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Just need to talk to my friends (146)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Zetta, how about Maverick and Have Gun, Will Travel.  Also The Lone Ranger and the Roy Rogers Show - last two are really old but I watch occasionally.

     Muffins are about ready to come out of the oven.  Didn't have Allspice but the batter tasted good.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Shocking report about Dr Dunn. I can certainly understand the rage Todd must feel. I would be glad to ask my attorney the name of an appropriate lawyer. 

    There will be a record of who was in the operating room and I am certain that what Dr Cole found will be in his notes.

    Caladium bulbs still not planted...back still painful...tax payment in the mail....no word if my daughter got the house...need to get painter for inside my home and curtains for  the guest room. 

    Ron...are you coming up soon or do we need to send down food?

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Sunday,

    Nothing exciting going on here. Tired today. Not sure if it's a side effect from my 2nd coivd vaccine (yesterday) or if I'm just tired. 

    It's been 90 to 100* here in Vegas but today looks like it will rain. Wow! No wonder my neck has been bothering me (I have a neck injury) 

    I too will continue wearing my mask while out. I think it's too soon to "open" up.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     We just had a big rainstorm go through so maybe it'll be quiet the rest of the night.

     Judith, maybe Ron will post so we'll know where he is today.  Hope things are better for them.  Had to laugh when I read you were wondering if food needed to be sent down to him.

     Sorry about your back still being so painful.  Hope it gets better soon.  Was your daughter trying to buy a new house?  My caladiums are sticking their little tops through the ground in at least one of the pots.  In fact, the bulb had somehow worked it's way up to where it was only half covered - or maybe that was my fault.  So, took it out of the dirt - there were roots - and put it down a bit lower - same with another one.  It'll still be fine when you feel like planting.  Are you putting them in the ground around your deck - if so, that will be hard on your back. 

     Shocking news, indeed.  Sarah has felt like he didn't like her from the get-go - not sure why.  So, guess she decided to tell Todd because he called me a while ago.  He sounded pretty calm - seething, I imagine.  But, he's very tired and wasn't able to leave just then to go home and sleep after he sees Sarah tonight.  He said he could - well, you probably know what he said he could do to Dr. D.   I told both Sarah and him that I think it would be better to wait until Sarah is better and out of the hospital before they pursued this.  She'll have to get all of her medical records from Mercy, OUMC and D's office and she can't do that now.  Wish she had been doing that all along like you had stressed.  If they don't make waves now around Dr. D. he might be unaware that anything is in the offing, otherwise, things might be changed.  He agreed.  Do you all think that's the best thing to do - wait until she's better or hit while the iron's hot?  Since this happened to her, wonder how many others had the same non-treatment?

     Nicole - good to hear from you.  Sorry about your hot weather, even if it is a dry heat.  The Gulf has opened up for us now - lots of humidity and rain.  I watched Aerial America again today and one I watched was about Nevada.  Showed lots of things in Las Vegas.  All the time I was watching I was wondering if you had been there or seen that.  They were talking about the lowering of the water level in some lake nearby and showed the "bathtub" rings on the wall of the lake.  Do you all have to ration water?

     Really glad I got the feed in the creepfeeder - also got to feed Rose Bud before the rain.  My left knee's hurting - don't know if it's because of the inclement weather or climbing up on the stepstool to get the lid down on the creepfeeder - not easy to do - and I've walked a lot today, too.

     Didn't hear anything from the tree people today - maybe tomorrow if it's not raining too much.  Tomorrow's trash day but I'm not going to take it down - not enough and I haven't sacked up any feed sacks today.

     Zetta - the muffins were good - taste-tested two of them.  I have a bit of trouble deciding when they're done but they were all right.  The spices I put in the white cake mix worked well but I may add a bit more cinnamon next time.  I didn't have any Allspice that wasn't ten years old so didn't use that - or cloves either.  The scalloped potatoes were good - let them cook a bit too long so added a little more milk and they were fine.  I let the water tank run over today - if I set the alarm on my phone, it's okay but if I don't, sometimes I forget until it's too late.

     Midway's on TV but don't know if I want to invest three hours in a movie or not.  Bed sounds pretty good in an hour or two. 

     Hope all of you are feeling well tonight.  Sounds like most, if not all, of us are going to continue to wear our masks for a while.  They say people who are fully vaccinated don't need to wear them - but, how do they tell who is or isn't?

     That carbon monoxide alarm is still chirping once every five or ten minutes - sounds like a bird.  I can't get it open to change the battery either.

     See you all tomorrow.  Rest well.

     Addendum:  Just saw another one of those Progressive Insurance ads where the bottom half of the guy is a motorcycle.  Those are creepy to me.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Creepy indeed.

    I think, do not know, it  is possible that Dr Dunn did not do the surgery.

     "An attending is considered an expert in their field of medicine or surgery. ... For example, a surgical attending performs surgery as part of their job. As an attending, they may have interns, residents, or fellows in the operating room with them, educating them on how to perform surgery."

    They should do nothing without legal advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:


      - he said when he got in her abdomen he found staples that were loose - not closed - sponges and even a glove.  


    "Res ipsa loquitor"  -  Latin for "the thing speaks for itself".  

    I'm not a lawyer but this sounds like a strong case.  

    Animal hoofs and claws can be trouble!  My Maine Coon cat has polydactyly with seven toes on her front paws.  A few of the nails were deformed and grew with a deep curvature, like ingrown toenails.  I had to keep on top of clipping them.  I finally had the vet declaw those deformed claws, because I couldn't keep them under control.

    (I had to google to decide whether to write hoofs or hooves.  Apparently either is aacceptable.)    

