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Just need to talk to my friends (152)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, just read something in thought you might enjoy. 

    Us southerners can smell if the rain is coming and if the cows are laying down there is a 90% chance it's going to rain. 

    If the cows are eating/grazing the fish are biting. 

    As the cow expert how accurate is this?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Ron will be interesting it Lorita thinks her cattle predict the weather sometimes.

    Was a hot day yesterday.  We got a 1/4 inch of rain in evening so should not have to water in ground things today.

    Lorita the datura will get really tall, like 5 or 6 feet.  You can keep them cut back though.  Not sure how big mine will get as I didn’t get it started til late.   They are poisonous to humans but bees absolutely love them.  Believe moon flower doesn’t get that tall and spreads more.

    Chipmunks here are fairly small.

    Lorita how big is the patch of prickly pear?  Looked it up snd Surmount spray recommended.  If the patch isn’t huge would cover it with several layers of cardboard and rock to hold cardboard down.  Leave it for at least a year.  May be too large of a patch for that.  

    Iris I try to put my food in pantry by their date, keeping what should be used first in front.  Things can get hid in the refrigerator though.

    Attached a picture of a cornhole board.  You have two teams of two people each and two boards.  The boards are placed fairly far apart.  The object is to get the bag in the hole.  There is a scoring system.  The bags you toss are filled with dried whole kernel corn, thus the name.

    Froze some tomato sauce yesterday.  Will need to do some more.  Hope to go to orchard today and get some peaches to freeze and maybe make another cobbler.

    Take care everyone                                                    

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, Your datura is so pretty! Love your steps too. You are a very good gardener. 

    Iris, when I stock up on food it is canned fruits, vegetables and meats (beef stew, tuna, chicken, corned beef, etc). Also items I can freeze. Then I rotate the food, eating the oldest first. Cans have a best buy date on them. It is not an expiration date. I've heard that canned foods have been documented to last well beyond the best buy date.

    Jo, thinking of you as you prepare for your procedure. Praying for a good recovery and results.

    Lorita, we had prickly pear but just a small amount, growing in a rocky area. I would get the thorns in my fingers and decided it had to go. I used Round up. Sara gave you a solution that sounds very good, although with a large patch it may be a real challenge to get rid of it all.

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I guess that people who "stock"pile just don't buy best by food...lol
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Iris, a newborn calf can weigh anywhere from 70 to 90 lbs. depending on the time of year, the age and size of the mother and  father and other factors. Much easier for the cow if the calf is smaller.  Brangus calves, which we have, are bigger while the Angus,  now getting mixed onea are smaller so birthing is easier. I like the looks of the Brangus - big, tall, heavy cattle. 

     I worried last night (of course I worry) that Jett (I like it better with two t's) might have gotten prickly pear thorns in his legs and or face so first thing this morning I went out and ran my hands over his legs, face and stomach.  Didn't feel any of them and I think if they were there I would have.  So, feeling better about that.  I let both pairs into the west paddock so maybe they'll stay away from the cactus today.  Gestation period for a cow is nine months.  When I went through the yard gate the new baby ran over to me and just stood there looking at me.  So sweet to see them do things like that.

     I eat yogurt and cottage cheese as long as they're not moldy - sorry you got sick from yours, Iris.   I'm bad about putting new canned goods at the front of the shelf - should move it around but seems like I'm always in a hurry to get things put away.  Occasionally I do have to throw away things.   Like Beth I like to keep a good supply of canned fruits and vegetables - love English Peas. I also have some cans of pie fillings that I probably should think about using.  I remember I have some canned apricots - bet those would be good in a quick cobbler.  When I was little there was a bakery in the town where my parents bought things and he made apricot pies - probably about an 8 " pie.  They were my favorite kind.  He had a shop window and kept pies in there so people would be tempted.

     No root cellar here but we do have a cellar that's underground.  We used to store potatoes and onions down there all winter long - nothing froze.  Mother also kept her jars of canned fruit and vegetables down there.  I haven't been down there in several years but spent a lot of time down there hiding from storms when I was little.  It's kind of creepy by yourself - very near the house so if a storm blew away the house and the storage building on top of it, you'd be trapped.

     I had forgotten about the extension service to ask about getting rid of the cacti.  It's way too big to put anything over it - probably at least a 10' circle.  I pulled that huge tarp almost half way across and couldn't reach to get the other side covered - I think the t arp was big enough but my reach wasn't.  After I went to bed I went out and pulled it off - afraid the calf would get underneath it somehow and smother.  So, this morning I took it back close to the bale of hay and moved the gate back where it had been.  I couldn't cover it with cardboard so guess I'll have to spray it with something.  Mike's using some kind of new spray on something and if it works there it probably would kill the cactus.  I'll have to have something that also kills the roots - then have someone use a backhoe or frontend loader scoop to dig up the roots - then where would I put it?  My sister warned me numerous times about not letting it get out into the pastures.

     Ron, you're right, we southerners can smell rain and so can the cows. If it's going to be a hard, long rain ours turn their back to the rain and try to get to the barn.  If it's going to be a soft rain, they stay out in the pasture.  They do not like to walk into the rain.  Funny you should mention fishing and cows laying down.  One of our

    Pharmacists at the VAMC liked to fish and he and Charles talked about it a lot.  He also said if he went fishing and the cattle were laying down, he might as well turn around and go home - no fish biting that day.  I also watch them when a storm's coning up - if the storm's coming from the SW, and they go as far NE as they can, it means the storm's going to be bad.  It's never happened to us but our vet has lost cattle that were standing too close to a fence when lightning struck and it killed them.  Usually happens if their horns are touching the wire.  Cattle are smart and if you watch them you can learn a lot about the weather.    Like ours - when the weather is hot, they head for the barn early in the morning to get away from the heat and flies where it's dark.  Also when it's snowing they go to the barn.  I can't think of any other farm that has a big barn for the cattle - most have to stay out in the weather.  Ours are spoiled and that's fine with me.

