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Just need to talk to my friends (148)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita my first two tomatoes are Fourth of July’s.  Now you know why they are named that.  Some of the others will hopefully have tomatoes soon as quite a few have blooms.  They are looking pretty good and I’m very thankful for that.  Was not sure at first.

    Peas are starting to set on.  Don’t have a lot of pea vines.  They didn’t germinate real well.

    Have a zucchini question for anyone who has grown it before.  My plants are beautiful so far. One variety has started blooming, it’s name is Green Machine.  When it blooms sometimes they are female blooms.  Have had a few male blooms but not at the same time.  But the zucchini are growing.  Have three of them about three inches long.  Will they continue to grow?  Don’t see how they could have been pollinated. Have read two thoughts on You Tube.  One says you will see the bloom end start turning black because it didn’t get pollinated.  Another said that they produce anyway but just don’t have seeds.  Guess I will find out. 

    Think my beans are about to bloom.  Don’t have very many plants so we will see.  My cabbage is starting to head too.  Have 2 green and 2 red.  Still have plenty of greens so far too.the petunias I started fomseed are so pretty and smell like a petunia. They 

    Heard it thundering and raining about 9:30 last night.  Guess I won’t have to water this morning.  Didn’t last real long but say around 30 minutes.

    Well not much else to say.  House cleaning day, going to go see J this afternoon if nothing happens.  

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning all, it's nice this morning on the front porch.  So quite and peaceful!

    Enjoyed our company even though it was short. Our son came Saturday afternoon and left Sunday night to go back home where he could be ready for work Monday. My brother and SIL came Friday, went to a homecoming Sunday where my mother grew up and went back home Monday morning because of home remodeling going on. I did notice Lou was a lot better while they were here and Monday afternoon the same old problems came back out. The biggest problem outside of her memory, was if we had conversations going on without her she thought she was being ignored. 

    Guess I dont have enough problems! Had a lot of trouble sleeping Saturday night and when I got up Sunday morning I was peeing bright red blood. I've had kidney stones before and this didnt feel the same, I had some discomfort but no pain. Since our son was here I decided to go to ER instead of waiting till Monday for primary care. Turns out it is a urinary tract infection which is one of the side effects of radiation treatment for prostate cancer. I thought the side effects were just for during treatment and didn't realize it was even after treatment. Never had this before and was given a shot and on a 10 day antibiotic treatment. 

    Take care everyone, 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Already pretty warm - no wind today so that won't be good.  Humidity is a bit lower but it's still hot. There's an ozone alert for today.  Girls went into the barn at 7:30 this morning. I think I saw all of them - walked out into the barn but they were crowded and hard to count.  They haven't all found their places to lay yet.  Tom and Jerry were here and ready to eat.

     My right side is still hurting but I need to finish my mopping today so I won't have to think about that.  Always something to have to get done.

     Sara - we've raised zucchini for years.  I haven't in a long time but Charles and I did for years and years.  I've planted four hills but the last time I looked they weren't up yet.  Need to check that out today.  We never paid attention to male and female blooms - just waited for the zucchini.  If they're growing, they'll continue.   They're almost big enough to eat now.  We always liked to pick them when they were about 6" long - the skin is more tender then.  I love zucchini. I've even taken one for lunch.  I think I told that story - but - I took one for lunch and there were a lot of us sitting at a long table.  Most of them had bought their lunch in the canteen so they had that and I had my zucchini.  I guess they felt sorry for me and began offering me part of their lunches.  It wasn't unusual at all for me to take a zucchini, a tomato, nectarine, peach, etc. for lunch.  I like them raw and in salads, too.   Hope you have a good crop from them.There used to be a restaurant in town that had the best fried zucchini.  They were breaded and probably deep fried.

     Sounds like other things are beginning to grow well, too.  You'll be covered up with good vegetables this summer.  I know you plant a lot of seeds and then transplant them.  Do you sprout them in wet paper towels?  I've never done that but have read about it.  What kind of peas did you plant?  We always had black-eyed peas, crowders and purple hulls - I think that was my favorite.

     Hope your visit with Jean goes well today.  Is her condition worsening?

     Ron, sorry for the urinary tract infection.  Be sure to drink lots of water.  I'm a firm believer in having some cranberry juice every day.  I've drunk that - half and half with OJ - for almost 60 years.  The Urologist I worked with had all his patients drink CB juice every day and eight glasses of water.  So, be sure to drink lots of water.  Great that you got into urgent care Sunday instead of waiting until Monday so you got started on the antibiotics sooner.

     Nice that your visits went well this weekend and that Lou enjoyed them.  Them being gone was another change for her so that's probably why she didn't do so well yesterday.  Hopefully, today will be better.

     Just didn't want to get out of bed this morning so watched Cheyenne before I got up.  You know I woke up at 5:30 and it was already light outside so our daylight is about  15 hours compared to about 10 during the wintertime.  Just more hours to be hot.  It's cool enough in the house - I have a window AC in the bedroom and one in the utility room.  This morning it wasn't running so that was worrisome.  But, it came on soon.  I have it set on energy saver so it goes off and come back on.  I hadn't noticed it doing that before this morning - it's been really noisy though.

     I'll stop and finish my juice and find something for breakfast.  Enjoy the day.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, I know a local woman who does housecleaning.  I can vouch for her honesty, hygiene and cleaning ability.  She is American.  If you are interested, connect with me.  She is an older lady and probably not up to heavy work.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    California is opening up today, June 15th.  I'm waiting to see if I win one of the $1.5 million vaccination lottery prizes.  Otherwise, not much will change for me.  I have gotten used to staying home.  I have nowhere to go.  I'm not going to Disneyland or to a ball game.  Senior centers are not open.  I already stopped wearing my mask outdoors.  


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Zetta, I am late but I am so sorry about your fur baby. I wish I had better comfort words, but I know how hard it is, and how the house just doesn’t seem “right” without them.

