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Just need to talk to my friends (152)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita I am so sorry about Danita.  Another hole left in your heart.

     Every Saturday morning, think about my uncle and miss our conversations.  Called my cousin in Kentucky and talked with her for a bit last evening.  Her and I will hopefully get to know each other.  She has a cleft palate that was never fixed.  You cannot tell it by looking at her.  She is very hard for me to understand in person sometimes.  Had no trouble understanding her on phone last night.  Was thankful for that.  Will call her brother in a couple of weeks.  Miss my uncle because we had a lot of memories that my younger sisters don’t have.  My cousins should share those memories as they are older than I am.

    Zetta I shape my meatloaf into patties.  Bake at 400 for 20 minutes so that is another option.  So many ways to do things.  I enjoy trying new things.

    Beth how is Jet Star’s flavor?  Am thinking about trying them next year.  Have read they are productive.

    Can remember people people saying they put up beans etc.  My dad’s mom would say she backed a letter.  Don’t remember anyone else saying that.  My grandma had a rough life.  She was feisty though.  Guess she had to be.  She didn’t get to go to school much so she spelled words phonetically.  You had no trouble reading it or understanding it.  I miss her.  There is a You Tube channel called Celebrating Appalachia, you might enjoy it.

    JoC I enjoy the cream cheese, crackers and pepper jelly too.  Can’t help you with the cleaning products as I am behind too.  Hope to learn with you.

    Kindness is always priceless.  What would a kind and gentle nation be capable of. 

     Dehydrate  almost all my herbs except mint and dill, freeze them.  Looks like we are getting into a hot and dry August.  Hoping that my dill’s scent will return and I will have some to freeze.  Have a beautiful patch of dill but it has no smell.  Love the smell of dill and miss smelling it as I walk by it.  Sometimes I dry green beans, apples or tomatoes.

    Beth I have volunteer tomatoes too.  Another advantage of compost.  Is always interesting.  See I have a volunteer cucumber plant too.  Gave it a trellis so we will see what happens.  Saw a little petunia blooming in one of my grow bags that I didn’t plant either.  Love surprises.

    Saw where the hospital was giving MRNA booster to J&J recipients.  You know I had thought about that.  The virology point of view is that would be good from a virology viewpoint.  The thing is we just need to work on is it medically safe .  Seems like they could get into a big liability issue if something happens.  This is being looked at I understand.  I’m much more at peace with J&J now due to remarks I have read from Shane Crotty recently who I feel knows his job.  J&J has good T cell production so therefore good protection from hospitalization and death.  Still wear mask because the question regarding long term covid in vaccinated people has not been answered yet.  Many long term covid patients were never hospitalized is my understanding, so can you still get long term covid with a milder infection as a vaccinated individual?  Will keep my ear out for this as I kniwit is something being looked at too.

    Froze some more greens yesterday.  Can’t believe how many greens I have had this year.  Peach month is just starting here in Ohio.  Hope to go get a few today.  Would like trying to make some peach butter.  Have never done that before.  A lot like apple butter which I make.  Time to start thinking about making kraut too.

    Take care everyone 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     The gremlins are around this morning - just lost my post which was almost half finished so I'll summarize, if I can.

     Thank you, Jo, it is so sad that we had to lose Danita.  If she had only taken the vaccine like one daughter did, she'd still be with us.  Things like this should really encourage people to have faith in the vaccine.  My sister wouldn't have taken it - just like Danita, she didn't believe she needed vaccines.

     I use Scrubbin' Bubbles in the bathroom and something called Kaboom in the commode.  There's a device you fit into the back of the stool with a holder for tablets.  Works really well.  In the kitchen I use those pads with soap in them to clean the stainless steel sinks and always keep Ajax around.  I like Green Works to clean counter tops.  I am not a housekeeper so do the bare necessities.  Yesterday I was looking for something I'd dropped on the floor so used the flashlight and shined it under a chair in the LR.  My goodness, it looked like one of those haunted houses you see on TV- dust and GP hair.  I need a full-time housekeeper but that's not to be.

     I've used those spin mops for years - probably on my third or fourth one now.  I normally use only water but sometimes add some Pine-Sol.  You'll love the mop - but not the mopping - at least that's how I feel.

     I had forgotten about cream cheese and pepper jelly.  Charles introduced me to that and it is really good.  We used to make our own pepper jelly - probably used bell peppers and maybe a jalapeno mixed in since he liked hot things.  I like the taste of jalapenos but not the heat.  We used to raise one called Tam Jalapeno - the heat was about half what a regular jalapeno is and you got the good flavor.

     I won't be going to a store either.  Still have never tried the grocery pick up at WM - need to give that a try - but, I'm not going into town either so guess that's out. 

     I had a nice visit with one of my cousins in Fort Gibson last night.  He's a few months younger than I.  He's had Parkinson's for eight or nine years and now the medication he's taking for it is giving him problems.  Said he had a CT Scan yesterday.  It's kind of hard to understand him but love talking with him.  He has two older sisters - one is  89 and in a NH.  He said another cousin is 92 and has had Alz. for years.  his wife who is 90 is still caring for him at home.  So, not much good news on that side of the family either.  JW's wife has had both of her ankles fused and has really bad knees so can't walk much but can drive.  He can't drive but can walk pretty well, so together they can get along pretty well.  Enough of my family problems.

     Beth, sounds like you're having a good tomato crop this year.  We used to raise Jet Star tomatoes but don't remember much about them except I think they're really good and medium sized.  Nothing in the world tastes like a good, ripe tomato you pick off the vine, wipe off and put on a little salt and eat like an apple - while you're in the garden.  The ones you buy in the store don't compare.

     Sara - thank you.  I appreciate it.  Yes, another hole in my heart - it's beginning to feel like a sieve.    You're so right about older family members needing to share memories with younger ones.  If I could only remember things grandma talked about but as a kid you don't pay that much attention.  I think of things I'd like to ask - even things Lorita would have known - but there's no one to ask.  People should think about those things but when we're younger we think life will always be the way it is.