     Sara - I didn't know that the bags were filled with corn - makes sense though.  I've watched quite a lot of it this weekend and still don't understand the scoring completely.  Carol says they play cornhole in her town - guess her grandkids do. Looks like fun but your aim would have to be pretty good.

     Moonflowers do make a big bushy plant and the blooms are trumpet shaped with light lavender edges.  The gypsum has a smaller bloom but looks the same - they are poisonous for sure.  used to have a patch of them by one of the ponds but it's been gone for years.

     Another thing about cattle; the taste of the milk depends on what they eat.  We used to have a little weed with yellow flowers that was as bitter as could be.  When the cows would eat those weeds the milk was bitter.  I grew up on raw milk. My parents had a small dairy when I was under five years old.  They'd milk, then run the milk through a separator that separated the milk from the cream.  They kept that in one of the cribs.  Also had a corn sheller.  After the corn was ready, we'd pick the corn, shuck it and put it, ear by ear, into the sheller.  You used a crank to turn the cob turned around and it shelled the kernals off the cobs.  Daddy also fed it, unshelled but broken up, to cattle and hogs he raised.

     Interesting to think back about how things were when I was growing up.  We forget about things that happened so long ago.  I think that's one reason it's so interesting to talk with Carol - she's a few years older than I but we grew  up in the same area and our dads were farmers so we remember a lot of the same things.

     Judith - I go by expiration dates.  I know canned goods are okay to eat after that date and for sure after the best by date but kind of scares me.

     I don't know what went wrong with my picture posting so guess I won't be posting anymore.  I had a cute picture of the newest little girl - looks like Jett except she's more of a fawn color. She was also laying down.

     It was 80 at 6 this morning when I woke up but the wind is blowing, or was, so it's much better than if it was still.  I am so ready for cooler weather.  We're supposed to get a little break in the heat this weekend.  Looks like there's a heat advisory all the way from down in Louisiana (Ron, be careful) all the way up to Chicago (Sandy, be careful, too).  Some summers the only relief we get from heat and to get rain is for a hurricane to come into Texas.  Hope that's not the case this year.

     Covid numbers are bad this morning.  So, be careful out there.  Tried again and the picture of Fawn posted.  Isn't she sweet?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Already Tuesday; I find the weeks going by faster and faster these days.   Since the pandemic started and we stay home so much more, we often forget what day it is.  Wednesday or Thursday?  Have to laugh; when working I sure knew what day of the week it was - come on Friday!

    So much happening.   The C. diff came under control, done with the meds; advancing diet - BUT on Sunday, I had a "fattier" breakfast - had a bagel with cream cheese and oh boy; my tummy did not like that at all.  Back to liquids and now advancing again and will stay with low fat blander diet for awhile.

     AARGH!   I lost my original COVID Vaccine Card!  I guarded it like gold; I put it in a "safe" place of which I have only two.  It is not there!  I have searched high and low turned everything inside out; nothing.  What the dickens.  I have a photocopy of it that is laminated and the COVID site I went to sent me a copy of my info; only thing is, it is on a full 8 x 11 full sheet - not easy to carry when an original ID is asked for.  I will ponder and worry this over and over.  Cannot understand how that happened. 

    Saw my doctor last week, he said to not bother with the scoping right now; prioritize the UCLA procedure and the other can be done after that.  So . . . . I got contacted by UCLA and they have me on the surgery schedule for Tuesday, August 31.   Will come about before  I know it.   COVID cases are surging so badly,  do feel a bit concerned lest the hospitals stop all elective surgeries again.   Sure hope not and hope all goes well so this can be put behind me. 

     Lorita, I am a bit puzzled; the DHS (Department of Health Services) if national, does not contact citizens; states usually do not either.  It may be something different in Oklahoma, but just wanted to throw that out there.  As for the "Advantage" programs, nationally that means that a person gives up their regular Medicare and signs up for the Medicare "Advantage" plan which is an HMO.   If you are not sure, you may want to find out a bit more about this person who contacted you before anything goes farther.  She may be an insurance rep trying to "sell" a plan and getting reimbursed by the Advantage HMO for signing people up.  Maybe not, but do be careful.

     I was interested in how to get rid of Prickly Pear plants so Googled it.  Not easy at all.  There is a new kind of special chemical killer, but the sites did say that it can take up to two to three years to kill the plant!   All said, the most expedient way was to have equipment come in and dig it up.  I would do that asap so it is done and gone and one less thing to worry about and while the men and equipment are available in decent weather before winter comes along.

    The new babies really are cute.  I find myself wanting to tape a pretty pink bow on top of little Fawn's head.  They will grow so fast.  Seems Lorita's maternity ward is humming once again.

      Had a scam call the other day and it sounded quite real; wonder how many fall for it.  It was a woman sounding very professional telling me that Amazon would not be able to process orders for us as there was a problem with our account information which they were trying to unravel.  Wanted information so it could be remedied and we could use Amazon again . . . .  Nope, not falling for it; Amazon never contacts folks by phone like that, but it sure sounded plausible so I imagine there are unsuspecting trusting folks who fall for it. I never, never, ever give out an iota of personal information to whomever.

