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Just need to talk to my friends (148)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Back again,

     It's already hot outside.  Spent another hour or so out in the pasture in front of the house sitting in the Gator watching the girls come in - some into the barn and some into the pasture east of the barn - they'll go in later.  When I first went out Billy the Bull was at the lot gate wanting in.  I had decided not to let them in the barn today because it's so wet in there and I figured it isn't good for them.  Then, changed my mind and opened the gates.  It's going to be so hot I thought it was better. 

     Some were standing in the water - Rose Bud and Sweet Pea together in the south end of the pond.  A couple swam across the pond and then stood in the water.  The five little babies were on the other side with one cow - the baby sitter, and some were grazing.  A couple of little kids came up to the creepfeeder and some of the girls came to lick the minerals.  When everyone decided it was time to come to the barn the five little ones came up together.   So, Sammy is one of the little kids now - they're so cute together.

     I think I've mentioned too much light gets into my eyes because of cataracts and the laser surgery I had years ago for narrow angles.  I had on my sunglasses but took them off to use the binoculars.  The glare of the sun in the water didn't help either.  So, after I got back in the house things were a bit dark and weird for a while.  It's okay now.

     I turned on the AC in the utility room and when Stormy, Sheena and I came into the house it was cool.  I hate to be cooped up in a house but guess that's the way it'll be for a while.  Need to go down to the mailbox to mail some bills and return a tank top to QVC.  I did get into the PU this morning to lower a window - wouldn't work so whatever happened the other day is happening again.  When I get the feed out of the PU I'll send it to be repaired.  I have Car Shield and they say they'll tow a vehicle in for repair and then tow it back home.  We've had AAA for umpteen years and they won't do that.  I'll have to see it to believe it.  And, can't get the car started to open one of the windows unless I tighten the battery cable.  I often told Charles that no matter how many vehicles you had there would come a time when something was wrong with all of them - it's happened to us before. 

    Tried calling Sarah - no answer.  I don't know if she's asleep when I call or just doesn't want to talk.  A few times she's told me the phone was out of her reach - maybe PT is there.  I'll try later.   Does ease my mind that the doctor thinks things went well during surgery and that the tube feedings should work all right.

     Jo - you were a nurse for a long time so maybe you can help me answer a question I have.   I was wondering --- when a person has a feeding tube and a colostomy - where does the supplement go?  into the small intestine or stomach?  She says her stomach doesn't work so I was wondering what the route is for the supplement.    I was also glad to hear there weren't lots of foreign objects in her abdominal cavity - but, something Dr. Cole said about OU made me think they didn't do their job correctly.

     I think I probably need to clean the AC filters so I'll stop and do that after I finish my hot tea. Hope the weather's good wherever you all are.  Our heat index today is supposed to be around 106.  The weatherman said our first 90 degree day is normally around May 7 - yesterday was our first one this year so May was cooler than normal so guess we'll pay for that now.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    What a day - I'm trying to make arrangements to have that ureteroscopy and laser treatment up at UCLA - that place is SO huge; trying to get to the right place to obtain information is like trying to unwind a bucketful of snaggled, knotted yarn.  Made about 12 calls without getting to the right place.  Now I have become nervous.  Oh great.   They have so many different campuses; they are here, there and everywhere.  Sure would like to know where they perform the procedure - it does require general anesthesia, but it could be at one of their freestanding outpatient surgery centers or in one of their hospital based outpt. surgery centers.   If I know what is going on, I will be much more centered and not feeling quite as unsettled.  The freeway traffic all the way up there and back again will be a dreadful mess.   Oh boy, listen to me carry on . . . . apologies are extended now that I have vented.

    Lorita, I am glad you got to speak with your niece's surgeon himself.  It is good to get accurate information and it must have been comforting.   You know; even though your niece is recovering from a significant complex surgery, it is too bad that they have not ordered a psychiatrist to see her while she is an inpatient.   I wonder if that could be suggested.

     She does have psychiatric issues already identified by her other doctors and it must be hellish for her at times, and could even make surgical recovery more difficult.   I remember when she was supposed to be seeing a psychiatrist some time ago, but she did not keep her appointments and dropped it altogether.  That is sad; if she could find peace, it would be a real relief for her.  I think you and jfkoc are correct; she is in one way or another dependent on the pain meds and has been more or less doctoring herself as she wishes when at home and is probably quite sensitized to such meds which means it will take higher doses to relieve the pain she has until all of that is corrected; but to be able to do that, in all probability it will mean helping her psychiatrically and maybe even some detox after surgical recovery.  It is a bit scary in that she may possibly one day unintentionally overdo it.  Top that with all she has had to endure all these years, it is a monumental situation for her and everyone who loves her.  I am so sorry.

     It was good that the physician clarifed and debunked the information your niece had given you regarding having sponges and surgical gloves left in her abdomen from the last surgery.   That was pretty far fetched and I felt quite skeptical, but one never knows.   That she believed that and carried it to such lengths including convincing Todd, indicates how far she has moved into the non-reality of her situation.   It is good that you are letting her know you are there and care about her; that is always a good thing.  That you are much wiser re the false stories which she really seems to believe is helpful and you now know to get the information from the medical staff in order to have an accurate understanding of what is actually happening.  It may be possible that there may be actual delusional components at work.

    Have any of you been having your posting jumping around and suddenly while typing even short posts finding parts of your writing disappearing?  It has been a real issue for me since the last update that was done.   Not having that happen anywhere else except when on this site.  Hopefully it will get better.

    Had my hair cut yesterday.  BUT . . . . I mentioned that I did not want my hair cut as short as the last time, all I wanted was for a shaping and a little bit of a trim.  Well . . . . it is now shorter than it was the last haircut.  What the dickens . . . . well; hair grows, but in the meantime, it is too darned short and I feel like a little old lady hairdo.  Guess it is because I let it go white.   I need to get a lightweight hair dryer, mine is a good three plus pounds and with thick hair it is so heavy holding it in the air for so long that my arm gets really tired.  Anyone got a small but powerful one they can recommend?

