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Just need to talk to my friends (148)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    A report on the Cardinal family. What I assumed were 3 young ones is incorrect because they all have orange beaks. That would make them females. So.....I see only one male at a time with 3 females. 

    Rabbit report. The baby bunnies have made it to the front of the house.

    Cheever's is a great florist!

    7 house guests arriving Friday. All Adults. That means 12 for meals. I will provide food Friday dinner and some snack food. The rest is up to them. Father's day there may be 16. I will make coffee and buy quiche. They can do fruit and Mimosas. 

    There will be lot's of Scrabble, wet towels and trips for take out food. I will offer my CC.....I buy you fly...lol. I will have my paints etc at the ready and we will flip the table top for signing in.

    It will be wonderful!!!!!

    Oh wait. Fathers day is tomorrow so only the 12 for brunch.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, water witching was not unusual, where I grew up on the SC/NC line. Most used the Y-shaped sticks. I can’t speak to the accuracy; my parents did not use them for our house wells.

    The place I grew up is still known as “the Dark Corner.” Some will tell you it has to do with electricity, but not all. It was more about culture in a relatively isolated mountainous place. Beliefs from back 200 years. Water witching was one of the most benevolent things. They still believed in witchcraft, haints, snake handling, etc., and not in things like antibiotics/germs, or biology.

    Education, and outsiders, were not welcome. My parents got bonuses, and a house the first year, for opening schools there. Don’t mistake this for a pioneer or “living natural” or “simpler better days,” it was a whole different mindset.

    I don’t think there’s much of that left there now, though, although it’s hard to tell driving through. I don’t think it would be as easy to isolate young people now.  But now there’s a lot of high-end horse farms and expensive gated communities. The land itself is beautiful.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, baby cardinals?  One of my favorite birds.  If they're babies, what color are they?  How many little rabbits and is their mother with them?  I think they're so cute.  You have quite a menagerie going there.   Isn't it fun to watch little ones and see them grow?

     Glad Cheever's is a good one.  They're awfully nice.  Flowers are not inexpensive for sure. 

     Where are all these people coming from and how long will they be there?  Sorry, don't mean to be nosy.  Sounds like you have a good plan and also seems like the weather will cooperate.  Maybe it'll be cool enough in the evenings so they can be outside some.

     It's warm out this morning but there's some breeze.  I drove the car down to get the mail and down the road a mile or so.  I saw a sign at the corner of the next section - there's going to be a land auction next month - 634 acres.  Haven't seen one of those in ages.  The guy wants 2200 an acre so have no idea if an auction is a good idea or not. Probably couldn't sell it to an individual at that price so decided on an auction.  Lots of money.  It's the whole section east of us less six acres on which there's three houses.  I'm wondering why he wants to sell - did hear he's not in good health.  I've only met him one time - lives several miles north of us.

     Saw the girls as they came up but they'd go into the barn, then come back out again.  I've been watching Penny, Jr. (the one with horns).  I had her down to calve a few days ago. She went into the barn, came out and went up toward the MH, then back down - acting kind of strange.  I may get her up north of the house - with maybe Rose Bud.  She stayed down by the pond laying down close to the water so took some feed down to her but Sheena just barked and Rose Bud's grazing in front of the house.  Also put up the backrubber.  It's 10 or 12 ft. long and about as big around as your thigh.  It's heavy now because I've used it a couple of years and it still has diesel in it.  I'll charge it tomorrow.

     Tried one of my peach crumb cakes.  It doesn't seem like it's cooked - really gooey - not like it should be.  I called QVC and they'll refund the money.  Not sure if I can bake them a bit longer or not.  I don't like to complain about things but the way they are, they're inedible. 

     Got my new phone but haven't opened it.  I'll wait until Monday - will be my BD gift.  So, that's another thing to have to learn how to use.  Sometime today or tomorrow I have to put a new bulb in my DynaTrap.  Sounds like there's four or five tiny screws to take out.  I'm always afraid I'll lose one.  I've had it three or four years and have never had to replace the bulb.  Don't even like to clean out the bugs - you wouldn't believe how many bugs of all kinds it catches.  Guess it's better they're in there than on me or the GPs.

     Zetta - watching Gunsmoke.  It's mainly about Chester this morning. 

     Sara - we call them Rose of Sharon, too.  I like them and crepe myrtles because they bloom when the weather's hot.  I'm not sure if mother used the box butterscotch pudding mix or made it from scratch.  I've never made it from scratch so we'll see.  I know it won't taste like hers did though. 