    Lorita, glad you have gotten some clarity from Sarah’s doctor. Jo has already given the best advice, her wisdom seems always on target.

    Sayra, we used to grow zucchini, and like everybody, had way way too much! But I do not recall the detail to which you’re asking about.

    Mangos here are starting to ripen and fall now, looks like this will be a good year. I love love love them—but not all varieties are equal! The most common backyard mango is called,”turpentine mango” because it is basically inedible. Some people play wicked tricks on tourists with those. I have to be careful though, mango sap is one of the few things that I have skin reaction from.

    I have been trying to find English speaking home caregivers for my DH, with no success. None of our Housecleaner in years have had English as a good language, but they have some and I can get by. It’s much harder (basically impossible) for DH…our most recent Housecleaner—maybe 10 years—speaks some English, enough to be OK. But she is aging out, and bringing in helpers who speak basically none. At least housecleaning is easier to deal with it than caregiving, and they are honest, show up, and work (no small things from what I hear).

    But serving as a caregiver, I want them to be able to communicate at least some, with DH, and so far that’s been a big problem.

    Right now I am waiting on AC people to show up. (Pre-hurricane maintenance). I feel good today and so many errands to run. Of course that’s when I end up waiting…

    The neighbors cat that seems to have adopted us, is here more and more in daytime. He’s a lover, a real lap cat. Then at night he wants out. I think he goes home, the neighbors work all day and I think he just gets lonesome. Our little doggie still doesn’t like Cat much, but tolerates her better. Same for DH, whose reactions depend on the dog.

    We have very few COVID patients in hospitals now, except one prominent school official. And he was not vaccinated. In fact, none of those hospitalized now are vaccinated. A few doctor offices still ask patients to mask, and I heard some big grumbles about that this week while waiting. But every other place I’ve been, is no mask. I just read about another shooting over masks. If I was a store owner or worker, I’d be afraid to push others to wear—given, of course, I’m vaccinated.

    Hope everyone is well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Rescue Mom - mangos in your yard!  How wonderful.  I dearly love mangos but for me they are messy to eat but no difference - still love them.  I'd still like to have a mango tree, a banana tree and potatoes - I think I could make it with those things - oh, add an avocado tree.  But, here I am where none of those things grow except potatoes.  I can almost make it on those alone.

     Started wondering about my zucchinis I planted so went out and five hills are up.  If they all survive I'll have them running out my ears.  There's at least nine or ten plants.  Also noticed tree sprouts were growing up around the directv receiver so cut some of those back.  It's pretty warm outside - supposed to be 93.

     Rescue Mom - Charles was in the Army and he always said it was "hurry up and wait" so guess that's what you're having to do today.  I hate to wait for anything and it seems I do a lot of that, too.

    Sounds like you have a new cat.  He has two homes - one in the daytime and one at night.  Sounds like a cat we had years ago called Midnight.  He was with us during the day and met the neighbor when he got home from work after MN.  Mitchell said he would be waiting for him on top of the car or PU and they'd have breakfast together - hot biscuits and butter. 

     Called Sarah and she answered! which is unusual.  Said she was having a blood transfusion - had "bugs" in her blood and her blood volume was low so transfusions.  She's still getting tube feedings and IV antibiotics.  Says she's in isolation - everyone who comes in has to wear a face mask and shield.  Can't imagine what happened and what else can happen.

     I took a cute picture this morning of Max and his son, Sammy laying together on the back of my chair.  I've tried to post it and can't for some reason.  I thought it was so sweet - laying facing each other and almost holding hands.  So, this may be the last of my picture-posting.

     Resting a bit, then I'll tackle the rest of the utility room.  I'm throwing away things I've found that I'll never use - have an old microwave to get rid of next week.  I found a box where I'd put a lot of knives and scissors when I was caregiving.  Amazing how many pairs of scissors a person collects.  Threw away some of the knives and don't know what I'll do with the rest of them.  I tend to use just a couple of the ones I have.

     Thanks, Judith - about the cauliflower rice.  I may try that.  I hadn't read anywhere that you cooked it first - thought you made it into rice while it was still raw.  Don't know if I'll like it that way or not. I read somewhere that you can use it to make pizza crusts - don't know how that works.

     Tried again and it worked this time.  That's Max on the left.  They slept like that for over an hour.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    cauliflower soup.....saute some onions in butter and olive oil...add homemade chicken broth and the riced cauliflower...maybe a little.....i you want it thicker start with a roux

    You can do this with broccoli, potatoes,  cucumber, beets etc and add anything you want like cheese, sour cream, garlic

    Ron...please keep us upated

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,  I am glad your picture turned out that is a sweet pict of Max and Sammy, I bet they have fun together.  I wonder why Sarah said she has bugs in her blood? Is that even possible? 

    I hope your side has stopped hurting and you got your mopping done. I shoveled up a small area to plant some flowers and my hip hurt most of the night I had to get my heating pad to relax me enough to go to sleep. 

    Ron,     It was nice for you to have visitors and I bet Lou loved every minuet of their stay.  It was nice that your son was there so you could go to ER and be treated I hope your feeling better and you and Lou are enjoying your front porch. 

    Nicole and Rescue Mom,  Thank You both so much for thinking of me when my kitty passed. I miss him so much.  Rescue Mom you found a kitty that loves you and needs your love. I don't plan on getting another one but if one adopted me I would probably give it a home.  

    I hope you all had a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Judith, the soups sound good and easy to make.  I could substitute vegetable broth for the chicken.  I have some frozen.  Do you make the soup often?

     Zetta - thanks, I thought the picture was really cute.  Max and Kitt are older, not sure how old, and are laid back.  But Lilly and Sammy are a different story.  They're both young and full of energy.  I have cornices over the LR windows and I think they get up there.  I have little metal baskets up there and two of them are down so that's the only thing I can think happened.

