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Just need to talk to my friends (152)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


It's August 1st- time for a new segment  of our thread.  Wanted to start this so Sara's early morning post would be on it.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning, 

    Thank you Lorita.  I like when there are handrails to use.  Makes the insurance company happy too, they look for them.

    Have those popcorn ceilings.  Maybe one day  can get somethings changed inside my house.  But thankful for what I have and will see what happens.  No interior design decorating talent in my veins either.

    Saw a snake yesterday.  Not sure if had seen one here before or not.  Saw them at my other house.  It was scared of me though.  Took off quickly.   Wanted to get a picture so could ID it.  Told it I wouldn’t   hurt it, it didn’t listen lol.  Think it was a garter snake.  They are not poisonous, happy to see it as they are a form of pest control. 

    Ron hope something works out for your car.  You are definitely getting poured on.

    They are giving a little rain today.  Hope to have a day of rest today.  Hope each of you can too

    Thinking of you Judy

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's a bit cooler this morning or at least it was when I went out to feed Tom and Jerry and see the girls.  I think they're all in the barn now.   Sara, glad you're getting some rain - wish we could get some. 

     I didn't get much sleep last night so have a little headache and feel loagy (is that a word?).  Anyway, not up to par so I won't do anything today.  I did empty the Dynatrap.  I've had it two or maybe three weeks and it was time.  It was overflowing - the container where the bugs go is about 5-6" across and about 4" deep and it was full.  There were a few that were still alive so they got a reprieve.  So, if you all are bothered with bugs, the Dynatrap is something you need. 

     I have a bad case of chiggers - guess from walking through the grass, which isn't tall, to the barn or maybe they lay in wait and jump on me when I drive by in the Gator.  Anyway, they're itching like crazy and the more you scratch, the more they itch.  Calamine lotion helps some.

     Jo - mother had me start taking piano lessons when I was pretty young, probably 4th grade.  I think I took lessons until I was in high school.  When I was in school I played the piano for all the functions at school that required music - graduations, baccalaureates, etc. and a couple of weddings.  I haven't really played any the last 40 years.  The piano is in the sunroom and sometimes I think I'd like to play but it's hot in there in the summer and cold in the winter.  I know the piano needs tuning in the worst way.  Now, I remember - I bought this piano after I started working so I was still playing then.  I learned to play on an old player piano my parents bought.  It was no longer a player but still had the doors that opened, etc.

     Sears was indeed the store from which to buy appliances.  I remember mother had a Lady Kenmore Washer and Dryer and it lasted forever.  Charles and I also bought Sears products.  Don't know where we bought the old Maytag washer but it was a good one (wish I still had it) because I don't really care for the Maytag I have now.  It takes forever to get a load of clothes done and I can't control the water level.  It does clean the clothes though so guess I should be thankful for that.  Guess those were the good old days that are long gone forever.  Now things are  made in the cheapest way to last just long enough to get through the warranty period.

    You mentioned burnt orange carpet - when we bought our MH in 1973 it was entirely carpeted in burnt orange, shag carpet except for the kitchen and dining room.  Appliances were harvest gold I think.  We were going to buy it unfurnished but mother contributed money to buy the furniture - the divan and chair were burnt orange.  I liked the color so guess that was okay.  The kitchen had some kind of light-weight carpet on it - in orange shades.  We had that floor replaced and Charles and I replaced the LR floor and put down vinyl.  The LR was much bigger than the entire footage of the travel trailer we first lived in after we moved to the farm.  We lived in the MH for 27 years and enjoyed every year. It's still there in very ill repair.  People have broken in and trashed it. 

     I've never had fried tomatoes with eggs either.  I haven't had a fried egg in years - I like them not cooked hard and with a browned edge.  I do like sliced tomatoes with eggs and hash browns.  Never had that until I got married.

     Speaking of food -- I made something last night that I will make again.  It was a chocolate cake in a mug (Pioneer Woman's recipe).  I think I microwaved it a bit too long.  The recipe called for 90 seconds but since my microwave is only 700 watts I went for two minutes, then another 20 seconds.  I think two minutes would be about right.  Had half of it with vanilla ice cream.  It's enough for two and as much as I like chocolate cake I couldn't finish all of it. Reminds me of the chocolate cake I made so  much back in the wintertime - and will make again this fall and winter.

     Judy, hope you're back home or on your way and that your visit wasn't too sad.  It's so good that you were able to go see your daughter and be with her for a while.  We were all thinking of you yesterday and still today.

     Sara - stay away from ALL snakes.  Guess I should take heed of my warning for myself.  The last one I saw was curled up by the water filter by the hydrant in the yard.  It was a small one, probably water moccasin so I didn't bother it - but, with all the ponds around I know there's snakes.  Bryon says they see one almost every time they mow.

     Started to watch the morning news shows but have switched to the Olympics.  The US is playing China in volleyball.  I saw some of a sport a couple of days ago and didn't know what it was.  Saw some more of it yesterday - it was Rugby.  The women were playing and it was rough!  Kind of like football but with no pads or protective equipment and lots of running.  Also watched some BMX bicycle sport - amazing what they can do on those little bicycles.

     Don't know anything else.  I have turned on the AC in the utility room to se if it will help a little bit.  First opened one of the north windows thinking the wind would come through - not strong enough so turned on the AC instead.  The bedroom's cool so I'll stay in there most of the time.  Don't have to cook anything.  I froze most of the squash casserole and pinto beans so may have that sometime today or maybe cottage cheese and tomatoes. 

     Still haven't opened those boxes on the front porch.  When I first let the GPs out this morning they checked the whole porch to see what had been on it last night. Still wondering what it is.  Had to had claws to tear open that heavy catfood sack so must be a raccoon.  Do opossums have claws? 

     Jo - I know you're so glad you got all of the remodeling done on your house and just adding a bathroom won't be too bad.  Seems like when you own a house there's always something that needs to be done. 

