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Just need to talk to my friends (153)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Thought I'd go ahead and start 153 tonight since it is getting hard to get on and we're losing things.

 Jo - I think Sara's the expert on face masks.  I don't know much of anything about them.  Like you I know Amazon has a lot of them and I've been looking at them today - just getting confused.  I have a set of ten that has KN95 stamped on the outside but I don't know if they are or if that's good or not.  They're not flat or pleated - looks like a cone on your face and they're white.  I heard them talking about masks on TV this morning and whoever it was said if you can smell smoke with them on, they're not good enough.  I guess that would go for something like air freshener, too. 

 What about your husband wearing a face mask while he's in the waiting room?  I know you probably can't but you'd feel better if he did. 

 The vet and his helper were here yesterday and none of us had on masks but we were outside and not close together for more than 30 seconds so I feel okay about that.

 Thanks for the information about the check.  I can't imagine why I'd be getting a check from someone I know nothing about.  I can't believe it's pharmacy related because I haven't spent more than $10 on medicine this year.  I did find a number and tomorrow I'll call it and see what they say.  If you cash a check, can they get your bank information from the cancelled check?  Makes me angry that we have to be so careful about everything.  What happened to good, old-fashioned trust?  Guess that's gone with so many other things.

 Jo - I will call tomorrow about the AC.  And, I'm going to tell them I'm going to have a visit with the BBB.  I have maintenance contacts on two ACs, a washer and refrigerator.  They've been really good in the past - one AC replaced, another worked on, washer worked on and the refrigerator several times.  It's 21 years old and if they can't fix it, they replace it.  It just gives me a headache to talk to them - you get jostled around from one to another to another and have to repeat everything - and - I can hardly understand any of them.   I'm doing all right but they won't know that.  I have an AC in the bedroom and it's cool at night and it along with what coolness I get from the one they're going to replace? keeps it comfortable enough but not too cool.  If you're outside and it's hot, when you come in, it feels good. 

 Rescue Mom - there's lots of news on TV about Fred and then Grace.  I think the tide's going to be pretty high on the west coast of Florida.  Not sure if you're on the Gulf side.  Also wondering about Shirley - but I think they're on the east coast.  Hope they're all right and you all, too.  Looks like Grace is going to make landfall farther west which might give us some rain.

 We had .3" of rain this afternoon making a total of 1.1".  It's really spotty.  Bryon called a while ago and he said they had about 1.5" this afternoon - he's very close to Lake Eufaula.  They'll be here Tuesday or Wednesday after their work so guess I'll have them take down the Manhattan Euonymous (can't spell it).    I'm sure they'll be little plants I can transplant this fall.  The north side of the house will really look bare without it. 

 Joan - glad you're home safely and had such a good time.  You always do when you're with the grandkids - that's so nice that you have them close enough so you can  be with them a lot.  I need to clean out my car, too - and get it started.  I used to keep a pretty clean car but living out here, even when it's dry, they don't stay clean very long.  I used to have a white Mustang and once when it was dirty, someone at work wrote on the back window "wash me".     Sorry your hands are preventing the jelly making that you enjoy so much.  Is it the fingers or back of your  hand?  The backs of my hands used to hurt, probably 40 years ago.  They did tests and they thought it was R.A. but, thankfully, turned out it wasn't.  I'd go in the bathroom and let very warm water run over my hands when they hurt so much.  Probably from all the speedwriting and typing.

 Zetta - I can't help but feel bad about the baby.  If I'd just left the mom out the baby would be with us now but I thought she was getting ready to calve.  I can't imagine why she left the baby and came up unless she was hurting so much.  You just never know really what to do and a mistake can take a life.  I think I mentioned a calf got out years ago and Charles looked everywhere for it, for three days, and one day it showed up.  That was from the mom calling it and this little cow doesn't bawl very much.  I drove down and watched them come out of the barn this afternoon.  They're all down around where she thinks she left the baby.  Our vet was worried, too.  He called this afternoon to see if the baby showed up.  He said they can last about three days without nourishment - but he thinks the baby nursed and got colostrum.  It rained really hard the afternoon I put the cow up and that may have scared him so may have gotten up and run - little ones can run a mile sometimes.  I checked all the fences and they're double and didn't see anything of him.  Could be that he's way over in the meadow but if the mom will keep calling and he can hear her, he may come to her.  Something I won't get over, at least not for a long time.

I hate that Sarah is acting like she is, too, but I'm going to leave her alone.  I was just trying to help because she didn't seem to be getting anything done.  I just can't keep from telling her what she should do and she doesn't like that.

 Joan - we'll be looking forward to seeing the pictures.  Are they showing steers or pigs this year? 

 A western with Brian Keith is coming on so I'll stop and watch that.  I've always liked him.  Zetta, glad your AC is working well.  Glad you have it so you can stay inside and stay cool and away from the smoke.  Climate change is going to get us if we're not careful - and doesn't seem like the powers that be are very good at taking care of us.  I was watching them evacuate the Afghan Embassy this evening - did bring back memories of the evacuation of Saigon.  Seems like it was 20 wasted years and all those lives and they're right back where they started.  Both of Karen's sons were in Afghanistan during their tours of duty and she worried so much about them.