     Pulled dirt up around the zucchini and probably should water them today.  With all the rain we've had you'd think it wouldn't need it but the ground seems dry.  I planted morning glories at the base of the arch over the gate - they're up but something's eating holes in the leaves so don't know if they'll make it.  Also, whatever was eating the wild violet leaves in the pot on the steps is back again.  Guess they taste good.  Wish they'd go out in the yard and eat those - some of those leaves are as big as saucers.

     They baled some of the hay yesterday and some of it's raked so guess they'll bale that today and maybe cut the rest of it.  To me, it doesn't look like it's making too good - maybe that's just me. 

     Judith, enjoy your weekend and your company - sounds like you'll have a good time.  Quite a change from last summer, isn't it?

     Rescue Mom - I think you posted while I was writing mine.  Just read yours - where did you grow up?  Wonder if things have changed very much there?  It's amazing how much has changed in the last ten or even five years.  We didn't have a telephone until I was a teenager.  We did have electricity as far back as I can remember but Carol can remember when they didn't - she's seven years older than I.  I don't know that daddy had a well drilled from the water witcher- but I remember him being here.  Maybe he was thinking about it or maybe they didn't find water.  We did use a well for many years until the neighbor west of us drilled a well and got into our water vein which diminished our supply.  It was good and cold but had minerals in it so unless you were used to it, people didn't like it. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Well, the day's almost done.  One or two more days and we'll be into summertime, then 2 1/2-3 months of hot, hazy and humid weather.  My least favorite season of the year.

     I haven't done much of anything this afternoon except either sit in my chair or lay on the divan and watch TV.  I had closed the gate where I put the backrubber so did go out and open that.  I think the girls went out the north gate.  I'll go down and make sure everyone's okay in a bit.

     So, now, one more thing to add to the list of either to-do or make-do things.  There's a leak under the kitchen sink.  One of the cats kept trying to get under there and then I saw some water on the floor so checked and it looks like it's leaking around the pipe connections.  I  may have some kind of something to put on it - Flex-All - at least used to or I'll just run water into a pan in the sink.   I'm so tired of things going wrong and needing to be fixed.   Had a call the other day that they needed to upgrade my standard TV receiver - I'll lose a couple of channels but that's all right - I won't have it done now.  At least both the car and PU started today (put a mark on the wall). No wonder people sell out and move to a retirement home.  I won't do that but I can see their reasoning.  Keeping up with everything gets harder as we get older.

     I saw on TV today that all but one or two states have this virus variant that's more contagious and deadly but they think if you're fully vaccinated you have 88% protection.? 

      So, on those happy notes I'll say goodnight.  May call my SIL who had the two strokes.  Last time I talked with her she was with her daughter in Sugarland.  She was doing well so she may be home by now.

     Sleep tight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Judith hope you and your guests enjoy your visit.

    Lorita did you get around to making your butterscotch pudding?

    Picked both of my zucchini yesterday.  They were about 4 inches long.  Perfect size for one meal for me.  Fixed one for my supper.  My sister came over to put some more stuff in my basement so gave her the other one.  Tried a new recipe and I liked it.  The recipe said to quarter the zucchini, drizzle with oil, sprinkled on salt, pepper, oregano, basil and Parmesan cheese.  Baked it on a perforated pan or baking rack on cookie sheet.  400 deg x 12-15 min.  Really liked it and thought this would taste good with a little pizza sauce.  May try that sometime.

    They are giving another misty day.  Makes it hard to control diseases.

    Put a roast in crockpot last night so house smells good this morning.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     The zucchini recipe sounds really good.  I don't care for basil so I'd leave that out but I love oregano.  I bet it would be good with pizza sauce.  Do you make your own?  Did you quarter it lengthwise?  I need to go out and water mine but it's supposed to rain some tomorrow - sounds weird but that wouldn't be bad.  This time of year and until fall you take all you can get. 

     I checked the entrance to the cowshed yesterday.  It's drying on top with big cracks but I put my foot on it and I think anything with weight would sink.  Afraid a calf would get stuck in it.

     I charged the backrubber this morning so that's done.  When I went out someone was hauling hay up but not long after I got outside they quit or finished, not sure.  I didn't count how many bales he brought up.  It may have been Mike - he enjoys doing that and usually tries to early in the morning before his calls begin.  Two of the little babies were checking out the backrubber before I charged it.  A little later I saw Sammy watching me - he's really something.  Kept calling his mother.  Girls were coming in the north gate so are missing the backrubber.  I'll close that gate this afternoon.