     Ron, do you have a battery charger so you can jump your car?  Two or three years ago I bought a little charger (about 5x8")  Halo Bolt it was called.  It worked in starting the car for a year or so, then played out.  So disgusted with things that last for a little while, then fizzle out.  Do you have a mechanic who will come out or will you have to have it towed in?  Good luck with whatever you do.

     I'll stop and have some more hot tea.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  News about the Delta variant doesn't sound good except there seems to be more people getting vaccinated - over 600,000 yesterday - but there was also over 100,000 new cases of the virus yesterday.  Guess we're in for it again.  Scary that this variant is either 100 or 1000 times more transmissible than the Alfa virus.   Wear your masks! 

     I just realized how I'd spelled Alpha.  I really do know how, at least my brain does - just have to connect brain to fingers.  Funny how your fingers can get a mind of their own. 

     Also, forgot to ask what you all think about - ordering eyedrops and eyegel from WM and having FedEx deliver it. Do you think being in the heat in the un-AC'd vans would affect the quality of the product?

     What are Turkana humans?  Guess I'll have to look it up.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
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    Ron, you’ve probably settled this by now, but AAA will come and jump your battery; if you need/want a new one, they bring you a new one and install it. You have to pay for a new battery, but other work is free for members. And, a lot of people keep cables around. Maybe a neighbor has cables and can jump you, at least so you can get somewhere.

    We have more snakes this year than ever. I am not scared of them, but there’s noticeably more. We also have a terrible invasion of bufo toads (also called cane toads) which secrete poison that can kill a small dog or cat. They have only been in FL for the last few years, came from central/South America, many people think in landscaping materials.

    People form groups to hunt and kill them. You mostly have to bash or gig them. They can be as big as a dinner plate, ugly, rounder and flatter than other toads/frogs. And they are fearless. They do not run from humans or animals. 

    I tried to shoo one off my deck a couple nights ago, and it would not budge. (I know I should kill it but I can’t bash that hard). I finally got a broom and “swept” it hard as I could. It flew through the air with legs extended, no movement, just flipping over and over, like a cartoon. It was SO WEIRD.

    All the talk about warranties…I generally do as Zetta: those companies sound too good to be true, and face it, they are out to make money. Consumer Reports always warns against buying those extra, but I did twice,  on large appliances. Never more. I may have saved less than $100, but the fine-print “conditions” and pre-approvals (which they do not rush)  needed took weeks. I was without my appliance(s)  for about a month, when a normal repair would have been just a few days and little more cost. Grr. It was different when local stores or managers  worried about their local reputation and community, and wanted to help local people, but those days are mostly gone, at least around here with so much growth.

    Jo talked about reading; I read a lot of crime mystery thrillers. Just finished Daniel Silva’s new one which is already #1 NYT best-seller. It was largely about money laundering (a big thing in S.FL) and had the best, easiest explanations of a lot of what’s done. It’s still not “easy” for me but critics have praised him for getting it right.

    My PT person has bet me that my pillow is hurting my neck. It is a foam contoured pillow, and she said those pillows cause a lot of neck problems because they don’t fit the user and force the neck into a bad position. I thought that was interesting, given how popular those pillows were a while back. I am very small, and she’s betting mine does not fit me. I have to take it in next week. But I also have a bunch for neck exercises ha! to do. Who knew? 

    We are having more record heat. A good excuse to stay inside and read. Making gazpacho for dinner. Cold food is good.

  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
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    Good evening everyone.   Saw Carrie this weekend.   All she wants to do is sleep.  She is not in pain and that helps me a lot.    She looked at me and had the biggest smile.   Then she took my hand but it didn’t last very long.  She forgot.   It won’t be long until she will be in heaven with her God. She has done her work here on earth.   

    Got 5 tomatoes out of my garden.  OK.  I fry an egg and a  big slice of tomato in butter and put on toast.  Great sandwich.  Also, I quarter a whole tomato and cook in butter with an egg.  I am not too impressed with growing in garden bags.  Carrots are doing great but radishes and onions not so much.  Did save space in my garden for other things.  We need rain.  Got the back yard mowed tonight, tomorrow the front yard.  

    Peace to all


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Those bufo toads sound obnoxious.

    Judy glad you had a safe trip and a good memory

    Was a quiet day yesterday.  Took it easy.  Will need to get back to work today.

    Attached a picture of my sisters Zuchon.  He is a rescue dog and this is his first haircut.  His name is Conner.  He is very friendly and full of energy.  

    J birthday is today.  She told me she will be 89.  Not sure if that is correct or not.  Have not visited her for a couple of weeks, she has always been having things going on.  Hospice is dropping her.  Again the same story as with my other friend, now she has to find a bed.  That bed thing is a racket.  

    Ron hope today works out for you ok.

    Take care everyone 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's 68 degrees!  Wonderful and it's going to be cooler than that the next couple of mornings - no heat index.  Do wish it would stay this way the rest of the summer but this weekend we heat up again.  We haven't had any rain - looks like it's all south of us, into Texas and Louisiana and east from there.  Things are still nice and green but not as vibrant a green.   But, I'll enjoy the next few mornings.  Just came in from taking down the trash and seeing all the girls.  Stormy goes with me and he saw something in the meadow so I held his collar to make sure he didn't take off after whatever it was.  I didn't see anything but really couldn't look really well since I was driving.  I don't take Sheena because of her hygroma but she loves to go and it makes me feel bad to leave her.  So, when we got back I put Stormy in the yard and took her for a walk - she walks beside the Gator - won't get in.  I think she enjoyed it.  Today, I need to try to get rid of some of her tats - mostly from the hips back and down.  To me, the hygroma seems a bit smaller.  I wish if she has to have surgery we could wait until it's much cooler.  The girls are really enjoying the cooler morning.  One little baby challenged the Gator - they're so cute

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     I typed that first paragraph and guess they thought that was enough so it posted.  I'll conrtinue.