     If we lived closer I'd be happy for you to adopt one of the Savannah cats.  They can be very loving.  I laid down on the bed for a couple of hours this afternoon and watched TV and Lilly laid down with me the whole time.  She's long and I had thoughts of measuring her to see how long but haven't done it yet.

     I did get the mopping done, thank goodness, but I've lost my dustpan.  Now, how do you lose a red dustpan?  I threw away a lot of things and even looked in those trash sacks but didn't find it.  How I can lose things,I don't know, but I do.  I lost a hand mirror a couple of weeks ago and still haven't found it.  I took it into the bathroom so I could see the back of my hair and that's the last I saw of it.  I've laid it down and will eventually find it.  I bought another one and thought sure I'd find it the day the new one arrived.

     Still have a little bit to do out there.  We had a couple of small tables and they became catch-alls.  How people (us) collect so many things I'll never know.  I found things I'd forgotten about.

     I don't know if you can have bugs in your blood or not - not sure what she meant. Maybe Jo can tell us if that's possible - and why would she be in isolation.  Beats me.  She did sound some better though until the end of our conversation when she got a bit weepy.  But, I'd be weepy, too.

     Zetta - I just got up and went to the kitchen - Stormy thought he heard something.  When I came back Max and Sammy are on the back of the chair again.  Max has his head laying on Sammy's head.  I've never seen them do that before today.

     Sorry your hip has been hurting.  Seems like when we do something we're not used to, our muscles really tell us about it.  My side is better.  I think I sit in my chair and lean against the arm with my right side and that makes it hurt, too.  Did you notice the heating pad in the picture?  I keep it on the back of my chair all the time.  Glad you got your flowers planted - what kind? 

     Judith - my caladiums are getting beautiful and there's so many more coming up.  I think they'll be really thick.  How are yours doing? 

     Watched the girls come out of the barn this afternoon - some came out and went back in and then they started drifting out.  I think some of the little ones swam across the pond.  They swim across, graze some and then swim back. 

     I've watched Cheyenne and Gunsmoke several times today and the Waltons.  I've started watching Raiders of the Lost Ark but don't think I'll watch it again.  Not much on tonight.  I think Yellowstone begins it's new season this weekend - looking forward to seeing how the cliff hanger came out.

    Stormy, Sheena and I had boiled eggs for supper.  I like them mashed up with salt and pepper and mustard with crackers - and avocado. They ate theirs straight.  Gave them to them whole.

     It's been hot today with little or no wind.  I think there will be more wind tomorrow, I hope.

     Hope all of you have a good evening and an even better night's rest.  Ron, hope you're feeling better by now and that Lou is better, too.  Drink that water!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:


     Called Sarah and she answered! which is unusual.  Said she was having a blood transfusion - had "bugs" in her blood and her blood volume was low so transfusions.  

    "Bugs" is a medical slang term for bacteria.  Hence treatment with intravenous antibiotics and patient isolation.  It does not mean insects!  It sounds like she has septicemia, bacteria throughout her blood.  It's very serious.  


    PS. I did not win the vaccination lottery.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Ron glad you enjoyed your company.  Hope you get past the UTI quickly.

    Lorita is your side feeling any better today?  I hope so.  The picture of Max and Sammy was so sweet.

    My sister said the same thing Lorita.  Said she didn’t pay any attention to the blooms, just watched for zucchini.  Guess I’m a bit nerdy and always trying to figure things out.  You will be overwhelmed with zucchini if those plants take off.  

    Jean is about the same.  Actually no crazy talk yesterday.  She also is starting to talk about others living there and starting to know a bit about some of them.

    Rescue Mom glad you were having a good day and hope that continues.  Here we mainly have two types of mangos available.  One about the size of a grapefruit with green, orange,red, yellow colored skin.  The other is smaller, yellow and sort of oblong shape.

    Yesterday was a very busy day for me.  Cleaned house, took care of plants, had to pick up sticks out of yard from strong wind, went and saw J,  shredded paper for my sister that sold her house for two hours and there is still plenty more to shred. Can’t do it much longer than that as starts making back hurt. They had a business for many years, my BIL was in military reserve for many years also, so the paperwork is unreal.  Going to try and do some more today for her if I find the time.  Another sister is gone to  Florida.  Her oldest son is house sitting for her but I go over at 5pm and let him out for a bit since my nephew doesn’t get home til 9-10pm.  

    My zinnias are starting to grow.  Saw a bud in one yesterday.  They have been one of my favorite flowers for as long as I can remember.  Lorita if you get a chance someday, post a picture of your caladiums.  Mom gave me a small Datura.  Hope it does well.  They are beautiful.  They bloom out huge big white trumpets in the evening.  They smell good and the pollinators love them.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Iris, wonder where in the world Sarah could have picked up that infection - something related to being in the hospital?  Is that called MERSA?  What benefit would blood transfusion be?  Seems like there's one thing, then another, then another,etc.  I don't know how she goes on.  Thanks for the information though.  I worked in a hospital for over 33 years but never heard bacteria called "bugs" - guess it makes sense though.

     Ron, hope you're feeling better by today.  I think it takes a couple of days, at least, for the antibiotics to begin working.  Drink that water - add cranberry juice mixed half and half with OJ - for you and Lou.  It's delicious and such a pretty color.  I also like pomegranate juice and they have it mixed with cranberry so that's good.

     Sara - I also love zinnias.  Zinnias, cosmos and marigolds do very well here in our heat.  Mother always had a couple of long rows of flowers in the garden and those were her favorites, too.  They also make very good, long-lasting bouquets.   I will take a couple pictures of the caladiums; they're getting pretty.  One big pot is just a little over half full of dirt so those are farther down in the pot but they grow and will be as good as the others. 

