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Just need to talk to my friends (149)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.  Stormy and Sheena wanted to go outside so when I let them out decided I'd see what was on TV.  I found Designing Women.  One of my favorite shows in the 90s.  This is the first time I've seen it back on TV.  Also I was hungry so had some milk and a cookie (well, three, little cookies).

 Iris, I wear fitover sunglasses that are dark and they wrap around and are kind of wide on the sides.  If I don't wear them when I go outside things are kind of dark when I come back inside for a while.  It's the iridectomies and cataracts that are letting too much light in.  I'm glad I did go to the eye doctor yesterday.  I don't use a ceiling fan but the AC in the bedroom blows toward the bed so I need to put a pillow up against the footboard to keep it from blowing on me.  When I was in my 20s I tried wearing hard contacts, too.  I didn't have enough tears so that didn't work.  I've worn glasses since I was nine so I'd feel naked without them.

 Thank you, Iris, for the birthday wish.  It was a good day - seems like they really come around fast. 

It's really cool outside - felt good when I let the GPs out.  Glad you liked the pictures.  It's really restful to be out among the girls and to just sit and watch them.  Stormy thinks he should go anytime I get in the Gator and it makes me feel bad when I don't let him.

 Beth, how nice that you were able to be with your folks this weekend.  Sounds like you all had a lot of fun. Also glad you got some rain - hope you get more.  We only got a little shower day before yesterday -  just enough to settle the dust.  The weatherman said it's supposed to be rainy next week so  hope you get some more, too.

 Sarah and I had a nice, long conversation on my birthday - seemed like old times.  She had to have her feeding tube replaced again.  They crush her pills and put them through the tube (those they can crush) and they weren't flushing it like they should so it was plugged up.  They couldn't open it up so had to replace it.  She has hopes that things will begin to improve - still talking about going home and I haven't said anything to her about a rehab center when she is discharged.  I'll leave that to the doctors.

 Carol and I were talking about the new baby and she said "are you going to call him Dixie?"  So that's where the name came from.  That's my name and she thought since he was born on my birthday I might name him that.  Full name is Dixie Lee so I may call him Lee.  Lorita was my sister's name.  Hard to believe she's no longer with us.

 So glad I don't have to get up and go somewhere in the morning.  I'd be perfectly happy not getting off the place - and that's just about what I'm doing. Guess all those years of commuting was enough.  I think the roads are in worse shape than I've ever seen them.  The awful weather we had in February where the road fell in - just collapsed and usually on a hill which I think is odd.  Then, the foot of rain that washed  away parts of it.  Our County is not very good at keeping the roads in good shape either so there are roads people should not attempt driving. 

 Guess I'll activate the new phone tomorrow and see if they can get my contacts transferred - sure would hate to have to put all those numbers back in one at a time.  Just hate to have to learn to use something new.

 I hope all of you are sleeping - it's still three and a half hours until I normally wake up so after Designing Women goes off I'll go back to bed. 

 See you in the morning.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Mostly cloudy this morning which, our weatherman says, is notice that our weather's about to change again - moisture coming back in so it'll be hot and humid tomorrow.

     Sara - glad you found the garage door.  I just came back in the house and there was an advertisement for a garage door company on TV - thought about you. 

     There's a company or agency in the town not too far from us called KATS that transports people when the need arises.  When I came out of the doctor's office yesterday one of their vans was there.  Patsy said she and Jack had used them - small fee.  I'm not thinking about the cataract surgery until it's absolutely necessary.  I asked the doctor yesterday if mine were ripe - they're not - but she says they no longer wait until they're ripe to extract them.  Still good as far as driving goes so that will probably be the deciding factor.  Hopefully, I will never have to have it done.  I had always hoped my ophthalmologist would be the one to do it but he's retired.  I think he did everyone's cataracts in this part of the state; he did mothers, daddys and Charles and several friends but this other doctor, who he highly recommended, is younger and a little more up to date, I guess.

     Pretty out this morning.  I'm sitting in the chair with the front door open watching some of the girls across the pond. There were two little ones playing in the edge of the water.  I'll try to see all of them as they go into the barn but it's cool so they're stay out and graze a while.  I see Rose Bud laying down on the other side of the pond.  I've always wondered why she walks all the way around the pond to the other side and the other day I saw her swimming across - guess it's easier to swim than walk.

     Time for juice and hot tea so I'll see you all later. Anxious to see how Jo's appointment went yesterday.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good morning; 6:00 am here, been awake since 3:00 am - my usual time since I have "matured."  Seems four hours sleep is all my body wants.  Never have been a sleep-in sort of person, and so many, many years getting up way before dawn to get things done for children, etc. before I went to work as an RN which means early start time, has cemented getting up before the rooster timing for me.  Every time I read an article about the need for many more hours sleep I feel neglectful, but no matter how I try or decide to do better, it is the four hours still standing.  Sometimes I take a little snooze in an afternoon, but not often; and usually that happens without intent when I am quietly reading.  Since the significant severity of bilateral knee arthritis, I am not able to do much I used to do before it got that bad, so I do not have the robust physical go - go - go I had for all of my life.  Have to accept that and remember how blessed I have been and am.  I never forget that, ever; always thankful.

     The photos are lovely, Lorita.  Truly; what a beautiful ranch you have.  It looks not only beautiful, but very peaceful.  You work very hard to keep it all going.  I like the mind picture you describe of your sitting, watching out the door at the girls and the pond enjoying the soft weather and sweet sights.   You are so much a part of that land; like a hand in a glove and I sure do understand how much you love it.   I am really happy to hear your eyes are alright and that it was basically dryness, a big relief I can bet and as Sayra says; a burden lifted.

     Yay!  Sayra got her garage door!

    Joan!   It is wonderful to hear from you; I have been thinking of you and wondering how you were doing.  I am delighted to hear that you have been improving; that sure is good news especially when one can drop a med that brings its own challenges.   Whoever said patience is a virtue, in all probability had not yet had any significant ongoing health issues.  It is not easy either physically or within the mind and spirit.

     Zetta; I think of you up there in beautiful Oregon where you are. Our son near Medford had a humongous storm with thunder and lightening that went on and on yesterday.  Glad you enjoyed the music.

     Nicole; I am so sorry for what is happening; it does look like the handwriting is on the wall for a change in plan not too far in the future. You have done a heroic and herculean job of it all and that is an understatement.   How are YOU doing?  I have shuddered at some of the weather reports there; horrific. I remember visiting our daughter in Arizona where she had been transferred for work.  Oh geeze, lowest it got was 109, and the worst was 120!!!!  And I do not do heat well at all.  There I was in the middle of "hot flash"days - and omigosh, the air conditioner went out in our car.  Talk about melting.  Hurry back to the motel, crank up the a/c, take off shirt and sit in front of a/c unit going full blast while drinking a bottle of ice cold water!  Finally got the hot flash fire put down.  My hair was soaking wet.  Puff, puff, pant, pant!   Could never live there.  I remember the grocery store parking lots being filled with cars at 11:00 at night; people shopping for groceries while temp was not as evil even though it was still pretty darned hot.  Don't know how they do it.