     I had a nice e-visit with Leanne last night.  Hadn't visited with her for some time.  She said the fires in Montana are awful but she and Dave are safe - there's lots of irrigation around them so things are green.  She's still working three days a week and doing some bookkeeping for her boss.  They're both fully vaccinated and feel safe since they live in a small community.  She and Dave have a couple of cows and one has a new baby.   Said they had bought a couple of little bull calves to put on them - didn't say whether she still has her mules but I bet she does.  She was glad to hear how everyone on the forum is.  Most of you don't remember Leanne - guess she was on the thread  four or five years ago - maybe longer.  She lost her husband, Don, but married Dave a year or so later.  She's having her 72nd birthday this week.  I told her she was a youngster since a lot of us are older than that.  She seems happy with her new life but memories of Don will always be there.

     Just had a call from Bryon.  He and Shane will come this afternoon - not to mow but to cut tree sprouts that have come up in the fences around the yard and barn.  Glad they'll be able to do it since it will be a little cooler than it was last week.

     I'll stop and finish my juice.  All this talk of meat loaf - I've never made a meat loaf.  Charles made them and they were really delicious - he made some kind of sauce to go with it.  We liked them the second or third day as a sandwich with thinly sliced onions and mustard.  Making smaller ones and freezing them sounds like a really good idea - portion control!

     Enjoy your day.  going to go out and see how the girls are doing.  Tried to fix it so they couldn't get into the carport - hope it works.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I flew RT from LAX to Dubai, about sixteen hours, in coach class.  It was wonderful!  They took such good care of us.  I could make a vacation just on the flight.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Iris, I be Dubai is almost beyond belief.  So luxurious from what I've seen on TV.

     Had a call from Carol this morning.  She said one of her grandsons had tested positive for the virus.  His mother was going to take his brother on a trip to Chicago before school begins but that's off because he's quarantined.  She also said the Evangelist who was presiding over the camp at Falls Creek had died from the virus - this was earlier in July.  I think I heard about that.  I didn't see morning news but she said things are worse - we have the Alpha, Delta and Gamma is getting into the State. 

     She said they had been to dinner at Foggy Creek or Foggy Bottom where they were having two family reunions.  Of all the people there, about 70, only two people were wearing masks.  What in the world is the problem with wearing a mask?  Beats me.


  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Good afternoon

    Just got attacked by some hornets.   Saw something in the tree by the garden and moved a branch and they

     buzzed out of there right down my shirt and into my bra.   Yanked off my shirt and ran into the house.  I took a Benadryl and put calamine lotion on to stop the sting.  Probably got 5 stings.  

    Carrie had a seizure today.  She is okay now.   Jim never had seizures so this is surprising to me. Don’t know if this is the start of something new.  

    Thanks for listening to my troubles.  


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judy, I am so very sorry.   Hornets!   They are nasty and will even chase a person, so glad you are alright.

     I am sorry about Carrie's seizures.   Wonder if Hospice can assist with medication to control or avoid this.    Can well imagine your heartfelt concern and send you my warmest thoughts and another soft hug from me to you along the electronic tether.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hi All,

    Well the world keeps spinning despite the Covid, natural disasters and man's inhumanity to man.  Not worth watching the news any more...so depressing.  Sure wish someone would come up with a GOOD NEWS program.  I am sure there are lots of things out there if the news people would only change their perspective.

    On the travel subject, years ago when I worked I did a lot of flying from place to place so got a lot of frequent flier miles.  I was able to get my folks and I on first class for a European vacation.  We were gone for 3 weeks and had a wonderful time seeing all the sights.  Those are good memories.  Now I hate to travel...lol.  Even driving long distances is no longer a treat.  Guess I used up my "travel needs"...lol

    Now I spend my days crocheting.  I am left handed (was the only one of my generation) so none of my elders was able to teach me.  Finally around 50 yrs old I found a booklet that gave left handed instruction.  I haven't stopped since...lol.  While sometimes folks will ask for (and pay for) a special afghan, a lot of what my daughter and I do is for charity.  Have made hundreds of tiny blankets and tiny octopi for the premi ward at the hospital, afghans for the women's and children's shelter also Easter baskets and Christmas stockings (filled of course!) for them too.  It allows me to help others while keeping myself busy with something worthwhile.  Unlike most of you I don't have a big place to keep up or daily chores (at least not ones that I have to do...lol).

    Sure with the weather would straighten up for all.  The extreme heat is really something.  Here we have had very little snow in the winters and not so much rain in the spring so everything gets dried out, except the weeds and the butterfly bushes!  I thought the butterfly bushes were so pretty, but my goodness are they invasive and hard to get rid of.  I originally had 2, one on each side of the house...now I have over 10.  Last fall I had them all cut down to the ground hoping that the winter weather would kill what was left.  Was I wrong!  Still coming back strong.  It will cost me a fortune to have them dug up so will have to find another way.  Any suggestions?

    Stay well and cool as you can.  Hope to day was better than yesterday, and not as good as tomorrow!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judy, sorry about Carrie's seizure.  For your stings dampen the sting area and an aspirin and put the aspirin on it.  That's what I do for wasp stings helps some.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Judy, I'm sorry to hear carrie had seizures and hope she is better. Carrie was my mother in law's name! Hornets and any other stinging flying insects need to stay away from me. I remember growing up and a bumblebee hit me in the back, knocked me to the grown. I go the other way from any of them now.

    Loveskitties, I'm also left handed and in my early years when working on certain machines, I had to learn how to do it with my right hand.

    Well......echocardiogram was in and out, dental not so. Seems like the surgeon will not do anything without concent from cardiologists. Was told with my health problems the other dentist shouldn't have even pulled the teeth without consent. Now i have to get the cardiologist to sign off on it and go back next month. Hopefully i will hear about the echocardiogram soon.