     Judy, I have been thinking of you and wondering how Carrie was doing.  Also, I do hope you are okay after the hornets stung you.  Our son was working on his yard and accidentally knocked off TWO hornets nests that were on his back yard fence.  The hornets attacked him in a cloud - he ran like the dickens, and they continued to chase him; went down his shirt which he had to strip off while running ad even went down the waist of his pants and at his sock tops - he ran to the garage, lowered the door, stripped down and went into the shower right away. Fortunately he had no allergic reaction; but once bitten that can sensitize you to the venom and an allergy can surface if bit a second time.

     From time to time we have to spray and knock down small wasp nests under the eaves of the house.  Fortunately, they are mostly on the first story; we'd never reach them on the second story.

      Judith, I LOVED the "Dorells in Corfu."  One of the best, best programs to come along in a long time - a real delight.  We were hooked on it and could not wait until the next episode the next week; it showed on PBS out here.  Was so good we were both sorry when it came to its conclusion.   Sure wish we could get the USAA Insurance, but we are not military so we miss out on that.  They have an excellent reputation. Thanks for the link to Lidia. Omigosh; I wanted some of that spread she made and of course the focaccia too.  I always think how I would love to be a guest in her home or better yet, have her be my sister.  She puts together some lucious dishes.   Ina Garten does too, but her servings always seem so small.   What I would really like would be to find out where they get their tops and blouses. Lidia has some really nice ones and I never seem to find such good ones. I also need tops that actually cover - so many are now very short in length so that when one stretches or bends, skin shows.  Saving money on fabric I guess, but I will not buy them.  That and rayon, tricot, etc.  sometimes really cute items but guaranteed to wrinkle like a rag in 10 minutes of wear and uncomfortable due to bad fabric.  Frankly; I like the poly/cotton blend - from the washer to the drier to a hanger; no ironing.   Also travels well.

     Judith, as for the pedicure because you cannot bend due to vertigo; Medicare will pay for a podiatrist to do toenails every two months.  DH has his done as he does not tolerate bending either.  At least one does not worry as much about getting nail fungus at the podiatrist as one can more easily get at a salon.

     Sayra; you steps are beautiful!  Love that railing; it really adds appeal to the front of the house. Your datura is lovely and looks as though it is going to be a hardy plant as it grows.  You and Beth are like Earth Mothers; respecting and grooming the earth; I really admire that.   Wish I could do so and that our property were conducive to that.  I really enjoy seeing pictures of what you are both doing. Glad to hear your watermelon is still growing and keeping on, Sayra - I will enjoy hearing when you can pick it and indulge in it's cool flavor.  No small thing to grow melons and have them turn out.

    Hello there Tom!  Good to hear from you - I do indeed remember you from prior years.  You were a Peer Volunteer representing those with dementia; Mimi was also with you at that time, but she is no longer on the board.  Seems you are in a good setting and are enjoying your days; let us know how you are, we will be thinkng of you.

     LovesKittens, it is awesome you taught your left handed self to knit and crochet. I too am left handed and cannot knit or crochet even though I would like to. I am not the handiest person, I would also like to do needlepoint, but have not been very successful.  I can do counted cross stitch and have actually made a few very nice items that were framed.   My hands like to be busy and I find it relaxing; need a teacher.

     Ron; do trust your neighbor; do not shut people out because of one bad experience.  As the old saying goes, "One swallow does not a summer make."   You may find yourself being blessed by the new friendship and Lou will enjoy the company.  NOTE:  When you have a pending appointment for your dentistry; please do call your cardiologist for direction for a possible need to take an antibiotic PRIOR to the treatment, even if only fillings - but I know you have much more to be done.  This is to prevent infection and not having it go to the heart valves which can happen with some cardiac patients.  So do let cardio know and have them prescribe the type of antibiotic and for how long. Each patient is different.

     As for Lou refusing her COVID Vaccine; it is not going to work with truth.  It is going to take a fib.  Need to get her a doctor's appt., "Medicare mandates a checkup."  When at the doctors, gets a shot for some other reason, but it is the COVID Vaccine. If the doctor does not have the vaccine, then he can use a fiblet to have her to to the pharmacy or other clinic for the shot for  . . . . whatever reason would make her more compliant.   She is beyond using logic and reason; she works on emotions and knows she can get around you.  Not so easy to get around the doctor.

     As for booster shots for the COVID vaccine; thought is that both Pfizer and Moderna will have them and they will be used for those at high risk such as those with autoimmune conditions and the elderly.  We must wait and see how this plays out. Fauci thinks it will happen. What J & J will do I do have not heard.   So waiting for the FDA approval of both major vaccines - should be this month. Thought is, that once vaccines ae FDA approved, many more businesses will require their employees to be vaccinated.  

    Shirley,  I am sorry to hear of the death of your little beloved fur friend, Poncho. It is always such a sad loss; they are members of the family; I can well understand how upsetting it is for your husband.

     Goodness; I have written a novella, so sorry.   Hope you all have a good day filled with moments of, a-a-a-h's.



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    The ADvantage Program is a Medicaid-funded program administered by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services Aging Services Division. It is totally separate from the national program.


    I got an Amazon call too. Said I had a balance due over $900.
    Pedicure...I want more than my nails clipped....polish etc.
  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
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    Just to keep you up to date with Carrie.   She hasn’t had food or water for a week now but is still with us.  Resting peacefully. It’s been a long week but that is okay.   I am fine and the kids are doing great.   Trying to keep busy but not too much to do.  Put a pot roast with potatoes, onions, carrots & celery around it in the oven.  Nobody eats much but it is here when they get hungry.  Got some rain yesterday and today.   Hope it rained up home.  Put a puzzle on a card table and everybody passes by and finds a few pieces.   

