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Just need to talk to my friends (153)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita don’t know how to tell if they are fake so just order from a trusted spot,  not somewhere where anyone can sell.

    Lorita if you have any thought that you might have gotten one of those tick diseases you need to go to doctor immediately.  Understand treatment fairly successful if done early but more likely to have long term issues if treatment delayed.  Know of a guy who just had one of those tic illnesses.  He quickly got appropriate antibiotic, took a few days but he is feeling good now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Sara,

     I haven't had any trouble with the bigger ticks, just the tiny ones.  I don't think they cause diseases - I hope!  Thanks.

     I put those masks in my card but it won't let me go to checkout.  What am I doing wrong or what do I need to do?  You posted their phone number so may I'll just call them.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, glad you are ok. Those darned computers! They just don't work right sometimes!

    Deer ticks are small ticks. I copied this info for you: 

    What Do Deer Ticks Look Like?

    When unengorged (i.e. not filled with blood), the female blacklegged tick is roughly 1/8”, while male ticks are slightly smaller at about 1/16”. Both male and female deer ticks have flat, oval bodies, and are not hard-shelled. Female deer ticks are orangish brown in color except for their legs, mouthparts, and scutum (shield). Unengorged, their abdomen is a dark reddish-brown color but becomes darker after feeding on a host. Male deer ticks are reddish brown overall.

    Deer ticks carry Lyme disease. Not sure if that is what you are seeing. Maybe save one in a glass jar in freezer, to show or have analyzed if need be.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Beth.  I had two or three of the deer ticks two or three months ago but none since.  What I'm having trouble with now is the seed ticks - about the size of a poppy seed.  You have no idea they're there until there's a nickel-sized, or bigger, red spot and it itches/hurts.  They are tiny, tiny, black ones and they're so hard to get off.  I read somewhere this morning that you can scrape them off with a knife.  I haven't done that but have used my fingernail because they're very hard to get hold of with tweezers.

     Many years ago mother and daddy, Charles and I went to a singing convention somewhere NE of here, in the hills - very woody area.  We took our lunch and stood by the car while we ate.  On the way home, we were covered with those little ticks - we thought they were chiggers for a while.  Awful!!  Earlier when Jett was laying in the Prickly Pear I got some, I thought, from the Johnson grass that was in the pears.  I haven't been around that lately but guess they're just in the grass.    I hate ticks.  I guess I'll have to start wearing a flea and tick collar (wonder if that would work?)

     Still having trouble placing my order with Behealthyusa.  I have the masks in the cart but when I check "agree with the terms" it doesn't show and I can't go to checkout.  I did call the number Sara gave us but they can't take orders over the phone.  I creacted an account on my tablet - I'll keep trying.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    ronald71111 wrote:

     A lot of times those messages are scams. Just run a virus scan on your device!

    Yes!  I clicked on a such a link years ago and got infected that way.  Now I know not to click on any links from messages, especially pop-up messages. 

    Do you wear long white socks when you go out. You might need to wear a white undershirt also.

    I don't know if this is the right term but ticks "hibernate" over the winter.  Cold weather doesn't stop them.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita those poppy seed ticks can cause Lyme disease, just watched a pharmacist talking about that.  He got Lyme disease from one of those. Now the other diseases caused by tics I’m not sure about. One of the YT channels I watch, the guy just had Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from tick.  He was on antibiotic and took a couple of weeks but he is feeling better.

    I just tried behealthy and had no problem getting to checkout.  I would empty my cart.  Click out and go back in and reload cart to see if that helps.  Have had trouble like that before too when ordering online.  Every once in awhile they can have a computer issue on their end also.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    Judith thank you for the link.  Saved it so I can refer back to those pictures.

    Didn’t find time to make kraut yesterday so maybe I will today.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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     If you're going to be walking through tall grass, to prevent ticks getting on you, wear long pants, long sleeves, and socks. There are also insect repellants you can apply. You can google for what the best tick repellants are.

    An interesting fact about the lone star tick. Being bitten by one can leave you with an allergy to red meat! Someone I know had that happen. He had an anaphylactic reaction and can no longer eat beef or pork.

    Our son and his family are coming over today. We are going to serve lasagna and blueberry pie with ice cream. 