    Thanks for the info about the Brangus cows.  I was wondering why you never mentioned milking.  I had a neighbor who built sprinklers to rinse off cows' udders when they came in to the barn.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Judith, would greatly appreciate it if you would ask your attorney for the names of a couple of good malpractice attorneys.  They won't do anything - cautioned Todd about that - but, they could get her records.  But, it would be better to talk with them first, I guess. 

     Whether or not he performed the actual surgery doesn't matter.  If he had a resident do it, he's still responsible.  I realize OUMC is a teaching hospital but in the end the teacher would be responsible for whatever happens in the OR.   

    Iris, toenails, cats, dogs, people's, can be troublesome.  Barclee, our little Shih Tzu had toenails that curved if you didn't keep them clipped and he didn't like for you to do it.  We were at the vet's office for something else and I asked them to clip them.  Normally one of the girls does that but she couldn't and the vet had a hard time getting the clippers in to cut them.  I can trim Stormy's nails when he's laying in the Gator - Sheena is a different matter.  She doesn't like for you to hold her foot at all.  I got his trimmed and will have to find a chance to do hers when she's laying down.  Problem with that is me getting back up. 

    When I was growing up my parents had a small dairy and I can remember them washing the cow's udders before they milked.  I think the family with a dairy that I had mentioned earlier had some sort of method for washing, too, and they used milking machines - my parents did the milking by hand.  I remember once when they went somewhere and at that time only had one milkcow.  Charles was going to do the milking - the cow stood still (in a stanchion) while she had feed so Charles kept giving her feed so he could continue the milking.  Almost foundered her (just kidding) but she did get a lot of feed.  I haven't milked a cow in years but I did grow up on raw milk - didn't hurt me at all.  Now, I said I hadn't but I have - when a cow has a new baby and I'm not sure if she has milk I milk each teat to see if she does - so that's milking.  Daddy used to squirt milk into the barn cat's mouth while he was milking.  Had a good aim.

     Couldn't handle a three hour movie so I've been watching Highway Thru Hell and now it's Heavy Rescue.

     One of my two salmon colored knock-out roses is blooming (the other is almost ready) so I took a picture of it today.  Doesn't do the color justice though.They're both still small but will get shoulder high when mature.  Also took one of the sweet little roses on the arch over the gate - for some reason it didn't load into the laptop so I'll take another one tomorrow if they're still good.  I'm going to post another tree picture - this is of another Hackberry by the carport.  They're the most beautiful trees - don't know if they grow everywhere or not.  They have the most interesting limb structure when you can see the limbs.  My favorite kind of tree.

     Rest well tonight. 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, you mentioned Chuck Connors on Gunsmoke being mean; that made me remember so many other stars and co stars being mean in some of the older movies. James Arness was a creature from out of space (the thing) in a movie from the early 50s.

    Zeta, you mentioned Quiche for breakfast. Lou has Quiche, boiled egg and grapes just about every morning. Our youngest son made it from scratch, but I'm lazy and found a frozen brand called Nancy's that Lou likes.

    I wish I could get out of these bouts of depression I get into but just can't do it. My hip hurts, my legs hurt, oxygen level is in low 90s a lot more lately, starting to have problems with bowel movements that's not constipation or diarrhea and hot flashes keep coming and have to go for another harmone shot tommorow. I just cant get my mind clear from my worries. I know that I need some me time but it's hard to get. Lou is not easy to handle at times and even our oldest son last summer when I had my surgery stated he had to leave the room at times because it got so bad. Which wasn't a good thing to leave her alone! That might be why he doesn't come that often! I remember him stating when she first got sick that he was only a couple of hours away and would be coming often to help. I no longer will have a sitter for Lou, the two I had didnt work out. The first was not dependable and the second was a thief that took our money and left us with bed bugs. I was really disappointed about the neighbor, Lou liked her and she did help a lot. Haven't seen her in over a week so guess she finally figured out that I know. 

    So many of you have problems of your on which I pray for you every day, dont think just because I dont always respond that I dont also feel your pain. My life is devoted to taking care of lou; it consists of taking g care of the household chores and making sure she gets what she needs no matter the problems she creates. I now also take her with me to the store and dr appointments.  

    Hope all of you have a good week!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Ron you are far from lazy my friend, you are just overwhelmed and doing the best you can..

    Quiche sounds good.  Porch is screened and glassed.  Roast beef and gravy was delicious.  My last roast so going to go buy some more.  My mom seems to enjoy the roast too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     It's wet, wet, wet outside.  I fed Tom and Jerry and gave them some fresh water.  Every time I give them water, the water in their pan is muddy.  I keep wondering if that's from a coon being in there with them part of the time.  The girls weren't in the usual place - normally this time of day they're at the MH - today they're in the NE pasture - strung out all over the 45 acres.  And, I didn't see Rose Bud right away which worried me.  So, drove down and drove around until I saw everyone. Rose Bud was down with them grazing so guess the cool, wet weather is good for her.  We had .5" of rain last night and it's hazy this morning.  There's water everywhere I drive.  I should have taken Stormy - he cried when I was leaving - but I never know what I'll run into and if he saw a coyote or wolf I'm not sure I could hold him back.  I'll take him somewhere today.

     Ron, the binoculars I used this morning has a green cast on everything and when you look at the glass in them, it's greenish-yellow.  What is that?  What I see is pretty clear but just odd.  I would like to find my others but it's something that will be hard to do in the tall grass.  I've lost so many things out in the pasture.  A couple of days ago I was driving and found a feed pan that had been lost for a week or more. 

