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Just need to talk to my friends (148)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jo, for me there's still too much that's not known about this stuff so I will continue to wear my mask even if I'm the only one.  Not one person, staff or client was wearing a mask at the doctor's office.  I did.  The doctor told me all of her employees are fully vaccinated  which is a requirement to work there. 

     Thanks for the songs.  I'll listen to them later today. Trying to unwind from my trip - about 60 miles round trip.

     I left home about an hour before the appointment, not knowing what our country roads would be like.  It's only about seven miles straight shot to the highway the way I'd like to go but I've been that way thousands of times so know there's a couple of iffy places even in the best of times.  So, went a mile north - that country has done work on their roads - new gravel and some big rocks.  Was going good for about three miles, then a "road closed" sign appeared so had to double back to the iffy road and on to the highway.  I got to my appointment a minute late.  She was busy so that was fine.  She did the exam on both eyes and took my pressure. Nothing in either eye so it is dry eye and my pressure OU was 19 - last June it was 19 and 20,   Holes from iridectomies are open but my cataracts have increased in size maybe 30% from last June.  She told me what to do - I'm doing those things already - no fan blowing on face, humidifier in bedroom, etc. 

     We had a nice talk about cataract extractions.  Many years ago I worked for an ophthalmologist and he did tons of cataracts.  It is so  much improved now, even from what mypersonal ophthalmologist did.  One tiny incision, no sutures, no patch but still a recheck the next morning.  My problem, when I do decide to have it done will be transportation - no driving the day of extraction.  And, because of my prescription - very far-sighted- I'll need to have both eyes done a week apart.  Maybe I'll kick the bucket and won't have to have it done. 

     I've driven that route to town, after I got on the highway, thousands of times but this morning everything seemed different - hadn't been on that highway for a year.  I was glad to be home.  Stormy met me at the gate crying, put his feet on my shoulders and gave me sugar.  Sheena was happy, too - both of them are in the bedroom asleep.

     I did stop at Braum's and got a few things  - new Cappaccino Chunky Chocolate frozen yogurt was one thing. I'm hungry right now so could probably eat a quart but I will restrain myself.

     So, guess I'll have to deal with my dry eyes.  While I was there I heard a couple of other people discussing them so must be common.

     Jo - hope your appointment goes well.  Let us know when you get home.

     I'm glad I did go although we knew chances were it was dry eyes - and I'm glad the pressure is okay. Girls are in the barn so all is quiet here.  Passed several meadows with bales of hay still there and people cutting hay so everyone's trying to make hay while the sun shines.  There's a huge truck in our meadow.  It's the one they use to put down liquid fertilizer and herbicide - they're waiting for someone to come and fix a flat.

     Going to stop and find something to eat - potato chips with homemade ranch dressing?  Probably not.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    that's a long drive...did you have to go to Tulsa?
  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Jo, good luck and let us know how you are.

    Had a meltdown today. Uncle is not wiping his butt so of course there was poop all over the bathroom and him (I have to force him to wash his hands) all in the carpet I just had cleaned (yes he has carpet in all the bathrooms...yuck) 

    I told him he was taking a shower he said "no, I'll take one tomorrow" I told him "if you're I don't get into the shower I'm going home and you will be put into a nursing home" 

    It worked he got into the shower.  As I was cleaning his bathroom I cried. At least he's clean for now anyway.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  I apologize for not checking in sooner.  I read and keep up, but was kind of in a rut and staying away.  I think it was a side affect of the prednisone.  Good news, I’m dropping down in dose and not having any breakthrough pain or symptoms so far.  My CRP inflammation number is normal, and the ESR is only 18 points high.   Such good news.  Dr. decided to hold off on the new meds for 6 weeks.  If ESR doesn’t drop, I’ll have to be on the new med.  I’m sure hoping it all goes well.  I feel so normal most days, and am back doing most of my usual routine.  Happy about that.

    Happy Birthday Lorita.  What a party Jo has planned.  I want to be there too.  I guess we are in spirit.  Glad your eye problem isn’t anything major and you have suggestions to help with relief.  I can picture Sammy pawing the dirt like a big bull.  I bet that was cute.  Made me smile.  

    It’s good Sarah has to stay in the hospital.  Sounds like they’re trying to do everything to help her heal and hopefully have a better life.  

    Nicole, I’m sorry you had a hard day.  Harv did that at memory care center once and I was scared they would kick him out.  Thankfully it is fairly common and they were understanding.  I feel blessed he didn’t do that at home.  

