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Just need to talk to my friends (152)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    We have a new baby!!

     A bit unexpected but this evening late I saw a cow leave the lot, then come back which was a bit unusual - she wouldn't come in north of the house to graze.  Just now I was filling water bottles at the kitchen sink and looked out the window toward the barn and saw a cow in the lot - thought I saw something else with her so went out and it was a new baby trying to nurse.  I did see him/her latch on.  Rose Bud had come up so I put feed in pans for them.  The new mom's laying down resting but I have the pan of feed just outside the lot fence.  Gave her some fresh water, closed all the gates to the barn and took the tarp off the bale of hay.  There's plenty of shade north of the house so they'll be okay.  It's just so hot for new babies.  Pretty smart, I'd say, for her to come up to the barn to have the baby.   Maybe we won't have more until the weather gets cooler.  Just checked - I have three down for August - Daisy, this one (not sure if she's a heifer) and another cow who had an abscess under her chin.  Just wanted to let you know.  46 now.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Was you expecting the calf or is it a big surprise?

    It has been in the mid 80s here.  The thing that has been unusual is we have had a lot of wind which makes it not as uncomfortable.  Normally when it gets in 80-90 range it is still.

    Not much going on here.

    Take care everyone

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    We lost our poncho to a diabetic coma. He was Bill's dog and he was 11 years old.

    He had been to the vet every month since June. 

    Bill is very depressed and forgets and calls him every morning to get him up.

    It seems things just seem to get worse as the years go by! I have to keep Bill

     away from everyone due to he can not have the vaccine per his doctor.

    I now have his sister who will be 78 in November to take care of!

    Her husband died of Alzheimer's and she has no idea how to do Anything. Her 

     husband did everything for her. 

    Lorita stay safe and congratulations on the new baby.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Thanks for the congratulations on the new baby.  He or she is so cute - saw her grazing a little bit this morning.  I'm watching to make sure she nurses - I've seen her latch on so hope all is okay - always another thing to worry about until you're sure.  Mom is not too friendly so I haven't checked on whether we have a boy or girl.  The flies on both of them are bad but nothing I can do about that.  That's another reason the girls go into the barn every day - it's dark and the flies aren't so bad.  It's fairly cool, or was, this morning and there's a good south wind.   Sara, I had written down that three girls might have babies in August - that's only from seeing what's going on in the pasture so not always a sure thing.  This new mom has two little nubs (horns), very short - I checked and she had a baby last August 31 so she's right on time.

     Shirley,, sorry about Poncho.  I know how Bill must miss him.  We lost dogs while Charles was here but he never seemed to miss them - maybe because we had others and he didn't really notice.  Part of Bill calling him in the morning may be from habit.  I know I'm still telling Mr. Barclee goodnight - of course, I tell Charles goodnight, too.

     Is Bill's sister living with you and Bill now?  You really have your hands full and no help from either of them, or not much.  Is the sister able to cook or help in any way?  These 70 years are not easy for us, are they?    Do you go to the grocery store or can you have groceries delivered?  I wish I had that option except for dairy, fruits and vegetables and frozen food - but I'm doing all right.  Rather stay out of town.

    I wonder sometimes if we'll ever get over the apprehension of being around people and doing the 14 day countdown?  I doubt it.  I'm on my 10th day out from the AC repairman and 48 hrs. from the AAA guy.  I had a mask on in each case and with the  AAA guy, we were outside all the time and I had on two masks.  He was sort of a belligerent type of guy and didn't wear a mask so I didn't say anything - just glad I had on two of them.

     Sara - have you ever  made focaccia bread?  I watched Lidia's Kitchen this morning and she was making onion and tomato focaccia.  Looked really easy - but she didn't give the measurements -  just flour, salt, water and yeast.  I'm sure there's lots of recipes on line for it though.

     Not planning on doing anything today.  I did open the boxes on the porch and wiped down things.  I went to the mailbox day before yesterday and had three small boxes so opened them.  I do all of that outside plus spraying the mail, and opening it the next day outside.  May be overcautious but that's just me. 

     I got one picture of the baby laying down and will post it.  I missed getting the one of her grazing.  While they're so young, then lay down a lot.  I did see her jumping a little bit last evening.  There's good shade out where they are and she has grass and water plus a big bale of hay when she eats all the grass.  When the baby's a little older I'll let them into the area west of the house.  The fence is good but there's a deep pond just over the fence and I always worry (of course) that a baby will get through the fence and get into the pond.  I have had them get out there but not in the pond and it's not easy to get them back in.

     I'll post this picture and get another one later.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Judy, I hope your daughter's doing well today and that your hornet stings are getting better.  If they're like wasps, it takes a while.  

     Loveskitties - thanks for the advice on using vinegar on those chigger bites.  It does help and now I smell like vinegar.  I wear socks sometimes and when I walk through the grass I think they get in the socks and then onto me.  Hate chiggers - wonder what their purpose is?   I'll post this, then load the picture into the laptop, then post it.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, Your baby is beautiful! I know you absolutely adore them. Will you have the bull come in this year, for babies next year?

    I have started cleaning up the garden a bit. It is super lush, meaning way too thick. Yesterday I began thinning coneflowers, beebalm and phlox. 

    I am making yet another cobbler. This one is blackberry. I bought the frozen berries at the store. 

