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Just need to talk to my friends (148)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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 Thought it was time to begin #148 since we've gotten to page 5 and posts might be beginning to disappear.

 It's been raining,  heavily, here since before 4.  That's when thunder awakened me.  So, that's over four hours.  We're under a flash flood watch and roads west of here are closed.  I can only imagine what the county line looks like.  I got brave a few minutes ago and went out on the porch - couldn't see any of the girls anywhere.  Thankfully, I closed the gate to the north pasture last evening so there's only two pastures where they can be. I so hope all of them are safely in the barn.  While I was out on the porch there was a very loud clap of thunder so I got back inside quickly.  I emptied the rain gauge a day or so ago and I imagine it's full.  It's one of those long ones that holds at least 5".  Our weatherman just said there could be 6-8" in places.  We'll see.

 The generator is still on so there must be electrical outages in the area.  Thank goodness we have it.  And, the TV reception is back on.  Looks like the really hard rain is west of us.  We just had a really heavy band go through here and it's still raining.

 I think I hear a bird, maybe a little one, somewhere outside.  It hasn't been very windy but I'm afraid it might have blown out of the nest.  With my hearing deficit I won't be able to find it by sound.  I have a hard time telling the direction a noise is coming from. 

 Needless to say I didn't take down the trash - doubt he could have run anyway.  I just realized I had all four car windows down a couple of inches because it was so hot and humid.  We're supposed to hit 90 later this week with heat indices near 100.  Not ready for that.

 Question:  Lilly, the Savannah cat, has been spayed but Max, her husband, is really bothering her.  After they're spayed, they don't come into estrus again, do they?

 Anxious to hear how Sarah is this morning.  Hope all of you are well today.  Sometime today OU plays JMU in women's softball.  Carol tuned me into the softball games - had never watched them but really enjoying seeing them play.  They looks very professional.  Don't even know if there's professional softball - don't think so.  These are college games.

 Beth, wish you could have some of this rain - also Nicole and Jo.  It's either too much or too little.

 Back later.



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, one of my cats was spayed after having a litter and seemed to come into heat again.  The vet said it was a remembered behavior.  But that happened only a few times, as I recall, and she was never around any males anyway.  She never got pregnant again.  That was about forty years ago, so I don't remember all details.  


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, is this you calling?



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Not me, Iris.  I'm not on any of those social media sites.

     Thanks for the information.  Guess Max is still in love.  Kind of cute - he'll kind of cuddle up to her and give her sugar.

     It's still raining here.  Haven't been able to get out and feed Tom and Jerry.  Three cows have come out to graze so guess all the others are still in the barn.

     I called our electric company to tell them about the power outage.  They knew and said someone was working on it.  The generator just went off so guess they got it fixed.  Sure do wish we had gotten the generator years ago when we'd be out of power for two weeks at a time.

     The weatherman said the county just west of us has had up to 10" of rain.  Tried to see our rain gauge from the porch but couldn't really tell how much water was in it.

     I called the hospital about Sarah.  Talk about tight-mouthed people.  No one, at least the two nurses I've talked with, knows anything.  She did say she was having pain and they were giving her pain meds.  Couldn't even tell me how long the surgery was.  Maybe Sarah will feel like calling later today after she sees the doctor.

     Enjoy the day.

     10  a.m.   The rain slacked off enough that I decided I'd better feed Tom and Jerry.  Only one of the boys was there or I saw only one of them.  Went out to the barn and only Rose Bud and one of the four older babies was in there.  Everyone else is out and about.  We've had 3.4" of rain.  Don't know how it rained that hard for that long and only got that much.  There was a mineral tub out in the open with some minerals in it and it had at least 5-6" of water on top of the minerals.  So, don't know if the gauge isn't catching all the rain or maybe leaking.  Anyway, there's water everywhere.  The big pond in front of the house is overflowing.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

    I lost a long post last night so I will try to remember what I said. 

    Iris,     Thank You, Yes I did see the info you gave me. You were in the post that I lost. Yes I think it is his teeth. He was fine then I noticed when I got home from  my daughter house 2 weeks ago he was not eating as much as he usually does. My son said while I was gone he was eating good. He has been on the same food for long time. I got him a few diff types to try and he was not interested. Last week I thought about it being his teeth, well he will have noting to do with me looking in his mouth. I tried to get him to the vet Saturday and they only had 1 vet and she was booked. If it got worse I could have taken him the the emg vet and that is a 45min drive. I was told baby food would be a good thing to try and he had no interest in that so far yogurt has been something he will eat a little of. 

    I am going to try to get him in today I have been talking to the vet and I will be called if anything opens up. I already have a appt for his 10 year check up and that is Wed morning and with his own Dr. I am praying I don't have to take him to the emg vet.

    The problem I have is he is so big I have a problem capturing him when he sees the carrier come out of the closet. Even if I did get him he is hard for me to carry in the carrier. Thats why I have a Wed time my son will be here to help me get him to the vet. 