     Worked some more on that rod on the creepfeeder so maybe that'll last a day or so.  Sarah called.  They've moved her down to the second floor, closer to ICU.  She said she kept complaining about pain in her side so they did a CT scan and found a mass in her side.  It was blood pooling from what she said so they were suctioning that out the best they could.  Not sure if they're going to have to go back in or what.  Hasn't seen a doctor this morning. 

     She got her flowers and said they were pretty but they knocked them over and broke the vase.  They picked them up and put them in the vase from the first flowers.  Sounds like she has a lot of equipment in her room so it couldn't be helped, I guess.

     It's warm this morning but there's good wind so that will help. 

     Hope all of you dads out there have a good Father's Day.  Wish mine was here - he's been gone 26 years.

     Sara - I didn't get the pudding made yesterday but will today.  I'm going to bake those crumb cakes some more and get vegetables ready to roast tomorrow. 

     I talked to Danita, my SIL last evening.  She's getting along very well.  Is going to PT and speech therapy twice a week.   Both of her daughters are with her but will go back home July 7.  Her youngest works from home so she's been working all this time.  It's so hard to believe those girls are grown - I guess the oldest is probably in her upper 60s.  They were very young when Charles and I got married.  She said his brother is going to have knee replacement - he'll be 91 the 23rd - but in very good health.  Hope that turns out well.

     Enjoy the day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, I made the pudding.  Not like any butterscotch pudding I've ever had.  The color is off as well as the taste - and that's probably from using light brown sugar instead of dark brown.  Don't even like the consistency.  You'd think nothing could go wrong using brown sugar, corn starch, eggs, milk, butter and vanilla.  I've made lots of puddings but won't make this one again.  Not even sure that whipped cream will help it.  I'll see how it is when it cools.  If I don't eat it, maybe the GPs will.

     Well, you have to try a recipe before you know how it is.  I know I need a couple of good pans, a quarter and a two quart.  I'm using one we bought at a garage sale many, many years ago.  I see ones I like but then I think I'm this old, why buy more pans. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Now I am longing for a zuchinni. I will cut in half and top with the crumbs left from Italian cruetons  and some fresh parmesean.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Gosh, that sounds good.  Could also use panko breadcrumbs with the oregano.

     I only found one, two-cup pkgs. of shredded zucchini in the freezer - maybe even that would work, maybe not.    Come on zucchini plants!!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Shredded .....maybe with some Linguini and Rao's. Yum!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I bet it would be good.  I've never tried Raos - have never seen it in our grocery store.  Probably is in WM but....

     I'm going to tell on myself - guess old people don't mind doing that so much.  I think I'm losing it.   I was watching TV and remembered I'd frozen some bananas so thought I'd make a smoothie.  Found some things to go into it - frozen banana, peanut butter, almond milk and protein powder.   I have a Ninja that was sitting in a dark corner on the counter so got it out where I could see what I was doing, put everything in it and turned it on - I could hear the motor running but nothing was happening!  What's going on?  Moved things around inside and turned it on again.  I could see the liquid moving but it wasn't blending.  I poured everything out into a bowl and looked and there weren't any blades in it. You know the first thing a person who lives by themselves and is of a "mature" age as Jo says, is who came in and got the blade?  Luckily I have a couple of individual containers with blades that go on it so poured the ingredients into it and blended it - worked fine - and it was good.  I probably should have used some ice but I will next time. 

     I could not figure out what happened to the - I was thinking little blades inside.  I haven't used it for quite a while.  After I'd finished the smooth I went into the pantry and thought I saw something laying where the Ninja was, picked it up and it was the blades!  They're on a 4-5" thing with three or four blades.  I felt sooo stupid.  I guess when I last used it, I took out the blades and didn't put them back inside until they're dried and just never got them back inside.  I actually didn't remember what the blades looked like.  So, next time I'll wash and dry the blades and put them back inside.