    Sara, sounds like your garden is doing well.  That’s a lot of work, with great benefits of eating fresh produce.  I didn’t do much planting this year.  I have two pots on the porch.  Has to be enough this year.  The flower gardens around the house are pretty this year.  Your pictures of your yard are beautiful.  

    Jo, good luck with your appointment and procedure.  I’m sure you’ll be happy to have that behind you.  The music links are wonderful.  I enjoyed listening.  Beautiful!  

    Zeta, I’m sorry you lost your kitty.  It’s hard to get over not having them around.  You keep busy with your pet sitting jobs.  You were talking about elk in your yard.  We have many herds of them here too.  They usually don’t come near the towns, but see lots of them in fields and mountains.  

    Ron, sure hope your health problems are resolving, and that Lou is staying calm.  I hope you’re enjoying the warmer weather and able to get out on long drives.  My dh loved to ride in the car.   

    Beth, you seem to keep busy and have fun.  Your flowers are beautiful.  Hi to Judith, Shirley, and everyone on here.  Have a great rest of the day.  Stay cool.  Joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Joan,  It was nice hearing for you and Thank you for thinking of my kitty, it still is hard but I feel his sprit in every room. I am glad to hear that your feeling better and things are starting to get back to normal. 

     Jo,   Thank You for the videos the music was beautiful and I loved watching all the children singing, thanks for reminding me it is a Beautiful World. I am reminded of that many times by all the people on this forum. Your all Beautiful. I hope your visit to the Dr went well.

     Lorita,   I am glad you made the trip to town and got home in one piece. Maybe when the time comes you decide to have that done to your eyes your Dr may have some options for you. I know we have volunteers in our little town that will get Seniors to and from the Drs. office. I know the distance you have to travel is 60 miles but it won't hurt to ask. There is also UBER drivers the town your Dr is in may have them. 

    Nicole,    I am sorry you had a meltdown but I totally understand and you needed that cry. My bathroom is also carpeted and I had old blankets laid down around the toilet and in the bathroom so when the accident happened I either threw the blanket away are washed it depending how bad it was. For me cleaning those messes up was the worst part of caregiving.  

    Sara,  I am sending you wishes for some sunshine. We have been getting some light rain but this weekend it will be hot. I am hearing thunder right now.   That was a good idea Lorita gave you to call Lowes I know if I needed some one I would call ACE hardware and ask them. We have a ACE right here in out little town and I think they would have some ideas. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    No, didn't go to Tulsa - just to the town where I used to work.  I made that round trip every work day for 33 yr. and 3 months.  The car didn't even have to be steered because it was so used to it.  Couldn't do it now every day.

     Jo - the music was beautiful.  Stand By me - who recorded that song? - very familiar.  Thanks - like Joan, I really enjoyed it.

     Joan, glad to see your post and to hear you're still improving.  Hope it continues to go well and you can get off the other medication, too.

     Jo plans great parties - lots of fun.  It's pretty hot on the porch in the summer time but all right if there's a breeze.  Today has been beautiful - just 82 right now with low humidity.  That's what really gets us in the summertime.

     I didn't plant anything either except the caladiums and a few zucchini.  I do hope they go ahead and do well.  I like zucchini many ways.  Gardening is a lot of work but like you said you reap your rewards and everything is so much better.

     I'm glad I did go see the eye doctor - reassured me.  Funny how a doctor can tell you what's wrong and it eases your mind.  Just hard to understand why it was only one eye that bothered me.  She said it the headache was from sinuses and, remember, my doctor x-rayed my head when I hit it a couple of months ago and told me I had really large frontal sinuses so I'll try to remember to take my allergy pill every day. There's so many weeds around and trees to bother a person.

     Sammy is a cutie pie and little Dixie looks just like him.  I'll post the picture of him so you can see how they look alike.  Just went out to see the girls - came up nine short so checked the barn and I think there were four big cows and five babies - anyway, there were nine so the count was right.  When I started out there Penny, Jr. saw me and took off to the barn - she'd left Dixie in there.  Kind of an odd name for a boy but I've known one man with that name so guess it's okay.  Guess I could call him "Lee".  That would work.

     One of the pictures is of five of the little ones.  They had been bedded down together and were getting up when they saw me coming.  Another picture is of Rose Bud who I talk about all the time.  She's 21 so I'm trying to keep her going by feeding her every day or so.  She's standing by the Gator with Stormy laying on the seat.  You know sometimes I wonder how much longer I can run cattle but I so hate to give it up.  It just makes me feel so much better to go out and be among them.  Guess if I quit, there would still be cattle here but I know ours and they're gentle for the most part.