    I woke up this morning to frost I hope it did not kill my little seeds I planted a few days ago. I have a hard time growing anything here the weather can change many time in one day. 

    I need to go now I will be back later I have more to say but I need to get to the Post Office.

    Hugs Zetta

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    A friend sent me this on my email  and I thought to share it with you.  It is a journalist with a dog at a shelter; go past the female narrators voice and watch the clip:  oh my, what a lovely, loving dog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLdYivzkBt8 Lorita, I so hope that your niece's latest surgery will make a differance and restore Sarah some good quality to her life; she has had so much to bear.    May this make a big difference for her. And Zetta; thinking of Rascal and hoping all went well at the vets today; that is difficult and very worriesome I am sure. I am a person who is awake before the first rays of daylight ever, ever creep up with the dawn; so I always hear the birds begin their day.  The little baby nestlings in our backyard trees begin their frantic chirping and peeping all together at 5:00 am every morning like clockwork.   They are hungry!  They have me smiling. Just glad we no longer have a Whippoorwill with us . . . omigosh; they only sing at night - ALL night, and they only sing (shriek) LOUD in full, ear-blasting Dolby Stereo - no one sleeps.  Boy, they go on and on like they are possessed!  Too bad they don't get sore throats if they sing too long; but alas on that one.  They stop at about dawn.  Had one in a tree in our back yard one summmer not long ago, got to hate that dratted thing, but supposedly they do this while looking for a mate - could hear one a couple blocks away calling back; I would have got that bird a mate myself if I could have!   Next summer, it moved across the street to my neighbors where it drove a whole new batch of people nuts and we could still hear it so loudly it kept our house awake too.  This year, no Whippoorwill - and it can stay that way.  Most common birds here are little finches or sparrows. I like birds but some are just too much, crows took over our trees one summer; they were really noisy, brazenly attacked other birds, and are very, very messy; ate the tree fruit, etc., glad they were gone by next season.  I know; birds are birds, but there are plenty of others that are so much more pleasant.  Don't get any Robin Red Breasts out here, nor do we get Blue Birds unless one goes up into the mountains.    Some hummingbirds and a few hawks once in a while.  The hummers are interesting; had feeders up, but I did not initially realize how territorial they are and how they fight off the other hummingbirds trying to keep the back yard and the feeders for themselves.  Actually saw the dominant one try to fight off all interlopers that entered our yard.  No manners despite being plenty of food and multiple feeders.  Sure are pretty though.  In a hospital where I worked there was a hummingbird nest in a tree outside a one way window in an ICU room.  Used to go and look at the teensy little nest with the uber-teensy eggs.  (The mother bird could not see us.)  Never saw the hatchlings because a patient got placed in that room, sure hope they did okay.  Time for a haircut again.  Interesting in how it seems to go out of control overnight - one day it is fine; next day - explosion in a hair factory!   Hate to go and do that, but it is time.  When the pandemic hit, I did no hair tinting or highlighting at all; it grew in white, surprised the heck out of me.  I did like the color and highlights; but I no longer want to do that and sit in a salon chair for hours; seems I have developed an aversion to salons, besides the chemicals are not good for us.  So; I look like an older broad - but what the heck, I am! Sure is hot back east; guess that will be harbingers of things to come out here which it always does. The entire west coast and Arizona is in the midst of one of the worst droughts ever seen with water levels in essential lakes and at the Hoover Dam being in absolute dire crisis.  Oh boy; and we had the back and front lawns re-seeded.  We shall see.  Our community uses reclaimed sanitized water to water all the numerous parks our town has, so that is good. The central state farmers are very worried about their crops and some are trying to dig wells. I am drinking so much water since the kidney stones, I am feeling responsible for the drought!  Sigh. I've been busy missing babies and little ones lately.  Sure do miss having them around to rock and cuddle, and read to and play and laugh with; but they all went and grew up and did it out of state!  Our granddaughter graduates with her Masters in Psychology in July and will pursue her PhD.  Our two youngest are tweeners, so I spend time making funny texts to send them with word pictures; by now they probably think I am nutty as a proverbial fruitcake, but if it make them laugh, that is good with me.  Australia Sandy - had to laugh; you mentioned buying a new RV and a "ute."  I did not know what a ute was as it is not a term usually used here in the states, so had to look it up.  Later that night I was working a crossword puzzle and a word I needed turned out to be Ute!  Thank you, Sandy.  Then I needed the capital of Tasmania - (Hobart) - I smiled; it was like having a funny connection to our Sandy who is now honeymooning in Tasmania.   Best get going on to some other things, may this be a day that brings something good and special to one and all, J.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I just got back from the P.O. its a pain in the you know what to go to the P.O.  with the 6 ft apart sometimes the line wraps around the outside of the building.\

    RescueMom,    It sounds like the kitty loves you because he knows you love him. It would be  nice if he could live with you. I hope your stomach keeps improving and your nose gets better. Just sit down and hold your little kitty and everything will be O.K.   I am finding it is a lot easier to give meds to dogs then cats. 