     My side's okay this morning, thank you for thinking about me, Sara.  It was the motion of mopping and leaning against the chair arm that has aggravated it.  That's the side I had a pulled muscle in a couple of years ago.

     Your Datura is a really pretty plant - we also called them "moon flowers" because, as you said, they bloom at night.  There's also a wild weed called dypsum that has very similar flowers and are poisonous.  There used to be a big bunch of them down by the pond - of course, that was 70 years ago so they're gone.  We've always had dogs and they never seemed to bother the moon flowers or elephant ears either.  I heard on Judge Judy that they're also poisonous to dogs.

      It's already hot and stuffy -  not much wind again today.  The girls started going into the barn about 7:30.  Last one still out was Rose Bud so I gave her some feed.  I was able to count and check them as they went in.  Last ones in were four little ones that were still up at the MH with one mom.  So cute running down from there across the pasture.  I put a couple of sacks of creep in the Gator so I need to put those two plus the two that were already in it into the creepfeeder.  I may not feed creep during the summer - I didn't last summer and everyone did just fine.  I had to jump the PU again - the battery I normally use won't do it so have to use what I call the "scary one".  Has more "stuff" on top of the battery.  I let it run a few minutes, then drove it to the mailbox and down the road a bit.  Time gets away and before I know it, it's been three days without starting or driving it.  The windows or fan don't work so it gets "uber" hot inside.  When I decide to have it fixed I may call Car Shield and have them take it into the shop - they say they also pay tow charges for bringing it home.  I think that battery doesn't work any more and if I remember correctly I had two new ones put in last fall.  They'll have records.

     No mopping today - all finished.  Just have a few more things I want to do out there.  The refrigerator in the utility room is leaking - again.  A couple of years ago it was doing that and the little pipe that drains the defrosted water was stopped up.  The guy fixed it but I'm not sure I'll fool with it again.  I can't get in touch with the guy who was going to clean the barn (may be on vacation) - he's the one I'll try to get to replace the floor.

     Also, in the bathroom, there's the sound of a trickle of water.  With my hearing I can't figure out where it is but I think it's in the stool - sometimes the water level is lower than other times.  Guess it's not hurting anything.  Things are piling up!

     My dry eyes were awful yesterday - really bothered me.  I had ordered some Gen-Teal eye ointment so last night I opened it and put some in each eye.  Left eye did fine but the right eye felt like it had something in it.  The top was hard to get off the tube so I wondered if maybe a little something had gotten into the ointment before I put it in my eye.  Next time I open something like that I'll put a bit on paper or somewhere before I put any into my eye. I guess I fiddled with my eye so much last night that it's a bit sore this morning - no feeling of something in it, just a bit of discomfort.

     Sara - if you touch those Datura blooms, be sure to wash your hands really well.  I didn't mention it but one of the social workers had some moon flowers in his yard and he'd bring those beautiful blooms to the office.  He also had a Southern Magnolia and would bring those.  I can't figure out why ours doesn't bloom.  When I first went to work at the VA Hospital there were several of those lovely trees around the buildings but as time passed and the patient load increased, parking lots took over and the trees disappeared - also several beautiful crepe myrtles.  Oh, my Altheas are beginning to bloom.