  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments
    Hornets nest.  So pretty
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,   How is Sarah? I have not seen anything about her lately. I hope your staying cool and get your AC fixed soon.

     Sara,  All this talk about meat loaf I need to make me some. I do love meat loaf and I like your idea of making patties and the idea of making small loafs so I will probably do both. 

    Iris,   I agree with you that you could make a vacation just spending 12 hours on a plane. I really enjoyed my flight and maybe even more then some of the sights. We were also in  coach and you could have not asked for any more comfort. I did not even go to sleep I did not want to miss anything.

    Beth,  I am not a traveler. My daughter works in the travel industry for a cruise line so she gets a lot of of good deals. I have done a lot of reading about The Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Schindler's Factory, The Anne Frank House, so we were able to visit all those places and take a cruise down The Amsterdam Canal. I was not able to climb the steps leading up to the attic in her house, they were very narrow and steep, I was so tired by that time I just checked out of the tour and sat and waited. For me it was a trip of a lifetime. I was so afraid of motion sickness so my Dr. gave me diff meds to take if needed. But he said to take a Benadryl every morning then take the motion sickness meds if needed, and  I never needed one.

     Jo,  I don't know why you think I am a good cleaner, because I am not. I hate clutter so I never have clutter everything has a place and its always there. I was that way even when I was kid. But as far as dusting and vacuuming  I don't get around to that as often as I should. Its easy to keep my house clean its just Molly and I my son lives in a cabin out back. Molly sheds a lot and so did Rascal so I always have pet hair here and there and everywhere.

    Jo,  My hair also needs cut it has gotten so long I ware it in a pony tail. If I get it cut I will just have the dead ends cut off. I am also hoping they will get rid of some of the fuzz my hair has decided to have.  I enjoy the pony tail it is so easy, but yes washing long hair is not fun.      

    I hope you all have had a good day and will have a restful night. Hugs Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Dear Judy,

    I am so sorry Carrie had a  seizure, you must worry so much about her. And on top of that its no fun getting stung by all those bees. Please take care of those stings and hopefully you don't get sick. I am allergic to bees so that many stings would probably put me in the hospital. If you feel dizzy you probably should call someone. Hugs Zetta    

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judy, I've never seen a hornet's nest before, and I hope never to see one again!  It's so large!  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Judy hope you are feeling ok.  Think wasp nests are pretty too, especially all their little compartments inside.  Looked into Alzheimer’s and seizures and they are connected.

    Loveskitties have not watched news much for years.  Agree totally, need to quit giving air time to those who are the problem and start giving airtime to those who aren’t the problem.  Maybe at least some people would be influenced to try kindness instead of meanness for attention.

    You asked about killing butterfly bush.  Here is what I have done for years as I don’t have the physical strength to dig up large things.  This has worked very well for me.  Cut them off as low as you can.  Then cover what is left with black plastic trash bags weighted down with something so they will stay on.  This blocks all the sunlight.  In a year usually it is dead and usually pretty easy to even get roots out if not woody.  Keep an eye on it and if you would see any coming back reapply black plastic.  So far have never had to reapply plastic.  My dad taught me this.

    I can crochet and knit.  Taught myself with a book.  Use to do it a lot but not so much anymore. Did find it relaxing.

    Ron teeth are very connected to heart.  When our patients had open heart surgery if they did not see a dentist on a regular basis they had to have dental issues taken care of before surgery.

    I’m the opposite of you Zetta.  My house is regularly cleaned but I tend to clutter, especially in the summer.

    You know I’m so thankful for the vaccine and my mask.  Still feel safe to do what I want with God, Vax and mask.  Thankful that I have the supplies I need to go about life.  Why I don’t feel safe eating out.  Know media shows are spouting scariant Delta.  Tend to go along with the virologist.  It is not the scariant that has is in trouble, it is people’s behaviors.  A few weeks ago we were at very low levels in our county.  Saw almost 100% compliance with masking.  Then when vaxed  people were told you can remove your mask saw 5%of people with mask on.  Percent of vaxed is  less than 40%in our county.  Guess what a lot of people are being dishonest.  It’s kind of like the saying says,  play stupid games, win stupid prizes.  Cases in our county was 40 something yesterday,  a couple of weeks ago it was two or three.   Could it possibly have anything at all to do with discarding the mask. Feel betrayed by those who are not being safe , no different than a drunk driver.  Have seen increased mask wearing this week, maybe 25%.  Vaccination rates are going up but not nearly enough, statewide snd locally.  Ok I’m off my soap box.

    Guess I will go get groceries and pick some blueberries.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Judy, that is a paper wasp nest. We had one in one of our trees a few years back. We didn't see it until the leaves had fallen. So sorry you got stung repeatedly. I got stung a week ago as well. I went out my front door and one came and stung me. I didn't see it coming. Then found out that they were nesting by the front door. We sprayed them with wasp killer and did get rid of them all, for now. Hubby ended up getting stung once too. 

    We have had 4 or 5 consecutive days of cooler weather, with highs in the 70s and low to mid 80s. It has been nice to open up the windows. Overnight we received 1/2" of rain, and am grateful for that. Tomorrow we will be back in the 90s. 

    The daylilies (I have about 100) are almost all done blooming now. It was so colorful in the garden a couple of weeks ago. Still have coneflowers, sunflowers, black eyed Susans, phlox, clematis, petunias (Sara, I gave my Supertunias a haircut and a drink of Bloom Booster as they were starting to get leggy), balsam, Bells of Ireland and a few others. Still waiting on my hyacinth beans and glads to bloom. The tomatoes, cucumbers and green beans are still producing. Sara, you asked what Jet Star tomatoes taste like. I guess I don't know how to classify the taste, would just say not too strong and they taste good to me. They are medium sized, some on the large side. Very productive. I have grown them for years. I used to grow Early Girls but they are small so I prefer Jet Star.