     Anyway, the smoothie was good - it's just me that can't keep up with what's going on sometimes.     By the way, Stormy likes the pudding - haven't given any to Sheena yet.  They've been eating cheese balls.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I can relate!  I got out my smoothie blender (like a Ninja) to make a smoothie but couldn't find the sipper top.  I looked all over.  The next day I found it.  I got on the stepladder with my flashlight and looked all around that top shelf.  And there it was, in a zip lock bag.  SMH! (smack my head)


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Happy Birthday Lorita

    Lorita the recipe said to quarter the zucchini.  Had a little trouble getting ingredients to stick on sides.  Will bake them halved next time.  Will make my own pizza sauce.  Just mix onion powder, garlic powder, oregano and basil into tomato sauce.

    We just got a rain shower.  Enough to undo the preen I sprayed yesterday evening late.  Don’t think it is suppose to rain a lot.  If it stays windy will probably dry off fairly quickly.

      Got out early and picked my greens.  Had one beet to eat yesterday.  It had very nice tops.  Have never eaten them before.  Going to mix some of  them with some other greens for lunch if nothing happens.  Then I will freeze the rest.

    My beets are a little strange.  Have never had much luck with them yet.  Planted two varieties this year.  The one variety came up beautifully and then some animal turned over the pot.  Saved about half of them.  The tops look nice but of course having to replant them is not a good thing.  Don’t know if I will get beets or not.  The other variety I planted two small containers of.  Only one sprouted in one container and that is the one I ate yesterday.  The other container sprouted nicely but don’t have any beets from that container yet.  May retry a fall crop.

    Growing spearmint this year.  Yesterday the porch was so hot.  Wanted to sit on porch though as better for me mentally.  So cut about 14 or so leaves and beat them up a bit with wooden spoon handle.  Poured hot water over, added juice from a slice of lemon, added honey and let it all steep 10 minutes.  Poured over a big glass of ice.  It was very refreshing.  Still have some left.  The next few days are suppose to be cooler though.  Our temperatures are varying a lot during the week.  My basil seems the most unhappy about this.

    Ha e heard that butterscotch made from scratch does not taste like the box.  Was hoping you would tell me different so I might try it.  Guess not lol.

    I do crazy things too.  Get distracted easily.  Well thinking about cleaning house a day early as they say the sun will shine for a few days after this.  Guess I better get stirring.  Would like to run around a bit this afternoon if I get my work done this morning.

    Take care everyone.  Hope you are doing ok Joan and just busy doing things

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     We  have another new baby - Penny, Jr. had her baby boy, probably last night.  When I was out with them this morning I saw this little black baby close to her and thought at first it was Sammy.  Kept watching and then I could tell it was her baby.  She was very attentive.  She did go down to the water and, of course, that worried me but they came back toward the barn.  Baby slowed down but mom stopped and said something and he caught up.  I guess I'll leave them out in the pasture - supposed to be cooler with rain today and much cooler tomorrow before the heat returns.  I doubt she'd be too receptive to being up but we'll see.

     Sandy, thanks for much for the beautiful card.  You're such a good friend to remember.  I wasn't going to post today because special days aren't very special when there's no one around to make it so - but, you did.  Thanks, again.  You've been such a good friend for many years. 

     Iris, I think we put things where they should be and then forget where that "should be" place is.  I know that happens to me.  If I have something in one place and move it, it could be lost forever.  Example was my hand mirror.  Looked everywhere, I thought.  Couldn't find it so ordered another one and two days later I found it.  I did not remember having it in the bedroom but it was lodged between the mattress or box springs and the side of the bed.  I do hate to lose or misplace things.

     Sara, your garden is doing great.  I bet those tomatoes will be ready before long.  The reward is worth the effort, isn't it?  Your spearmint tea sounds good and refreshing on a hot day. If my zucchinis produce I'm going to try your recipe.

     A front has come through and it's cloudy, windy and much cooler.  Supposed to have some rain this afternoon and almost record lows tomorrow morning but then back to the heat.  I may call and make an appointment to see my eye doctor tomorrow.  My eye is still bothering me - feels like there's something in it but don't know - kind of comes and goes.  I was due for an appointment in February but postponed it because of the virus so I should go and have the pressure checked.  Don't want a refraction right now although I do feel my vision is not quite as good as previously.  I haven't had a change in glasses in probably 8-10 years.

     I took Stormy for a ride to the mailbox this morning - in the car.  Needed to mail a bill and a birthday card to Jerry (Charles' brother).  His birthday is the 23rd and he'll be 91.  He was a young 41 when we got married.  I was thinking last night - 79 years old!  How can I be that age - yesterday I was 60.  I can tell the difference in my ability to do things I used to do.  Sometimes I feel like hanging it up as Charles would say.  Don't see the use in pursuing much of anything any more.  Life is hard when you don't have someone to share things with - like a new baby.  It's just a day to day struggle to keep your head above water.  Guess this is my birthday blues - sorry. 