     Enjoy the day and try to stay cool.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, Iris is correct; in all probability, what Sarah has is an infection; (bacteria is often called,  a "bug".) When someone gets the flu they often say they have  a "bug," so that is a common word for viruses and bacteria.   It may be that your niece has an incision that has become infected and that infection has become septic in the blood stream - BUT - remember you cannot count on your niece's information to be at all accurate, so the RN you speak to next can inform you; it may be a wound infection and not septicemia; or even a stubborn UTI.      I learned the hard way that my LO gave me much invalid information and some of it just plain made up; so I learned to verify, verify, verify but always listened to my LO because sometimes (not often) what she said was true and she deserved my caring and respect, but verification for fact was always necessary.   Ron, I am so glad that your visitors were a postive experience for both you and your wife.  It sounds as though she really enjoyed the increased socialization.   I wonder, now that adult daycare centers are opening again, if she would enjoy a few hours a day, a few days a week or even once a week in such a setting.   In this, best to call it an activity center or even senior center and pretend Medicare pays for it. If you go with her the first few times, she may possibly acclimate well; and then once used to being there and enjoying herself, she could stay there alone and it would give you some time to yourself.  Just an idea that has worked well for others.  Lou may be missing social interaction with others and it may also be a positive refocus for her during those times.
      As for the zucchini, I was too uninformed to watch the blooms and determine what was what. I simply planted way too many hills of them and they grew like magic and produced zucchini like I was paying them to do it.  Delicious, nearly instant gratification.  Hot here today; there is some cloud cover coming in so that means humidity too.  We will be in the 90's and the energy folks are beginning to whine about rolling brownouts and the risk for systems to break down because of so much air conditioning use.   Unfortunately they never redo their systems and bring it into better capability; their goal is profit $ profit $, ad infinitum and no one forcing them to do what is necessary.  Still concerned about D.C. not putting  priority on the electric grids - if the U.S. grids ever go down due to hackers. or other country attack, our country would come to a screeching halt and the people would suffer greatly for a long, long time with things perhaps never being the same again..  We would be ripe for a take over as nothing at all would work. Think about all the systems that would go out.   Government, military, medical, food, water, sewers, all communication, fire fighters, law enforcement, payroll, banking, transportation and so much more incuding all electric items in our homes.  Boggles my mind why this is not a priority by the government.  Ah well, there may be a reason . . . . but it may not be reasonable. Saw the urologist yesterday; I could not get an appointment at UCLA until July 16; but due to my uro calling  UCLA and speaking to the medical director yesterday, I have an appointment for next Thursday.   Due to traffic we will have to leave about two hours prior to the appointment; hope that will be enough time.   Not feeling comfortable about all of this, but it is what it is and must be.  Sigh. Gosh, all the elderly ladies I used to help and keep contact with from church have all passed away; no more support of that nature needed at this time.   So many lost in the last couple of years; it leaves such empty spaces.    The local school district has created a special "closet," actually a room where they keep gently used clothing for women, children and infants; they also keep diapers, formula, adult hygiene supplies, cleaning supplies, etc.  I like to donate to such places where I know the donations whether financial or actual items are given directly to people "where the rubber hits the road," so to speak.  The school social workers identify the families in need; and of course as always, the need is great.     One of the great needs, mostly unmet, that can be found in every community are the needs of the impoverished or lonely elderly.   Scant programs to none.   Hard to identify the folks left outside the helping organizations because so many of them are not visible or heard from.  I often felt when the churches or other organizations put together trees with childrens's names on them for Christmas gifts, they should also have a white Christmas tree where there would be names of the elderly who could use gifts of necessities.  When I was doing consulting at various med centers, one large HMO setting that I was consulting at had an entire medical department dedicated to the elderly.  At Christmas, the Social Workers took names of elderly who were living on very little; the elders put in their Christmas wishes.  It was heartbreaking.   Most of them asked for warm blankets; second most common wish was for a warm sweater as they could not afford to keep their heat on; others asked for grocery store certificates for food as they would run out before their next Social Security check; nothing was for a luxury item.   This population is dreadfully underserved.   No D.C. First Lady has ever made the elderly her cause.  Guess the elderly are not such great photo ops nor popular political publicity footballs.   We really need to goose that up as a national priority; it is the right thing to do.   Me on a soapbox again. Omigosh, my granddaughter called me yesterday; her other grandmother had a stroke. She is paralyzed down one side and has speech difficulties and facial drooping.  She had been healthy and doing well.  That came out of nowhere, scary business; I so hope for a good recovery for her; it will be a waiting time.  We never know . . . . If you can say a prayer for Sue in Washington state, that would be greatly appreciated.  I saw this recipe for German Potato Salad online this morning; it looks SO good, now I am hungry: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/german-potato-salad-outshines-every-213303400.html Wish she had put the amounts of the ingredients in.  I would love this dish.  Nothing like bacon fat and sauteing onions and other veggies in the bacon fat to add to dishes.  That also does well with making homemade baked beans I do the bacon and then saute the veg ingredients in the bacon fat keeping the fat in the beans - oh my arteries; but oh how delicious!  I do not do that but once in a loooooooog, looooooong, while. I saw an article about a book written by elderly Swedish author, Margarita Magnussen who states her age somewhere between 80 and 100.  She is very funny and the photo I saw of her, wrinkled face and all had her with a smart haircut and holding a glass of something very alcoholic.  Anyway, her book is about "Swedish Death Cleaning."  Not morbid at all, but for goodness sake, how to get a grip and clean the dickens out of the clutter in one's house so one does not leave relatives with a gosh-awful mess of junk when one dies - her book is also a good book for those who are young and need to get a grip on decluttering. In it, she says one can even bring possessions such as favorite books or other items to friends and family rather than bringing flowers to a dinner or whatever, and family and friends would probably be delighted.  Hopefully. She also suggests for the big clean/declutter organization to start in the closet rather than the attic as this would be easier.  Um-m-m; not in my house.  Don't have an attic, but oh heavens, my poor walk-in closet!!  I think I will start doing this as soon as I can work up my motivation muscle, but I will start with my dresser drawers, that is less scary.   My kitchen is good because we had redone it several years ago and I had got rid of all the junque back then.   She says that one should save the paperwork and photos until last as that will take far too much time secondary to stopping and reminiscing.  I think her book is called, "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning."   So . . . . she has something there and as she said, it is not morbid; it is anything but.   She said this cannot be done in a day, a week or even in a few months; it will take far longer than that bit by bit and that is good and one should reward oneself along the way - no, NOT by shopping, a cupcake or movie would do.  Yeah; but not going to start on my closet -  I really want my drawers to not look like a rats nest and that my walk-in closet actually is a walk-in and getting those tiny sized clothes gathering dust banished from my guilt collection.  Heaving one more big sigh here. Time for oatmeal, I have figured a way to even make that more caloric.  I do not like milk in my oatmeal nor do I like a teaspoon of sugar or artificial sweetener.  I did start putting in a tablespoon of natural peanut butter and then found if I put in a teaspoon of jelly to sweeten, it is really good and I look forward to it.  Actually, it was a hospital dietician that taught me to put natural peanut butter in my oatmeal; and it sure is tasty.   (It was my bad self who thought of the jelly - but only a teaspoon.) May the day be one with postives and even unexpected joys, and even jelly if you should be so moved, J.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Sepsis is very serious. Lots about it online. Here is an article from Mayo;


    I hope you will be able to talk with an RN soon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I did talk with the RN who's caring for Sarah today.  She says Sarah has a wound infection so maybe not sepsis?   Also she said she has an ileostomy instead of a colostomy.  I read about the difference and it makes sense.  Sarah said Dr. Cole removed her colon and I think he told me the same thing but that she has quite a lot of the small intestine left.  The small intestine is used in an ileostomy.  Dr. Cole wasn't on the floor so didn't get to talk with him.

     Sarah says the drainage into the bag is very loose and the RN confirmed that - think she said that's usually the way it is with an ileostomy - not formed.  Sarah told me she takes some medication by mouth and in three minutes the pills are in the bag.  Nurse said she had not seen that.  She crushes what she can.  Sarah said they sutured the incision but in two places it's left unsutured and that's where the infection seems to be.

     I'm trying not to read much or watch TV too much today to let the soreness around my eye resolve so I didn't read the article from the Mayo Clinic (I will tomorrow).  Thanks for the information, Judith, you're always on the ball.