     Rescue Mom - those frogs sound and look awful.  I've never seen anything like that and hope I don't.  Do they spit that venom or does the dog or cat have to bite them to get it?

     We never take extended warranties when we buy appliances either but, for years we've had service contracts on the bigger appliances and it has worked out well for us. We've never had to wait like I'm waiting this time - they're saying part of it is because of the virus and the shutdowns and things getting behind.

     Sorry about your neck.  I've never tried any of those contour pillows but I have to sleep on two pillows so I won't get dizzy.  I tried the big, slanted ones but I kept sliding down so gave up on that.  Hope you can find something that will help.

     Judy, glad your visit with your daughter went well this weekend.  I know it made you feel so much better to see her and for her to know you were there.  Also knowing she isn't in pain means so much. 

     I've never eaten fried, ripe tomatoes.  I love fried green tomatoes though.  When I have eggs for breakfast, they're usually scrambled and I like sliced, ripe tomatoes with them.  Sounds pretty good but usually I just find something that's easy to fix or that I don't have to cook.

     Sara, glad you had a lazier day - you needed one.  That little dog is so cute - looks like he's frisky and full of life.  I love dogs of all kinds.  I imagine I'll never get another one - when you get to be this age, you have to think of what will happen to them if you leave them - especially so with puppies.

     Happy Birthday to Jean.  Hope she has a good day.  Why is Hospice dropping her - because she's stable or improved?

     Saturday evening I tried to call my SIL out in Texas - didn't get an answer which was unusual.  So, after she'd have had time to get home from Church, tried again.  No answer.  I felt like something was wrong, so waited a little while and tried again, same thing.  I called his brother - no answer so then I knew something was going on.  I did get in touch with his brother's wife a little later.  Not good news at all.  His sister is in ICU in Amarillo.  She has always been in good health except she did have breast cancer and recovered, then a little place on her lip.  This past year she's had two small strokes with full recovery except a little dizziness.  She had something about her heart that required surgery which they thought had caused the stroke- recovered from that.

     She had spent a long time in Sugarland with one of her daughters but had been home with both of her daughters with her the last month or two.  Just after the 4th of July the girls went home - a DIL of hers was going to look in on her.  She has been able to do everything except take care of her yard like she's always done and drive because of her dizziness. 

     Evidently before the girls went home the whole family were together and went out to eat somewhere.  Everything seemed fine but after they went home, about five days later, they started to get sick.  None of them had been vaccinated except her youngest daughter in Dallas.  All nine of them got Covid - except the girl who was vaccinated.  One daughter got home and infected her husband and son.  All have recovered except a couple who are still sick.  So, my SIL has Covid and is not doing well at all.  She's on as much oxygen as they can give.  When they take it off her O2 level drops to somewhere in the 70s.  So, this shows that the vaccine does work.  His brother has two daughters and neither of them or their family has been vaccinated.  His brother and his wife have been.  I asked why they hadn't been and she said they didn't know what was in it and didn't want to put it in their bodies.  His sister doesn't even take the flu shot. 

     His sister is 86, brother is 91 and his wife is 89.  His brother will have his second knee replacement on August 10. He's in very good health but his doctor is taking all kinds of precautions so that's good.  I think stories like this and I know there's many of them, shows that the vaccine does work.  This morning on TV a doctor was talking about the vaccine and he said it's effective against the Delta variant but they're just not sure it will be against more variants.  Seems the areas of the Country where the variant is rampant is having more people get vaccinated.   Just glad I got vaccinated but will continue to be very careful when I'm around anyone.

     It's really hazy here - smoke from the fires NW of us, I guess.  Gosh, wish the rest of August would be like it is today but every day brings up closer to cooler weather.

     Hope all of you are well this morning and having good weather.  Just wish we could get some rain. 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Hi Lorita,

    Earlier you mentioned you had terrible itching from chiggers.  Something you might try is to wipe your bites with vinegar.  Not sure if it works for chiggers, but does help with other insect bites.

    Sure do hope you can get your AC fixed soon as it seems to be impacting you in so many ways.  I lived in Florida for about 10 years and when the power would go out in storms the loss of the AC was the worst of it.

    Snakes and I do not get along at all!  Here in Virginia, I haven't had any problem with them, but sure did in Florida.  Had one get in the garage once and had to have a kind neighbor relocate it, otherwise was afraid to even get to the car.  Also had a baby snake who liked to take a swim in the pool.  I relocated him with the pool net 3 times thinking he would get the idea to move on.  The fourth time I saw him, he didn't survive.  Hated to do that, but enough was enough.  

    My 96 year old mother has always been famous at family dinners for her cooked green beans.  She has always canned her own.  This year is no exception she just had to have more.  So my daughter and I got a bushel and snapped them, took them to her and with the help of my daughter and granddaughter they canned 21 quarts and had a large amount left to cook.  And mother still wants more, to give to members of family, so we are on several lists to get more.  I can see snapping more is in my future!

    To help keep down the heat in the kitchen during the summer, I make extra of things like mini meat loaves, beef stew and chili and freeze in personal size containers.  Once frozen I remove from the containers and put them in freezer zip lock bags.  Then all I have to do is take one out and pop it in the microwave (covered with a paper plate to prevent splattering) and I have a good meal in no time.

    Wishing those who share their lives here all the best.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I freeze things on cookie sheets and then dump into a freezer bag. A friend told me about using  a straw to remove excess air.

    Snakes....I was on the highway in NM and thought I heard a snake. I pulled over and waited forever before driving on. We had a lot of them in Santa Fe where we learned that you have to take them at least 2 miles away to get rid of them.

    Lorita go back to the thread about the colostomy....someone posted some good sources for Sarah.

    The Pompeii tour was marvelous. It was mainly about the people, the time and the architecture. 

