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Just need to talk to my friends (152)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Just a quick drop in.   At the beginning of the pandemic, and in parts of 2020, there was some thought that people who had A and AB type blood rather than either of the O types were more likely to develop COVID.  ( No difference between the O+ and O- in those initial thoughts.)

    That has recently been disproven, but it still hangs on like an old wives tale due to old information.   A large study was done in the U.S. checking COVID positives for blood types and it appears there was not much difference with type A perhaps being a little more susceptible. 

    Too bad since my DH and I are both O's; but as the science experience with this disease goes on and on, more changes and findings will come about.

     If only it could be knocked off the planet, but . . . .



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    O MY!    What a busy place this has been. It took me awhile to get all caught up with you guys. 

    Lorita,  There is not much more you can do for Sarah, you have tried and tried and she is not allowing you are anyone else to help her. So worry is all you can do. She is in  a lot of prayers so just let God take care of her. You just need to take care of yourself and your girls and the rest of your critters.

    Jo,   You are so right the price of food is really going up. I went shopping today and WalMart was out of a lot of things, so I went to a local market and they were also out of a lot things, the cold section was pretty bare. It made me feel like I was in some foreign country and people were starving. You can count me in I will be with you on Aug 31st.

    Barbara,  Please try not to let yourself get depressed. If you do things will be harder and harder. Are you on any type of meds for depression? I am on some mild ones and have been for quite awhile and they help a lot.

    I am doing pretty good with my new phone, I am learning a little bit each day. I am surprised I figured I was going to have problems, so far taking it slow I am not getting too confused. My daughter will be back in 3 weeks and I will then learn more. 

    The weather here has been a bit cool now for the next few days we will be back up to 100. I got my lawns mowed it took me 3 days to finish I do a little bit in the evenings. Right now the evenings are really not cooling down  so I am glad I finished the mowing. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     I think I almost got too hot.  Looked out and some of the girls were out of the barn so went out to hook  up the water to spray on the moms and babies - leaking at the hydrant.  Then heard a calf bawling so drove out, after I put gas in the Gator, to see what was happening.  Baby had stopped by the time I got out there so came back and had to leave the Gator outside the gate - or the moms would have gotten out.  Got back in and got in the bedroom with cold water, fan that sprays water and a wet washcloth.  I'm okay now but I'm going to have to be a bit more careful.  Hate this hot weather.  Looks like the NW is hot again, too - Portland was 103 today. 

     Judith, I ordered one of those fans two or three years ago.  But, I couldn't find a good place to put it.  In the LR one window has the heating stove in front of it, another opens onto the porch and the double windows don't have an outlet within several feet of it so boxed it back up (was not easy) and returned it.  It's going to be a bit cooler the next week so they should have the replacement by then.  Thanks for the thought.

     I was thinking a while ago - remember a few years ago when you were trying your best to help and was told that no one could  have access to some information you needed?  You remember what we thought then - guess it's happening again.

     Beth - interesting about the Field of Dreams - beautiful looking field - just saw it on the national news.  I imagine they will have more games there - with that beautiful field, why not?   You mentioned Kevin Costner was going to be there tonight - reminded me that Judith said Yellowstone's new season won't be until November.  That's a long time to wait!

     Looks like there's going to be booster shots for people with suppressed immune systems, transplants and something else very soon.  Also heard that they think people who got the Pfizer vaccine will only have 50% protection after about six months - they're still not sure.  There's a lot they can't know yet because it hasn't been long enough to get good information.  Guess we'll find out eventually.

     Heat index today in Broken Arrow as 113.  I need to call Bonnie to see how she's doing - I still have her phone number in my phone.  Might do that tomorrow.

     Talked with our vet this morning when he was on the way to the Clinic.  He calls occasionally, I know, to check to see if I'm still kickin'.  Nice of him.  He said they had to hurry and bale hay and get it off a meadow so they could move a herd of cattle into that area so they'd have water.  The pond where they were went dry.  It's so good that most all ponds were as full as could be when this heat began.  I haven't seen the two ponds west of the house in a long time but the other two are doing all right.  And, the cows really take advantage of the water.  I asked him whether the prickly pear thorns could get into a calf's skin.  He said they could but if they did the places would be swollen.  He said that I could feel them if they were there.  I'll check before I let Jett out.  This afternoon when I went out he was laying in the shade with the others so that's good. 