    Lorita,    It is nice that Stormy and Shenna are not itching as much now, just think how peaceful they must feel now, hopefully getting good rest. I hope your bad weather has calmed down and the babies were not too afraid of the thunder. Hows things going for Sarah? I am so glad she found a Dr who really cares. 

    ButterFlyWings,   Welcome to the porch. Thank you for all the nice things you said. You will find a lot of loving caring people here. I stopped by the porch just to say Hi and I never left. 

    My cat Rascal is not doing very well the Dr wants me to bring him in so as soon as he comes out from under the bed and I capture him and manage to get him in the carrier I will be doing that.  He will be a drop in and probably will be spending the night there. I hope it is something that can be treated and I can afford it. 

    I better go now I am waiting for him to come out so I can crab and go. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Rascal is at the Vet.      I am hoping for a good update soon.  Thanks for Caring.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Rascal is in heaven his kidneys were shutting down. He was in more pain then I knew. I am having a few glasses of wine for my Rascal right now. I am sad. But I am O.K. Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Oh, Zetta, I am so so sorry.  He's gone to the Rainbow Bridge where so many of my animals are.  I know exactly how you feel but think, Zetta, he was in pain and now he isn't.  I know that's not much comfort - nothing is right now.  He was a wonderful, loving friend who will be missed by you and by all of us hearing about him.  Molly will miss him, too.  Have those glasses of wine - wish I was close so I could have one with you.  I'm glad you got him to the vet today so he wouldn't suffer more.

    Have you read about the Rainbow Bridge?  A few years ago when we lost one of our pets or our horse someone told me about it.  It's a beautiful story - google Rainbow Bridge Poem and see what you think.  It was some comfort to me.   Again, I'm so sorry.  I just read it again and every time I read it, I cry.  Did tonight for Rascal.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Oh, Zetta, I'm so sorry that you lost Rascal!  Our little guys can become so ill without us being aware of how sick they are.  Yes, he'll be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.  I have several who'll be waiting for me.

    {{{{{{ Zetta }}}}}}

    Lorita, I knew that wasn't you.   But I can just imagine you calling your girls and little ones in from the fields and having them line up.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    Zetta sorry about Rascal.  It leaves a little hole in our hearts.  

    We got .3 inches of rain yesterday.  But it was nice before and after.  Giving chance of rain today too.

    Had not been finding much at thrift store so decided to go yesterday thinking Monday might be a better day.  Found one of those wooden bread slicing guides for cheap.  Was glad I followed my feeling.  That plastic one I bought was cheaply made and broke in no time.

    Think I see blooms forming on my zucchini.  Believe though the first blooms usually don’t set fruit from what I read.  Several of my tomato plants have blooms.  My concern is the foliage.  Sprinkled sulfur dust on them yesterday after the rain.  It’s fairly cheap and easy to apply.  When it dries up again will apply neem to things if able.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Started a post earlier and Lou needed attending to, when I came back the post was gone. I'm up between 3 and 4 every morning and Lou usually sleeps until I wake her up for medicine. I sure enjoy my quiet time!

    My brother and sister in law will be here Friday and our oldest son Saturday. I'm looking forward to the company but not looking forward to house cleaning. Our house is not dirty but always like to have clean sheets on guest beds, vacuum the floors and clean bathrooms good. It takes me longer because I have to bring Lou with me from room to room. She is afraid of being alone and even when I'm in the kitchen which is within eye sight, she yells out is anyone in here. I wonder how family members will handle Lou changing so much from last time they saw her. It's been awhile since they've been here!

    Lorita, we also had a downpour yesterday. The drainage ditch out front was overflowing into the street.  Suppose to have more today!

    Gotta go and get busy, hope all of you have a good day. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Zetta, I am so sorry to hear about your dear Rascal.  Our little fur friends will always have a place in our hearts.  He led a very loved and cared for life in your care, he was blessed for his years on earth.  Big hug being sent your way.

     Dear Ron, I would like to suggest something I finally learned to do.  It is not necessary to make the beds for our overnight visitors from family.   What I finally did was place the folded clean sheets on top of the bedspread and our overnight guests put them on their beds themselves.  Perfectly okay and I do never minded doing that when I was someone's guest.

     Yes; I too cleaned bathrooms to the nth degree.  In fact, I used to drive myself nuts with preparing and doing so much extra for our visitors including doing all those beds.  But  that was when I was much younger.  I also let others help in the kitchen with meals, and if they want to cook themselves, I simply let them.  Hard to do at first, but really no problem in reality. 