    Not much else happening around here today other than I clean the bathrooms and kitchen once a week, usually on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. By the way, I make my own foaming hand soap and have for quite some time. To do that you need a soap dispenser specifically for foaming hand soap. You can buy on Amazon, or you can re-use one from Bath & Body Works. Fill 3/4 full with water. Add a couple tablespoons of Dr Bronner's liquid soap. You can add a teaspoon of avocado oil which helps the dispenser to work well (stay "oiled.). You might wonder why I make this. Well, it doesn't have all the chemicals you find in soaps you purchase. Healthier. We absorb what we put on our skin into our bodies and that means a lot of chemicals over the years. I currently use Dr. Bronner's pure castile liquid soap, baby unscented. You can get scented too - they use essential oils and I especially like the almond.

    Lorita, hope you get your computer issues resolved. Wouldn't it be great to have a computer expert right at hand when needed? I usually google any computer issues I have to try to figure out how to fix it. Sara, hope you get your kraut made. I bet it is good and it is so healthy for your gut.

    Zetta, hope you are you enjoying your new phone. I also have an iPhone SE. I chose it in part because of its smaller size. I like it but I am far from an expert on it.

    Judith, thanks for the link regarding ticks. Very interesting. We have what I call wood ticks, but not sure what their "real" name is. Thankfully I haven't seen any this year. We have a lot of moles and wasps/yellow jackets this year though!

    Enjoy your day!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     There's lots of rain north of us - just as near as five or six miles moving east.  We haven't gotten more than enough to get the grass wet but there's supposed to be more this afternoon.  Wish we could get rain on pastures and meadows instead of concrete - farmer and rancher's lament, I guess.

     I was going to charge the backrubber but it was misting so I'll wait until tomorrow morning.  The girls are split this morning - 19 in the east pasture and the rest way down in the NE pasture.  Came up three short but didn't see little ones so they're laying down.  Tom and Jerry were ready for breakfast.  Rose Bud was out front and when she saw me she came up for her feed.  Happy to feed her anytime she wants it.

    Judith, thanks for the link about ticks - awful, creepy-crawly looking things.  I'm surely not going to examine them closely enough to tell if they're male or female and there's no way you could tell about these seed ticks.  Last night I found one on the toe I dropped the water bottle on.  It began to hurt and there the little dickens was.  I'm beginning to think theses little seed ticks may move around in the wind.  Beth, I wear socks when I go out and have begun to wear boots but they still get on me - crawl up the boots, I guess. I'm not touching grass or weeds with my arms but they still get on my torso.  Hate ticks.  I don't know which are those are the ticks that get on dogs but they start out small and if you don't get them off pretty soon they can be as big as your thumbnail and gray - full of blood.  Sara, you can feel the bigger ticks when they're on you but you don't feel the little ones until the area is red and swollen and painful.  Patsy always said that was one thing she didn't like about Oklahoma - all the varmints and pests we have. 

     I hear thunder so maybe...  It's supposed to be 100 Monday through Wednesday but he says the humidity will be lower - but, that's still way too hot.

     My computer's okay, Beth - just can't seem to do much with behealthyusa website.  Could be because so many people are ordering now because school's beginning.  The man I talked with yesterday said they're shipping within four days.  I'll keep trying.  Have you gotten your POSH masks yet? Sara, what was that other website you mentioned that has the KN94 masks?

     Fall is near because all of the Royal Empress trees have put on their bracts of buds.  Haven't really been anywhere to see if the golden rod is beginning to bloom.  Those are two sure signs that fall is near. 

     Enjoy your Saturday.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    more on ticks;


    additionally I have always head that vinegar taken internally will repel ticks and misquetoes (sp) but what would a city girl know...lol

    I stopped at the watermelon man on the way back from the dentist. He said he would take a check so I bought more that I would have. Watermelon out by the sinkhole at 7p.

    Put a bid on a house today. It will need a bathroom put in upstairs and we may be able to add an additional bedroom too. We figure to make a tidy return. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, is it you and your grandson that are going to flip houses?    Sounds like that one might be a good place to startDoes he do carpenter work?

     Watermelon, for us?  If so, I'd like to be there with bells on.  I haven't had watermelon for two years.  Is it a man who raises the melons and bring them in on his truck to sell?  What kind did you buy?

     Lots of information floating around about ticks, isn't there?  Not a pleasant subject especially when you're right in the middle of them.