 I'd better stop - I've written way too much.  Jo - sorry about the clementines (seems I can't spell that either).  I hate to get oranges that are dry inside.  Oh, about the ice cream - I do love ice cream,almost any flavor.  I have a Ninja and it makes ice cream.  Just add two cups of frozen fruit, some milk and a little sugar (optional) and you get good ice cream.  The best I've made is from frozen mangos and pineapple - so good.  I need to make some again.   VitaMix also makes ice cream but they're so expensive.

 I'll see you all tomorrow.  Thanks, Zetta, for the words about the baby.  Sometimes I just feel like giving up but then I see the other babies running and playing but there's always that memory that another one could be playing with them.  I always stop and talk with the moms and try to make them feel better.  Silly, I guess, but that's me.

  Sleep well.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Joan - just saw the pictures.  My goodness, how those girls have grown and they're both so pretty.  I know you're so proud of them.  Guess my question was answered - a pig and a steer.  Can't place the breed of hog though.  Daddy raised Poland Chinas and Hampshires but these are spotted so not sure.   I bet they both did well.  Thanks for posting the pictures. 

     I just read my previous - guess you can call me Mouth of the South.  Used to have a SWS Chief from Alabama and that's what he called people who talked a lot.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Joan,    The pictures are precious and your Granddaughters are very cute. I bet your a proud Grandma. Its good to hear you had a nice safe trip, and its always nice to get home.  Sorry your having trouble with your hands, can you get something that will tighten the lids for you?

    Lorita,   I know you will worry about that baby but please try not to be hard on yourself. You and the baby will be in my prayers tonight. 

    Good Night, Hugs Zetta 

  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Good evening all.   My daughter, Carrie passed away today. Peaceful death. She was so loved. She has 7 children all married and 19 grandchildren.  She was 57.  Dementia is such a bad thing.  She is at peace now.  


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    (((((Judy))))) I am so sorry for your loss, you and your family will be in my prayers. Carrie is at peace now.  Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judy, please accept my sincere condolences on your loss.  I know how hard it must be to lost a child and such a great loss for her children and grandchildren.  Like Zetta said, she's at peace now and she's well again - no longer in pain.  You and her family will be in my prayers tonight.

     Zetta, your post brought tears to my eyes.  You are such a sweet person and so thoughtful.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Judy, you have my deepest sympathy. Losing a child is said to be one of the hardest things one can go through. You have been a good mom, and now Carrie is at peace.  I hope you can find some comfort in knowing she is no longer suffering.

    Lorita, I am so, so sorry about the baby. Very sad. Please forgive yourself. You are doing your very best and that is all you can do. 

    Joan, your granddaughters are beautiful. Glad they had a good time showing animals at the fair. 

    Sara, your cantaloupe sounded good (we used to call them musk melons). It is interesting how some fruits and vegetables will continue to ripen after they are no longer on the stem, for instance, peaches, tomatoes, avocados....and cantaloupe!

    Take care everyone. 

  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
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    Lolita. That is a Spotted Poland China pig.  We raised those too.
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Judy, I’m so sorry about the loss of your daughter.  So young.  You’re in my thoughts.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Dear Judy, so very sorry for the loss of your daughter.

    No matter how much "notice" we get before their passing, we can never be ready when the day comes.

    I hope the memories of better times together help you and her loved ones to have a lighter heart.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    For those of us with "hand trouble", regardless of the cause...years ago I used to get my nails done and the gal would give me a hot hand wax and massage.  The wax is actually paraffin not a sticky wax.  It was wonderful.

    I got myself one so I could do it any time and it has served me well when I over do the crocheting or the typing or other things.  Just plug it in, wait for the paraffin to melt and dip hands in it several times.  As the paraffin sets the heat goes into your hands and feels great.  When cool, just peel off the paraffin and put it back to reuse.  A light rub on the hands which are now warm and soft.

    I see that you can get them on Amazon by searching hand wax machine.  

    Mine is also big enough that I can dip my feet (one at a time)!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Judy I am so sorry about the loss of your daughter.  

    JoC tried looking into Transform also.  Noticed Sears being mentioned too.  Would shred the check if I had it.

    Would suggest anyone who wants a good mask to listen to a few Aaron Collins YT videos.  KF 94 are his favorite ones.  That is what I have been using.  He recommends getting them through Behealthyusa or kollecteusa.  You are taking a chance at Amazon that they are fake.   I use Be healthyusa.  Understand that KN95 out of China have no sort of regulatory commission over them.    KF 94 are from S Korea.  S. Korea has  strict standards, and there are huge fines if standard found not met.  All brands he has tested have greater than 95% filtration rate.  In clean environment they maintain a good filtration rate for 40 hours.  Once I open package I put mask in a brown paper sack marking date and hours of use.  Believe he said he waits 3-4 days before using that one again.  I wait 7 days.  Will get rid of mine after 35 hours I think.   Have tried two brands Puri and BOTN.  BOTN large black is my favorite.  Just ordered some more of them.  They have no collapse on inhalation, your voice is not muffled.  Saw one lady say she could sing very easily with it on.  Her choir is using them.  Know Aaron likes the Airwasher brand too.  Several people have mentioned Bluna as one they like.  On his latest video he has found Savewo.  Made in HongKong.  He says it is the most comfortable breathing one so far.  Hard to find though.  They just started manufacturing them in February 2020.  Will keep an eye out for them.  Really suggest you check out his channel.  Have seen him and Fauci mentioned in the same article back in winter.  He is an engineer who wanted to keep himself and his family safe, he is providing information that the cdc should be providing.  I’m so thankful I found his channel and will try and always keep a supply of these masks.  They will become part of my life.  Will wear during flu season when out and about even if we get past the pandemic.  They are a little hot in summer but make you much warmer in winter.  Saw many people wearing them while snow blowing lol.