     Best to just relax and enjoy.  Will be nice to have others to share with and to also interact with Lou. Fingers crossed and best wishes for a great visit.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, everyone,

     It's a beautiful morning in east central Oklahoma - not so for areas south of us.  They're getting the heavy rains we had yesterday.  I can't remember if this got posted or not - I've lost a long one - anyway, our rain gauge holds 5".  When I emptied it yesterday it was running over which added another inch to it and I have no idea how much splashed out while it was raining.  We've had way too much for a while.  When I drove the Gator up to the MH area day before yesterday I barely made it through so wouldn't even attempt it now. 

     I spent a good part of my morning out at the yard fence watching the girls. One cow had laid down and that worried me - she was away from the others.  So, I watched and watched and counted and counted.  When they finally began to come to the barn she got up and came across the pond dump with two other cows and four little babies running and playing.  You all should see Sammy - he's something else.  Attitude with a capital "A".  He ran up to the fence to talk to me before he went into the barn.  He's just one of the guys now. I think I saw everyone - just have to have faith.  I'm trying to watch so closely because a new baby is due or past due.

     Zetta - I hope you're feeling better about Rascal this morning.  I still miss Mr. Barclee and guess I always will.  When you have them for so long, it's hard to lose them.  I still think every once in a while that I hear Barclee do his little bark to let me know he needed something.  We've lost a couple of dogs because of kidney failure - no idea what causes that.

     The GPs are doing great - need brushing and bathing but they're not itching.  They're very good about taking their Prednisone pill.  They don't know they're taking it because I give it to them in a little cheese - a couple of bites of cheese, then the pill wrapped in cheese.  They stayed in last night but are spending the morning on the porch.

     Yesterday afternoon when the girls had just started coming out of the barn - a little after 5 p.m., the car horn started blaring - wouldn't stop.  I tried to get the hood open and finally did to try to find the horn to disconnect.  Couldn't so called the place where I have it serviced on the offchance someone might be there.  They weren't.  So, silly me - forgot we have a retired mechanic who lives in a MH just to the SE of us - quarter mile, so called Mike.  No answer.  Then the horn stopped.  He called back and I told him what was going on.  He told me to disconnect one of the battery cables if it did it again.  It did and I did - finally able to get it done.  The horn honking scared the girls so they were very upset and took off.  Also upset the GPs - and me - and probably everyone within a couple of miles radius.  I think there's gremlins at work here - first the odd thing with the PU and now the car horn. 

     I talked with Sarah last night.  She's in a lot of pain.  Called the nurse first - got the same one and all she could tell me was that she was giving her pain meds.  Almost the first thing Sarah said was that she wanted to go home and that she was miserable.  She knows she can't go home but I guess when anyone isn't well that's where they find comfort and want to be.  She said the doctor was going to talk with her today so I'll call in a little while and see if he did and if she remembers what he said. 

     I called the CPA's office again to verify that he had indeed filed for an extension for me.  He has so I can procrastinate a while longer.

     Watched softball again yesterday.  OU plays Florida State (best of three) beginning at 6 today.  Carol and I talked about the time we played softball - not close to the same way they play now.  Ours was underhand slow pitch - now it's underhand fast pitch at 70+ mph.  OU is #1 in the Country so hope they win again.

     I was thinking this morning that every day seems to be a struggle - things always going wrong.  Guess it's like that with everyone.  But, sometimes it seems like it isn't worth the effort. A good friend once told us not to look at things as problems but as challenges.   Guess I'm just a caregiver again, or still, but this time with animals.  I love all of them - and, Iris, they do just about line up for me.  In the wintertime when I feed, I close the gate to the pasture where I feed and then call them (they're usually already at the gate) with the PU horn.  They're all standing there waiting so I can see them.  Really a bunch of good girls.  Everyone talks about how good they look - even the vet when he came the other night commented on how good they looked.  I'll have a couple to be dehorned this fall after the first frost and before cold weather. 

     I haven't checked the price of cattle but see on TV that beef prices is very high in the stores and I think there was a shortage when the biggest meat producer had to shut down because of a cyber attack.   

     I found a container of cheesy-broccoli soup in the freezer last night and warmed it up - really good.  I think I put some Ramen noodles in it because I found noodles and I don't think they came in it.  Also had some avocado for the first time in over a year - so good.  Have any of you ever frozen avocados?   I had no idea you could buy frozen ones - it says they turn dark when thawed but guess they're still good.  Jo - I thought about you and your avocados and wondered if you'd ever done that.

     Did go to the mailbox late yesterday (hadn't been for three days) and the road had some water over it on either side of our gate and there was a stream of water covering about a quarter of the road.  Just way too much water for the ditches to handle.

     Jo - it's going to be hot here the end of the week with heat indices around 100.  I'm not ready for that.  The humidity is just too high to be comfortable.  In a way I wish we could have 70 degree weather all the time but I like the four seasons.  I have one yellow Gerbera daisy blooming.  It looks so bright - so anxious for more.  Also in that area is one of the pinkish roses and this morning there's a grown cover with bright blue blooms.  Still haven't planted those zucchini.  Sara, I've never heard that about the first zucchini blooms and never noticed.  I need to plant them today.