     Ron, wish I was closer so I could help you with Lou - I'd be happy to do that if I could.  Don't give up on finding someone to help you - in a town the size of yours there's someone out there who would be happy to help for not much I imagine.  Maybe you could contact some of the Churches and see if they might know someone - might be worth a try.

     So sorry about your health problems - seems like when one thing happens, another does - just piles on.  Try to rest as much as you can - maybe if Lou takes a nap that would be a time you could also nap.  Try to make a habit of it.  It'll only take a couple of times to make it a habit.  Take all the shortcuts you can as far as cooking - frozen quiche is a good idea.  So  many of the frozen foods are just as good as homemade - or use a slow cooker - just put something in it and forget it until it's done. 

     What a sad thing about how your neighbor turned out - you just never know.  Sarah's friend was about the same.  She gave them bedbugs and then stole from them - all the time thinking she was helping and was a good friend. 

     Haven't heard anything from the tree people - I doubt if they'll come today.  He said if they got the truck fixed, they'd come yesterday.  They didn't so guess it didn't get fixed.  Just my luck - would have been so nice to have gotten it done before all the rain.  It's muddy everywhere now and really hate for big trucks to get on our driveway.  That road was so bad for as long as I can remember.  When it was muddy we had to leave the car at the road and walk to the house - this was when I was growing up and even after Charles and I moved to the farm house.  We decided to have it rebuilt so found someone to do it.  They hauled at least 30 or 35 loads of something and put on the road, then bladed it down and packed it.  We don't have many people come here but on the day they brought all those loads, the propane man tried to deliver propane and liquid feed man tried to deliver feed - wouldn't you know.

     Every time I think about what Dr. C. told Sarah I get so upset I could pinch someone's head off if I could get to them but that doesn't do Sarah or me any good.  I can only imagine how Todd must feel.  He has sort of a temper anyway but he sounded pretty calm when I talked with him.  He's worn out from work and worry.  Said he only had a couple of hours sleep Saturday night so maybe he got home after seeing Sarah and got a good night's sleep.  He's stretched way too far. 

     I'll stop and finish my juice.  It's cloudy, hazy and the wind is calm this morning but rain is expected every day this week.  Already flooding NW of Tulsa in Osage County - they've had up to 5" of rain already.

     Sara, your porch sounds wonderful.  When you'd say you had the windows open I began to think it must be porch windows.  That's almost a four-season porch, isn't it?  How nice - you can sit out there when it's rainy or even snowy if it's not too cold.  Bet it sounds good when it rains.  I know when I'm in the barn and it's even misting it sounds so good on the metal roof.   Enjoy your day.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Ron, let your doctor know about the side effects you are having. Maybe they have something they can give you to ease them.

    Praying for you and Lou.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Ron, forgot to comment on what you said about actors in old westerns being mean.  I remember that when Bonanza first began they were much more aggressive than they were later on in the shows.  Same with even Matt Dillon in Gunsmoke - seems they mellowed out as the shows went on.

     Shirley had a very good suggestion.  Hope your doctor can help you.

     Hi Shirley, hope you and Bill are staying well and safe.  How's your weather down there?

     Just ordered some flowers for Sarah.  I tried the company I usually use and they aren't delivering to hospitals so went with one I used before.  As I was ordering I remembered the problem I had with the poinsettias I had ordered for Sarah and my sister.  Hope this isn't the same place.

     Not raining yet and still no tree people.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    Bill has more bad days than good! We are having great weather highs in the 80's and lows in the 60's.

    Just One day at a time


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Shirley, sorry to hear about Bill.  You're right - we just have to take things one day at a time.  How are you?  Are you resting when you can and trying to get things simplified so you won't have so much to do?   Your weather sounds just about ideal.  It's 73 here right now but muggy as all get out - but, the sun is shining and it's not raining right now.  Surely is muddy though.

     I'm in a better mood than I was an hour ago - got two problems solved.  I mentioned the PU wouldn't start - batteries were down.  This happens from time to time and the last time it happened our battery charger we've had for years didn't work.  So, back in January I ordered another one (they're on wheels).  I hadn't used it so got the instruction papers out this morning.  Confusing - I've always put the red cable to the red or positive battery post and the black cable to the black post.  This says you're supposed to put one of them, depending on whether you have a positive or negative grounded vehicle, to a metal part on the PU.  I've never done that and I've jumped or charged cars, pickups and the tractor with the charger doing it the way I've always done. 

     So, tried to think of someone to call and ask.  I know the guy who runs the place where I have the car and PU serviced - then thought about calling AAA to come and jump it and ask him about it.  So, decided I'd try the old charger and lo and behold - it worked!  And, the PU started.  I'm letting it run a while now and then I'll drive it some today - and the car.  Sara, I'm going to try to be diligent about doing that.

     And, guess what!  I found the pair of binoculars laying on the front bumper of the PU.  The place where I laid them is black and they're black.  Almost fell over when I saw them.  I could have looked for them in the pasture until I turned purple and never found them.  So, for now things are good.  Girls are in the barn, at least I think they are because I heard someone hit the side of the barn.  I have it noted that someone's supposed to calve today.

     I filled the elevated dog bowls with dry food an hour or so ago and one of the cats knocked Sheena's over and spilled it all over the floor - just little things like that have happened this morning - until now. 

     Did talk with Sarah - she sounded not good.  Said she was in pain and either she hadn't gotten her pain meds yet or they hadn't kicked in.  She saw Dr. C. this morning and he told her he wanted them to get her up so PU came and got her up and had her walk across the room.  That started the pain worse than ever.  So, maybe the pain meds will kick in and she can get some sleep this afternoon. 

