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Just need to talk to my friends (149)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, your gaillardia are just beautiful! I liked seeing your tomatoes too. Those are very interesting. I like your weed solution of placing cardboard on the ground. I have an area where I have done that as well.

    Hope you all have a peaceful day. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    A bit rested but it may take a few more naps but the house is put back in order. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Darn, had one paragraph typed and it disappeared.  It's been kind of quiet on the thread today - guess everyone's taking it easy.  I know I have been - I've been out a couple of times to see the girls since this morning and once to the barn and that's it.  I did go out and pull dirt to the zucchini.  They're almost a foot tall and kind of falling over so now they're up straight.  There's at least eight of them - way too many - but when you plant you have to plant more than you need because you never know what will come up.  I have no idea what I'll do with all of them if they make.

     Judith - glad you're catching up on your rest.  Reminds me that when I was working, we'd go on leave and have to come back to work to rest up.  Are you all still having rain over there?  We've only had 1.5" all this week.  Places in the pasture have dried up enough to get over them without 4WD.

     Sara, I didn't notice the cardboard under your tomatoes until Beth mentioned it.Good idea.  We used to cut open feed sacks and lay them under the tomatoes and in the middles between the rows.  Kept everything from getting so muddy.  Nice that you're having some rain so you don't have to water.  Is the heat as far west as you?  I read somewhere on the tablet that it got up to 122 somewhere in Canada today. 

     Zetta, hope you're staying in and staying cool.  Are you dog setting somewhere or just resting? 

     Talked briefly to Sarah - she had therapy three times today - saw a doctor both yesterday and today.  He told her he'd see her again in 48 hours to see how she's progressing.  She had been asleep when she called but said she didn't sleep last night.

     Nothing going on today.  My legs are sore - I know it's from climbing up on that three-step stool and straining my legs when I was trying to get the molded feed out of the creepfeeder.  When I'm finished putting in the feed I have to kind of raise up one end of the long lid to make it close.  It has a piece that slides under something else and it's kind of bent out of shape so it needs help.  When I went out to the barn I heard a calf in the feeder like he was trying to get out so walked out to check - he got out just fine when I got there but I did wire the rod up a little higher.  It's hot out there in the sunshine - not much wind today.

     I'll stop for now and try to find something to watch - about Gunsmoked out today, Zetta but they've all been good.  Are you getting Cheyenne up there?

     Enjoy the evening and night - rest well.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    We are under a weather watch and warning till 12am we could be getting some lighting later. My son got me a little air conditioner and put it in my window and it really has cooled my house down. We have a few fires burning now in Oregon but none are close.  There is a airport about 40 miles from me it had to close yesterday due to a fire so I am sure that backed up a lot of arrivals and departures. Today all the restaurants have opened up for dinning in and no need to mask up. I will still ware my mask for awhile.

    Lorita,    I don't get Cheyanne on any of my channels. But when I do my pet nanny job their TV gets a lot of western channels. The people I pet sit for spend the summer months here and the winter in Huston, Tx. She is a golfer so she wants to be here during the summer. They never leave their dogs alone so I have become the pet nanny I spend a lot of time in their house during the summer. It is a big house and very air conditioned. I bet it is so cute seeing those little heads bobbing up and down in the water. I bet those little legs are all over the place. 

    I hope when they let Sarah go home that she will continue taking good care of herself so her healing continues. It seems like she has been sick for a long time.

    Sara,  Your flowers are beautiful and those black tomatoes are interesting. I  never knew there was black tomatoes.  I also have the same cat story. My daughter and her husband moved into a house a year ago and looks like the previous renters left their cat behind. She is so sweet and they feed her and let her in often. My daughter had 2 cats and one passed away a few weeks ago so I think they might just adopt this one. I know she would never move and leave this one behind. 

    Iris,   My daughter and her husband lived in  a upper apartment and they had a balcony and their cats would jump in the tree that hung over the balcony and explore for awhile then they climbed right back up the tree and came home when they were ready. Its funny I wonder how many times they climbed the wrong tree.   It's good that your cats did not discover this intruder. You may have had a cat fight. 

    Good Night to all, Hugs Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions
    Lorita,   I just saw where Yellowstone is starting Saturday at 12:00 on Paramount TV they are going to show all episodes. I might watch a few of them. 
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I hope that turtle with the knotty shell isn't a snapping turtle!  I used to belong to a Turtle and Tortoise Society.  You'd be surprised how many people like turtles.  They say it's an easy pet because it hibernates for six months.  I had had a couple of red eared slider turtles but I had to rehome them because they grew too large for the aquarium they were in.  Most if the aquatic turtle people had built-in ponds for their turtles.  Turtles should not live  in an aquarium.

    Sara, I was going to ask if those black globes were eggplants.  I never saw or read about black tomatoes.  Every year our newspaper's garden section prints a story about heirloom tomatoes. So many varieties!

