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Just need to talk to my friends (149)



  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Happy 4th of July tomorrow.  I can’t believe it’s July already.  I just got flower plots planted (perennials) and mulch down.  I’m taking my time and being careful to conserve energy.  I’m feeling better every month, and weaning off the prednisone.  It’s a slow process, but so far seems to be working.  

    We’ve had a week of rain and cooler temperatures, which sure helped the grass look better.  I’m hoping the Monsoons will bring more moisture.  We’re still in a severe drought in Western CO. 

    I’ve enjoyed all the beautiful pictures of gardens and flowers.  Beth, your gardens are a showcase.  Absolutely beautiful the way they’re arranged.  That takes talent.  

    Sara, I want to come eat all those veggies you’re growing.  I’ve seen purple tomatoes, but not black ones.   Produce from the store does not compare to fresh off the vine.  I need to go to the farmer’s markets and buy fresh.  

    Lorita, sure hope Sarah continues to improve.  Seems like the new Dr.  has given her a chance to heal and hopefully start feeling better.  Hopefully PT can help her gain strength so she can go home.  She’s in my prayers.  

    Jo, count me in to be with you for your procedure.  You’re going to be surrounded by love and lots of prayers.  

    Nicole, enjoy your time at home.   I’m sure your grandson will be thrilled to see you.  

    Zetta, stay in and stay cool.  My nephew is a chef in Canada.  He said several have died from the heat.  Not many have air conditioning because it usually never gets that hot.  He was looking for a window unit, but can’t find one in any of the stores.  Sounds miserable.  

    Shirley, stay safe.  I hope you’re headed to your family.  

    A lot of us are getting new phones.  I got one about a month ago.  Mine was so old, and wouldn’t hold a charge.  I got an iPhone.  Not the newest version because I don’t need all the new features.  It has been so easy to use.  Probably because I have a mini iPad and love it.  

    Hi to Judith, Rescue Mom, Iris, Ron and Lou, and all on here.  Have a great day tomorrow.  Joan

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Somehow I posted on old thread......dont feel like rewriting right now, to make a long story short, kidney stones


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sayra, yes, Elsie was the cows name.  

    Lorita, I pay double the price of regular milk for organic or grass-fed cow milk, also for eggs from "happy" (pastured) chickens.  I just hope this is true and not lies. 

    I hear CarShield advertised all the time also.  I was planning on asking my mechanic about it.  My car is fairly new and doesn't need much work yet.

    We have large, quarter-sized, green fluorescent bugs here that like to fly around people's heads.  I've been told they are curious.  They don't land or bite, and they eat fruit.  My cat Simon used to jump up onto my roof and come back with one in his mouth and play with it like it was a mouse.  Apparently there was a nest of them up there--I never got on the roof so I don't know what was up there.  I would try to get it away from Simon but I wasn't always successful.  He never ate them, only played with them.  Occasionally I would find one sort of dried up, but I would put it on the ledge, and it could fly away.  Funny, after this Covid year, I have not seen any.  And they used to be so plentiful.

    I got a new smartphone a month ago.  It auto-corrects a lot when I write, but the auto-corrections are sometimes ridiculous. I have to be very careful to read before I post, because what may come up makes no sense.  I still have not been able to review the online manual.  

    I was invited to a Fourth of July barbecue today but I canceled.  I feel it's too soon for me to be around a lot of people I don't know.  I do know my friend, but I don't know her friends.  I am going to enjoy my peace and quiet.  That is until nightfall when the illegal fireworks start.  The city will be having professional fireworks tonight.  Sometimes I can see them from my balcony.

    The temp was 121 degrees in British Columbia.  Extraordinary!  The record temp for Death Valley was 134 degrees.  That's not a lot of difference for areas so far apart and with such different topography. 

    People in the path of the hurricane, I want you to stay safe!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     This morning when I logged in I was thoroughly confused.  The date of the last posting was today but there were five pages and the dates were all wrong.  Finally figured it out - Sisters4 had posted - must have been on the wrong thread and when Ron signed in that segment was at the top so he posted.

     He said he had been having a lot of pain so went to the ER.  They weren't going to let Lou go in with him until he explained - but they did let her go with him.  He has kidney stones, Jo.  They gave him IV fluids and sent him home with pain meds.  Now, he says he's going to have to deal with this pain while caring for Lou.

     Ron. have you tried home health or some kind of organization to help some.  When  Charles was home the last time there were two agencies that were going to help but he passed away before that began.  There's help out there if we could just figure out what it is.  Jo is so good at that - maybe she can help.  In the meantime, do as little as you can and maybe Lou will cooperate if she senses you're not well.  Surely wish I was closer so I could help you both - I'd be happy to.  We still need to think about that commune we discussed years ago where everyone could help everyone else.

     I haven't been able to get in touch with Sarah since Thursday.  Just called the nurse at the rehab center but she didn't answer - I'll try later.

     Joan - good to see your post.  Happy that the weaning off of Prednisone is going well.  Guess it just takes time to get medications out of our system.  My BIL is going to have knee replacement and had to wait five months after his last cortisone shot to get it out of his body.  Good that you're taking it easy - keep doing that and rest when you can.