     Zetta - watching Gunsmoke (already seen it).  I took a nap yesterday - about 1 1/2 hr - really was nice.  I may start doing that every day, especially this hot summer.

     Back later.  Hope all of you are well.  I also looked up "ute", Sandra.  Looks kind of like a glorified PU.  We used to have a PU with a thing that fit over the bed and was as high as the cab (can't remember what it's called).  It had two doors that opened up on the sides so you could store things.  I think it's still up at the MH.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Zetta, I am so sorry about Rascal. I know he will be greatly missed. You took good care of him and loved him so. 

    Sara, glad you had good luck at the thrift store. I used to like to go thrifting, but now I'm more in the donating mode; I have too much stuff! lol   You said you mainly use avocado oil now. I use it also, as well as olive oil. For baking oil I use vegetable oil. When we were in Greece, they told us the women there eat a tsp or tbsp of olive oil daily and it keeps them young looking and healthy.   I'm sorry your tomatoes had blight. Hoping your treatment is helpful and that you get a lot of tomatoes to eat this summer/fall. 

    Ron, I'm glad you are having company. That will be enjoyable for you (despite all the housecleaning prep). I wanted to let you know I saved your lemon icebox pie recipe and I'll be making it this week or next. I enjoy making (and eating) pie. The last one I made was a fresh strawberry pie. 

    Jo, I hope you are feeling better. One thing about the lemon water; I've heard the acid is hard on your teeth so you might want to rinse your mouth with clear water. 

    Lorita, I enjoy hearing about life on your ranch. You are such a hard worker. Wish you had a good helper to assist but I guess you do have Byron and Mike and that's good. Praying your rain stops for now. Too much! Glad you got your tree work completed. There has been a lot of tree work in our town recently. Some from a storm last summer; some from emerald ash borer. Hard to lose all the ash trees; remember when we lost the elms due to Dutch elm disease? Horticulturists say it is wise to diversify the trees you plant; because, for example, if you only had ash trees and the EAB came through, you'd have no trees left! The maples are having a year of LOTS of samuras (their seeds). People complaining about them in their lawns and gardens. We get them, plus ash seedlings from our neighbor's tree, oak seedlings and walnut seedlings from squirrels planting them and still the occasional elm seedling. If I didn't have all the seedlings to pull, I'd spend a lot less time weeding!

    Have a good day all!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's been a quiet afternoon. Nice but it has been more humid and hotter than previous days - more to come.  I didn't take the nap this afternoon  but should have. 

     I watched all of the girls and babies come out of the barn - got the right count!  Put a mark on the wall, as Charles would say.  After some of them went over to the other side of the pond, a couple of them must have gotten into it because there was bawling and carrying on.  Everyone hurried over - one swam across the pond.  All's quiet now.  Just like people - there are arguments.  Yesterday I saw one pushing on another.

      Haven't gotten in touch with Sarah yet.  Maybe she'll call later. 

     Okmulgee got about 10" of rain yesterday - news just showed a Church the water got into and moved the pews all around.  We didn't get quite that much but way too much.  Ground is spongy.

     Beth, there isn't something I need help with every day so makes it hard to get help.  Bryon and Shane are very good to help me with anything.  Probably should ask them to put a new cord in the flag pole the next time they're here.  Haven't had them mow for several weeks - just been too wet. 

    I've been pulling up a lot of little maple seedlings.  Years ago I put one in a bucket in the springtime and planted it in the fall - it's a huge tree in the front yard now. The wisteria has run up into it so there's blooms in the top of it in the springtime.  This spring an old mimosa tree daddy transplanted many years ago fell over and Bryon and Shane took it out.  Yesterday I saw a seeding from it so I think I'll do the same with it so daddy's tree will keep living.

     I don't guess I've ever seen an ash tree.  We may have them here but not on the farm as far as I know.  I guess our most common tree is the Hackberry which I love.  We have three maples, hackberries, mulberry and elms in the yard and mostly  Hackberries which make wonderful, dense shades in the pastures.  There's Chinese elm and other kinds in the MH yard.  I'm so glad I did get the tree work done - feel much safer because there's no limbs on the house now.

    A town in this area just had a segment on the weather.  They had 13.7" of rain - unbelievable.  The roads looked really bad.  It showed one road where the water had picked up the asphalt and moved it to the side of the road.  They've repaired eight bridges in this area so far.    

     Getting ready to watch the softball game - didn't realize it was a series of three but that's good - more time to enjoy them.

     Ron, glad you're having company.  Don't worry about the house - they're coming to see you and Lou, not the house.  That's what people say - but I know how you feel.  It would take me a week to get our house into shape for company.  I sweep the LR and bedroom every day because of the GP's white hair and there's those four cats to contend with.  The Pyrenees are still not scratching - so glad for them - and me.