     Sara - your roast and gravy sounded good.  I used to like the hot roast beef sandwiches at the Blue Grill in Muskogee.  Not sandwiches, but two half slices of bread with beef and gravy and mashed potatoes.  That was way back when I ate things like that.    I hope you're enjoying your day.   One of my two peony buds has bloomed.  I'll take a picture of that and the sweet, little roses for you all to see.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    this is a test for size

    No photo description available.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    What a sweet, special picture, Judith.  Dick and a granddaughter?  That picture is worthy of an enlargement to be framed.  When you find pictures like that of Dick do you cry a little bit like I do when I find them of Charles.  Guess I'll always be like that - just a part of me is gone.   Thanks for posting it for us to see.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    What a sweet picture Judith.

    Shirley sorry Ron is having too many bad days.   Know that is harder in you too.  

    Porch is three season.  No heat out there.

    I’m losing things too.  Put six peanut butter cookies in container for my mom and have no idea where they got too.  It has been several days and haven’t spied them yet.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, the roses are beautiful!  So huge!  Do they have a fragrance?  A member of my church years ago was a rosarian and went all over the West to rose festivals and rose shows.

    Ron, you need help!  Have you considered a food service?  It helps if you don't have to cook or wash dishes or clean the kitchen.

    I stepped on my feral cat's paw yesterday in the dark and he yelped and scratched me.  I've been trying for years to get him to let me trim his claws, but he's too suspicious and he won't let me touch his paws.  Now he'll be even more leary.

    My house telephone stopped working.  I looked it all over and saw a spot for batteries.  Two of the three batteries were corroded!  No wonder it didn't work!  I cleaned up the corrosion as best I could and changed the batteries, now it works.  I don't want to give up my house phone!

    A friend invited me to go out to lunch today.  It was my first time in a restaurant since Feb 2020.  We went to Outback Steakhouse.  Seating was socially distanced and the wait staff wore masks.  It felt strange, but good to be out.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Iris glad you and your friend got to enjoy a little time out.  It does seem odd as I have been out once.  Like you it had been way over a year.  Wanted to pick up a pizza last night, which has been way over a year too, but was just too tired.

    Got most of my tomatoes planted yesterday.  Will continue planting today if nothing happens.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, what a beautful photo of Dick and your sweet little granddaughter.   Thank you for sharing that lovely moment in time with us.

    Lorita, that tree is truly a beauty!  I have had a long standing love of trees; in fact, I used to often hug them when a child.  There were tall oak trees not far outside my childhood bedroom window, and when taking a nap I recall the shadow patterns the leaves made on the bedroom wall which softly lulled me to sleep.  Even today, if I am fortunate enough to see such leaf shadows, it brings feelings of comfort; but where I live, that is a very rare occasion.

    I always loved being in the thick woods of the U.P. of Michigan and just sitting silently listening to the soughing sound of the leaves between the trees . . . . it was as though they were whispering to one another.  I have never found another sound that could compete with that.  Again; very relaxing and comforting.

    I also love visiting the majestic, silent redwood forests which we have done multiple times - for me, that is almost always a reverential experience.  It defies adjectives and one can almost feel the spirit of the trees; this from me who is not taken to flights of fancy very often.  Just an awesome experience.  Been fortunate enough to have been in such redwood forests before they became a tourist attraction and one could actually touch them; or yes, even hug them.

    What a shocking thing to hear from Todd and Sarah regarding the finding of foreign objects from a prior surgery inside Sarah's abdomen.   I wonder how much of Sarah's pain and complications might have been somewhat related to that.   NOTE:  If they are considering consulting a medical malpractice attorney, I would think they may be best served to stop talking about it to others outside family, or trying to find names of people in the OR; (that will be in the medical record), or asking for a copy of the record, or even talking about it in front of any medical/hospital staff.  Once it is thought someone may be looking for an attorney it is reported; the record goes into lockdown and one would hope that no one would go into the record to add things or change things. 

    I am NOT an attorney and have no legal experience and am NOT recommending anything; just making observation based on personal experience.  But if this were me, I would consult a medical malpractice attorney asap if I thought I may bring a suit for medical malpractice.  The attorney, if he/she feels there is a good case, usually will quickly send out a legal copy service to photocopy the complete medical record - the patient signs a consent for this; the copier then gets the entire medical record and copies everything - nothing is left out - nothing is purposely NOT copied as can rarely but occasionally happen if the hospital staff member copying the record is less than ethical.   Had that happen in one instance where a medical records director purposely did not copy pertinent pages of a record going to litigation,  that sort of thing is just one reason why an attorney has their own legal copy service; the attorney needs a complete copy of the record with nothing purposely or inadvertantly left out.

    I personally would not telegraph anything at all to anyone nor discuss the circumstances with anyone outside of my spouse and attorney.   In surgery, the circulating nurse counts the sponges that are being used and then later counts the sponges that have actually been used so the count is the same - something must have slipped sideways.  I also wonder whether a glove was actually found in the abdomen, or did the new surgeon say something like, "I would not have been surprised to even have found a glove in there!"  If there was actually a glove inside the abdomen, that is a surprising find.

     If one is going to seek an attorney for possible legal action, one could also write down in a tablet any conversations had with any of the surgeons now and prior surgeons, etc. to help with recall when speaking with one's attorney.   When there is a surgery in a teaching hospital, an intern can assist, and a resident often will perform the surgery with oversight of the actual surgeon.   In all cases, the OR record portion of the medical record will have all of this written in detail and all findings and actions are also documented in detail.  AND if the new surgeon actually found those objects in the abdomen, then that will have had to have been documented in his OR findings in the record too.  Sometimes, though unintended, surgical clips can slip or migrate - so that issue would need the attorney's expert surgeon reviewer to assess that for being problematic or not.