     Sure was sweet to hear about Beth's little visitors; what a special time with the kids; and I do miss all of that now that ours have grown and are far out of state.  Nothing like playing games and talking with the children and best of all; reading story books.  They will have sweet memories of their childhood and you are doing that for them; and oh boy, cookies and brownies too!

     Iris; how are the kitties doing now that the weather is getting warmer; at least you are not that far from the ocean, so that is a big plus. 

    Okay; went to UCLA yesterday - a nearly two hour drive there and a dread little over two hour ride home in gosh-awful traffic and at one point a one lane only traffic jam. So glad to get home.   So much kerfuffle; little did I know those stones have been sitting there for years and not a single symptom - until suddenly, there were all at once - and they waited for me to get "mature" before attacking me.  Geeze.

     The urologist said the kidney stone is huge, and is very dense which is why lithotripsy was not effective.  Plan is, to do a ureteroscopy - he will go up through the stent with the ureteroscope and then . . . blast the kidney stone with a laser . . . . then retrieve as much stone as he can with a basket.   Cringe!   I also have a 5mm stone in the other kidney, and if the first procedure is easy and does not take too long, he will also go after the other so I do not have future problems with that one.  At even 5mm for the small one, he said it may pass, but not without difficulty and in some instances may have difficulty doing so.  I will have to have a new stent for about a week.  He was a very kindly fellow.  He was recruited from USC to UCLA.  He is the Director and Professor of Clinical Urology and has enjoyed very high ratings from patients.    He is also a specialist with the technology and teaches other Urologists, I noted that he enjoys an excellent reputation, so it helps to know that.  Still . . . . not feeling comfortable, but who would.

     I will have to be at the Santa Monica Med Center; guess that my not being familiar with the area, the physicians, the hospital, etc., is part of my feeling so ill at ease and actually and frankly, pretty well unsettled.  So hope all goes well and that the kidney stone issues are out of the way and that I do not have a repeat; however, most folks with stones will form new ones within five years - Aaargh!

     Got a UCLA booklet on Stone Prevention. Amongst the needs are to drink - "at least" 96 ounces of water a day.  Uh-oh; I usually do 60 - 70 per day if I am attentive.  I wonder how I am going to get 96 ounces in.   Also recommend 5 servings fruit and veg per day which is no problem, I get more than that.   Also states no more than 4 ounces of animal protein per day; meat makes urine acidic which causes stone formation.   Okay; I am not a big meat eater anyway and pretty much do only chicken, turkey and fish.

     Also of interest is that one needs to maximize citrate in the diet to minimize stone formation.  They recommend 4 ounces of fresh lemon juice in 60 ounces of water  day; or - get this - Crystal Light in water.   One can take Potassium Citrate in prescription, but it coms with a need to watch and have labs at intervals as it is a form of potassium. Guess I will get mine naturally. 

      Something I am not good at is it is necessary to get adequate calcium in the diet but NOT - repeat that - NOT with a supplement; but with food.  Need 1000 to 1200 mg a day.  I will get to work on that; come on yogurt!

     Okay; for those of you who have had stones, and those who wish to avoid them; talk to your doctor, but these are the things, per UCLA to avoid:

    AVOID:  Vitamin C supplements, it makes oxalates in the urine - (use fruits); avoid Calcium supplements as they have high levels that contributes to stone formaton; instead use foods such as yogurt, cheese, milk and beans.

     FOODS TO AVOID:  Those high in oxalates such as Spinach, Beets, Soy Products, Almonds, Potatoes, Raspberries,  Brewed Tea, and confusingly, Legumes (they recommended beans and lentils in place of meats; so wonder which legumes - I will have to call and find out)

     I love many of the items there but do not eat much of them, so that is good.  Have to shake my head as some of those food avoidances are highly recommended for overall health and in other conditions.  Honestly, just a pain in various portions of one's anatomy.

     So, that is it in a nutshell.  I will get a call from the surgery scheduler to get my OR date, it will be regular OR, not an OP surgicenter.  If only it was an easy and fast ride home; my biggest concern is after discharge, getting caught in a traffic jam with pain and/or with the urgent need to "go" NOW - which can certainly happen with a stent.   I have a dramatic imagination, so that is having quite a time knocking on my head.

     Can you all come with me? 

     Still cringing,


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, happy belated birthday! Hope all goes well with your new phone. My last new one saved everything for me, I think because I used the same SIM card (?) The provider and number and brand stayed the same—just a newer version—so that helps I think. Glad Sayra sounds better.

    Sayra congrats on garage doors! Doesn’t it feel good to get things done. Now those steps…I had to have our 4 wood steps (and 2 wood rails) on the deck replaced a couple months ago. Apparently steps are harder than they look. It was hard to find somebody, but I think that’s affected by so much new construction here, nobody wants to do “small” jobs….

    Wow, you are all giving me the feels with the medical stuff…jo has all my sympathy for the extra kidney stone procedures. I’ve dealt with them twice—10 years apart, as she said—with lithotripsy, relatively easy and worked on mine.

    I had my cataracts removed about 8 years ago; DH has his removed as well. That was the most “nothing” procedure ever, and a world of different, hugely different, from when my mom had hers out around 1999-2000. She had to wear patches, restrict movement, all kinds of things. I had to be the needed caregiver. 

    But when we had ours  done, it was laser, I was in and out in a few hours, and NONE of those restrictions my mom had. The next day had no after-effects or things to avoid— I think they said don’t run a marathon (small joke). It was like nothing had happened to me, except  I could see a lot better! It was a process that changed dramatically to lasers in just a few years.  I like younger docs for these things, I think they are comfortable with, and informed on the new medical technologies/tools/equipment that seem to be used for everything now.

    Transportation has been my biggest issue recently. I’ve had several same-day procedures where you are knocked out, and docs will not let patients drive. But they don’t let them take taxis or Uber etc. It has to be friend or family, and the staff had to meet and talk with them. They say it’s liability, because you are impaired and bad things have happened (like one in one million rides) with hired drivers. But most friends and family work. There’s been a couple that helped, but it took some arranging.

    This morning (I’m in S. Fla) it was 78 degrees at 7 am with a feels-like at 99. Right now it’s 89 degrees with 70 percent humidity….yes, it’s miserable. You are soaking wet the minute you step out, even after dark. The feels-like has been well over 100 for days, because humidity. Lots of heat records broken. Hope it doesn’t mean hurricanes…if our power goes out, no AC, and mold and mildew get bad in just a couple days.

    We are having a great mango year! So many varieties coming in now, and they can taste really different. I break out from the sap, though, and must watch that. Someone asked about bananas…they are common, but extremely cold sensitive. Even lower 40s will kill them off. But they come back fast and easy.. I used to pick big stems full of bananas out of neighbors’ yard trash piles, they’d spoil before we could eat them all. Many people don’t like that they produce messy “trash” in their yards. A good one will put out a lot, seriously lots, of bananas.