    "Around noon on August 24, 79 CE, a huge eruption from Mount Vesuvius showered volcanic debris over the city of Pompeii, followed the next day by clouds of blisteringly hot gases. Buildings were destroyed, the population was crushed or asphyxiated, and the city was buried beneath a blanket of ash and pumice. For many centuries Pompeii slept beneath its pall of ash, which perfectly preserved the remains. When these were finally unearthed, in the 1700s, the world was astonished at the discovery of a sophisticated Greco-Roman city frozen in time. Grand public buildings included an impressive forum and an amphitheatre; lavish villas and all kinds of houses, dating back to the 4th century BCE, were also uncovered. Inside were some preserved remains of people sheltering from the eruption; others lay buried as they fled; bakeries were found with loaves still in the ovens. The buildings and their contents revealed day-to-day life in the ancient world—and stirred 18th-century interest in all things classical."

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, those toads secrete the poison from their skin, so anything that grabs or bites it gets poisoned. They have no natural predators here, so they’re not afraid of anything,  but many dogs try.. Lots of pets (usually smaller ones) die; some big ones too. People can get sick, too, but no deaths reported. Some S. American tribes use it carefully for religious visions, although they, too, get sick first. We’ll probably hear about some crazy people here trying that, although the sick is supposed to be pretty bad.

    Sayra that dog is adorable! I never heard of it, but Google says it’s a cross between shih zus (spelling??) and bichons. There are so many adorable rescues out there, I wish people would look instead of just shopping.

    Pompeii has always fascinated me. So tragic, and so graphic, what was left—and how fast it must have happened. The preservation there is remarkable.

    Our hospitals are full with  COVID patients. A nurse friend says it’s so different this time, with so many younger people (none vaccinated) and how it happened in about 36 hours. Before, she said, they knew it was coming. But this was so fast, it caught them by surprise. And our hospitals, which are so ruled by seasonal winter residents, are having to scramble for more staff. Summers are never busy like this. Until now. Many more places are requiring masks again.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's been a nice day, temperature-wise, but it is so hazy with smoke that they actually are advising people with breathing problems to stay inside.  In the distance it looks like it's raining - always something.

     Thanks, loveskitties, I tried the vinegar and it did seem to help some.  Most of the bites are better except one on the top of my left foot and another on my right ankle. 

     I don't know if you were reading our thread last summer but I found two snakes in our house - in the bathroom.  Saw one as I went by the door and got a grabber and got him out, came back in and there was another one.  Got him out but he tried to get back through the fence.  I found the place where they got in, under the wardrobe where a board had been broken and fixed it.  But I was very careful at night when I had to get up. 

     Cute that the little snake liked to swim in your pool but I'm glad you got rid of him.  I've heard baby snakes are more poisonous than the big ones.  We have water moccasins and the big ones are really tough to kill.  I don't like to kill anything either but sometimes it's necessary for protection.

     I don't mind snapping green beans - kind of relaxing if you take your time.  I had my share of doing that when I was growing up.  We always had a big garden and canned and froze so many things.  Didn't like green beans then, but really love them now.

     I baked some triple chunk brownies and blueberry muffins this morning.  The brownies are almost like candy so can only eat a bite or two at a time.  Judith, like you and loveskitties, I freeze things when I have leftovers and use them later.  I froze all the muffins and will put them in a baggie, then take out a couple and microwave them for breakfast or a snack.

     Thanks about the link on colostomies - will read it.  On another thread I read something about ileostomies and why there's so much liquid.  Sarah complains about that - I hadn't thought about the ileostomy being so high in the small intestine that the liquid doesn't have time to absorb lower down.  Lots of good information on this forum - about almost anything.

     Judith, did you think the snake was in your car?  Bet that was scary - glad it turned out all right.  I may have posted this before but a friend was driving down a street in Muskogee and she felt something on her foot, looked down and it was a snake.  She stopped the car and jumped out - don't know what she did after that - guess she had someone check for her.  There must have been a little hole where it got inside.  I have some empty feed sacks in the carport I'd like to get rid of, from last winter, but I'm afraid there might be a snake in one of them.  Guess I'll use the grabber and check with that.  Those things really come in handy.

     This morning before I did the baking I bent over from the waist for a good 15 minutes getting tats out of Sheena's hair.  Guess I stayed in that position too long because my legs were shaky for a long time and didn't feel too good.  I got it half finished.  When they blow their hair if the loose hair doesn't come loose or get brushed out, it sticks together and you can just pull it out but sometimes it gets stuck and has to be cut out.  I'll sit down to finish - then, there's the  problem of getting up again. 

     I've been watching the Olympics today - soccer right now but handball earlier.  So much running those young people do.  I guess we did that when we were young, too, but no more.  I'd like to have a third of the energy they have.

     I've also been interested in everything about Pompeii so I bet the exhibit was really good.  I started to say how terrifying it must have been but it happened so fast they were taken by surprise, I guess. Amazing that things were preserved for so long just like the people had left - but were still there.

     Rescue Mom - those frogs sound dangerous.  Patsy used to have a dog that would pick up frogs and carry them around.  I guess they just keep multiplying and now there's so many there's no chance of getting rid of them.  Like our wild hogs here in Oklahoma.

     I agree about rescuing dogs - We got Barclee, our Shih Tzu, from a shelter and he was wonderful.  Got Sheena from our vet - he had a client who had passed away and his daughter couldn't take care of her. She's also wonderful.  All of our dogs were either gotten from a shelter or people dropped them off close to our house and we kept them.  Everything and everybody needs a home.

     Zetta - where are you today?  Hope you're okay.  I had a yen for potato soup yesterday so made some of the Bear Creek kind.  I cooked it a little longer, then used an immersion blender to make it smooth - to get rid of all those little pieces of potatoes.  It cooked down some and after blending it, it was so thick I had to keep adding water.  Then when I fix some to eat, add salt and pepper, parsley flakes and seasoned salt.  I never thought of it but next time I'm going to use the immersion blender, then add some butter and a little bit of milk - just like I do when I make it from scratch.  It is so good with homemade bread.  Reminds me, I need to make another loaf in a couple of days.