    JoC skirt can be washed.  Must be air dried though.  Can iron on reverse side if it needs it.  Will have to check out the sweaters later.

    Joan thank you for sharing your pictures.  Hate to hear that you can’t make your jelly.  Loveskitties mentioned the hot wax treatment.  Have heard someone else mention they had found it helpful and had one at home.  Hope I can remember that if I ever need it.

    Made Anadama bread in my Pullman pan yesterday and it turned out nice.  Think I can use most any recipe in it.  Was not sure at first.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Judy, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. You and family are in my prayers. 

    Lorita, so sorry about your baby, I know your heartbroken. 

    Started Lou back on home health physical therapy Friday. The therapist caught her at a good time, because she was very compliant and went through the routine like a pro. Now if we can just keep it up her and I will be dancing again.

    Still all tied up in knots about my own health and will try again today to get appointment set up with cardiologists. I'm just not very patient when I call and several minutes go by with the recorded message, "we are busy helping other veterans now and your call will be answered in order its received ". Maybe this morning! Just wondering if my diastolic impaired relaxation has anything to do with my oxygen level getting low when I exert myself and taking so long to get back up to 96.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Loveskitties.  Your post reminded me of when my hands were hurting so much I went to PT at our hospital and they did the hot wax procedure on my hands - it felt sooo good.  At home at night I'd use a heating pad - anything to help the pain and the wax did.  I had no idea you could buy the kit to do it yourself.  They don't hurt now so I think it was the typing that caused the pain.  My hands have arthritis in the fingers and they aren't pretty anymore.  One time when I was at my doctors he looked at my hands and said "your poor hands" - his hands look worse than mine.  He's almost to the point he can hardly write anymore.  I have knots on my fingers you wouldn't believe.  A friend once told me that when you're getting arthritis in your fingers, they hurt; after it's in there, they don't hurt much at all.  And, Mary was so right. She had really bad arthritis in her hands.

     Sara - I looked at that website.  My goodness, that man can talk, can't he?  I checked the masks you were talking about - it says "respirator".  Do they have a respirator?  I think I may order some of them.  I have cloth masks that I've never worn, but did wash.  But I have always worn the three-ply pleated paper ones - many times two of them.  I'm going to wear them during the winter, too.  Stats show that wearing masks cut way down on the number of flu cases last winter - that should tell people something.  If I do order, and I will, I'll order from Behealthyusa.  I got leary of Amazon and all the masks they had - very confusing.  Good to have someone on our thread who keeps us up to date on things.  Thank you.

     About that check - I found a phone number online and I've called it twice this morning and it was busy both times.  Maybe that tells us something.  I won't cash it - things are just to iffy now.

     Ron, glad you had a good PT day with Lou.  I know that makes you feel better and more optimistic about things.  Do hope you can get your problems resolved so you'll know what's going on. 

     Thank you all, I appreciate your words of support about the calf.  I'm tending to think she had the calf, it nursed and then a coyote or something came along while she was way down in the pasture alone with it (all the others were up in what we used to call the "hog pasture). She came up and went directly into the area north of the house -  no bawling, nothing until later.  I spent almost an hour and half this morning checking out the 35 acre meadow, all along the north fence, around the bales of hay that are lined up along two edges and the west fence that has about a 12 ft.line  of trees and brush - this is directly west of where the cow went when we let her out.  I didn't see anything at all.  While I was over there I happened to think I should have brought a weapon with me - there's no telling what could be in those trees - very dense - a cougar, wild hog, wolf, coyote - but, I didn't see anything.  We have three trees in that meadow and there's weeds around them where they can't mow so checked those and a dead furrow that had tall grass.  I didn't let Stormy go with me and all the time I was down there I was hearing him bark.  When I got back to the house I took him for a ride.  Last night I told him he could go with me and he remembered.  He was content when we got back home.   So - I've checked 80 acres including fencelines, under trees, around hay, every where I could think of.  When I got back the girls were going into the barn - I guess that cow was already in the barn - didn't see her.  Yesterday I marked her with a marking pen.  She's not calling the calf so she knows it's gone.  Another sad story to remember.

     Jo - I did call Sears again this morning - talked to three different women.  The last one was American and I could understand her.  They were trying to either get me to go to a Sears store or approve the model they recommended on line. I told them whatever they selected was fine - just bring it out.  First delivery date is August 26 - so it will be a full month since the repairman came.  If the refrigerator wasn't so old I'd cancel the contract on it - it has icemaker problems so the contract has been worth the cost on it - and on the washer (which I still do not like, even after five years). 

      It was a nice, cool morning.  I was out at the very red sunrise.  So, there must be dust in the air.  Doesn't look like there's much wind blowing and it's going to be around 90 today.  Rose Bud was in the pond when I first went out but when I got back to the house she was laying down.  Always worries me when she's laying down - but I looked later and she was up.  I'm still going to keep the girls in that pasture for another day or so - grass is good and they have a pond and can get into the barn.