    Anyway; up to Todd and Sarah.  If one seeks medical malpractice redress, the attorney will be able to tell up front whether it is a case worth taking on - Sarah has had such problems with her surgery aftermaths, etc., it may be that there is an issue to be addressed; especially with foreign bodies left in her abdomen. Experts; MD and RN will be used to review the past OR and post surgical medical records as well as the present ones.  In such an issue, one pays the attorney nothing for his/her fees until a case is won; then the attorney takes a percentage of the settlement/judgment; if the case is not won, then the patient owes the attorney nothing in his/her own attorney fees.  However;  the person suing will be responsible for the cost of photo copying, the cost of witnesses/reviewers, court filing fees, etc.; and other non-attorney fees.   In many if not most cases, if there are findings for the patient, there is quite often settlement without ever going to court;  this is often done in arbitration where one is represented by their own attorney.

    Sometimes, if the client is not healthy enough to go into an attorney's office, the attorney will go to the client's home.

    Since I am NOT an attorney and this is only based on my personal experience; there may be someone else who is who would like to add to or correct input.

    Zetta; how did those muffins come out?  Were they good?  I love the idea of making some but keep forgetting to do it. Silly me.  How is the pet sitting going?  Must be awfully nice for the pets; bet you spoil them with lots of love.

    Judith, how are you feeling?  I must have missed the Post regarding your having been ill, I am so sorry.  Gads; me too, enough is  enough, but for some reason, things keep happening.  Did you yet decide to look at the various Life Line products or have you put that on the back burner for awhile?  I am sorry about your poor tree; that is a huge issue with huge aftermath cleanup not to mention huge costs. 

     Dear Ron; I am sorry for the side effects you are experiencing from treatment, but there is help to be had if you openly inform your physician; the squeaky wheel gets the grease so to speak. The meds/treatment can overwhelm a person and cause negative effects including depression - there is help to be had for that.  No need to suffer if there is help available.  Every little bit helps.    It would be very helpful to have some help come in at least a few hours a week to give you a few hours breathing space. There really are ways to introduce that in to make Lou more accepting.   Perhaps it would work out well this time; what happened in the past is in the past.   If you could work with some of the fresh food purveyors who deliver meals to the home; you could do that even a few days/nights of the week which would also cut down the work load for you a bit.  So wish there were a way to be able to be of help.   Remember to look out for yourself too; sometimes we forget about ourselves.

    Our society garlic in a front flower bed is blooming quite nicely; such pretty delicate blooms.  If one cuts a stem or leaf, one can smell garlic - but if not cutting, they do not smell at all.  Our night blooming jasmine along the wrought iron and used brick pillars between our front side yard and our neighbors is really blooming and perfuming the air.  Some years, it has been so perfumed it has been too much; but this year it is nice and delicate making it very nice.

     As for masks; me too.  DH and I will continue to mask when out, just too much not known and up in the air so to speak to make it worthwhile considering DHs diabetes and we are older now.  It is expected that in the winter,  that the COVID numbers will rise again along with the influenza numbers.  Well; we will be masking and doing our best.   I read this morning that in India, since the pandemic hit, 750 physicians have lost their lives secondary to contracting COVID; shocking.   Australia initially refused to take back about 1,900 of their citizens who were in India - two have died from COVID: but now I hear that they are having flights home IF a person tests negative for COVID and remains in strict government isolation upon return until cleared. They are very cautious which has helped their numbers greatly.

      Have to go get some work done, take good care and may your day be a good one,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Thanks, Jo, for the advice.  I've told Sarah and Todd not to talk to anyone about anything for the time being.  I think he's in the process of finding a good malpractice attorney - in fact, Judith has offered to talk with her attorney about a good one - or two.

    When I talked with Sarah yesterday, she didn't sound good and said she was not feeling well at all.  They've started a morphine drip to help with her pain and started PT to get her up some.  This morning she didn't sound good - could  hardly understand her but I just called back and she sounded a bit better.    So, worry wort that I am I called to talk with her nurse.  The doctor (not surgeon) happened to be in the room and he asked if I wanted to talk with her.  Surely did.  She was very nice and said that Sarah is progressing slowly but she isn't concerned.  This morning there were signs of her bowels beginning to wake up, as she put it.  Her vital signs are all right.  She said with all that had been happening her progress would be pretty slow.  She's getting IV nourishment and has asked for a bit of cranberry juice on her ice chips to make them taste better.  When Sarah woke up this morning she began vomiting - doctor wasn't too concerned about that since that has been going on for a long time with Sarah.  So, glad I happened to call when I did. Felt better after I talked with her.

     The rest of the morning has been all right.  Went out and saw all the girls and babies - watching for a new baby so I'll check again this afternoon.  Had a call from the tree guy - bucket truck still not functional.  They thought they could fix it but have to have a computer to find the part that's bad.  But, he says he'll still get the work done this week. 

     I ordered flowers for Sarah yesterday and they were supposed to be delivered that day.  She still hadn't gotten them this morning even though the florist had confirmation that they were delivered at 5:10 last evening.  I asked for a refund.  I think this is the same place I had all the trouble with about poinsettias I ordered for Sarah and my sister.  This is From You Flowers - not in OKC but in i Connecticut - to be delivered by a local florist in OKC (they wouldn't tell me which one).  The one I have ordered from before isn't delivering to Mercy so found another one this morning and ordered her a bouquet of Gerbera daisies, smaller daisies and other small flowers - to be delivered today - I hope.  Never in my life had so much trouble getting flowers ordered and delivered.