    I got a very nice photo of a goldfinch eating on one of my sunflower plants. Hope you enjoy seeing it. We love the birds here.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Still fairly cool but a bit warmer than yesterday.  We have a "chance" of a little rain this afternoon - surely hope we get some.  I hate when the weather gets hot and there's no rain.  Drove down to see the girls as they were changing pastures and heading for the MH.  Everyone looked okay so that always makes me feel better.  I found 50 ft. of metal water hose in the storage building (of course, after I'd order 50 ft.) so hooked it up to the rubber hose at the north side of the house and was able to water everything I wanted to water except had to carry water to the zucchinis (Sara, still no babies there).  I had a big area of wild violets that I had Bryon not mow a few weeks ago but mulberry sprouts had grown up in them so had him cut them yesterday - violets were laying on the ground - so watered them - they'll revive.

     I had ordered another 50 ft. of metal hose and a bigger watering can from Amazon - UPS delivers their things.  Had ordered from WM and yesterday they brought the Utz potato chips.  The driver (a girl this time) knocked on my door and by the time I got to the door she was at the gate.  She had left two boxes - one delivered by FedEx and when she came in the gate at the entryway there was a box so she brought it.  Can you beat that - FedEx redelivering things UPS should have brought to the house.  I called UPS (I've had to do that so many times to no avail) and told them.  The woman was dumbfounded - pretty bad that FedEx has to deliver UPS boxes.  Makes me not want to order from Amazon.  I thought it was very nice of the girl to bring the box. 

     I've never been stung by a hornet but a few weeks ago a red wasp got me.  Guess they had a nest in a pipe gate and when I closed the gate it aggravated him.  It hit me above the left eyebrow like a ton of bricks - thought I was going to go down, too, Ron.  I hurried to the house, took a Benadryl and put on Benadryl ointment.  It hurt like the dickens for a long time, then was red for days.  It left a little divet for a long time and I can still feel an itch there occasionally.  I keep wasp and hornet spray all the time.  I've had to spray where wasps were starting a nest on the front porch several times this summer.

     Ron, Sara's right about the heart and teeth.  I've heard you should always take an antibiotic (just one or two) before extractions.  Hope your echocardiogram results are good.  When our hospital first starting doing echos, I had one done.  I'd been having a headache and the doctor I worked with ordered one for me.  All was fine.

     Bryon and Shane came yesterday and cut all the little trees that were growing in the north yard fence and took out the three golden euonymous shrubs (sorry, I just cannot remember how to spell that word).  They had been beautiful until the super cold weather this winter.  Looks so much better.  There's a few little ones that have come up from the roots so I'll nurse them along until fall and replant one or two of them.  Next time they come I think I'll have them take out the Manhattan E.  It's as tall as the house but only has green leaves on the ends of the upper branches.  I'll replant one of the little ones from it, too.   Also cut back a lot of overgrown altheas by the back door.  I feel like I can breathe.  I did a little work cutting down little things they'd left.  They're not always so sure of what's flowers so sometimes they leave something that should have been cut. 

     Beth, glad you got some rain and cooler weather.  We've had nice weather this week - yesterday morning it was in the 60s, this morning in the 70s.  The little finch is so pretty.  I've only seen one of them years ago.  Seems like we don't have as many birds as we used to.  Balsam - used to be one of my favorite flowers.  I planted them every year in the garden.  It's been many years since I've planted a lot of flowers - used to plant a couple of rows in the garden but since we moved down to the farm house we don't have a garden or a good place for flowers - not much except caladiums and something in the bathtub (haven't even planted that in a couple of years).  I did have some orange daylilies around the water hydrant by the corral this year - they were really pretty.  Usually the cows get them.

     Zetta - I'm not really sure how Sarah's doing. I call her and she doesn't answer or she'll text me that she's in the bathroom and will call later - very seldom does.  Todd's in Texas working now so I guess she's by herself except the time he gets to come home for a day or so.  I'm trying to get her to have Home Instead come in a couple of times a week to do laundry and things she can't do.  I guess she doesn't like for me to suggest things.  She tells me she has a list of people to call about various things but I don't know if she gets it done or not.  She may be so overwhelmed with everything that she just can't follow through.

     Yesterday I tried to call Jack, twice, and didn't get an answer.  Finally did get him.  Something could happen to him and no one would know.  He sounded busy (probably talking to someone on the phone) so just told him I wanted to check in on him.  He was okay.  As far as I know he still hasn't been vaccinated.  I think he just doesn't care what happens to him.

     Also asked Bryon and Shane if they'd been vaccinated.  They haven't.  Bryon said a friend of his had the virus about a month ago, is better but still has some pneumonia.  Can't understand why they're not vaccinated.

     I saw something on TV this morning, across the bottom of the screen, that they're now recommending a booster for people who got Moderna vaccine.  Is that right?

     I've never seen a hornet's nest.  I don't know if we have them - probably do but we have enough wasps to make up for them.  I don't think I want to see one either.  Daddy used to talk about hornets but that was when they lived around Braggs where there's more hills and trees.

     Butterfly bushes - I can't seem to get them to grow.  I've tried a couple of times and they don't survive.  Don't know if it's the weather or what.  I have dug up the wild ones with flat blooms in the meadow  (Monarda)  and they do pretty well for a couple of years. 

     Zetta, haven't heard anything else about the air conditioner.  They said it would take 5-7 workdays so I'm not holding my breath.  I have that AC turned on and it cools a little bit and luckily we've had cooler weather this week but supposed to be about 100 this weekend.

     Hope all of you are well this morning and having some cool weather.  About the bad news we hear on the news shows - you all are so right - if you watch the news, that's what you get.  I do watch local news and a little world news.  New about the virus is terrible. This morning they said there were more variants that will be worse if we don't get a handle on the Delta variant.  There's terrible fires in several countries in Europe and in our north and west and in Canada, droughts and heat waves.  All of this from climate change.  We are literally killing our home, our planet.  If something isn't done, imagine how it may be 20 years from now.