    I planted these hydrangeas a couple of years ago and was pleased to see them so beautiful.  

    I will get back with you later 


    Oh!  I got a new phone.   IPhone 12 ProMax.   I like it 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Jo C,  if you search on Amazon for "crochet instruction for left handed" you will find a number of books for not too much money.

    I recommended starting with yarn projects (my fist effort was a scarf) rather than crochet thread which is so much finer.

    Never too late to start a new hobby!

  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
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    Lorita.   Do you have any extra panel gates lying around?     If you do, build a panel fence around the cactus.   Have you seen sometimes out in a field they build a fence around trees to keep animals away.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Trying to strengthen Lou's legs where she can walk without hurting I requested home health on her last dr visit. Today they came out for a assessment and I'm not quiet sure how it's going to work. Toward the end of assessment she was getting agrivated. I had asked for a therapist that worked with her before but he's now with another company. Guess we will just have to hope for the best.

    Have you ever had something on your mind that just about drives you crazy.  I had mentioned in a previous post where I saw in the VA health website that a dental staff nurse sent a dental surgeon nurse a message to view my echocardiogram. This morning I still didn't see any on line results so called my primary care nurse a voicemail asking if pc had reviewed. I just saw on line where the nurse sent dr a note telling her I had called and asked her to review and give recommendations. Before I've called the nurse and she's given me results!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just received a call from nurse with echocardiogram. "Diastolic filing pattern indicates impaired relaxation. No intervention needed at this time. "



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ron...that sounds good..what do you think?
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, do you have an appointment to discuss this result with the cardiologist?  I don't recall what lead you to this test.  Are you having symptoms?  

    Lorita, new Baby Girl is cute too!  She does need a bow on her head.

    My cow story: when I was about eight and my brother about six, we visited my cousins' grandparents' farm.  We went out to play and they told us be sure to not go close to their cow.  But we wanted to see the cow up close.  The cow was behind a barbed wire fence.  At first the cow ignored us, but then became antsy.  We got scared and we began to run.  My brother tripped right when we got to the barbed wire fence.  I grabbed him and dragged him under the fence, scratching his back.  I was afraid to tell the adults because we had disobeyed about the cow,  but I was terrified that my brother was going to die because in my young mind, I knew that barbed wire caused tetanus.  I did tell them and my brother was okay.  


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Yesterday during a video call with my nurse Lou became extremely upset. I had gone to another room where my current diagnosis could be discussed without her hearing us when she started yelling at the top of her lungs. I ran on there and found out she thought that I had left her alone. This has always been a major problem, even when I try to go to the bathroom. 

    My discussion with the nurse was helpful in finally finding out what the echocardiogram revealed, but left me with mixed emotions. The no intervention at this time was good news but also what I've researched I have found out that this is a form of CHF. There has been a consult for cardiologists requested but I haven't heard from them yet about a appointment. Hopefully once I talk with the cardiologist I can find out exactly what's wrong. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    (((Ron and Lou))),  Ron your hands are more than full.  How scary it must be for her thinking you are gone, at same time makes it hard on you.  

    Mom has mentioned many times how they often could not drink their cow’s milk in the summer due to them eating wild onions.

    Fawn is sweet.  She looks so very solemn.

    Judy praying for you and your family.  Your hydrangeas are beautiful.  Sounds like you are keeping yourself occupied by caring for your family.  That is what mom’s do.

    Enjoyed your cow story Iris.  Glad your brother was ok.  Cattle are so nosy , they always fascinated me.  We never had any that were aggressive like that though.

    Got another peck of tomatoes yesterday.  Have all my tomato sauce fixed. Done with that now except for extras I have at home, may cook them up.

    Got some peaches yesterday at orchard.  She told me they would have white peaches on Thursday.  Glad I asked.  That is what mom wants.  Will go back Thursday, if nothing happens, and get those.  Want mine to ripen just a little bit before I freeze them and make another cobbler.  Going to get a few white ones too.

    Got almost two tenths of rain yesterday so will only need to check pots today.  Another hot steamy day so going to get out early, then hopefully do things inside rest of day.  I have things in mind.

    I pollinated a female flower with one of my refrigerated males the other day.  It worked, think that zucchini will be ready to pick, today or tomorrow.  See one or two females starting at base and have several males in refrigerator, so I’m ready to play the honey bee.

    Made a new recipe yesterday.  Watch an Indian cooking channel and they stuffed a green pepper with a potato, hamburger mixture.  Don’t really care for Indian cuisine spices so sort of did my own thing.  They fried the stuff pepper, don’t like to fry, so air fried it. Turned out good. Ate it with sour cream.  If I had fixed an ear of corn would have not needed sour cream.  Just searched on YouTube and found several recipes for potatoes stuffed with potatoes and ground beef.  Hope to check them out later today.  Have started fixing my tenders in air fryer too and they are so good.  Been roasting my veggies that way too.

    Hope each one of you have a peaceful day

  • trm
    trm Member Posts: 16
    10 Comments First Anniversary
    Morning:  I am new to the board.  My spouse is ALWAYS, and I mean always, mad at me for something.  In my head, I know it is the horrible Alzheimer's disease.  I try to explain that I never said that or didn't do that.  I know that logic is stupid as she has her own world.  It is difficult some days, horrible other days to live with someone that is critical of most actions.  It is depressing and hard.  I work full time and care give full time.  I have support from her sister to help with doctor appointments.  I am just trying to figure out how not to internalize the  hate that gets directed my way.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Ron, I saw your post last night after I'd gone to bed and only had my tablet and it wouldn't let me post.  Was going to say it was good news, especially no intervention at this time.  Hope you get your cardiology appointment soon so it can put your mind at east.  I know how hard it must be to have Lou so upset when you're not right with her thinking you'd gone off and left her - which you'd never do but she doesn't know that when she can't see you.

