you - it is a beautiful little town set in a beautiful environment.   So clean and very nice people.  Here is a photo:



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Jo, what a gorgeous town.  Completely foreign to our area.  I was watching Aerial America today showing Utah and Wyoming.  It's amazing that there's so many different looking areas in our Country.  I guess what we get used to is what we think is everywhere. I can't imagine looking out the window and seeing mountains with snow on them.  Wonderful Country in which we live.  I watch a show - Dr. Oakley - she's a vet in Alaska.  Beautiful scenery.

     Charles grew an avocado tree back in the 90s.  He put toothpicks in the pit to hold it in a jar of water and it grew roots, then sprouted. We kept it for several years.  It got as tall as us with one straight trunk and one limb coming out of each side.  Looked sort of like a person.  We kept it inside during the winter and in the summer we'd put it outside.  But, for some reason we forgot to bring it inside one winter and it didn't make it.  So, guess it's too cold here for avocados.  But, it was really fun to watch it root and sprout and then grow.

     It began raining here about an hour and half ago.  Girls didn't come up today - still way down in the pasture.  Worries me about the cow I'm watching but everyone else's cows have calves in the pasture so guess I shouldn't worry if she doesn't have trouble. If they do come up I'll try to get her in a part of the corral so I can keep her up.  I doubt they will at this late time.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I'm like some of you, wrote a lot and lost it!

    I tried to answer individual questions and will try quickly to re-post. 

    Lorita, the heaviest rain has stayed above and below us. The neighbor told me they had bed bugs and bought a kit from home depot and treated themselves. So I guess you can say she stole our money and replaced it with bugs. She hasn't been over for 1 and 1/2 weeks now so guess she figured out I know she's a thief. 

    I responded to other questions but cant remember now and have to start supper. 

    Oh yeah.....Shreveport VA still requires mask!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh my; the shopping in Poulsbo; take a look, I am fascinated by these small clever businesses self-owned; very creative shops . . .


    Hm-m-m; what a lovely trip that would be.  Okay; let's get together and plan a trip together to Poulsbo, we can stay in a nice place, shop around even if we are just looking, eat at some good places, sit and watch the water and boats; perhaps visit the Sons of Norway Hall - they have a lo-o-ng bar - they could use some outside visitors to help liven up the place with a nice bunch of old gals.  There is (or was ) also a place that made the greatest milk shakes.  A lot to see in and around the town and in close environs.  Great country.

    Then we could take a ferry to Bainbridge Island and do some more meandering.  It is calm, and peaceful.   Sigh. Then perhaps a ferry to  Seattle where we would catch our planes home.  I LOVE to take the Washington ferries; they are awesome - drive onto the ferry, get out of the car and go updeck and watch the ocean glide by . . . . I really, really miss it.

    In the gorge, we could watch the wind surfers - they are unbelievable.  They are on the ocean moving at unbelievable speeds; it is amazing to see them.  So strong; standing and hanging on, maniuplating the colorful sails on their boards.

    Also some great art galleries for those who would find that interesting. 

    If we drove north, there are so many antique places; some multi-storied and not all the fancy uber snooty places; just old buildings filled to the brim with all sorts of wonderful things and things from long ago in our parents lifetimes and far older as well as oddities and monstrosities.  It would be so much fun. Heck, we could rent a really nice top drawer van with great seats and see it all together.  Shoot, I'd even pitch in for a driver so we could all schmooz and watch the great environment around us.  Stop when we want to, go when we wish.

    Anyone for driving up Mount St. Helens?   Now that is a stunner where the volcano had erupted.  Washington is a beautiful state.  Ocean and forest and in the distance, snow capped mountains.  And SO clean.

    .Nice to dream here on the front porch . . .


  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Hello all.  Ron, I did have leg aches when I would go to bed at night.  I found out that if I drink tonic water it really helps.  It has Quinine in it.  I got to really love the taste by itself.  You can mix it other juices and tea or sodas.   