     When do your monsoons begin - soon I hope.  The weather showed Oklahoma's drought monitor this morning and all but a little area in north central and SE are out of drought - thing are nice and green but our humidity is over the top.

     Thank you for the prayers for Sarah - she needs all the help she can get. I do think her doctor at the hospital was very concerned and doing all he could.  Can't figure out what has gone wrong.

     Global warming is showing up everywhere.  I'm afraid the world has waited too long to do something to stop it.  I do hope there's no such thing as reincarnation.  I'd hate to come back to a really hot world - if it's still here.

     Iris, seems like a lot of us are getting new phones.  I'm resistant to change but had to so I'll just deal with the best I can.  I'm learning a bit more each day and it doesn't have all the things on it that an Iphone does.

     When I went out on the porch just now there was a big dragonfly in a spider web.  That web was there yesterday - should have taken it down.  Years ago when Charles and I lived in the MH there was a spider (we called her Matilda) who had a huge web at the edge of the deck. She left the web up all the time  so we got used to seeing her.  One night Charles decided he'd help her so he threw a couple of bugs in the web.  Evidently it made her mad because after that she'd build the  web at night and take it down the next morning.  Guess it doesn't pay to try to help a spider.

     Iris, I guess I grew up on organic milk.  When I was very young, under five, my parents had a small dairy. When I was about five we moved to town for a year and after we came back home we always had at least one milk cow.  So, I grew up on raw milk.  Also made our own butter with resulting buttermilk.  Mother even made her own cottage cheese.  I don't use a lot of milk and have started buying Almond milk or coconut milk for my cereal - very good and it has a longer shelf life than regular milk.  I also freeze milk.  I'd tried it before and didn't like it but Sarah told me to be sure to stir it really well (I shake it) as it's thawing and it's as good as fresh.  In fact, I froze a couple of containers today - just a bit over half full.   I don't eat many eggs - I'm an Lacto-ova vegetarian because I do love dairy products and eggs from time to time. 

     Sandy - you'd be proud of me!  This afternoon I decided I'd learn how to use that Insta Pot.  I did the water test and it turned out all right.  Had planned to cook some beans but decided I'd have English peas with mac and cheese instead.  I'll cook the beans in a day or so.  Hope you're well.  We'll talk soon.

     I'd better stop and see if the girls are out of the pond yet.  I walked out to the barn to be sure everyone came out - they did - and found that I'd left the hydrant running most of the day.  I turned it on this morning to top off the water tank and forgot it.  Usually set my alarm but failed to do it.  It wasn't turned on full blast but still...  Guess I'll never learn.

     Enjoy the fireworks if you can see them tonight.  Usually we can see a few way east of us - I'll watch them on TV either tonight or tomorrow night. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Was a nice day yesterday.  High 70s and windy.  Went to an area lake.  Rode only with my vaccinated sister and her dog.  Had windows down some.  Was outside not crowded.  People there all seemed to be content.  

    Shirley and Rescue Mom hope you guys are doing ok.  Don’t watch the news much but did look into what the storm was doing.  Seems like maybe it won’t be too bad.  Sure hope that is the case.

    Glad you like your new phone Joan.

    Don’t think it is a cicada.  Have looked at all kinds of pictures of cicadas, locust and beetles.  The only thing I have found that I think it could possibly be is a grapevine beetle, but not sure.

    Know what you are saying about the claims on food Iris.  A lot of deceit out there.  For example, a lot of things say natural flavor and for years assumed that was a good thing.  Guess that may not be so.  My understanding is it is a chemical flavor made to resemble a natural flavor, giving it a more intense flavor.  

    Ron so sorry you have another thing piled on you.  Wish you could get a little relief.

    Lorita hope you have been able to reach Sara and that all your animals are ok this morning.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Happy independence day!

    Oldest son from Dallas drove in yesterday to help with Lou for a couple of days. Was a big relief to hear he was coming. Even after taking g the hydrocodone yesterday, the pain was still bad. I did find laying on my left buttock with knees bent, leaning back in the recliner helped. Did rest some last night and pain was better this morning but is starting to come back.

    Lorita it's hard for me to bring any one in to help with Lou. The professional I hired wasn't dependable and neighbor that seemed to really care, ended up bringing bed bugs in and stealing from us. Just hard for me to have trust in anyone outside of family. 

    Oh well, life goes on!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Had to share this.......normally I catch hell from Lou when I give her medicine. Just now I had our grandson go in the bedroom with me and hand her the water glass, she took them all without any complaints. 


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Sayra wrote:

    Good morning

    Sounds like you have a good plan Shirley.

    Wanted to ask a question.  Twice this summer have seen a huge bug that have never seen before.  First time was in living room.  This time it was outside on a plant.  Is at least an inch long and probably a half an inch wide and oval shaped. Tan colored with black spots.  Tried googling it but nothing came up looking like it.

    Like this?

    Spotted Lanternfly (psu.edu)

    If so, you need to kill it and possibly contact your County Extension.  They are bad actors.

    Cicadas are mostly green with derpy-looking red eyes.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    HarshedBuzz thank you for the site.  No it doesn’t look like that.  Going to try and get a picture of it, if I see it again.  Will post it if I do.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     I wrote a long post about noon and was proofreading and it disappeared.  It was too long so maybe that was the problem so I'll abbreviate it - can't remember all I said anyway.