     Sara - so glad you're getting so much done - you need to rest some.  So you'll be getting zucchini before long - I still just have little boys, or is it girls - anyway, no zucchini.  I'm beginning to think it's a waterhaul. 

     I remember how white peaches tasted - so good.  I think I mentioned my parents planted an orchard when they moved to the farm in 1936.  One of the last peach trees left when I was old enough to know about things was a white peach tree just NW of the house.  The peaches always seemed to get ripe on my birthday - June 21.  I don't recall that I've ever seen white peaches in the store.  Hope you're able to get some for your mother and yourself.

     Iris - like Sara said, cattle are very curious.  They watch everything you do.  I know if I'm around them and sit down on the ground, they all come over to see what's wrong.  If the vet comes, they all gather around the lot fence to see what he's doing.  Dragging your brother under the barbed wire fence reminded me of a saying Leanne has - when you're having a bad day it's like being dragged under a barbed fence backwards.  My saying is I feel like last bird's nest with a hole punched in it.  Mother always said this.  Funny had sayings get started and stay with you.

     I just went out to check on our two moms.  They're laying where they were yesterday with both babies.  There's a really nice, south breeze and it's not overly hot right now but I have the water hose hooked up to keep them cool this afternoon.  I filled two water tanks this morning and their two tubs, drove up and checked the girls, then Stormy and I went to the mailbox.  He sits by the gate and cries if I don't take him so I usually do - he loves to go.  When I got back I put the leash on Sheena and took her for a little drive. 

     Carol called when I got back in the house and we had a nice visit.  She and her husband eat out a lot and go to Tulsa to eat at least one to two times a week.  She says they hardly ever see anyone with masks on - except the wait staff.

     Welcome to the porch, trm.  We all know how hard caregiving can be especially when you're accused of something you didn't do.  Does no good to try to correct them but I know that's so hard not to do. Maybe you can try redirecting her thoughts when she says you did or said something.  Some things work for some and not for others - trial and error all the time.

     Judith, I had a call from Marvel yesterday.  She's off duty for an undetermined time.  Said she was working with a dementia patient who became combative and kicked her really hard in the knee.  She's going to have surgery but not sure when.  So, she can't really work now but can talk with patients on the phone or facetime (whatever that is).  She did talk with Sarah who told her she was vomiting.  She told Sarah if she does that for 12 hours she becomes dehydrated and better get to the ER.  She also told me there's an ostomy nurse at Mercy who can help her.  Being kicked by a patient brought back memories of a patient we had at the VA Hospital.  He carried a cane all the time and if he became upset he would use it - people had to be careful around him.

     I also talked with Valerie this morning.  She got in contact with Dr. Cole's office to see about doing a referral to Home Health. They'll call me later today.  Also told me about a form I can complete, online, to apply for the Advantage Program.  I can't get in touch with Sarah to tell her anything - the phone rings one time goes to a full voice mail so can't even leave a message.  I've sent texts - no reply.  How can you help someone who isn't willing to try to help themselves?  Don't know but we keep trying. I just don't think she feels like following through with anything.

     Called about the AC this morning and tried to stay calm.  They now tell me it's approved and gave me a case number.  Now - they're trying to locate a similar AC.  Service just is not what it used to be.  I know I talked to three or four different people this morning - still got a headache even though I tried to stay calm.   I'm going to need the PU before long but not up to checking on it today.  I did check the mineral tubs this morning and I think there's enough left for a few days.  Robert did tell me they were having some problems finding parts for  PU that old.  So, guess I'll cool my heels on that for now.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Looks like there's going to be heavy storms up north today so all of you up that way, please be careful.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Just had a call from my BIL.  He wasn't able to have his knee replacement.  They prepped him, even gave him the spinal and then his heart went into arrhythmia so the doctor didn't want to do it.  He told Jerry if they had been in one of the hospitals, they probably would have gone ahead but because it was in a surgery clinic they wanted to check it out before doing the procedure.  He went to recovery and was able to come home today.  Things happen for a reason and he's fine with that.  He sounded okay - said he wasn't nervous about having the surgery or not having it either.  He'll see the cardiologist tomorrow.  He had a chemical stress test a couple of weeks ago and everything was okay so it just wasn't the time for him to have it.  Just before we finished talking I lost him and never could get him back -  home phone or cell.  Called his daughter and she gave me his wife's cell number.  Got her and told her to tell him I didn't hang up.  No idea what happened.

     It's hot here and windy.  Went out to check on the fine spray of water on the moms and babies.  It's barely touching them but having the water in the air cools it for them.

     I'm having problems with tiny, tiny ticks.  Since yesterday I've gotten six or seven.  They're awful - smaller than the head of a pin - can just barely see them.  They burrow in and an area the size of a nickel is already red before you know they're there.  Took a shower, changed clothes and the cover on the chair where I've been sitting.  They itch like crazy.  The only thing I did yesterday that I haven't been doing is handling a couple of stalks of Johnson grass - maybe they were on it.  I won't do it again.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It's been another hot day but we've had a good breeze which helps.  Been a quiet day here but did find one more thing that will have to be repaired eventually.  The water from our washer and kitchen runs out into the west paddock but there's a trap from the washer just outside the house.  It has a lid on it and a couple of times lately I've found the lid off and thought something had taken it off.  So, this afternoon I did a load of serapes and just happened to go out there to turn off the water I've had spraying the girls.  There was water everywhere and it was coming out of that trap.  So, guess it's a good thing I don't have to do much laundry.  Just another thing to add to the growing list.