    Avocados are also common, but they are quite large with a smooth bright green skin, and NO flavor.  People give them away, but I’d rather get the smaller, bumpy skin dark colored ones (usually from California) at the store. I want it to have a taste! Lots of lychees here too; they have been scarce the last couple years.

    Same with lemons. No comparison between fresh lemon juice and bottled. Fresh is so much better, and can be frozen. But wowzer Jo, 4 oz. of lemon juice daily sounds like lots of juicing for you. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Goodness, Jo, what a day you did have!  All that traffic and being in it so long.  Even my 60 mile trip has me stove up today along with carrying two heavy sacks, one in each hand.  I know better - when I do that it always bothers my costochondritis.  So, I've laid around today and done nothing except the necessary things.

     I so hope everything goes well with your procedure and that you don't have to wait too long to have it done - waiting is always so hard on your nerves.  Hopefully, you'll be able to get both kidneys evacuated of calculi in one setting.  You know when I had cholelithiasis, those had been in my gallbladder for years. The doctor said many people have them with no trouble.  I had lost 84 lbs. and my doctor said that along with drinking lots and lots of water caused them to come to the forefront.

     I think of your calculi and remember the stag-horn calculus the Urologist I worked for removed from one of our patients.  Kidney stones must be so very painful - I can remember big, strong men coming in and crying like everything when they were trying to pass stones.  So, the information you gave us about what to eat and what not to eat is worth doing.  I usually drink about 60 oz. of water a day along with iced tea and sometimes some Pepsi.  I've given up taking calcium because those horsetablets are so hard to swallow.  I usually do take vitamin C in the wintertime to help stave off colds but may not from now on.

     On TV I see that awful traffic in Los Angeles and I cringe at that.  I think I passed one car yesterday on the dirt roads - hate that because the roads aren't wide and there's always the chance of sliding in a ditch if you get too close.  I did notice that the traffic seemed to be heavier on the main highway.  I've always travelled the old highway that goes into the new one about five miles south of town so there's hardly any traffic on that one. 

     I saw something really sweet today - seems like I see something like that every day.  I was watching the girls come up to the barn with all the calves, big and little.  All but a few had come up and I saw a little, bitty baby get up out of the grass on the other side of the pond and start toward his mother - Penny, Jr.  He was slow and she was in a hurry to get in the barn so she stopped and waited and he came a bit closer.  Guess that wasn't fast enough so she turned around and probably said something and he picked up speed.  They take such good care of their little ones.  I guess all animals take care of their babies like that.  There's an ad on TV advertising some nature show and it shows a gorilla, I think, sitting on a log or tree limb with her baby beside her. He starts to leave and she doesn't look but reaches out and grabs him by the leg to stop him.  Guess mothers do have eyes in the back of their head.  I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures - it is pretty land and beautiful girls, I think.

     Jo, I love this place with all my heart just like mother and daddy did.  How hard they worked to get it paid off and taken care of.  I do the best I can to take care of it - I'm just a steward of the land so do my best.  I have all the perimeter fences rebuilt except for about 3/8 mile and lots of the crossfencing is new.  Hate it when cattle get out. All the fences were very old - all of it built by daddy and an uncle or two.  One we had rebuilt this spring was probably 70 years old with the exception of some t-posts put in when needed.  I remember being with Uncle Carl when he was building it and pestering him.  I was a mean little kid.   I hate to think of leaving.  Like Darwin said that he wanted to die on his tractor - I want to kick the bucket here but be found fairly soon so something won't eat me.  Awful thought.  With that I'll get off the subject.

     Rescue Mom - we have three wooden steps at the back door and the bottom one is sinking some.  A couple of men who used to do work for me from time to time fixed them but that was a few years ago and now they need it again.  Our front steps are concrete. 

     I hope my phone will let me transfer contacts, too.  If I'd known when I got it I could have designated that the contacts were to be saved to the SIM card but I didn't so I think they're just on the phone.  I was going to have it activated today but just wasn't in the mood.  Glad you were able to get your contacts transferred.  If I lost mine I'd be up a creek without a paddle, so to speak.

     I know the way they do cataract extractions has improved so much.  When mother had hers done there was quite a long incision and it leaked and had to be resutured. The way my doctor yesterday explained it, there's a very small incision that doesn't require sutures.  They break up the lens inside the capsule and suck it out, then insert the implant which is folded in quarters.  She said when it gets inside the capsule it flips open and then they tack it in two places.  This doctor at Triad doesn't require a patch - the only restriction is not driving afterwards and not lifting anything over ten lbs. or bending over repeatedly.  The next day you can drive and have to go in for followup.  Still I'm going to wait as long as I can.   She said I'd have to have mine done within a week or each other because of the difference in vision in each eye.

     Oh, all those wonderful fruits.  I had no idea there were different kinds of mangos.  I love them even though, to me, they're messy to eat.  I've made ice cream in the Ninja using frozen mangos and frozen pineapple - delicious.  We used to get the big, light green avocados - I remember we liked them but we don't see them anymore. We grew an avocado plant from one of the seeds - it had a straight trunk and a limb on each side that looked like arms.  We kept it for a long time - inside in the winter and outside in the summer.  But, one winter we failed to get it inside.  No idea how big they have to be to bloom - this one never did and was about 5 ft. tall.  I like the ones we get, too - the dark ones with bumps on them - such a good taste.

     So they grow bananas in Florida?  Had no idea.  Bananas are so hard to keep here in the summertime because of our humidity.  You can get them one day and they've turned brown in 3-4 days.  I try to freeze them when they start to turn brown - sprinkle them with lemon juice and put them in a LocknLock container and they do pretty well for smoothies.  I buy very few lemons - I often wonder when I watch The Waltons where they got all the lemons to make lemonade.  I'm sure fresh lemonade is delicious but I use Country Time pink lemonade mix.  Maybe I'll get some lemons next time I go to the store.

     I haven't accomplished anything today - did put the Vectra 3d on Stormy and Sheena.  Kept them outside until about 12:30.  They're not supposed to be around cats for 24 hrs. but the cats and GPs don't really associate very much so guess it's okay.  Didn't even go to the mailbox today.

     Full moon tomorrow - Strawberry Moon so named because this is the month strawberries get ripe.  They're having a Green Corn Festival this weekend in Bixby and a Sweet Corn Festival in Ft. Gibson.  Didn't know it was time for sweetcorn but guess it is.

     Hope you all have had a good day and will have a good night's rest.  Jo, maybe we can sleep all night tonight.  Hope so.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Hope each one of you got a good nights rest.  Yesterday was a beautiful day.  Temperature was just right, in the 70’ s.  Lorita home is my favorite place too.  That is hard for my sisters to understand.  To me a relaxing day is to set on my porch, drink and eat something refreshing, watch the birds.  When night comes go to my bed and my bathroom. Prefer a day trip over an extended vacation.

    JoC let us know the day, and I will go with you in the way I am able, saying a prayer for you and those taking care of you.

