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Just need to talk to my friends (149)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Warm and sticky here today.  We haven't had any rain yet but it's cloudy.

    Got my new phone activated and contacts transferred.  I was able to use the same SIM card I had in my old phone.  I had to make it smaller but the hardest thing was getting the new SIM card out - I was trying to get the tray out. Rescue mom, the 209 contacts transferred, thank goodness.  I had written all of them down, just in case they didn't.  I have so many because it's people like the electrician, carpenter, anyone I might need to call about things on the farm.   It's charging now - just a little bit bigger than my old one - will have to learn how to do things on it but I have the manual and I can check online.  I would never be able to use one of those I-phones.

     Zetta, the girl who helped me is located in Bend, Oregon.  We talked about how hot it is there today. Hope you've stayed inside and have been cool. 

     Ron, glad you're doing better.  What you're doing about cooking is good.  In time you'll feel like getting back into trying recipes.  As long as Lou will eat, that's what's important.

     Beth, your garden is beyond beautiful - looks like it should be in Home and Garden magazine.  Do you do all the maintenance yourself?  Everything looks so pretty - like it's just made for that certain place.  What are the tall blue flowers?  You said your daylilies were beginning to bloom  - bet they're gorgeous.  I have a few that are just beginning to bloom by the water hydrant out by the barn.  In years past cows have been in that area and ate them.  Carol calls them cornflowers.  They're the old fashioned, orange ones but I think they're pretty.   If I had a garden like yours, I'd just go out and sit in it.  Do you have coffee or iced tea out there in the mornings?

     Jo - thanks so much for the information.  I had read it might bother your legs if you didn't have it treated. The only treatment I know of and my doctor mentioned was cortisone shots.  The time it bothers me most is after I go to bed - sometimes my feet are cold and sometimes hot. If I curl my toes it feels like there's paper on the bottom of my foot - strangest feeling.  It really doesn't bother me when I walk but I do think it's affecting my balance a little bit - or maybe it's my age.

     Ron,  I sometimes think we get used to how our loved one is and don't always notice things.  I remember years ago I was at work and mother started to burn some trash and the fire got out and burned 50 big, round bales of hay.  Luckily, there were some men working on the road about a quarter mile away and they came to help.  When I got home (she had called me) he told me she shouldn't be alone.  So, he noticed that something was wrong partly because she had been using a towsack to fight the fire and dragged it inside the back porch while it was still burning.   

     I did a load of laundry - needs to be dried but I may wait until tomorrow to do that.  Filled the water tank in the garden after I got the leaves and walnuts out of it.  When the girls came in to the barn this morning they were really drinking water out of that tank so got it refilled.

    Had a text message from our friend, Sandy, telling me she heard that Yellowstone's new season won't begin until August.  Can't imagine why they're waiting so long this year - last year the new season began the latter part of June.

     Guess I'll have some more roasted vegetables for supper.

      I bet Judith is having a good time with her visitors - probably will need to rest next week.  I always think of what a good neighbor told me once.  She was mother's age and had three daughters and a son who would visit.  She told me she loved having them visit but was so happy when she saw the car tail lights go across the corner on their way home.  We love to have company but I think as we get older, we really relish being by ourselves or with our loved one more than ever.

     I decided last week that I'd take a lot of glasses and plastic containers (not LocknLock) out of the cabinet.  I hardly ever use a glass - just the big soup cup I drink from so I didn't need them.  Now I have more room for things.  I had gotten the boxes as far as the storage building's doggie door so got them put up out of the way on my way out to fill the water tank.  Not much of anything else.

     Hope all of you have stayed cool and dry, whichever is the case.  Still not good news from Surfside, Florida about the building collapse.  Can't imagine how the relatives of the people who lived there must feel.  Rescue Mom - was it like a retirement home or just condos?

     Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    It is very hot in my neck of the woods. Right now it is 91 and in a few days it will be 106. I mowed a little this morning I went out at 6am and started it will take me a few days to finish. If it cools down this evening I will do a little bit more.  Right now I am sitting in my recliner with a ice coffee and watching The Zoo. 

    Dose anyone watch the Bronx Zoo. Some times its the Bronx Zoo and then its The Australia Zoo.  Sandy have you ever been to The Australia Zoo? they show us everything that goes on behind the scenes. Steve Irwin was the Zookeeper and he passed away so his wife and their son and daughter are now the keepers. I enjoy it they make you feel like your part of the family. Its on pretty much all day on Saturdays. I just love to watch how smart all those animals are. 

    Sara,   Yes I started the avocado plant. I really don't want it but I don't want to kill it. I was thinking if I could plant it outside I would like it better. Do you think it will survive the winter with the snow I get if I plant it outside? 

    Judith,  I had to laugh when you were saying how loud your house was. My house is very quiet and I like it that way. A few hours of company is about all I can take. If it gets too loud come on over and have some ice coffee with me.

    Beth,    Your garden is beautiful I bet you love relaxing and enjoying the view. I am sure it keeps you very busy.

    Jo,    I am glad you finally got some good sleep. Yes I am staying inside and keeping cool. WOW! 113 in Medford that is way too hot. I hope your son is dealing with it OK. Right now I have all my fans going and I am staying inside. If I go anyplace I do it early in the morning. I always like to take Molly with me and I can only do that when it was cool. She pouts if I don't take her so early works best for both of us.

    Jo,     You reminded me of all the family gatherings we had when I was growing up. That was when all my family, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and friends lived in Sacramento. My Grandparents had a big yard and a pool and everyone spent the week ends there, Now with my Grandparents being gone and a few of us not being in Sacramento any longer I am not sure where everyone is at. I know if my Grandparents were still alive things would be different. 

    Lorita,    I forgot all about the moon. I feel to sleep in my recliner and when I woke up I just went to bed and forgot all about it. But last evening I noticed all the clouds in the sky were pink so could it be the moon on the other side of the world was reflecting on the clouds. Do you think?   Yes it is unusual for for it to be as hot here as it has been. I am looking forward to a cool down.  We are being told not to run sprinklers as often as we want too because of the water level and some of the wells are drying up. I usually run my sprinklers a lot but lately I have just been running the front and back for 30 minutes each day and each yard every other day., I can't afford for a well to run dry.    Is sad you don't have a person to be called to check on you. What would happen if you reached out to Darwin and his wife again maybe they feel bad about it. Maybe just offer to be contacts for each other. 

    My sons Birthday is today and I got him a ice cream cake from DQ I sure wish he would get home I want some of that cake. YUM!!! 

    Well I better go before I lose this post like Jo lost hers. I hope your all staying cool. Hugs Zetta

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Zetta, Happy birthday to your son and hope you enjoy the cake! Sorry it has been so hot for you. We rarely get above 100; we did once this year and it was the first time in 4 years.