     Jo, same with the recipe for German Potato Salad.  I love it but from what you said about bacon, etc., mine is quite different.  I used cubed potatoes, lots of finely chopped onions, pickles and a dressing of mayonnaise, a little bit of yellow mustard and vinegar.  I think that's all.  I should make some and might tomorrow.  I think the last time I made it I cooked the potatoes in the microwave, peeled and cubed them.

     I did get in touch with Shaun about the barn.  he says he's running way behind because of all the rain and he'll be going on vacation on the 24th so I'll call him after the 4th and, hopefully, he'll be able to get to the barn that week.  He said it wouldn't take too long.  I'm a bit concerned about the girls being in a wet barn so asked Mike last night when he called. He said it was all right unless a cow had an infected foot.  I think he knew the wetness was not from rain (if you get my drift). 

     Jo, Carol has been decluttering for months.  She takes things out of drawers and shelves and puts them on her dining table and on Friday her three daughters come and they decide what they want to take.  She's now down to pictures and paper things.  I can only imagine how awful it will be to go through this place after I'm gone.  No one to do it that would care about anything so a big dumpster is in the offing.

     You're right about the electrical grid - think about how we feel when the power is off for a couple of hours, imagine weeks.  Another thing is about the elderly.  What good work you were doing.  When you're young most people don't think about how it really is when you're elderly or mature.  They don't think about the things you can no longer do when you get older.  I can see the difference in myself in just the last year or so.  Kind of scary to think about that.

    Temperature today is supposed to be about 97 and 99 the next couple of days.  Monday and Tuesday are supposed to be cooler (if it ever is cool in the summertime).  I hate to think about Bryon and Shane working in the heat but guess Bryon, at least, is used to it.  He works as a ground keeper at a local cemetery.  He's very careful to watch Shane, who is much younger, to make sure he's not getting too hot and always has lots of cold water for them.  I usually give them a cold coke or ice cream after they're finished.

     I'm going to stop and "listen" to TV for a while.  I think I took a short nap on the divan a while ago and may do the same in the bedroom for an hour or so.

     Zetta, I was watching Gunsmoke this morning and the last ten minutes decided to call Sarah's nurse so missed the last of it.  I'm wondering if you saw it.  Matt and Chester were taking a man to jail and his sons were after them and killed two of their horses.  If you saw it, what happened?

     The althea is beautiful today.  I tried to take a picture of it but the picture just doesn't show the beautiful blooms so tomorrow morning I'll take a closeup of the flower.  I have many of them in the yard and some of them are really tall - mostly purple but I think there's a couple of white ones.

     Back later.  Sorry for mistakes - not going to proofread.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Just saying hi.  Nothing new here.

    Did get my sisters shredding done yesterday.  Got quite a bit more work done outside.  Still plenty left to do though that is how it is.

    Lorita hope you feel better today.

    JoC hope your trip goes smoothly.  Understand totally how stressful that is.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, I always look for your early-morning post.  Didn't see it on my tablet so wondered what was wrong - it showed up on the laptop.

     Now that you have your sister's shredding done - I have a lot so wish you were closer.  I hate to just sit and shred.  I have income tax papers from who knows how far back and bank statements.  Our shredder only takes 3-4 pages at once, if you're lucky so it takes forever.  Last fall I had thoughts of waiting until snow was on the ground and burning it - never got done.  Guess it was too cold.  Same for a lot of feedsacks that accumulated.  This is the first year that's happened.

     I'm fine this morning, thank you.  I put 200 lb. of creep in the feeder this morning before the girls came down, then watched them as they came up.  I try to do that so I don't have to go out into the pastures.  A few went into the barn but most went into the NE pasture.  It seems a bit cooler and there's some wind so guess they decided to stay out and graze a while.  I always look for the five little ones.  Sammy went into the barn with another bigger calf and the other four were busy exploring the mineral tubs.  I did call Mike to confirm what I thought he said the other night about it being all right for the girls to be in the barn when it's so wet from them being inside.  He said it was okay as long as no one had a cut in their hoof - said it even makes it cooler, so I feel better about that.  Just don't want anything to go wrong with them - again, old mother hen.

     I waited for UPS to deliver packages yesterday.  Even called the office to tell them to make sure the guy brought them to the house instead of leaving them at the mailbox.  They never showed up.  The website kept saying delivery would still be made - so, called Amazon and they got in touch with UPS.  Said they'd be here today.  I had some eyedrops in the order so I hate for them to be out in the heat so long.  I even drove down to the mailbox to make sure they weren't there and saw a big tractor and mower in the meadow.  This morning when I was at the creepfeeder I heard all this noise - it was the tractor and mower starting so they're mowing what they can of the meadow.  It's been so wet, they're having to mow where they can at one place, move to another and do the same, then come back when it gets drier.  Odd year.

     Bryon and Shane came and mowed late yesterday - looks so nice.  They found the horn on the car and disconnected it and put the battery cable back on so that's done.  Both of them are so good to do little things like that for me and I so appreciate it.  I think as we grow more mature we appreciate things people do for us more and more.

     Weather just said it's already 81 in Tulsa - supposed to be about 96 here with heat index of 103.

     Nothing on tap for today here either, Sara.  I did look at the zucchini and they're putting on their second leaves - there's nine plants.  Guess I'll have to live on zucchini this summer - which is fine.  Charles had an aunt in Hominy, Oklahoma who loved zucchini bread.  She'd get zucchinis in the summer, shred and freeze them so she'd have it to make bread in the wintertime.  Hers was so good.  I think I have a couple of packages in the freezer so should make some.

     I'll stop and finish my juice.  Stormy and Sheena wanted out about 4:30 this morning so need to get them inside.   Hope all of you are well this morning.  Sara, I'll try to get a couple of pictures of the caladiums in the next couple of days.  They're really not at their peak of beauty yet but are pretty anyway.