     Sara - glad you enjoyed the day with your sisters.  Sounds like the weather really cooperated.  I know you've probably told us but how many sisters do you have? I've always wanted a brother but that didn't happen.

     Ron - so nice that your son could come for a couple of days to help you through a rough time.  Wish he was closer so he could visit more often.  I found that Charles would be more cooperative when he was in the hospital and someone told him what to do.  I think part of it is they consider them authorities with the uniform and sometimes their voice.

     Have you thought about going through an agency.  I know it's probably more expensive - everything's expensive - but if you could and would tell them the problems you've had,  maybe they could find someone who would be a good fit.  If they weren't you could always change.  I know it's hard to find anyone to do anything anymore but you really need some help to get through the passage of your stones.  What about Churches, maybe they'd have an idea.

     Harshedbuzz, that is one awful looking bug.  The only one I've seen that looks as bad or worse is the awful beetles that get onto yucca plants.  Seems like those bugs have decided to move over into Ohio. 

     I finally got in touch with Sarah this morning.  She has had an awful two days with all the awful drainage from both sites that they can't seem to control or don't know how.  She was literally covered in drainage yesterday from about 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. before they could/would clean her up.  They said they were dealing with life and death situations.  They've had her laying on her side to keep the ileostomy drainage from getting into the feeding tube site and it's making her hurt and be sore all over.  She's just not getting the care she needs.  While we were talking the nurse came in and told her they were sending her back to the hospital.  So, we stopped talking.  Just heard from her again and she's in the ER at Mercy waiting for them to do a CT scan.  I was going to have a good heart to heart with the administrator and/or chief nurse tomorrow so guess I won't have to do that  - maybe I will anyway.  Guess I could write a review on them.  She said the care they're giving isn't as good as when she was there before and they've restricted everything - no laundry done, no common room, can't go outside because of construction so she wasn't happy there.  I'm glad she's back at the hospital.

     It's calm here today and warm but not too hot.  Girls went into the barn at 7:30 this morning.  Didn't see any fireworks on TV last night so guess they'll be on tonight - always enjoy them.

     Hope all of you are well.  Haven't seen the weather so don't know what the situation is with the hurricane - hope you, Shirley and Rescue Mom are all right.  Let us know.

    I'm not going to risk going back to proofread so please excuse mistakes.  Back later.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Just talked with Sarah.  Mercy Hospital didn't keep her.  Did a CT scan but she didn't know what it showed.  They only told her Valir's nurses weren't cutting whatever it is that fits over the ostomy site correctly.  She knows how to do it so guess she'll have to.  She said she'd talk with the chief nurse and administrator tomorrow.

     Been sort of a long afternoon.  Zetta, I watched "Island in the Sky" last night and it was really good.  I'd seen it before but enjoyed seeing it again.  James Arness was in it when he was 30 and he had blond hair.  That was two years, I guess, before Gunsmoke.  He's going to be in Red River at 7 tonight, our time.

     Sara - have you ever made a casserole with yellow squash, also known as summer squash or crooked neck squash?  Mike brought a couple this morning and I think I'll make one tomorrow, or this week.  Found a couple of recipes and they look good - onions, squash, spices, cheese, sour cream, egg, a little milk (in one recipe) with bread crumbs mixed with cheese on top - then baked.  Bet that will good with brown beans.  When I was growing up that was the only kind of squash we had.  Mostly we rolled it in meal and fried it.  Seems like they also cooked it with onions.  Did you know they also have yellow zucchini?

     Haven't done anything this afternoon - did get some trash together to take down in the morning.  There's not much, mostly boxes.

     Going to try to watch some fire works tonight.  Sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita have seen there is yellow zucchini.  Mine just aren’t setting on well yet.  Getting way more males.  Females not getting fertilized.  So just getting a few unfertilized ones.  Actually love the size of those just not getting many.  Maybe being overwhelmed comes a bit later.

    I like the crook neck squash.  Never make the casseroles.  Been wanting to try a patty pan squash.  They are strange looking to me.  Have to notice if they have them at farm market.

    Have three sisters living and one sister died when she was 37.  Always thought I would like a brother too.  

    Discovered a small pumpkin and a small cantaloupe yesterday.  We shall see if they grow.  Also discovered a horn worm has been eating on one of my tomatoes.  Sprayed it with BT last night. I see it’s droppings but could not find it.  Looked three different times yesterday.

    Killed a few bean bugs too.  Always a battle.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Looks like it's going to be a pretty day - this morning it's fairly cool, sunny and calm but wish we've have a good breeze - makes all the difference in the world.

     Got up at 6 and drove up to see the girls before they got into the barn.  It's so very peaceful early in the mornings when things are just waking up.  It's cool and the babies are having breakfast and the whippoorwills are calling and birds are singing before the heat of the day.  Best time of the day.