    Rescue mom it is hard for me to find people to do small jobs that take skill like a set of steps.  My one BIL is very good about helping me with certain ones such as putting up a mailbox.  Once the door is done then I will start calling a few places to see if I can find someone.

    Thanks for the avocado information.  Wondered if this was a good mango year.  Bought one last week, was very pretty and fairly cheap.  Don’t think I have ever seen a lychee here.  Don’t even really know what one is.  

    Hope I never need to drink that much lemon juice. It irritates my bladder.  Love it, and do drink it in very limited amounts.  If I drink very much will be running to restroom very frequently and I mean running lol.

    Rescue Mom  try googling medical transportation in name of your city and state.  You may well find some company that does that. Here there is at least one and I believe there are more .  Know one is called elite and they are just regular cars.  Looked it up and they will transport to four major cities in northern Ohio.  Think the one transports all over the state.  Have no idea what charge is.  If you have an Agency on Aging in your area contact them.  They may provide some assistance or be able to refer you to someone.  Did not know any of this when I had my cataract surgery so used the cab.  Called them about a week ahead of time and they to,d me they do this a lot.  They did a great job for me.  Actually I did not tell the surgery place til I got there and gave e them the phone number to call.  They didn’t say anything to me.  Really had no other option.  They only did it on certain days and no one was available that day.  But now I’m aware of other options and would look into them first.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's very warm and sooo muggy.  When you're outside there's a good breeze so you don't notice it so much - until you come inside.  I've been out for about an hour - drove all among the girls and babies checking and counting them.  I'm going to call the new baby "Sunny" - my name just doesn't fit him.  He was staying close to mom and when she drifted away a bit grazing she kept looking his way until he moved closer.  Sammy challenged the Gator again this morning.  He and Sunny look so much alike - - guess that's the Angus.  I know Darwin's little ones look like they have an attitude, too.  When I came home from town the other day or maybe when I was just driving I saw a cow out in the middle of his pasture with a new, white-faced baby laying beside her.  Another new baby for Mike, I guess, since he bought Darwin's cattle.

     Had to repair the creepfeeder.  How in the world they get that rod down I don't know.  I have it wired in three or four places but with the bigger ones going under they somehow get it loose.  Checked the creepfeed and took out what I could of the molded feed. There's not much but I don't like for them to eat it.  I won't have to put in feed for two or three days - good news there. 

     Stormy and Sheena woke me up at 1:30 last night wanting out so tonight I'm going to leave them out to begin with - maybe if it's not too hot.  Heat index will be 107 today so it'll still be hot and muggy tonight but, remember, Strawberry full moon so be sure to look at it.

     Jo, like Sara said, give us the date and we'll be there with you with bells on.  So many on this thread have been with me through thick and thin from the services for Charles until now.  So thankful for good friends.  Hope you were able to sleep last night.  I hate waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep.  I've found if a lay still and move either one finger or one toe at a steady rate I can go back to sleep or listening to Chinese Zen music - that really does it for me.

     Rescue Mom - I'm seeing a story on TV about a big building in Florida that collapsed - didn't catch the name of the town - also news about a big storm just offshore.  Are you close to the shore?  One of my former bosses lives in the northern part of Florida - can't remember the name of that town either.  Really liked him.  I think that's what I miss most about working - the people.

     Sara - I don't sit on the porch much but I do enjoy being outside much better than being in a car driving or being in town.  When I was younger Charles and I went a lot and always tried to get mother and daddy to go with us but daddy just didn't want to leave the farm.  I can see why he felt that way now.  We did take some good trips together and I'm so glad I have those memories. 

     Had a nice visit with my BIL and his wife in the Texas Panhandle yesterday.  He was 91 yesterday and sounds so much like Charles when you talk with him on the phone.  He's going to have knee replacement in September - had to wait that long to let the cortisone get out of his body.  He had a replacement 15 years ago so kind of knows what to expect even though the procedure has changed some.  He has to go to Amarillo to have it but will come home the next day.  He was a bit hesitant because of his age but his PCP and the surgeon have checked him out and said he was in excellent health so guess he'll have it done.

     Nothing going on here today, I hope.  I tried to start the PU and it wouldn't.  I'm not going to fool with it until I need to get it out of the carport to get the feed out of the bed. 

     It's cloudy here this morning and there's a good breeze which helps a lot.  Sure do hate to see those blackberries go to waste but because of the seeds I'm afraid to eat them.  I really do not want another bout with       even though they say it's all right to eat nuts and seeds.  Can't think of the name of the condition at this moment so I left a blank - will fill in later.

     Just heard that huge building that collapsed was north of Miami.  We have a Miami in our state but we pronounce it Miama just as many of us pronounce Missouri with an "a" on the end.    There were 150 units and at least half of them have been destroyed.  Wonder what happened?

     Still can't think of that word - guess I've blocked it from my brain because it hurts so much.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Dr. Google helped me - diverticulitis - how could I forget that!

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Been watching and reading the news about the 12-story condo collapse a bit north of Miami. They predict many more fatals since it happened when people are in bed. Rescuers having trouble searching debris. A couple of adjoining towers were undamaged, but evacuated as more collapse is feared. 

    It’s just unbelievable. Buildings just don’t fall like that (barring bombs and earthquakes) 

    Lots of footage from nearby security cameras shows the full collapse—it only took about 30 seconds—and some experts ruled out bomb, fire, plane crash etc. It seems to be a total building failure. It was built in 1981, but there are many many more there that are older and fine. (Building codes have changed substantially at least twice since then, because hurricanes).

    The builder may have failed to comply with codes back then, but usually when that’s the case on important parts, the structure fails much, much sooner, not 40 years later. But Miami, who knows.  That whole area is high-rise canyon land. It’s also older , quieter and more families that Miami Beach and some of the trendier parts of Miami.

    I am very anxious to hear some “how” and “why”. Family has been in new luxury high-rise construction business elsewhere. But it’s probably too soon to know much why, unless they can see something really big.  But rescue/recovery  comes first, likely take a week they say.

    Lorita, mangos ARE very messy! At least when I do it. But with just us, I don’t worry too much about how the chunks look, lol. This is an excellent year for mangos, but seems like it’s still mostly Mexican mangos at the grocery. I get mine from friends and at local “farmers markets” where there’s maybe a dozen varieties. Most look very much alike, but the tastes can be very different.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    On the condo collapse…(early reports can change) but now photos show what could be, or looks kind of like, the edge of a sinkhole under the building. Sinkholes are common some places in FL, but almost unheard of in that area.  

    But ground collapse looks possible,  some officials have said, from the way the building went down.

    Usually the site prep work ensures the ground is stable enough to hold the load. Just think of the thousands of high rises that line the beach there, and had no problems.

    BUT (speculation) their water/sewer infrastructure is very old and failing, needing  replacement repair for a few years—a controversy (expensive) that ebbs and flows. 

    If big water/sewer pipes failed under the building, that could cause ground collapse. Again, this is speculation, albeit from knowledgeable people.