     I'll stop and drink my hot tea.  Had planned to make pancakes this morning and freeze them - maybe tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judy, I hope your hornet stings are better this morning.  It took me several days to get over my one wasp sting.  How a little thing like a wasp or hornet can have so much venom or poison and effect us in such a bad way is beyond me.

     I'm finished for the day - I hope.  I've fed two outside cats, four inside cats, two Great Pyrenees, filled a water tank, checked the girls, cut weeds and sprouts, watered plants, made muffins and cooked macaroni and cheese (not from scratch) and did dishes.  That's enough for today. 

     Now, it's a quiet day, watching Gunsmoke, Zetta.  It's the episode where Doc left and didn't come back for a long time.  I didn't know what had happened so asked Mr. Google and he said he was way for some time because he had heart surgery.  Just not the same without Doc.  Watched a couple of episodes of MASH while things were cooking.  I enjoy watching it.  You know Charles was in Korea for the duration and he could not watch war movies (except WWII) but he loved, absolutely loved MASH.  I imagine that's because there weren't many actual battle scenes.

     I had some more of my squash casserole yesterday but decided I didn't want to eat the rest of it that I had frozen.  I only ate half of what I took out and thawed so thought I'd see if Stormy would eat it.  He did - that and some brown beans.  I'm thawing the rest but don't know how good it might be for him.  He's kind of like Mikey - he'll eat almost anything - but can be really picky, too. 

     It's 82 here and partly cloudy.  Keeping my fingers crossed for some rain this afternoon and evening. 

     I'm enjoying reading about everyone's travel.  I haven't been anywhere much.  Charles and I did go to Washington in 1995 for the dedication of the Korean War Memorial - first time I'd flown and I did enjoy it but once was enough for me.  We've been to the Grand Canyon and the States bordering Oklahoma - many, many times to KC and Arkansas.  I think my favorite places were NW Arkansas (Eureka Springs) and Albuquerque but guess Oklahoma's my most favorite. 

     Guess I should try to get in touch with Sarah and see how she is today.  Doubt she'll answer.  She sleeps so much I know she misses many phone calls or return calls.  Guess that's because she's in pain or not feeling well and sleep masks it.

     Scary things on the news about the Delta variant and what may come afterwards - worse than Delta.  I can not for the life of me understand why people are so resistant to taking the vaccine or wearing masks.  I don't feel that it's infringing on my freedom - it's for the good of everyone.   I imagine there won't be any kind of mandate on vaccinations or mask wearing in our State and six others.  Can't understand it.

     Sara - glad you keep us informed about things.  Keep up the good work.  How is the watermelon this morning?   Still no zucchini babies - guess it's like the watch pot - never boils as long as you're watching and waiting.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    The other neighbor worked great with Lou, but I'm still cautious because of the other experience. I dont believe this neighbor is anyway like the other. Her son has helped me in the past and anytime he saw me was asking if I needed anything. Lou also likes her and that is always the main thing.

    Still confused about all that's going on with me. I understand about the teeth, but now a little upset with dentist for pulling the teeth without precautions. I'm also confused about my scan in October. I received a call this morning to schedule a pet scan. Now as I said previously the pulmonary critical care dr. wanted a ct scan scheduled. Why all of a sudden did they change the ct to pet? I understand you can have a pet/ct; which I've had before, but that is not was said.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,  Sorry your not hearing from Sarah, I know how you must worry about her. I guess if something bad happens you will hear, you have done all you can do. That was really sweet of the FedEx girl bringing things to your porch and knocking so you are aware of the delivery. Lets hope she continues being your delivery person. I am also watching Gunsmoke, I would be surprised if I ever saw one that I have not seen before. I never got interested in MASH, I really don't like war shows. I am more into westerns, true crime, game shows and the old sitcoms. 

     Sara & Loveskitties,   I learned to crochet 20 years ago and only did it for a very short time. I made a little blanket for my dog and it was a mess but she loved it. I did not like having to count each row is the reason  her blanket was a mess. So I gave up. Patience I do not have. 

    Beth,   That goldfinch is real pretty. I have a birdfeeder on my front porch and I love watching the birds come to eat. I sit on the porch and be real quiet and they will come, they are so close I could reach out and touch them but I don't move a inch.

     Ron,   That is nice that Lou, likes the neighbor, company is good for her as well as you. Please try to trust people, most of them are good people. I am glad you are getting some help, please take advantage of it.

    Judy,   How are you feeling today? I hope the hornet stings did not make you sick. That nest is pretty, I hope I never see one in my yard. 

    My daughter will be here tomorrow she is coming from Seattle it is a 4 hr drive. We will be going to get my new cell phone, if I don't chicken out like I did that last time she came. We got her a kitten instead. She loves Blue Berry and Poppy Seed Muffins so I have been baking this this morning. My kitchen smells real good.

     Molly has been laying on a table where she can look outside and see what's happening. We have chipmunks come right up on the porch and tease her. I had a plastic watering pitcher on the porch thankful it was empty, a chipmunk just got inside of it and could not get out. Molly was having a fit, so when I saw the reason I went out and it was jumping up and down I was afraid to touch the pitcher I did not want it to jump up and bite me, so I kicked it over and the little guy ran out. I guess I need to find another place for my watering pitcher. 

    Good Day to All, Hugs Zetta    


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  A busy bunch on here.  Everyone seems so busy with gardens and flowers.  We’ve had allot of rain here, so my yard and flowers are thriving.  It hasn’t show much improvement on the draught monitor, but we’re thankful.  The only problem with rain is that I-70 through Glenwood Canyon has been closed.  Tons of mud, rock and debris has washed out onto the highway. Lots if damage to the road and infrastructure, so could take along time to rebuild.  