     Came back and got the trash in the Gator to take down.  Stormy wanted to go and I hate not to take him so we started down and I saw truck lights coming in the drive so came back to the house - no room to pass on the driveway.  It was our vet.  He gets out early, early and was on his way to the neighbors.   Said he didn't want to get there before they got up and knew I'd be up and around so we had a nice visit.  He's such a nice person and interesting to talk with.  He's old enough that we have things to discuss and know a lot of the same people.  There's really no one around here now that knows people I knew when I was growing up.  I guess now I'm the "old or mature" person in the neighbor.  Hard to believe I'm 79 - that's almost 80!  Better not to think about it or say it out loud.

     I think the girls have gone into the barn.  Called Shaun to see when he can clean the barn but had to leave a message.  It's just so nasty and wet inside I'd really like to get it cleaned out.  I can't remember it ever being that wet inside. 

     Sara - we have raised patty pan squash.  If I remember right ours were white but I think there's also yellow ones.  I can't remember cooking with them but guess we did.  One of my favorites is acorn squash - just cut in half, take out the seeds and put in a little bit of butter, salt and pepper and roast until tender - delicious.  I think later today I may make that squash casserole and cook beans.  But,  maybe tomorrow - we'll see how it goes.   Pumpkin and cantaloupe - you have a lot of good things in your garden.  Do you remember what kind of cantaloupes you have?

     Mike told me news I hated to hear yesterday.  Our neighbor, grandson of a boy I went to school with (several years younger than I) has opened a slaughter house in our tiny town.  He has a store front where people can buy beef.  I think I mentioned Carol told me they had a set up at the farmer's market Saturday.  Just hate that he's done that.  He's not raising the cattle - a couple of other people are - but just the thought of it bothers me.  There's a little town east of us that has a slaughterhouse and I've always thought that was awful. 

     Watching some tennis this morning - Federer plays later today.  I did watch Capitol Fourth fireworks and also Macy's.  I think they're always the prettiest.  Didn't venture outside to see if I could see any east of us - we have in the past.

     Quiet day on tap.  I think I mentioned Sarah's back at Valir - haven't talked with her yet today.

     It's a holiday so no mail service today - did pick up my mail from Friday and Saturday but left it in the Gator.

     I'll be back later - enjoy your day.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Well, the storm is headed straight to us. At least it’s not a big hurricane. But not a dimes worth of difference on the ground from a strong tropical storm or a Cat 1 hurricane. But this is nowhere near bad enough for evacuation, except for RVs/mobile and manufactured homes. They need to leave for any storm.

    We are supposed to get road flooding from rain,  closer to the Gulf they’ll get some storm surge but not much expected now.  We will get winds that can throw some trees/limbs (that’s what takes power lines out) and things like metal sheds or pool cages.

     I spent yesterday picking up yard and securing  stuff (furniture, planters, trash bins, trees limbs etc) outside, overdid and got too hot, and was zonked out for fireworks.

    Also did some food prep—then DH left the refrigerator door open all night. I had to throw out almost everything there (regardless of storm) this morning, then go to store for replacements. Lots of work and money in our trash now. But I’m not risking food poisoning in a storm. 

    .About 90 percent of the prep for us is preparing for long power outages, and food that does not need heating. No worries about house.  I have devices charging, and chargers charging, and hot spots set up all over the house! And lights. LED lights are such a blessing now—no heat or smoke! And no batteries to lose, or run out. The best thing are those LED “headlamps” with elastic band you put on your head. Keeps hands free, and shines right where you need it

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron, I am so very sorry; what a dreadfully painful thing to have happen.  Did they do a KUB Xray or CT Scan to visualiize the kidneys, ureters and bladder?  If so, what was the outcome?  I am perplexed.  Did you not get an urgent referral to a Urologist?

    Getting a Urology appt. can take weeks; BUT if the primary or other MD contacts the Urologist you will get in on an urgent/emergency basis and then help will proceed from there.  (The urologist I was to see had a month's waiting list, but my primary called him, told him of the pain and what the xray said, and the urologist got me in within a few hours; he actually came in on his afternoon off.  I was so grateful.)

    Our son had an abrupt onset of hellish pain from a kidney stone he did not know he had and ended up in the ER in the middle of the night in agony.  Pain meds were not helpful.  The urologist came into the ER about midnight; checked the CT Scan and took him to the OR where he did a ureteroscope where he removed the stone. 

    Please do look into getting an urgent appt with urology if that was not done; in fact, insist.  You need not suffer in such a state when something can be done about it and as said, there are multiple options for doing just that. The VA can often have tremendous hurdles to have to climb over, so you may benefit from the support of another MD or one of their patient advocates to move mountains for you and to move them ASAP which is like, pretty much today if nothing was done yet; that would mean tomorrow as it is already so late today.  If pain is unbearable, do not hesitate to have your son drive you back to the ER.

    Do not know whether or not your other health issues will make it more difficult to have some procedures done  - but as  said, there are multiple ways for them to go about it; not all are lithotripsy.

    IF the VA is not being helpful, do you also have regular Medicare to use that could perhaps make things easier to get help?  It is not good for you on multiple levels to be in such pain not to mention the suffering.

     NOTE:  Those pain meds can, in very short order, cause very severe constipation.  I so hope that the ER doc or other doc has given you the green light to use stool softeners to assist with avoiding that which can be another dreadful over the moon situation.  If not, give a call and ask what to use since you have other conditions and treatement you have been dealing with.