    My daughter, Carrie, is on Hospice now.  She won’t eat and drink much anymore.  She wouldn’t wake up Monday.  Monday night she got up and started walking around the house.  She saw a glass of water on the counter and grabbed it and gulped it down.  She drank 2 glasses Still not eating very much.  I know Hospice doesn’t mean death is right now but it a next step in Dementia.  Her daughter is getting married  on Memorial Day.   Hope John can get away so he can walk his daughter down the aisle.   Fingers cross that Carrie can go.  She won’t have any idea what is going on but her daughter will be pleased. I know God has better plans for her but it hurts so much.   

    Got my garden all planted.  A lot in garden bags but gave me so much more room in garden for tomatoes, watermelons and cantaloupe. Last 2 days we have been getting rain.  Nice easy rain.  My garden is loving it.   Planted rhubarb this year.  Love rhubarb sauce on many things 

    Going to have a colonoscopy Friday.   Get them every 5 years.  Fast 5 years.  Got to keep the old body in good working order.  My balance is not so good.  Hasn’t been for a few years.  I got a new hearing aid and that sure helped my balance.  I have vertigo in my left ear and the aids helped.  

    Need to go to store and get some spray for Carpenter Bees.  They are in my mailbox post.  Talk to you later.  Thanks for letting me tell you my troubles. 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm sorry about your daughter Carrie, Jude.

    I had a telephone call from a college friend today, we had a long chat.  She rescues cats.

    I'm up for the virtual trip to Poulsbo!     


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo., the trip sounds like a lot of fun! Lou and I would love to go, lou would enjoy the company of my front porch friends and if we rented a van I could drive. I would try my best to keep my front porch ladies from going wild; have a good time, but no wild parties, wet T shirt contest, skinny dipping,  etc. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Another rainy day in store.  Ron, I'm glad the rain wasn't bad around your home.  We haven't had so much - 1.5" but it was wet before it began.  There was a big leak in one of the dams way up in Osage County but according to the news this morning they got it fixed temporarily.  There's a lot of rain south of us for this morning.

     Went out to see the girls - wore boots and jacket and when I got home my pants were wet to the knees.  I didn't drive across the really wet and muddy place so walked and that's where I got wet.  Saw the cow I was looking for - no way to get her in the lot this morning.

     Jo - the trip sounds fabulous.  It would be so nice to see new places - that looks like it will be 180 degrees from Oklahoma. 

     Judy - so sorry about your daughter.  I know that must be so hard for you.  Hope she can improve.  Your flowers are beautiful - thought at first they were petunias but the foliage is different - what are they?  Looks and sounds like you  have a really good start on a great garden for this year.  Good luck with the melons.  I haven't had a good watermelon or cantaloupe in three or four years so maybe this year I can find some.

     Nicole, this morning the news people were talking about the horrible drought you all are having - droughts are so bad.  Also heard you may have blowing dust tomorrow which will only make things worse.  Maybe it won't materialize.

     Nothing on tap for today - hope the tree people won't come because it's so muddy and still raining.  Maybe I'll work on my taxes today - or just watch TV.

     Did hear on the news this morning that a lot of people who had the Pfizer vaccine in Tulsa during a certain period of time are going to have to repeat one of their shots.  Seems the vaccine had been out of the freezer a bit too long.  It won't hurt them but isn't effective. 

     Enjoy the day - hope everyone's okay this morning.  Wonder where Sara is this morning.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Hi again,

     Just tried to talk with Sarah.  She sounds worse each day.  It was kind of hard to understand her yesterday and today it's worse - she's almost crying - says her nerves are shot.  I asked if she'd seen the doctor today and she said she didn't know.

     So, called to talk with the nurse - was out giving meds and will call me.  Called Sarah again and they were in the room giving meds.  Did talk with one of the nurses (not the one caring for Sarah).  Said the doctor hadn't been by yet.  Sarah's  nurse will call me.

     I also called Todd and had to leave a message.  I don't know if he's in OKC or Stillwater but told him I thought he should go up and see what's going on with Sarah.  I don't know if she's able to tell them what she's been taking  for her nerves or not. She's' been taking Seroquel and yesterday I think she told me she was getting Ativan.

     Getting worried about her.  Looks like to me she'd be improving some by now.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good afternoon,

    Little late getting on today,

    Poulsbo looks like it would make a good jigsaw puzzle picture.