     While at the salon, one of the beauticians not wearing a mask, (she had beautful hair), began to say she will NOT  ever be getting vaccinated and then began a diatribe regarding that we who were vaccinated were all experiments and that the pharma companies purposely put prions into the vaccine  and in ten years we would all start developing mad cow disease and pharma refused to publish what was in their vaccines, (not true).  Silly me; I began to inform her about prions and where to find the vaccine information, but she was all wound up, so I shut up.   So; no vaccination for her . . . . she wore a mask after awhile, BUT she wore it only over her mouth and did not cover her nose.  The nose is the worst place for harboring the virus and expelling it onto others.  OMGOSH; talk about biting my tongue; I think my eyeballs must have been rolling around in my head like a couple of marbles.  EEEK!!  There she is, her face over her customers at the shampoo bowl and then her face over the clients heads while in her chair.   Think I will call the salon owner and ask her to inform staff who are not vaccinated to please cover their noses with their masks.

     This issue with non-vaccinators and no masking is also true in stores, and so many other places.  Many now going non-masked; but we will continue masking.  Too much risk from others as the country opens up more and more and people not continuing with good practice.   Some fool stole over 500 vaccination cards from a vaccination center - he was going to sell them to others so they could falsify that they had been vaccinated.  On a news report it was reported that online purchasing of false vaccination cards has risen 1100%.  Eleven hundred!  So . . . . it appears it is up to us to continue to take necessary steps as far too many are continuing to ramp up avoidable risks.  Okay; off my soapbox.   Grumble, grumble, grumble.

    I saw some recipes for those lemon icebox pies you mentioned Lorita.  One was an old Betty Crocker recipe that used cream cheese in the ingredients and did not have to be baked.  Other recipes I saw used eggs and had to be baked; a couple of those recipes also used sour cream in them.   They all had butter and sugar graham cracker crusts which I really love. The store bought graham crusts are like eating sand; I like to make my own.  I cannot recall if my mother's lemon icebox pies were baked or not. I don't think so, but I could be wrong.  I also remember that there were boxed instant "chiffon" pudding-like desserts - my mother would use the strawberry one using a graham cracker crust to make a pie and top it with strawberries.  Boy; that was long ago.

    I saw where the movie, "Birdcage," with Robin Williams, Nathan Lane and Gene Hackman; it is being re-released into some movie theaters.  I really love that film; I have seen it several times and will watch it again.   Brilliantly done.

     Well; I'm off, but then you all already knew that!   Big hugs to all of our front porch friends and welcome "Butterfly," I see you have come to sit a spell with us now and then.  It is a very friendly group sitting here on the front porch on Lorita's ranch.  The weather on this porch is always lovely no matter the season, and as I always say; the rocking chairs fit every size rear end, so it is all good.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Hot afternoon but there's some wind.  The OU girls won the world series of college softball today - really a good game.  It was 102 on the field with  high humidity.  Can't imagine playing in that heat - but they did, and won.

     Jo - my grandmother lived with my parents after her husband passed away seven months before I was born.  She passed away in 1969 - still miss her.  She had a cousin who lived in Oregon or Washington who wrote to her.  Her letters were like having a visit from her - just like sitting at the table talking to her.  I find your posts the same - love to read them.  My grandmother enjoyed those letters so much - we'd sit around the table and read them to her.  She was almost totally blind but still was able to cook and do things around the house even after she fell and broke her hip and could no longer walk.  The only grandmother I ever knew.  Her name was Sarah Bertie - Sarah was named after her.

     The icebox pie I was talking about wasn't baked, but frozen.  I doubt she used cream cheese.  Don't even know if it was around 70 years ago.  It had a graham cracker crust that was so good and fluffy, lemon filling.  She'd cut it into wedges and it was so good.  I think of things we ate when I was growing up and wish I had recipes but so many of the women didn't have recipes - just a pinch of this and a little of that.

     My muffins are really good.  I have a couple of round, muffin pans from a company in Australia that lets you bake the muffins in the microwave.  This microwave is a little smaller so it takes longer.  The other one baked them in 3 minutes - I baked these five minutes, only one pan (6), then baked the others in the oven and those another five minutes.  I've had to taste-test three so far and froze the others.  I heat them up about 20 seconds, split them and put a tiny bit of butter in - so quick and easy for breakfast or a snack.

     What is it about hairdressers - if you ask for a trim, they really cut too much.  I was lucky in that I had a couple that were really good about not cutting too much.  In the late 70s, after I cut my hair, I wore an afro for a few years.  Really liked it - just get a permanent and use a pick and it's done.  It's back to almost as long as it was when Charles and I got married so wear it in a pony tail so it will be cooler.  Really hate to look for a new hairdresser.

     Jo - sorry you're having such a hard time getting information about where your procedure will be.  Probably better if it was done at one of the places away from the big campus.  Hope you can get it straightened out tomorrow.  Having to make so many calls and not get the needed information would make anyone nervous.

     I had a weird thing happen today (seems like they come in bunches).  My cell phone is a 3G and by the end of this month it has to be upgraded to a 4 or 5G.  I called Consumer Cellular to ask them to send the new phone and I don't know if the guy I talked to was new or what but he had two addresses for me - one old one and the 911 address - took forever to get that straightened out - he even wanted a street name.  I don't live on a street, my goodness gracious.  Then I told him I had a tax exempt number so that took some time. Still have to make a copy and send to them.  I have the bill on auto pay so I asked him about that and he said it was paid with a credit card number I did not know so gave him my bank's routing number and account number.  For some reason I got suspicious and told him something didn't seem right and I'd call him back.  I've never done that but it was just strange.  About an hour later I did call back and got a very efficient girl.  I told her what was going on with the credit card  number and she asked if I had a debit card.  I do and that was the number.  If he'd just have asked that, it would have been okay.  I guess there's just too many scams and I didn't feel right about it.  Better to be safe than sorry though.

     Jo - I asked Dr. Cole about giving Sarah something for her nerves since she does get hysterical at times, he says. She is getting Ativan now. He said he'd have to talk with the other doctors - the word psychiatrist wasn't used but, hopefully, that's what he meant.  He seems very concerned so maybe he'll talk to one.  Sarah has told me she has lots of bottles of medicine so I don't know if she may take something, then forget she did and take some more.  He said her chance of going home from the hospital was zero so she'll have to go to a rehab center.  I haven't been able to talk with her today.  She says she only sleeps a little while after she gets her medicine but I think she's sleeping more than she thinks.