     Let us know how you are, we will be waiting to hear from you.  Am glad your son is there, perhaps he can advocate for you to get things moving fast if that has not been done.

    Lorita, I am so sorry for Sarah; you can indeed advocate for her . . . . the doctor (you may have to push for this), who is following her can write an order for an RN Certified Enterostomal Therapist to come in and see Sarah, and to correct the care, help heal any skin issues that may have arisen very quickly and show the staff how to do the care, and also the RN  specialist can write a plan of  care with the "how to's."  She can make followup visits to see how things are going; it is not appropriate to let things be as they are, that is not in keeping with adequate quality of patient care.  Sarah will also have to learn how to take care of the new stoma, etc.; it will be different from her last  Insist on that doctor's order - sometimes staff will not want to do that, but it is absolutely appropriate and Sarah needs that for the quality of her care.  With proper documentation, her insurance should cover an RN Certified Enterostomal Therapist .

    Rescue Mom, sure hope that the storm is less than what is expected and that you do well.  Do you need electricity for those LED lightbulbs?  I was a bit foggy about that.  Also, what do you put your refrigerated stuff in?  Do you have ice in coolers, or other method? I like to hear how people plan and manage in such situations; we live in earthquake country, so I am always looking to see what items can be helpful.  We also get blackouts that can go for quite some time, so it would be great to have as much input as possible.

     If we lived on a good sized piece of property, I would have a whole house Generac Generator put in, but we do not have the space on our tiny lot.   Last blackout, we lost everything in our refrigerator/freezer, as well as the upright freezer in the garage.  Very pricey.  With that Generac, no having to store gasoline that goes bad over time and is also a danger; it is simply plugged into the city gas line.  Pricey, but great to have especially if one lives in the big winter storm areas where power goes out for weeks in freezing weather. 

    Dear friends; thank you very much for being with me when I go to the Santa Monica UCLA Med Center for my procedure.  I have been given the date of, July 26.   I am still a bit nervous being that it is two hours away from home and thinking about the drive home in such heavy traffic post-procedure is very concerning for several reasons. 

    So; July 26; procedure supposed to start at 9:00 a.m. PST (California time), if it starts on schedule.  Have to be at hospital three hours ahead of the OR time; so we will have to leave our house about four a.m.   So glad you will all be with me, I will feel all of you there.

    Boy; the HUGE fireworks shows last night.  I could hear them for miles and miles in all the cities and from Knotts Berry Farm . . . . shows went on for a good three hours and was LOUD.   After that, could hear fireworks going off that were private at people's houses in other surrounding towns.  Our city forbids fireworks and is very strict for which I am glad.   Sheriff's will respond to illegal fireworks and give tickets that come with a hefty fine. That is okay with me as so many houses have shake shingle roofs and that is pretty dangerous. 

    Yesterday evening, I came across that movie, "Shirley Valentine." Think it came out in 1989.  I had not seen it in years so watched it again, it is so good.  It stars British actress, Pauline Collins. If you have not seen it and it comes up, it is well worth the watch.   She plays a housewife who is treated abysmally by her demanding and demeaning husband, her children are grown and gone; she finally has had it up to her eyebrows so she decides to get herself a ticket to Greece without telling her husband and she does indeed go to Greece . . . . it is what happens when she is there and how she evolves which is funny and also rather lovely. 

    Joan, it is great to hear that the Prednisone weaning is going well and that you are beginning to feel more like your usual self.  It sure has been a long road; I can only imagine.  I am so pleased for your progress on your behalf.

    Sarah, you are indefatigable with your plantings; you are an awesome gardener in your detailed caring.  Boy; if we could get you and Rescue Mom together, I wonder what would happen.  Flowers and Veggies everywhere!  Whoopie!!

    My heart and prayer still goes out to those in the building collapse in Florida; so the building is now taken down.  We hear on the news that there is no longer hope to find survivors in the rubble; and those who were evacuated out of the building have lost absolutely everything that made up the circle of their every day lives; but thankfully, they do have their lives. I saw the Mayor talking about the evacuated residents hopefully having photos of their belongings so they can show insurance and assistance proof of what they actually owned and lost; but most people will not have that and if they did, the photos or videos would have to have been stored at someone else's house.  It is still hard to wrap my mind around what happened.  Such horrible losses and grief.  And on top of it, the storm thundering towards them.  So, so deeply heartfelt sorry; there are not words sufficient.

     Guess we all should have a video or photos of our houses and what is in them; we have not done that yet - should do so and then send it to an out of area or out of state relative to have for a "just in case," sort of incident.   One more thing we "mean to do," but it slips past us in the midst of so much else.

     Good evening wishes to all of you,



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Jo., my stones are small enough I should eventually pass them. I have 1 3mm in my ride ureter which was causing the pain and a 2mm in left and right kidney. I have had them to large to pass on there own, but its probably been 20 years. I believe the 3mm has moved to the bladder because I'm not having the bad pain anymore. I already have a urology appointment for the 15th but was told if the pain did not improve to come back to ER. My son and grandson left this afternoon but hopefully I want need them. I had a ct scan which I saw the results on line. Didnt understand a lot of it like calsified lymph nodes and some other stuff I. Ant remember what it said but all I looked up on line didnt look serious. They did do a chest xray also but results weren't posted yet.