     Still not able to get Sarah to answer the phone and still not able to leave a message.  I've texted her a couple of times to call me but she hasn't.

     Tiny ticks still itchy and red where they've been- that's why I washed all the serapes I had on the divan and chair - thinking they night be on them.  For sure I'm going to stay away from that Johnson grass.  When I went out to see them Fawn was with the two girls but didn't see Jett.  I kept asking Jetty where he was and she said a few things to him  and he appeared - out of the prickly pears. 

     Enjoy the evening.

     Hope all of you are well this evening.  If you happen to be up after MN you might check out the comet? - says there will be up to 60 meteorites an hour.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thanks jfkoc for the Care Advantage information for Oklahoma.   I looked it up and if Sarah quaifies, it could be very helpful for her if she will accept their services.  For those who would like to know what these expanded services are, here are a couple of links:



    Sorted through an insurance denial for $90 worth of labs today; bill said no medical necessity - it was for pre-op blood work.  Finally, after multiple calls and on hold for 36 years, found it was a coding issue that has now been corrected.  Good that $90 is not flying away.  Got to be so detail oriented with healthcare billings.  So many issues are medical necessity issues caused by incorrect coding.

     Now hope to continue getting and staying better from that C. diff so I can get that August 31 surgery.  As said before, since hospitals are filling up, I so hope they do not cancel surgeries like they did last time.  Will be glad to have all my Front Porch Friends with me on that day.   Such sweet, dear and caring people; love you all.

     Boy, Texas and Florida are in a world of disaster; still the governors are not mandating masks.   Texas governor is begging for doctors and nurses from other states to please come and help; yet he does not mandate the masking. Does he not realize he is asking them to come into his state, putting their own selves/lives at risk and yet will do nothing to help protect - what in the world . . . .

     Florida parents in large numbers are furious about their governor not only not mandating masks for school staff and pupils, but making it criminal to do so and even stating he will pull money from any school district who mandates masks for their pupils up to and including witholding teacher and staff salaries !!!  Large groups of parents are visibly demanding the mask mandates for schools.  Wonder if this will be going to court.  At least two school districts are going ahead and mandating masks as an ethical and moral issue for the safety of their students and staff alike.  The federal govt. said that they can pay PART of the withheld salaries if the Florida governor does what he has threatened.   What in the world once again . . . .

     These are the persons elected to lead and to represent and care for their citizens.

    Missosuri has asked for a hospital ship to dock to provide an additional hospital and medical staf.  I canot believe this - no mask mandates.  Another what in the world . . .

    It is frightening to hear that the diagnosed and hospitalized COVID patients are suppose to quadruple by Labor Day.  That is truly a nightmare; yet groups continue to gather and spread their largesse to the at risk.   One group was protesting against medical personnel that were rcommending masking; they actually confronted one of the medical professionals at their car and said that, and I paraphrase, "We know where to find you . . . . "  what in the world yet again . . .

    Hot out here, close to 100 and humid as storms were passing over.  Sure wish it would rain up north to beat the Dixie Fire; it is the largest in history.   So sad for the people who have lost everything and also for the land.  Global warming has raised the spector of more to come with flooding, fires, etc. if we do not get a grip like - yesterday. 

    Got full size 8 1/2 x 11 copies of my Vaccine immunization from the COVIID Clinic, but still cannot find the card that was put in the "safe" place and is no longer there.  I cannot fathom it and am still looking and have gone and done a search in same places again with same result -zero.  Cannot imagine.

    Price of food going up again; this will be difficult for families with multiple members; especially if they are without a job secondary to the pandemic issues.  I continue to be grateful for Ralph's Market (large market out here) and to WalMart who have excellent, efficient car pickup for groceries  At WalMart, you call them when a few blocks away and they are already at the back door meeting you.   At Ralphs, you pull into one of the specially marked parking spaces at the side of the store, call them and out they come.  Open trunk, in the stuff goes and no contact as it was all prepaid online with a credit card.   What a blessing not only during the pandemic, but also for those who have mobility issues.

    Have beautiful deep red cherries; DH is enjoying them, but I cannot have raw fruit right now for my tummy stuff that happened. So; cooked fruits and applesauce here I come for the time being.   Geeze until last March, I was a healthy person with no issues for decades except for bad knees and that old tribulation, Epstein-Barr some years ago.  Lorita and I both had it, enough already.

    Glad the cattle are doing well; and so hope that all thse nasty bug bites are going to heal soon, Lorita.  Is there something you can put on your skin to avoid being bitten when outside?   I remember when Skin So Soft was used until it was proven by multiple science testing that it did no good regarding mosquitoes, but it did smell nice!

    Jfkoc, the Durells; what a treat.  Are you done now?  Wish they made more that good.  Am watching Masterpiece Mystery series right now; but not delightful as the Durells.

    Our printer laid down and died.  DH wants ink jet,  they seem to have frequent issues; we have a new printer on its way, but how long it will take DH to get it fixed up and installed heaven only knows.   He will have to crawl under huge desk and he too has knee issues as well as his back.   I will expect to hear some mutterings and gnashing of teeth. 

    Thank you all your wonderful peoplee who are working hard at being part of the solution to this dreadful pandemic crisis and having been vaccinated and wearing masks; you are all a blessing to everyone.

    Big hug again to all, next time will try not to be so depressing.  For that, I will have to not watch the news!  Ha!