    When I opened the door to the balcony this morning to let my cats out, the feral cat was sleeping on a box!  It must have spent the night.  It stayed all day.  I put some  food in a carrier and tried to trap it, but it would not take the bait.  I finally nudged it with the broom (gently) and it ran to my neighbor's balcony.  It stayed there for a couple of hours.  It's after 8 pm now and I don't see it.  I hope it never comes back!

    Well, tomorrow will be the beginning of the second half of the year.  I feel like I have accomplished nothing so far this year. I feel like I've been hibernating. 



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Lorita started Indian Blanket years ago from seed.  Have kept it going wherever I moved.  When I moved out of where mom lives it died out. So had given my sister some so she was able to give me a start again here.

    Indian paintbrush is very pretty.  My uncle, who lived in Texas at the time, took me to see the bluebonnets.  Indian paintbrush was there too and it was what impressed me the most.

    Glad you had a nice visit with S.  Know that felt good.

    Beth cardboard does control the weeds.  Started putting it under my tomatoes last year to retain moisture and to try and keep soil born diseases from splashing up on them.

    Have been in low 90s here, and that is not unusual.  Next three days are suppose to be in 70s.  We have had a lot of ups and downs between 70s and low 90s and the extended forecast shows that trend continuing. Suppose to be rainy again today and then they are showing a stretch of sunshine.

    Like turtles too.  There is a small pond by my other house and would see turtles now and then.  Doubt if I will ever see them here.

    Have never seen tomatoes that black before either Iris.  Think they look like little bitty egg plants too.  The real small ones coming out are a dark green so going to keep an eye on them to see what they do.  Don’t remember if the others were that black when they first set on or not.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, my gaillardia are mounding; yours grow tall. If you google goblin gaillardia, that's what mine looks like. I don't know if that is the variety I have but it resembles it. Apparently gaillardia are short-lived perennials so that may be why they died out at your other house. Indian paintbrush is lovely. I've never seen it. 

    We are still 7 inches short of rain for the year. I just bought some additional cedar mulch and mulched my vegetable beds with it; I've never put the wood chips in my vegetable beds before but I mulch my flower gardens with it. Hope that helps keep the moisture in. We bought I think 268 bags of mulch; each is 2 cubic feet. Spent roughly $1000. I know we could get it cheaper from a tree service. They'd dump on the driveway ad we would have to wheelbarrow it all back to the garden; that would just be way too labor intensive for us. 

    Iris, in 2008 a mama cat and two kittens was living under our shed. I started feeding them. The tortoiseshell female stayed (still have her, see my avatar, her name is "Tortie"), the black kitten disappeared, and the mama ("Mollie") came to see us for years and we fed her and I made friends with her. She suddenly disappeared, never knew what happened to her. We have had probably 20 cats come over the years; if you put food out, they come. If they're friendly I get them to the shelter as our climate isn't good for outside cats (cold winters). 2 come daily now; "Oscar" and "Tortie." Tortie lives here and is friendly to me but scared of others. We also occasionally see big yellow "Garfield" and Siamese "Papas" who I wrote about a day or two ago.

    I have company coming to pick blueberries this a.m. with their grandchildren. I need to go get dressed! More later.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes
    I’ve seen, and eaten, black tomatoes. I used to belong to a farm share, and got all kinds of unusual veggies from that (like the kohlrabi we discussed earlier). They were like regular tomatoes, just black colored. They also had yellow and bright orange tomatos. Made a pretty salad. Some things they sent I never would have bought, but I tried them all. They also had beets in lots of colors, and some multi-colored. The one item I remember not liking at all was dandelion greens. But they sent many many leafy greens, most were pretty good.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Happy July!!

     Iris, hard to believe it's July 1 - the first part of this year has really gone fast.  I hope the next two months go as fast - I don't like hot weather.  It's rainy here this morning - just getting here.  It's been raining cats and dogs in Tulsa.  Looks kind of like it may go a bit east of us.  We've had a total of 1.5" this week but some places in northern Oklahoma has had 7-8".  I feel kind of like I've been hibernating, too, but that's all right if we're comfortable with it.  I have no desire to get out and about.  My parents got to the point they didn't want to leave the farm, too, so guess it's normal for us.

     Got out and fed Tom and Jerry, then Stormy and I drove down to see the girls.  Didn't count them because they were moving around and it's just too hard.  Didn't see anyone down so that's good.  Checked inside the barn and at 8 a.m. several were already in there. 

     Not sure about whether those big turtles are snapping ones or not - but, I'm not going to bother them.  Years ago Charles and a friend were fishing and a turtle bit Tommy's finger (guess he was trying to get it off the hook) and he had a hard time getting it loose.  I've heard if a turtle bites you, it won't let go until sundown.  I think turtles are pretty but never had one as a pet.  I do see quite a few - one time there was one by the front steps so I gave him something to eat.  A cat came up to get the food and he literally got on top of the food and pushed the cat away.  Thought that was funny.  I didn't see any this morning when I fed Tom and Jerry.

     Sounds like the feral cat may have adopted you, Iris.  Have you ever fed him?

     Zetta, can't imagine someone moving away and leaving their cat - if it was an inside cat.  Some people even move off and leave their dogs.  Not good.