    I'm calling primary care nurse tommorow to ask for suggestions/help with Lou if I have other problems. I can get family members to help but not on a moments notice. The ER nurse told me I need to think about other options for Lou's care and what if I'm admitted. This COVID virus has it where they dont want anyone in but the patient. I wonder what they do if the one with dementia is the veteran and he/she needs the caregiver. 


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Forgot to mention the first iv they tried to put in left a bruise 3 1/2 inches long and 2 inches wide. Never have had a bruise that big from iv.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Very hot to me yesterday.  In the 90s, but guess that is nothing compared to you guys in the hundreds.  Got out very early and hope to do the same today.

    Love hearing the whippoorwills and bob whites.  Last whippoorwill I heard was in Kentucky.  Heard a bob white once several years ago.

    Like acorn squash too Lorita.  Like a little brown sugar added to the butter mix.

    Rescue Mom sounds like this is not your first rodeo lol.  Like to keep a few jars of peanut butter and cans of pork and beans on my shelf for that reason.  Know losing your hard work was frustrating.

    Get so tired of hearing those fireworks.  Did not hear any last night after three nights of it.  

    Ron hope you can get a plan B figured out for Lou.  Think that would lift a little weight from your shoulders.

    My sister who lost one of her dogs is going to look at a rescue dog this evening.  It is a bichon shitzu mix.  She seemed excited.  

    Only have two uncles left.  My one is now in liver failure.  I’m not sure why.  He just went in to hospital Sunday.  Guess they will get it figured out but probably not going to be good news.  He is the only one still living in my dad’s immediate family.  I talk with him every Saturday morning.  He has been the only person in my family who I could talk with about mom.  Also could ask him what I call man questions, he knew a lot about cars and things around the house. Hope those days are not gone, but God will be here with me.

    Definitely glad I planted hybrids this year.  They are setting fruit way better than the two new heirlooms I tried this year.  Commented about this on a YT channel and someone commented back to me that they have found hybrids to set fruit much better too.

    Hope everyone has a nice day

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    It’s raining now, and some wind, but not supposed to get bad until early/mid afternoon. Now just waiting. Much depends on whether it stays a bit offshore or comes on land sooner—that’s what everybody’s watching now.

    Jo, LED lights are not plugged in, they are for times/places when there’s no power. I *think* the LED is like a built-in battery that lasts for years; it cannot be changed. But some of ours are 7 years old and still strong. They cost a bit more than a battery flashlight, but not much. There’s gazillion on Amazon and even the dollar stores.  In early days we used a lot of oil lamps, THAT was a pain, and hot—the last thing you want in S. Fl. Summer—and smoky/smelly, and risky.

    People here take videos of their home and belongings and put it on the cloud, for disaster insurance. Sending it to someone would work, too, but the cloud is easy and always there (so far). I do that every year.

    We have a lot of big ice chests and frozen “fake ice” packs. I don’t make anything with Mayo or dairy, but will make lots of marinaded things. Plus the usual tuna, crackers, peanut butter, nuts, fruit, etc. And liquids that are ok at room temps—some are better than others. Food takes some thought, if it’s more than a couple days.

    We do have a small portable gasoline generator that will run the fridge and a couple of lights, but that’s all. But it’s a pain to set up, and I worry about fumes even though we never bring it inside. Every storm, people die from sitting in their cars or running a gasoline generator inside. We run drop cords from outside decks to inside. And it’s very very loud, and needs a lot of gas. 

    I guess all generators are loud, we hear them kick on all over the neighborhood when power goes out. I looked at a full-house Generac a few years ago. It just seemed like such a process—we also are squeezed for space with zero-lot lines. Regularly wish I’d worked harder on getting it, but that’s when DH was getting bad and I was kind of overwhelmed on my own.

    I hope this storm is small enough that even if a few places lose power, it will be fixed relatively quickly. We’ve been out 2 weeks in past storms.  No AC in the heat and post-storm humidity is by far the worst thing. 95 degrees and 80% humidity stinks, literally.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    PS for Sayra (sorry to go on but this is kind of funny)…you are right, after 40 years, it’s not my first rodeo. But memorable was a really bad storm, Cat 4, trucking due north in the Gulf. But it made an unpredicted—and unprecedented—90-degree turn east, straight for us on the coast. 

    It was 30 minutes from landfall, and hysterical kids dragged us out of our house to theirs, nearby but higher. The “funny” part is they lost part of their roof, and we had to fight that. Our house, that we left for the safety of theirs, was untouched….

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Ron, do hope you're still doing better today and that you can pass those stones without intervention of any kind.  When I think of kidney stones I always remember the stag horn calculus the Urologist I was working for had removed from a patient and kept so all of us could see it.  Terrible looking thing and I don't that would ever have passed. 

     Jo - I told Sarah exactly what you said about the enterostomal therapist.  She wrote it down so she could tell the doctor when he came to see her today.  He isn't there all the time but comes every couple of days.  I'll call her in a few minutes to see if he got there.  Thanks for the advice.  She had an ostomy nurse when she was going to OUMC but has lost her number - thought she could call and ask her what she needed.  I did have her number but have lost it, too.  She sounded pretty good yesterday and they've begun to give her lemonade to drink and crackers and peanut butter, not sure what else.  If they could just get the stoma thing corrected, she'd begin to improve faster.