     Hope everyone's okay this morning.  I did take down the trash (seems like I do that every other day instead of once a week).  Back later.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Judy, I’m so very sorry for your loss.  You’re in my thoughts and prayers.  I hope your good memories help you get through your grief.  

    Lorita, so sorry for you losing a calf.  I know how you love your babies.  

    Loveskitties, thanks for the hot wax tip. It sounds like that would feel good.  I’ll look into getting one.  My hands seem weak from the autoimmune disease.  I injured one thumb, so know why it is weak.  Guess age probably plays into that too.  My hands just feel weak for some reason.  I’m sure the sprain didn’t help my right hand.  I’m doing therapy exercises and hoping this is a temporary thing.

    Thanks for comments on grandkids.  They’re great girls, and we have a lot of fun together.  

    I hope you all have a relaxing day.  I am off to the grocery store.  My refrigerator and pantry are looking empty.  Joan

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Judy, I send my heartfelt warmest thoughts to you as I hear of the death of your beloved daughter, Carrie.

    May it bring peace to know her passing was gentle; and that the love of and in her seven children and 19 grandchildren lives on as her legacy.

     From one mother to another,



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judy, please accept my condolences in the loss of your dear daughter, Carrie.  So many will miss her!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, what a debacle with that AC replacement.  Patience must be pretty much worn thin by now.

     I understand what you mean when you say you cannot understand the agent at the other end of the line.   Many companies outsource their calls and helplines to foreign countries because it is far cheaper for them to do so. Sometimes, the person taking the call has a poor understanding of English or the accent is so dense the conversation cannot be deciphered.

    Whenever I encounter a situation such as that where I cannot understand the agent or because the agent is not only in another country, but is also not being of much help, I always ask what country they are in.  Most will tell you; but every once in awhile someone lies and it is obvious.

     What I do is to make a polite but firm statement that I want to be transferred to an agent in the United States.  This is almost always done - what a relief to be able to be understood and to understand the agent and to get things managed.  I have had to do this multiple times over the years. 

     If I do not get transferred, I hang up and call again getting a different agent; I immediately declare I want to be transferred to the United States agent and then that most often will happen.

    So hope this gets fixed soon so it will be one less thing to have to wrestle with.

    Joan; your granddaughters have grown so much since their last photos.  They have become lovely young ladies and talented too!   What wonderful jobs they have done with their animals.   Proud and happy grandmother and also an awesome, loving connected grandmother who is making wonderful memories that will be with the girls forever.

    I am sorry about the jam making; I know you do a herculean job of that each year for the holidays.   I wonder; if you still want to make some, perhaps a bit less and having a granddaughter or other person do the job the hands are not yet able to do. 

    Goodness; DH decided to order fresh fruit online for car pickup at Sprout's - it is a hybrid grocery store and specializes in fresh produce that are organic and "natural."  Their stuff is pretty well good quality.   Anyway; he ended up ordering apples, grapes, cherries and strawberries - I thought that was it which was plenty ." . . . but when he got home, he also had ordered sourdough bread, Irish soda bread (which is delicious) and oh my; he had also ordered large soft chocolate chip cookies from the bakery.  I may have to "test" one of those cookies just to make sure they are worthwhile.  (That is my story and I am sticking to it!)

    Tis late and time to go tuck mysef in; that reminds me of one of my favorite childhod bedtime poems that was written in the 1800's, Wynken, Blynken and Nod:

     "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night
      sailed off in a wooden shoe —
    Sailed on a river of crystal light,
      into a sea of dew.
    "Where are you going, and what do you wish?"
      the old moon asked the three.
    "We have come to fish for the herring fish
      that live in this beautiful sea;
    Nets of silver and gold have we!"
      said Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.

    The old moon laughed and sang a song,
      as they rocked in the wooden shoe,
    And the wind that sped them all night long
      ruffled the waves of dew.
    The little stars were the herring fish
      that lived in that beautiful sea —
    "Now cast your nets wherever you wish —
      never afraid are we";
    So cried the stars to the fishermen three:
      Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.

    All night long their nets they threw
      to the stars in the twinkling foam —
    Then down from the skies came the wooden shoe,
      bringing the fishermen home;
    'Twas all so pretty a sail, it seemed
      as if it could not be,
    And some folks thought 'twas a dream they'd dreamed
      of sailing that beautiful sea —
    But I shall name you the fishermen three:
      Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.

    Wynken and Blynken are two little eyes,
      and Nod is a little head,
    And the wooden shoe that sailed the skies
      is a wee one's trundle-bed.
    So shut your eyes while Mother sings
      of wonderful sights that be,
    And you shall see the beautiful things
      as you rock in the misty sea,
    Where the old shoe rocked the fishermen three:
      Wynken, Blynken, and Nod."

     Sweet dreams everyone,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Aaron can talk lol.  He calls himself a mask nerd.  It is a mask Lorita, not a respirator.  You will only need one, not two of these.  Also use a mask lanyard with it.  Really like them.  Will find those a lot cheaper on Amazon.  It allows you to remove your mask and it just hangs around your neck.  If you do get a lanyard, tie a little knot behind the adjuster so it doesn’t come off.

    JoC good to know that you can ask for a us agent.  I thought I was just stuck.