     Sara - keep checking for those ticks.  Use a fine-toothed comb to check if they might be in your hair or on your head.  I've had that happen several time.  The bigger ticks may be more dangerous because of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever but the little ones can really give you fits.

     On the subject of baseball - the Tulsa Drillers will be called The Noodlers this weekend.  You all know what noodling is - right?

     Going to go into the bedroom and lay down and watch TV a while - back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    Yesterday was hot and humid.  Today giving heat and  more rain.  I’m not complaining, beats winter.  

    Here our grocery stores are about the same.  Cannot really tell a difference.  Not sure about prices as I really have been getting most of my food at local produce stands or out of my garden. 

    Hope your zucchini plant comes around Lorita.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Very warm and humid here this morning with not much wind at all.  It's 76 which is better than the last few days when it was 80 or 80+.  It's partly cloudy and there's some rain north of us - won't get down here but there will be an outflow boundary from it and that will help a little bit.

     Came in just now from feeding Tom and Jerry and seeing the girls.  Both pair are okay - still worried about the thorns that could be on Jett but I saw him nurse so that's a worry off my mind.  I was a little afraid he might have gotten thorns around his mouth.  I'll keep trying to check today.  Got out and saw the girls - got the right count.  While I was out I saw a cow coming to the barn, kind of humped up.  I had closed the gate to the barn and when I got up realized she's probably in labor so got her in north of the house.  So glad I saw her.  She was going into the barn to have the baby in there like the last two have. 

     Just heard something I didn't want to hear on TV.  They're saying it's taking so very long to get car parts for repair.  Instead of a couple of days, it's sometimes weeks.  That's what I've run into with the PU, that and it being 20 years old, too.  I'll call Robert this morning and see where we are.  Don't know what I'll do if he can't get parts.  Keep your fingers crossed.

     Also heard that a booster shot has been approved to be given immediately to people who have had transplants and those who immune systems are not good.  I imagine in a few months everyone will need one.   Maybe around the time we get flu shots.  I saw something on the forum on some thread a few days ago about the number of flu cases last winter.  They were talking about how few cases there were.  No surprise - people were more diligent about wearing masks and staying home and away from people.  That should tell us something.

     Looks like there may be as much as a 60% chance of scattered showers in our area this afternoon but it will be about 96 here.  Still too stinkin' hot for me.  But, we take what we get.  Scary, scary stuff about the climate change - I saw Code Red for our planet a day or so ago.   Think about how it may be later when babies being born now are in their 30s and 40s.  Don't think I want to be around (and I won't be) if something isn't done now.

     I'll be back later - going to check on the cow - not sure if she's the heifer I had down to calve this month.

     Hope you all are well this morning.

     Addendum:  Our news just said the OKC school system is going to defy the Governor and Legislature and mandate the wearing of masks by all kids in school.  Good for them - wish all of the school districts would do that.  What is the Governor and other Governors thinking?

     Also heard that Mercy Hospital in OKC is out of beds.  They've had four patients in the ER who needs beds and they don't have any.  Forgot how many Covid cases they have - quite a few.  Haven't heard about the other hospitals in the area but I imagine they're in the same situation.  I saw one man on TV this morning who has a one year old daughter in ICU with the virus.  He was pleading with people to get the vaccine so prevent things like this from happening. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Well, Sara, looks like it's just the two of us today.  Everyone else must be busy or taking a nap.  I took a little nap while the news was on but I'm up now.

     Still watching the little cow - no baby yet and it may not be today but at least she's up.  I'm having a hard time keeping her out of the carport.  It's a dirt floor with all kinds of things in it that Charles had collected - now everything's in disarray, as if it wasn't before.  Jett was in the prickly peara again so I left him but just now he was standing up and he came out.  I had the water on with a fine spray to keep them a little cooler but turned it off for a while. I can't find any swollen places on his head or body so guess he's all right.   Rose Bud's in the lot eating green grass - made green by running the water tank over.  It's HOT outside with very little breeze.  Northern Okla. is getting a break today.