    4 cups fruit, any kind, fresh or frozen -- Mix with 2 Tbsp flour and 1 cup sugar and pour into 8x8 baking dish.  Mix together 1 egg, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 tsp baking powder and a pinch of salt. If it is too thick, add a little water or milk. Spread this mixture on top of fruit. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Melt a stick of butter and pour over the top. Bake at 350 for 45-60 minutes. 

    My son and family are coming over for dinner tonight. We are grilling burgers and side dishes are tomatoes, cucumbers (mayo, dill weed, salt and pepper), and potato salad. Cobbler with ice cream for dessert. Love summer meals, love watermelon, sweet corn, potato salad, baked beans and homemade ice cream (which I have not made in a year or so).
    We are expecting rain tonight. Lorita, hope you get your rain. Iowa has areas in the north that are under "extreme" drought; our area is moderate drought to severe drought. 
    See you later!
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Here is Lidia;


    I will attempt a cobbler... I think blueberry

    Now my car will not start....USAA is sending someone...if not the battery then they will tow it.

    Lorita...you keep getting more and more cows....that's a lot of mouths to feed ...when do you sell them? 

    Getting hot again here but we have had much worse summers.Sometimes it stays over 100 for days. BTW, where did the tornadoes get to? Not one this year around us. Not complaining.

    Yellowstone is due back in November

    I am binge watching The Durrells in Corfu. Definately worth watching if you have Amazon Prime.

    Also ordered ID cases for vaccination ID. 

    My future sonin law turns 60 today. I have ordered 6 gifts relating to Tequilla...from chapstick to a mystery book Tequilla a  Mockingbird from Abe's Books. It  was originally located in the Orange County  Ca library and still has all of the library markings. 

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    The baby is so cute.

    We got SIL a place here at the senior retirement park. She had to sell her house.

    She did not have The money to pay for it. She knows how to cook but she goes out and buys remade food. Comes to our place every afternoon!!

    Yes, I have to Go do all the shopping. Bill has not been around anyone for yr. And half. Can't get shot due to all his diseases and cancer! I wear mask r95 and sanitized when I get home.

    When I was growing up mom would put tobacco or snuff made into paste on our stings. The next day all pain was gone. My brother got stung 10 times and he had to go to hospital because he had epilepsy. living in the country we got stung by all kind of bugs!

    Raining everyday in Fla!!!⚡

    Plants look great


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, your dinner sounds good.  I used to love blackberry cobblers and have made a ton of them.  We have lots of blackberry vines but they're so overgrown I haven't picked any in a long time.  The ones I used to pick were big and so good.  I think blackberry was my favorite cobbler - maybe peach now.

     Good luck on taking care or your garden - don't overdo.  I do wish we'd get some rain - grass is getting brown in places.  I haven't seen the drought monitor lately but the last one I saw only the western part of the state was in drought.  It's just gotten so dry and hot so fast.

     I think the baby's cute, too.  I think all of them are.  His mom is very attentive and is talking to him or her.  I think I'll keep them up this week while it's so hot so I can be sure he's in the shade.  Sometimes a cow will put their new baby down somewhere for a few hours, sometimes in the hot sun and I don't want that.

     Judith, how are you going to make your cobbler.  Try the quick cobbler - no way for it not to come out right.  I've never made a blueberry cobbler - pies, but not cobblers.

     We usually sell in late winter but this year I think when the weather gets cool.  Too hot to move them now and they wouldn't sell too good.  I  need to check on the prices.  There's a salebarn close to us so may send them there - usually they go to Tulsa.  I won't carry all of them through the winter - feed's too high - about 30 is a good number to carry through.

     I used to not like to watch Lidia but lately I've been watching her. She makes everything seem so easy. The focaccia looked good, didn't it.

     Happy Birthday to your future SIL.  Seems like 60 was a long time ago - and it was.

     I've laid on the divan and watched the Olympics this afternoon - they had the synchronized swimming finals - really good and so graceful.  Then I watched the equestrian jumping. USA got a silver medal.

     Shirley, it's good that Bill's sister has a place of her own but I know you still feel responsible for her and do all you can to help.  Does he enjoy having her around?

    Thanks, the baby is sweet - very persistent in trying to nurse.  Not sure mom's milk has come down yet but he knows where it is and is trying and wouldn't stay there if he wasn't getting some.  Wish I could do something for the flies on them though.  I thought I might spray them with water but that would scare them so probably won't.

     It's been about two months since I've been to the grocery store - stopped at Braum's in Muskogee a couple of weeks after that.  I can get milk, ice cream and a few things at our little convenience store but don't go there often either.  What's an r95 mask?  I'm wearing those procedure masks, I think they're called - blue and pleated.  I have some made out of material but haven't worn them yet.

     My grandma used to dip snuff but never knew her to use it as a paste on insect bites but she probably did - probably the tobacco smell gets them.

     My temperature's up this afternoon, about a degree but I know temps go up in the evenings.  Just kind of worries me that I was around that guy - not closer than 6 ft. and was double masked but still bothers me.  Wonder if this will ever stop?

     The wind had blown the lot gate closed so went out and opened it so the girls could come out of the barn - good that the wind's blowing.  Judith, we had some tornadoes not too far from us this spring - something we could do without for sure.  You have had rain lately, I think, so hopefully your grass is still pretty and green.  Hate it when it gets dry and everything turns brown.  The magnolia tree is really losing leaves - ground's covered.

     Guess I better stop and go see if everyone got out of the barn all right.  Hope all of you are well this afternoon.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, hope you got your car started.  It's the heat that's zapping our batteries - much worse than cold weather they say.  Maybe USAA was able to bring a battery out and put it in for you.  I can't understand why AAA's battery truck didn't have one to fit my car.