    Jude hope Carrie is able to make it to your granddaughter’s wedding.  When my sister died, remember my dad saying you don’t expect your children to die before you do.  The dianthus is beautiful and the grow bags look nice too.  Hope those melons do well for you.  Going to try them if nothing happens.  Never will know if I can do it unless I try.  Hot and dry here right now too.  Turned the ac on last night.

    Late today because did mom’s and my grocery shopping.  Went at 6am so I could get back and do a bit before it got so hot.  Got my 15 zinnias planted.  Eating lunch now, going to take a little break and then try again.  Some more grow bags suppose to come today, am totally out of them.   

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Of course, dianthus - so pretty.  I had forgotten about those lovely little flowers.

     Sara - in the summer or when it's hot I always like to get into town early and get back home.  Still haven't planted my little seeds - just too, too wet.  It's finally stopped raining but supposed to begin again this evening.

     Glad you got yours and your mom's grocery shopping done.  Are people in the grocery stores wearing masks?  Talked with Jack yesterday and he had been into town the day before.  He said he is still wearing a mask (not vaccinated) but few people were.  He went to Walmart and he said they no longer have masks at the door so they've dropped the requirement.  Still think it's too early.

     Well,  I talked with the nurse who's caring for Sarah today.  She gave me an update - they did a CT Scan on Sarah either this morning or late yesterday and she has a small, bowel obstruction.  The doctor has ordered another one for this afternoon.  The nurse said she'd leave a message, or tell, the doctor I'd like for her to all me after it's done.  The doctor seems very nice so maybe she'll call me.

     How would she get a bowel obstruction? She's not getting anything by mouth at all.  The nurse said it is painful.  Scares me because that's what happened to daddy.  They said he had a bowel obstruction and had to have surgery.  He passed away a couple of days later.  Now, I'm crying - my sister and Sarah's mother and I stayed the night at the hospital and they called a code blue.  He was on life support and there was no hope so my sister thought it best to disconnect it.   He passed away holding my hand. Sarah having the bowel obstruction has brought all of this back to me.

     I'll be back later.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, I found this info online. 

    small bowel obstruction is a blockage in the small intestineSmall bowel obstructions are usually caused by scar tissue, hernia, or cancer. In the United States, most obstructions occur as a result of prior surgeries. The bowel often forms bands of scar (called adhesions) after being handled during an operation. Also inflammatory disease such as Crohn's or diverticulitis. 

    Treatment includes: 

    • Hospitalization: Patients with an intestinal obstruction are hospitalized. Treatment includes intravenous (in the vein) fluids, bowel rest with nothing to eat (NPO), and, sometimes, bowel decompression through a nasogastric tube (a tube that is inserted into the nose and goes directly to the stomach).
    • Anti-emetics: Medications may be required to relieve nausea and vomiting.
    • Surgery: If the small intestine is completely blocked or strangulated, surgery may be needed. The goals of surgery are to identify and treat the causes of bowel obstruction. At times, segments of the bowel may need surgery. The diseased segment may need to be re-sectioned and removed.
    Praying for Sarah, and also for Jo, Ron, Judith, Joan and Rescue Mom. Lots of illness on the porch.

  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    .  I call my flowers Sweet Williams. / Dianthus barbatus.    Love them.  No care involved and they come back year after year.   

    Beautiful day.  Mowed front yard and getting ready to mow backyard.  My granddaughter lives with me for a few more months then she is moving to her Mother’s home in West Virginia.  She has a big dog, a Great Dane.  He is so gentle but too big for me.  His name is Icarus.  I cal him Icky.   He goes outside with me and starts running around the yard.   He is careful not to run into me but sometimes his tail hits me.  That hurts.  I will miss him when he leaves with my granddaughter but maybe get a smaller dog.  I have had a Shih Tzu and I loved that breed.  But they can get under your feet.   Not ready for one now but we will see.  

    Carrie is still not good. She just won’t eat but she is drinking now.  John had her drink a milk shake today so that is good.  

    Gotta go and finish the mowing


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Lorita  maybe  one of the RNs will be along and they will have more knowledge than me about bowel obstructions.  Have no idea if the obstruction could be something that can occur following the surgery.  Do know it can be a side effect of pain meds.