    Lorita, we do sit in the garden, most every day (not in the winter though). Under the deck is a patio (we call it the veranda) - we have a walkout basement so that is where it is. We have 2 porch swings hanging there and that is where we sit. We also have, farther out, what we call the courtyard. That is where the pergola with the wisteria is. We have a table and chairs there. We eat there quite often. Then there is the actual garden. The tall blue flowers (there are some pink and some white too) are larkspur. It's an annual, but plant it once and it will self-sow forever. Love it! We do all the maintenance ourselves. I weed, mulch, deadhead, plant, harvest, do spring and fall clean up, make compost, etc. My husband helps with mulching (264 bags this year), and he edges the garden and mows. It is a labor of love for me. I like the work, and I like to sit out there or walk around and look at things. I have bird feeders and birdhouses out there too and enjoy watching the birds. 

    Hope everyone has a restful night.  Beth

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Beth, your garden is indeed beautiful!

    Jo and Lorita, I had a first episode of toe cramping a few days ago.  I had to manually hold my toes down for about twenty minutes.  I felt a strong pull but no pain.  It hasn't come back.  A lot of strange things happen in our older years.

    I tried to fry some fish fillets the way I would fry chicken.  It came out a mess!  I ate the fillet but left the fried flour on the plate.

    I have lost 90 lbs over the past three years or so (220 to 130).  I took two bags of size 2X and XL clothing to Goodwill yesterday.  I kept a few items.  I want to see if I can have them altered.  I used to be a good seamstress in my younger years, but not now.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Glad you got rain Beth.  We got rain twice this week but it has been so windy that dries out fairly quickly.  

    Your garden is so beautiful, very artistic.  I just have plants lol. No artistic bones and my back would never endure all you do.

    There are 5 or 6 blueberry bushes where my mom lives.  We usually get to pick in July.  Mom said there is a very nice crop this year. Didn’t have a great crop last year but still froze quite a few.

    What do you do with your Kohlrabi?  Which variety do you raise?  Raised it last year but didn’t really know what to do with it.  A you tube channel out of my state suggested Sweetie Mix variety. 

     This is my third year trying to raise Kale.  Had good success for first time.  Found 3 foot bamboo hoops.  Placed them over my bags and covered them with tulle.  Have very little holes this year.  You just need to be sure completely covered and that you are careful with tulle, not to get holes in it.  

    My day lilies I  inherited are just starting to set bud.  The problem with day lilies for me are the deer.  The blooms are deer candy.  How do you keep the animals out?

    Glad you got the phone taken care of Lorita.

    Zetta don’t think the avocado tree will survive your winter.  If you don’t want to keep messing with it, might just plant it outside and then let nature take its course.  Hope you enjoyed the DQ cake.

    Iris good for you losing that weight.  That takes a lot of determination.  

    Hope each one has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     We got some rain during the night.  It was still really dark when the alarm went off this morning - cloudy.  I didn't realize it had rained until I went out to feed the boys.  Drove down behind the barn to see the girls - way off in the NE pasture - everyone was up and around - didn't specifically see Rose Bud so hope she's okay.  She wasn't laying where she was last evening.  I worry that she'll lay down and not be able to get up.  Gave the boys their food and water and got back inside.  There's a few puddles around and it' raining lightly now.  Weather says we'll get more during the day and week. My TV reception is going off and on so guess it's raining some.

     Zetta - I agree with Sara that your avocado tree won't survive the winter.  If you really don't want to keep fooling with it you might try putting it in a sheltered place and even covering it this winter.

     Hope you enjoyed the ice cream cake - I've never had one.  Happy Birthday to your son - hope he had a good day.

     One year I tried to water the lawn to keep it going but I don't anymore.  We get our water from Lake Eufaula - a huge manmade lake - so no worries about not having water.  Do you have wells?  We have a well and a cistern but they're no longer in use.  Charles and I laid a waterline (1/4 mile) after the ditch was dug by someone else, in 1995 for mother.  Sadly, she only got to enjoy having it for a very short time before we lost her. 

     It's raining - looking out the door toward the pond - I like rain, guess that's the farmer's daughter in me.    Zetta, Darwin and his wife are good friends but I don't want to make caregiving any harder for him.  Eventually, maybe she'll get over that phase where she's suspicious of him.  She had told me things in the past about him that I just could not believe.  I've known several good men in my life and he's one of them - couldn't be a better man and more willing to help anyone.  He has his hands full.  I do miss both of them but maybe in a while things will level out and get back, somewhat, to what it was. You know I think about this a lot; after we lost mother and daddy I told my sister the time would come when it was just she and I sitting here on this hill.  Of course that didn't happen - lost her last September - so, it's just me now - and all the animals.

     I do watch a lot of "zoo" shows.  I'd never watched the one with the Irwins but did last evening.  It was showing a baby giraffe being born.  His front legs were hyperextended at the knee and they were afraid he wouldn't do well without possible surgery.  After a couple of weeks they straightened out and were just fine.  A couple of times we've had little calves with problems - one or both of their front feet turning over so they were walking on the tops of their feet.  I remember us holding the baby up and straightening out his foot.  It took a little while but they straightened out.  Nature has a way of taking care of things.  That boy really does look like his dad, doesn't he?  I'm so happy that the zoos take such good care of their animals - I had no idea.  Makes me feel better that the animals have a good life.  I hope it's that way in all of the zoos.

    On the news this morning they were talking to a woman from Oregon about the heat.  She says it seems to be getting hotter each year - global warming for sure.  Have you all seen the movie The Day After Tomorrow?  Scary stuff.  Worries me that you're getting out mowing - just be very careful.

     Iris - congratulations on your weight loss!!  How great.  I bet you feel a lot better and just think of the new clothes you have had to buy.  My niece, Scarlet, lost 130 lb. a few years ago - I think she was mostly eating protein.  I think after she went off the diet she did gain a bit back but she looked so good and said she felt so much better. 

    You know when I started working at the VAMC all the women sewed.  We'd stop by the fabric store on the way home, buy the material and notions and make a new outfit that night and wear it to work the next day.  I haven't sewed in years but it used to relax me - don't think that would work now though.  I loved to sew double knit back in the late 60s and early 70s.  I loved that material - wore well, washed well, no ironing and so easy to sew and such pretty designs.  Still think about those outfits I made from it.  I wonder what happened to those clothes.

     Beth, so much work for you and your husband in the garden but I think when someone enjoys doing something it isn't really work.  Where you live it's probably cool enough to spend lots of time outside in the summer.  I bet your garden is just as lovely in the winter when there's snow on it.  I think larkspurs are so pretty - we used to have them in the pastures and meadows.  We had lots of wildflowers but not so  many anymore since there's so much spraying.  I imagine most of your flowers are perennials, aren't they?  Do you have a lot of shrubs and what kinds?

     Sara, I love blueberries - used to like to have them on my oatmeal and cold cereal.  We picked blueberries one year at a farm east of here.  It was hot but fun - they said to roll the berries off the vine instead of pulling them - worked well.  We always thought we'd plant some bushes but never did.  We did have gooseberries and really liked them.  Gooseberry pie was one of Charles' favorites.

     Never have eaten Kohlrabi - is it kind of like turnips?  I do know they're an odd looking vegetable.  Also have never eaten kale.  Seems to be the rage now - even deep fried. 