     That episode of Lidia's show was the one I saw this morning.

     Beth, right now our biggest bull is taking care of business.  If you have one in now you'll have fall calves - rather have spring ones but sometimes you don't have the choice.

     I went out just now and sprayed the cow and her baby some with cool water.  She didn't like it too much but maybe being wet and the wind blowing on them cooled them a bit.  The heat index right now is 100 - to only go up from that next week.  Hopes of some cooler weather next weekend.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Another cute calf Lorita.  I have never made focaccia.

    Beth I would have enjoyed that dinner with you.  Sounds like summer.

    Hope you got a good rain Beth.  Grass is starting to get dry here too.  They are giving chance of rain several days this week so we will see what happens.  We got 1/10 yesterday.

    Shirley you do have your hands full.   It is kind of you to help your SIL, sounds like she needs it.

    Was a busy day again yesterday.  Mom is finally agreeing to some mulch and I’m thankful for that.  I mulched the blueberries yesterday.  Put down 15 bags.  She told me when she gets permanent plants on the wall we will mulch it.  She even mentioned we might do it around the house.  Have to not push and just let it be her idea.  Hopefully, slowly, slowly it will get better.

    Picked blueberries again yesterday and got about a quart.  Going to try and make a pie with them today.  Have quite a few blueberries frozen.  Made a little tomato sauce yesterday.  Going to try and rest today.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, congratulations on your new calf, loved the picture.

    It must be a car sickness going around with all the vehicle trouble everyone is having. Neighbor fixed mine yesterday, but it was a nightmare. It was a switch that activates when you press your brakes it turns on the brake lights. The switch itself wasn't much to it, but you have to pull all the panels off to get to it. Nice to have a car again, almost ran out of blue bell ice cream. 

    Lou constantly has to be reminded about everything going on; where we live, who I am, what she ate 5 minutes ago, etc., but that's alright, at least I still have her.

    Well I got another surprise! I had mentioned before that the dental surgeon would not go ahead with my dental work without cardiology signing off. I noticed on the myhealth.vet website that the staff nurse had sent the dental surgery nurse a note to see my echocardiogram from August 4th. The echocardiogram has not been signed off on by my Dr., so it's not posted yet where I can see it, but because of dental nurse note it has me wondering.

    Hope all of you stay cool, it's hot here in Louisiana. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Ron, what a sweet, wonderful thing to say about Lou - that even with all that's going on it's all right - you still have her there with you.  That's the way I felt about Charles.  It's trying but when you think of the alternative, it's worth every minute of it.

     Car gremlins going around.  This morning when I went out to feed Tom and Jerry, I thought I'd have to have the key to open the trunk but pushed the button and it opened.  I was surprised.  Didn't try to start it.  I opened the trunk to get feed for the cow.

       Thank you - the baby is precious.  This morning I was determined to check to see if she does have milk because HE (I checked, it's a little boy) keeps nursing.  Yesterday she didn't want me close - very protective of him. This morning while he was nursing I was able to check two quarters and there's milk so he's okay.  Babies only nurse for a short time, then come back quickly.  Because she was so nervous yesterday I didn't check - could get a broken arm pretty quickly if she happened kick when you were checking. When I first went out I didn't see him anywhere (she was by the bale of hay) so started looking for him and found him nestled into and against the prickly pear.  Went through this with one of the last babies and got stickers in my hands and clothes.  So, got hold of his back leg and pulled him out. Still got one in my hand.  He got right up and started nursing.  I don't know why they want to cuddle up to that cactus.  Mike's using a new spray and if it works I'll get some and spray those things and try to get rid of them.  They're pretty when they bloom but too many thorns.  I guess I'll call the baby Jet because he's so black so probably will call his mom Jetty.  used to know oa woman by that name.

     Sara - we got .2" of rain this morning.  I drove up around the MH to see the girls and it started pouring while I was up there.  It took me about ten minutes to get back to the house, park the Gator and get into the house.  I was soaked but didn't mind at all.  It was a hard rain for about ten minutes so got wet even if I was in the Gator with a roof on it.  There was even some water standing in the yard - but it's all gone now.  Maybe it'll help a little bit.

     Sara - are the blueberries at your mothers?  Glad she relented and let you mulch them - that's what I need to do with the zucchini - still no little ones.  I'm about to give up.  Did you get your pie made?   When I made blueberry pies (from canned wild blueberries) it called for a little lemon juice - made all the difference in the world - just like a bit of lemon juice or vinegar in lentil soup.  With all the talk of pies and cobblers I just had to make another peach cobbler - it's in the oven will be ready in about ten minutes.  I'm still trying to figure out what skillet I used to make them years ago.  With the 8 or 9" one, I can only use a small can of peaches and it still is too full.  But I don't remember ever using a bigger iron skillet.  I did use an 8x8 or 9x9 glass dish once.  Beats me!  .

     Watching In The Kitchen with David on QVC.  I used my hand mixer (don't have a stand mixer) to make the triple chunk brownies a while back and it was scary - very hard to turn on and it made weird noises.  I've only had it 50 years so what's the problem?  I seldom use one because I don't bake much anymore.  I used to make mashed potatoes from scratch but now it's from a box or packet.