     I'm cooking brown beans with potatoes and carrots on top.  Charles' grandma used to cook them together and since we got married I've always done that, too.  You have the whole meal except for bread.  I'm not going to cook cornbread - don't want to heat up the house more than it already is.  I was thinking about making hoe cakes but doubt I'll do that either.  I made a fresh loaf of bread day before yesterday so the heel will be fine with the beans.   Did I ever tell you all that when I was little I liked to mix mayonnaise in with my beans?   Now, I like Pace picante sauce on them - but the mayo still sounds good.  Also liked mayonnaise sandwiches, jus the mayo and two or three slices of bread. 

     I called about the PU this morning.  Seems that most of the electrical problems on the dash was from a short in the batteries.  Both of them are under warranty so there won't be a charge there.  The windows are still having problems so the motors will probably have to be replaced.   Looks like it'll be somewhere around $800 but they still won't bed able to replace the door seals.  The PU is 20 years old and they can't find a place that stocks the ones for it. It's been a really good Dodge Ram and we've not had to have  anything much done to it so I guess it's time.   I told them to forget about Car Shield - tired of waiting on them - it's been almost a month and still nothing from them.  I'm to the point I need the PU but may call and see if Red can deliver another couple of mineral tubs until I get the PU back.    Until they're able to find door seals I guess I'll have to cover the cab with a tarp when it rains - if it ever does.  Some place or two way north of us had as much as 3" of rain this morning.  We had a really nice, cool outflow breeze for about 30 minutes and clouds.  All gone now.

     Need to go check the beans.  They were ready a few minutes ago but the carrots needed a little more time.  Love carrots.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm here.  Lorita, Sayra and Zetta, be very cautious about the heat and getting dehydrated.  Dehydration can sneak up on you.  It's hot here, too.

    I had a second opinion cardiology consultation today.  I have to follow-up with my primary cardiologist, but it does not appear to be serious.  I had spent all week preparing for this appointment.  That, plus the heat, is wearing me out!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, it has been so hot here today but mid to late afternoon thunderstorms built around Tulsa and finally moved down.   The wind was wonderful - really cooled off things.  Then, it started to rain and rained hard for about 35 minutes. Could hardly wait to go out and see how much we got - if the .2" we got a few days ago had evaporated we got .8", it it hadn't, we got .7".  Whatever it was, it was great.  I think the bulk of the rain was just east of us and then over into Arkansas.  Maybe this was the primer and we'll get more.

     Funny, before the wind the girls were over on the other side of the pond, when the wind struck, they came toward the house but went into the north pasture - into the wind and rain.  Hopefully, it cooled all of them off and helped ease the fly problem. 

     Iris, what was the trouble with your heart?  I must have missed that post somehow.  I'm glad it doesn't appear to be anything too serious.  Good luck on your cardiology appointment.

    Seems like there's a lot of controversy about mask mandates.  Just now saw that the courts had upheld the mask mandate in Dallas.  Why is it that parents don't want their kids to wear masks?   Sorry, lost my bold print.

    Don't know anything else so I'll stop for the night.  Hope all of you are well tonight and can stay cool.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Do you have a new calf Lorita?  Have never eaten mayonnaise on beans.  

    Iris glad nothing serious found at your cardiology appointment.

    Only suppose to be around 80 today and dry they are saying.

    Ordered a skirt out of England  early February.  It was delivered to a place in Kentucky.  The company tried to correct it.  They were a great company.  They contacted me a couple of times about if I had gotten it.  Then they credited me for it.  Well, yesterday I got the skirt.  So I contacted them and got them to recharge me. 

    Hope each one has a peaceful day.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I was getting short of breath.  The specialist I saw today thought it might be due to one of my medications.  I have to see my regular cardiologist for a replacement medication. 