     I was also relieved to know those things weren't in her abdomen.  He said they were going to start tube feedings today, I think, or maybe it was yesterday and he said there was no reason it wouldn't work.  Still don't know if the supplement goes into the small intestine or stomach, then to the colostomy.  I never worked on a surgical ward except urology so really not familiar with those things.  Anyway, it's been 49 years since I was a medical secretary typing all those things and getting a bit familiar with things.  Hard to believe it's been that long.

     Girls came out of the barn and swam across the pond, then back across.  They had four babies with them - glad I didn't see them swimming.  One baby was still in the barn with her mother and two others girls but they came out.  I may close the corral again tomorrow.  I worry about them laying in that mud/stuff for five or six hours.  The wind blows through and the hot weather is drying things but that's inside so it'll take a long time.

      I have a new Revlon hair dryer.  Only used it once and it didn't seem too heavy.  I'd rather just let my hair dry without using a dryer.

     Enjoy the rest of the evening - hope it's not too hot where you are.  I think Sara was going to have more rain today. 

     Oh, Jo, that does happen sometimes - maybe a paragraph or sentence will disappear - I figured I just hit a wrong key.  Really frustrating though.   Wonder why  they're doing maintenance so often?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    Lorita made a few pickles last year.  Don’t can, kept them in frig and they did ok.

    We got a little over two inches of rain in a very short period of time yesterday evening.

    Guess it will be super wet this morning.  Love when the morning is dry, but hasn’t been much of that lately.

    Yesterday noticed a few ripe strawberries at edge of woods.  They were decent sized, like maybe the size of the end of my little finger.  It was delicious.  Tasted like the old fashioned ones.  Transplanted two to my flower bed last year.  They didn’t bloom or set fruit though.  Now I’m really interested in cultivating them since I know how good they are.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    So, Sara, the strawberries are wild ones?   I've never seen wild strawberries.  Many years ago when Charles and I had strawberries, the variety was called Cardinal.  They were big and red all the way through.  I never see that variety in the seed catalogs anymore.  Seems like the ones they have now are kind of white in the middle.  Used to really love strawberries.  I remember a strawberry pie all of us used to make - really good and so pretty.

     Glad you had some rain.  I saw on the weather there's a rain storm moving out of Nebraska into Iowa so Beth may get some rain today, too.

     Had thoughts of keeping the girls out of the barn today but that's gone by the wayside.  When I first went out they were already coming up and going in.  They spent the night in the NE pasture.  I'd had that pasture closed off for a couple of days.  There's a heat advisory for today with a chance of storms tonight.  I have a couple of things to take down to the mailbox either this morning or in the morning so if I go this morning I can see if anyone is left down in the NE pasture.

     I went out to feed Tom and Jerry and had forgotten and left the little bucket I take out dry food to them on the front of the PU.  I gave them the canned food and came in to get the dry food and some more water.  When I went back there was a turtle in their feedpan.  They hadn't eaten all their food but the turtle was doing a job on it.  Guess he scared them away.  I put dry food around the wet food so  maybe they'll get some more of it.

     Need to give the calves some more creepfeed but don't know if I'll do it today - maybe later this morning after everyone gets into the barn. 

     Sara - you make a lot of bread - so do you know how to make pita bread?  I used to buy it (at least I think that's what it was). It was round and if you cut it in half there was a pocket where you could put whatever you wanted.  Maybe it was pocket bread.  Got it at WM.  It was so good for sandwiches - I'd put strips of tomato and avocado and cheese in after I'd added some mayonnaise.  Seems like it would be hard to make.

     I talked with Sarah's nurse last evening.  She had just been in Sarah's room and she had told the nurse that she didn't feel like talking to anyone today. So, I won't try to call her today - just will wait until she calls.  I'm not very good at doing that though.

     Hope all of you are well today.  Guess I'll call Bryon and tell him I think it's dry enough to mow but we may get rain tonight so I'll leave it up to him.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Isn't it a blessing to have such great memories of loving grandmothers, Lorita?   I adored mine and still miss her terribly; she brought so much to my childhood.   Sarah Bertie; what a sweet name yours had.  My husband's grandmother was, Berta Angelia, loved saying her name.  She was a sweet, sweet little apple dumpling of a person; born and bred on a farm in Iowa.  Boy could she cook and bake; her rhubarb and gooseberry pies were legend in the family.   No one could make them taste the same even if we followed her recipe to the letter.  Guess it was her own essence of love that got folded into her pies.

     She had white hair and a large bosom, the kind that used to be called, "pigeon breasted;" if we had crying or colicky infants, if she held them against herself, the little ones would cuddle in and fall right asleep.  She loved holding those babies.  She had five children and many grandchildren; she did not believe in spanking a child.  She was always ready to give a coin or two to a child when the ice cream man came around.  Just sweet as could be.  Lived into her 90's, then developed Alzheimer's Disease, but was happy and sweet and easy as could be to the end of her life.  What an awesome woman.  I don't think they make them like that anymore.  I miss her.

    My becoming a grandmother was such an exciting time and oh my goodness; how I have loved it.  Our grandkids all live out of state but came to visit with their parents every year or twice a year for several weeks at a time.  I set up our house for infants and children.  I have a crib, a toddler bed, a changing table, baby bath tub, potty chair, high chair, stroller and all other items that one would need as well as twin beds for the older children.    We stored the baby gear when not needed, but when company comes, out the stuff comes along with the bins of age related toys of which there are some very unique ones that the children dearly loved. Of course, I have baskets filled with story books and my favorite thing is to read aloud to children using different voices for the characters.  Oh the good times we have had! 

     However; no more little ones; they all grew up.  I hung onto the items for quite some time thinking there may be some new babies or even "greats" from the older ones, but alas.  We have two "greats" but they live far out of state and they have been able to travel here only twice, so it is not the same.

     Our granddaughter who is becoming a psychologist has asked me not to get rid of the story books; she would like to have them for her children some day.   Well; not a chore for me, I love books so they will have a safe place to be.  She wrote to tell me she loves to read and thanked me for reading so many storybooks to her; she thinks that set up her love of reading, so I am truly humbly thankful that may have played a part in that.  She said she has so many wonderful memories of being with us, so that too is something I am thankful for.    To create good memories for someone is being given a blessing ourselves.  