     My day lilies are blooming - so pretty and bright.  We have deer but not near the house.  They seem to stay in the trees along the west side of the farm.  I've seen them in the pastures but not in a year or so.  Cows also like daylilies and love to eat roses.

     I think I'll like my new phone.  Didn't like the alarm music so I've changed that.  It's just a bit larger than my old one and I did get the same color.  I haven't talked on it yet so don't know how that'll go.   So glad I didn't lose my contacts. 

    Iris, when I used to wear high heels (doubt I could balance on them now) at night if I moved my toes in a certain way, they'd  pull underneath and hurt like the dickens.  Now I only wear wedges and boot heels up to 2" - kind of stacked heels, not slim. 

     Hope you all have a good Sunday and get rain if you need it and some cooler weather.  So many States are having awful heat and the rest of the Country is under heat advisories.  I don't like summer anymore.

     Back later.




  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, you know a lot about flowers - can you tell me what the flower is in Lady Texan's avatar?  I think I asked her once and not sure she knew.  I did know the name of the flowers - they grow wild along our roads and I've transplanted them several times but they only last a year or so.  I think they're beautiful - I like blue flowers.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sorry for having three posts from me in a row.

     Just had some good news from Sarah.   She's going to Valir Rehab. Center today.  So, guess she's getting along all right or the doctor wouldn't send her there.  She said she wanted to go home, of course, but is all right going there for a while.  I think she was there for a while the first of last year.  The doctor has cut her pain meds to every eight hours and she doesn't like that so he moved one to every six hours.

     Her problem is that she doesn't have any clothes with her.  I told her to get in touch with Todd and have him bring her some from home that might fit.  She's lost weight so she's going to tell him to buy some pjs, t-shirt and pants, socks and underwear.  I hope she can get in touch with him.  He's getting ready to go back to Texas.  He'll have to kennel the two dogs and cats and I don't know if they kennel birds or not.  I guess that's one problem of having pets.  I've also thought about that.

     I asked her about the place they saw on her liver and she said they'd done another CT scan and didn't see it.  So, I guess she's been progressing better than she thought or led me to believe.  Glad of that and hope all goes well.  I talk so much about her so thought you all might like to know.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    I used to get kohlrabi in my farm boxes. It’s pretty bland, texture like a raw turnip but not as much flavor. I’d peel and cut in small pieces, and eat raw with dip or in a salad. Sometimes I would roast it in the oven, then put some kind of sauce on it; it would just be a vehicle for the sauce, really. Not a veggie I would choose, but.

    Zetta, we in FL are seeing stories about how Oregon and Washington temps are higher than ours! It must be hard for you and others, we are used to it but it seems to be less common there. About avocados, lots grow down here in S. Fl., and I think they don’t handle cold. They are fun to start from a pit, and make a pretty pot plant, so you can enjoy that! As for bearing fruit, I’m pretty sure they have to be grafted to bear, or if not grafted, it can take several years to maybe produce anything like a fruit. But they are nice to have in a pot.

    The cat that adopted us has been an experience! I forgot how curious they are. He can open closet and cabinet doors, and is bad to jump on the counter. I spray him with water and I think he’s learning. But he loves to sit in laps and knead with his claws. When I walk away from him he wraps his front legs around my leg, and if I stand still for a second, he will lie down on top of my feet. Our little poodle is friendly, but not as cuddly as he is. Zetta I know you still miss yours.

    Lorita, so glad your niece is doing better and accepting her rehab stay—and that your phone came through ok!

    Lorita, the collapsed building was all condos, although many if not most residents were elderly. The beaches there are solid high-rise condos, many about the same age and built on same kind of ground. Many, maybe most, beach condos there are largely seniors and retirees,  although that particular area has a lot (relatively) of families because it’s a bit less expensive. 

    It is nightmarish to me to imagine waking up with your home crumbling around you and falling…I guess it’s a small blessing (big for them) it happened so fast.

    It’s so, so easy for a builder to cut corners, go cheap, and use bad concrete—which is what a lot of experts now think was the case with the foundation slab. Add in loss of soil/fill underneath, from a sinkhole or flood water or whatever, and yeah, it collapses.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Beth, your garden and property are truly enchanting.   What a lovely place to have in your life and you work very hard to attain and maintain it. I love the whimsy of the bird houses and the direction signs.   In my childhood, my favorite book was, "The Secret Garden."  I would imagine with longing, the gate and the secret garden behind it and wished for one for myself.   Our yard in SoCal is tiny; no room for a secret anything; but I would still feel a great sense of being in the right place for myself in a secret garden.  Sigh.

     The trees on your property are also beautful; what an absolute delight sitting on the swing on your veranda looking out over it all.   I wondered about what was on the other side of the chain link fence; is it a neighbor or other sort of property?  Lots of wonderfully full trees there too.

     Lorita, so glad to hear that Sarah is accepting going to rehab; the doctor must have made a really good presentation as to why this is necessary to get such good acceptance.  Glad you like your new phone and sorry your TV went out; that is the problem with DISH TV: rain or other weather can knock it out.   

     Rescue Mom; your cat sounds very sweet and endearing and oh so smart; sure has developed an attachment to you.   Cat knows who the soft touch is and feels very safe.  Lucky cat to adopt you!

    I remember picking blueberries in the forest each year.  They were so good.  We would fill our galvanized pails very quickly.   I remember the blueberry pies my mother would make - with the blackbird pie vent in the top of the pie so it would not spill out all over the oven.  The house smelled wonderful.

    Iris, congratulations on the weight loss; I SO need to do that but it seems my body resists.   How did you do that for so long?

    Never have eaten Kohrabi, it is a strange looking vegetable. I have been thinking of the dish we would have once in awhile, but have not fixed in years; it is called in Swedish, "Rotmos," (rootmoose).  It is potatoes and rutabaga mashed together.  Love it. Some people use potatoes and other root vegetables mashed together; some with more than one root vegetable together with the potatoes. Very yummy with a little butter on top.  Love root vegetables.  

    How was the ice cream cake, Zetta?  I find myself wishing I had a big piece right now.  It has been years since I have had an ice cream cake.  We sure do get to talking about food, don't we.   Happy Birthday to your son.  One of our sons has a birthday on July 01.  I remember bringing him home from the hospital on July 03.  The next day, big fireworks all over the neighborhood which he simply, as an infant slept right through.  He was such a good baby; now he is grown with children of his own.  Time moves by us so fast.

    My mask face breakout is even worse and boy does it ever itch. I gently wash it each am and pm with a mild face wash, (Cetaphil), and use a mild moisturizer as the derm links tell us to do, but it simply itches and has flared worse; no moisturizer, still flares. Got that after having worn a paper face mask for several hours one day.  Tried using cortisone cream for a few days in a row, but that was of no avail either.  So . . . . one more pandemic issue.  May have been allergic to something in the paper mask.

    The church we had attended has opened completely; second email sent out about it yesterday - no distancing and no masks required and not even asking those who are unvaccinated to wear a mask.  Still risks and I think they are very short sighted re the unvaccinated. The church has an older population; hope that those who would benefit by it will continue to wear a mask.  They are not going to ask unvaccinated to mask nor are they taking temps at the door.