     I didn't get the lemon icebox pie recipe written down but wish I had.  When I was a little girl my parents and I would visit with a neighbor and she made a lemon icebox pie that was frozen.  She made it in an ice tray and it was delicious.  Wish I had that recipe, too. 

     Weather's coming on so I'll stop.  Hope you all have a good evening and a good night's rest. Just saw the segment on our town so I inserted that information.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    From the bottom of my heart I want to Thank Lorita, Iris, Sara, Jo and Beth for your warm and thoughtful thoughts of Rascal. He will be greatly missed. My day yesterday was very stressful it was such a shock to find out how sick he had been. He was my DHs cat so I know they are both happy to be together. Yes I do know about the Rainbow Bridge and I will have a lot of fur babies waiting for me there. 

    Molly has not seemed to notice him being gone yet, she is probably liking all the attention she is getting and not having to share me with Rascal. 

    I hope all of you have had a good day and your weather has been nice for you. Sleep Well, Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    So sad about Rascal. We love our furry friends so much and it is so sorrowful when they die. They leave such an empty hole in our lives.

    Hugs sent to you Zetta. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Thank You Judith. Hugs
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Ron have noticed frequently that if I get interrupted when posting, will lose it.  Company is a little Stressful to me for the same reason it is to you. Know my sister has done the cooking when she goes to see others.  She doesn’t like for others to have to cook for her as her diet is so restricted.

    Have never tried freezing avocado.  Guess just thought it wouldn’t work.  Could be wrong though.

    Beth I use olive oil and avocado oil, depends on what I’m cooking.  Have been using sunflower oil for baking.  My sister has been using avocado for baking so will probably switch so just buying two oils.

    Have little locust trees everywhere and they grow pretty quickly.  Attached a picture of a rose bush I inherited when I bought the house.  Would love to know what type it is.  Attached a picture in case someone does.  When I moved in here it was very small and lost all its leaves to fungus.  Gave  it a little TLC and this year it is about to take over the boxwood and the spirea. Have to cut it back a little more next spring.

    Went and saw J yesterday.  She was about the same, her color just is not good.

    We didn’t get much rain yesterday.  They are giving more rain today, so we shall see.

    Hope each one has a little peace today

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, here is info from the Jackson & Perkins website regarding the 3 main types of roses:


    The 3 Main Rose Categories

    While there are many varieties of roses, most rose specialists would divide them into three categories: Old Garden Roses, Wild Roses and Modern Roses. Most of what you’ll find today in gardens are considered Modern Roses, which were bred to bloom large blooms continuously throughout the season, unlike an Old Garden Rose.  

    Old Garden Roses

    Often referred to as “antique” roses and “historic” roses, the Old Garden Rose has been around since before 1867. Double-flower blooms emit a notably strong-scented fragrance, but they only bloom once per season, unlike Modern Roses. Since they are a time-tested variety, Old Garden Roses have evolved with the advantage of being extra hardy and disease-resistant. 

    Wild Roses

    Considered the wildflower type of rose, Wild Roses, or “species roses,” lack the cross-breeding history and hybridization of other modern varieties. Wild Roses typically have a single bloom with a five-petal flower. The easiest way to determine a Wild Rose is in their color–they’re almost always pink! In fact, it’s an anomaly to find a red or white Wild Rose. A yellow Wild Rose is super rare

    Modern Garden Roses

    As you browse Jackson & Perkins’ extensive rose collection, Modern Garden Roses are more likely what you’ll find. Modern Roses were bred after 1867, taking the place of heritage Old Garden Roses. As mentioned above, there are certain distinctions between the two. Where Old Garden Roses bloom once per year, Modern Roses offer a continuous bloom, as well as a larger bloom size. Florists and homeowners will love Modern Roses for their longer vase life, too. The only disadvantage to these Modern Roses is that they typically lack a robust heady fragrance and are less hardy and disease-resistant. 

    I have some just like yours. I didn't keep any tags and I don't recall the type, perhaps "Wild Roses" as noted above?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, I've  never used any types of oil except canola, vegetable and olive oil.  How do you use the avocado oil?  When you use it can you taste the avocado?  Not much for trying new things so just wondered. 

    Glad you found another bread slicer.  Hope this one works better.  There has to be a trick, or maybe just experience, for making uniform slices.  I think I'm doing all right but usually still end up with one end thicker than the other.  Maybe it just takes practice.

     Your rose is beautiful.  It may be a wild rose.  I was thinking cowboy rose but they're a little smaller - maybe because this one is growing in a lawn instead of along the road is the difference.  I haven't been able to get up to the MH in a while but with the binoculars I see a wild rose growing on the fence outside of what used to be the garden.  It's pink and I can barely remember us transplanting it there.  Looks like your rose has the perfect home.  If I remember correctly they have lots of petals and it looks like yours doesn't.