     Thanks, Jo, that is a beautiful tree.  There are so many wonderful Hackberry trees on the farm.  They're huge and make such a dense shade in the summertime and the limbs are beautiful in the wintertime, too.  I would absolutely love to see the Redwoods - I can only imagine how majestic they must be. I think there was a forest fire that burned some of them last year - how awful.  I feel so bad about our oldest Hackberry - poor thing, it's been so beautiful and each year it loses more big limbs from ice and wind and old age.  Now, there's only one big limb standing up and it's not sturdy so the next windstorm we have it will probably go.  There's another big one nearby and two others closeby that are growing close together.  I think a while back I posted a picture of the cattle underneath one just south of the garden. Years ago I took a picture of the oldest Hackberry, in each season.  Enlarged and framed them.  So glad I did that while it was in it's glory.

     Sara, glad you got most of your tomato plants in the ground yesterday.  You know if they get tall and leggy before you get them planted you can actually make a trench and lay them in it with just some of the top sticking out.  That way they'll get more moisture from the ground and will be more secure in the ground, too.  We've done that many times.  Are you planting celery plants or the seeds?  I'll be very interested to see how it does.

     Iris, sorry about your cat scratch.  That really hurts so take care of it.  I can't trim any of our cat's claws either.  I've tried but they won't cooperate.  I did get one toenail of Sheena's slipped last night.  She doesn't like for you to bother her feet.  She has long hair on her feet and I know the nails need to be trimmed. 

     It's a little windy here this morning and looks like it might be cloudy - door's closed.  This morning when I was out it was still sunny.  It's warm and very muggy.  I have the ceiling fan on in the LR and a small floor fan that has grates that rotates.  Last evening when I turned it on, Sheena and Stormy were both laying in front of it. 

     Jo - Judith fell and then had a UTI. Hope she's' feeling much better by now.  I'm always afraid I'll stumble over Sammy, the cat who lays down in front of me.  He'll run ahead of me and flop down on the floor and stretch out.  Don't know why he does that - just playing, I guess. 

     Everyone in the house is asleep except me.  I woke up early this morning so am already a bit sleepy.   I had a couple of the pumpkin-spice muffins for breakfast this morning - without butter this time. 

     Zetta - hope you're doing well and enjoying the stay at your daughters.  I know you'll be glad to be back home though.  No place like home, is there? 

     I think I mentioned I drove the car a little bit last evening - Stormy went with me and then drove the PU - he wouldn't get in it.  Darwin's cattle (now Mike's) is in a pasture across from our mailbox and as I drove along that road I stopped and watched a dozen or so little ones running and playing.  They are so cute.  Then, when I turned north along another of his pastures I saw a little, black calf laying almost under the fence.  I didn't see any cattle at all in that pasture and because the ones across the road are black I was afraid he'd gotten through the fence and was lost.  So, called Mike to tell him.  I didn't know if there were cattle in that pasture or not - he said there was and about that time I saw a couple of cows come from under some trees.   Then, guess they had babies staked out and when they called them saw a couple of them get up and go to their mothers.  When I came back the little, black calf was still there.  Guess mom was late.  I saw three or our little ones this morning exploring in the MH yard.  The other little one was with his mom.  Also saw a big coyote while I was out.  He didn't seem scared at all - just walking around but that one little calf was really watching him.

     Hope all of you are well today.  Just called Sarah and PT had just gotten into her room to do her PT.  I'll talk with her later. 

      I'll be back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

    I am still enjoying Longview, Wa.  My kids leave here Wed morning and flying to NY so Molly & I will be totally lazy watching a lot of westerns while they are gone. I don't plan on going anywhere while they are gone I worry too much about something happening to me and no one knowing where I belong. LOL 

     Lorita,   It sounds like Sarah is in a real good place so they can take care of all her issues. Just think how bad a person would feel with all the stuff left inside of them. This explains why she was in so much discomfort.  I am glad you found your binoculars it might be a good idea to tie a bright red ribbon around them so they will show up when you are looking for them.  I hope you hear from your tree people soon. I don't like waiting for people then I am thinking they forgot. 

    Ron,   Like Lorita said I also wished I lived close enough to come help you with Lou. I would love to come help any of you if I just lived closer. I hope you are feeling better and not as stressed. I agree with Shirley about telling your DR I am sure there might be something to help you with stress. 

    Sara,  If you have not found the P Butter Cookies yet I will come help you look for them. YUM.

    Judith,  That pict is precious. I hope your finding time to get some rest so you will start feeling better soon.

    Iris,  I Love The Outback Steak House. There was one close to where I lived when I lived in Calif. I have not seen one for a long time. Its good that you got out and enjoyed yourself. 

    Jo,  My pet sitting is with my daughters 2 cats. They are both 17+ years. One will come out and ignore Molly the other one stays in hiding most of the time. Molly is so used to playing with our cat at home she does not understand why these cats won't play with her. My daughter and her husband leave tomorrow for a week. I have stayed many times with her cats and they know Molly and me but they act like we are strangers. O Well all I need to do is clean the cat box and feed them daily. 

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Iris, before I forget, again, you asked if the roses have a fragrance.  I was out where they are just now and they do - kind of a spicy fragrance.  There's something around here that has the sweetest smell - may be honeysuckle.  It's everywhere and is in full bloom.  We also have fields of buttercups - all north of the house is yellow from them.  I didn't know what they were until the vet told me they were buttercups.  I looked it up and sure enough.  I thought buttercups were larger.  These have five petals, are yellow and waxy - about a foot tall.  He has a pasture NW of here that's completely yellow.  He'll spray when it gets dry enough and everything will be brown for a while.  You can mow these and they come right back.  I found another rose blooming - it's red and yellow and doesn't have very large blooms.  I think it's one I bought from QVC.  My Queen Elizabeth has a bunch of buds in the top - only has one long stem now and they branch off from it but are close together.  I love those - so pretty.  Even the Tropicana has buds.  The fence builders cut it way back when they worked on that fence.  The purple clematis that's growing in the same spot is full of buds so it'll be in full bloom before the rose is. 