    I’m getting things done around here so I can go see my daughter and family for fair.  I’ll have to take a detour through GJ and circle around to get there.  It adds a couple hours to my trip, but will be a beautiful drive.  

    Judy, I’m sorry Carrie had a seizure.  Nice for you that she recognized you and you have a nice memory.  That has to be hard on you.  I’ve been thinking of you.  I hope your bee stings are better.  They sure do hurt.

    Lorita, I was also sad to hear of your SIL. Pretty soon we will all be the oldest family members. Kind of scary to think of that.  

    Ron and Jo, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for upcoming procedures.  

    Sara, thanks for all the information you provide.  We are a state with 63% vaccinated, but have hot spots in areas.  I saw on the news that they think the astra vaccine could possibly be FDA approved by the end of August.  Hopefully more would get vaccinated if it’s approved.  My daughter and her coworkers got Moderna vaccine in December because they work at the hospital.  One of them recently tested herself for antibodies, and the test came back that she had a good amount of antibodies.  Guess that’s proof that the vaccine is still effective, seven months later.  I thought that was great news.  

    Hi to everyone reading and posting.  I’ll check in after my week with family. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Ron, I guess I missed the post where you said you were going to try another neighbor to be with Lou.  So glad that worked out.  It'll take a while to get your confidence back but hang in there.

     I don't know the difference between a PET Scan and a CT Scan.  Are they really a lot different?

     Zetta - that was a bit scary with the chipmunk, wasn't it.  I would have done the same thing - don't know if they bite but wouldn't want to find out.

     Still haven't heard anything about the PU or the AC - and now the car is acting up.  I drove it to the mailbox yesterday and it was fine - started right off.  Went out a while ago to drive it to the mailbox and it wouldn't start.  So drove the Gator.  When I got back I tried to jump it - nothing, so tried again and all the lights inside started flashing but it started.  I let it run about 15 minutes, then went out and turned it off.  Tried to start it and it was dead again.  What is going on I do not know but I'm getting really tired of it.  Last year when the pandemic began I thought it would be over in a few months and I could get a new Jeep - but, it didn't go away and now it's worse.  I am thoroughly disgusted and ready to throw in the towel.  I did talk with Sarah a while ago and told her about the towel and she said if she threw one in, someone would throw it back.  That would be my luck, too.  Tomorrow's Friday so doubt it would be a good time to have it towed it to be fixed - they close at noon on Saturday.  Just hope I don't have to go anywhere.  Almost afraid to try to jump it again.

     Sarah's having a hard time with her ileostomy.  She can't seem to get a callback from the ostomy  nurse so did what I said I wouldn't do - suggested she call the case worker at Mercy and tell her what's going on and also to try to get in touch with Dr. Cole.  She's having to change everything every hour or two and it's wearing her out.  Life is too darn hard sometimes. 

     Joan - glad you've gotten rain but sorry about the mud and rock slides.  Isn't it nice to have green grass and flowers in the middle of the summer?  When do you go to be with your granddaughters for the fair?  Be careful on your trip and enjoy yourself - know you will.  Sounds like you're just about back to your old self - ready to tackle almost anything.  We take feeling good for granted sometimes - I know I do and realize that when I don't feel well.

     We got a light sprinkle this afternoon - just enough to get the grass wet.  It's been cloudy and cool all day so that was a respite for the girls but we're really needing rain.  We had so much earlier in the summer so didn't think we'd be saying that but always are afraid the rain will shut off.  They did have some heavy storms south of here - lucky people.

     Sorry for the post - just really disgusted and disheartened right now.  Sometimes things that happen in this life just gets a person down.  On a brighter note - I did get my package of parsley seeds today - will fix a hanging basket and plant them when I get in the mood.

     Weather is on - south of us about 40 miles there's having heavy, heavy rain but it's going over into Arkansas so we missed that.  Said 2 1/2" of rain in Wilburton - east of McAlester.  Also some heavy rain north of Tulsa - this will fizzle out before it gets down here.  News I didn't want to hear - heat wave is returning in force this weekend.

     I didn't get to hear the evening news about the virus but imagine it's worse than it was yesterday. Sarah still hasn't been able to get her second vaccination - don't know how much longer she has to get it.  Todd hasn't been vaccinated either.

     Hope all of you are feeling well this afternoon and in a good mood.  Hope I didn't bring you down but it's good to have someone to share my feelings with - maybe I shouldn't though.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita....it clearly states on web site that it is best to text the nurse. There is a discussion board listed on the site that you might join.

    This site has a lot of good info about care of your "bag".


    This is a site listed on the Ostomy site that is a whole guide book for care

    https://www.ostomy.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/IleostomyGuide.pdf Sarah can go online see her medical information and to message Dr. Cole. I think this is the correct link. https://www.mymercy.net/login Hope these help.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Judith, I called Sarah and told her to text Marvel.  She'll do that in the morning so maybe she'll get a reply.

     She knows how to take care of emptying the bag - it's just that the apparatus or whatever it is isn't working right - wrong size or something and the drainage is all liquid.  She's trying to figure out something to thicken it.  I told her about the thickening agent people use when they're having trouble swallowing - still have to look up the name. She's tried corn starch which helped a bit but can't use much of it.  I've explained to her, and she knew I think, that for some time after the ileostomy is done the drainage will be thin because the liquid doesn't have time to be absorbed.

     She doesn't have a computer and I don't know if she can do what you suggested on the phone.  I'll tell her tomorrow.  I think she can get in touch with the doctor either through the operator or catch him on a ward.  We'll see.