     Just came back in from trying to see all the girls - they're scattered all over the east pasture.  Did drive up in the south pasture to make sure no one was there.  Several of them swam across the pond to get to this side.  Do hope they don't bring those babies across.  I opened the back gate of the corral so they can come in and out that way if they want to, after they realize it's open.  Much shorter distance to walk in the mud.  You can hear them going through the mud - sucking noise.  Also left the gate open so they can get out north of the house.  It's been too wet to mow so the grass is growing and is tall.

     I always take my phone with me when I go out in case I need it.   For some reason this morning I didn't and heard it ringing as I got back into the yard.  It was Sarah calling.  I called her several times with no answer - finally did answer.  She was crying and I could hardly understand her.  She said Dr. Cole had just been in to see her and said he had removed all of her colon and threw it away.  She couldn't seem to gather herself enough to talk so said she'd call back.

     So - I called the hospital and the floor to see if he was still there.  He was so I got to talk with him.  Seems like such a nice man and willing to talk and answer questions.  He did remove her colon but there's lots of small intestines left.  He said the surgery went very well, better than they thought.  They'll begin feeding her through the tube tomorrow - he said there's no reason she can't tolerate it.  She will have to go to a rehab center when she's discharged - zero chance of going home before that.  He says they're having trouble controlling her pain.  I asked if there was stronger medicine they could give and he said they were giving her enough to kill three men.  I did ask him about something for her nerves - said he'd talk with her other doctors to see what can be done.  He says she gets hysterical, won't do PT and just want to lie in bed all day.  I told him she had always been noncompliant and he said they knew that from her being there the three weeks. 

     I also asked him about what Sarah said about finding sponges, staples and even a glove when he did the first surgery.  He said they didn't find anything unusual - just a lot of mesh and lots of staples that were used to fasten it - nothing unusual. So glad I thought to ask about that.

     I can understand how scared she would be and also the hysteria.  I think about how I'd feel if I'd had all those surgeries and then was told they took out my colon and I'd have to live like she will have to live the rest of my life.   He seems very concerned and wants to help her.  How I wish she had originally gone to Mercy and had him for her doctor from the beginning.  Things might be different.

     When she's able, they'll make arrangements for transfer to a rehab. center.  She won't like that because she wants to go home but it has to be this way. 

     Maybe I've written too much but since I've talked about her problems so much with all of you, I thought you'd like to know what the doctor said. 

     My right side hurts some this morning - guess I pulled another muscle but can't think of anything I did yesterday to cause it - might be from a day or two ago.  I found one mineral tub that was running over so measured the water with my hand then the measuring tape when I got inside.  Looks like about a foot of rain.  Talked with Mike last evening and he said three houses near the town where I shop had water in them - one 4 ft. of water.  He had to bring his horses out of the barn holding onto a fence because the water was so swift. One man had a boat on a trailer sitting in his yard and when the rain was over the boat and trailer were sitting on top of his hay trailer.  Water had been so high it lifted it onto the trailer.   I know where two of them are and they're kind of in low places.  I've never heard of water being in any houses around here.  He talked with someone who lives a couple of miles SW of us and they had 10".  Said the roads were awful, lots of places washed away.  A fence they put in last year was laid flat by the water.  There's places just east of us that didn't get but a sprinkle.  Guess we were in the bull's eye.

     I'll stop and finish my juice. I feel better since I got to talk with Dr. Cole and know what's really happening and how the surgery went.  Not sure I'll tell Sarah I talked with him - will see how it goes.  

     Hope all of you are well today.  Zetta, thinking about you and how you're missing Rascal.  I still miss Barclee and guess I always will. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    We are all greatly relieved that you talked with Dr Cole. The picture becomes much clearer.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Beth thank you for the information.  Definitely is probably a wild rose.  It is such a vibrant color, loaded with blooms and blooms all summer.  Will cut it back a little after first flush of bloom is gone.  Googled its description and found two that looked like it, but it didn’t meet the description given for each one.  Guess it will just be my unknown wild rose.  Sorry about all the typos this morning.  Forget to check sometimes before posting.

    Lol I’m someone who likes to know the variety.  Hate buying food and says green beans for example.  Would like to know the variety, that is just me.

    Lorita avacado oil has no flavor to me.  Suppose to be a good oil for you to use.  So have discovered like when making wilted lettuce can just use a very little bit of bacon grease with the avocado oil and get great flavor like I just used bacon grease.

    Glad you got to talk with S surgeon.  Does seem like he is very caring and wants to help her.  We are back to the same  thing though, if she isn’t able to be compliant, it so hinders her progress.  The surgeon can only do so much.  For a patient to get better they have to start moving.  If you don’t move around, will get you in a hurt quicker than anything.    Don’t think I would say anything to S about your conversation, might be better for you being able to have conversations with physician in  the future.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I am, too, Judith.  Glad she called and said he had just been there.  I just talked with her and didn't mention I'd talked with him but stressed to her that she needed to do PT, if even for a shorter time than they wanted.  He mentioned histrionics - and I think that's probably been part of what's happening although I know she has so  many problems.  I wonder if she's addicted.