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hello everyone from Australia. Know I haven't posted for quite a while, but I do read every day, so am up to date with the news.

    Also know I am developing depression, but what can you do about it. Graham is definitely going  downhill. A month ago, he was moved from the General Residential care building to the dementia building, as he gets more hands-on care there. Has lots of trouble walking, but has finally accepted a walker, which helps. Is losing lots of weight, but still enjoys his food, and eats everything put in front of him --especially sweet things. He has been wearing polo shirts for years, as they have no buttons. Now staff are asking for shirts with buttons, as he has trouble following directions about putting arms in sleeves. etc. In fact, trouble with following directions in general.

    5 years in October since he was placed, and he is now well over 90 years. We passed our 53rd wedding anniversary this month. I have always known that this stage was ahead of us, but doesn't make it any easier now. I find it even harder that he still knows me, and says every visit how much he loves me. Probably selfish, but think it would be easier if he didn't remember me now. Due to COVID, can only visit twice a week for an hour at a time, but that is all I can bear anyway.

    Covid also means that my little choir has not been able to rehearse for the last month. I am missing my friends, and the chance to forget my troubles for a while. Do see my daughter for a few hours most Sundays, but then she unloads all her troubles as well, I love her company but not really cheering for me. I have regular phone contact with a friend in a country town, who is isolated and lonely like me, but she too tells me all about her family's problems. 

    Like Jo, I have decided to restrict my exposure to the news.

    My best escape is in memories. Find I am writing quite a lot about what things were like when I was a child, in the 1950s. If you are interested, you can find my Facebook page Grandma remembers the 1950s. Helps me stop thinking about the present.

    Sorry to be a bit of a downer. Hope the rest of you can keep well, and keep your spirits up.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Hello littleme.  Are you having winter now? Are the days short? Read up on seasonal affective disorder.  This affects me in winter.  Try to get outside in the morning light or use a light box.  It does help me.  I also reminisce about the 50's and 60's. 

    Judith, I read online about a fast food restaurant found at Pompeii.  Cool!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Good morning
    Welcome to the forum trm.  To get more responses for your questions go to top of screen and look for green rectangle that says add post.  Hit that, ask your question, and then all the responses will be just for your question.
    Lorita do be careful around those tics.  Glad you know what they are because I don’t and that bothers me.  Understand grass is a common source for tics.

    Yesterday before rain started got stuff behind fence in back cleared out.  Usually stay on it but having to help mom more had gotten me a bit behind.  Came in and looked for bugs as worry about tics.  Can’t look at my head though.

    Barbara sorry you are feeling down.  Understand the wearisomeness (is that a word) of all of this.  

    We got an inch of rain yesterday.  Suppose to be in low 90s today and possibility of more rain.  Guessing it is going to be a muggy one.  Try to do my outside business early then stay in AC.  Day to get groceries, hope to get white peaches today too.  Haven’t done anything with first peaches yet.  I like mine real ripe, so waiting a few days.

    Take care everyone 
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Barbara, thanks for the link to your facebook page. I've liked it and will enjoy following. I hope you can find more peace and joy in life. Isolation is hard, and Graham's deterioration is hard. You've done such a good job caring for and advocating for him. 

    Lorita, maybe stay out of the long grass. Ticks can be found there as well as in trees. Every time after I spend time in the garden, I come in and check for ticks. I put my hands on my scalp and run them all over the scalp to check my head. Also check in ears and belly button. I haven't found any this year but have in the past. Speaking of pests, hardly any mosquitoes this year. I'm sure it's due to the drought. There sure are a lot of wasps and hornets around though. I've been stung twice, and so has hubby. The dog got stung Tuesday also. We have some plant pests too....lately I've found poison ivy in 3 locations in the garden. Some comes over from the pasture and I'm sure the birds plant some. I use Round-up, seems to work. Very careful not to touch and if I touch it inadvertently I wash with Dawn soap and cool water and wash clothes; tools that have touched it need cleaned too. 

    There is so much hype about the Field of Dreams game to be held tonight. The original field for the movie is still there but they built an MLB field there too. Fans will walk through the original field (can play catch in the outfield if they wish), then they walk through the corn to the MLB field. Players will walk through the corn too! There will be 8000 fans, at $375/ticket = $3,000,000. Kevin Costner is there! He's still a handsome man. We have visited the Field of Dreams site in the past. Wonder if there will be future games there? They have made significant investment in the facility, surely won't just use it once.  Link to Harry Smith's feature on the Today show:  https://www.today.com/popculture/mlb-s-field-dreams-2021-game-draws-tourists-iowa-t227945

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    With vax cards, take a close-up photo of the card with your phone. Keep it there—and email a copy to yourself. You may also email a copy to a trusted friend you can reach easily.  I also stashed some printed copies around the house. (Overkill, but things get lost around here).

    The photo on my phone have been accepted at doctor offices and elsewhere. Easier for me than digging the card out, and I expect it’ll be more with time.

    I may be the last/only person who had not thought of this… but just in case…

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Lorita, hope you are ok. Missing a post from you this morning.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Thanks, Beth, for thinking of me.  I'm fine, just been kind of busy.  Did my usual things, then had a call from Dr. Cole's office about Sarah's home health.  I couldn't contact her so called for a welfare check.  Just talked to police communications.  They went to the house but evidently didn't make contact.  They can only go and ring the doorbell and if no one answers, that's it.  Seems like a few years ago I was concerned about my sister during bad weather and asked for a check.  She wasn't home but I think somehow they went inside - seems like she said they broke a door or window getting in.  Tried to call Todd - mailbox is full.  I guess I'll give up - don't know what else to do.   (talked with Todd after I'd written this, so maybe Police did contact her and told her to call.  He said her phone had lost her contact numbers and she didn't remember my cell phone number.