    Thanks for the information about Yellowstone.  I don't think I'll watch all the episodes again because I've seen them several times.  Sandy said she heard or read that the new season will begin in August.  I will watch the new season for sure.

     I bet the people you house sit for are sorry they're in Oregon this year - probably as hot as Houston.  We're having some tropical weather - humid like south Texas and rainy - weird summer for us - but better than hot, hot weather.  I heard about all the wildfires in your area - glad they're not close to you.

     So glad you got an air conditioner - in this hot summer it will be so nice for you to be able to stay cool.  Your son sounds like a nice person.  Bet Molly's enjoying it, too.

     Sarah seems all right with being in Valir for a while.  Maybe she'll be able to regain her strength and do better.  She says the muscles in her legs are just about gone - and, that's from being in bed so long.  Told her to be patient  - that it'll take a while to get strength back.

     Sara - the bluebonnets are really pretty.  I planted them in the bathtub a few years ago and they were beautiful - for a while, then died.  You wouldn't think it would be too hot for them here but maybe the same things happens in Texas or south of here.  Didn't realize you could get Indian Blanket seeds. 

     Rescue Mom - what color was the inside of the black tomatoes?  We used to grow orange ones and they were my favorites - less acid and good taste.  Also love orange watermelons but I've never seen them in stores - just farm trucks and for a short time.

     Tried to start the PU this morning - no go - so didn't bother today.  I'll jump start it when I need to get the rest of the feed out of the bed.  I checked and last October I bought two new PU batteries - one must have been bad.

     Have been calling Car Shield and can't seem to get a straight answer about towing.  A couple of weeks ago I called and they said they'd pay for towing to the repair shop and also back home.  This morning they said they wouldn't tow it home.  The place  that will repair it is 15 miles away and I'm not sure about driving it that far - afraid it will quit running and if it's running and drivable will they tow it anyway?  Too many questions so may not continue with them.  I like to get straight answers about things.  I have AAA and never had problems with them.   I'll call the repair shop and see what Robert says about whether he thinks it okay to drive it.  It may just be fuses - the PU is 20 years old and we've never had fuses replaced so they probably wear out.

     Do any of you have Car Shield?  Everything sounds really good on the advertisements so we'll see.

     Guess I'll stop and find something for breakfast.  I have some WM boxes on the porch I need to open so better get going.  Hope all of you are well this morning. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Gr-r-r-r-r; just wrote a Post and just as I was ending it, BLIP!  It disappeared and I got knocked off the Board.    Sure wish they would fix that.  Several have written that they too had lost their Posts, so I am not alone in that.

    Lorita, check your policy with the Care Shield company and see what it agrees to provide. If you do not have it, ask them to send you one and if they will do it online, you can get it right away and check what they had sold you.  Interesting in how the answers can change depending on who you are talking to.  Whatever is in the policy you purchased must be honored.

    Back later.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hate when that happens, Jo.  When you first write your post and it disappears, it's just never the same for some reason.  I lose them from time to time and sometimes just one paragraph - frustrating.

     I will check the policy.  It's in the PU and it's been raining almost all day so haven't gone out there.  We had 1.4" of rain in the gauge this morning and when I checked late this afternoon there was 3.5" so we had a good 2".  The girls went out the back door of the barn so I walked down a ways to make sure everyone was up and around.  Didn't see Rose Bud so guess she went down with them.  The radar shows rain here now but I don't think it's raining.

     Talked with Sarah this afternoon.  She had seemed to be doing better but things are not so good now.  She says she's leaking around her feeding tube and there's so much liquid coming through the ileostomy that it's soaking everything even though the bag is changed very often.  She's having PT three times a day, 30 minutes at a time.  She wasn't having these problems in the hospital so I'm wondering if the PT has caused something to break loose or something.  She's going to have a good talk with the doctor tomorrow if she can keep him in the room long enough.  She says he comes in with a nurse who types everything he says on a computer, tells her she has time for one question and that's it. 

     It's been a dull, boring day and I'm tired.  More tired than if I'd worked all day.  So, I need to keep busier.  Lots of shrubs that need trimming but I can't reach up and use the loppers because of my shoulder.  Just kind of at loose ends.  If it wasn't so warm in the sunroom I might play the piano - haven't done that in a long time, probably needs tuning.  Sorry, I'm really sounding negative this evening.

     Sheena's having an argument with one of the cats - she's trying to eat some dry food and the cat's on the table above her looking at her. 

     Judith, I am sooo happy with the caladiums. Thank you again.  There are some of the biggest leaves on them I've ever seen and the pots just seem to be getting fuller and fuller, even the pot where I put the leftovers with some violets is very full.  I am definitely going to try to save these bulbs this winter.  What did you pack yours in? I'll need to google it and see how it's done.  I think you said you left yours in the garage and they got too cold.

    I saw on TV that OKC had about 8" of rain.  Did it flood at your house?  Our County hasn't been under a flood warning but the county across the road from us has been - guess it's supposed to cut off at the road.  I was watching for the FedEx guy so I could ask him about the roads.  I had the front door partially open and was pretty close to it - didn't hear anything and neither did Stormy who hears everything  but when I went out on the porch about 3 p.m. there was the unopened box he'd left. 