     I've had my juice so it's time for hot tea.  Did get my new phone but I'm not going to get it activated and things changed over for a few days.  Just don't want to deal with it today.

     Joan - we haven't heard from you in quite some time.  Hope you're well.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Happy Birthday Lorita from me and Winda. Is it today or are we late?

    Rao's is interesting. It is from Rao's restaurant which has a story to tell. Give it a google.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It's today.  Thank you and thank Winda for me, too.  I was born on Father's Day in 1942 - every few years they end up on the same day.

     It's beginning to rain some here and it's about 20 degrees cooler today than it was yesterday at this time.  I've spent part of the morning seeing about an appointment with my eye doctor.  They had an opening at 2:30 but I'm a big leary of driving the PU with all the weird things going on with it and the roads were washed away so much during the heavy rain and are not good and if it rained not sure how the car would be.  The receptionist is going to talk with Dr. Smythe to see if I can be worked in tomorrow.  It may be something with my oversized sinus and the fact that there are three or four tiny places made when I did have something in it.  But, thought I'd better check it out.

     Had a call from friend, Carol this morning.  We had a nice visit.  We've known each other for 60 years.  She's blowin' and goin' for an 84 year old.  Hope I can get out of  my chair when I'm that age.

     Thanks, again, for the birthday wish.  I'll check on Rao's.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita sorry you feel blue today.  Hope you get to the eye doctor and your eye gets to feeling better.

    Can only speak for my myself Lorita but for me I feel better if I get things done, instead of putting them off.  Once it is done that lifts the burden of it.   Still have blue days but not too often.  

    I tried to send you a cake and flowers but for some reason when I try to do that they don’t go thru to these posts for me.  Don’t have trouble with email or iMessage so must be something to do with forum.

    Take care

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    To Our Very Dear Friend Lorita who is a true Dixie Chick - (inside joke):

     HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!   The following is an orchestral "happy birthday" celebration with Andrea Bocelli as recipient, but wanted you to have the beauty of the music on YOUR birthday - and also, the song that follows it - because all of us here are "in love" with our Lorita of the Front Porch;, sweet friend of indomitable spirit, of deep kindness, of love of all of God's creatures both two and four footed, and who just has such a loving spirit . . . .  Happy, Happy 79th!


    May your "new year" be filled with joy and many blessings both expected and unexpected.  You are special to us; you are loved - HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sugar Free Birthday Cake RecipeAnd . . . . your cake!
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    and . . . . for all of us as we gather on the Front Porch to celebrate you . . . .

    an illustration of a champagne bottle popping with balloons ribbons..  More of those in the ice buckets . . . can't imagine what we will be like afterward . . . . but bet we laugh our socks off!   Happy everything!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Sara, I like to get things done so I don't have to worry about them, too, but I kept thinking this would get better.  The doctor's office just called and I go in to see her at 10:45 in the morning.  She said to put the GenTeal ointment in my eyes every two hours until then - sometimes when you have uber dry eyes it  makes it feel like there's something in it.  That's probably what it is but I want her to check and to get the pressure done.  She was booked up so I was lucky to get in.  They're very good about getting someone in when there's need.

     Thanks for the sweet thoughts of the cake and flowers - it's the thought that counts.  My mood will be better tomorrow - birthdays are hard sometimes.

     Dear Jo - thanks so much for the beautiful  music - loved it and for all the kind words - Dixie Chick, indeed.  I worked with a doctor once who was always saying "ain't just whistling Dixie".  Sweet man.

     The cake and bubbly look great.  Wish we could all be together to partake of both of them.  I'm so lucky to have all of you as friends - one good thing that came of dementia.

     Again, thank you.  Much appreciated.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    You are more than welcome.    As we age, and we all are; as things move forward in years as many of us here have, we sustain so many losses, some devastating to the heart; life is not as it always has been, and often, even if not alone, there is a feeling of loneliness.   Here we are; many of us sliding down the slope on the shady side of the hill - no longer striding up the sunny side to get to that lovely, glorious plateau on  the top.  But sadly, we cannot stay on that hilltop forever, though I so wish we could.