     In contrast, our neighbor said her church is still distancing the seating; masks are still required for everyone, and temps are taken at the door. The Pastor's wife died of Covid in the early months of the pandemic; he takes it very seriously.

    Well, Ms. Judith is still with the joyful noise in her house; wonder when her company leaves.   She will have some rest to catch up with.  Amazing how much we love our company but by the time they leave we are not sad to have peace back again.   Yep; happens when one, "matures." 

    We are to have heat in the 90's - 100's next week with three days of rain and thunder mid-week; the humidity will be obnoxious as heck. So hope that the electricity stays on and no brownouts.  The A/C and fans will be important.   Now if people would only take good care of their pets in the heat, that would be lovely, but so many are in arrears of doing that.    We have public cooling centers with A/C at various libraries and parks, but if the power goes out, there is no A/C at the cooling centers either.   DH said he gassed up the car, if all goes out, we will drive to the cooler areas with the car A/C he said.  Some areas will still have electricity, so we could get a hotel room, but I do not wish to do that.  Forgot to get mosquito repellent; I am a mosquito magnet, and if I wanted to sleep outside, it would not be a good idea; I'd get eaten like a free mosquito smorgasbord!

    If sleeping outside, Lorita would have to worry not only about mosquitos, but coyotes and snakes too.  EEEK! 

     Remember not too long ago, all of us complaining about winter?  And here we are; well, it gives us something to complain about.

     Stay cool, and peace wished for one and all,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    Yes I did enjoy the ice cream cake it was chocolate with broken up brownies in it. I only had one piece then I told my son to take it out to his cabin so I would not get into it. I only needed one piece.  I will keep my avocado tree inside and keep it alive. My daughter is coming from Seattle to visit for a few days maybe she will take it home with her. 

     Lorita,    Its good news that Sarah is not too upset about going to rehab she is probably starting to feel better and wants to continue with all the treatments. Yes I do have a well. My son set the timers on the sprinklers to run for 30 minutes every other day once on the back and once on the front.  Yes the son looks just like his Dad, I hope you enjoyed the show and will continue to watch it. Yesterday they even had the San  Diego Zoo on a few times. Yes it is nice to see how much all the animals are loved and cared for. I sure hope you like your phone and have no problems with it. When my daughter gets here she is going to take me to get a new phone so hopefully I will like it. I am thinking about maybe just keeping my old phone. It works. The mowing is done my son finished it last night. It takes me 3 days to do it and he gets it done in 3 hours. 

    Rescue Mom,  Yes it is hot here as long as my electricity does not go out I will be O.K. I have fans running in my living room and my bedroom. I am so glad that kitty has adopted you and feels loved. Does she go back to her house at night?  I really do miss Rascal. This morning when I was running my bath water I missed him. He always came up on the tub when he heard the water running and he would sit on the tub while I was taking my bath. He loves to bat at the bubbles and my toes. Sometimes when he reached them it hurt. 

     Jo,   I am sorry about your face. I really don't go many places so I don't have to mask up much. When I went to DQ to get the ice cream cake no one had a mask on I was surprised. The staff did but customers did not. I will continue to ware mine for awhile. 

    Iris,   Congratulations on your weight loss. Did you lose it when you started  the Mediterranean Diet?  The first of this year I started eating more healthier and I have lost 30 lbs I would like to lose 30 more. My Dr was happy the last time he saw me. I go in next week to meet my new Dr and I have lost more, thats the reason I had my son take the ice cream cake out to his house. 

    I hope your all have a good relaxing Sunday. Hugs Zetta 

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    PS a cat question: I sometimes feed the cat dry kibble. But he seems to have trouble holding it in his mouth (?). So many pieces just fall out, makes a mess with as much spilled around the bowl as eaten.  I can clear it up, that’s no problem. But I wondered if that is typical for cats and kibble? Or is it just him? He never seems hungry, his real owners (neighbors) say they feed him, too. His teeth look fine, owners took him to the vet a few months ago and all was good. He’s not at all interested in boiled chicken or broth.

    Zetta, he comes and goes in the daytime—he knows what French doors are for, and how to ask—but after dark, he stays out. He may be at his real home, although they are gone a lot.

    Jo, you are so right! I am a soft touch (family has other terms) and I am totally manipulated by this cat. Oh well! I should not have ever fed him but I was afraid he was hungry, lol me.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Rescue Mom,

    That kitty loves you. I was wondering about her teeth but if you looked and they are fine it may be she just prefers soft food. I gave Rascal a little bit of each he preferred the soft but would eat the hard if that was all he had left. Sometimes I would find it around the bowl but not often.  My dog Molly is the one who makes a mess she will get a mouth full and carry it around the house. She will lay it down wherever I am sitting and then eats it. There is a lot of soft food for cats. Spoil Her.  

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good evening Friends, Kohlrabi was something I had never heard of until my mother-in-law shared it with me, initially when I was dating hubby. I peel it, slice it, salt it and eat it raw. It is similar to a turnip or rutabaga. The variety I planted was from Baker Creek, Early Vienna. Sara, thanks for the tip on the kale. I had no issues with insects on it last year; oh well, this is a different year. Sara, you asked about deer. I have no problems with deer eating my daylilies. They have in the past eaten my tulips and lilies (true lilies, not daylilies). My solution is a "stinky" spray called Liquid Fence, Deer Fence, or Repels All. The smell lingers for them and keeps them away for a maybe 3 weeks but the smell for humans only is bothersome when spraying. Then it goes away. I also use Milorganite along the fencerow and along garden beds. It is a fertilizer made from sludge and it also repels by smell. 

    Lorita, I've seen Lake Eufaula when we were driving through on our way to TX. That is one HUGE lake!!! What a blessing it is for Oklahomans. You asked if my flowers are mostly perennials and they are. I do have shrubs: weigela, burning bush, mugo pine, fig, and azaleas. I am not sure what kind of flower is LT's avatar. Glad you like your new phone, Lorita.  Glad to hear Sarah is doing better. She's been through so much. 

    Jo, thanks for the compliments on the garden. I do enjoy it very much. It is coming into peak season now, with coneflowers, clematis, black eyed Susans, hydrangeas and others, plus 100 daylilies soon to be in bloom. The trees in the background of the photo are not ours. Some are in the pasture adjacent to our backyard and some, past the chain link fence, are the neighbor's. She has the best fall color in her yard (maples).  This is getting long and I better stop before losing it. I'll continue it on a second post.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    part 2....continued
    Jo, I changed churches because of the pandemic. I stayed home and watched online church for a year. Once fully vaccinated, I returned. Then, I was concerned about Easter as no one wore masks and I figured there could be 400 or 500 people there that day. So, I went to a small, small church on Easter Sunday and I loved it! Only 40-50 folks attend there. They were requiring masks but not now. I feel safe. It's mainly an older population and in our state, approx 80-85% of persons over 65 are vaccinated. Now, if we could just get the younger folks to accept the vaccine. Jo, I'm sorry about your face breaking out. Hopefully a dermatologist can help you out. 

    Judith, hope you are enjoying your company! 