    The appointment was in the next county, twenty-five miles away.  I drove the freeway for the first time this year.  The air was hazy, I think from the big fire up north.  Everyone is hoping for even a tiny bit of rain to help quell the fire.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Iris, so glad the doctor thinks it's just one of your medications.  That's something that can be corrected easily.  A couple of months ago I drove to the town where I worked all my life to see my optometrist and it was a strange feeling since I hadn't driven on that road for about a year.  I felt like the little old woman driving who could barely see over the steering wheel.  I could but that was just my feeling.  I'm used to driving a PU that's a lot higher.  I've seen pictures of the traffic on those freeways out there.  It would scare the heck out of me to drive on one of them.  Our traffic is bad enough.

    Sara, no new baby.  I got up during the night to check and she was laying down with the others.  This morning she's very antsy, walking the fences.  She doesn't look like she's carrying a calf - pretty slim.  I'm beginning to think she lost the baby out in the pasture in the early, early morning uesterday and when I saw her humped up she had just passed or was trying to pass the afterbirth.  I drove around and around in the pasture where they were but, of course, didn't find anything.  A few years ago a heifer lost a baby and we found her laying by the baby.  Got her away from it and went back in an hour or so to move the baby and it was gone.  Coyotes.  So, if she did lose the baby all evidence of it's gone.  I'll watch her this morning and may call the vet to come and check her.  She still humps up a little bit and may not have cleaned well.  We'll see.

     I let the two moms and babies out and they went straight to the herd.  Babies were running around exploring everything with moms right behind.  Almost everyone has already gone into the barn except a couple still grazing.  It's wonderful out this morning - cool (76) but humid.  When I first went out it was foggy.  Stormy and I took a couple of things down to the mailbox and got the mail from the last three days.  It's on the porch, having been sprayed down, to dry.

     There was a building collapse in Muskogee last night.  They've been showing it all morning - it was the Royal Casket Company building that had been vacant for many years.  There's a viaduct over a railroad and it's at the bottom of one end of it.  Only part of it collapsed and they're worried about the rest of it.  I don't think there's any businesses around it.   I've heard of two or three building in the Country that have collapsed in the last few days.   I remember that place well - when I was pretty young my sister and I were coming down that side of the viaduct and it was a little icy and she slid sideways - no injuries or damage.

     Hope everyone's well this morning.  The news just said this past July was the hottest all over the world in 144 years.  But, the July in Oklahoma was a bit cooler.  Seeing all that's happening all around the world and things that are forecast as far as climate change is really something to worry about.  Heard something about the possible collapse of ice ledges that could raise the level of the oceans.

     Enjoy the morning.

  • A losing hand.
    A losing hand. Member Posts: 44
    Tenth Anniversary 10 Comments


    It's been so hot everywhere the chickens are laying hard boiled eggs.  LOL

      Have a nice day. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Losing Hand; that really made me laugh and heaven knows we can all use a good laugh.

     Well; we had an odd thing happen yesterday.   We live in a suburb in Southern California, so we all have our front and back "yards" with our houses and those back yards are nicely block wall fenced  across the back and side yards; the fences are six feet high with trees, shrubs and plants in planters along the fences inside the yards.

    Our next door neighbor called;  behind him, which is catty-cornered behind us, is another neighbor who has a Husky dog.   Evidently the Husky saw a squirrel on the back fence (we haven't had or seen a squirrrel in decades); the Husky was all excited - when the squirrel ran across the fence; the Husky jumped right over the six foot wall, catty-cornered into our back yard! How in the world did he do that?  Anyway; our next door neighbor saw it and instead of calling us, he came through our side yard and removed the dog bringing it back to its owner.   I can only imagine DH going out to the yard and finding a large strange dog and the side yard gate closed.   Saw the squirrel later, he was running the fence and up one of our trees.   Some of our neighbors leave cat food or dog food out all day and night, so Mr. Squirrel probably feels he is in a 24 hour buffet line.  We used to get opossums because of the pet food.  Squirrels may be cute, but they are rodents and carry disease. Still in awe of that dog jumping a six foot block wall catty-corner to his yard.  Doggie Olympics!

     Barbara; I am glad to see you have written; and I am sorry for all that is happening; it has been such a long and difficult time for you.  We are always here, so come and talk any time; we really do care.