     It's already 85 degrees but early morning was wonderful - cloudy, thunder and rain!!  Looks like northern Oklahoma may get a bit more later today.  I can remember when I was working my office was on the north end, second floor, of the hospital.  To the north was the Five Civilized Indian Museum and in August their lawn would be completely brown.  After a rain it would be nice and green within two days.  I'm waiting for that.  Alarm's going off - cobbler must be ready!   Back later.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Congrats to Lorita on new baby! So adorable. And continuing congrats and admiration to Sayra for all the home-grown food. I am so envious of the fresh blueberries. That is something my DH will readily eat, and the quality of what’s in the grocery, both fresh and frozen, seems to have dropped lately. Never as good as homegrown, but even as grocery produce goes, it’s dropped. Except for Trader Joe. Theirs are much better that what I get elsewhere.

    Not much happening of interest, but I learned something at PT that might help others who read in bed. I’m going because of neck problems; turns out it’s almost impossible to read in bed without neck strain, according to my PT. 

    But:  if you read on a kindle or other device—and this was the news for me—you can buy a stretchy strap, or adhesive ring, for the device that fits around your hand (or finger) and lets you very easily hold the device up high, so you can read while keeping your neck straight, without bending your neck to look down as most people do. I did use a couple of “lap desk” pillow-type things to elevate my Kindle while in bed, but they’re not tall enough. 

    It’s hard to describe, (sorry, did not realize until I started) but it makes so much sense. I had NO idea they made such straps. (I think a book would be too heavy). But it makes a huge difference, and most cost $6-7 on Amazon.

    Cars, sheesh. My latest was a little different. An older woman, who’d been driving very erratically, hit my car in a parking lot. No big damage—but she also hit another car, and would have hit a person if he had not jumped. Thankfully she was barely creeping along. She could not park, and kept pulling in and out of various spaces, and driving the wrong way, and swerving…Too much else to list. 

     It was so bad people stopped to watch, some people were yelling at others to watch out, not move, until she left or stopped. She did not appear in distress, just oblivious. Somebody tried to stop her but she wouldn’t. I would bet my house she should not be driving at all. Her car had a lot of dents around back bumper. But nobody knew what to do.  Somebody called cops,  but by then she was gone, and no serious damage done. Cops here aren’t real responsive, or quick, barring harm.

    We had such a storm a few days ago. A solid 36 hours of wind and rain, roads flooded and trees down. Not a hurricane, not even a tropical storm—but more damage than either of those in recent years. One town got 12 inches of rain in 6 hours. We lost a couple of trees, needed chain saws to remove.

    We had AC problems because of so much humidity. I’m keeping the house cooler than comfortable just dry out. (At the advice of the repair people, who also said maybe a dehumidifier. I’m trying to wait out rainy season on that). Thankfully our system is usually efficient, and AC is far less expensive than heat, at least it is here. But I’m curious to see the next bill. So strange to have it so cool inside when so hot out, 80 at 7 am, and so darn steamy.

    Focaccia!! I love it, and I’m not a big bread eater, or maker. Some bakers sell it at local “farmers market” (there are almost no real farmers), usually with rosemary and maybe some cheese. Yum! Now I’m hungry. Hope everybody is doing well, and staying cool and/or breathing non-smoky air.

  • TommyT
    TommyT Member Posts: 24
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    HI, my name is Tom. New to this site but used to be an active member. Not sure what happened but, I'm back! Used to use the name Tmutt when I worked with this board. I was some kind of volunteer moderator.

    I was dx'd in 2008 with EOAD after a 2 1/2 year evaluation in the Harrisburg/Hershey PA area. Couldn't believe what the doctors were saying, I was only 58! Went to John's Hopkins in neighboring Baltimore. They told me to go home and congratulate the team on a good diagnosis.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ron...I, like Lorita felt the same way as you do about Lou but I know that my road was not as difficult as the one others are on.

    Yea for a new bull. 
    Took USAA about 30 minutes to get here and they were gone in 5. I asked them to leave the car running and nearly forgot to turn it off.    I am going to make Beth’s recipe since it did sound easy.
    Yellow watermelon!.  You all probably know all about them. It was a first for me and I ate all of it in two days...could not stop.It was the best ever!!!
    Florida friends. Please be more than careful...wear your mask and distance even if you are vaccinated.
    This next week is “beauty” week. ..haircut (need to find someone) and pedicure (I can not bend over w/o bad dizziness). 
    Lorita….treat yourself to a mixer...check out amazon ...lots for under $30. Hamilton Beech for $19.99.
    New phone people...what kind did you get?
    Shirley….sad with you over the death of Poncho….they mean so much to us. What is remade food?
    A GOOD THING;  I found a book about Venice and I decided to check to make certain it was not valuable before I sent it off to Italy with a “daughter” who is here visiting. $940.00!!!!! Could not believe it!
  • TommyT
    TommyT Member Posts: 24
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    HI, my name is Tom. New to this site but used to be an active member. Not sure what happened but, I'm back! Used to use the name Tmutt when I worked with this board. I was some kind of volunteer moderator.

    I was dx'd in 2008 with EOAD after a 2 1/2 year evaluation in the Harrisburg/Hershey PA area. Couldn't believe what the doctors were saying, I was only 58! Went to John's Hopkins in neighboring Baltimore. They told me to go home and congratulate the team on a good diagnosis.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions


    My daughter just left this morning we had a real good visit. We took her baby kitty to the vet for her 2nd round of shots and Molly went in for her 6 year shots. My daughter got her kitten here last month so we are using my vet for all the first shots. 