    Ron, hope things are going better for you and Lou. You truly have a lot on your plate. No wonder you are worn out.

    Good to hear from Rescue Mom about the sweet kitty. We have fed stray/feral cats here for over a decade. Having food out brings more in. There was a beautiful Siamese who came, and he had a collar so I figured he belonged to someone and was lost. I was able to take the collar off to read it and get his owners' information. Something funny it said on his tag, "Don't feed my fat a--. I have food at home."  lol  Anyway, got ahold of the owners; he wasn't lost. He was, and is, an outside cat.

    Good night all. Take care, stay healthy.   Beth

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    As long as I was wearing the mask, I didn't have a dermatitis on my chin.  Since I have been mostly mask-free for ten days here in California, I have begun to have dermatitis on my chin requiring some cortisone cream.  What gives?

    I was sitting on my balcony today and out if the corner of my eye I saw a snake. So naturally I jumped up in got inside.  I then saw that what I thought was a snake was really my cat Simon's long striped tail!  His body was hidden beneath the chair I was sitting on so I didn't get the full picture at first.  Ha-ha on me!

    I had lost a lot of weight by following a vegetarian diet, which makes up most of the Mediterranean diet.  But my hair was thinning and I didn't believe I was getting enough protein.  I went to meal replacement shakes and smoothies, made with skim milk and protein powder; I also ate more protein and vegetables and fruit. 

    Like many people, I gained Covid weight, in my case 40 lbs.  Last October I had aduabetes scare.  So I made a determination to lose the Covid weight and to get off the carbohydrates (sweets, breads and starches) that had crept back into my diet.  I had been eating proteins and vegetables until this month.  My Hgb A1c is back in the normal range.  I started eating a small amount of starchy vegetables (1/2 corn on the cob) and a bit more fruit than before.  My main goal is avoiding diabetes.

    I used to take long walks pre-Covid.  Now I do exercises at home.  I also wound up doing intermittent fasting.  I began getting up after noon, thus eating breakfast at 1 or 2 o'clock.  Then dinner was at 6 or 7.  I don't eat after dinner.  That long period without eating contributed to the weight loss.

    Now for maintenance.  That's the hardest part!

    I love ice cream cake.  It used to be a big treat for birthdays and holidays when I was a child.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    We got a quick unexpected shower yesterday evening.  Got about .25 inches.  Should not have to water this morning.  Guess I will get up and clean house.  Then have to get my phone issue resolved.  Having trouble with charging.  Think it is my charger.  Hope that is what it is.

    That is the type of kohlrabi I grew too  Beth.  Watch a YT channel out of my state and she grows Sweetie Mix.  My mom pickled it with cauliflower, cabbage etc. and did like it that way.

    Guess I’m the odd ball, but really don’t care that much about ice cream cake.  

    If I could put the milorganite along the edges of my beds and it would keep the animals at bay I would love that.  But it’s  too late if I come out and my things are eaten.  Have quite a few sunflowers and deer love them too.  Guess I will just stick with my tulle fencing.  Get tired of putting it up and down.  Guess I should just consider it exercise.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's cloudy and wet here this morning and humid.  I got the trash together last night and Stormy and I took it down this morning.  Absolutely hate that I have to do that so early.  It used to run about 10 which was good but they changed drivers and/or route and now it's about 7.  Guess this winter I'll try taking it down the night before - if the coyotes don't get into it.   I forgot to mention this - a couple of months ago it was a bit muddy and I was down at the mailbox and saw these huge paw prints - bigger or at least the size of the GPs.  They hadn't been down there so I guess it must have been that big wolf we've seen - I'm sure if there's one, there's more.     

     We drove over and saw the girls - all seemed okay.  Little Sunny was laying down while mom grazed.  Stopped by the creepfeeder - either today or tomorrow they'll need feed.  I hadn't taken Sheena for a walk by the Gator lately so when we got back I drove down, with her walking beside the Gator, to the meadow and back.  She enjoyed it.

     Iris, I'm so glad you decided to sit with us on the porch and visit.  I laughed out loud at your snake story - I guess it's just a reflex to scream and get out of the way when we see one.  I don't know if you read this or not but either last summer or the one before I found two snakes in the house!  Our bathroom floor is white and I was walking by the door and saw something long and black.  It was a snake!  I thought about getting something to kill it but that would have meant going outside and I didn't want it to get away.  I try to keep one of grab-it things so got that and picked it up.  I think I shot it after I got it outside and then threw it over the fence.  Glad that was over.  Got back in the house, walked by the door and saw another one!  Repeated the above.  This guy was so big and fat he broke the grab-it but it held together until I got him out to the fence and threw it over.  One of them tried to climb back through the fence.  I found the place they had come up through the floor - a little board was broken under the wardrobe so fixed that.  I've killed a couple more in the yard this year.  Iris, we have two ponds in front of the house - one really big and we've always had snakes.  The guys who mow for me say they see one or two every time they mow. 

     I guess I didn't weigh during last year (can't imagine why) but when I weighed earlier this year I'd lost 25 lbs.  I had gotten in the habit of having breakfast, snacked at noon and ate supper about 4 and not much after 6 p.m.  I'm on a plateau and can't get off of it.  I know I'm eating a bit more than I did during last year but I'd like to lost 25 more.  Did lose a couple of sizes which is good.  I need to go through my closet and donate things I haven't worn in a couple of years but that would be a job.  I still have Charles' clothes laying on the divan in the sunroom.

     Sara - glad you got some more rain - always good to have that in the summertime.  Hope you get some more.  Have you gotten any ripe tomatoes yet?

     Beth - I was amazed last night when I googled "blue wildflowers".  There's dozens of them and so pretty.  I found what I was looking for - it's called Spider Wort.  To me it looks like LT's avatar flower but hers may be some kind of lilly.  I think the Spider Worts are so pretty.

     Lake Eufaula is huge.  A lot of it flooded farm land so it's still muddy in places.  There used to be a big  resort, well, there were two, but one was right on the lake.  It was beautiful but guess it went into disrepair and they demolished it.  Never have rebuilt it.  I know people have built cabins all along the lake and come from OKC for the weekend.  Patsy, my cousin, lived close to the lake and she said there were lots of people who came down for the weekend from OKC.  It has really added to our level of humidity though.

     Rescue Mom - I was going to say the same thing Zetta did about your cat - it could be his teeth that are bothering him.  When he's laying on your lap and you're stroking him see if you can lift up his lip and look.  And, he may just prefer wet food that's softer.  Our cats like both kinds.  I give them wet food in the mornings and evenings and dry in between.  I can't leave it down because the GPs also like cat food.  I keep it in a container by the microwave in the pantry.  They know where it is and when they want some they go in there and meow for me.   I like cats, seems like there's always at least one either on my lap or beside me in the chair.  Kitt's laying beside me now, sound asleep.  The cat has adopted you - you know people don't adopt cats, they adopt you.