     Goodness; I did go on.  I just love children whether they are mine or someone elses; they are blessings for sure; even the naughty ones that try one's patience.  I am turning into one of those people who smile at at children in the stores; when waiting in line sometimes I ask a mother if it is okay to talk to their child.  So many smiles and even laughter doing that.  

     Hot today; will be near or in 90s.  Had to turn on the air conditioner yesterday; it was hot and very closed in sort of feeling; ugh.  Supposed to get hotter next week, so summer is in full swing. In about four weeks it will be blast furnace time until after September.  When humidity rolls in with it, I wilt like a leaf of old limp lettuce.   I really dislike this season; and when there are electrical outages, it is bad news all the way around.   Deadly heat and not even a fan.  Hope that will not be so this year, but it always seems to happen. 

    When D.C. talks about fixing the infrastructure, I cannot fathom why they are not addressing the electric grids as an absolute emergency; if the grids gets sabotaged, the entire country will be deeply harmed and frankly, flattened and at the mercy of other no-goodniks.   So; cannot figure out why this has never been addressed.  Can you imagine an entire country without electricity?   Think of the effects this would have on so many, many, myriad levels.   Shudder!  Well; that was uplifting.

    Hope you get your strawberries planted, Sayra.   Those from old not overbred stock taste heavenly.  We have been buying some that come from a particular strawberry farm and they have been so sweet and really great quality; juicy with awesome flavor. They are now about gone out of their growing season.    I do wonder which tomato plants have that old deep, deep tomato flavor.   When we went to Italy, the first night there, we ate at a restaurant.  The second (secundi) course of a dinner is the salad.  We bit into our tomatoes and we all stopped chewing and looked at each other with big eyes; oh my goodness; the flavor!  I mean real, real, old fashioned in our grnndparents day flavor.  In poor Italian and poor English, we managed to find out that the restaurant owners grew their own tomatoes. Nothing had been bred out of them.  Have not found that again.  Even the heirloom tomatoes have not tasted the same.  Wonder why.

    I just thought of a cucumber that my mother's neighbor used to grow; they were so good and they grew up a vine.  He called them, "burpless cucumbers," or "Japanese cucumbers."  They grew long and thin and were awesome.  I wonder if we can find them in the store.  We have no space to grow in our small SoCal yard.

    Gosh Lorita, the mind picture of those cows going through the pond is a really great mind picture.   However, the calves; I can only imagine how that worries you.  I suppose the cows know how to keep cool, they have their own "back yard pool."  Lucky cows.  I remember when new here, first meeting Jasper the Bull in the photo.  I always pictured him wearing a jaunty red beret on his head with a cigarette dangling from his lips singing, "Thank heavens for leetle girls . . . " as he looked over the herd.   Well; they do have personalities and I have learned so much from you about them and how they are so individual and have a definite social component.  I had no idea.

    Hm-m-m; it is 7:00 am and I have not heard the birds yet, they usually start with the chirping and the new nestlings peeping at about 5:00 to 5:30 am.  They can't all be sleeping in.  Will have to listen and see what happens.

    Good Friday wishes for all,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's 85 here, partly cloudy, 75% humidity and 13 mph south wind.  This should dry things out some.  I had a few things to mail so got the PU started, thank goodness, and took them down.  The windows wouldn't move when I first started but later did work.  There's some kind of short some where - maybe it's the awfully wet weather.  I drove over to the next section line, north and up to the next one.  On that road, into another county, there's kind of a low water bridge and an iron bridge over a creek.  Years ago Charles and I had bought 20 or more lbs. of sugar and came home that way after a rain.  We drowned out in the PU on the low-water crossing and the water started coming up in the PU.  We got out and the water was thigh high.  We carried the sugar to the next road, under a quarter mile, then walked home and got another vehicle to get the sugar home.  Surprisingly, when the water ran down overnight, the PU started.   I think we've been stuck on every road around, either in snow, mud or water. 

     The fences along that road have debris, old grass, etc. all the way to the top wire, probably 4-5 ft. high and the t-posts are leaning.  I can only imagine how that must have looked during the foot or so of rain.  Mike's cows on the east side of the road were lounging under cool shade trees (Hackberries) but the ones on the other side of the road were trying to graze.  Ours are in the barn.  When I got home I put 250 lb. of creep in the Gator so I can put it in the feeder later today or in the morning.  It'll be awfully hot this evening to do it and they had some left so may wait until morning.

     Jo - your husband's grandmother sounds wonderful.  Couldn't they cook!  Grandma made lots of muffins and cakes.  I'd watch her and when she got the batter finished she'd put a couple of spoonsful into a pie pan and bake it to see if she had the ingredients right.  If not, she'd make an adjustment to the batter.  I loved to eat that bit of cake with the raw dough left in the bowl after she had put the batter into the pans to bake.  She loved to bake cherry pies - they were so good.  She'd buy cases of canned cherries when they were on sale so she'd have them to make pies.  We had a neighbor who had a couple of cherry trees and they gave her a seedling to plant.  She was in heaven waiting for them to grow. 

     I liked to stand by her at the kitchen sink and watch her cut up chickens.  I watched so much but never cut one up myself.  She was probably 5'1" or so and also had gray hair that she wore in a little bun near the top of her head.  She had three boys and one girl (mother) and lost a couple of children.  Her boys were heavy equipment operators and lived all over the country.  How she looked forward to getting letters from them and worried all the time that they'd get hurt.   You know I could talk to her about anything - much easier than talking to mother.  Charles has told me about his memories of his grandmother (he called her mama).  I never met her and he never met my grandmother.

     I was never around children very much - just Sarah and Eric.  We had Sarah with us for quite some time.  I was with her mother when we were growing up but not much with Scarlet.   I can remember taking Sarah to daycare before I went to work - with her standing in the seat next to me.  Such a pretty little girl - like a daughter and you know, she calls me mom to this day.

     Your memories of your grandchildren are something to cherish.  I can just see you getting out all those things when they were coming to visit and anticipating how much fun you'd have with them. 