     It's been raining hard here for the last hour.  No TV reception but it looks like it's losot it's scheduling - just says regular scheduling.  Just another something to think about.  I did empty the rain gauge this morning so, hopefully, when I go out, we'll have had a couple of inches.

     Also anxious to see how the two babies made it in the rain.  Sometimes it scares them but they were with all the others so maybe they did all right.  When it rained hard like this Charles always said the cows and new babies were getting a good bath.  I left the Gator out of the carport, too, so it's getting a good bath - which it really needed - and the car, too.

     Glad I didn't charge the backrubber.  The diesel and insecticide would have stayed in but there would also have been water.  It's muddy underneath it where I let the water tank run over so I imagine it's really muddy now.   Just heard a very loud clap of thunder, sounded just a bit south of us.  Sheena's afraid of thunder so she's nervous.  She wouldn't eat her breakfast but Mr. Kitt ate some of it - cats eat dog food and dogs eat  cat food.

     Did you all hear that the Girl's softball team from Muskogee won the World Series of Little League Softball?  First time ever. 

     Looks like Henri is going to hit part of the NE - it said first time in 30+ years.  Can't imagine what a hurricane would be like in a big city.  Funny you never hear much about tornados in a big city either.  

    Judith, has the sinkhole stabilized or is it still getting bigger.  What will you do about it?  You said it was near your swimming pool - is it caused by the pool?

     Really raining hard now.  Wish it would do this until noon.  Can you all imagine how a heavy rain would sound in a sheetiron barn?  A sprinkle sounds like a rain storm - really loud.  It's been raining too hard for the girls to walk in it so guess they're getting wet.

     Time for another cup of hot tea.  Back later.  Judith, did the watermelon man have orange ones?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    ronald71111 wrote:

    Shirley, caregivers are allowed with spouse at my VA. In fact the VA even has a program for caregivers of veterans. I would suggest you contact your spouse's primary care provider or patient advocate. 



    This might be determined by the state within which the facility is located.

    My mother had 2 surgeries during the pandemic within the same hospital system. During the first, I was allowed to go with her to the prep area before she was handed off and I was sent to a family waiting room I was not allowed to leave. Her surgeon met me in the room and escorted me to recovery where I was allowed a brief visit before being escorted back to the family waiting area until she was in her private room.

    At the second surgery, which was ambulatory at a satellite hospital in a different state, I was allowed to escort her to check-in because she's a fall risk, but sent out of the building once she was in their care. Her surgeon called me to report the outcome and instructed me to be prepared to pick her up in 90 minutes. The post-op nurse called me at that time and I drove up to where she was waiting outside for me.

    Two very different experiences on either side of the Delaware. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Yes, it is with the cowboy. We will see what all he can do. I am the one signing the contract but expect some others to buy in.

    The watermelons are from Rush Springs and he has red and orange. I came home with 2 huge red ones. Trader Joe's has had orange. They were really good. Lorita, why haven't you had watermelon for years? How have you resisted.

    Beth...thanks or the Dr Bonner formula. I will certainly mix up some of that. I remember that my father always used castile soap. In Santa Fe I could buy olive oil soap. Either of those would be better for my dry skin.

    The sinkhole is where the deep end used to be and no, it has not stabilized. The question remains "how to work with it"....leave or fill. So many interesting things come from the unexpected if we just choose to embrace what happens.

    Starting to get ready for bulky trash day in 3 weeks....lots to trim, part of a fence to remove, some furniture to deep six  etc. 

    Time for some Sinatra to get me cranked up. Some how I get more tidying done to music.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Beth forgot to answer your question about grocery stores.  The main thing I have noticed is milk and eggs, but really don’t have any trouble getting them.  Try to go on Thursday or Friday.  Noticed for years those were the days that tend to be better stocked.  Always seems to be a good supply of fruit and veggies.  

    Kollecteusa is the other website Aaron mentioned Lorita.  Give them a try.

    Beth I’m going to try that soap too, if I can remember to order the dispenser.  Believe I already have the soap, think it is in with my garden supplies.  Thank you.

    Watermelon sounds good.  Wish you and your grandson luck with the house.  

    My nephew is feeling better this morning.  His fever is down, his pulse ox is good.  

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:


      Can't imagine what a hurricane would be like in a big city.  Funny you never hear much about tornados in a big city either.  

    Think Hurricane Sandy in New York--my brother lost his new car to flooding on Long Island.  Just a few weeks ago the subways in NY were flooded from ordinary rain, not a hurricane.   