    Well mask compliance was way less today than it has been.  Saw workers without masks. Saw many people with the thing below their nose.  My KF 94 was on so hopefully it took care of anything the vaccine did not lol.  The mask mandate is being dropped 6/2 so knew mask wearing will decrease.  Each person has to do what they are comfortable with.   Feel I have an excellent mask and that it will filter the majority of the crud.  Our county became orange today. We had been red for five months. Orange is still not really that great.  More counties are becoming yellow.   We still have a death now and then.  In general though hospitalizations and deaths are way down.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    I hope by this time you have more information regarding Sarah. I have never heard of it so googled. Here is an article from the Cleveland Clinic;


    I want to wait until Todd contacts me before I ask my attorney about a mal-practice attorney. He may prefer to find one himself or to ask his sister.

    New test results for me have not been emailed to me yet.

    I want to go on the virtual trip too. I love that part of the world.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    You all are the greatest!  All that good information.  Thanks so very much.

     Judy, hope you didn't work too hard today doing all that mowing.  Be careful - just do a bit a day.   We used to have what we called wild sweet Williams all along the road - pretty purple color.  We've tried to transplant them and they only lasted a year or so.  I think all flowers are pretty.  When I was working and would drive past flowering weeds I'd stop and pick some to take to the office -  just about as pretty as the tame ones.

     Todd called a while ago.  He had talked with Dr. Moore, the doctor I talked with a day or so ago.  She didn't say if they'd done another CT scan this afternoon but did tell him the obstruction was a piece of small bowel that got into the hernia (or vice versa).  She didn't say what they were going to do about it.  She did say that Sarah is now in Mercy Hospital loop and they'll find a PCP for her. Hopefully she'll be able to see the same one every visit. 

     He said Dr. D's office had been calling Sarah - not sure about what.  She had told me she'd had a call about some kind of test she was supposed to have.  Maybe since Dr. C called him he thinks he should do something.   

     Judith - Todd's stepfather is a retired attorney but I don't think they get along so he probably wouldn't talk to him.  I think he's been talking to one by what he said today.  He did tell me someone told him the information Dr. C. told Sarah about those things being in her abdomen wasn't in the operation report.  He said maybe Sarah was confused when the doctor was talking to her - not sure what to think. She sounded very confident about it and even said there was a nurse in the room at that time.

     Also the nurse told me that Sarah being on a morphine drip could make her sort of confused or sounding out of it.  Sounds like her throat is really sore and she just can't talk right.  She sounded almost hysterical this morning.  She is getting Ativan IV.  Todd's going back up to see her after he gets some paperwork done - he was home when he called.  Just don't like to hear Sarah sounding like she does but maybe the doctors are on top of it.  Dr. C. won't be back until Tuesday and Todd, I think, has an appt. with him or is going to talk to him some way.

     I haven't been on the computer this afternoon.  I kept getting that message that parts of the security was off and I was afraid to turn it on - anyway, tech support called and they took care of that.  Also been having trouble with my printer.  It'll print from things online but won't copy.  They tried to fix it but couldn't so will send me another printer, free of charge.  Unheard of.  I got it when I got the laptop - the year Windows 7 came out so guess it's time.  I hate afternoons like this having to wait on them to fix things and still staying in the house.

     The Senior Tech told me his sister has had Covid.  She has improved and is now home.  He said he hadn't been vaccinated yet - had to wait a while.  He said things were really bad there.  I told him things were opening up here and people were not wearing masks.  He cautioned me to wear double masks any time I was in contact with people. 

     Sara - glad to see you're still wearing yours.  When I do decide to go out, I will do the same.

     Beth, thanks for the prayers for Sarah.  She needs all the help she can get.  Does seem like there's several of us on the porch who need prayers.  Nice that we have each other.

     Judith, hope you get your test results soon.  Always hard to wait to hear something.