     What a dull life we'd have if we didn't have memories and pictures to remind us of things past. 

     I laughed out loud of your believed description of Jasper.  I can imagine that, too.  He was really a sweetie, as was his dad.  Both were so gentle you could walk up to them or drive up to them and ask for sugar and you'd get it.  Casper passed away here on the farm but we had to sell Jasper because of inbreeding and so he wouldn't fight with other bulls (don't think he would have but he would have scared them).  He weighed 2200 lbs.  I still miss both of them.    Every time I see Billy the Bull I talk to him and I think he really knows his name.  We have one smaller bull that's too friendly.  He'll have to go to town later this year.   I talk to all of them and stroke their faces as much as I can.  I can hold out my hand and they'll come  up and touch it with their noses.  You're right, each one of them has their own personality and it's fun to see it develop. 

     The weather is talking about more rain and storms tonight - just what we need.   No one has been able spray or fertilize except I did see Ray, our neighbor to the south, doing one or the other earlier this week.  The same thing happened last year but had rather have too much rain than not enough. 

     I'll stop and watch the news.  Need to do some mopping - if I can get in the mood. 



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Just wanted to drop in quickly and provide Ron's Lemon Icebox Pie recipe. I bought the things necessary to make it and will be doing so this afternoon. By the way, we got a little rain this afternoon. We are under by about 7 inches this year, so grateful for any we get.

    Lemon Icebox Pie

    Graham crust

    1 cup fresh lemon juice

    2 - 14 oz cans sweetened condensed milk

    5 large egg yolks

    Combine and whisk, pour into graham crust. Bake at 350 for 18-22 minutes. Cool on a rack for 2  hours, then refrigerate for 5-6 hours. Serve with whipped topping.

    Thanks to Ron for the recipe!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thanks for the recipe, Beth.  Really sounds good - no calories I bet.

     Hope you get some more rain.  We're supposed to get some more tonight with possible storms.  The weather radio came on and said there's a severe t-storm warning but it's north of us so far.   He says it will move on down this way during the night.

     Hope your ice box pie turned out good. What about using bottled lemon juice?

     Nothing going on this afternoon except I did mop some.  I use one of those spin mops and had a bucket that you could slide one end toward the other and make it smaller for storage.  Never did get the hang of that so found an old one and it worked great.  I'll finish tomorrow.  I was going to put some feed in the creepfeeder but the girls are too close so I'll do that tomorrow.

     It's been a hot day but not as bad as yesterday.  We had a good south wind all day and that made a difference along with some clouods.

     Rest well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita I have never made pita bread.

    The older varieties of strawberries were much more flavorful and that is what the wood strawberry reminded me of.  Going to try and let the runners set and move them around to different places and see if I can get strawberries.

    Loved my grandmas too.  Neither of my grandmas were healthy.  One had depression and then dementia on top of it, my other one had lots of different physical ailments.  They both were good cooks and have many good memories of eating with them and watching them cook.

    They are not giving rain today.  Foggy this morning and mom says grass is drenched.  Going to still try to get out early and do a few things.  Hope to go to mom’s later and weed around house.  Want tomorrow to be a day of rest.  My body and soul needs that.

    Hope it dries off quickly, the neighbor girls graduation party is today.  Hope they have a nice day.

    Take care

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Pita bread; yum.  I have not made it, we buy it at the markets.  One can buy the regular sized ones or get them as large as a dinner plate.  I like the traditional size.

     My favorite is to buy a gyro sandwich in a pita.  The meat, often lamb, is bbqd on an upright rod over coals; the sauce is tzatziki sauce which is piquant and lucious and there is usually tomato and red onion.  Boy that was good and every mall seemed to have a stand with gyros.   Haven't had one in years.  Now I'm hungry.

     I used to make sandwiches for work in a pita. Gosh, it has been awhile, think I will get some pita next shopping.  Some gyros have hummus in them, but I have not had that. I really love a good hummus but have not found any good hummus lately; anyone have a favorite brand?   One of my sons makes his own hummus, but I am too lazy or at least my knees are.

     Thank you for the recipe for the Lemon Ice Box Pie.  I am going to save that.  And no; bottled lemon juice is not good.  In fact, it is more or less a big disappointment.  Fresh by far best.

     Okay; we are having lunch on the front porch today.  Gyros, and for dessert, Lemon Ice Box Pie.  Hurray!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Count me in! After can we go for a dip in the pond?
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I check on the Queen everyday. I do not know when I started or why...lol

    Reception at The Eden Project on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Cornwall

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, a dip in the pond sounds good - if you don't mind mud between your toes.  Sounds like a good lunch - gyros and lemon ice box pie on the porch with friends.

     Have never had a gyro, Jo, but it sounds good.  I've seen the places to get them in Tulsa but we never tried them.  We always opted for Chinese food.  Really miss that.  When Charles and I got married I'd never eaten Chinese food. He had spent years in Japan and Korea so loved it.  The first time we went to a Chinese restaurant I couldn't bring myself to eat it so ordered  Halibut which I love.  After that I tried it and was hooked. We made it at home often.

     I saw a video last evening about making pita bread but they grilled it at the end.  Also used a stand mixer to work the dough. I don't have one of those so I'll see if I can find a recipe where you can do it by hand (guess you could anyway).  I'd never tried pita bread until I happened to see it at WM.  So easy to make the sandwich and nothing falls out!

     Hated to get up this morning but made myself get up early.  I thought we were going to have rain this morning but seems it was all south of us.  I saw the girls way down in the NE pasture except Rose Bud.  So, fed her and Tom and Jerry (only one was there) and since it was fairly cool decided I'd put the feed in the creepfeeder.  There's a leak around the hinges and the top is flat so water gets in and molds the feed.  I got all of it out I could and put feed in the other end.  It's a big feeder - holds 1500 lbs. - I only put 150 lb. in the other end.  Then, drove down and did my dead-level best to count everyone.  Finally saw all of them - always makes me feel better to know everyone's up and around. 

     Need to mop some more and do a load of laundry this morning.  It's about time for the new season of Yellowstone so asked Alexa when it begins.  I think it's the 19th.  Looking forward to that.  Hard to believe this will be the 4th year it's been on TV.