     West Nile Virus has been noted in several communities around us.  Those dratted mosquitos - it is always something.  We have good screens on the house, now if DH will not keep doors ajar when doing something that would be very helpful.  Mosquitoes consider me a favorite to bite.  I seem to have become a bit allergic to mosquito saliva and the last time I was bit, the bite got huge, about three to four inches around, bright red and then had a huge fluid filled blister on top.   So hope I avoid that this year.   Come on cold weather!

     Just wrote on Ed's Thread; had a shock this morning.  Our governor is in the midst of a political driven recall election - lots of candidates but only one is at the top and is actually nose to nose with the governor as to who will take the election. Okay; guess we can live with whatever . . .  NO . . . . cannot "live" with it.

     Nose to nose candidate against present governor made a statement on TV this morning from his own lips that my ears heard.  If he is elected, he will rescind the states existing orders for mandatory masking in indoor places as well as rescinding mandatory vaccinations for Healthcare and School staff.   

     What?? California is amongst the lowest rates for states despite the surge, especially in protecting children.  This is because of the mask mandates as well as the higher levels of citizen vaccinations.  Why in the world would anyone rescind such items when it is protecting people and lessening illnesses and deaths.  I am at a loss, but I had wanted to know each candidate's platform; that plan is a no go for me since people's very lives can depend upon it.

     Iris, I am glad to hear that your heart issue may well be addressed by a simple medication adustment.  So glad it is easily addressed.  Whew!

     I just saw the most interesting thing on another Thread on the Caregiver's Forum.  A Member wrote about the shoes she gets for her LO.  They are called, "Billy Shoes,"  I had never heard of them.  They look like they are laced up, but they are not; they have zippers along the front to the sides of the shoes.  Imagine; zippered shoes!  I had not ever heard of that before - so learned something new.  Wonder how they work for people.  https://billyfootwear.com/

    Would imagine it would make getting shoes on much easier when there are problem issues; wonder if the zipper or tab may be uncomfortable for some; just do not know. The Member who mentioned them seemed very pleased with them for her LO.

    Lorita, I have never had brown beans with potatoes and carrots in them; bet it is tasty and sure makes a meal.   As for mayo in beans, I have never had that either; probably makes them creamy and a bit tangy.  I have taken to using three ounces of tuna with two or three ounces of avocado and two tablespoons of mild salsa and mashing them together with a fork; it gets creamy and makes a nice sandwich filling or just eating alone with some cherry tomatoes.  Only fat is the good avocado fat and is really tasty.  Sometimes I put it on saltines or sourdough bread.

      Zetta, glad you are learning to use your new cell phone.  I am terrible at technical things; my poor cell phone is ragged round the edges, but gads the new ones are expensive and I do not know how smart I would be with it.  I understand that some of those highly technical phones actually come with profanity once the package is opened!

    What kind of skirt did you get from England, Sayra?  I love their clothes; when we spent time there, so much of the clothing was well made classics. I did not buy any but wish I had been able to do so.  Lovely woolens and knits too.  Ireland has nice knitted sweaters but they tend to run small and often are not an easy fit.  Went to a woolen mill in England and brought back some fabric for a LO who sews.  Wonder why I did not get something for myself.  Silly me.

     We are in the low to mid 90's and once again having a bit of humidity because of some storm not in our area, but close enough that we get some of that wet air. 

     Our Oregon son who has vasculities which is an autoimmune disease, (onset about a year or so ago), is seeing his specialist Monday regarding getting a COVID booster vaccine.  He had Pfizer Vaccine, but wants to ask his doctor whether he should stay with Pfizer or get Moderna since Moderna seems to be a bit better protective against the Delta Virus.  Sure hope he gets a booster right away and does not wait.  He works in med centers installing and fixing radiology machines, so he does indeed get exposed at work and at the grocers, etc. as not a lot of people are masking.  He does; but sure wish others would do what is right. 

    Goodness; it is 2:00 here and have not had lunch; no wonder I am hungry, guess I will get something to fill the empty spots. 