    I got my new phone. Judith it is a I Phone SE, I have no idea what that means. I am doing real good with it. I have learned how to answer and make calls and do texting and take pictures. I told my daughter I don't want to learn anything else till she comes back in 3 weeks. She also set my phone up not to ring when I am in the car driving, it just go to a voice mesg telling who ever is calling that I am driving. I really like that. She also set it up to ring in the car and I don't even have to touch the phone to answer it. I have not learned how to use that yet. I will learn that when she comes the next time.  So far I like it. 

     Lorita,     Congratulations and the new baby, he is so cute. They sure keep you busy and I am sure you enjoy every minuet taking care of the babies. Thats what keeps you young.  Your peach cobbler sounds so good I think I can smell it at  my house.  I had to laugh when you said the bull was taking care of business. Also when you said how wet you were getting in the rain. I wish I had enough rain to get wet in . 

    Shirley,   You are so sweet to help take care of Bills sister. It sounds like you are in a nice community.

    Beth,   I love the smell of burgers cooking on the BBQ, I am sure you enjoyed your family visit. I miss times like that. 

     Sara,  You are always so busy taking care of your Mother, she is so lucky to have you there for her. My daughter left today and I already miss her, but she will be back in 3 weeks. Then she comes back once more before winter sets in so her kitten can get its last set of shots. 

     Ron,   That was a very sweet thing you said about Lou, she sounds like a real sweet lady and she probably has a lot of love in her heart for you. You are a very loving caregiver/husband to her. 

    It has been a nice warm day here and its suppose to get hot again in a few days. Warm I like hot not so much. 

    I hope your all having a good relaxing Sunday. Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Guess I created problems for myself today! I got my shot at the VA some time ago, but have had problems with Lou on getting hers. I even had her dr talk to her last week without any results. Today I decided I needed to talk to her plainly and told her exactly what could happen. I tried everything, even explaining how the flu shot helped protect her against the flu, this would also help. All afternoon she wanted me to take her home, in her mind it was ig she stayed here she would get sick. I finally convinced her as long as we were here and not exposed we were safe.

    Just cant win sometimes!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     We have another new baby!!  I always go out to the barn after the girls come out to make sure everyone got out.  This time I saw a cow laying by the cowshed door with her baby.  So, got the baby up and started them toward the area north of the house where Jetti is with her baby.  The calf was walking in front of me so I was able to check - it's a little girl!!  I always like to have at least two calves close together so they can stay together when they're out in the pasture.  She's kind of a fawn color - mom has a reddish undertone to her black skin and hair.  So, both babies and moms are north of the house.  When they got out of the lot I closed the gate, then heard an awful noise.  It came from toward the carport and the cow was over in that area.  I thought it was a calf but she and her baby seemed okay.  Might have been the opossum or whatever it is in the carport or a cat - never found out.  Then, started looking for Jet - found him, again, in the prickly pears.  I don't know how to keep him out of there.  Maybe their skin is so thick the thorns can't go through but they could through an eye or nose.  I'll take a picture of the baby in the morning - almost got too hot trying to get around in the weeds in the east lot. Good that there are two cows, too - makes them more content.

     Ron, maybe it's time for a little, white fib.  If Lou takes the flu shot without a problem, maybe you could tell her you have to get two of them this year - one now (which would be the vaccine) and another one whenever you take the flu shot.  Anything to get her vaccinated.

     Zetta - glad you got your new phone and are learning to use it.  I still don't have the full hang of mine but I can talk on it so that's all that matters - and make calls.  Glad you had a good visit with your daughter and that you have her to teach you about the phone  - an I Phone no less.  I think you can do almost anything on those - radar, e-mail, google, etc.

     The cobbler is really good if I do say so myself.  It looks like I rolled out pie dough and put it over the top and sealed it on the edges (I didn't).  I put it in the oven and it's not as crisp now but it'll be good.  I'll put it in a LocknLock container before I go to bed.  Just had a spoonful or two of it.  The milk I have thawed is past sweet so I'll be "forced" to have vanilla ice cream with it.

     Judith, did USAA just jump start your car?  Did he say whether or not you  need a new battery?  When did you drive it last for the battery to run down?

     Not a new bull - just one of ours and he'll go to town later this year.  Don't want interbreeding, however, these two babies look perfect.  He's only half Brangus so maybe it would be okay - if he wasn't so friendly with me.  He's big enough that he could hurt me and not even know what he was doing - I imagine he weighs at least 1,000 lbs.

     Thanks, Rescue Mom - the baby is really sweet.  I love everyone of them and they get used to me while they're up so are pretty gentle when they get bigger.

     What an awful storm you had - 36 hours, my goodness.  I think I saw something on TV about heavy rains down there.  Wish you could send some our way.

     That little woman could really have caused some damage - glad that didn't happen.  Poor lady - I can kind of sympathize with her.  Driving isn't as easy as it used to be when you get older - probably didn't realize she was doing any of those things.

    Our air is better - still a little hazy and we've had wind blowing today.  When I went out to the barn it felt really nice in the hallway and cowshed - in the shade and with the wind blowing in.  This week is going to be hot and I don't like hot weather.  Still haven't heard anything about the air conditioner.  I have the one to be replaced turned on and it blows air that is slightly cool.  Really getting disgusted with Sears about the AC and Car Shield about the PU.    Zetta, you may remember since you watch a lot of westerns - Red Ryder had a little Indian boy with him all the time and he'd say he was "gusdusted" instead of disgusted.  Was that little boy's name Chief or Little Chief or something like that?  Going to drive me crazy until I think of it.  Maybe Mr. Google would know.  I've found a lot of things that Alexa doesn't know but I'll check with her anyway.  Maybe I'm thinking of those red tablets we used to get when I was little - they were called Big Chief tablets.