    Yesterday was a dark gray day.  We had some rain but not a lot.  I cleaned house and went got mom beans and corn.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Had almost a paragraph written and it disappeared.  As I was saying - patience!, what patience?  What I have left is so thin you can see through it.  Computer's acting up and the cats are running amuck this morning so that doesn't help. 

     Day before yesterday I dropped a full bottle of water (1 lb.) on my second toe on the right foot.  I was busy so didn't have time to check it out.  Yesterday something got against it and it hurt so looked and it's purple and black. 

     One positive thing - I replaced the flapper in the stool in the bathroom.  Been putting that off and dreading it for a couple of weeks.  Hope it continues to work. One thing marked off my to-do list.  I take off one thing and put on two.  Noticed yesterday that the trim on the barn needs to be repainted.  Maybe Shaun's crew can do that when they clean out the barn and rebuilt the gates on the pen inside.  They'll probably have to rebuild the cowshed door and at least one shutter.  I need to have the pipe corral painted but maybe that can wait until next spring.

     There's rain north and south of us - nothing here.  It's raining in town where they only need it for lawns and not raining here where it's needed for meadows and pastures.  Stormy and I drove out and saw the girls - didn't count because they're in one pasture and everyone looked okay.  I saw Fawn and Jett together with one of the moms.  The cow isn't calling her baby so guess she's doing all right - better than I.

     Jo, the fruit and goodies sound so good.  Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite. You absolutely have to do a taste test.  Have you ever tried frozen grapes?  Delicious on hot days.

     I'm like Sara - didn't even think to ask to speak to someone in the USA.  I have asked to speak with a supervisor; one guy told me he was the supervisor.  I bet.  I've been talking with some of those people and heard chickens in the background - and they have the sweetest, little, American names.  I'm sure they're reading from some sort of script when you ask a question.  Service of any kind is going down the drain.  You used to be able to depend on someone to do their job and quickly - not so now.

     At least it's cloudy here today, so far, and cooler.  This weekend the heat is coming back.  Schools are opening in Oklahoma with the kids not being required to wear masks so I'm sure they'll be more surges.  I hear so many numbers so can't remember all of them but this morning there's four times more kids in hospitals than a week ago.  Seems like the whole world is going crazy with the virus, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, droughts, etc.  Yesterday I heard two States, Nevada and not sure of the other one is in severe water shortage.  The Colorado River is lower than it's been since the Hoover Dam was built. 

     All the awful pictures coming out of Afghanistan.  I feel so sorry for those people - some trying to hold onto the MAT plane that was leaving the airport - and then falling off.  I guess we need to stop watching the news - hardly even a good thing is reported.

     I tried that phone number that I found online about the check - always busy. So, I'll destroy the check. 

     Sara - I think I'll order ten of those masks. Like I said I have some that have KN95 stamped on them but they're probably fakes - probably ordered them from Amazon.

    Rose Bud was standing in the water this morning and it was cool.  I guess it makes her feel good so that's okay.  I fed her last night - she was at the mineral tubs and I called her and she made it up to eat. 

     Ron, I'm going to take a picture of Little Bit for you to see how he's grown.  He's really gorgeous.  I may decide to keep him - he's half Angus and half Brangus so it might be all right for as long as I'm going to do this.  Saturday afternoon I went out and cut weeds in the tub before the vet came and wasn't paying attention when something hit me on the hip.  Looked around and it was Little Bit - butted me with his big head.  I kind of slapped him on the head and told him to get away and he did.  He's very friendly, too friendly sometimes but not like Casper who never made a move toward you but would give you sugar through the car window. 

     Hope all of you are well this morning and will have a happy Tuesday.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Quiet thread and forum this morning.   There's floods south of us -  not a drop of rain here.  Some places have had from 2-5" of rain - glad for them but wish they could have shared.

     You all know I like to be independent and hate to ask for help but this morning I decided it was time.  My PU has been in the shop for a long time and they're still having trouble finding parts and there's a dead cell in the car battery so it won't hold a charge and I'm afraid to try to drive it into town, afraid it might stop running.   Darwin's offbounds now so guess I'm what you'd call stranded.  Mike offered to bring over a truck for me to drive if I needed it but I don't want to do that.    So - called Bryon who will be coming this afternoon to take out a big shrub or two.  I didn't know if he came through town on his way here so asked him.  He said he did sometimes (I doubt he hardly ever does).  He asked what I needed so I told him I was going to ask him, if he did come through town, to pick up a car battery for me.  Of course, he said he'd be happy, too - he's such a nice young man (probably in his 40s) and he's been mowing and doing things for me for several years.  I called the shop where the PU is and they have a battery and will add the charge for it to the PU ticket.  Bryon will pick it up this afternoon.  He said I didn't need to be out here without a means of transportation if there was an emergency.   I'll be glad to have something besides the Gator to drive if I need to.

     I didn't like to do this and was going to have them bring one when they brought the PU home - but who knows when that will be.  In a couple of days I'll call Red to see if the feedstore can bring another couple of mineral tubs.

     The time does come when you need to ask for help.  The time had come, I guess.  I'm not foreseeing any emergency but you never know.

     If and when the virus gets under control I'll trade in one, or both, of them and either get a new PU or Jeep.  Bryon is interested in buying the PU so we'll see. 