     The girls have moved to the south pasture so drove up to check on them. Saw everyone and stopped by the cow I've been watching - udder is full but not much springing yet.  I'll try to keep an eye on her.  Babies were playing together.  The cow who had the pedicure is walking better and staying with the herd but is hanging back a bit.  Even Rose Bud had gone up with the others tonight.   We've had rain most of the day but for now it's stopped. We've had a total of 2" the last two or three days. You just can't imagine how muddy it is around the barn - went in to see if anyone was in there and had to walk through lots of mud. 

     Ron, hope things have been good at your home today.  The flooding in Baton Rouge looks really bad.  They got the dam northwest of here temporarily fixed.  Bet the people below the dam are glad of that.   The tonic water does work.  I used to drink a little before bedtime; in fact, I have part of a bottle in the refrigerator now.  Also used to put a bar of soap under the bottom sheet near my legs.  That also seemed to help.  Not supposed to use Dove or deodorant soap.

     Zetta - I've watched Gunsmoke and Cheyenne today.  Gunsmoke now.  I saw James Drury on Gunsmoke when he was really young - way before The Virginian.  I saw him on an advertisement a while back and boy, he really looks old.  I should look in the mirror - avoid them as much as I can though.

    Maybe we can all rest well tonight and have a good night's sleep. 

     Maybe the morphine does have Sarah a little confused and out of it - just worry when she talks like she isn't sure what's going on.  Old mother hen I am.  Thanks, again, everyone for your information, for caring and for the good thoughts and prayers.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Sara,   Yes Molly and I are on our own, the kids flew out of Seattle yesterday evening and landed in NY 8am PST.   I will be putting Mom's touch on their home and watching westerns for the next 6 days. She loves coming home after I have stayed a few days, she is a good housekeeper but she loves the additional touches I add. 

    Judy,   Those flowers are beautiful and so are the plants. I am so jealous I can't get anything to grow. I don't have good growing weather. Years ago my DH had some Sweet Williams seeds and he put them all around our house they grew and grew and grew I was sad when the did not come back. Can I buy those seeds in just a local garden shop?  I am sorry to hear about Carrie I will keep you both in my prayers.  

    Lorita,  I am sorry that Sarah is in so much pain hopefully they can give her meds to control the pain.  You are both in my prayers. I hope with you being able to talk to her nurses this will give you a little comfort knowing what is going on. She is in the best place she could be in right now please try not to worry as much.           

    Jo,   I would love to be included in that wonderful trip your all going on.

    My daughter and her husband are in New York for the next 6 days and she said there are just as many people with mask as with no mask.   I have been watching Rifleman all day I saw 5 series and I am on the 25th episode of the 5th series, with only 3 more episodes to go.  Lorita,  If I wanted too I could watch all of Yellowstone. I think tomorrow I will spend the day with Gunsmoke. I would prefer Wagon Train but I can't find it. I will try looking for it again tomorrow. 

    Lorita,  Your flowers are beautiful. As you know I am at my daughters house in Longview, WA and there are a lot of flowers here, it seems like all the yards have big flower bushes. She has a big rose bush in her front yard. I will send some picts of those when she gets home.

    Good Night to All, Hugs Zetta 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    It's RAINING! Yea! We have been in drought for months. Rivers so low; concerns have been expressed by the water works regarding adequate water supply. Over the past 1 1/2 - 2 weeks we have had 2 inches. That's a start. We are getting a nice rain now. I often open the window as I just love to listen to the sound of the rain. It smell good too! Thank God for our rain!
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Sorry for repeating what you had already said Judy and Beth.  All three of us must have posted at about same time.   Did not mean to repeat what you had already said.

    Thankful for the rain you had too Beth.

    Well still have plenty of planting left to do.  Suppose to get around 90 today.  It is so hard on transplants.   Makes it slower for me because have to keep keeping an eye on the ones I have already planted out. 

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I miss my backyard gardening! When we first moved here a little over 13 years ago I spent a lot of enjoyable days backyard gardening. We have enough space that allowed me to till up a good amount of space where I could plant everything we enjoy. Over the years as my health started declining, I went from having someone break up the ground and me working the bed to just throwing purple hull peas out; which doesn't take much to tend. Now the past couple of years I haven't planted anything. I've considered potting some plants on the back deck or even having a raised garden spot on the back deck. If I did that I would be able to wheel Lou to the back door where she could see me. It's got to where if she cant see me she gets scared and believes she has been left by herself. 