     I've spent the last ten minutes trying to find segment 151 of our thread.  Sheena's scratching and I thought I'd put Vectra on them after her last antibiotic shot but couldn't find it anywhere in my journal or on the calendar I keep.  Finally found it and I did put Vectra on both of them on July 27th so don't know why she's scratching.  The hygroma is still really big but isn't worse - hope we can wait until the weather's cooler (and I have a vehicle) to do the surgery.  It doesn't seem to bother her.  Stormy's outside barking at coyotes.  She didn't want to go out yet.

     Guess I'll call AAA and have the car towed in tomorrow.  I'm almost afraid to try to start it again.  Just hope I don't have need of a vehicle in the next few days.  I'm also going to tell Robert to go ahead and repair the PU and I'll pay for it - and will cancel Car Shield (if they don't pay) and will probably cancel it anyway even if they do.  Feel like I've really been taken for a ride.

     Just discovered something interesting.  All this talk of birds.  We have barn swallows that have always built their mud nests on our front porch until a snake got into one of them a few years ago.  About a week ago I noticed the start of a nest on one of the walls but it wasn't finished - just about six strips of mud.  There's two or there others that were started and tonight I noticed on the porch lights (there's three) two sides of the round globe are almost totally covered with strips of  mud and on another one there's a few strips.  I don't know why they're starting to build and then quit.  After they left the porch they started building in the barn but I haven't noticed many this year.  Just another odd thing going on here.

     Mike called a while back and I told him about the car - he said it could be the alternator going out so we'll see. 

     Stormy's ready to come in - guess he ran off all the coyotes for the night.  Hope you all have a restful night.   Kind of worried that something may short in the car and start a fire.  This has really been a not-so-good month, this and last.

     See you in the morning.  Sleep tight.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I posted this on another thread about an ostomy:

    I have had a colostomy for over 10 years.  There is a big difference between that and an ileostomy as far as output goes.

    The ileostomy is higher up in the intestine, and the liquid part of the stool has not had a chance to be absorbed by the intestine.

    There is a book which was recommended to me by a nurse which might be helpful.  It is The Ostomy Book: Living Comfortably with Colostomies, Ileostomies, and Urostomies by Barbara Dorr Mullen and Kerry Anne McGinn RN BSN OCN

    If your DH had an ostomy nurse before/after his surgery you might also contact for additional support, or at least contact surgeon for referrals for the issues.

    One of the things you have to watch out for is dehydration, since the body is no longer absorbing liquids by mouth at the same rate as before.

    Here is an informative site on the subject of foods   https://www.stomabags.com/blog/eight-nutrition-tips-for-ileostomy-patients/  (sorry don't know how to do hot link for this)

    Hope some of this helps

    I have also used the BRAT diet for loose stool...Bananas, Rice (white), Applesauce, Toast (white).  Perhaps this might help Sarah.  Sure hope so.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Dixie, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you.  Called 3 times.  Please call me.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth so far my supertunias still look great.  Gold finches are so pretty.  Always raise sunflowers for them and have two finch feeders.

    Lorita looks like that we might get covid booster in fall. Wondering if they are not trying to put it off so we get it with flu vaccine, so we don’t have to go twice.  Our county is now red again, imagine that.  Were a lot more people wearing masks at store yesterday.  Cows are out of the barn now though so will take several weeks to get them herded up again lol.

    Judy hope to try the egg and tomato this morning.

    Local peaches now, made a pie in my small pie dish and it worked great.  It is just about 3 pieces.

    Lorita think my watermelon is growing a little and so far it looks ok. 

    Zetta hope you and your daughter have a nice visit.

    Well guess I better get to work.

    Everyone take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Better late than never, I guess. Had another frustrating morning but I'm okay and calmer now.  Just as I signed in, got another scam call.  Wish I knew how they get our numbers.  I had to answer it because I thought it might be from Sears about the AC.

     Sandy, sorry I worried you - just didn't answer because your area code was just one number off from the scam text I got a couple of days ago.  Wish they'd find something else to do.   I know how busy you are trying to get ready for your big move - and your birthday, too, this month.  Enjoyed our visit - but, so sorry about Lucy and what's to come.

     Sara - the other day I saw a square watermelon on a TV advertisement.  Not sure it was a real one but it looked like it was and was square.  I've heard of putting things that grow on vines in different shaped containers and letting them grow into that shape.  If you had several melons, might be worth a try.

     I imagine we will all need booster shots this fall.  I don't usually get my flu shot until the middle to end of October so don't know if we'll be able to wait that long.  I like your analogy of the cows getting out of the barn and getting them back in - you're so right.  Our County has a few cases but more than twice as many as a month or so ago. Yours was doing so well but a few people can make a big difference in the number of cases that come from them.

     I talked to the mechanic this morning.  This is the first time he's dealt with a third party payer so he's having to figure out what to do.  They've been behind in their work but are caught up now - says he's getting all the things that need repairing together and will call me and then I have to call Car Shield.  Wish I'd never gotten into this with them.  It'll probably take another couple of weeks to get it all done.

     And, the car.  Late yesterday I tried to start it- wouldn't start so tried jumping it.  First time didn't work, second time all the inside lights started flashing - scared the heck out of me but I started it and they quit flashing.  I let it run 15 or 20 minutes, turned it off and it wouldn't start again.  The mechanic said it was probably the battery.  So -- AAA can bring out a battery and put it in for you (you pay for the battery).  Called them and their battery truck doesn't stock the size I need - of course!  Next option was having a truck come out to diagnose the problem.  So, did that.  The guy got here, could barely get out of his truck (had hurt his leg), then told me to open the hood.  I thought he meant pull the lever. So did that and then he said he couldn't open the hood with one hand (was carrying a halo-type starter in one hand) - so, I opened it.  He checked and said one cell was dead but the car started.  He and the mechanic both said when  battery is just about out of juice, the lights will flash - something to do with the computer and how it works.  He suggested I let it run half an hour to build up the battery.  I did but didn't try to start it again.

     I called the battery place O'Reilly's and they have the battery.  I'm thinking if and when the PU gets repaired, maybe they'll bring it out and I'll have them bring a battery and install it.