     Judith,  I'm reading a book by Anne Bastings called Creative Care--a Revolutionary Approach to Dementia and Elder Care.  It's about using theater to bring out the imagination of elders. I know you are involved in the arts.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     We had 2" of rain - rained hard for about two hours.  The ground was so dry it's almost all soaked in already.  This should get us through the next couple of weeks and then we have September when the weather will begin to get cooler and there will be more rain, we hope.

     Iris, I remember seeing the flooded subways on the news.  How awful that would be to be down there and it being flooded.  I couldn't handle being in a subway anyway though.  Imagine how scary a hurricane would be if you were in high-rise building.  Bad enough in a one-story house.

     Had to go out and see if everyone was okay.  There were a couple of cows and calves still out - Fawn and her mother were at the back of the barn so opened that gate so they could go into the barn - then saw Jett coming up.  Guess she had been babysitting so got him in the lot and closed the gate.   I hadn't chained the gate and guess a cow had pushed it open and was grazing the nice grass along the road that goes down to the driveway.  So, got her back in.  Wish I had a gate at the south end of the meadow so they could get that grass.

     Decided I'd put some gas in the Gator and heard a cow bawling.  Saw Jett's mom coming around the barn, bawling - couldn't find her baby.  She was frantic so called and told her he was in the barn.  She stopped and looked at me and went around to the back of the barn where he was and found him.  I checked and he was having lunch.  I know they understand what I'm saying.

     Judith - no watermelons because I haven't been anywhere to get one.  Can't think of anything I need to go to town for but if I do maybe there will be a truck with some.  Half of the last two I've gotten went bas before I could eat them - even in the refrigerator.  I need to get smaller ones.

     Thanks, Sara, I'll try that.  I've opened an account with behealthyusa but it still won't let me checkout or even say I agree with the terms.   So glad your nephew is getting better.  Did you say he had been vaccinated?

     Judith, do hope your house flipping goes well.  Have you ever watched the show on TV - Flip or Flop?  Lots of work to get houses back in order if they're really run down but if it can be done, you will do it. 

     It was 76 degrees here a while ago.  We've had a pretty good August with the exception of about a week of hot weather, three or four days at a time. 

     Judith, I think you bought some kind of air fryer - do you like it and do you use it?  They're showing a Power XL on TV so that reminded me.

     Seems like a good day for a nap even though I slept well through the night.  Not long ago it was daylight sat 5:30 - now it isn't until after 6:30. 

     Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita my nephew is not vaccinated. Neither is his brother.  Their mom encouraged it but they wouldn’t do it.  His mom told me he was feeling better this morning.  He just texted me a bit ago and told me his legs were killing him.  When I asked if he could take ibuprofen he said his mom was giving it to him.  Said it didn’t really help.  Feel sorry for him, and I hope and pray he does ok.  Hope if he survives this he learns to make better choices.  I just told him, I’m sorry, what can you say? 

    My sister got me an air fryer few years ago.  I use it a lot and will definitely replace it if I can, when it quits working. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I have the Cuisenart toaster/ oven/ air fryer. I use it a lot but not for air frying.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,    I did know that was Michael Learned, but I could not think of her name when I was telling you about the kiss. And yes I do think I remember something about their daughter. I remember Michael Learned on The Waltons, she is a very pretty lady, so there must have been some meaning in the kiss he gave her on Gunsmoke. Its good that you remembered to ware your medical  guardian when you were out for so long. I really need to get me one but its something I keep putting off. I don't like the monthly fee but I guess it won't get any less. Are you paying about $30.00 a month for it? 

    I wish we would get some rain, you must be happy to have gotten 2 ins, I wish we would get a good hard rain, just to clear up the air we have around here. We are still being told it is not safe to be outside, due to the air quality. 

    When I was a little girl I spent a lot of time at my grandparents house they lived along the Calif Coast. I never got ticks but I was told they were around so I always had long sleeves and long pants on. I remember when people got them they would hold a match up to them and they would back out. I never saw this being done I just remember hearing about them. 

     Sara,      I am glad to hear that your nephew is feeling better, Why are his legs hurting? I must have missed something. He will be in my prayers. 