     I also completed the form for referral to the Advantage Program  so they'll contact her for an assessment and if they can't contact her, don't know what will happen - nothing, I guess.

     Judith, read about the prickly pear.  I know it's hard to get rid of.  Years ago we had a little of it at the MH.  Charles dug it up and a few days later Jessie Ray, good neighbor who had the land south of us, stopped by to ask if he could have it.  He said it came back and did well.   Got the baby out of it again this morning.  I think in the morning I'm going to let them out with the others.  Beth, I always have the best intentions but if it's just checking the barn I go out without boots and just my sandals, then if something's awry, it goes from there.  This morning I sat on the porch steps and watched the girls come to the barn.  Still had 15 to go so hurried and got in the Gator and drove out - saw all but one so drove up in the pasture.  Thought I saw a cow so got out of the Gator and walked over - in the tall grass - so I want/need to do better but things happen that are unexpected. 

     Sara - you'll know what a tick is if you see one.  Their head latches on (burrows into the skin) so the back end is flat or sticking up and you can see and feel them.  They're about the size of about a third of your little fingernail (size does vary).  Get hold of them as low down to the skin as you can and pull up - you need to get the head.  Or, use a pair of tweezers and use them.  The seed ticks, which I'm not dealing with, is about the size of a poppy seed and black (others, dog ticks, are brownish).  You don't know the seed ticks are there until they're burrowed in and the skin gets itchy.  I read about them and the redness and soreness comes from their saliva.  They're hard to get off - almost impossible with tweezers unless they're in a spot that's easy to get to.  I find it's easier to scrape them off with your fingernail.  So far this morning I've gotten three off.  I put two of them on a paper towel and dowsed them with alcohol.  I don't know if that killed them or I did but they didn't move anymore.  Last evening I almost took a bath in alcohol to see if that would help.  I may have gotten those three this morning because I was around that Johnson grass and prickly pears.  Just hope you don't see them - they're awful.  The dog ticks can get really big and gray when they're filled with blood from the dogs - nasty things.

     I did water the zucchini again this morning but I think it's about to give up the ghost.  There's a little chance of rain tomorrow so maybe that will help.  Where I've had the water spraying on the two moms and babies, the grass is pretty and green again.  I think they're in the carport now - should be out in the wind but it's darker in there so helps with the flies.

     Barbara - I'm sorry about Graham.  I know how that hurts and is depressing.  Seems like lately life itself is kind of depressing.  Those five years have gone by fast.  I still remember a picture you posted of him in a wheelbarrow so that must have been longer than the five years.  All we can do is the best we can.  It's good that you get to see him at least twice a week.  You know Charles knew me to the very end and I was grateful for that.  My mother had alz and sometimes when I'd go visit her she wouldn't know me for a few minutes and it hurt.

     By the way, Happy 53rd Anniversary - quite an accomplishment or milestone.  If he didn't remember, at least you did and you were together.

     I hope your weather's nice there - it's so very hot and dry here.  I think the virus is getting bad in your Country just like everywhere else.  Makes a person afraid to go out in pubic (and I don't if I can help it).

     Jo - what's going on boggles my mind, too.  Why on God's green earth are people so resistant to wearing a mask?  My goodness if it can save your life or keep you from getting sick or other people from getting sick, why not wear it?  I talked with friend, Carol, this morning.  She belongs to a Nat'l Org. for Retired Federal Employees - they're celebrating their 100th birthday and the celebration is going to be in her town.  She has to attend a big meeting this afternoon and she's really worried.  She's going to double mask because she says she doubts anyone will be wearing masks.  She says hardly anywhere they go do they see masks being worn except the wait staff in restaurants. 

     Thanks for the link about the Advantage Program - I'll read it this afternoon. 

     Iris, Sarah qualifies for the program and has been on it in the past.  So, I hope she can get on the program again.  Just think - she's been home for 3-4 weeks with no outside help at all.  Todd just called - Sarah's okay - he just talked with her.  She thinks I'm pressuring her and telling her what to do so guess I'll back off for a while.  She does have an appointment with a new PCP at Mercy next Tuesday and he'll be home to take her.  So, maybe everything will be all right.    He said he'd stay in contact with me about her.  He's in Texas and says it's as hot as can be and awfully dry - somewhere around Dallas.

     I've written enough - but, one more thing.  I hadn't heard this but Carol said they're thinking people with a certain blood type - O something - doesn't get the virus.  She lost a brother and niece and another niece in the family had the virus but the wife who had this blood type and another daughter, didn't get it.  Anyone know about this blood type and what they're saying?

     Stay in and stay cool.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    As to blood type and covid...article I saw said that O negative blood type has very very low chance of getting covid.  That was from last year.  Hope it is true since that is my blood type...but I do wear mask out in public and also fully vaccinated.

    My folks celebrated 77 years of marriage in June.  Fortunately their 75th was before covid and we had a nice celebration for them, and then my dad was not showing any signs of dementia, so he was able to enjoy.  This year just a few close family to remember the day, and dad wasn't really aware that it was any different than any other day.

    I am in the most northern part of Virginia, and boy has it been hot the last few days.  I just got back from taking granddaughter to work and it was 104 outside!  Glad she has inside work and I don't have any pressing reason to be out in it.

    The other day it was very hot but then we got a good rain storm thru.  The temp dropped 20 degrees in just a few minutes.

    Everyone take care and wish you each best possible each and every day.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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