    Later, concern about the ground stability underneath is growing. Seems to make more sense than structural fail, from the way it went down.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Our family is on its' fifth generation of family living in Winter Park...big sinkhole there in  1981.

    Made a run to Trader Joe's for flowers. Always a huge selection and always very reasonable. Bought a carton of the Pickle Popcorn. It is seasonal and sells out very fast. Got 4 avacodos for guacamole and their tomatilla salsa...lots of flavor...little heat.

    Rooms are ready except for the flowers.

    Outside the front beds have been tended and look 100% better.

    I am going to let them do what they want to and consider shopping and cooking a major activity for them. The car is on full and I will give them my plastic. 

    I refuse to get on the stress train.

    Oh, I did buy Cetifil body wash for the bathrooms.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    How terrible, Rescue Mom.  Just imagine the terror those people felt when they woke up and were falling.  The news compared the looks of the building to the Murrow Bldg. in OKC that was bombed - one floor falling on top of the next one down and crushing everything.  Sounds like it could be from a sinkhole.  If so, what about the other buildings in that area?

     This past few months we've experienced tiny sinkholes in our roads.  The ground freezes, then thaws and falls in when a car goes over it.  I fell into one in the PU two or three months ago - big enough to bottom out a 3/4 T. truck - and they're still round to some extent.

     Judith, I thought it was last weekend when you were going to have company.  I hope the weather's good for your visitors - sounds like it might be a bit cooler. 

     You have everything in tip-top order so just relax and enjoy.  Good idea to let them do what they want.  Are they coming from far away or will they be familiar to OKC? 

     Be sure to show them the Strawberry full moon tonight - should be gorgeous if there's not too much light in your area.  How long will they be staying?   Sounds like you'll be the hostess with the moistest - even giving them your plastic and car to use!

     How about your caladiums?  Are they coming up and growing?  My pots are just about overflowing but they're beautiful.  I always have at least one white in each pot to brighten it up and also like to have a deep red.  I transplanted some bigger wild violets to the pot on the front steps and some of the leaves are gone this morning - guess whatever it is that's eating them thinks I brought him some more to eat.

     I've had a busy morning - been roasting vegetables.  Had one big pan of potatoes and sweet potatoes and now have a big pan of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and onions roasting.  They're so good with just a bit of ranch dressing.  Quite a job getting all those vegetables ready.  I scrubbed and stored all the carrots and the rest of the raw vegetables I had in containers with fresh paper on them.  It's supposed to keep things fresh longer - we'll see how it works.  Well, it does because I used it in a container of raw carrots this past year and they lasted a long time.

     Are your folks coming tomorrow?  Nice that Trader Joe's isn't far and that they have flowers.  Love fresh flowers in the house.  I've been out the back door a couple of times but forgot to look at the Rose of Sharons - they were beautiful all day long on those cooler days.

     Better stop and check the vegetables.  I'm getting hungry.  I want to watch the news, too, about the building collapse.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    One thing when hearing news…there are different kinds of sinkholes, natural (more or less), and sinkholes caused by some immediate action nearby that destabilizes the ground. The result is the same, but can’t do much about the “natural” ones, AKA “act of God.” But if otherwise caused, that’s going to be huge. I bet lawyers are scrambling as we speak.

    There is site work/construction under way next door to the collapsed condo, some wonder if that affected things underground at the collapse site.

    So many grieving relatives who had family living there, and now the family is missing…..

    Otherwise, maybe Judith inspires me to get to Trader Joe’s. I need several things from there, but we have severe thunderstorms alert now. I tried the Dill Pickle Chips. I love dill and pickles (and chips) but those were too strong even for me! I should try the popcorn, maybe not so much coating….

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    What a dreadful tragedy with the building collapse in Florida.  So pray that if anyone else can possibly be alive in that rubble that they are found and saved; how awful for their famiies.     There most of them were; sound asleep in their beds.  One never, ever knows.  Saying prayer for the 10 year old boy who was rescued from the rubble, so hope he is alright physically.  His mother is still missing.  They just said on the news that there are 99 people not accounted for; so much heartbreak.

    I think I want to go to Judith's house this weekend.  It sounds lovely Judith, your company will feel very welcome and comfortable.  I had never heard of dill pickle popcorn, bet it has a really yummy flavor.

     Sayra and Lorita; what sweet and thoughtful dears you are!  It really will be a comfort to know that you are with me when the hospital date arrives.  I have not heard re the scheduling yet, will let you all know when I do.

    The strangest thing happened last night - I have never had it happen before. I did not sleep one wink.  Not one.  Was awake all night long just doing nothing.  No relaxation routines worked.   Weird feeling.  Decided to take a nap earlier today, but did not go to sleep then either.  Goodness!   Will really need a few z-z-z-z's tonight for sure.  Perhaps it was my unconscious mind mulling things over.

    Sure have my face broken out from the mask wearing.  I do get a small rash on cheeks from the cloth mask, but if I wear paper ones, I break out like nutty crazy.  Looks awful and nothing seems to help.  No more paper ones if I can help it.  Just about the time it is looking better, I need to wear a mask again. I never reuse them, so that is not part of the problem.    No matter a rash, I will continue to mask for quite awhile and probably through winter as another outbreak is thought to happen because of low vaccination rates.  The southern states are really far behind in numbers of people vaccinated; don't know why, but they are.

    The nursery you are running sounds delightful, Lorita. How cute the little ones are. I liked the photo of the little boy standing in the tall grass.  He has the cutest (and biggest) ears.  Adorable.

     Guess I am going to exit stage left . . . . good evening wishes for one and all,



  • Stuck in the middle
    Stuck in the middle Member Posts: 1,167
    1000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    That building in Florida had been sinking since at least the 1990s, probably since the day it was built in 1981.  They just kept patching the cracked walls.  I don't know if you can mudjack a 12-story building, but it's too late now.  

    I'm not an engineer, and I don't know that the foundation problem caused the collapse, but it is a possible solution.  The leaning tower of Pisa resulted from a contractor shorting the foundation to cut costs.  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Jo,    Count me in I will also go with you when it is time for the procedure. In spirit and in prayers. Having to deal with all the L.A. traffic I am sure is not a fun thing. We went to Disney Land a long time ago and I remember all the traffic I was so glad to get out of it. I am used to driving the Free Ways in Sacramento and they are bad but not as bad as L.A.  I got the same bad weather that your Son had, we have had lightning thunder and a few big hail storms. It has cooled down a bit but supposes to be 106 on Tuesday. I am not looking forward to that. Where I live most people don't have AC but I have big fans. I don't remember it ever getting that hot here before. Sorry your having to deal with your bad days, you are in my prayers. Thank You for all the medical info you gave us. 

    Judith,    You are a real good hostess, your company will really enjoy their stay. Flowers, keys to your car and your c/c what more could they ask for.  You have a lot of Love in your heart.  Relax and enjoy.