     Enjoy the day and stay cool.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Was a pretty day yesterday.  Giving a possibility of nasty weather this afternoon.  Going to try and get some things done early.  Hope to plant a few more bean seeds.  Tried to put up my fences well yesterday eve so they will stay up thru it hopefully.

    A few of my poppies have buds now so they should self seed and I should always have poppies hopefully.  They are one of my favorites also.  My bread poppies are blooming.  They are a beautiful purple.  Will let one self sow and will collect  seed from the other two for cooking.

    Saw some bees yesterday and that makes me happy.  Read that if someone around you has a zucchini plant that a bee can carry pollen from it to yours.  The zucchini continue to grow so will see if they have seeds.  If they do will know they got pollinated. 

    Glad they got your mowing got done.  It always looks so nice when that gets done.

    Took my nephew out to lunch for his birthday yesterday.  Then he took me to show me where he is moving into.  

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just wanted to come out on the porch for a minute to let everyone know I'm ok. UTI is getting better but now after primary care visit yesterday she has ordered a ultrasound of my heart. 

    I'm so tired of my post being so negative and will be glad when I'm more like my old self instead of someone always being the one with problems. 

    Be safe my friends!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Negative?  No. Just keeping your friends in the loop.....just sharing.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, we've never had poppies but I think they're so pretty.  When I was growing up one of my aunts had poppies in her yard - so pretty and bright. Never heard of bread poppies though.

     Hope you get some more rain today.  It's HOT and HUMID here but not as bad as a couple of days ago - today there's a bit more breeze.   Early this morning it was pretty nice but I don't see many leaves moving now.

     Ron, I feel like I'm the one who's always saying I feel bad or talking about Sarah not doing well.  We always want to know how you are - you're our friend and we care about you.  Glad the UTI is improving.  Hope Lou's doing well.

     I almost got charged by a bull this morning!!!  Girls spent the night in the NE meadow so they were coming through a different gate so decided I'd drive the Gator out and try to see them.  I got the gate open and about the same time Sammy (one month old) was going through the lot gate.  He saw me and bellowed like a one-ton bull and pawed the ground kicking up dust.  Had thoughts of charging but backed off.  He was sooo cute.  He's something else - really has a different personality.  About that time his mom heard him and here she came. He was just playing - lots of them do that but I thought it was so cute.  I did go on out to the creepfeeder to fix the bar and Little Bit came up to the Gator and I couldn't get him to get away until he decided to leave.  He's going to be a beautiful bull for someone's herd. 

     Nothing going on here today - woke up with a right-sided headache so took a pain pill, then an allergy pill and laid down.  It's better but took a couple of Motrin so that should take care of it.  Before that I opened those four big Chewy boxes and broke them down and brought in the two 40 lb. sacks of catfood, two 30 lb. sacks of dog food, two cases of dog food and dog biscuits.  Wore me out.  Still have one more box to empty- cheese balls.  Stormy and Sheena love them and will eat them as fast as I can give them. 

      While I was out I took a couple of pictures of the Althea and some of the caladiums. I have probably six, 15-20 ft. tall purple altheas in the backyard and a couple of big white ones (not blooming yet) and several in the front yard.  There's one that's about ten years old out by the corral but the cows keep it eaten back but when it has a chance to bloom it's beautiful.  In the summer I try to keep a little bouquet of them in the house.  They only last one day but they're so pretty - in the hibiscus family.  Sara, the caladiums aren't at their peak yet - still coming up and getting bigger.  I have three colors, always have one that's mostly red and a white and green one along with another variegated.  I'm so pleased with Florida Boys caladiums.   Thanks, Judith for telling me about them. 

     Going to take it easy this afternoon.  Sarah did call.  Waiting for another blood transfusion and is running a fever.  She said they are letting her have a couple of spoonsful of juice over her ice.  I was going to send her some more flowers so called to see if someone in isolation can have flowers.  I was told they're not accepting flower deliveries because of covid.     Judith, has there been an increase in cases in OKC?  I know when I sent flowers soon after she was admitted it was kind of hard to find a florist that would deliver to Mercy Hospital.

     Hope you like the pictures.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thought I'd break this up a bit so there wouldn't be so many to see at one time.

     Zetta, are you still watching Gunsmoke.  I think this weekend is when the new season of Yellowstone begins.  Good - something new to watch.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...call the hospital gift shop an see if they have flowers. 

    Caladiums look good. You will run out of "pot" in a week...lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Judith,  I solved the flower problem.  Called the nurses desk on Sarah's floor and she said the florist could leave them downstairs and someone would bring them up.  So, ordered flowers from Cheevers Flowers in Edmond.  I ordered from them soon after Sarah was admitted and she said they were pretty.  So, they'll deliver them in the morning - ordered Gerbera daisies, daisies and some filler flowers with greenery.  They seem nice to do business with.

     The caladiums are really pretty and growing so fast.  Doesn't seem like but a week ago when they were first coming up.  I have four big pots - one also has wild violets in it so didn't put but a couple of bulbs in it.  I think this fall I'll dig them and try to overwinter them in the house.  I think it's a pretty color combination.  I think I ordered 30 bulbs so that's seven or eight in each pot and it does fill the pots to the brim.  How are your caladiums doing?  I think you said you got all white ones and they were beautiful.  I think I may bring in a couple of a pot for the winter - have never done that.

     It's 93 here but there's a good breeze - still hot though.  Girls are in the pond cooling off.  UPS delivered the crumb cakes from Jimmy the Baker - didn't bring them to the porch - left them outside the double gate.  I cannot for the life of me understand why they always want to go to that gate - the one we use is ten feet from the double one.  Glad I went outside and happened to see them. 

     I've laid on the divan all afternoon and napped a little bit.  Had gotten rid of my headache but it seems to be back a little bit.  Had trouble with that since I put that ointment in my eye a couple of days ago.  A couple of years ago I thought I got something in that eye and went to the ophthalmologist.  Something had been in it and left a few little places on the lid so that seems to bother me from time to time.  Always something to contend with.