     Then ---- I called about the AC.  Got the same runaround - needs to be approved, etc. Maybe they'll get the new one in by November.  Just upsets me to call so I probably won't again.  I was so angry I hung up on the girl - could hardly understand her anyway. 

     So, that's been my morning.  Spent the last two hours watching Denim & Co. so that relaxed me.  So enjoy watching Carolyn Gracie and Gary Goben show their clothes.  Had to order a couple of Henleys.

    Drove up and saw the girls this morning - they're in the barn now, Sara.  At least they came up.  I've seen Gunsmoke so guess I'll watch some local news - maybe there will be something that good news.

     Didn't water this morning - it was still a nice morning but the summer heat is on the way back.    I'm going to take a nap this afternoon!!

     Hope all of you are in a good frame of mind and are well.  I think the summer heat's getting to me.  I'll be back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,      I am so sorry you are having to deal with all this stuff. Yes I do think you got taken by Car Shield. What makes me mad is they will have a past movie star telling you how good this stuff is and you take their word for it. They should be ashamed. I have seen the ad on the TV and I think that guy was or is a star of some kind.  I hope you get something working soon it is not good to be without transportation. 

    Be careful when your out messing with the car, who knows what could happen. At least Mike is close and he knows your having problems, he probably watches out for you. 

    Yes that chipmunk was a bit scary. When I noticed it in the container it was just running in circles in the bottom of the container, then when it saw me it really got scared and kept jumping up and down I was afraid it I touch the container he would bite me. I have heard they do bite. The container was on the top step so I took my foot and laid it on its side facing down the steps and off it took. Then Molly had to smell the whole container inside and out. She knew it had been in there she was the one who brought it to my attention. 

     Sara,   Thanks, Yes, I do plan on having a good time when my daughter gets here. She is about 2 hours from here right now. She has ran into road construction coming over the pass so it will probably put her behind a hour or so. She will call me when she gets about 45 minutes out then I will leave home and meet her at the cell phone store and get my new phone. I am a little nervous about learning a new phone, but at least she will be here for a few days to help me.

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Judy,   We have not heard from you in a few days please let us know how you are doing after the hornet stings. I am also thinking about how Carrie is doing. Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Zetta, your daughter is probably with you now.  Do hope she made a safe trip.  I bet you have your new phone by now.  I'm still trying to get used to mine and figure out how to do things.  Still don't like it nearly as well as I did the old one.  The old one did things this one doesn't do or at least I haven't learned how to do yet.  Did you get one of those fancy ones?  Enjoy your visit - how long is she going to stay?

     I haven't started the car - no need to tonight but may tomorrow.  This morning when that guy was here he wasn't wearing a mask but I wore two and we were outside and I don't think we were closer together and probably farther apart than six feet.  Anyway, any time I'm around anyone it makes me worry a few days.  But, you all know that I'm a  worrier anyway.

     Mike isn't in this area very often. He makes farm calls or works cattle before his clinic opens - it's about six miles from  here.   His hired hand checks the girls over this way every other day and I'm so far from the road no one would have any idea what was going on up here.  I really miss talking with Darwin and Donna.  I think Toad sees him fairly often - says he's just staying at home with her most of the time.  The awfully cold weather we had this past winter almost got the best of him.

      I feel better since he said it was a dead cell in the battery and that after it's started it won't die if I need to go anywhere because the alternator will keep it going.  I'll get the battery changed when it's cooler.  Next week, beginning Sunday, it's going to be 100 and over every day with heat indices way over 100 - time to stay inside if a person can.

     I did take a nap this afternoon - didn't realize I was doing it but was laying on the divan watching TV and drifted off - I don't think it was over half an hour though.  I didn't water the zucchini or anything this morning but did water them this evening - they were really wilted.   Still no zucchini so may let them go if they don't get it in gear pretty soon.  Still enjoying the tomatoes so I think maybe next year I'll plant a couple - somewhere.

     Had a call from my other SIL in Texas today telling me when the funeral is going to be.  I knew because I'd talked with the funeral home yesterday when I ordered flowers.  They're not going because his brother is having knee replacement the next day and they don't want to take a chance.  I did learn that the son of Madge, another sister who is gone, is having a heart valve replaced on the 12th.  Guess there's bad news everywhere.  Betty said the funeral is going to be streamed on facebook for people to attend that way.  I'm not on facebook - but, seems like when were having so much trouble with LMG I might have been because I was able to see his new motorcycle that my sister probably paid for - not knowing she did.   I did read her obituary and it was very nice.  She would have been 86 in September.

     I think Sheena has hurt her left back foot somehow.  When they came in a while ago she was having trouble getting up the steps and it seemed like it was her back foot.  She's been licking it and when I touched it, she flinched. I'll spray it really well tonight with Derma-G.  I try to spray her hygroma with it every day and I seems to be doing all right.  I told her a while ago we wanted to be able to wait until the weather's cooler before having anything done to it.  Oh, about her bed - seems like the two Savannah cats have taken it over - both of them are laying on it now.

     Very quiet afternoon which was good.  I'm watching the Olympics - water sports.  I saw some this afternoon that I really enjoyed - rhythmic gymnastics where they use a long ribbon or things like small barbells.  Really pretty - those girls are so graceful and can jump so high.  How wonderful is youth!

     Did a load of laundry and dried part of it - the rest I laid on the bannisters on the back porch to dry in the sun - didn't want to heat up the house too much.  I think I may have washed another load.  I put them in the washer but may have decided to wait until I got a full load.  So different from my caregiving years when I did one or two loads every day.  Seems like that was so long ago.

     I'll stop and watch some more Olympics.  Want to watch the first of Cuomo at 8 - he always reports on the virus at the first of his show. 

     Sara -hope you haven't worked too hard today.  Is it hot in Ohio?

     See you all tomorrow.  Rest well.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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