    Take good care and be well, J.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I have not been doing too much just staying inside keeping cool and taking into account the Alert,  we are getting about the Air Quality. It is pretty bad right now its from all the fires and they way the wind is blowing. I wanted to get busy staining my porches but looks like I will be putting that off till it clears a bit.  I went into town today and got a few things we have been told to ware mask and most of the people had them on. I always carry one but I need to get better about putting it on before I get out of my car so I don't have to go back and get it.

     Lorita,     One time my son had a old truck and he would go to a place that junked cars and sold salvaged car parts. He always seemed to find what he wanted there. I don't know if auto mechanics  do this or if its just done by people who work on their own cars/trucks.    I wish we would get some hard rain to cool things down and get rid of some of this smoke. I bet you really enjoyed that hard rain.  Sorry to hear that that MaMa cow could have lost her baby and even sorrier to hear about the Coyotes. 

    Iris,  Thanks for the concern about the heat and about becoming dehydrated. M y house stays pretty cool when I had the AC on. Last night I even turned the fan on in the bedroom. I love ice tea or cold coffee so I always have a big glass of that with me. I drink so much of that I do decaf. Its good to know that you are not having heart issues and the issues could be due to the meds. It is good that it was discovered so you can do a med change.

     Jo,    I was surprised that I was able to learn my new phone. I don't really know a lot yet, my daughter will be here next week end and I will learn more things. So far I just know how to make outgoing and incoming calls and to text and to take pictures. I am getting pretty good at that. I did not have to open up a package with the phone in  it. I have been with U.S. Cell for years so we went in there and they set me up on a phone that would suit my needs. It did not cost as much as I thought, it was only $300.00 and it was added to my monthly bill for 3 years.  I am surprised that big dog did not break a leg jumping over that 6 ft fence. Molly runs our fence line barking at squirrels running back and forth on the fence. If they are in the yard she chases them up a tree. I have a bird bath in the yard and the squirrels keep jumping in it and knocking it over. My son put some heavy rocks in the base of it, so far they have not  knocked it over yet. 

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, the newspaper ran a small article about the "ankle-biting" mosquitoes.  They bothered me a lot last summer and the summer before, but I have not been bitten this summer (knock wood)!  We also have to worry about West Nile virus. 

    Zetta, one of the senior centers had monthly tutorials on how to use a smartphone.  Of course, Covid put an end to that.  I keep saying I'm going to check YouTube for a tutorial for my new smartphone. 

    There is discussion on the YOAD board that these boards are not like social media and need to be modernized.  I suppose they mean Facebook and Instagram, which I don't use.  What do you think?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Iris I joined Facebook and Instagram one day, and got off of them the same day lol.  Saw that was not my cup of tea.  

    Not much going on here.  Fixed a little more tomato sauce yesterday and got my peaches frozen.  Probably will make a little sauerkraut and apple butter and that should be about it.

     Squirrels are a nuisance.  Try not to do anything to attract them to my yard.  They need to stay in the woods.

    The craziest thing happened with one of my cantaloupes.  Cut it off by accident when I was trimming off bad leaves.  Threw it away and then realized it was ripening.  Brought it into the house.  Yesterday it was smelling good.  Ate it and it was good.  Threw every seed into compost.  May have little melons everywhere  next year.  Have a few tomatoes this year from my compost.  They are setting tomatoes so may get some later tomatoes from them.  Also have one cucumber vine that is a volunteer.  They are like getting to open presents.

    JoC the skirt is knit, appears to be good quality and fits nice.  More a fall, winter skirt.  The name of company is Woolover.  

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, glad you were able to retrieve your cantaloupe and it was good.  Nothing like fresh out of the garden.  Sounds like things are growing good this summer.

     Losing Hand - that's funny!   It's that hot here, too, although we just had a passing shower and it is a bit cooler.  I'm ready for cool weather.