     I heard this morning that they're thinking everyone who got the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine will need a booster eight months after their vaccinations.  Didn't say anything about J&J. He also said it looks like the virus will always be with us so will probably need an annual booster just as we get an annual flu shot.  My eight months will be up in November.  Will have to think about whether or not I want to get both the vaccine booster and flu shot at the same time - probably not.

     Well, that's my story.  Getting old and needing help is not something I enjoy.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, thanks for the mask information from Aaron Collins on YT. I have had several different types of masks over this past year and a half. N95 first - hard to breathe! I then bought some KN95s, but reading about them, I think they could be fake. I have cloth masks with filters in a pouch - he says they aren't that great. I do like them as they are comfortable and "stylish." You (and he) have convinced me to try a KF94. I went to the behealthyusa.net site, and ordered a sample pack of POSH KF94. Will see how I like them. 

    I sure would like to be done with mask wearing. Shortly after many people got vaccinated, things were so much better in terms of the virus. Now, with the Delta variant, not very good again. 

    I read from a Facebook friend that she had donated blood in March and the blood was tested for antibodies. She said her level was 42, which she said was good. She just donated blood again and her level is now 5. Wow, what a drop. I'm a little worried to wait (?) 2 more months (8 months from when I had my 2nd vaccine) - before getting the third. 

    Also read about "booster" shots vs "supplemental" shots. Booster are another dose of the same vaccine. That's what is currently available. Supplemental are re-engineered to respond to changes in the virus, like is done with the flu shot every year. 

    We have had some nice weather lately, not as hot. I'm happy for that. I pulled my green beans as I could not keep up with them and they were getting large and tough. I trimmed my cucumber vines as they were going all over the place. I'm getting a lot of tomatoes and will be freezing some today. My daylilies are almost all done blooming now. I plan to divide a large number of them once it isn't so hot, September maybe.

    Hope you all have a good day and week.    Beth

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Jude, so sorry to read of your loss. No words seem adequate, but prayers sent for you, and hopes you can find some comfort that she is at peace and no longer in pain.

    Lorita, it’s so hard to ask for help. But I’d bet those you asked are glad to provide you with assistance. Everyone knows how hard you work, and how much you do, and feel sure they are happy to help out. I think you were smart to go ahead and get the battery yourself. You have waited so long with that “warranty” car business, at some point you have to cut your losses and just get things done.

    Cars are such a headache. I drive one that’s 20 years old, and finding parts is a big problem. We still have 2 cars, the other is a midsize newer one for DH—he can’t fit in mine, a two-seat sports car that’s no longer made. By all common sense I should sell mine—others of that model and age are now “collectible,” selling for more than we paid new. But it is not replaceable, and I sure do love driving it, and not a lot else I can say that about now. The dealer says I am the oldest person they know of driving a clutch and stick shift, lol.

    I wanted to trade in the bigger car last year, and didn’t. Now car prices, have gone up SO MUCH, and many models simply are not available. The news says it’s all over the country. New and used both. As you well know, just getting a car to and fro the shop is hard in itself. My little one has a leak, and the big one says check engine. I don’t know about that….

    About the flooding. It was bad, and a big mess for a few days, but better now. A lot of roads were closed, but I never heard of water in buildings. This is not tidal or Gulf water, it’s just too much rain on saturated ground, all drainage ways are flooded.  Even the flooding at the beaches here and Panhandle (the photos of Panhandle) is not salt, it’s all the rainwater. There was so much standing water everywhere. Cars trying to drive though would flood out and got left in the road. Now we have another storm for this weekend, but it’s supposed to stay farther out in the Gulf.

    A funny (hopefully) cat and rain story…as some may recall, a neighbor cat adopted us. They work all day, so he stays here, then at night I put him out and he goes home. He is such a great cat, so playful and amazing how affectionate. (He will not deal with DH at all). The neighbor husband laughs at how he has us all wrapped around his paw.

    But the big storm came in at night, with blinding rain. I would have thought hurricane. We’d had the cat all day, but he was not going out in the rain…and we do not have a litter box. After a few hours I tried to make one with potting soil and pea gravel we had on the deck, and a big glass baking dish I have not used in many years. (It’s huge). 

    He was having no part of it! You would laugh to have seen all that. That cat “held it” for 13 hours! I’m sure he had to go, and it wasn’t good for him, but I could not get him outside. I tried to push him out and he ran back quicker than I could stop him. All in driving rain. And the worst, longest thunder and lightning I’ve ever seen. Not scary, just a lot, for hours, worse than any hurricane I’ve been in.

    Jo, your idea of asking for someone in this country was great. Never would have thought, but I’ve struggled to try to understand so many.  Anymore I’m glad to get a real person and not “the robot” (which still kind of amazes me when it does work). But no, so many big box businesses don’t care about my service/problems, they have plenty more customers to make up for me.

    Too much, but have to share this…health tests for other things, found my glucose levels, in 2 tests a few days apart, were sky-high. (I am very underweight and no sweet tooth at all). I never imagined that. My doc got kind of excited; lots more tests in my near future, between car repair visits. Cortisol way high too, but that seems like a given for any caregiver. 

    Stay safe everybody. 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Asking for help seems to be tough for those who have always managed to independent.

    I know the tune  "don't want to be a bother", "don't want to put anyone out", "don't want to take advantage of a friendship"...and on and on.