     Zetta, I'm missing your posts - glad you're able to stay inside and stay cool.  I saw an ad on TV this afternoon for a movie this weekend with John Wayne and James Arness "Island in the Sky".  In one shot Arness had blond hair.  He really did have blond hair but they dyed it to make him look more masculine.  What's wrong with blond hair on men - used to have a blond boyfriend - just think he'd be 80 years old now.  My goodness, when you say something like that outloud it sounds awful.

      With that I'm going to stop and watch Cuomo for a bit,  maybe.  Can't even find something good to watch on TV. 

     Hope all of you have a good evening and a good night's rest.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Been so hot here, just zapps my energy! Makes me so tired. 

    My cousin will be here the 16th to the 24th. I'm thinking of getting caregivers the 12th to the 16th which gives me 4 extra days to go home. So I will go home on the 12th and come back to Las Vegas on the 23rd.


  • webgal318
    webgal318 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment First Anniversary

    My health insurance referred me to this site so I an new here. My LO was diagnosed with VD five years ago. He no longer drives so I am "Mrs. Do-it-all." 

    One of the biggest issues that I have faced recently is a decline in his level of orientation since we returned from a trip to New York two weeks ago. We are alone here in Florida so we were on our own to fly, rent a car and secure hotel accommodations. The main purpose of our trip was to attend the funeral of his sister and to visit with his family including his two adult children who stayed in the same hotel. His son lives 90 minutes from where we stayed and his daughter drove from western Maryland, a six hour drive. 

    Since our return from the trip, he is lost and confused. The morning after our return, he did not know who I was or where he was--a huge change! He now knows who I am but it is like his head is still in Owego, NY. e has asked me several times if we are married and 'who owns this house?' It's like he forgot that this is his home. I posted our experiences to others in the same situation and everyone tells me this is common. If trips are going to do this to him, I am done. 

    I will come back to this board later to check out what is going on with the rest of you. It is a tough road. 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Welcome webgal.  You have landed on our "front porch" thread, where a few of us chit-chat.  You are welcome to chit-chat with us.   It would be a good idea for you to introduce yourself to all the members on the Spouse/Partner board by posting your own thread.  At the top of Spouse/Partner board you will see "Add Topic."  Click on that and post what you have written.  Many members will respond and welcome you.

    Lorita, I had batteries from Walmart that lasted only a few months.  They were replaced at no charge but what an inconvenience.  I went back to my mechanic who discovered some electrical problem, not the alternator though.  After that the new battery lasted a long time.

    The cat did not come back.  I don't want another cat.  Anyway, this cat is being fed by a lady on the other side of my complex.

    What do the cows do in the barn?  They go there on their own? 

    Somewhere in British Columbia was 116 degrees!  I don't think we have gotten that high in my part of Los Angeles.  People are dying from the heat!  Everyone, keep cool!  Go to a cooling station if you can't get cool at home.  A cooling station is a school or library or other public building, even the mall.  We have these in California for vulnerable people.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    The only time I have experienced temperatures in hundreds was my visits to Houston.  

    Webgal you have landed in the right place.  Iris gave you good explanation on using forum. This thread has been going on many years.  Some of us are dealing with dementia now, some have dealt with it in the past and we all feel a connection because of that.  We love when someone else pulls up a chair.  On this thread we talk about everything including nondementia things.  We enjoy animals, food, gardening and sharing pictures.  Gives our life a little normalcy.  There are many kind and generous people on this forum.

    Beth I have raised several varieties of Gaillardia in past.  Indian Blanket is my favorite.  I sort of like the wild flower look especially because it seems pollinators are more attracted to them.

    Prefer my mulch in bags too.  It is not so overwhelming to me then.  Don’t use my mulch very thick as I love volunteer plants.  They always seem to do so well.

    Rescue mom used dandelion leaves in my salad for the first time this year.  They were ok for me.  Had them mixed with other greens and really didn’t even know when I was eating them.

    Lorita have not used Carshield.  Have always just had AAA.

    Glad you are getting to go home for a bit Nicole.

    Suppose to be sunny and in 70s today.  Unfortunately I am going to have to run around a bit.  Got my oil change done yesterday.  Glad I did as they are going to be on vacation next week.

    Today I’m going to have to get a new cell phone.  Having trouble with the charger port and don’t want to mess around with it as I want mom to be able to reach me.

    Had my first mess of green beans yesterday.  Roasted them which I had never done before.  They were ok but think I prefer them cooked.  Had my first cucumber too.  They are pickling cucumbers instead of slicers and I do prefer their flavor.  

    Got my first Okra bloom yesterday too.  Understand you will have a pod in just a couple of days.  New experience for me.

    Well guess I had better get going as going to be a little busy today.

    Take care everyone

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    Welcome, we are here with info when you need it. Some of us have been here a long time. Some still here who have lost their love ones.

    When you change routine with your husband, he will get very confused until you are back in his normal place and routine.

    afternoon will be when he gets confused the most, which is called sundowning.