     Just kind of snacked this afternoon so I need to find something for supper.  The doctor also told  me to drink a lot of water - do that already - anything to keep hydrated, I guess. 

     Joan, glad you're still reading - as you feel better maybe you'll post more often.  How are your granddaughters?  I know it means so much to you to be close to them and to be able to enjoy being with them.

     Now to find something to watch on TV tonight.  Wonder when Yellowstone will begin again?   See you all tomorrow.

     On the picture of Rosebud and Stormy, notice the tree in the background.  That's the over 100 year old tree I talk about - it's almost gone.  Another windstorm or icestorm and it will probably be history.  Also if you look closely you might be able to see the girls way down in the pasture - in front of all those trees along the road.  One picture is of Penny, Jr. and her baby - notice her pretty horns - another just of some of the girls.  Hope I don't bore you all with my pictures of cattle and flowers - no people to take pictures of.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Hello everyone! My daughter, son-in-law and their 3 boys (8, 3, and 8 months) just left today after a week visiting us. They live in TX and due to Covid we hadn't seen them in a year and a half. We enjoyed them. We played at the park and in the sprinkler and the 8 y.o. played a lot of games. They got to play with their cousins, my son's kids. Lots of reading books to the 3 y.o. as well. We got 1 1/2 inches of rain between Sunday and today, with more on the way.  So grateful as we are in drought and on phase 1 water conservation measures now. That means we can only water our lawns (I don't water my lawn at all) 3 x a week, on certain days if  your house # is an even number, and other days if your house has an odd number. On the news they said that the number of gallons per day has gone down substantially over the past week. Regarding the rain, there are thunderstorms in the state (southeast of us). They are reporting golf ball sized hail.

    Joan, so glad you are feeling better!  Ron and Jo, I hope you also will feel better soon. Lorita, I loved seeing the photos of your cattle and Stormy on the Gater seat! They are beautiful! Is the new little boy named Dixie Lee? Did Sarah name him? And how is Sarah? Hope she is feeling better. She has been through more than any person should have to deal with. Nicole, I am sorry for what you are dealing with. This disease is so awful. But you do what you need to do to help those you love.

    Crushed and Lady Texan made some beautiful pies! Yum! The next one I make will be French Silk, not sure when though. I made Scotcharoos and my grandson helped me make chocolate chip cookies and also brownies. The brownies were Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free. Rich, dark chocolate - Wow! Wonderful and highly recommended. Of course those goodies are all gone now. 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    A belated Happy Birthday, Lorita!

    What a wonderful birthday song, birthday cake and birthday party Jo prepared!

    I'm glad you got in to the ophthalmologist today.  I have had dry eyes for years.  I was able to wear hard contact lenses for years until I developed Sjogen's Syndrome and had to go back to eyeglasses.  I've never been able to wear any type of contact lenses again, although I tried.  You might ask about wearing wraparound sunglasses or even goggles when outdoors, to keep the wind and the sunlight away from your eyes.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Those are good suggestions Iris.  My sister has that syndrome too.  

    Nicole you have been doing this for awhile.  It does become mentally challenging.  Rented a double once that had carpet in bathroom.  Knew an older lady who said carpet was the nastiest thing ever invented.  Think she may be right about that.

    Joan prednisone can do that too people.  Hope you are able to get off of it soon.

    Zetta it is a wonderful world in ways.  Far from perfect but I try to look for good things.    Found garage door fairly easily.  There are two good companies in town, each reliable.  What I am unsure about is getting new steps up to my sun porch.  Once the garage door is taken care of will work on that if able.

    Lorita I love seeing the pictures of the cattle.  Wish there was a field of them around me.  Now I will have a face to put with rosebud’s name.  Wish I lived closer so I could take you for your cataract surgery.  Used the cab when I had mine and they were very efficient.cost me about $40 each day.  Had to have mine on two separate days also.

    Is there an Agency on Aging in your area?  If there is they will probably help you find transportation for medical procedures.know you don’t like to think about this but it is one of the advantages in being in a retirement setting.  Many of them provide transportation for medical reasons and grocery shopping.  Something I am going to keep in mind as I move forward.

    Beth glad you got to have a nice time with your family.  Planted some of those bubblegum petunias and they are doing beautifully.  Thank you for the suggestion.  Glad you are getting rain.  Is a bit strange here this year.  We have a lost of rainy, misty days but still a little on the dry side as get small amounts most of time.

    Picked a few peas yesterday.  Will have them for lunch hopefully.  Won’t have too many as they did not sprout real well.

      Take care everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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