    Perhaps you might think more in terms of a "barter" system rather than an imposition.  Many of those who willingly help would be offended by the offer of money for services, but might be very glad to have something you can share with them...a baked good, some fresh veggies, a pound of home grown ground beef, some flowers, etc.

    I realize that in the country  it will be hard to come up with ideas that they don't have themselves, but sure that you will find something to make you both happy.  Let folks do "their good deed" by helping you.

    Needing help is not a sign of weakness.  

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, such a sad situation with Darwin due to his wife's dementia jealousy - but I was wondering . . . . obviously, phone calls are out at this point in time, but how about texing him and using another name on the text?  He could read and respond and then delete.  He could assist with whatever work or asstance by telling his wife a fiblet. As it is, her dementia has in all probability been advancing and things may have changed a bit.

     Such a shame to lose that long term neighbor friendliness.  Rosebud back in the pool, she sure knows what she wants, sweet little old lady that she is.

     Ron, so hope that the cardiology appt. gets into place very soon.  May have to be a bit drarmatic to gain that appt., the clerks tend to respond to a bit more oomph than just talking normally.  Sad, but true so much of the time.  Not easy to work around the Vets dynamics.

     Lorita, of course DH and I will be fully masked at the med center when I have my procedure done, but he will be in the waiting room with many others; while fully masked I sure hope to have extra protection as masks when getting damp from breathing lose their safety margin.   I think we will do N95s for that period of time, just not worth taking chances.   So wish this were different, but it is what it is.  Getting used to being locked in the house except for doctor's appts. or car grocery pickup.  Weird just when we were getting comfortable going out and about a bit more with initial COVID - but now, with  Delta, back to full protection mode again.  Geeze. 

      Oh gosh, there goes phone - have a good afternoon and take care,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Bryon came and put the new battery in the car - and it started.  He let it run a little while, then did his work and started it again before he left.  Wonder how you disinfect a car -  just spray or wipe down?  That's what I did in the PU when I'd go into a store and come out.  His cousin came with him because Shane wasn't feeling well.  He's about 23 and Bryon said he hasn't been feeling well for a couple of days - little trouble breathing so he's going to get a covid test or at least try to find out what the problem is.  I remember I asked them a while back if either of them had been vaccinated - they haven't.  I wasn't close to either of these men and we were outside.

     I told him how much I appreciated him doing this and he said anytime I need something to let him know.  He and Shane have done so many different things to help.

     They took down the huge Manhattan  Euonymous, low hanging branches on a couple of trees the cows had defoliated and some berry vines that have been in the pipe fencerow that I got stuck on every time I went by.  He didn't bring his trailer so they're all in a couple of big piles until next time.  There are small plants so this fall I may transplant them - the house on the north side is bare now and looks so different.  Now, I'm a bit worried that the leaves of that shrub might be toxic to cattle - they are to dogs but by the time they come back the leaves will be off the limbs and I can rake them up if I need to.

     I asked him how much I owed him, then told him I was going to add $50 to it.  Of course, he  said I didn't need to do that.  But, I told him it meant so much to me for him to do that so did add $30.  From time to time I do that when they do extra and have given him different things - a couple of stock tanks a while back that had leaks - he thought he could weld the places and once we bartered for the Jeep and work he had done.  I told him I didn't want to make him feel bad about offering more so maybe it's okay.  Just makes me feel better.

     Jo - I doubt that Darwin knows about texting.  Next time I talk with Mike I'll ask him about him.  He seldom sees him but Toad does fairly often.  I just don't want to make his caregiving harder for him.  I remember some months ago she had mentioned that he had brought some girl they met in a store home with them and was keeping her upstairs.  I knew that didn't sound like him at all and, of course, it wasn't true.  He's a true gentleman - one of several I've known that are truly Southern Gentlemen.

     Beth, I'm going to order some of the masks Sara says she uses.  I've been wearing the 3-ply paper ones, sometimes two of them at one time, but think I'd feel safer with the others.

     Sara - are those masks too large?  I read some of the comments and one or two mentioned they were too big.

     Rescue Mom - it's the PU that's been in the shop for so long.  That's the vehicle I got Car Shield for.  The two batteries in it have been replaced and they're still searching for some different parts that are hard to find.  The only problem, I hope, with the car has been the battery.  At least that's what the AAA guy said - dead cell in it.  So, hope this works.

     It is hard to ask for help.  I felt comfortable doing that with Darwin and have many times.  He always said it would make him feel bad if I did need him and didn't call.  Really miss him - not for that - just as a friend and also his wife. Enjoyed talking and visiting with her.  Darn disease anyway!  It's so true that it not only affects the person who has it and their family but friends, too.

     Your car that you like is 20 years old just like our PU and car.  I like both of them and, like you said, car prices are out of range now.  The Jeep I could get the first of last year for $22,000 is now in the 40's.  No telling how much a new PU might be.  The first new Silverado we bought back in the 80s was $12,000 and it would probably be $30,000 now.  But, everything has gone up in price and shipping is as slow as molasses.  I've had a new SD card for my camera ordered for a month - they cancelled it once, then reordered and it's still not here - says it's been delayed.

     Jo - how was that taste test on the chocolate chip cookie?  Earlier today I was thinking about making a mug chocolate cake but it's too late now - will tomorrow.  Really good with ice cream - but what isn't?