     I will share with you my favorite piece of music when it is sung by Louis Armstrong, I just love it to the emotional depths of my heart. In fact, I have requested my family, which unsettled them, that when I am dying, if it is possible, to please play that with Louis Armstrong singing it, to usher me out of this world..  Oh my; what a brilliant piece of soul-felt music.


     This song was sung in one of the global Playing For Change videos; really lovely; I also love the Playing For Change doing, "Stand By Me."  Over the next few days or so I will get them up and give them to you.  Really interesting to see so many different countries playing the music and singing.  Awesome. 

     Lorita, I am willing to bet the eye discomfort may well be from the dryness too, but still a wise idea to see the eye doctor tomorrow to get a checkup - which reminds me it has been three or four years since I had my eyes checked; shame on me. I have had normal exams, but at my "mature" years, I need to do that as soon as the kidney stone issue is aken care of . I go for an appt. at UCLA tomorrow.    Not feeling wonderful about that, but it must be done.  Sayra is so right; once taken care of, it is a burden off the shoulders.  I will find out soon what date the procedure will be done at UCLA.  Can you all come with me?   Sigh. 

     Hugs being sent all around,


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy happy happy happy birthday Lorita! 

    As usual been busy with legal stuff. Almost done with the annual accouting for my uncle. Just need to double check the paperwork and take all the recipts to the attorney so they can copy them. Way too many for me to do.

    Uncle has been really struggling with walking and half the time won't use his walker. I no longer argue with him about it, if he falls he's going to the hospital. Possibly won't be coming back home. Is what it is. 

    He's also been staying in the bathroom for at least an hour, sometimes 2 hours. I'm wondering if he's confused while in there. Plus he's not wiping after a bowel movement so when I finally get him to shower I have to take a soapy wash cloth and wipe him. Not fun but at least he let's me do this, for now.

    Still way too hot here, one day  it was 117* crazy!!!


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Dear Lorita,

    Happy Birthday to you and many more.    Jo the songs you sent to Lorita are beautiful and I felt all the love you were sending to her in the Birthday song. Lorita you have so many out here on the porch that love you and deeply care about you I hope you also felt the love in that song.

    Congratulations on the new baby I bet you could spend all day watching them play. I am glad your going to the eye Dr. I know how uncomfortable that eye must make you feel.

    Your sure brave getting a new phone. I plan on getting one when my daughter comes to help me pick one out. She wants to make sure it is one I will be able to use.

    Jo,    Thanks for the front porch goodies I will bring the wine. 

    Nicole,   I was thinking about you a few days ago when the weather man was showing how hot it was in Las Vegas I hope your staying cool.

    ((((((((Lorita)))))))) Happy Happy Birthday, You are loved. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Happy Birthday

    Hope you enjoyed your day


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Thank you, Jo, for the beautiful song by Louis Armstrong.  You think about it - it is ai wonderful world.  There's so much to be thankful for.  Listening to the words of that would be a good way to go out, wouldn't it?  I'll be looking forward to the other songs.

     Thank you for the birthday wishes Nicole.  It's been a good day - talked to good friends and enjoyed being with the girls and the babies.   Sorry you're having troubles with your uncle - we all know how that goes.  And, your awfully hot weather.  Hate to mention it but our high today was 72, however, heat index for the end of the week will be back to 105.  Makes us wish for fall, doesn't it?

     Thank you, Zetta.  I've made so many good friends over the years on the forum and I know all of us care about each other.  Good place to be. 

     I could spend a lot of time out with the girls watching the babies.  Stormy likes to go with me.  He stands at the yard gate when I start to go so hate to leave him behind.  When I take down his leash he sits down and offers his paw to shake hands.  I took a picture of Rose Bud beside the Gator - also shows Stormy in his favorite place in the seat. 

     I had to get a new phone - didn't want to.  At this age I don't like to have to learn something new.  The one I've had for years is a flip phone 3G and they're changing everything to 4 or 5 G.  It's a flip phone so maybe it won't be too hard to change over -  just want to be sure to be able to keep my contacts.  I wrote down all of them just in case.

     Thank you Shirley, for the birthday wishes.  Hope you and Bill are well.  Wish you'd post more often.

    Weird thing just happened.  We have a wall furnace in the LR which we've never used much.  I was sitting here typing and heard some clanging - didn't know what it was so went out to the utility room to check and when I came back into the LR it was very warm - the wall furnace was on - hadn't been on in many years.  Tried to turn it off and the attic fan came on - pushed the wrong switch.  Hurried out to the main electric panel and looked and looked and finally found the breaker to turn it off.  What in the world caused all of that? 