     Jo, I think the milk will be fine - I'll use it to make hotcakes.  They're better if you use buttermilk anyway and it's about the same thing.  Then I'll freeze them on a sheet, like Judith does, and then can have them anytime I want without making more. 

     I haven't done diddlysquat this afternoon until about an hour ago, checked the girls - going into the pond - and then filled their water tank.  I went out to the barn to check and the north wind coming down the hallway in the barn was wonderful - kind of reminded me of fall.  Bet the girls so enjoyed that cool wind today.  But, we go back into the broiler next week.  Above temps in August is not a good thing in Oklahoma.

     I did talk with the man at the shop where the PU is.   The holdup is that Car Shield  wants them to diagnose the problem, fix what's wrong, then they'll take their time paying.  I told him I'd pay for the diagnosing if they didn't.  I'll probably end up paying for the whole thing anyway.  Lesson learned!

     Ron, how did your car problem get worked out?  Hope it wasn't anything serious.  I was thinking if you got it jumped and the light still stayed on and you had to turn off the motor, it might not start again - unless you had found out what was wrong.  Hope Lou's appointment went well.  Did you get some rain and are you all getting smoke now?

     I'll stop and watch some more Olympics.  Really enjoyed the diving today.  There's no way I could do something like that.  They look so graceful.  Do you all remember in one of the Olympics years ago one diver hit his head on the diving board on the way down?  Lou somebody, I think.

     Hope you all have a nice evening.  Sara, hope you didn't work too hard today.  Beth, did you all get some rain from the front that came through.  If so, bet your beautiful garden really enjoyed it.

     See you tomorrow.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Jude; it was a gift to have those moments of recognition, Carrie's reaching for your hand and a smile before the forgetfulness came again was a loving thing to have happen and I am glad that happened for you.   Also glad you are home safe and sound. 

    Your house is lovely and the yard/garden photos were also lovely.  We sure do have a lot of gardeners here.   I have a brown thumb.  Especially for indoor plants.  My mother could make anything grow and flourish inside and in the outside garden.  Guess it passed me by.

     Judith; how wonderful that the Pompeii Tour went very well.   When we were in Italy, we passed up visiting Pompeii because it was big time packed crowded; it was too bad as it is a breathtaking place.   We drove ourselves all over northern Italy for three weeks going here there and everywhere; I would like to learn more about the Etruscans.  They had some beautiful pottery and jewelry.  That whole country is one big art feast; almost an embarrassment of riches.  And oh my heavens, the artwork in the churches!   It is wonderful that as a docent you get to do all those great things; I'll bet you get about as much delight being the docent guide as those who are signed up for the program do.    Ah Italy; the art, and the food and the wine.   Glad we went before traveling got to be a tribulation and definitely before pandemic dynamics.   I love to fly on big planes, but flying is no longer the pleasure it used to be.

    Going to exit stage left, it is 4:30 - salmon and couscous tonight.  Had tuna with avocado for lunch; seems like something fishy is going on over here.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Oh, those snakes and frogs!  This is why I have to stay in the city.    I can't handle wildlife in person.

    My 89 yo neighbor fell over the weekend.  Now her friend wants her to move close to her in an assisted living facility.  I asked the members in Caregivers for advice and they gave me some great points.  Part of the problem is that she has refused all suggestions in the past.  It's hard to get some people to accept change.  She does not have any dementia.

    Sayra, your little guy is so cute he looks like a stuffed toy!

    Judith, I attended a great exhibit on Pompeii years ago.  In a few hours, all can be lost.  I hope many people will come to attend.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again,

     I just had a call from my SIL, Danita's, daughter.  She has spent six hours with her mother today and all that time Danita was crying and calling out for the Lord.  She is in such pain and misery.  When Pam got home she talked with her sister and brother and they've decided to put her on palliative care and when she's comfortable, they'll remove the oxygen.  The doctor said her lungs are not diffusing oxygen, that the bottom half of them is filled with fluid.  There's no chance for recovery. 

     So hard to believe this.  She's always been so strong and independent since her husband passed away.  We've always been such good friends - she seemed like a sister to me.  Pam said when they left on July 7, everyone was fine, then they started to get sick.  She facetimed her mother a few days later and she looked bad so the other daughter came to be with her and got her to the hospital last week. 

     This is such a hard thing to do - we had to let daddy go that way. It's something you'll never forget having to do - but, you do it for them.  If they're in pain and there's no hope it has to be considered.  Pam said she would probably pass away tonight.  She'll get Ativan and Morphine until she's comfortable, then they'll disconnect the oxygen.  I pray her passing will be easy. She'll be with her parents, two sisters and Charles.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    It gives me chills all this talking about snakes. I have only seen one in my yard and every time I pull weeds I am always looking for snakes, I really don't think we have many here. But if I saw one the weeds will have to wait till next year. I still have not started with the project of staining my porches. I got the stain and I also got touch up paint for my porches railings so I have been touching those up. I also have been busy with my pet sitting. I spend about 5 hours a day with the dog I am a nanny to I am there when his people go to play golf or go out to dinner and go shopping. They never leave him alone. I have been watching this little guy for 10 years. They live 6 months here and the other 6 months in Texas. I enjoy it when they are here and miss my little buddy when they are gone. So I stay pretty busy where they are here.  

     Lorita,    I hope by now your AC has been fixed. We are also getting some cooler weather with warmer weather coming this weekend. I would love to see one of your babies challenging the gator I bet that is funny.   Sorry to hear your SIL is in ICU, I hope she is getting better and out of ICU soon. Its sad when your family is scattered, At times I wish mine were closer. Most of my family is in Sacramento, its only a 8 hour drive for me, but I can 't do it during the winder due to snow. Your brownies sound Yummy I do not have enough will power to stop at just one. I still plan on making the peach cobbler I am waiting for my neighbor to get home so I can share it with her. 