     Rescue Mom - I do hope the storm doesn't get too bad in your area.  I guess because they last so long you couldn't go to a cellar like we do for tornados.  Sounds like your house is built to withstand high winds so that's really good.  Please let us know how it goes.

     Had sort of a busy day yesterday - made the pumpkin spice muffins, another loaf of bread and cooked beans.  Sandy, I can "cook" water but didn't do too well with the beans in the instant pot.  It said the use one cup of beans and one cup of water and cook them for 30 minutes, then let the steam release naturally.  Did all of that and all the water was gone and beans were only about 2/3rds cooked.  So, finished them in the slow cooker.  They were very dark but still pretty good.  I will try it again with more water.  I used the button for beans/chili - couldn't figure out how to enter another  number of minutes if I had wanted to.  Last winter I ordered pinto beans.  Didn't know I was going to get six pounds.  I think they're old because they usually are really dark when they're cooked.  When I go to town again I'll get some fresher ones.  I'd like to try cooking potatoes in it. 

     Sara - I was going to make the squash casserole today but don't think I will.  It's almost noon and I still have things to do.  Glad your hybrid tomatoes are doing well.  It was warm here yesterday, too and will be a little warmer each day until the weekend.

     I go the 200 lb. of feed out of the PU bed.  I didn't want to jump it until I was ready to get it to town so did it the hard way by laying the sacks of feed on the side of the bed, then lifting it off to the Gator - so had to lift it twice.  I may put it in the feeder today since everyone's in the barn except Rose Bud.  She spent a good part of the afternoon yesterday standing in the water.

     I need to go to our tiny town to get Gator gas but don't have to do that today.  We're supposed to get spotty showers tomorrow so don't want to wait until the roads are muddy again.  The roads, everywhere around here, are awful - very rough, rutty and washed out.  When I went to town last week I mentioned I came across a "road closed" sign so had to make a detour - heard a bridge ahead of there had been washed out.  I haven't seen a road grader on any of our roads this or last week.

     Rested and watched two hours of Denim & Co. on QVC.  I really like their clothes so enjoyed that.  Only ordered one pair of chocolate brown French terry pants - I love their French terry.  I haven't been to a store to buy clothes for who knows how long.  I don't go much of anywhere so don't need new clothes but sometimes just can't resist.

     Yesterday morning I called the guy who was going to clean out the barn and had to leave a message - never got a reply - so, called again this morning and had to leave a message.  He was going on vacation and thought he'd be back by the 4th but maybe they decided to stay longer.  Need to call Bryon to mow this weekend if it isn't too wet and rainy.

     Still trying to figure out the new phone.  I can take a picture and did take one of Kitt to send to Sarah yesterday.  Took a couple more this morning of the caladiums and now can't retrieve them.  Guess I'll have to call to see how to do it.  Hate trying to figure out new things.  I'm too old and sot in my ways, as they say.

     Hope all of you are well this morning, and safe if you're in the storm's path.  Shirley, hope you and Bill got out in time. Rescue Mom, stay in and stay safe.  Let us know how things are.

     Jo, again, thank you for the advice.  I'm going to stop and call Sarah.  I'll be back later.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions

    The nurse...Marvelle 405.476.0392 ...she is with the Ostomy Association...Sarah did not like her.

    I love Denim and Co French Terry...will take a look

    The rabbit is not dead!!!!

    Did I mention the sink hole?

    Does anyone have white Cosmos?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    So glad the rabbit's okay.  Guess that warning wasn't valid.  Animals seem to know which plants to not eat.  Is the rabbit full grown or one of the little ones you were watching a while back?

    Never have seen a white cosmos but I bet it's beautiful.  Mother always had cosmos and then Charles and I did - their colors were in the purple and pink family.  Really good flower for our hot summers.

     Sink hole?  No, is it close to your house?

     Thanks for the number for Marvel.  I didn't remember that Sarah didn't like her.  I haven't been able to get in touch with her.  When I do, I'll give her Marvel's number.

     Are your caladiums doing well?  Maybe you can take a picture and post so we can see them.  They were beautiful last year and I remember they were all white - so pretty.

     I've been fooling with that new phone.  I took a couple of pictures of the caladiums this morning, then couldn't retrieve them.  I just tried taking more and they were there so something went awry, I guess.  Hard to take pictures of them if the sun is on them because the colors wash out.

     I wear Denim & Co.'s French terry pants all winter.  The ones they showed this morning was a new silhouette, they said.  Lots of pretty colors.  I've been watching for gauze pants this summer but guess they're not going to have them this year.  I really like wearing them in the summer - not see-through and they're cool and you don't have to iron them.  Just didn't have dark brown ones.   There's a Denim & Co. show at 6 a.m. in the morning and they always repeat the two hour one they have on Tuesday mornings but have to look for it.