     What if that had come on when I was gone or out of the house. Anyway, the breaker is off.  I think I need to get Steve to check on that - looks pretty dirty being all closed up.

     Jo - I think it's dry eye, too.  I've been putting the GenTeal in every two hours for about three times and it feels better.  But, I'll have it checked out and stop at Braums on the way home.

     Thanks again, everyone, for the sweet birthday wishes.  I appreciate each and every one.  It has been a good day.

     Sleep well.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita glad the ointment is helping.  I have ocular rosacea.  Wake up some mornings feeling like a hair in my eye.  Drops take it away.  Use to just use it when I needed it.  My eye doctor suggested last summer that I use it routinely morning and night.  That has helped a lot.  Lot less trouble with blurry vision and rarely do I wake up with that feeling.  You guys have had a lot of rain. As odd as it seems, and I think maybe you mentioned this too,  my eyes tend to be dryer in rainy weather.

    We are hopefully going to have a few days of sunshine.  Rained three times yesterday, got 4/10 inch.  In between very windy and sun shined.  Suppose to be cool today, not get out of 60s.

    JoC will be thinking of you.  Like that song by Louis Armstrong too.

    Getting people to come and give me estimates for replacing my back garage door.  It is metal and rusting out at bottom.  Going to have it replaced with fiberglass door.  Need to get back steps to porch replaced too.  Want them to be composite steps and rail.  Problem with that is I have no clue who to call to get that done.  Hopefully I can find out.  That is the two things I would like to get done this summer.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's 55 degrees here this morning - unheard of in Oklahoma in June - but, tomorrow the temps and humidity will go right back up.  Good, though, to have a little respite.  It's also very foggy here this morning so I can't see the girls.  Always anxious to see how a new baby made it through the night.   Stormy and Sheena have gotten into the habit of waking me up around 3 a.m. to go outside so haven't seen them this morning.

     My eye feels a bit achy this morning.  I can't tell if it's the eyeball or sinus.  If I press above my eye it feels better.   Years ago this doctor told me if your eye feels like that it normally isn't the eye. 

     Jo, we'll both be keeping appointments we dread today so we can talk about them tonight.  Hope yours goes well and the traffic isn't too bad for you.  But I guess it's always bad out there.  I'd go stark-raving mad if I had to drive in that.

     Better stop and go feed Tom and Jerry - they're always ready for breakfast.  As many years as I've been feeding them every morning they still will only barely tolerate me touching them.

     Enjoy the day.  Glad you got some rain, Sara, and now will have some sunshine.  Maybe you could call a place like Lowes and ask them about who replaces garage doors.  Men love for women to ask them questions so they can talk about things. 

    Ron, hope things are well today with you and Lou.

     Talk to you all when I get back home.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Some Uh-Oh news this am. :

     https://www.yahoo.com /news/almost-4-000-fully-vaccinated-062303297.html 

    Am willing to bet that yes; if vaccnated but positive with the virus, it can indeed be transmitted to another; after all, it IS a virus for pete's sake.

    Even if only moderately ill and not having to be hospitalized, I do not want to get it and be sick . . . . but if transmissible, what does this mean for masking?   We will continue with ours for some time to come; and IF there is a resurgence this winter as some specialists feel may happen, then masks it is and bless the grocery pick up an delivery people!

     Announcement from LA County this a.m.  They want businesses to mandate that all employees must show concrete proof of having been vaccnated so those who have not been will continue to be mandated to mask.  Turns out the "honor" system of saying whether one had been vaccinated or not was not so honorable; people were lying. Gee; how did they not think that from the get go? 

     Son texted this morning; he passed a 4mm x 6mm kidney stone last night.   Omigosh,  it is a family affair. I know that family history can be a positive for developing one; my mother had several, guess I know where my history is . . . but it waited until I was over the hill and long in the tooth to do this; it should have had the common decency to leave me alone and respect my white hair!   Silly.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    As promised, revisiting, "Playing For Change":

    The following is, "United," global with some interesting instruiments.
    Children around the world and more singing, "It's a Wonderful World."
    Well, that is more than enough.  There are even more of these, but I have not looked for them.   This seems even more relevent today consideeing what has been happening and what is now happening that we see each day on the news.  May we begin to heal soon.  

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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