    Hope you join our group and come back anytime.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Webgal, welcome to our porch.  So glad your insurance company referred you to this site.  This is I long-running thread - 13 years to be exact.  I started the thread when my husband was diagnosed with vascular dementia.  I had no one to talk with and didn't know what to expect.  The wonderful people on the forum guided me through the hard times and gave me an idea of what the future held.

     Shirley is so right - a person with dementia needs a stable environment - a place where they know where things are and are comfortable being there.  Any change in environment can trigger relapses - sometimes even going to town can cause a slight decline.  Often they recover and get back to their normal self but it takes time.  Shirley touched on sundowning which many people experience.  We're told in mid afternoon while it's still light, we should pull the curtains or drapes and turn on the lights so our loved one won't know when it's getting dark.  I never had to deal with that very much with Charles but I know it's hard.

    You're so welcome to visit with us any time and to ask any question you might have - nothing is too insignificant to ask.  A caregiver needs all the help they can get.  Again welcome and come back often.

     Shirley, glad to see your post and to know you're still reading.  Hope both you and Bill are well.  Heard this morning you may have a hurricane or tropical storm coming your way - hope you can stay safe.

     Nicole - so good that you're going to get to go home for a few days.  That will give you some much-needed rest which we all need.  It's hot in Las Vegas so you're used to the heat - if a person ever does get used to it.  Enjoy your time away.

     Iris, these batteries came from O'Reilly's - not sure of the brand.  We've always had good luck with Interstate batteries.  These are guaranteed so I'm sure it will be replaced without cost.  Just have to figure out when and how to get it there.  I'll call the guy who owns the repair shop to see if he takes Car Shield and ask about what he thinks is wrong.  I don't want it to quit running on me when I'm going in.  A couple of years ago I was going to town - gas gauge read a quarter full so I was going to get gas.   All at once it stopped running.  Finally were able to get AAA (we've had that for years) tuned in on where I was.  He got the PU on the big hauler truck and when we got to town I had one heck of a time getting out of that truck - it's so high up.  Took two guys to help me get down - went down forward and should have turned around.  I don't want to go through that again.  And, not sure they could get under the arch over our entry gate. The truck's high and the PU is tall so would probably be better if I could drive it in.  I don't want to hang around the shop if it's going to take long - waiting area is small.  The time it ran out of gas, they brought me home, then came after me to get the PU - another time when my car was there, they brought it home after it was towed in.  I don't need feed now but will in a week or so and will also need a mineral tub so I want to combine everything.

     Iris, our cows go to the barn to get out of the sun although there is shade for them under the trees.  Inside the barn, it's dark and the flies aren't so bad.  There's a wide hallway that goes north and south so if there's a breeze, they can get it.    I have a back rubber up but it doesn't get rid of all of the flies  (it's hung from one side of a gate to the other and charged with diesel and insecticide).  They go under it and it rubs on their backs and/or heads to help get rid of flies.  I can't think of another place that has a barn for their girls to get in.  Ours go in when it's going to be raining a long time or when it's snowing or very cold or very hot.  They're a bit spoiled and I don't mind one bit.

     The girls were in the east side of the NE pasture this morning so I drove over to see if everyone was up and around.  They were okay - just hadn't come up yet.  I saw Penny, Jr. (Sunny's mom) on alert, looking for him.  I kept asking her where her baby was and she was looking south.  I drove over there and Little Bit and two of the babies were close to the fence.  I thought it was Sunny so kept telling her it was him - she didn't budge but did call him a couple of times.  So, drove back down where some other were and he was laying down.  When he got up, she saw him and came over for him to get a snack.  Guess she was grazing and he had been in one place but moved to another and she didn't know it.  He was fine, laying with another baby and several cows.  Never know what to expect when I go out in the mornings, or evenings.

     Sounds like the heat in the western part of our Country - and the NE is really bad.  That's what we usually have in the summer.  I think I heard a lot of people had already died from the heat.  Hope there's no rolling blackouts that have happened in the past.

     Sara, one of our social workers ate dandelion greens and he loved them.  He was quite a health nut.  I've never tried them but I think the yellow flowers are so bright and pretty in the springtime.

     Glad you got your oil changed.  I had that done in both vehicles last fall and haven't driven them much so won't need that.  Charles used to change the oil but that's something I won't attempt.

     Good luck with getting a new cell phone.  I'm slowly getting used to my new one.  It's similar in ways to the old one and quite different in other ways - I liked the old one better.  Can't find an alarm song I like on this one.  I got a text this morning from someone asking how David was - no David here so it was a wrong number.  Another thing - I had two numbers for a few of my contacts and only one transferred.  When I get a little time I'll enter those number with parts of their names (remember I wrote all of the contact down - just in case they didn't transfer).   Are you going to get one of those fancy phones?  I'd never be able to use one of them - all I want to do is to be able to do the normal things.

     I don't recall ever roasting green beans - guess you kept them whole.  I do love roasted asparagus though.  I'm still eating roasted vegetables from a few days ago - today will finish them.  Need to cook some beans.  I think I may soak them overnight and see how that works.