     Loveskitties - wish I did have something to offer Bryon but couldn't think of anything. I do give them a cold Pepsi when they finish.  People might be afraid of baked goods so a little extra funds is about the best I could do.  He's hard-working so that will help him some.  Last summer I got this big box from WM - left on my porch when I wasn't at the house.  When I opened it there were two scooters, footballs and soccer balls.  I called the name on the label and told them it was here but they never came after it.  Called WM and told them and they said to keep it.  I gave all of that to Bryon - he has a 12 year old son so he and his friend got some new things.

    Lots of talk about the booster or third shot on TV this evening.  Seems like it should be about eight months after you were fully vaccinated.  They're learning more and more all the time - I think some of this information came from Israel.  That drop in the amount of antibodies Beth was talking about is kind of scary.  I think this stuff will be with us in different forms from now on - just another thing to deal with.  I've been at home so long I don't feel comfortable going anywhere.  I can really understand how and why people became hermits or reclusive.  I enjoy visiting with people when they do come and we're outside and on the phone but that's about it. The last people who were in my house was Darwin and his wife when she got in the PU and left home and came here - that was last summer I think.  Oh, and the repairman in the utility room.

     Jo - it would scare me to be in a doctor's office or waiting room.  When I did go in the wintertime I always sat in a chair in the waiting room far away from people (this was during flu season) and wore a mask.  I think masks will be a part of our wardrobe from now on. 

     Just had some more beans, potatoes, carrots and cornbread - really good but I'm about ready to freeze the rest and have something different for a while. The cats love the cornbread.  I have a recipe, somewhere, for cornbread salad that's delicious.  I think crumbled cornbread, pinto beans, olives, onions, tomatoes and maybe corn?  Not sure.  Then the dressing I used was picante sauce.

     Walked down in the pasture after the girls came out and saw them - checked the barn and they were all out today.  Yesterday Jett was laying in the hayring when I went out and Fawn was farther down by the barn.  When I went back both were gone.  Jetty saw me and came up and we looked for Jett.  She went directly to the place she had left him.  I found him laying down in weeds and called her and told her I found him.  Here she came, said something to him and he got up and had a snack, then off they went.  Still feel so bad about the baby but nothing I can do but try to do better.  How many times I have said those words and still things happen.

     Sorry to have written so much - just had a few things to say.  Hope all of you sleep well tonight.  We still have a pretty good chance of rain the next two or three days.  In fact, things look greener now than they did three days ago - even the wild violets have pepped up.

     See you all later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita thought I would answer your mask questions.  I have a very long face so the large BOTN fits me real well.  See the white comes in medium too.     Got a email from behealthy yesterday saying they have been inundated with orders recently.  They feel it is due to school starting. Said in two weeks they should have their supply back to normal.  Ten should be plenty for quite a while Lorita.  That is 400 hours of wear.  Ten was what I just ordered.  Suppose to get here Friday I think.  Don’t really need them but going to keep plenty around as long as I am able.

    Beth KF94 much easier to breathe through than N95.  As Aaron says the Koreans have the mask thing down.  They were using them way before the pandemic.  Guess they have to deal with some type of yellow dust a certain time of the year. Understand all their pharmacies sell them.  Let me know if you like Posh.

    JoC you and your husband doing right thing wearing N95.  Just isn’t worth the risk to me. Like you, I am cautious and trying my best to be responsible.  

    Good night everyone

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes
    Hi all,

    My time at home was way too short, but I did get to hang out with my girlfriends, then had a nice time with my family for my birthday.

    On the day I was scheduled to come home my cousin calls me to say our uncle slid off the side of his bed and landed on the floor. She had to call the paramedic. He ended up being admitted for a uti. Then 20 days in a rehabilitation facility.

     My cousin did admit that our uncle has gotten worse in the year since last summer when she was here in Vegas. 

    I didn't catch up with all that I missed from you all. But I'm back.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    How did you all order the masks- by phone? What is the difference be tween posh and both?

    Nicole, glad you had a good time with your friends.  Always hard to come back after a vacation.  Sorry your uncle us declining and fell.  Hope he is okay.  Welcome back we missed you.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, my cat Simon loves corn!  When I cook a cob in the microwave, he smells it and comes a'running.  I give him one or two tablespoons of cooked corn kernels, then give him the cob to gnaw, like a dog gnaws a bone.

    Were you the one who complained about squirrels?  Hints from Heloise has a suggestion from a reader in her column today.  She bought large containers of black pepper and chili powder.  She sprinkled some of the contents around the base of her outdoor draperies, on her outdoor rugs and around her furniture cushions every two or three weeks.  This has worked for her for over three years without fail.  It sounds like it could work if you can put it where your dogs and outside cats cannot reach.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Welcome back Nicole

    Rescue mom hope they get the blood sugar thing figured out for you.

    Lorita I ordered mine online.  They do have a store number.  Not sure if you can order that way or not but no harm in asking.  201-403-4143,  10am-7pm EST.  You asked about the difference between POSH and BOTN.  They are just different brands like coke and Pepsi.  I have BOTN and Dr Puri brands.  Prefer BOTN as it doesn’t collapse toward your mouth when you breathe in.  Realized the other day though that I don’t even notice the difference anymore. Think I have gotten to where I am very relaxed with them and breathe very naturally with them.

    Was another dark wet day yesterday.  

    Take care everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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