     The vet came yesterday and checked the little cow. She has had her calf but we don't know where it is.  When we let her out she went down in the pasture but didn't find it.  I spent an hour and half this morning checking the fencelines and everywhere I could think of.  Also spent an hour last evening.  It makes me feel so bad to know that I separated them and now it's gone.  But, I did what I thought was best at the time thinking she was going to calve any time.  Did let the other two out yesterday morning but they came back in for a while - they're all out now and doing all right.  Made it through the night.  I'm keeping the girls in the NE pasture for a few days - maybe the calf will hear her call and come to her.  But, she isn't bawling much.  Years ago we had four heifers together in a pasture and one had a calf.  They got separated and she called for the calf for days but it never came back.  When Charles was feeding during the winter he moved a bale of hay and found where the baby had gotten stuck between two bales and couldn't get out.  Talk about feeling bad.  Sometimes it's just too much!  I can relate to what Ricky told me.  He was brushhogging for his son and ran over a little calf the mom had bedded down.  He was heartbroken just as I am now. You do what you think is best at the time and sometimes it isn't - should have left things alone. 

     Hope all of you are well today.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Forgot to mention something:   I received a check for $50. from a place called Transform  KM LLC.  Evidently it's a pharmacy company.  I only have one prescription that I get filled maybe once or twice a year - about $6.00  I don't know why I've received this.  Did read that you shouldn't cash check you don't know about.  Just wondering if any of you might have received something like this.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Lorita, I used Google to try and figure out the Transform KM LLC company and could not get a good grip on it.

     Seems they not only deal with pharmacy, but they are also connected with Sears.

     If it were me, I would not cash that check until I knew what it was for; especially not before the new AC is in and running well.  Don't know what the implications are for that check as so many people have written on Google trying to figure out what such checks are for from that company and not able to get an answer or even a response from the company.    Would hate to think of the possibility that if you cash it, you are accepting that the check takes the place of having a new AC unit put in. Sounds far fetched; but in some cases, unsolicited checks have been done with that sort of dynamic in mind. In all probability, that is not the reason you got that check; but since the check is so small, you can choose to not cash it at this time or until you find out what specifically it is for.

     Would follow up tomorrow to check and see when the date is for the new AC being installed.  If it were me, I would also mention that I am considering speaking with my attorney due to unreasonable delays which are affecting your health due your age, the heat and lack of cooling AND give them how long they have had you in the unacceptable holding pattern. 

    So sorry that you are still waiting.   It really doesn't seem acceptable for that long a period of time.  Do you continue to pay for an extended warranty or do you pay at intervals to extend coverage for that AC?  If so, I probably would drop ever doing that again.   Think if I had the resources and if it happened again, since it is a small AC,  I would just pay out of pocket and have one installed within a few days.  Not appropriate to have you suffering through the heat and humidity.

     You have been more than patient. 

    Want to buy a few N95 masks for me and DH, due to being in major med center for surgery soon which entails being in admitting and pre-op setting and waiting areas; busy, busy place, do not want to take any chances while there; especially with DH in lengthy time in waiting area for hours; but do not know which N95s are best and where to get them.  Amazon has had issues with knock-offs, that could be disastrous.  Will not buy any with valves as they do not protect others, but there are so many and do not want to get knock-offs that are not protective.   Anyone knowledgable?  One could go nuts trying to figure it out online.

    It has been years since I have had a Fosters Freeze soft ice cream cone, but for some reason, this came to mind this morning, it sure sounds good.   Actually, any ice cream sounds good; have not had any in months, so it is good there is not any in the house right now. 

    No doggies jumping over the fence again yesterday or today.   Still wondering how that dog got over a six foot high wall from being catty-corner to our yard.  He would have had to jump from a very narrow southwest angle with trees in the way.  Wonder dog for sure; he never barks, so he must have just got happily over excited seeing the squirrel.     

    Sayra; I checked out that wonderful online British woolen store where you got your skirt.  They have some really beautiful sweaters.  Many not in large enough size for me though.  I checked out the care directions at the bottom of the page; it is a LOT of work to care for their fine cashmere and woolen sweaters, but if one has patience and the time, the sweaters are gorgeous.   Do you dry clean the skirt?