     Zetta - I really like to watch those zoo shows - there's several on our stations.  Sarah called last evening to tell me the case worker had called Valir and  was told they couldn't take Sarah until she'd been off IV medications for 24 hours - so that will be sometime today before she can be transferred.  She said she told them she wanted to go home but they won the argument.  Todd's going to be gone so she'd be there by herself which would not be good.  She said he told her their house flooded - not the main part of the house but the laundry and utility room and garage which are lower than the house.  He was busy trying to get the water out.   I saw on the news OKC had 6" of rain.  My sister always commented on how much water would be in the street in front of her house when it rained so it must have really flooded.

     Zetta, I didn't want to get a new phone - really liked my old one but had to because it was a 3G and they were being phased out.  I have a flip phone from Consumer Cellular.  It does more than I want to do - all I need is to be able to receive and place calls, store contacts and do a little texting (don't care for that much), and I like to be able to set the alarm to get up and to let me know when the water tanks are full if I'm running water in them.  I'd never be able to use one of those fancy ones.  Hope you either keep the one you have and like or find another you'll like.

     Jo - I think because Sarah likes Dr. Cole and has confidence in him is the reason she's more accepting of going to a rehab center for a while.  Of course she's rather be home but right now she's not able.  She's been in bed for over a month so she's not strong enough to really walk very much.  The Center isn't too far from their home so Todd can visit when he's home and not working.

     Hate it when TV reception goes off - just when you need to see the radar.  We have Directv which I do like except for that.  They recently told me they're working on something so we won't lose reception during rainstorms.  I'm going to have to see it to believe it.

     Funny you mentioned sleeping outside.  When I was growing up we didn't have air conditioning or even a water cooler until after I got married -  just fans and being outside.  In the summertime when it was so hot we often slept on pallets on the porch.  We didn't think a thing about bugs or snakes.  I remember the year Eisenhower was elected my parents moved a bed outside under a tree - this was during the conventions.  No idea why I remember that but I do.  I've seen snakes in trees so that would not be something I'd do now or even sleep on the porch.  We have a DynaTrap that  takes care of mosquitos but not the spiders and snakes.  People now are too reliant on air conditions (myself included).  We have it in our homes and cars and just can't stand the heat anymore.  Even the tractors have cabs and air conditioners and all the comforts of a luxury car.  Ours doesn't.  People are spoiled but the world is getting hotter so guess we'll become more dependent on it.  I heard yesterday, or read, that 112 was the hottest Portland, Oregon had ever been.  Why can't people believe there is global warming - so evident if they see pictures taken of the arctic and Antarctic and how the ice is melting.  Feel so sorry for the poor polar bears and other animals that require ice to survive.

     I better stop before I lose this whole thing.  Sorry I've gone on for so long - we've been a busy bunch of ladies and gentleman.  Ron, hope things are well with you and Lou this morning.

     Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    They are now all gone. The house is a mess. I am going to bed and will deal with it later.

    It was wonderful. I did nothing!!!!!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, thought of you yesterday. As I was driving to church, I saw several black angus, babies too, walking in a creek. It wasn't all that hot so not sure why but I enjoyed seeing them. The creek wasn't very full, less than or equal to their knee height. Not unusual for that particular creek; often it is dry.

    Regarding climate change/global warming, there is a documentary on Netflix called "Chasing Coral." Researchers dive in the oceans and note how much coral is dying, because the water temperature is increasing. A side note: my good friend's brother and his wife produced this film.

    Spiderwort! Sure! I have some but mine looks a little different. It's a pretty flower. 

    Another humid day. Not expecting rain until tomorrow (maybe). We did get good rains last week but are still down.

    Judith, glad you had fun with your guests! Now to rest up!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth,  I just saw a show this afternoon about the Great Barrier Reef and how the coral is dying because the water's so warm.  Can't understand why all of the powers that be can't understand there is global warming.  Sticking their heads in the sand, I guess.

     Cows like to be in the water in the summertime even if it isn't very hot.  Just like people enjoying a swim.  Our girls come out of the barn every day about 4:30 and go straight to the pond and swim across, graze some and swim back.  Some just stand in the water.  I looked just now and Rose Bud's just standing in it and enjoying the coolness.

     When I was looking for the Spiderwort I saw some that were pink - reminded me there used to be a house in Muskogee that had a back yard full of pink ones.  All the wild ones I've seen are blue.  I should dig up some more and transplant them again.

     It's been in the mid 80s here today but humid.  I've been lazy today - did make some muffins this morning after I took down the trash.  That's about the extent of it.  Talked to Sarah for a while.  They decided to wait until tomorrow to transfer her.  When I talked to her she didn't know the reason.  Probably good because this morning she was pretty stressed out.

     Judith, hope you got rested up this afternoon.  Even if you didn't do much while your guests were there, it's still tiring just having someone else in the house when you're used to being alone.  Even if they're family or close friends it's kind of hard to relax.

    We had a little shower mid afternoon but it just made it muggy.  I need to jump start the PU and let it run a while so I can get it out of the carport to get some feed into the Gator for tomorrow.  I'll wait until later.  Need to go out and check the barn to make sure everyone got out.

     Beth, I've been thinking of two wildflowers we have - Indian Blanket and the other one is kind of like a larkspur but much shorter and orangy-red.  Now, guess I'll have to look that one up.  We stopped once and picked some and they were covered with ants.  you all may not have them up there.  I can almost think of their name - aggravates me when I can't remember something.

     Just checked - I had the name wrong- the larkspur-like one is Indian Paintbrush and the other is Gillardia (not sure about that spelling - also called Indian Blanket.  They're both very prerty.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    No ripe tomatoes yet Lorita.  The Fourth of July which is a smaller tomato will probably be the first.  Noticed the green is getting a little lighter on them.  Doubt if they will be here by Fourth of July.  Sun sugar a cherry tomato is setting too.  They usually come on pretty quick.

      If not too much rain today going to try and post a couple of pictures.   One is my cherry tomatoes that are black.  The variety is midnight Snack.  Anything I read on them talks as if they are green at first, then as they ripen the top is black and bottom is red if there is enough sun exposure. Well mine have been black since they appeared.  They are still hard so know they are not ripe.

    Love Indian Blanket Lorita and so do my pollinators.  At my other house it stayed neat and controlled.  It has gotten a little wild and wooly here.

    Suppose to be a hot one again today and in 80s tomorrow.  Then in 70s for awhile.  That will be a nice break for me and the plants.  Will get a mess if green beans soon if nothing happens.

    Growing several chamomile plants this year.  They are starting to bloom.  They smell so good.  Seen a few cucumbers setting on.  Think there are about five zucchini.  

    Ok guess that is enough of a garden report lol.  Those are my pets lol.  

    Not going to see J this week.  Her son is here and she has some appointments this week.

    Take care everyone 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, you have vegetable pets and I have animal pets.  I surely don't get tired of hearing about your plants and how the garden is progressing.  Black tomato - black on top and red on bottom?  If yours ripen like that, I'd really like to see one.  Are they big or little?  Are you going to make tea from your chamomile plants?  Do you use the leaves or do they bloom?  I've never had that kind of tea - I've heard it's very calming.  I drink black or black and orange pekoe.    I need to go out and check on my zucchini.