     I like English cucumbers but we never grew them - always the pickling kind - some of them are bitter as all get out - maybe when they're very small.  Mother always made lots of pickles and we did make a few.  I checked my zucchini plants this morning.  It said it takes from 45-50 days so need to check when I planted them - it will be two or there weeks more but they're growing - there's seven plants - five more than I'll need.  You know I remember we used to make a zucchini relish from ones that had grown too big to eat.  Like when picking cucumbers, there's always one you miss that gets too big.

     Does okra do well in your area?  The little town where I shop has an Okra Festival, I think in August.  They cook it in every way you can think.  We've never gone.  When I was growing up we always sliced our okra and tossed it in meal, then fried it.  Really good with beans.  Charles and I liked to pick it when it was 2-3" long and cook it gently in a little water until it was done.  We kept it whole but always put in a little bit of vinegar in case a pod broke.  Vinegar cuts down on the slime factor.  Mother made and loved pickled okra - I never cared for it though.

     Guess I'd better stop before I complete writing this book.  Hope all of you are well this morning and can stay cool.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    Yes we have a hurricane coming. So we will be evacuating to a safer place.

    Bill has gone down alot this pass year. His bones hurt so much he can hardly walk. It is terrible to have cancer and all his other diseases with Alzheimer!

    I love okra with fresh peas. Boil it on top and it really flavors the peas. I made fried squash and zucchini today. Have you ever had silver queen corn? It is the sweetest corn I have ever had.

    Have a good weekend. I don't know yet where we will be going to get out of the path of the Hurricane. I will be back on when it is over.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Shirley,

     So sorry about Bill's decline.  I know he must be having a lot of pain, too.  Hate that you all have to move.  I think you have a travel trailer? not sure about that.  But, if you do, guess you'll pull that or drive it if it's motor home.  Be very careful and let us know how things go.

     Yes, we have had Silver Queen sweet corn.  We used to raise it - beautiful, white corn.  Also  Candy Corn is very, very sweet - it has yellow and white kernals.  Never tried okra with peas - what kind of peas?  Checked my zucchini this morning - growing but a ways from bearing yet.  My parents used always raise crookneck squash - also very good.

     I think I'm going to have to move my perennial gerbera daisies.  I weeded around them this morning and they're not growing so checked on google and it says they need at least four hours of sunshine - they get very little where they are.  There's only one place in the yard, just out from the front porch, that might get four hours a day.  I'll check, otherwise they'll have to go out north of the house.  Don't know how I missed that - guess I thought they'd get enough there.  I've had only one bloom but they look like they're the same size as when I planted them.

     I just opened a WM box Colton left yesterday - should have left it another day or so. I guess since I've been fully vaccinated it's okay.  But these things come from everywhere and I think about that variant that might be lurking.   He just came and left two small ones.  Irritates me - I order several things and instead of sending them all at one or two times, they're strung out over a whole week. Guess that's because they come from different warehouses.

     I'm going to have to order another DynaTrap.  The bulb in ours needed replacement and, of course, there's one tiny screw I can't get removed.  But, today, even the motor isn't running.  I know we've  had it several years so guess it's time.  I need to see the presentation - in the questions asked online it mentioned something else that might have to be ordered with it - lures, I think it said. 

     Shirley, be careful evacuating - I bet the traffic will be awful.  Weatherman just said the storm had been upgraded to hurricane status - named it Elsa.  Looks like it's going to cover the whole State of Florida.  I think you're in the northern part - is that right?

     I touched some key, not the post icon, and it posted - was afraid I'd lost it.  So, guess I better stop before I do lose it.  Shirley, when are you all going to leave?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:

      They're a bit spoiled and I don't mind one bit.

    Spoiled cows--I like that!  Does anyone remember Borden's--milk from contented cows?  (Around the mid-1950's in the NY area.)


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Yep, sure looks like now at least there’s a hurricane coming. It’s crazy early, but weather is crazy everywhere now.  I’m in S. FL and the whole peninsula is threatened (and has happened before), so no place to go, really.  

    In recent storms people would go to the opposite coast, or go a little north, wherever, ., and the storm would grow or shift so the evacuees were worse off than staying—or got stuck on the road, traffic jams, wrecks, no gas. But anybody in a manufactured home really has to get out for just a TS, even if just go to a hotel. But I won’t leave unless I get on a plane for far away!

    I did fill cars with gas, that runs out or gets crazy first. Tomorrow, depending, I’ll check batteries, radios, etc., and clean up yard (not much needed there). And do laundry—it molds mildews fast when AC is out in the heat and humidity. Won’t deal with food or fridge till more certain of events. 

    The storm itself is never so bad; we’ve sat through Cat 3 and 4 making landfall 30 miles away. What’s awful is the long power outages, and clean-up afterwards with no AC for relief.  I have no worries on structural integrity of our house—it’s been used as a model of “over-built” for storms, which people laughed at then. 