     Are your caladiums coming up?  All three colors in different pots are coming up like crazy.  One pot has all three colors I ordered.  

     I just planted my garden!!!  Morning glories on one side of the arch over the gate and four hills of zucchini where Bryon and Shane took out the old mimosa.  Loads of little mimosas coming up.  I will keep a couple and plant them somewhere this fall.

     I noticed how pretty the yucca is this morning - three stalks of blooms so far.  Sometimes there's at least five.  The prickly pear is beginning to bloom and is so pretty and bright yellow.  They look good together.  The prickly pear collapsed this winter when we had the cold weather but some have revived.  I'd like to get it all taken out but what a job that would be.  I can get within two feet of them and I get the stickers in me. Also, you might see a couple of poke plants growing like crazy in the midst of the prickly pears - can't get them out.  I did have the tree guys take out the little trees that were growing in it.

     It's uber hot and humid outside.  I have the car and PU windows up.  I'd like to get them down a bit but I'd have to reconnect the battery cable on the car. Maybe it'll be okay without it.

     Judith, I mentioned to Dr. Cole that Sarah has been noncompliant in the past and he said they knew that because she'd been in the hospital three weeks and still is.   He seems so very nice and she really likes him so  maybe she'll try harder this time.  I know she won't want to go to a rehab center but she'll have to.  Todd's not working in OKC - Texas, I think.  He just finished a job in Stillwater and then they were going to do jobs in Dallas and some other place in Texas.  So, he wouldn't be home much and she can't be alone.  We'll see how that goes.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I think without a doubt that she is, if not addicted to, totally reliant on pain killers.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I think so, too. She's had these medications at home taking them as she liked so who knows when or how much she's taking.  Probably taken so much the effectiveness has worn off for what they're giving.  I know she has so many problems and so much pain so I'm not faulting her - who knows what I've had done, too.  She's just going to have to try to taper off.  She has a good, caring doctor so that means a lot.

     I finally got that picture to post.  No idea what was going on.  Sometimes I forget to do one little thing that's  necessary - guess I'm losing it.   So hot and humid outside.  I'm not at all ready for our Oklahoma summer.  That's another big Hackberry you can see in the background.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I agree. She has had a road rougher than I would want. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this new medical team will be the change for her.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Lorita I had a cactus that looked something like that at a house I owned.  Guess I was lucky, think it died on its own.

    Suppose to be another gray day I think.  Noticed yesterday my cucumbers have really grown.  Sixty percent chance of rain this afternoon.  Has been a very humid few days but not a lot of rain.

    Started cleaning up my garage yesterday.  What a good feeling.  Hope after get mom’s groceries can continue on with it.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, you're an early bird for sure.  I normally am but for some reason this year I just don't want to get up - I'm all right after I'm up - guess it's because I'm getting older and lazier.

     Our prickly pear started from two of those leave (there's a name for them that I don't remember).  They're edible - I've seen them on Chopped.  Charles had always wanted one so we found it and set it out. I have a picture, somewhere, of it when it was first planted.  My sister kept warning us not to let it get out into the pastures.  One of those leaves can be broken off and lay for a long time and still revive and grow.  I'd like to get rid of it but it would take a backhoe to do it.  It does have beautiful blooms and edible fruit.  I've never eaten it but people do - it's a dark red fruit.  When we were out in Arizona they had cactus candy for sale made from some part of the cactus.  If I remember correctly, it was kind of sweet but not much taste.

     It's a pretty morning here but it's going to be hot.  I turned on the bedroom AC yesterday and left it on all night.  I don't like to sleep under an AC but last night it seemed okay.  Just now turned on the one in the utility room  I don't like weather where it so hot you need an air conditioner but that's our summer.  Hope you get some more rain today.  You'd think with all the rain we've had we wouldn't need any for months but the hot weather and south wind dries it out quickly.  I think I'll close the barn today and keep the cows out.  Seems like to me it would be cooler under the trees if a wind's blowing.  I know they like to go to the barn to keep the flies away.

     I'm watching the last of Cheyenne - pretty good show.  The OU girls won yesterday so they'll play Florida State in the last of the three-game series today.  They're playing in a stadium that holds 13,000 people and they're letting it be filled.  Noisy girls - don't know where they get all the energy.  Guess we had that energy when we were younger, too.

     Better stop and get out and close the gates and feed Tom and Jerry.  It feels pretty good outside but it's going to be over 100 heat index today.   Don't work too hard on that garage, Sara.  Glad your cucumbers are doing well.  Do you make pickles?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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