     I've been watching the girls come up this morning.  Funny, to me, I saw two babies by the mineral tub and Sunny was closeby, just wandering around.  The other three and about 15 others are on the other side of the pond - I've seen all six babies.  All the others are in the barn.  Anyway, saw Penny, Jr. start toward the barn, then she turned around and bawled (calling Sunny).  He didn't answer so she tried again, then came back out and looked up toward the others, called him a few times, then went back to the barn.  I think he and the other two went in the barn when I was in the kitchen and evidently when she wasn't looking.  She's giving him a little bit more freedom but is still keeping check on him.  I really enjoy either standing by the fence watching them or sitting on the porch steps watching as they come to the barn.

     Got my 200 lb. of creep in the Gator last evening so when they all go into the barn, I'll put it in the feeder.  I want to watch Roger Federer play at Wimbledon today but they've had a little rain delay so not sure when that will be.

     Nothing going on here today except the usual which is not exciting.  That's good because I really don't want exciting. 

     Zetta - stay inside today out of the heat.  Is it really dry up there along with being so hot?  Won't take long for the grass to turn brown in that heat.  I always have Bryon keep the grass north and west of the house as tall as he can with his mower.  This time I'm going to have him mow the wild violets - getting to be too snaky out there and they'll come back. I think whatever is eating the violet leaves on the steps gets up on the second step and eats from that side of the pot - wish I knew what it is.  I transplanted some big ones in the pot last week and now all the big leaves are gone.  When I fed Tom and Jerry yesterday morning the turtle was in their feed pan.  This morning it was not far away so I gave him a little wet catfood - tried to pick him up but he or my hand was too slippery.

     Hope everyone's okay today.  Judith, hope you're rested up after your company this past weekend.  Looks like you have had a lot of rain last night - now it seems to be just west of you.  We've only had 1.4" but there's a good chance this afternoon and evening.  At least it's keeping it cooler than normal - mid 80s which is great for us this time of year.

     Stay cool - or dry - whatever the case may be.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes
    Beth and Lorita— we did a lot of scuba diving before DHs Alzheimer’s, I will look for that documentary. I’ve seen some, not sure if that was it. But the loss of coral is extremely obvious and severe in the Florida Keys. Diving was a huge economic driver there, and now that area has lost most of that income. The Keys officials, and dive industry officials, have long begged for action to help the coral reefs, but that often means more costs, and/or less income, for developers and other industries who oppose such measures. (Water pollution is also a factor, but warmer oceans are more widespread). Guess who wins that fight? I think most politicians understand global warming, or at least the impacts, quite well. It’s just easier for them to question the existence than to do something about it.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Yes it is very hot where I am. Yesterday it got up to 107 and today we are being told 111. We are usually in the 70s and 80s right now. Because of that not too many have AC. I have a big fans in living room and both bedrooms they do pretty good. Right now I am sitting in front of one and Molly is laying right next to me. I don't plan on going out at all. I had a Dr appt this morning I went but it was still pretty cool. All's well with me it was just for a routine follow up.   

    Judith,   It was very nice you enjoyed your visit. I hope your getting lots of rest your mess is in no hurry to get cleaned up. 

    Lorita,  I love hearing how the moms talk to the babies. How big is the turtle? I also hate snakes. When I was pulling weeds around my house I was afraid I would see one. I have only seen one in the last 30 years and it was just a little garden snake. I probably scared it more then it scared me. I ware gloves when I am pulling weeds just incase. 

    I am looking forward to my daughter being here she will get here Friday evening and leave Tues morning. We are going to go get me a new cell phone and she will help me learn all that I need to learn. 

    I hope you are all well and having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

    Now that we are so hot we are also in fire danger. There has been a few small fires due to lightening strikes but none were close. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Zetta, I can remember in the summer when it was so hot my grandma would put a bowl of ice in front of the fan to help cool the air.  She also kept a wet washrag on her head most of the summer when it was hot.  Anything to help stay cool.

     I was thinking about Penny, Jr. and her baby and how that went this morning.  I'm willing to bet that her baby answered her when she called because she turned around and went right into the barn.  I wasn't close enough to hear but I bet that's what happened.  I marvel at how the babies know when it's their mother calling them and vice versa.

     I did go out about 9:30 to put the 200 lb. of creep in the feeder.  I got out all the molded feed I could that was preventing the good feed from going through to them.  It's a deep feeder and the only way I can do it is to use a hoe and get the old feed on it and raise it up where I can hold of it.  I wish I could clean the whole thing out but there's no way.  The feeder is scary because the edges of the top and the side of the feeder where the top goes is just a sheet of steel.  If a person got their finger in there, it would be gone.  I probably should wear gloves.  Stormy cried to go with me so he sat in the Gator while I worked.  It was fairly cool but sunny and I was really hot when I came in.  Haven't done anything since except watch TV with cats laying on and beside me.

     FedEx delivered some boxes - didn't hear him at all.  With the fan and air conditioners running along with the TV Stormy doesn't even hear him.  Weird - this posted without me clicking on Post.

     Rescue Mom - you're right. Politicians know what's right but doing something about it is another thing.  If they, and us, aren't careful we're going to lose our planet for future generations.  We can certainly tell the difference in our weather - we used to be able to know what to expect but no longer.

     I called Sarah this morning to see when she was going to Valir and she was already there.  She said they transferred her last night.  Todd went to see her this morning and brought her some clothes from home.  She hadn't gotten up to check what he brought.  He's not feeling well and is stretched so thin - trying to keep his company going, dealing with a flooded house, caring for the dogs and worrying about Sarah.  He had to have a Covid test to do some job they had and they found something he needed medication for. He still hasn't found time to get that.   Seems like whenever they transfer her from the hospital to rehab there's always a time lapse for her medicine.  They never seem to have it when she gets there - this time she went all night without meds so no sleep.  I was trying to find in my journal when she was at Valir last year but couldn't but I think it was a couple of months in the late spring. 

     Zetta, you stay inside and don't get out in that heat.  You all aren't used to it and it can really creep up on you.  Even here where it's cooler than normal, it can get to you pretty fast.  Hate to say this so early - but, I'm ready for Fall.

     Enjoy the rest of the day - only one more day left in June; then we have to deal with hot July and August and even into September.

     Judith, hope you're rested up.  How are your caladiums?  I'm really going to try to keep these bulbs until next spring - they're so pretty.  I ordered three colors it looks like there's more than that - maybe they intermix or whatever that's called.  My pots runneth over!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sorry - have another cute cow/calf story:  Scary experience for me - almost held my breath.  The girls were over on the other side of the pond except Rose Bud who was close to this side standing in the water.  I had gone out to see if they had gone down in the NE pasture.  I saw Penny,Jr. coming up the fence that separates the east and NE pastures walking very fast - wondered where Sunny was.  He was behind her almost running trying to keep up with her.  They came through the gate and he took off running toward the pond.  She followed him and went right into the water.  I was holding my breath, hoping he was going to stay on this side.  No way - he followed her right into the water and they began to swim across.  He got a little confused because Rose Bud was swimming with them and he began to follow her.  All I could see all the way across the pond was his little head and part of the time I couldn't see that because he'd be on the other side of Rose Bud.  He caught up with mom when they reached the other side and came out on the bank.  The part they swam across is very deep - we had it deepened a few years ago so there was no way he or any of them can touch the bottom. 