     Maybe one more baby to go.  I was watching Daisy this morning as she came up - she's on my list for this month but maybe the bull was sneaky taking care of business and there might be more.  Can't watch them all the time.

     Zetta, I didn't mind getting wet at all - felt good but when I got into the house being so wet it was chilly.  Wish it would have rained like that for an hour or two but every drop helps in August.

     Welcome, Tom.  Good to have you join us.  It'll probably be good for Ron to have another man to talk with sometimes. 

     The Closing Ceremonies of the Olympics is on so I'll stop and watch it. I've watched a lot of Olympics this last two weeks - really enjoyed them.  Now, what will I watch?  Does anyone know the rules to the game "Cornhole"?  It's been on a lot this weekend.

     Hope all of you rest well tonight and that you get rain if you want it and cooler weather for all of us.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I don't remember if Jo C was able to have her doctor visit tomorrow (Monday).  There is an old member on the Caregiver Board (Superwoman) who popped in to say "hi" to her.  I'll leave her a note.

    Tom, hello again.  Most the people on this thread came after you.  I posted to you on the Younger Onset board.  It's good to see you still around.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    The blueberries are where mom lives.  Will miss them when I sell the place.  The pie did turn out good.

    Another little girl, how about that.

    Rescue mom tried to find that strap on Amazon but wasn’t able too.  Do you remember what the name of it is?

    Yellow watermelon is very good.  Have heard people say orange ones are too but don’t remember ever seeing an orange one here.

    Yes Florida friends please wear your  masks, distance, avoid crowds.  You will definitely want to be your own advocate.

    Zetta sounds like your daughter sees to you too.  Nice how you can do things together.

    My mom won’t get vaccine either.  Wish she would, but just like the mulch, it will have to be her idea or it won’t happen.

    Hi Tom, welcome to our porch.

    Have played cornhole a few times.  Don’t remember the rules as don’t play that  much.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    I did not auto correct. It should have said ready made or precooked from a restaurant.

    When we are in Fla. I'm the only one that goes to the store. We have a screen porch that Bill can sit on with everyone sitting outside in their golf carts or chairs. Our park has been very lucky with the covid, we have only had 4 cases and they all recovered, in their 80s. all had been to visit relatives!

    We have over 500 places and during the summer less people are here until October when snowbirds come back. When covid first started in March last year we were locked down, no one could come in to visit!

    Bill is still depressed, more in the afternoon. My other dog is a poodle stormy and he keeps looking for poncho! We had to make some changes in his routine. He always slept right next to poncho crate, of course we got rid of it. 

    Got some fresh peaches for some of the people in the park to enjoy.  Love yellow meat watermelon, they are high in sugar, but so good.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Sayra—for that strap, I just typed “hand strap for kindle” in Amazon’s search bar, and dozens of varieties/styles come up, for all kinds of devices. The one I got just says “hand strap for tablets” on the box.

     I also got a smaller finger strap, from the same search, for my cell phone. I do not read on my cell, but the little strap makes it much easier and secure for me to hold. It’s adhesive, so I don’t know how long it might last, but good so far. They also have rings that go around your finger, but the strap seemed better for me.

    It did not totally solve my neck problems, but it makes reading more comfortable for me.

    I think Lorita was talking about cell phones…amazing to me,  30 years or so ago they didn’t exist, and now it’s a computer in your pocket. Mine does everything my desktop does, that I need/use, except writing much text. Of course bigger display is much better, but the functions are there.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Rescue Mom - I retired in 1994 and  occasionally we'd see someone with a cell phone - not often.  I commuted for over 33 years without one - now we won't go anywhere without oue phone.  A year or so after I retired we did get one - it was big just like a regular phone.  Times are changing.  Now you can't go anywhere without seeing many people talking on their phone or playing games, whatever they do.

     Just heard 63 people were shot in Chicago this weekend - I think two policemen were killed.  Sandy, you'll be glad to get out of that and into safer country.  Hope things are going all right for you.  I know it's a hectic time trying to decide what to take and what to donate.  Don't work too hard.

     Orange watermelons!   They are soooo good but it's hard to find them.  Never have seen one in stores.  The only place I've found them is a farmer selling them from his truck.  They aren't in season very long so you have to be lucky to get one.  They're so sweet, so good and they're pretty.  I've tried the yellow ones but eating yellow watermelon just doesn't seem right to me - wonder why orange does?

     We had a little shower sometime before I got up this morning at 6 - grass was wet and when I took down the trash there was actually a little water standing in lower places in the road.  Fed Tom and Jerry and the two moms.  Babies are running around playing - all four will be more content being together.  I tried to fix it so they couldn't get into the carport but decided maybe if they were in there the flies might not be so bad. So, tried to fix it so they couldn't get into the back part of it.  I did spray Jet with a soft spray of water to wet him down so maybe that might help him.  The flies are awful on them. 

     When I got back to the house I drove over to see the girls - all scattered out grazing - saw all of them with one count!   Put a mark on the wall (Charles' favorite saying when something unusual happened or worked out right).  They'll come to the barn before long. 

     Our water's beginning to taste kind of funny again so I'll call the waterman - Mark - and see if he'll purge (or whatever he calls it) the water line.  We're next to the last house on this end of our waterline.  I don't use a lot of water in the house and I'm sure Denny doesn't use much either so they have to let a lot of water through occasionally to keep it tasting good.