     Handling DH is a bigger issue. Thankfully we can stay with kids if needed and they will help watch him. He’s not bothered by storm itself, but gets agitated at the activity rush and things going on. 

    Funny—I bought asparagus today to roast! I’ve also roasted whole green beans and do like them if well browned, but it’s time-consuming and a lot of oven heat.

    I’m not familiar with Care Shield, but AAA has been a lifesaver for me since DH can no longer help with cars. Paid for itself many times over.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I just watched the rabbit go under a Caladium, bite off the leaf and eat the whole thing. We are now staring at each other!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Iris, I remember those advertisements.  Back then there were lots of good ones. Our vet worked at Braum's dairy when he was young and from what he says I don't think those cows were very contented.  I think cows should be out on pastures grazing - but that's just me since I don't have a dairy.

     Rescue Mom - so you don't plan to evacuate?  I imagine with so many people trying to evacuate it would be hard to get out and then where would you go if you were way down in Florida?  Hope you all make it through all right.

     Car Shield is advertised every ten minutes here - seems like that anyway.  It's a kind of insurance you have on your vehicle that pays for repairs - or so they advertise.  You have a $100 deductible you pay no matter how expensive the repairs are.  Good on vehicles with mileage from 5,000 to 150,000.  Our PU is 20 years old and it just got in under the wire.  This weekend I'm going to look at the policy really well and see about the towing.  Been told a couple of different things.

     Judith, you and I are walking in tall cotton - you watching rabbits and me watching cows and turtles.  Is that one of the baby rabbits you've been watching?  I checked on google and it says caladiums are poisonous to rabbits but maybe one leaf won't be too much.  I knew that elephant ears were and I think they're in the same family.

     Are you rested up from your company last weekend?  Did you have any flooding at your house?  I saw on the weather that OKC had 10" of rain and some place just north of there had just over a foot. 

     I drove the car down to the mailbox and there's still water on the road west of our gate so drove the other direction for a couple of miles.  Hadn't planned on going but I was outside and decided I would - didn't take Stormy so probably his feelings are hurt.

     My dry eyes have really bothered me today - don't know if it has something to do with humidity or not.  It feels a bit cooler out this evening - a little east wind.  Supposed to be in the 60s in the morning. 

     Haven't been able to be in contact with Sarah today so don't know if she's in the rehab center or the hospital.  They may have to send her back to get whatever went wrong fixed. 

     Sara - did you get your new cell phone today and do you think you'll like it?  I'm still learning things about this one.  I get two or three calls every day from, it says, our area code with a 351 number.  I've never answered them.  Today they said scammers can make a call seem like it's coming from your area.  I can block numbers on this phone so I blocked that one and will block the others as I get them.

     Zetta and Jo - was it any cooler where you all live today - didn't hear on the weather and didn't watch the world news.  Hope it was.

     Ron, how are things in Shreveport.  Hope you and Lou are doing all right - let us know.

     Sleep well - see you tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Shirley and Rescue Mom,   I am praying for your safety I sure hope if the hurricane comes your way you will be safe and can find a safe place to go. In my area we deal with fires. We will be waiting to hear from the both of you letting us know your safe.

    Nicole,   It is nice you will be going home for awhile. I bet you are looking forward to that. Maybe it won't be as hot. You deserve some time out and a lot of rest.

    Iris,  I think I do remember Borden's Milk. If I remember right the advertisement had Big Black and White Cows. I do remember the name of the milk. 

    Lorita,  The girls are your family and spoiling them makes you happy. They keep you busy and that is good. I am like you if I am not busy I get tired. I do enjoy my lazy days I will plan lazy days and do nothing but sit in my rocker all day. With Molly my coffee and TV.  Thats my lazy day.  Would it be possible to ask the place that is going to repair you PU to be on call while you are driving in just in case you break down someplace. Then hopefully they will come tow you in. 

    Lorita and Sara,  I am also going to be dealing with a new phone and I am not looking forward to that. My phone is so old it is time I make the change. My daughter is on her way from Seattle right now. She will spend a few days with me and tomorrow we are going to go get my new phone. That way with her being with me she will help my understand it. It needs to be a easy phone nothing fancy. 

    It has been very hot in my area a few days ago it got up to 117 that broke a record. We have been on a heat warning for a few days. The town close to me is Bend, Or and there are a lot of homeless people there. Sunday they found 2 dead one in a old camper and one in a tent. There homeless people are living around the older parts of town. There are a lot of people and agency's taking food and water to them. It is cooling down now but only for a few days.  The City is asking for help for the homeless.   

    Good Night to All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening,

    Thought I would drop a line now as going on a picnic tomorrow with my sisters.  We have not all done something together in probably about a year and a half.  I think they planned it not knowing if I would come or not.  So told me just to bring whatever I wanted to.  Sounded like they had everything covered.  So I’m going to try bringing corn on the cob.  Read on internet a way to do it.  Since it is outside I am going to go.