    Sara,    I am glad your got your garage door fixed. I am blessed to have my son live with me he can fix a lot of things and if he can't he usually knows someone who can. I also love to sit on my porch. Sometimes in the morning I take my coffee out while Molly takes care of things and most evenings I enjoy a glass of wine and I enjoy it best when I sit on the porch and Molly takes care of things. 

    Lorita,   I made a note to watch for the Strawberry Full Moon tonight. It is still light outside so in a hour or so I will look. It sounds like you had a busy day with all the veg roasting. I hope it did not make your house real hot. I also have a Avocado tree I have had it for about a year maybe even two. It is about 2 feet high and I put it outside for a few days ago and it looked like it was not going to like living out there so I brought it in. I am not sure what I am going to do with it I would really love it if it grew some avocados but I don't think that will happen. 

    Most of you are probably in bed or getting ready for bed, Sleep Well, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Zetta did you start your Avocado Tree?  If the tree gets ok what might help is to put it out like 30 minutes first day.  Then 60 minutes second day etc.  May need to get use to outside gradually.

    Was a very busy day yesterday.  Many different things went on.  Did introduce myself to the neighbor across the road from mom.  Gave him my phone number and he gave me his.  

    Are the eyes doing any better Lorita?

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's windy and sunny here this morning and it's so humid you could cut the air with a knife.  Stormy and I went up to see the girls after I'd fed Tom and Jerry.  Filled the water tank in the lot so the girls can get a drink during the day if they want to.  By the time I got back in the house the girls were coming to the barn.  I got a good count when they were up in the pasture but wasn't able to as they came in - too much running and playing by the little ones.  Saw Sammy and Sunny - all six are so cute and they pretty much stay together. 

     Thanks for asking, Sara, the eyes are better if I use the drops.  Forgot to use the gel last night so have a slight headache.  When I stop typing I'll take an allergy pill.  Glad you got to meet the neighbor across from your moms - that could come in handy some time in the future.

     Zetta, hope you got to see the full moon last night.  After reminding everyone else to look at it, I forgot until I got into bed so got up and looked at it.  It was beautiful.  A full moon always reminds me of Charles.  I love the moon especially when it's full so when it was I'd go out on the porch to look at it and call Charles to come and look.  Hard to imagine that someone has actually been up there.  Those were brave people.

     Glad I got those vegetables roasted yesterday.  In the past I've put the potatoes in with the other vegetables - this time I roasted them separately and it worked better - they take longer than the others.  I need to make some more ranch dressing today.  You all should try it - good as a dip or salad dressing. I had the oven for more than an hour and it didn't seem to make it hotter inside.

    Three or four months ago I ordered frozen, raw, chocolate chunk cookies from QVC.  When they arrived they were thawed so I called them.  They were completely out so I thought that was the end of it.  A week or more ago I had an e-mail saying more would be delivered on the 18th - didn't come.  So, yesterday I went out to go to the mailbox and the mailcarrier had brought my mail up and put it in the car.  The cookies were there and, of course, completely thawed even more than the first time.  They put one small ice pack inside and that's it.  It take a while to get here so they were ruined - again.  Called and told them - next shipment won't be until October so that should be all right.  Always something.

     Jo - can't imagine how those people who drive in that traffic daily can handle it.  It would drive me crazy but I guess they get used to it. 

     I'm with you - I'm going to continue to wear my mask when I do go somewhere.  I was the only one wearing a mask in the doctor's office but that was okay.  That variant sounds pretty bad don't want to risk anything even though they say the vaccination protects against it.

     Stuckinthemiddle - yesterday on the news they were talking about something called sqalling where the outside of the concrete comes off and weakens the building so that could have been a contributing factor, too.  They were talking with an engineer and he mentioned that as a possibility.  Can't imagine how awful that must be.  The pictures really reminded me of the Murrow Bldg. in OKC after it was bombed.

     I don't think I could handle dill pickle chips or popcorn.  How do they get the flavoring on the popcorn - guess it's in a powder form.  Never heard of that before.  I did hear they're making chicken-flavored chips.  What's next?

     I need to call and get my new phone activated today.  Finally got the back off - it mentions a new SIM card but I couldn't find one - maybe it's already in the phone.  I so hope my contacts can be transferred.  Just hate to deal with something new - guess that's because I'm old.  You know on the way to town the other day I felt like a little old woman peering over the steering wheel - I am.  Much rather drive the PU because I'm up a lot higher.  It wouldn't start yesterday so when I have to get the feed out of the bed I'll have to jump it. 

     Hope all of you have a nice Friday and it isn't too hot where you are.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Not much to say......having problems, but will not go into details.....just tired, sick and worn out.

    Jo., I can relate to your pain since I have had stones on three different occasions and it was not fun. I can't be with you since my experence from returning from Vietnam, I have not been back to California, but my thoughts and prayers will be with you. Even though I haven't been back to California, I now realize from the beautiful people I've met here and a wonderful DIL, it cant be the same as it was in 66.


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Friday All,

    Can't believe it rained, thunderstorm yesterday......huh?? Today it will be triple digits again. No wonder my pain levels have been out of control.

    Lorita, the SIM card on your old phone has all your phone information on it. When put into your new phone everything will be transferred to your new phone. 

    Nothing going on this weekend.......of course.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    It is very loud at my house!!!!!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     After a year of quiet, Judith, I bet it is.  How many people do you have for the weekend?  Today it's almost too hot for them to be out and about, isn't it?

     Ron, sorry things are not good for you right now.  Hopefully, they'll improve soon.  I remember in the past we've always talked about how things changed, for the better, during the full moon.  Like you said, we didn't even have to look at the calendar.

     Nicole, I hope that's all it takes to keep my contacts.  On my old phone I found a setting for SIM or phone - mine was set to phone.  I have a few days before my old phone plays out - trying to learn a bit about the new one before I change.  As I've often said, I don't like changes of any kind.

     I'm not doing anything today - just checked the girls and fed the two boys outside - since then I've been laying on the divan watching TV, mostly Gunsmoke, Zetta.  Oh, I did put a new cooling pad on my laptop - really makes a difference in how hot it gets on your legs, if you hold it in your lap which I do.

     Judith - it's very quiet here.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Had to smile, Judith - that is what is called making, "a joyful noise."  How wonderful.   I had so many coming and staying at our huse for two to three weeks at a time, depending.  Loved it, truly did - but every once in awhile,  would sneak off to my room with door shut for a half hour just to get a bit of respite - then off I'd go again.  You have done such a terrific job of making the house delightful and welcome; bet they appreciate it.

     Ron; I take it that Lou was "busier" during the full moon?  You have so much patience; but it must get awfully tiring.   Must be too hot to bake too.   You are an artist with an oven for a palette!

    Finally got some sleep last night.  Went out like a ton of bricks.  Saw a link from Epicurious, "How To Frost Every Cake."  It is nicely detailed, and it is easy; but I have no plan to bake or frost cakes.  Sent it on to the kids.  Here is link in case any of you may be interested:


    So you got a big storm too, Zetta as did our son near Medford.  Just saw the weather there for tomorrow - supposed to be 113 degrees!   Oh boy. I know our turn is coming, so I hold no false illusions.  Daughter just bought herself a battery operated fan that can be recharged; she has an additional insert with charged batteries, so if her Houston electricity goes out, she will have about 20 hours of fan.   Would be nice to have one of those.  Heat horribly high is not anybody's friend.