     I think what happened is - the girls were on the other side of the pond and he somehow got through the fence into the NE pasture and didn't know how to get back through.  So, good mom that she is, Penny went all the way around and got him and brought him back through.  You've seen moms who were aggravated at their kid because of something they'd done and how they walk really fast after disciplining them?  Well, that's what she was doing. 

     I just went out again to see where they are and they're still on the other side - so hope they don't swim back across.   Little Sunny is just a week old and little - but he can really swim.

    Maybe I'm around cows too much - ya think?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I like the cute cow & calf stories.  I have a cat story that's not so cute.  There is a feral cat in my condo complex.  A lady in another section feeds it.  Well, last night I was in my bedroom when I heard some cat noises.  I went out to check, and lo and behold, that feral cat was on my kitchen counter!  Once it saw me it skedaddled out back to the balcony ledge and jumped down onto the fence below.  I don't know how it got up to my second story balcony, but it did.  I usually keep my screen door open to allow the cats to come in and out until it's time for me to go to bed.  At times I have let Simon sleep all night on the balcony, because he likes that.  But I don't want that feral cat to be able to attack him.  Simon was attacked by a different feral cat last summer, became septic and almost died.  I have to think of something.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    Looks like we are in for several wet days.  Hopefully can find a break where I can go out and pick my greens and freeze them. They say not to handle bean and cucumber vines when wet as increases disease in them.  

    Very thankful for the rain as we need it but there is just something about several rainy days in a row that make me a bit blue.

    Attached pictures of my Indian Blanket Gaillardia and Midnight Snack tomato.  It is a cherry tomato.

    Yes I am hoping to have chamomile tea.  It is suppose to act as anti fungal in the garden too.  May have my plants spread out too much for that, don’t know.  

    It is rare for me to see a snake.  Not sure if I have ever seen a snake at this house.  Have seen a few at other house.

    Well I have a cat story too lol.  My sister and brother-in-law have bought a different home contingent on being able to get permit to add two more garages to it.  When they have been there they see a cat that lives there.  They have started taking food to the cat.  Sister said it was skittish at first but is now warming up to them.  Turns out that the man who owned the home had only lived there nine months before passing away and he had inherited the cat when he moved in.  So now they have inherited it.  They are ok with that as there are woods behind the house and obviously it is an outdoor cat.  The may set it up with a electric blanket in the garage during winter.  Know they did for a cat they had before.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Iris, if the cat has come in one time, he'll be back.  Don't know what the solution to the problem is unless you leave the screen closed and let your cats in and out.  I imagine it was kind of disconcerting to find a strange cat in your kitchen. 

     I just fed Tom and Jerry - only one of them was there this morning.  I still don't know which is which so I just say one of the names when I see one.  I mentioned I've been feeding them for years every morning and they still don't want me to touch them.  Sometimes I can pet one on the back while they're eating but they usually just move away.   Someone asked how big the turtle in the carport is.  I think there's more than one because the one I saw a couple of days ago was big - and heavy.  The one that was in the feed pan the other day was smaller.  A few days ago somewhere north of the house I was walking and saw a small one - not any bigger than the palm of your hand.  Occasionally I see a big pond turtle.  They're  sometimes as big as a dinner plate and black with knobby shells.  We have two ponds in front of the house and two in the back so they go back and forth and I see them sometimes.

     Sara - I've never in my life seen black tomatoes - how strange and you say they're supposed to start out green, then turn black and red?  I'm anxious for them to ripen so you can tell us how they taste.  I can still remember how good tomatoes were when I'd pick them off the vine, wipe them off and take a bite - kind of warm and so tasty.  If you buy tomatoes you do not know that taste at all.  I bought a couple of tomatoes when I went to the grocery store and they've been fairly good.  I froze some that Mike brought last summer so should take them out and eat them.  They were ripened on the vine.

     Did you plant your Indian Blankets or were they just there?  I don't think I've ever seen any of them here on the farm and only a few Indian Paintbrushes. There used to be lots of different wildflowers in the meadows and pastures but I don't see many any more.  We had some beautiful, purple flowers (I think they were some form of  thistle)    but I don't even see them this year.  They were there last year and the pasture hasn't been sprayed so don't know what happened.  I was up in the pasture where they usually are yesterday and didn't see a single one.

     Stormy and I just came in from seeing the girls.  One is standing in the pond in front of the house and several were around the pond in what we used to call the hog pasture.  I think I saw everyone.  The grass is really wet and  doing well so, hopefully, our rain won't cut off and we'll have good grass the rest of the summer.  I need to think about getting another mineral tub or two - may go to the place where I get the smaller  black tubs.  I won't need to get feed for a couple of weeks.  I need to get the PU in to find out what's going on with it but still have 200 lb. of feed in the bed so maybe next week.

     Thinking about maybe working on tax prep.  Our CPA sends a form each year to complete and send in but I've always taken all the receipts and the list I make of deductions.  Maybe I'll do it differently this year - can't find the form so will have to call for another one.

     Had a nice visit with Sarah last evening.  She sounded more normal than she has in a long time.  Yesterday was a busy day with them doing all the intake and getting things set up so she didn't get much rest - maybe she slept last night.  They have a patio but they're doing some construction on it so the people don't get to go out there right now, maybe later.

     Time for juice and hot tea.  Thinking of making a big batch of either waffles or hotcakes and freezing them - probably not today though.  Really convenient to have them frozen so I can put them in the toaster and they're ready.  I have a small waffle maker I used last time and it worked well but I think I have a great big one that makes four at one time (if you cut them) so may find that one. 

     Just heard on the news that 1.3 million people in Oklahoma have been vaccinated but that's just over a quarter of the people in the State.  They're beginning to get pretty worried over the Delta Variant so people should continue to wear masks.  Sarah was finally able to get her first Moderna vaccine - I think you get the second one three weeks later for that brand.  Do wish Todd would go ahead and get his.

     Jo - I saw something on TV this morning that might help with your mask dermatitis.  It's called "cool turtle".  It's a turtle-shell shaped frame that you put underneath your mask that gives space for air circulation and so you can talk better and they mentioned mask dermatitis.  It was an ad on TV and they said it's not available on Amazon.  I think you get three of them and two extra but can't remember the price - under $20. I'm sure. 

     Hope everyone's all right this morning.  I saw the babies this morning, running around playing.  They're all so cute.  I'm going to try to remember to take the camera when I go up in the east pasture so I can take a picture of the pond so you all will know how far across they have to swim.  Hard to imagine that a few years ago the pond had dried up to three or four big puddles (that's when I got stuck in the mud and water trying to rescue a calf).  Don't want to ever see that again.

     Judith, I looked at the caladiums as I came in just now and they are beautiful - several colors.  I could have used half the number of bulbs I used in each pot so they were better bulbs than I usually get at WM.  Thanks, again, for the information on Florida Boys.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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