     I already had supper.  Seems like now I just eat when I'm hungry no matter what time it may be.  Guess the life of someone who lives alone - do what you want, when you want.  I'd rather have it the other way.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, your caladiums and althea are so pretty. I have an althea as well, but it isn't in bloom yet.

    Busy here the past few days; we have company - my daughter, SIL and three little boys! Enjoying them very much.

    Hope you all have a great weekend.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita,   Those flowers are very pretty. You asked what it was that I planted they where Cleome, I have no idea if they will even come up I keep watching. I have been pretty busy the last few days with my pet nanny job.  I have the week end off so I plan on working a bit in the yard. My son did the first mowing so now I just need to keep the sprinklers going. 

    Yes I am still watching Gunsmoke but I have seen most of them a few times. You asked me about one that was on the other day that one must have been on your channel the one I don't get none of the ones I see have Chester in them. I might try to watch and keep up with Yellowstone there seems to be nothing else worth watching. 

    Lorita,   I hope your eyes are feeling better and hoping you ware sunglasses when you go outside.  I bet that was funny when the baby bull wanted to chase you. You are so lucky to have all that love around you. 

    Sara,   That is so sweet of you to visit with Jean like you do and it sounds like she is settling in.  It sounds like you had a enjoyable lunch with your nephew and I bet he enjoyed it as well. You are a very busy lady.

    Ron,   Thanks for letting us know how you are feeling, we do care and your not being negative your just sharing with your friends. Is Lou enjoying the warmer weather?

    I hope your all having enjoyable weather, it was 89 here today.  Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Thanks, Beth and Zetta.  I like the caladiums because there's so many colors and it's just leaves but looks like pretty flowers.  So easy to grow.  Zetta, when I was working one way I'd go to and from work I'd pass this house with these gorgeous, tall flowers out front.  I had no idea what they were but wanted some.  I don't know how I found out what they were - but, they were cleomes.  When we lived at the MH I had them in a flower bed at the south end of the house.  I think they came back year after year - not perennials but reseeding.  I haven't had those in probably 25 years.   I hope yours come up - very unusual looking flowers.

     Sammy was so cute - just had to tell you all about it.  Many times when we've been out in the CW or Gator a little calf will challenge it, getting in front and acting like they're going to attack. 

     It's been hot here today but there has been a breeze - makes all the difference in the world when it's a cooler breeze.  Girls spent a long time around the pond - not sure where they went for the night.  I hear a tractor or two down in the meadow so guess they're baling some hay.  Earlier today it looks they had tried baling and stopped so it probably wasn't dried out enough to bale.  They mowed all day yesterday and still had 10-15 acres left to mow this morning in the north meadow - don't know about the west one. 

     Water witching:  Do any of you remember that?  Carol called yesterday to see if I knew anything about it.  Her 40 yr. old grandson had asked her about it.  I remember seeing some man witching for water here on the farm when I was a little kid.   Carol said her sister who was six at the time remembered a man witching for water at their place. She told me his name and it turned out he was our neighbor.  I didn't know him but remember his two daughters - they were either close to, or in, high school and I was a little kid.  When I went to the cemetery after Charles passed away the man who was to open the grave either showed me or told me about how they locate unmarked graves. They use the same method and it shows where the ground has been disturbed.  The cemetery where my relatives are is the oldest one in Oklahoma.  It used to be an Indian Cemetery and one of the past Chiefs of the Cherokees is buried there - I think it's John Ross.   There's many unmarked graves and this man had been trying to locate them so they could mark them.  I hadn't thought about witching for water in years.  The man I remembered used a "Y" shaped limb from our type of tree and he'd hold it a certain way and walk and when he passed over where water would be, the end of the diving or dowsing rod would go down toward the ground.  That's where a well would be drilled or dug to find water. 

    Just thought that was kind of interesting.  In 79 years you remember  lot of things that have happened.

     Thanks, Zetta, my eye is some better tonight.  I have really dry eyes and for some reason, even with the high humidity, they bother me a lot.  I always try to remember to wear sunglasses when I go out, otherwise too much light gets in and my eyesight isn't normal for a few minutes after I come inside.  Also can't use a ceiling fan or have a fan blowing on me. 

     Glad you'll have the weekend off so you can enjoy TV.  I can't find what time Yellowstone is on - I think it's either tomorrow or Sunday.  I'll keep looking.

     I found a recipe for butterscotch pudding so I think I'll try that this weekend.  I have light brown sugar and it calls for dark but it'll be okay.  Mother used to make the best butterscotch pies - with meringue on top.  When I was little I didn't like meringue so I'd mix it with the filling before I ate it.  I won't make a pie, just pudding.  Also think I'll roast some vegetables, too.  I made ranch dressing yesterday and it's so good on them. 

     I think I'll go get into bed and watch TV in the bedroom.  I did that last night and fell asleep and when I woke up I thought it was close tomorning and it was only 12:30.

     Hope all of you sleep well.  See you tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    So sorry you are having such a rough time Ron.  Come here anytime and talk.  Often times at least for me talking seems to help a bit.

    We had a 1/4inch of rain yesterday.  Looks like we are getting more today.  On radar appears we will be getting hit with it soon.  

    Sounds like Sammy is a fiesty little character.  Remember people water witching in Kentucky.  I was young so don’t remember a lot about it.

    Your Althea and Caladiums look nice.  Here we call Althea , Rose of Sharon.

    Butterscotch pudding from a box was my favorite as a child.  If you make it from scratch does it taste the same?

    Zetta I raised Cleome once but it didn’t do real well for me.  Don’t really have room for it here. Glad you are getting the weekend off..

    Beth nice that you are getting to enjoy company this weekend.

    Take care everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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