     Got some red, white and blue bedding flowers in the front brick planters - Fourth of July celebration.  They will not live long, but are nice with the flag hanging above them.   Used to have huge family bbq July 4th gatherings with SO much food and bbq on the patio with safe and sane fireworks for the children and grandchildren after dark.   Miss that.  Everyone is gone - either to heaven or out of state.  At least we had those years and we all have great memories.  It is so much hotter now; wonder if it would feel the same in so much worse heat.  Loved the homemade churned ice cream!

    Thank you again dear friends for letting me know you will be with me when I go to UCLA for my procedure.   It really does make me feel better.  I have not heard from the scheduler as yet; every time the phone rings, I startle and grab for it, but most of the time it is a robocaller that has rung once and got blocked.  Sheesh; the robocallers have been much worse since the pandemic and far worse since things have lightened up.  Thankfully most of them are blocked after one ring, but every once in awhile, one gets through; then we send that number to our blocker program.

    Lorita, glad Sarah was sounding better; so hope that continues for her.  Good idea you did not mention the rehab plan to her; the doctor will probably get an earful when he informs her.

    Got some more strawberries today; we thought they were past the delicious prime, but the stand where we buy them have more in that are absolutley delicious and juicy.  Gotta love that part of summer. Wish we could find sweet tree ripened peaches, but have not had those as yet.   Some years ago, at one of the hospitals, one of the staff in my office would bring in tree ripened peaches from her father's very old, old tree . . . oh my; they were utterly delicious enough for heaven and so juicy that you needed a towel when eating them.  Wish that they were all like that.

    Hope everyone is having a peaceful day with only good things happening . . . . hugs to all and hope poor Nicole doesn't melt in that Vegas heat and humidity . . .


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's been hot here today with high humidity - what's new!  I've stayed inside except for early this morning and a couple of hours ago when I went out to the barn.  I don't like days like this when I don't do much - makes me feel worse than if I'd worked all day.

     Is that temperature, Zetta, really unusual for your area?  Looks like the whole west coast is very hot.  It's supposed to be in the 80s here next week with good chances of rain all week beginning tomorrow.  Not good for hay baling but good for growing grass for the cattle - kind of a trade-off; good for grass now, bad for hay in the winter but it'll dry up and they'll get to cut.  We still have 15-20 acres that hasn't been cut yet - still too wet in what we've always called the old meadow.  That was the only meadow daddy used - the rest of the place was in row crops except for probably 30 acres of pasture.

     Sarah called a while ago.  I'd called her earlier and left a message.  She hadn't gotten it and was worried because I hadn't called. She wanted a number for someone to call in case she can't get in touch with me.  No one like that now - since Darwin's off limits.  My sister called their place a couple of times when she couldn't get me.  I miss talking with Darwin and Donna and I so miss talking with Patsy.  I can only imagine how Jack misses her after 60 years of marriage.

     Jo - Oklahoma has a strawberry festival in Stilwell the early part of May.  The strawberries from there are so good.  And, there's a peach festival in Porter the middle of July.  I'm sure they'll have it this year but will probably have to import peaches - the awful weather we had this spring killed most of the peaches so they'll be few and far between but when you do get some, they are delicious.  When my folks moved out here they planted an orchard and they had some white peaches that usually ripened around my birthday, first day of summer. Mother always canned pickled peaches.  They were peeled and cut in half and packed in the jars with the pretty side out - she used some kind of sweet, pickling liquid.  Really good.  Also made pickled okra which I didn't care much for. 

     The cakes were so pretty. I've never really learned how to frost a cake to make it so pretty - spreading a little frosting is about my limit - still tastes good.  I've enjoyed the roasted vegetables again today.  When I was in Braum's bought a couple of avocados that looked good.  The ones I got at the grocery store have really been good - hate to use them for guacamole because they're so good just plain. 

     Stormy and Sheena have stayed inside today - they're in the bedroom asleep now.  This morning when the girls were coming up Penny, Jr. was hurrying to the barn with Sunny lagging behind.  She stopped and looked at him and said something and he ran to catch up with her.  I've been around cattle all my life and it still amazes me how a cow communicates with only her baby and vice versa.  It's a beautiful thing to see.  He and ten others were still in the barn after the others came out - pretty cool in there with the wind blowing through.  Mr. Sammy came out with his mom and the others.

     Need to find something good to watch on TV tonight - about full-up on Gunsmoke.  Has anyone heard or seen when Yellowstone begins again?

     Jo - glad you were able to get some sleep last night.  I usually go to sleep watching TV and wake up with it still on a couple of hours later.  Haven't had to resort to Zen music lately.

     Zetta - stay in this weekend and stay cool.  The heat creeps up on you before you know it.  I was shocking feed stalks once with daddy and almost got too hot - couldn't be still.

     See you all tomorrow.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo, I sent you an email a couple of days ago.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Good to hear from everyone.

    We had some nice rain yesterday.  Just a little less than .5 inches.  Had .4 earlier in week so that is good.  Will need to refungicide though.  My garden is looking pretty good.  I’m seeing some pollinators.  My one zucchini is setting a real zucchini and I have seen ants on its blooms.  Maybe I should transfer a few ants to the other plant lol.  Little green beans are setting on.  They are so cute.  They look like little baby fingers which I think are adorable.   Ow if Neem Oil truly does keep bean bug at bay I will be set.

    Has been a windy week and see today is not an exception.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara - sounds like your garden's growing well.  I've never noticed bugs on beans although I have seen leaves with holes in them.  What do they look like?  Glad your zucchini's setting new fruit.  I watered mine a couple of days ago and don't believe I'll have to this week for sure - they're predicting rain until next Friday - up to 5".  I went out to feed Tom and Jerry and drove down behind the barn to see the girls and by the time I got back it was sprinkling.  Guess Sunny didn't want to get up - he and Penny, Jr. were still by the barn - she'd walk a few steps and turn around and look at him.  I drove over to where he was and he got up and followed her.  Everyone looked okay.

     Sarah just called to tell me she'd been watching Paramount channel and they said next weekend they're going to have another Yellowstone marathon and then the new season will begin.  Her voice sounds pretty good - better than last week.  They're still trying to figure out things - she said they found something on her liver - not sure what.  Still has several tubes in that are draining.

     Jo - just wondering. You know I have Morton's Neuroma in both feet.  Does that ever extend up the leg?  It keeps feeling like I'm trying to get a charley horse in my left calf so didn't know if it might be connected.

     I have to get my new phone activated today - should have yesterday but just didn't do it.  Still have until the 30th to get it done and I'm not even sure they're open on weekends.  I'll call and check later.