    Rescue Mom,    That toad sounds ugly. The ones we get here are about the size of a dime they are kind of cute. Do they get on your deck often? If you left a door open will they come inside. 

     Sara,    That puppy is precious, so sweet. I am glad your getting a lazy day here and there you need to rest. I also love it when people adopt their pets. Like Lorita said she keeps the ones that people drop off I wish some one would drop a kitty off at my house. I don't think Molly misses Rascal but I sure do. 

    Judy,   I am glad you had a safe trip and shared that special moment of Carrie smiling and reaching for your hand. So sorry you are going through this at lease have comfort knowing she is not in any pain. Your both are in m y prayers.

     Loveskitties,   I also like to freeze things so I don't have to cook. I like your little meat loaves idea I need to get me one of those little pans, I guess I can make them in a cupcake pan. 

     Jo,    I also enjoy being on a place. I went to Poland for 10 days with my daughter and her husband two years ago. We flew from Seattle to Amsterdam it was a 12 hour flight. I loved it we flew all night and the attendants made sure we got everything we needed or wanted. I ever got my glass of wine. It took me awhile to figure out how to watch the TV, I loved watching where the plane was at especially when we were over the ocean. That was a once in a life time trip for me. We got home just as covid was starting. We had to go through a lot of screening at the Seattle airport when we returned. Kind of scary we were even having to distance and this was before it really was a thing. 

    Good Night to All, Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Judy, called you and Carrie had a good visit and she is in no pain. I will keep you and her in my prayers.

    All the snake talk reminds me of one of Lou's adventures. She still talks about when she was a little girl walking through the woods; a snake would follow her, every time she stopped it would stop and when she started walking again it would be right behind her. She has been afraid of snakes ever since. Years later when both boys were small I took them all out in my dad's boat. On the way back the motor went out and I couldn't get it started back, so had to paddle back. Lou was on the other end of the boat and a snake started following us, she started screaming and yelling at me to paddle faster. Couldn't get her back in a boat after that day!

    Car still out of service but is a easy fix. A neighbor came over and what's wrong is a switch that when you press on the brake causes the brake lights to come on is bad. He is going to pick up the part for me and put it on but might be this weekend before he can do it. His mother took Lou and I to her Dr. appointment which Lou got a good checkup. Dr. even told me I was doing a good job and to keep it up. I did mention it was hard for me to get her to exercise and asked to have home health start back. The nurse already called yesterday and will be here this afternoon for assessment. The physical therapist with this group is real good and if he can get her to do anything at all it will help. 

    Storm woke me up Sunday night and we got quiet a bit of rain which helped cool things down a little Monday but heat is coming back. August is always a hot month!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Ron when I saw there was already a post, thought that will be Ron.  Glad things have worked out.  We all need the kindness of others.  Hope the therapist will be able to get Lou to do things for her.

    Lorita I am so sorry about your SIL.  Thank you for relating the story.  It gives me assurance that with vaccine and mask it is ok to keep doing things.  Just found statistics last night that are incredible.  It truly is the surge of the unvaccinated at this time.  

    Have heard that family gatherings are the most common source of Covid at this time.  You know the 49 yo I knew that died in December, I assume it was from thanksgiving. Others in family had it too.  Would never ask,  as would feel bad for asking.  Two plus two usually equals four though. The LMG guy got it from family gathering.  He wasn’t vaccinated, someone came who knew they were sick.  We have really had some poor decision making by people.  We need to be very cautious who we listen to.  Don’t go to a world class brain surgeon for your heart surgery regardless if his ego tells you he can do it lol. Find you someone who has been doing heart surgery for the past 30 years.  So glad I found Shane Crotty, Dr Daniel Griffin and TWIV.  If the media would have talked to them we might be in a different space.  Of course there would have been no drama to attract viewers.

    Jean was dropped by hospice because she is doing so much better in her new environment.  Her heart is still bad so really nothing has changed except she is in an environment that keeps her safe.  

    Would love to have someone help me can beans.  I would do the stringing and breaking.  I enjoy that.  Don’t have a canner though and don’t want to buy and store one.

    Loveskitties sounds like a good plan for keeping kitchen cooler.  

    Rescue mom staffing is a huge issue I think for most hospitals.  A friend of mine who is manager of a respiratory therapy department has had a terrible time with staffing.  Travelers are crazy expensive.  Many health care workers are getting out.  My friend is retiring at end of year.  He is not 60 yet.  Think many in the health care field,  feel betrayed by the public, and those who should have had their backs with appropriate supplies.  Don’t blame them, I feel that way about those who chose to expose me.  N95’s should have been available for all health care workers immediately.    At a reasonable time should have been available for general public.    We are in a war and I could not count on them to fight with me.  Still am respectful of them,  realize can no longer trust or count on many of them though when times are bad.

    Brownies and muffins sound good Lorita.

    Judy hate that your grow bags didn’t work out for you.  Personally have had very good success with them.

    My steps are finished.  

    Hope each one has a peaceful day

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Hi Zeta,

    For the mini meat loaves I just use a deep  pyrex pie dish.  I can get about 6 from a reg. receipe and fit them in the dish.  I shape them like loaves.  Bake as usual.

    One thing I have learned is to remove them from the baking dish soon after out of the oven and put on a platter or plate.  That way they don't stick to the bottom.

    I tried the muffin tins but they are so hard to clean after.

    Hope you enjoy!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Had a call a few minutes ago from my BIL in Texas to tell me that his sister passed away at 10:15 last night - not long after they removed her oxygen.  He said that anyone who might be hesitant about taking the vaccine should have seen her being so miserable and in such pain - that would have changed their minds.  He's the only one left of five siblings and he's 91.

     Fairly cool here this morning but very hazy.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    So very sorry for your family's loss.

    The release from pain and suffering is a blessing even though hard for those left behind.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Just a quick drop in, the following link is for anyone who is a Grandmother or for anyone who dearly loved their Grandmother:



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

    Loveskitties,   Thanks for the idea and the tips on the mini M.Ls.  I am going to try that. Sounds real good.