     Watching Aerial America again - Virginia today. 

     Bryon called a while ago.  He's tied up with something last night, today and tomorrow with his son so he'll come and mow Tuesday or Wednesday after he gets off work.  His son is around 12 and he tries to do a lot of things with him. I think that's so good that he does that.  Maybe by then things will be drier, too.

     Enjoy the Saturday - going to be another hot day in Oklahoma.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, maybe it's partly empathy.  She's older than we are and you know what she's feeling so you want to know how it's going with her.  

     So, just discovered the refrigerator in the utility room has the little pipe that drains water somewhere is frozen up - again.  I had a guy come last year, I think, and thaw it out.  I'm not going to fool with it this year.  I'll put something on the floor to catch the water until I get the floor replaced.  Not quite ready to do that yet.  Hopefully, when it gets so bad I can't stand it and I'm ready for floor replacement I'll be able to find room in the freezer section of the kitchen refrig. to put the frozen things and unplug it.   I need to eat out of that to help use it up.  When the floor is replaced I'll buy a small freezer or maybe a side by side refrig. and freezer to put out there. 

     Seems like everything tends to happen at one time --- the PU thing, the car thing, barn needs cleaning, floor needs replaced and now the refrigerator.  Can't win for losing sometimes and sometimes it just doesn't seem like you can handle everything. 

     Guess you can call this a vent - no one to vent to except you all. Sorry.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Got scared/worried again.  Each afternoon about 4 I watch to see the girls come out of the barn.  If I can see all of them I don't have to go out and look for them.  I saw all but six, four cows and two babies.  Three babies were out with their moms.  Billy the Bull comes out and walks along the yard fence, then to the south end of the pond and walks across, then joins the others. 

     They started swimming across with the three babies.  I saw one in the water, then couldn't see him again.  I was afraid he'd gone under.  What would I do?  I can't swim.  Kept watching and as they got closer to the other side I saw him by his mom's side.  I was so relieved. 

     So went in the barn and saw the four cows and two babies, Sammy was one of them.  He kept calling his mother and I heard her answering so he waded through the deep mud/water in the cowshed door and went across the pond dump. But, they all came back across so guess he came with his mother. 

     Do wish they wouldn't take the babies across but they do as they get a bit older.  Sometimes a cow or two will walk across the pond dump and the babies will go with her.  Now, I need to see Sammy.

     Haven't done much of anything this afternoon except watch TV.  It's 93 here with a heat index of 103.  Little wind from the SE.  I so need to get that barn cleaned out - it's muddy inside but until it dries up some they can't get in the cowshed door to clean that part of it.  There's a north door so maybe that would work.  I'll call him Monday morning. 

     Haven't heard anything from Sarah so don't know how things are over there.  Do wish she'd at least call and say hello.

     Sara, hope you got things done so you can rest tomorrow.  Ron, how was that lemon icebox pie - also Beth, did you get yours made and how was it?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Judith, how do you "check" on the Queen? I subscribe to Royal Watch on CNN.com and also People.com. They send me an email weekly. I enjoy the Royals too. 

    It was a beautiful day today. It did get up to 90, but humidity was low and there was a nice breeze. I watered my garden with the sprinkler, 10-15" per area, which is a pretty good soaking. 

    I made the pie yesterday and it was good! Hubby likes it too. 

    Company coming from out of town next week, looking forward to it. 

    Have a blessed Sunday. Rest well, Sara. You deserve it; you work so hard and a lot of your work is generously done for others.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    type in queen on your search bar
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Hot day here yesterday too.  We had a breeze at times.  Did get quite a bit done yesterday.  Will have to water containers this morning but hope to rest after that.

    Got my solar fountain put up. 

    Lorita have never made pita bread.  Looked in my bread book and there is a recipe for it.  Maybe when gardening is over with , will try it.  

    Things do pile up on us sometimes.  Got my garage cleaned up fairly well so now feel like I can get some one to replace one of the entry doors to my garage.  It has rusted bad.

    Do like a good gyro.  To me the sauce is what makes it.  Would like a tried a dtrue recipe for the sauce.

    Maybe I will try that lemon pie.  My mom likes lemon so she would probably take half of it.  Guessing it might not freeze well.

    None of you guys must drink spindrift. It’s a carbonated water that’s like.very low calorie, no artificial sweeteners.  Doesn’t have a lot of carbonation either.  Just right to me.

    Thank you Beth and hope you have a restful day too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's already warm, guess it never really cooled off - typical summertime in Oklahoma.  It's getting daylight so early now and last night it was still light enough to see to walk around without a flashlight at 9 p.m.  One more week and we'll start losing daylight again. 

     Fed Tom and Jerry this morning and they were ready.  Tom, or Jerry, was rolling in the dust when I went out.  Took Stormy with me and we drove down to see the girls - all of them were in the NE pasture.  Most were across on the other side of the pond in that pasture so we drove over and almost got stuck in 4WD in the Gator.  I won't go across that way again.  I saw one little guy waaay down in the pasture not close to anyone.  Of course it was Sammy.  They probably spent the night down there and he didn't wake up when they left.  I kept calling him and talking to his mother telling her to call him - she wouldn't.  He was coming toward us and calling her.  Finally saw her and came on up.  We came back to the house a different way and only drove through water/mud twice.  I closed the gates to the barn.  It's supposed to be fairly windy today so maybe the wind will blow through and dry it out some.  The girls can find shade.  They won't like it so much but it'll be okay.

     Sara - glad you got your garage cleared out some.  Doesn't it make you feel good to get something accomplished you were trying to get done.  I'm feeling the same way about the utility room.  I'm going to rest with you today - I think we all need a day of rest.  How big is your solar fountain - maybe you could take a picture and post it for us.

     Hope all of you have a restful day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita I will attach a picture of the fountain lol.  It is nothing to look at.  I jerry rigged it.  The bottom is a terra cotta pot.  The top is a plastic plant saucer.  Put rocks in it for birds to stand on. It has attachments you can add to make different sprays but they spray outside of saucer so lose your water too fast.  I like the sound of it.  Maybe one day I will get a real fountain  and maybe not.  They seem to either be super heavy and expensive or very light weight and cheap.  This one is very easy and simple for me to deal with.
  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    jfkoc wrote:
    type in queen on your search bar

    This site is fun, too. It's a round up of world royalty news updated Monday-Saturday. Most articles articles are not behind a paywall aside from NYT, Washington Post and The Telegraph.