     Nothing on tap for today except I may try to fix that flapper in the stool.  I found one that we'd bought for some reason.  I've never done this so don't know how this is going to work.  Still need to work on my taxes.

     It's cloudy and there's a good south wind so it feels good outside for now.  I think I even heard thunder a few minutes ago. 

     Shirley, how nice that you have a screened in porch so Bill can sit outside and watch what's going on. It's good that you have another dog - maybe that will help him get over his sadness.   Stormy - I like that name.  I've had bulls, calves and dogs named that.  One of our Great Pyrenees is Stormy.    Be careful going to stores.  I'm sure you wear a mask when you do.

     Sara - how's that watermelon going?  Still haven't seen any baby zucchinis.  Just never remember having that happen before - but, we did have many more plants so guess we didn't notice - there were zucchinis all the time.  Didn't water them this morning - maybe should have.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Iris, I haven't seen a post from Jo in the last few days - anywhere.  Hope everything's okay with her.  We worry about our friends when they don't post.

     I'll be back later.  Going to finish my hot tea.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Interesting Shirley what you said about the Covid cases.  That is what I’m hearing that the majority of cases are from family gatherings.  The one person I’m aware of who had it this summer got it from a family gathering.

    Thank you Rescue Mom found them.  Will check them out later.

    It’s there seems the same size to me.  

    For lunch I roasted veggies in air fryers.  Tried a new pepper this year called mama Mia.  Thought it was suppose to be yellow and sweet.  Well it was red.  So picked it.  Oh my it was hot, real hot.  So looked it up, yes it is suppose to be as I thought.  That has happened before where the packaged is not labeled right.  Guess I won’t be eating anymore of them.  My one BIL might be ok with them.  Otherwise they will make black gold.

    Saw my snake again in same flower bed.  Hope it is his home.  Looked it up, they indeed eat chipmunks.  Hope he has himself a feast.

    Attaching a picture of my datura Lorita. Had  it’s first blooms last night. They only last one night.  When sun comes out they are done.  It is hot today.  That is my new steps beside it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, your datura is beautiful.  Your new steps look so nice - I bet you're really proud of them.  Will the datura get bigger?   Is it the same thing as a moon flower?  If it is, it will definitely get bigger.  Is it poisonous = I think moonflowers are related to gypsum weeds that are poisoning.  Blooms look about the same.

     So glad you got your pretty steps in and that you're satisfied.  Always good to get something done and be pleased with it.

     The snake eats chipmunks?  I don't know how big a chipmunk is but it must be a big snake.  That would be scary for me - I don't like snakes, even little ones.  I think I'd rather have chipmunks.

     We've had clouds and lots of thunder all morning but the rain has been just a few miles north of us except for the shower early this morning.  I thought I heard thunder, then Sheena came in laid down on the floor beside me.  She's afraid of thunder - doesn't seem to bother Stormy at all.

     I'm four days out from the AAA guy being here.  Don't know why it's bothering me so much.  I had on two masks, we were outside and I wasn't too close to him.  I'll be glad when the 14 days are up.  Maybe it's all the news on TV about the virus and breakthrough cases.  I even had on sunglasses and didn't touch anything he'd touched.  He didn't touch anything except the carhood when he put it down.  I need Charles to tell me it'll be all right. 

     Radar just showed the storm north of us - just about five or six miles.  At least someone is getting rain - pastureland up that way. 

     I can't get in touch with Sarah and I'm about ready to call for a welfare check - again.  She called about 7:30 yesterday morning - didn't say anything and I heard noise in the background.  After that she has her phone set to go to voicemail with only about one ring.  I'm afraid she's not going to be able to get her second vaccination.  Todd was supposed to be home this weekend and they were going to get it and his Saturday - haven't heard if he got home or not.  I hate to keep getting welfare checks but worries me that she doesn't answer calls, voice mail or texts. 

     Kids are going back to school without a mask mandate and I bet very few wear masks.  Family gatherings - it was a family gathering where Danita and all of her kids got the virus.  They think they got it in the restaurant where they ate.  Her funeral was this morning - such a loss and so needless.   Charles' brother, Jerry, has his knee replacement tomorrow and his nephew has his valve replacement on the 12th.  Lots going on in that family.  My SIL told me something when she called yesterday that I didn't know.  If a person dies from Covid, the family is given $9,000, I guess to pay for the funeral.  Her daughter works at a mortuary and that's how she knew.  I need to tell Carol about that.

     Have kind of a headache so just took an acetaminophen - been laying on the divan for an hour or so watching Gunsmoke. 

     Just heard one of the men who is building rockets to go into space is worth over 200 billion dollars!   I can't even write that number.  All three or those men are worth hundreds of billions.  Can't imagine.  Haves and have-nots, I guess.

     We need to see a post from Jo - hope everything's okay.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...forget what I said about the mixer...I got it mixed up. Yes, they just jumped the car. I had driven the car two days before but only for a short time. I think I will make certain to drive it every couple of days for maybe 30 minutes...or 15. I know it has to be driven more.
    Electricity went out...generator did not kick on. Battery is dead!! It was all gone over 7/20. I should have been checking the light every week. I certainly will do so from now on. One year I gave Dick a stack of Big Chief tablets. He loved it. Shirley….thanks...I did not want to miss a new convenience...lol
    Yes, money is available for funeral burial costs but one must apply for it. It is not for everyone.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, you weren't mixed up about the mixers - both Amazon and WM have several models for under $30.  I'm looking at one for about $25 that has a set of dough hooks with it.  Don't see the reason for buying a more expensive one when I hardly ever use it.