    Lorita,  I am sorry for the loss in your family, but she is now at peace. Take care and stay cool today.

    Ron,   Good news from the Dr about Lou,  you take excellent care of her.

    Good Day to All, Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I am so sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose family and it seems as we get older that it happens more frequently. 

    We received 2.5" of rain last week, and may get some this week too. Hope so! We are about 7" down for the year. My garden is lush and our lawn is very green. We don't water the lawn but I do water the garden as needed. I am getting lots of cucumbers, green beans and tomatoes now. I planted 2 tomato plants of the Jet Star variety. They are producing well. I have already frozen some and given some away. I like to use the frozen ones in soups and chili, really any recipe that calls for tomatoes. 

    I hope you are all doing well today. Take care.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Thank you loveskitties, Zetta and Beth.  I appreciate it.  It is hard to lose a family member - I've lost so many.  I know Danita's in a better place and wouldn't have wanted to go like she was.  But, it's such a needless loss.  If only she had taken the vaccine.  One of her daughters did take it and she didn't get the virus.  This really shows that the vaccine does work because they were together wherever she got it.  I'm glad her kids were able to be with her - they were a close family. Her son lives in the same town, one daughter lives in Dallas and the other in Sugarland but they got together often.  She will be missed by everyone who knew her.

     It's been a quiet day here - fairly cool but I've been inside since early morning except to open those boxes on the front porch.  Been making some business phone calls so glad I got that done.  I also found a big folder containing things a cousin had sent years ago.  He was really into geneology and sent all of that information.  Somewhere I have a book that he made containing all the information.  There are copies of my parent's marriage license and the consent mother's dad had to sign for her to get married; she was 15 and daddy was 21.  Also copies of her parent's marriage license and an uncles.  Lots of family information on my mother's side.  Another cousin and her son have done a lot of geneology work on daddy's side of the family but I don't have that.  So, spent some time reading a lot of that - pretty interesting.  I did learn that my grandfather passed away in January of the year I was born in June so never had a grandfather on either side and only one grandmother, mother's mother. 

     Ricky called (I'd called him last night but didn't get an answer).  He's knee deep in hay baling but will come when he gets a chance to do some mowing for me.  I want to get all the weeds in the old garden and around the hayrings and down in front of the house mowed.  Things are beginning to get really dry - wish we could get some rain.  Beth, glad you got that much rain.  It's really a gift to get rain in the summertime.

     Hope all of you are well this afternoon and enjoying the day.  Thanks again.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm sorry to learn about your sister-in-law, Danita.  Please accept my condolences in your loss. 

    I had a dream about a snake last night.  The snake was in my bedroom and I was trying to wrap it in a paper towel to take it outside.  Ugh!  I'm not going to read anything more about snakes!  Ugh again!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thank you, Iris.

     Out here with two ponds in front of the house and two behind and all this grass and weeds, there's a good chance there's snakes around.  When I walk I'm always looking at the ground in front of me.  But, as sure as I see something move, I stop and have to think "now, is that a snake?"  Sometimes it's a funny looking branch or weed.  I keep a grabber in the house, just in case.  I don't know what I've had done when those were in the house if I hadn't had one.  Anyway, I did.

     It's nice outside - warm but there's still a north wind.  By next Tuesday it's supposed to be around 102.  Our magnolia in the yard is losing leaves like crazy so the ground's covered with those heavy leaves.

     Girls came out of the barn around 4 and took a swim, then went to the old garden to graze in the weeds.  I'll be glad to get them cut but it's going to be a while so I'll have to have patience.  Do wish we could get some rain - grass is turning brown in places.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...a sad day for you. I know you will miss your sister-in-law especially the long telephone chats. It just hurts so much when a loved one dies.

    You are tucked in my pocket.....

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Judith, it has been a sad day - hard to imagine how hard it's been for her kids.  The funeral will be next Monday but, of course, I can't go - and her brother won't be able to attend either since he'll have surgery the next day and his doctor wants him to stay away from contact with anyone.  I will miss the conversations we've had over the years.

     Your pocket is a safe place and I feel comfortable there - thanks, dear friend.

     Ron, hope you got your car fixed today.  Hate it when we don't have use of our vehicles.  I'm still waiting to hear about our PU.  I'm not holding my breath that Car Shield will pay but keeping my fingers crossed.  I think you have a couple of appointments tomorrow - hope they go well.

     Sara - I'm glad my SIL's story made you feel more comfortable about the vaccine.  Really shows that it can prevent  people from getting it.  I hope you haven't worked too hard today.  I still don't have any baby zucchinis but they'll come if I can keep the plants going.  It's getting really dry here so we need rain.  How is your watermelon - growing I hope.

     I think you said today was Jean's birthday - hope her day was good.  Nice that she's improved to the point she can be off hospice.

     If I was close enough I'd be happy to help you can beans - grew up doing that but haven't for years.  When I was growing up, people said "put up" instead of "can" when talking about preserving food.  Another thing my grandmother said that I think of sometimes - she didn't address an envelope, she "backed" it.  Are you familiar with those sayings?  Glad your steps are in and you're happy with them.  One more thing to mark off the "to-do" list.

     Guess I'll watch some more of the Olympics tonight.  I think men's diving is going to be on - really enjoyed watching the women's diving competition.  Their diving is so graceful. 

     Stay safe, everyone.  I'll see you tomorrow. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I just read the Posts; I am so sorry to hear of Danita's death, Lorita.  How very sad and that it had to be COVID.  It really is tragic.

      That video of the Grandmother song brought tears to my eyes; I am so far past childhood that it no longer computes, but I still miss my Gram very much.  I was blessed by her presence in my life; she made a huge difference.  She wasn't even 5 feet tall, but she was mighty.

      And those frogs - ewwwww!   Geeze, wonder if they serve any purpose, but I would be scared silly for any pets.  Like a really bad scifi movie.