     Hope everyone's okay this morning.  Ron, hope things are better with Lou and with your medical problems.  You haven't mentioned the neighbor lately - how's that going?

     I'll stop and watch the news and weather, again, and finish my juice.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Jo.  Dont remember if I had mentioned it previously but at one time many years ago, lou had a large kidney stone. They zapped it on three different occasions and it still left a piece to large to pass. They said that she could either wait and see if it bothered her or they could do a procedure  which I'm guessing is similar to yours. She had so many problems with all the zapping that she refused to go for any more treatments. 

    The kitchen hasn't seen aot of me lately, I've gotten tired of preparing a lot that we use to have and end up Lou not eating much. I've found that if I just fix her s quick easy meal, such as pan broiled talipia and broccoli, she will eat better. I miss some of the older recipes, but making sure she eats is my top priority. 

    Lorrita, mentally I'm better but health is still not where it needs to be. August 4th is earliest they could get me in for ecocardigram, but I know if nitro tablets don't help I need ER.

    Haven't seen neighbor in over a month, which is fine with me. Don't need a thief in the house. Sad part is that she was good company for Lou. 


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Forgot to mention that when my brother, sister in law and son was here Lou made a few remarks that had my sister in law asking me if this was how it was all the time. Lou needs a lot of individual attention and no one but us 24/7 caregivers can truly understand. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Gr-r-r-r; was just finishing my Post and I got knocked off the Board and of course, Post gone.   Every time they do an update . . . . .

    Anyway; Lorita, I was not familiar with calf discomfort from Morton's Neuroma. but I did find a bit online; here is what was said - underlining is mine:


    "There are relatively few risks associated with Morton’s Neuroma. It is primarily a disruptive condition that causes pain without putting the foot or leg at risk for other conditions. However, some people could become further injured due to the risks of: Falls – it’s hard to keep your balance when you don’t want to put your weight down on the affected foot Further pain – neuroma can spread to nerves in the ankle or leg if the problem isn’t treated Numbness and loss of sensation – advanced nerve compression can cause you to lose feeling throughout the ball of the foot and your toes" Glad to hear that Sarah is sounding better; it is really good for her healing and so hope she is having more comfort. Zetta; am hoping you are sitting in a cool place with a cool drink and resisting any urges to get up and clean house or do any heavy activity - that heat is not healthy.  Gosh; we have to get through September . . . . three more months.   Ms. Sayra; our farmer/gardener; I am in awe of you.  Sure wish I could see all your garden, and even sit on your porch with you looking at the garden and watching the birds while listening to the soft sounds of nature;  so sweet and good for the soul. Ron, you are correct; no one can really understand the dynamics when dealing with a problematic LO with dementia if they have not been there themselves. I had such a situation.   My mother, (FTD and Vascular), was a behavioral challenge (understatement).   No matter how kind and  supportive I was and tried to be,  she railed against me to the nth degree; not at all unusual for anger to be directed at the person doing the most for them. My brother; she thought of him as the second coming; she adored him without limit. He would visit for maybe 20 - 30 minutes every couple of months or so; always a reason why he could not stay and had to leave. She was sweet and calm and adoring while he was there.  Upon his leaving, she turned from being Julie Andrews trilling in a field of flowers, to taking on the role of Linda Blair in, "The Exorcist."  It was really dramatic. Brother told me that it had to be me doing something to cause the problem behaviors as he could plainly see how calm and sweet she was.  Count to ten and bite my tongue.  Well . . . months later, on Mother's Day, brother and his wife came to visit bearing a gift; I was present with my own gift for her.  Early in the visit, all of a sudden, she went ballistic and I do mean crazed ballistic . . . she shouted, she hollered, she ranted, she raved; she pulled at her clothing and cursed.  It was a lulu.  Brother and wife left and went outside.  I followed a few minutes later; brother said, "What the hell was that????  I simply replied, "Welcome to my world."  He never blamed me again Iris, I did indeed respond to your Connection email; so sorry that you did not get it.  Thank you for trying to assist with referral to a person who did house cleaning.  It is too bad she no longer does that, but you tried and I appreaciate it.   As we had mentioned, I deleted the Connection . . . I do not do them as it causes ALL the Posts from the person one is Connected with to show up on one's own "You" section as seen at the top of the page; it co-mingles all Posts from anyone connected and mingles them together, I find that unpleasant.  I often use, "You" for followup needs purposes. Bet Judith is having a lovely time with her company; but that can also be tiring.  I so loved, loved, loved it when all family would come stay at our house with the children; but in all honesty have to confess; when they left for home after two or three weeks, DH and I would sit down in the silence and mentally think . . . . "WHEW!"  before they even got to the end of the block.  Love them, but we were not 20 anymore.   Took days to recover; but oh, the dear and wonderful memories we made. Worth every second. Got to get going, 10:15 and have not yet had breakfast and I am hungry. I am having one of those spells where I am HUNGRY throughout the day.  It happens a couple times a year, don't know why, but it will soon pass .  Yesterday, I was so hungry at lunch, I had a big green lettuce salad with two ounces diced turkey, diced three ounces of avocado, pear tomatoes, 1/2 cup of three bean salad in it along with half a diced apple, bit of bacon crumbled, with a bit of Ranch Dressing.  Followed that with a few strawberries and two Milano cookies.  That held me the rest of the day and it sure was good.  Gosh, that was a lot but it filled me up and was pretty much healthy. Except for the dressing; but was good.  Tried the no-fat Ranch and it was disgusting; threw it away. Tally-Ho, and send hugs to one and all, J.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions
    still loud....still no cooking...stuff everywhere (clothes, dog color/food/trreats/ used paper napkins/ half used limes/sunglasses/ suitcases). I'm fine. Told them I would not be mailing anything they left behind...lol
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hello everyone. Good to hear from you all. Judith, I can relate to the "mess" made by company. Here, it was LEGOS - everywhere! I finally put them up and no child asked for them after so that was good. 

    We have had close to 2 inches of rain here this week so that is good. We're still in moderate drought so will take more. It has cooled off, in the 70's today but very humid so the a/c is still running. 

    We spent some time out in the garden today, as we do most days. We picked around 10 cups of blueberries - off our 3 bushes. We had picked 9 cups on Thursday and there are plenty yet to ripen. I'd share them with you, if we lived close enough to do that. I do share with friends and family and last year froze 40 cups. I use them in pie, muffins, and on oatmeal. I read once that people who eat blueberries every day (I don't) - live longer. Hmmm.

    I have ripe sugar snap peas. Made a stir fry with them and other veg and chicken the other day. Really good. Tomatoes are coming on, tiny cucumbers coming on, had one ripe kohlrabi, and green beans are coming on. I have kale too. The leaves are full of holes (insects). I won't treat for that. I just don't want to eat it if it's been treated. I fully realize things I buy at the market are usually treated.

    Attaching a couple of pics of the garden. It is looking beautiful! Soon it will be even prettier as I have over 100 daylily plants that will soon be showing off. I am so grateful to Joan for telling me about pic re-sizing programs!!!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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