    I am sorry about the smoke in your area, Zetta; it has to be a lot.  Will have to call my son in Oregon to see how they are doing as Medford area is like a big bowl that smoke just sits in.  Are you able to keep the house closed up?   Smoke just so bad for lungs.  Evidently that big Dixie fire in N. California is still not contained more than 30%; largest fire in history; it continues out of control.   Just awful, entire town burned down and so many have lost their houses and some lives lost; truly horrible.  Wish some rain would fall to help the fire fighters. I do not know how in  the world they do their jobs, it has to be beyond miserable especially in the summer heat.

    Got some Clementines, looking forward to them, but when peeled, they are dry as a bone inside and very pale.  Cannot tell anything is wrong until peeled, very disappointing.  That melon sounds like a sweet surprise, Sarah; glad it was good.  Had to smile thinking of you having melons pop up all over your garden next year.

    Got to go fold some laundry - it can get washed and dried by machines, still waiting for a machine to fold it all and put it away though.  Ha.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita—that check is almost certainly a scam. I used to get them. There was usually really small print somewhere hidden, that said if you cash the check you are legally obligated to buy a lot more expensive stuff from them in the future (if you don’t buy it they bill you for it and mess up your credit). 

    . Another version is that you can only cash it when/if you buy like $500 worth of stuff from them. Anyway, a scam. Like you said, why would a strange business we don’t know, want to give away money? They are in business to make money, not give it away.

    This is near the bottom of the fourth page, it was hard to get on, and I’m getting off before it kicks me off again. Not much going on, we have flooding and mess from the tropical storm last night.

    Just wanted to say you are right, the check—from a stranger for no reason—is a scam.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  I’m home after a week of fun with family.  I just cleaned inside of my car.  With the sawdust, sandy soil and dust, it was more than dirty.  I’ll catch up laundry tomorrow. The girls were so cute.  I’ll attach a couple of pictures for you to see their animals.  Feels good to get home.  

    Sara, glad you’re getting a great crop of veggies this year.  I miss picking from the garden, but nothing grows at this house.  It doesn’t get enough direct sun.  I can get most of my produce at the farmers market held weekly.  I am not making jelly this year.  My hands are weak and I can’t screw on the lids tight enough.  I’m missing doing one of my favorite things.  

    Lorita, I’m sorry Sarah is not responding to your help.  It’s sad since you could help her set up the care she needs.  I hope you can let it go and not worry, but I know how hard that can be.  

    Jo, glad you’re surgery is rescheduled and that you’re healing from the intestinal problems.  You’ve definitely had a bout of not so fun things happening this year.  Let’s hope this will end after August and you can start feeling better.  That Husky must have Springs in his knees.  Lol  I know dogs can jump fences, but that’s amazing.  I had my first fritto pie at the fair last week.  It was very tasty, but probably shouldn’t eat on a regular basis.  

    Barbara, I’m sending good thoughts for you.  I hope things settle down for you.  

    I need to keep reading and catch up so I can respond.  I’ll finish reading when I post this.

    It’s cloudy here right now. I sure hope we get a shower.  I drove through the canyon yesterday.  It’s open again, but down to one lane traffic around the infrastructure damage.  Must have been a ton of mud everywhere because it was dusty driving through and looked like the road was covered in dirt.  

    I need to resize pics and will post them in a bit.

    Have a good rest of the day.  Joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Jo,     I had to laugh I just got finished folding laundry, before I got on my computer. I like folding laundry everything smells so good. Yes I keep my house closed up tight to keep the cool air in and the smoke out. The sky is not even blue it is white and it looks like we have fog. I had to put off the staining of my porches. I guess that's good I like being lazy and the stain is not going anywhere. 

    Rescue Mom,   Sorry you are dealing with a mess due to flooding. I am hoping this flooding is not right up to your house. 

    Lorita,   Please don't feel bad about the baby. You know you did nothing wrong you did what was best for the MaMa. I know it is a sad thing but if the baby was still there the MaMa would go out to it, would she not?  I agree with what Jo and Rescue Mom said about the check, it is some sort of a scam. The AC my son got me is a small one that fits in my kitchen window and it really does a good job of cooling my house. I think he only paid $200.00 for it. You need to keep yourself cool. 

    Take Care all I hope your having a good Sunday. Hugs Zetta 

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    The girls at fair.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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