    Royal News | Unofficial Royalty
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, you did a good job on your fountain.  Did you buy the water feature motor?  Years ago I bought a little fountain, about a foot tall, and I really enjoyed it until it quit working.  We used to have a birdbath in the yard but the dogs would stand up on their back legs and drink out of it so I guess it was pulled off and broken.   You showed there's more than one way to skin a cat (what an awful saying).  Glad you enjoy it.

     I opened the boxes I got Friday from WM and wiped down things.  Maybe some day I'll quit doing that.  I had ordered two sacks of potato chips and one was broken open and chips were all over the box.  This has happened before and they've replaced them. A man answered and said I'd have to return them before they could replace them.  I told him I was not going to return a broken sack of potato chips and couldn't eat them.  Sorry, he said, but we can't replace them unless you return them and you really can eat them.  I asked to speak to his supervisor and he said he was the supervisor.  I bet.   I hung up and called again and got a nice lady. She's replacing the potato chips.  They'll probably come in a plastic bag and be completely crushed. 

     I called Sarah and final got an answer. She's nearly hysterical.  Can't get Todd to find out how she's going to get home - no clothes, no key.  I told her not to worry about getting home - she isn't ready.  Dr. Cole had told me she'd have to go to a rehab center - I didn't tell her that.  Todd's voice mail is full so I texted him.  I told her she needs to stay calm - being all upset isn't good for your body.  It'll heal much faster if you're calm.  She isn't.    I see what he meant about histrionics.  I know she's in pain but she's working against her body and she can't see that.  I think she feels like she's been abandoned.  Explained to her that he's working trying to keep the business going but that's didn't phase her.  Just gets me upset when she's like that. 

     Girls finally gave up about getting into the barn.   They stood out front for a while and guess they went down under the Hackberry trees.  While I was out on the porch I saw Billy come up, check out the gate and go back.  I'm hoping the south wind will dry out the inside of the barn some.

     Judith, I checked out that site but couldn't get a picture.  Do you get one?  Thought it was funny that the Queen decided to cut the cake with a sword.  I'll try again for pictures. 

     Zetta, I'm watching Aerial America on Oregon.  They showed the rose gardens in Portland.  Beautiful!  Have you ever been there?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    Not too much going on in my world. I have been reading all your post caring about you all and keeping up. My house feels so empty with out Rascal. I have been cleaning cleaning and cleaning to keep my mind busy. My house is real clean right now but something is missing. 

     Lorita,  Yes years ago I went to the Rose Garden in Portland it was beautiful. I would love to go again but I more so would like to go back to the Portland Zoo. I am glad you finally talked to Sarah I hope her Dr has told her she will not be going home any time soon, so she can adjust herself to that. 

     Sara,    I love you fountain it is so cute. I would love to have one so how do you keep the water running. I made a bird bath but right now we have so much pollen in the air the water is green so I change it daily. 

    I hope your all have a relaxing Sunday. Molly and I are just laying around being lazy. I have been watching The Hoarders all morning.  

    Hugs Zetta

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Been way too hot here. Triple digits everyday and even up to midnight...ugh!

    Sayra I have never heard of that water but I do drink a water called HINT. They have different flavors. No artificial flavors, colors. I've gotten Amy people hooked on it.

    Zetta, I'm so sorry for your loss. 

    Been busy getting ready for my 1st annual review of my uncle's accounts for the guardian court. Thank goodness I'm organized and keep meticulous records so I'm more than ready.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Suppose to be a little cooler next few days.  That might feel good.

    Discovered a couple of little tomatoes and my plants are looking pretty good now.  I’m very thankful for that.

    Bought the fountain off of Amazon.  Just search for solar bird bath fountain.  Totally solar, small very visible filter that I clean every evening.  The little pump just pulls apart and if any thing in there clean it out.  Always dump the fountain every evening and bring the fountain in to garage for the night.  Think it would do ok with the pollen as long as yo cleaned it each day.

    Guessing S is wanting to go home regardless whether she should be or not.  She may be giving them a hard time to try and get her way.  She makes it hard on herself, you and them.  

    Nicole have not heard of HINT.  Sounds like Spindrift though.  Going to look and see if that is available around here.  We are from different areas of the country so that may make a difference.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Zetta, it is amazing how empty your house can be when one is gone.  I know ours has felt that way since Barclee's been gone even though there's several others here - one is missing and it's felt.  Sometimes I still think I hear him make his little cough/bark to let me know he wants something.

     I'm just the opposite, when I'm sad I don't want to do anything.  Would be good if it was the other way.  I want to finish the utility room today.  The mopping has really made my right side hurt so I'll be glad to get that finished.

     Nicole, glad you're prepared for your annual review of your uncle's accounts.  I remember the first one we had - I was guardian or fiduciary for Charles' VA income.  I dreaded it but had good records and it went well.   

     Sorry about your HOT weather.  I don't like summer very  much.  Here it's always humid so it makes you hot just to step outside and then in 15 minutes you're drenched.  I know they say your heat is dry so it's not so bad - I don't believe that - hot is hot.

     Sara - glad your weather is to be a bit cooler.  Ours, too.  The next two or three days are supposed to be somewhat cooler with a lower humidity.  I'm for that.

     Tomatoes - already!  Which kind has the first tomatoes?  When I was growing up I always liked to pick the tomatoes.  We always had a lot because mother canned them.  I loved the smell of the leaves.  The very best way to eat a tomato is to pick it, fresh off the vine, rub off the dirt, sprinkle it with salt and enjoy.  I can taste it now.  The ones you get in the store have no taste because they're picked when they're half green for shipping.  I bought a couple of tomatoes when I went to the grocery store but haven't eaten them yet.  The other day Jack mentioned he had bought some and they didn't have any taste.

     I've never drunk flavored water but there's really lots of it for sale.  I stick to iced tea, no sugar and lots of water.  Also a Pepsi now and then.