     I had thoughts of putting the feed in the creepfeeder until I went outside - it's only 84 but no wind and it feels hot to me so I'll wait until late this evening or in the morning.  You get too hot before you know it and it takes a while to put the feed in.  I can't lift the whole sack that high (creepfeeder is about 5 1/2 ft. tall) so have to put it in a bucket, then empty the bucket in the feeder.  Each sack is about six buckets so that takes a while.

     Judith, have you fully recovered from your weekend company?   I think I'll put on my patio dress (been wearing a shirt and pants and they're getting hot) and relax the rest of the afternoon - maybe a nap?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, please ask Admin. to shorten your link - it has hyper-extended the pages . . . . I looked at the pants; on my computer, in all colors the pants come only in a size XS or XXS.  I have not been an XS since heaven only remembers when . . . .

     I had written a Post with info for Ron and abruptly got bumped off the entire Thread and my Post disappeared.  May be that I was entering the Post while others were entering theirs and we electronically "bumped" into one another. 

     Not in the mood to try and re-Post right now; will later. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Jo...I have no idea how to ask them. Why doe it need to be shortened?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Jo, I had no idea what shortening the link meant either.  Just now when I logged on I saw what the hyperextension meant.  I've seen this happen before - no idea why.

     I also looked at the gauze pants link, Judith and, like Jo, it said only XXS and XS.  I don't think I ever wore one of  those sizes.  I have eight or nine pairs of them from M to XL - can't wear the larger ones now but would never fit into an XS.  I get in the habit of wearing the same things over and over.  If I go to town and like the outfit I wear I will probably wear it the next time which would be in 2-3 weeks.  When I worked I had to, or did, wear something different every day but that's way in the past.  Thanks for the lin, Judith.  Can't imagine why they quit making them.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hello everyone. It's still hot here, 90s. Looking forward to a getaway to a cooler place in the near future. I'll tell you about it when I get back.

    Despite the heat, I still get out and do a "garden walk" almost every day. I weed, deadhead, etc. Lots of deadheading now as the daylilies are coming on very strong! I have around 100; not all are blooming now but many are. I adore daylilies! And I love garden work. So fulfilling.

    We went to lunch today with a neighbor who is moving soon. The best neighbor ever! We will miss her. We have lived next door to her for 30 years. 

    Hope you are all doing well and will have a good week. 

    I wanted to share 1) A View from Above; 2) Some of my daylilies; 3) My potager (kitchen garden) which contains cucumbers, herbs, tomatoes, kohlrabi, kale, green beans and sugar snap peas; 4) Supertunia 'Vista Bubblegum' in a laundry tub. I have 3 laundry tubs with petunias. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    Yes it is still hot in my village. My son put a small AC in my window and it really has helped. Not only is it hot we are getting smoke from some fires that are far away, but still we are getting some of the smoke. The news was saying there have been 29 people that have died due to the heat. I know 2 of them where part of a homeless group living in Bend, Oregon. 

    Lorita,    I hope Sarah is getting some good care i am sure with you making the phone calls you make that will help make that happen. Have they said anything to her about when she can expect to go home?  I hope the rehab she is in is nice and she likes it that would make her stay a  bit easier.  I sure hope you get the guy to clean out your barn I bet its pretty bad and will only get worse. 

    Shirley and Rescue Mom I am praying for your safety during this hurricane. Shirley it sounds like you will be safe having a Motor Home to go away in, praying you will have a home to go back to. 

    Rescue Mom, Sounds like you have a routine preparing for the storm, please keep us posted. 

    Ron,   Please make a plan B for Lou's care and your piece of  mind. I know you have a hard time trusting people so maybe a care agency would be the way to go. But it does sound like you have back up with your family.

    Jo,   Thank you so much for all the info you give us I find it all helpful. I know how worried you must be about your procedure I wish I lived closer to help you. I will be with you and all the others with that day comes. 

    Beth,   Your garden is so pretty it should be in a garden  magazine. I am glad you get out daily and enjoy your garden. I am sure all your stress melts when your relaxing in your garden. 

    Joan,    I am glad your still feeling better and enjoying the warm days. My son did put a ac in my window so I am not suffering with the heat. Thanks for asking.

    I hope your all well and enjoying life. Hugs Zetta 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    I forgot to tell you about my new phone. My new phone has 4 legs and it goes Meow.   

    My daughter came down from Seattle for a few days to go with me to pick out my new phone. As we were on our way to the phone store and we were getting close to the Humane Society she said Mom you need a new cat. It has been pretty quiet at my house since Rascal passed away and I had not planned on getting a new cat. She convinced me that Molly needs a new friend. So we went into the Humane Society. They had many kittens and some big cats. She found one that is marked just like her cat. She had 2 cats one being 15 and the other one being 17. Her 17 year old cat also passed away last month. This little kitten was co cute I had to have it. 

    I was driving so she held this baby all the way home and by the time we got back to my house she wanted to go back and get another one for me. She fell in love with my new little kitten. I was very glad to let her take it home. That little kitten running around my house for 2 days wore me out. Molly loved it but I am not sure I am ready to deal with a small kitten it was only 8 weeks old. My fear was tripping over it. 

    My daughter  will be back in a few weeks so we can go get my new phone.  Molly and I don't miss the kitten it was fun for a few days.   

    Good Night, Hugs Zetta      

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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