    Never did rain much yesterday. It's so weird to look at the radar and see a big line to the west of us and another to the east and clear right in the middle. Our local weather talks about the viewing area which takes in parts of TX, LA, ARK, Oklahoma and Mississippi. Its easier to just look at the radar and watch how its moving.

    I hope all of you on the porch have a good day. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Good for you, Beth.  So happy you're having some rain - hope it keeps going.  I know when it's dry here and we get rain we feel like going out and standing in it.  But, right now we could do with some dry air for a while.  It's so wet and muddy.  I just came in from trying to see the girls and even in the flat pastures there's water standing.  I didn't drive through the worst part of it - even with 4WD it's getting hard to get through.  But, again, I hate to complain about rain because we'll be praying for it in July and August.

     Zetta, so glad you're getting to enjoy watching westerns.  I must admit I do get kind of tired seeing the same people in different roles on all the old westerns.  Looks like they had a handful of people they used in all of them.  And, the same dresses the women wore.  But, I'll continue to watch.

     Nice that your daughter and husband could get away for a while.  I've never been to New York - waaay too big for me.  Just think of the traffic.  I get aggravated when I pass a couple of cars on the country roads.  I would not be a good city girl.  Good that people are still wearing masks, too.

     It did make me feel better to talk with the nurse and also for Todd to be able to talk with Sarah's doctor.  I'm anxious to know what they think they can do about the obstruction - looks like there's more than one way to deal with it.  Seems like every time she has surgery there's some kind of problem.  Feel so sorry for her.  She's had so many health issues in her young life.

     Sara, take it easy today and don't work too hard with those plants.  They're more resilient than we think.  Is the whole area where you have your plants in the sun?  What kinds of tomatoes did you plant this year.  I love to watch things grow and so enjoyed gardening when we did it even though it was a lot of work.

     Ron, I imagine you do miss gardening.  I have so many of those big mineral tubs that could be used for container gardening on your porch or deck.  Takes a lot of dirt to fill them, even with something underneath.  I'm using two of them for flower planters.  I bet Lou would enjoy watching the plants grow and produce.

     I'm filing the two water tanks in the garden.  There's so much water everywhere the girls aren't using them too much.  Yesterday I started to fill the one remaining metal tank I have and when I went out to check I saw a lot of water around it I hadn't seen before.  This morning I emptied the little bit of water in the rubber one (or whatever it's made of) and leveled it.  I just now went out and there's water around the metal one again so I'll have to get another rubber one.  I'm filling the rubber one I have out there now.  We've tried and tried to mend the metal ones when they develop a leak or rust - can't find anything that would work.  That stuff they advertise on TV looked good but it hasn't been tested on drinking water so won't use it. 

     Isn't it frustrating when you need rain and it gets so close to you but goes around?  That happens so much.  Maybe you'll still get some - looks like the Gulf is still open for business. 

     I hope the girls come to the barn today so I can keep the heifer up I've been watching.  I didn't see her this morning - guess she's already gone up to the MH.  Our vet is the only one in the area who makes farm calls now and he's so very busy in the clinic.  I talked with his late yesterday and he'd just pulled a calf - poor little thing didn't make it.  I worry that he might not be able to come if I need him.  In the past I might have been able to get Darwin to help but that's out of the picture now.  Charles and I have pulled so many ourselves but without someone to help I'm afraid to get something started that I can't finish.   Maybe I should think about selling the girls but if cows were still here I'd worry anyway.  Something I need to think about a lot before next winter.

     Ron, just watching our weather - he says it looks like there's a tropical depression trying to form just off the Louisiana coast.  We still have 30% chance of rain today.  Also a good chance of rain tomorrow morning.   I hope the tree people don't come - just too muddy and wet and I don't want to hear the noise today. 

     Only either Tom or Jerry was here this morning.  One of those boys is a real Romeo.  When I came in the house just now I saw him the one that's here sitting in the middle of the road looking north - probably looking for his buddy.