     I try to drive our car to the mailbox, up to the next section and back and then back to the other section - about four miles every few days.  I haven't tried to start it since the AAA guy jumped it.   It's kind of hard to remember to drive something fairly often when you don't go anywhere much.

     I check the light on our generator when I'm out that way, fairly often.  Anthony from United Engines comes every January and June to do a maintenance service on ours and I can call him or United Engines when the light is yellow or red instead of green.

     I remember using those Big Chief tablets when I was in grade school.  I guess they still make them - not sure.

     Todd called this afternoon and had a nice visit with him.  He's home, kind of, for a couple of days but has to go back to Dallas soon and before that has a trip to Wilson and Maysville to finish up some work.  He says Sarah is all right or as all right as she can be - she was asleep when we were talking.  We talked about her not following through with things needs to do - like phone calls and answering return calls.

     I had a call a few weeks ago from a DHS worker with the Advantage Program and for some reason kept her number so I called her and left a message.  She told me anyone can refer a person for Advantage so maybe I can do that and at least get it started so they can do an assessment.  Also talked with him about having Home Instead in a couple of times a week. 

    We didn't get any rain - just lots of thunder and now it's nice and hot again but it's windy so that helps.

     The light over the sink in the kitchen went out this morning.  It has a little globe over the bulb that has little screws to hold it on. It's really hard to change so this time I'm going to put one of those bulbs in that never needs changing.  They're really nice.  I keep one by the bed - it has a little switch it screws into so it comes on without being in a lamp.  Who would have thought changing a light bulb would be such a big deal.  I used to change the one in mother's bedroom (we have high ceilings) and she couldn't change it.  I'd get up on a stepstool but she had to hold onto my leg and steadied me enough.  Seems like now I need to touch, just touch, something to make my balance better.  Guess that comes with being "mature", as Jo says.

     I haven't done anything much today (nothing in the house) just laid around and watched TV.  I'll go out in a little while and see the girls as they come out of the barn and check on the babies and their moms.  I do hope Jet hasn't gotten back into the prickly pear.  He was in there last night, right in the middle of the whole thing, so I didn't bother him and he was out this morning. 

     Still enjoying the peach cobbler.  I think I had a little too much batter for the fruit so added one of those little cups of diced peaches. I added more milk to the batter to make it a bit thinner - probably shouldn't have done that. 

     Judith, did you make your cobbler yesterday?




  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     I have a question for any of you who have had experience with prickly pears or maybe you live in the SW where's there's so many of them.  How do you kill them and dispose of them?   If you spray them, they're still there so how do you get rid of them?  You can break off a piece of them and let it lay for days and it will still live.  If you used a backhoe or something to dig them up, then what do you do with them?

     Charles said he had always wanted some so we got one at a nursery - just two of the flat pieces - can't remember what they're called.  It lived and has gone wild.  It's pretty well collapsed in the center - doesn't like cold weather. 

     My problem is the little bull calf - he loves to get in among them and lay down.  It may be to get away from the flies - don't know how that would work but I've gotten him out of them two or three times today.  Made him go out one way he hadn't been before and now I regret it - afraid he got those thorns in his legs.  I have a huge tarp so I pulled it over (it was on a big bale of hay) and laid it across one side and pushed it down as much as I could so he couldn't get underneath it.  I laid a panel gate across the other side, then moved it, afraid he might get in there and couldn't get out. 

     We can't burn them because they're underneath the electric lines and an electric pole.  I've had dozens of little calves in there and only once before has a little one decided it was a good place to lay.

     I've been out there twice and it's really hot so don't think I'll go back again.  I'd let them out with the others but there, again, I'm afraid one of the moms will put her baby down and not get it to the barn when they come up.  Charles would know what to do because he spent a lot of time in the Texas Panhandle where prickly pear thrive. 

     One good thing - my left calf hasn't hurt today and wasn't hurting when I woke up this morning.  I've slept with a pillow underneath my left knee for years and that may be the cause - I didn't use it last night.  Didn't hear anything about the PU or the AC today.  If I called I'd just get upset so I'll try not to.

     I did get a really cute picture of the new baby girl - laying down, too.  Moms and babies are all right - I'll let them into the west paddock tomorrow morning so they can eat the grass in there.  I'll try to keep them up until this weekend when it's supposed to be a little cooler and they're older.

     Sorry to go on about this but I don't have anyone else to talk to about problems. Stormy and Sheena just ignore me and won't answer and the cats surely won't.

     Hope all of you are all right tonight.  I didn't start the car today but probably will in the morning.

     Sleep well.   For some reason I can't add the picture of the new baby.  I'll try again tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo posted this evening on the Caregiver Board to her friend from years ago.  I thought she might be away for a few days.  I'm sure she'll be over here soon.

    Little Jett is so cute!  About how much do they weigh at birth??  How long is the gestation period?  

    I posted on the Caregiver Board about having gotten food poisoning from two week past its best by date yogurt.  I warned them to check their LO's refrigerators and freezers for expired food.  I had been stocking up because we had food shortages here, and some food got overlooked.  I have to keep a closer eye on my food.  

    Does anyone have a root cellar?  How do you keep up and not let food spoil?

    Lorita, here in California there is some sort of garden service in the county that answers questions like you posed.  If prickly pear is an invasive species, they should be able to tell you how to get rid if it.  

    Sayra, what sort of game is cornhole?


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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