     It's beginning to sprinkle here.  I went out to see the girls come out of the barn but I was too late - many had already left so checked out who was in the barn, then drove down to the mailbox to see them.  Kind of worried about one young cow with a white udder - not sure if she has a calf or not but if she doesn't, it won't be long - udder is full.

     Zetta - I bet you're so enjoying being with your daughter for a while.  What a nice visit you've had with her before they leave.  Good that you'll have all those westerns to watch - seems like all the old ones are making a comeback.  I know I'm enjoying them.  Watching the first of two Cheyennes this afternoon.  He's also on at 6 a.m. - took the place of Wanted: Dead or Alive.

     I did hear from the tree guy.  He had to call in someone else to work on the truck but he thinks it's just a little piece that's gone bad but he can't find what it is.  He said he'd be here this week. 

     I'm looking out the front door and it's raining - just a soft rain but there's more south of here.  We missed all the heavy rain this morning so hope we miss most of this - for now at least.

     Just talked a minute with Sarah.  She got her flowers (the ones I ordered this morning) from a florist called Cheevers.  Some of the florists aren't delivering to some of the bigger hospitals.  No idea what happened to her other flowers - hope someone's enjoying them.

     I'm about ready to find something for supper - think it'll be scalloped potatoes and green beans.  I fix a couple of things and eat it until it's gone before I cook something else.  I like leftovers - Charles and I always did.  Keep thinking about making a grilled cheese sandwich and having it with tomato soup.  I had most of a loaf of bread in the freezer that I bought several weeks ago- took it out so need to use it before it molds.

     Zetta - I don't blame you for not wanting to go anywhere while your daughter's gone.  I think about that when I'm out and about, too.  Might be time for you to get something like I have and that Judith says she's going to get.  If I could remember to wear mine when I'm out in the pastures - that would be good.

     What happens to Rascal when you're gone?  I think you said a neighbor feeds him but not sure.  I bet he misses you and Molly.

     Enjoy the evening.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Lorita,   My son lives with me so he takes care of Rascal when I am gone. Rascal is always glad when Molly & I get home. 

    I do need to get one of those alarm buttons I keep thinking about it. What worries me is like when I am far away from home and something happens to me, no one will know where I am staying and what animals I might be caring for.  Probably what I should do is carry some sort of ID next to my drivers license with my daughters phone number next to it. 

    I also like leftovers, some times the left overs are better. I am fixing chicken fiestas tonight and I will make sure I have leftovers for tomorrow. My daughter loves for me to cook for her. 

    All Take Care, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Zetta, I had forgotten your son lived with you.  That's good that he can take care of Rascal and he's near when you're home so you feel safer.   Probably a good idea to carry your daughter's phone number in your billfold.  Also, at least with my medical guardian you can designate who they call if the alarm goes off.  It wouldn't matter where you were, they can locate you.  Periodically I test mine to make sure it's working.  You know, you might be able to call them and let them know where you are or where you're going to be.  They always know who's alarm goes off and calls you by name.  Just a thought.

     It rained a little bit earlier but it's stopped for now.  Had supper, put in a load of clothes to wash and put on my gown and caftan.  While I was out, before it rained today, I took a couple of pictures of flowers - one is of the pretty, little pink roses on the arch over the gate.  The only problem is they only bloom one time; another is of the one peony that has bloomed so far - only one more bud to bloom and the last is of a clematis that's on the light pole north of the house, in the yard.  Used to have two on there but only this one has survived.   Seems like the only thing I take pictures of is cows, calves, trees, flowers, dogs and cats - but that's what's here.  I just attached them - now if I could learn how to spell Spring I'd be all right.  Don't know how to correct it.

     Enjoy the evening.  Zetta, I just watched an episode of Cheyenne made in 1958.  Michael Landon was on it, playing a boy who had been captured by the Indians.  Looked it up and Bonanza started the next year.  Amazing how many actors are in these old westerns who became famous later on.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Spicy roses?  That sounds nice!  Where I live we have hedges of night blooming jasmine.  It was so fragrant in the evening when I returned home from work.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Iris, I love jasmine but don't have any now.  Is the Jasmine a vine or kind of a shrub?  We have honeysuckle on a lot of the yard fence and down the road to the mailbox - also quite a lot of it in the pasture along the fences.  I love sweet-smelling flowers. 

     You all remember we lost my cousin, Patsy, on Thanksgiving Day.  We were just seven months apart in age and when we were really small her family spent a lot of time here with us.  She remembered lying in bed in front of the window in grandma's room and enjoying the fragrance of the honeysuckle.  Wind was from the south and it blew the fragrance into the room.  I guess we never forget a lot of things from our childhood.  I usually keep a bouquet of honeysuckle on the table by my chair - haven't done that yet but will tomorrow.

     Hope you all sleep well tonight. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning

    Lorita planted celery plants.  Bought them at the nursery.  They are very pretty and healthy looking so will be interesting.

    My tomato plants were not leggy at all, but know you can put them in a trench.  Have done that a time or two before.  Your rose on the arch is a beautiful pink.  Looks like you have lots of pretty flowers.