     This is trash day. I've missed the last two weeks.  Last Monday it was raining so hard you couldn't even get out of the house - we had a foot of rain!   So, there was lots of it - the Gator was loaded down, not even enough room for Stormy to go with me.  He met me at the gate when I got home.  While I was out I drove over to see the girls - everyone seems okay - saw all the babies.  I opened the biggest side of the barn so the girls can go in if they want to today.  Yesterday evening I went down to see them and they were all crowded together in the shade of one tree.  Rose Bud was under another one and there was lots of room.  I felt bad keeping them out of the barn and they didn't come to the big pond either - stayed in the smaller one.

     Sara - I imagine Sarah is wanting to go home judging by what she said yesterday about not having her clothes and keys so she could get into the house.  I don't know what the doctor has said to her about going home but he was adamant to me that the chance of her going home was zero - has to go to a rehab center.  I mentioned to you all yesterday that she sounded almost hysterical when we were talking.  Later I talked to her nurse and she said they don't have that trouble with her - only when she's talking to someone on the phone.  It may be that since we're family she feels more comfortable showing her true emotions.  But, it's working against her but nothing I can do about it.

     I'll stop and finish my juice.  Need to call the guy about the barn.  If he can clean the barn by the end of the week it should be dry enough.  Bryon and Shane are coming Tuesday or Wednesday to mow - will be glad to have that done.

     Enjoy the day.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, I am so very sorry about your niece.  It is good you did not say anything about her not going home but to rehab; best to leave that to the doctor.   I so hope she does get to a good rehab and that it is helpful in her ongoing healing which is going to take some time.  Her lack of self-care and medication abuse at home are real problem issues that could really harm her recovery especially at this point if she skips rehabe and goes directly to home.  Perhaps this time,  much later after rehab, when she does go home, she will permit home health RNs to visit her and provide the support and care she will need.  Only time will tell how that will be.  Right now, she has 24/7 needs.a

    Remember that she has had some pretty firm and out there delusions severe enough to even convince others of their reality; she also, historically has also not always been truthful.  The doctor and other staff have seen her histrionics with this hospitalization.  I can only imagine her emotional pain.  Todd can probably do nothing about the ongoing histrionics; it is probably out of his control - it will happen no matter what - I imagine he too is exhausted on both a physical as well as psychological level; this is truly terribly sad for both of them and an overwhelming set of circumstances and feelings.

     I feel so bad for Sarah; it has been years of so much horrible negative happenings; it must be beyond awful for her and is coupled with mental health care needs.  I wish that a psychiatrist had been called in on consult while she was in the hospital.  Ativan is only a tranquilizer and is short acting and appears to be meant for the histrionics.  It may well be that there is more to help her that could really make a difference and bring her some peace.  It would take a psychiatrist working in tandem with the surgeon or whoever is in charge of her ongoing GI care post discharge as some meds can affect the GI tract - it would be a balancing act and the mental health aspect would take some time - not just meds but actually being seen in person.    May there be a turning point with more help for Sarah which will make a difference for her.

    Sayra, what a sweet fountain you made and how very lovely for the birds; you have thought of everything!   As said before, sure wish you were my neighbor, you are awesome.

    Still have not found someone to help with the weekly house cleaning.which I really need.  I am really hampered with the painful kidney issues as well as pretty painful arthritis issues that have flared.   My house was always very clean and uncluttered and a comfortable peaceful place.  BUT - oh my, it needs some help.  DH is not in tune with that as helpful as he is in other ways.  I am trying to find a person who does such work and who also speaks English; that is important for communication. I did not want teams of multiples coming in as some have; the teams seem to change members quite often and English is usually not the spoken language which would be very difficult.    There are teams of three and four that are run out of central offices, but they do change staff members often.  Our last person was with us for 22 years.  She retired last December right before the big pandemic outbreak which hampered everything moving forward.

    Time to think about getting the carpet cleaner out to do the family room carpeting. That is the room that gets all the use.  Will do that soon.  I keep that for warm weather so the carpeting dries faster.  

     Oh gosh, phone is ringing early - take good care everyone - gotta run.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Jo, it seems like it's hard to find anyone to do anything anymore.  At least that's the way it is around here.  When I was growing up, the young men were trying to find jobs to make a little bit of money - not so, anymore.  I once had a boyfriend from another school and he picked cotton for daddy one day to make money to take me to the fair. You should see the new vehicles the high school kids are driving - I see them parked at our high school.  When I was in school I think there was one or maybe two boys who had a car and that was it.  Times change.

     I'm wondering if Shaun is on vacation since he hasn't returned my morning call.  I hate for the girls to be in the wet barn but maybe that's better than being outside in the heat which they're not used to.  Really wish he'd done the job a couple of months ago when he had planned to - never did find out what happened there.  That's what I mean about finding someone to do work for you.  Good luck, Jo, with finding a housekeeper. Don't blame you at all for not wanting several, different people in the house.   I've never had one so wouldn't know where to begin - probably an impossible task out here anyway.  Probably a good thing I live alone.

     Have any of you ever made cauliflower rice?  I know you can hand grate it but that would take forever.  I'm wondering if you can use a Ninja blender.  I bought a huge head the other day and will steam some of it with carrots and broccoli but I thought I'd try cauliflower rice - seems to be the trend now.  I heard this morning that one cup of it has 20 calories - l cup of rice has 200.  I love rice with sautéed carrots, onions and celery with a bit of soy sauce so thought I might try that.

    We have a little, narrow cart that is supposed to fit between the washer and dryer but I have it at the end of the dryer.  I'm getting rid of things in the utility room and thought I'd tackle that this morning.  I found two hammers, two pairs of pliars, a wire cutter, all kinds of staples (for fences) and some other metal things - all were rusted.  I think I can save one pair of pliars with WD 40 when I get some.  The two cans I had failed to spray.  Found two bottles of bleach and a few other bottles plus two kinds of trash bags and lots of other things.  A lot of these things went into the trash.  How in the world does a cart like that get so dirty.  Got it cleaned and the bottles cleaned off so I feel like I've done a day's work.   Zetta, this inbetween watching episodes of Gunsmoke and the noon news.

     Just thought I'd ask about the cauliflower rice. Looks good and they say it's really like eating rice.  We'll see.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    you cook the cauliflower and put it through a potato ricer.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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