     I was really sad to learn that over 3,600 healthcare workers have died from caring for COVID patients.  And the anti-vaxxers keep the numbers going.  Dreadful state of affairs and I no longer have consideration re those who refuse to vaccinate and do not have a medical reason; and less tolerance for those who are using fake vaccination cards to gain entrance to bars, restaurants, etc.   Shameful and should be stiffly criminal.  Canada sure makes it criminal and puts monstrous fines on it. 

      Read a bit from "Southern Living" magazine, (I need to subscribe to that); anyway they shared the southern lady's easy tasty item serving guests. It is a block of full fat cream cheese placed on a plate; then pour a jar of pepper jelly on top of it, serve with small crackers. It is delicious - I have done that with green pepper jelly and no one can stop eating it.  Tiny bit spicy along with sweetness and the salt on the crackers.  Good thing I have not done that in years.  Oh; now I want some.  Well; too bad on that one.

      Zetta; that was a long trip to Poland.  Flying used to be such a joy. Loved the feeling of being pushed back in my seat in takeoff and the hum of the engines.  We were upgraded to first class on our anniversary; but it was domestic so no big deal and just  bit larger seats.  When we went to Italy we flew coach; omigosh, we needed a shoe horn to get us out of our seats. BUT . . . . paid for my Masters Degree with an American Airlines credit card and paid it off each month so there was no balance; but we got frequent flier miles.  We bought dirt cheap coach tickets to Scotland and upgraded to first class with our frequent flier miles. Omigoodness - oh my stars!   It was beautiful and luxurious and so pampered.   Little did we know- we kept chuckling; could not believe our luck and the luxury comparatively speaking.  The huge gourmet food menu, a multipage liquor menu; sad I wasn't a drinker, big, big leather recliner chairs; real linens, real china, first run movies, thick carpeting,  and so much more.  Only time that happened, but sure was a delight.  Nothing like domestic first class at all.  To top it off we got to use the first class lounges at airports.  The one in London was huge and ostentatiously breathtaking. I felt like an imposter.  At least we got to do it once.

      I was going to say, "Ps-s-s-s-t, Iris!"  but was afraid she would think I was a snake!  Grin.  You are doing such a kind job helping your neighbor; she is blessed to have your friendship.

      And our Sayra's front porch steps are done.  It must feel really nice to have that finished.  It always feels good when something has been set to rights.  That little doggie is beyond adorable; just wanted to pick it up and cuddle. So sweet that little ball of fluff.

      Glad Ron has his car in good hands; what a relief.  Also happy to hear Lou's checkup went well, that is great news and kudos to Ron for making that possible. 

     We will be over 100 degrees tomorrow; first day of nasty three digits and much more to follow. Fires going nuts out here, forests and brush so dry.  Poor Oregon still burning, how dreadful that is.  When the rains come later this year, that will cause other problems.

      OKAY:  Need to upgrade my house cleaning supplies - what products and , implements do you guys use?  Especially for the commode.   Floors, counters, general, dust, etc. . . . . I think I am behind the times.  Just got one of those scrub pails that spins the mop head of water so it is not dripping and it is really working well.   So much has changed and I am not up to date; so would appreciate hearing what you are all using on your houses. Probably Zetta is the one that outdoes everyone with cleaning.  Boy; I sure do need her.  Sigh. Dratted arthritis!

    Need another haircut, just a trim to straighten out wild places; I am trying to let it grow a bit because my last haircut was way too short. However, it was much easier to shampoo.   Checking on those we know who have issues and all seems well with one and all for which we are grateful.  Just so concerned about the vulnerable with the dreadful upsurge.   Of course we are masked and staying out of places; no more going into a store, but what else is new?  Ralphs Market, Target and WalMart have good pick up services and CostCo has good free delivery over a certain actual low amount of purchase. Grateful for that. 

     May you all be well and may you all find kindness in your lives this week.  I find that is priceless in the times we live in.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    "Put up" rather than "can?" Yes, I am familiar with that terminology. I never learned how to can but I have done some freezing. I tried dehydrating but really didn't enjoy the results so gave my dehydrator to my DIL. Not sure if she actually uses it; she is a very busy lady working FT and raising 4 children ages 6-11. She is a good cook, though.

    I said I planted 2 Jet Star tomatoes. In addition, I have 2 volunteer cherry tomatoes (none ripe yet) and 2 volunteer big tomatoes (none ripe). I planted the cherry tomato years ago and it re-seeds itself every year. The big tomatoes seeded themselves from my compost. I have put much tomato "debris" in the compost every year. 

    Sara, it sounds like your garden is doing great! Hope you got that rain today, if you were needing it. I saw online that one of the hospitals in San Francisco is offering an MRNA vaccine to persons who have had the J & J vaccine. By the way, Conner the puppy is super cute!!!

    Rescue Mom, I had never heard of bufo toads. They sound horrible. We do have "regular" toads and frogs here. In fact, we quite often see and/or hear a tree frog. They like to live in our flower pots. They are tiny and cute. Sorry it is so hot there. We have been hot too but the last 3 days have been cooler and we turned the A/C off and opened up the windows. 

    Judy, I am so sorry about your daughter. So heartbreaking. Praying for a peaceful transition for her, and peace and comfort for you. 

    The Pompeii tour sounds awesome, Judith. Quite amazing. 

    Zetta, sounds like you like to travel. Me too. We haven't done much since the pandemic. Hoping and praying that someday life will return to "normal" again. 

    Iris, I don't like snakes either. We have "wildlife" here such as deer, raccoons, opossums. Once there was a baby opossum who must have been orphaned. He came here to eat the cat's food. He got a little too friendly (came up to my husband and sniffed his foot!) and so we rehomed him a few miles away.

    Ron, hope you and Lou are feeling better. Your dedication to Lou is amazing, but remember, you don't have to do it all. It's ok to ask for help. 

    Have a peaceful night. 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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