    We have buttercups here too.  They are beautiful but can definitely get out of control.  There are some where mom lives and I had to keep an eye on them or they would take over. 

    It’s fairly dry here even though we had a lot of rain not long ago.  It’s like fighting fire, trying to get plants in ground and keep everything watered that you already have planted.

    Going to make some rhubarb bread this morning if it’s the good Lords will.  My sister says it is delicious,  mom gave me some rhubarb.

    Zetta guess you and Molly are on your own now.  That is a good idea to keep contact numbers with your driver license.

    Got rest of my tomatoes planted yesterday, and some petunias.  Hope to get more done today.  Slowly making progress.  No more plants in floor now, room for all upon top of tables now.  Will be glad when things are all planted so I can clean up my house and garage.  So cluttered this time of year. 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Nice outside this morning, almost wish I could have my coffee outside, but couldn't hear Lou if needed. Maybe get a baby monitor for the bedroom!?

    Orkin soaked the house good monday and had to stay on the porch until afternoon, after we could go in I spent the rest of the day washing all the bedding again. Hopefully this will do it this time and no more bed bugs. Alone with the bed bugs our Shih Tzu had fleas.  He will be 16 in August and this is the first time he's had them. Went to the Vet. and picked up some ointment and scratching was better last night. I have noticed some stray cats running around lately and guess that was how he got them when he goes out to do his business. 

    Enjoyed the day Tuesday after my VA visit for harmone shot. Decided on the way home to stop at the casino with Lou. Sit side by side and had to tell her to push the button, but it was a enjoyable time and even left with a additional $60. On the way home after the casino, Lou had been craving pizza so we stopped for one to take home. It was slow eating for me, but I could eat everything bot the crusty edges.

    Leg pains were bad last night and I do have strong medication to take for pain but afraid Lou might need me in the middle of the night so I just take advil. Did get a welcomed call last night, my brother called and they are coming for a visit June the 11th.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Going to type this before I forget.  On the news they were talking about the virus - I think it said 17 states did not report any deaths Monday - Ohio and Oklahoma were two of them.  But,  Oklahoma had reported 17 cases of variants, two or three of ones that are in India and three of those cases were in people who had been fully vaccinated and two of them in people who had had one shot.  Kind of scary - really makes me know I want to wear my mask if I'm around people.

     It's rainy here this morning - not heavy but persistent.  Last evening I noticed one cow I think I mentioned last night so was in a hurry to get out and check on her this morning.  They were all still in the NE pasture so drove around until I was sure everyone was accounted for.  I saw her and she looks okay.  When they come up today I think I'll keep her up.

     Ron, sounds like you and Lou had a good day yesterday - the casino and pizza!  Glad you got the house sprayed again - hopefully this will take care of those BB.  You know there's fleas in the grass so that might be where Little Bit got the fleas.  I haven't seen any on our GPs but they're scratching.  Their hair is blowing so that may be part of it.  Sheena comes and stands between me and the hassock so I'll brush her and I get loads of loose hair.  I brush one way and she looks good but when I brush against the way the hair lays I get even more.  I need to put the flea and tick medicine on them - maybe I can get that done today.

     Ron, are people at the VAMC wearing masks?  I see pictures of gatherings on TV and it looks like not many are. 

     Sara - those are the prettiest little roses I've ever seen except a rambling rose we had years ago called Golden Showers.  It was yellow and the buds were beautiful - but there weren't many petals.  These little roses are so pretty - just wished they bloomed all summer.  The knock-out roses do and even the Tropicana and Queen Elizabeth.  Not sure about the red and yellow one - I'll notice this year.  Still haven't gotten my flower seeds planted - wanted to wait until after all this rain is over for a day or so.  The three Gerbera daisies look good.  I'm anxious to see how big they get and if they will overwinter.

     I think it'll be so interesting to see how your celery does.  I've never seen celery plants but we don't have a nursery nearby.  I know what you mean about having plants sitting around everywhere.  That's the way it used to be when we had a big garden.  Lots of work getting a garden and plants in but the payoff is worth it. 

    Never heard of rhubarb bread.  Do you puree the rhubarb or just slice it thinly.  Hope it turns out good for you. 

     We've had about .7" of rain including a couple of days ago but it's so wet.  When I was down in the pasture I was driving through water most of the time.  We'll be praying for weather like this in July and August.  I always dread those months, even more than the winter ones (not including the ice storm we had this February).

     Iris - I got a little more done on my tax compilation yesterday.  Went through all the bank statements and took out the copies of checks used to buy things like feed and other deductibles.  Now to go through the book where I keep receipts, write down deductibles, add them up and get the paperwork together.  I'd like to get them to Sam by the end of the month.  He usually does an extension for us because I'm so late.  Every year I think I'll get it done early but keep procrastinating.  I have copies of taxes for years and years back that need to be disposed of but it will take forever to shred them.  Guess I could burn them while everything's wet  - thought I'd do that with the feed sacks when we had snow on the ground but it didn't get done.

     Sarah said her flowers were pretty.  Couldn't find a picture of what I wanted so just told the florist what I wanted - orange Gerbera daisies is the main flower.  The woman said she had smaller daisies and other small flowers to fill in.  Sarah said when Todd comes to see her she'll have him take a picture and send to me - kind of like to see what it looks like.

     I'm so glad I got to talk with the doctor yesterday.  Was worried when Sarah kept saying she didn't feel well.  She sounds really hoarse, too, says her throat's sore - guess from the tube they had down.

     Hope all of you are well this morning. Zetta, glad you have a TV so you can see all of those old westerns.  The 50s, 60s and 70s were good years for them.  New ones just aren't the same, are they?

     Enjoy the day.  Back later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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