     Hope all of you have a nice Friday.  This week has really gone fast.  To me it seems like time is going faster and faster.  What our mothers told us is really true.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita,  I forgot to mention I've watched so many westerns over the years I've started noticing things I've never thought of before. How clean and well pressed the clothes are, how nice all the women always look, how much the horses always look like expensive well kept horses, also if you watch closely you can see at times actors/actresses looking at a unnatural angle as if they were looking at clue cards.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Ron, I've noticed that about the clothes, too.  I like Wanted: Dead or Alive - Steve McQueen would ride into town in his shirt and jeans like everyone else.  Then, that night he'd be in the saloon wearing a three piece suit and tie - no wrinkles.  Always wondered where he kept those clothes with only saddlebags and a bedroll.  And, the women in those long dresses - never have seen them dirty at the hem.  Do you think women really wore long dresses back then?   What about Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke and those big, fancy hats she wears.  Guess they had to do something to make things look a bit better.

    You're right, too, about the horses - always looked good.  I've wondered about the horses those really big men like James Arness and Clint Walker rode.  I think I've heard that James Arness' horse was bigger than most.  Guess it may have been the same for Clint Walker's. 

     Anyway, I enjoy watching them and seeing the pretty clothes the women wore.  I know they didn't have zippers but if you look at the back of the dresses it looks like there's a zipper placket.  Surely couldn't have had buttons back there.  Lots of questions I guess we're not supposed to think about.

     Are you getting rain today? 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Ron sometimes I feel like quitting too.  A lot of work, that is hard on me physically.  Love watching it grow though.  Love seeing something unexpected pop up.  Love gathering the produce, to me it is a neat feeling.  Flowers are so beautiful.  What would I do if I didn’t have my garden.  It is a friend to me.

    Had a good lunch.  Baked up some chicken strips.  Sautéed up some fresh picked greens.  Cooked a little spaghetti and mixed all together with a little olive oil and butter.

    Lorita remember you asked lol.  Have two Lemon Boys.  All the other varieties have one of - Purple Boy, Roadster, Country Taste, Damsel, Bella Rosa, Maglia Rosa, Tachi, Plum Regal, Black Seaman, Fourth of July, Vincent, Oxheart, Midnight Snack and Sunsugar.

    Planted about nine parsley’s this morning and my Rosemary.  Going to go get some compost and mulch if nothing happens.  My grow bags came in so think will spend the heat of the day making up grow bags.  Probably won’t do anything this evening as plumber suppose to come and fix sink.  Found my really nice planter of beets upended this morning.  So they are now behind a tulle fence.  Tried to rescue those that still had roots attached.  We will see.  The tulle makes things not so pretty but no other way to have anything.  Apparently my yard becomes a playground when I go to bed.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Firecreek (Prime) and Cheyenne Social Club (IMBD) staring Henry Fonda and Jimmy Stewart

    are my all time favorite western's.  They are perfect together!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Sara, so many kinds of tomatoes!  I've never heard of most of those varieties of tomatoes except Lemon Boy.  You'll have quite a variety.  Maybe we can see some pictures of them when they are ripe. 

     Be careful lifting.  We bend or lift things, then wonder why in the world we did that.  Sounds like you had a really good lunch.  Glad your weather is good today so you can get things planted.

     Judith - Fire Creek is a really good show - I've never seen the other one.  Both of those actors are really good in westerns.  Also like  Tom Selleck in westerns - and anything!

     Sarah called earlier - her voice sounded some better today.  At that time she hadn't seen the doctor. I've tried calling since and she doesn't answer.  I called the nurse to see if they had decided what to do about the obstruction and she told me they had transferred her to the step-down unit so they could monitor her better - ratio of nurses to patients is better.  She's still having pain up to #10 even with continuous morphine drip.  So, don't know what's going on.  Tried to call the nurse there and didn't get an answer - I'll try later.  Did text Todd to let him know.  I hope this doesn't mean that she's worse -  maybe it's the pain from the obstruction. 

     I have the cows up in the barn so better go let them out.  I closed the gates so I could get the heifer up I've been watching so I won't have to search for her in the pastures.  It's dark, windy and chilly here - but no rain so far.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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