    Got basically the same phone had before, but the durable version.  Had to wait about a hour and a half and after paid he proceeds to tell me I will have to set it up myself.  Frustrated me as they have always done that, but got it done without too much ado.  Got contacts downloaded ok.  What took awhile was putting my calendar and notes back in.  The smart phones are way out of my budget, way too big and cumbersome.  Would rather put that money in my house.  May have found someone to do my back steps.  They are suppose to come and give me an estimate next week.

    These cucumbers were called MaxPack.  Like their flavor and only about 4inches long and I like that.  Okra is not a big crop here.  It can be grown here though.  I plan on roasting it too.

    Shirley hope you and Bill are blessed to find a safe haven from the storm.  Have heard of Silver Queen corn but have not eaten it as I remember of.  Have only had okra fried.  See online that is good roasted and grilled.  Guess I’m a little leery of cooking it because a lot of people don’t seem to like it boiled, but quite a few do too.

    Hear some firecrackers going off.

    Remember the Borden cow well.  Was her name Elsie?

    Rescue mom roasted the beans at 400.  They just had a few brown spots, so probably should have roasted them a bit longer?  You take care.  Nice you have children you can depend on.

     Good hearing from you Zetta. Hope all goes well with your new phone.

    Usually listen to rain and thunder video while  falling asleep.  We will see, the fireworks are getting quite loud.

    Good night everyone

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    We have a motor home and will be leaving tomorrow.

    I use purple hull peas or snap peas with the orka, I pick small size to go on top.

    We can stay at Wal-Mart, truck stops or shopping centers since we have a generator. But we have family in GA and SC.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Sounds like you have a good plan Shirley.

    Wanted to ask a question.  Twice this summer have seen a huge bug that have never seen before.  First time was in living room.  This time it was outside on a plant.  Is at least an inch long and probably a half an inch wide and oval shaped. Tan colored with black spots.  Tried googling it but nothing came up looking like it.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    They are cicadias, they come out of the ground every 13 to 17 years to mate.

    They make a loud noise calling a mate.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     A bit cooler this morning with less humidity so it feels good.  The grass is really wet from dew so had to wear boots when I went down to see the girls. I think I saw everyone - some were in the creepfeeder and Billy the Bull was in the lot. I talk to him every time I see him so went over to see if he'd let me touch him - no way - he didn't want a human to touch him.  But, he's gentle and loves for me to talk to him.  He's a big boy now.

     I didn't take Stormy with me because I was out feeding Tom and Jerry and was in a hurry.  So, he's probably pouting some.  I woke up at 1:30 and the GPs wanted outside so did that and they're still out. 

     I have to find a place to transplant the gerbera daisies.  I have a couple of places in mind so plan to watch if the sun hits those places at least four hours today.

     Happy Fourth of July Weekend everyone.  Isn't it hard to believe the year is already half gone? 

     Shirley, I know you and Bill are evacuating today so be very careful.  Let us know where you land for a while.  Charles and I spent the night on a WM parking lot in Bentonville, Arkansas years ago.  There was a house just by the lot so we kind of stayed in front of it - no generator but the weather was nice and we were only there for the night.  The parking lot was busy all night and that was before they stayed open 24 hrs. (guess they still do).  All kinds of cars and things going on.  I think Charles stayed awake all night keeping us safe.

     We have something here we call June Bugs so I'm wondering if it's the same as the cicadas.  They get in the trees and make terrible noises.  I haven't heard them this summer.  Sometimes you find them on the porch or ground and they're kind of black with big wings.  Funny - I had a BIL, my sister's first husband who I called June Bug.  I don't know why - but I was five when they got married so who knows why a kid does things.

     Not planning on doing much today except watching where the sunshine falls.  I'm watching Wimbledon - Roger Federer is going to play in a few minutes - he's really the only one I like to watch anymore.  Charles and I used to watch every tennis match that was on TV but since he's been gone I've stopped watching much except when Federer plays.  He's almost 40 and the other day they were talking about how he could still move so well.  I could too, when I was 40.  I see young people on TV running and jumping and getting down and up off the ground so easily.  They just don't appreciate the ability to do that - and neither did we.  My knees don't want to bend right to go down steps facing forward so I kind of go down sideways holding onto the railing.  I remember when I was working I'd go down steps two at a time with no problem.  Youth is really something to be appreciated but most often isn't.

    I imagine the lake side camping sites will be full this weekend but the lakes in our area are from 2-10 ft. above normal because of all the rain so that may interfere.  There's a wonderful river NE of us - The Illinois - that has cold, clear water.  Normal depth for it is about 5 1/2 feet and people float on it.  It's going to be almost 7' this weekend on they're going to have to use rafts inside of tubes.  We've never floated but have swum in it - has a nice, rock bottom and the water is crystal clear - at least where we were swimming.

     Hope all of you have a good weekend.  Sara, have a good time on your picnic with your sisters.  I know after being apart so long you'll have a wonderful time.

     Rescue Mom - be very careful and watchful of the weather.  Hope you don't have a lot of strong winds.  I haven't seen the weather so don't now what they're predicting.  Just be safe.

     Zetta, Jo and Nicole - hope your weather is cooler this weekend so you can enjoy being outside if you want to be. 

     I'll be back later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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