     Beth,  And yes I am getting better on my phone. My daughter will be here in a few days so I will then learn some more. I have been surprised at how much I am learning and some of the stuff I am figuring out on my own. This phone is about 3 times the size of my old phone I find it hard to hold in my hand because I am so used to the smaller phone. It's nice that your son and his family come often I bet you enjoy the family time. 

    I did get out and do some porch painting today. Even if the air quality is not good it is a bit better  then it has been. I hope to get out and do some more tomorrow. I am working on the trim now then when that is done I will be staining both porches. They are small porches so it should not take too long.

    I hope you all had a good day. Good Night Zetta    

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Man, did it ever warm up after the rain - from the 70s up to mid 90s but it's a bit cooler now.  I always go out to the barn after the girls leave to make sure no one is left inside - Jett was still in there so closed the lot so he couldn't get out.  Then, I drove over to find his mom - looked back at the barn and she was standing at the gate so got back and let him out.  She gave him a very brief snack and took off with him.,  Believe it or not, it's kind of muddy in places.

     Zetta, Mike called this evening on his way to a farm call to pull a calf and I asked him about what to do for ticks.  He said to wash off my feet and legs when I come in with bleach water - less than l part bleach to four parts water.  Told him I was using alcohol and that's good, too.  He said you can also use nail polish on them and they can't breathe so it kills them.  We tried, or I tried holding a match to a tick that was on Charles- didn't work or he didn't trust me enough not to burn him.  We usually just get hold of them and pull them off or use treezers if you're squeamish.  Reminds me of something Carol told me.  Her husband is a real city boy - never lived in the country at all.  When we were working she said he got a tick on him and hurried down to the employee doctor to get it off.  One of the girls who lived in the Country, got hold of it and pulled it off.  It amazed him that she could do that. 

     Be very careful, Zetta, getting outside in that heat and bad air - just do a little at a time or wait until the air quality is better and it's cooler. 

     Judith, you need to use the air frying part of it  - the food is so good in it.  We've had a kind of air fryer since the 70s, still have one and I've used it so much.  You can cook things from frozen and it's so good.  Love French fries in it.

     Had a call from Jack about the time I got back to the house.  He's doing all right.  His central air went out so he has one window AC in the bedroom.  He sleeps in his recliner in the LR but is using fans and he says he's doing all right.  He says he goes into town every 4-5 days and people are beginning to wear masks again.  Mike said about 20% of the people who come into his clinic are wearing them - no employees wear them though but they can if they prefer. 

     Zetta, my Medical Guardian is about $160 every three months.  Our vet's wife checked on all of them when they got one for his mother and she said that was the best price she found.  It is a comfort to know that if you fall or if you need help, someone is on the line in a few seconds.

     Sara - glad your nephew is feeling better but sorry about his leg pain.  Is that one of the symptoms of the virus?  I hope he's better soon and maybe this will make his brother want to get the vaccine.  I know you're really worried about him but there's nothing you could have done to prevent it.  If a person doesn't want to get it, they just won't.  Found that with Jack.

    Don't know anything else so I'll stop for tonight.  Thinking about going in the bedroom to watch TV after Shark Tank goes off.  It's on a local channel and I don't get them in the bedroom.

     Sleep well.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning 

    Believe the leg pain is from the virus.  If he gets over this I’m going to try and have a little talk with him about common sense and educating yourself from evidence based facts.  He does listen to you usually even if he acts like he isn’t.  His mom said he is c/o being bored.  Told her it is good that he is able to be bored.  He is quarantined for 10 days. The other nephew listens to no one.  That can be good but they can be bad too. His mom is hoping this will help him to go get vaccinated.  Hope it will too, but don’t know that it will.  

    His dad did get vaccinated but he still has wanted to act like he didn’t really think it is important for us getting out of this pandemic.  My sister says he has changed his mind now.  I sent that link Beth gave us to my sister.  Think more reasonable people of the are starting to realize this is getting old.  And hopefully enough will start to see that at some point the way we can get out of this and start helping others in the world to get out of it so we can truly get out of this.  

    Got my kraut made yesterday.  Only got a quart and half out of two heads of cabbage.  Mom gave me the cabbage and it isn’t hard enough.  Will try and get some at farmers market this week and make some more.  My sister wants three quarts and will make myself a few pints.

    Hope I can rest today.  May go pick blueberries.  Will be the last time.  Probably get a quart or so.  Maybe I will try the cobbler again, or just freeze them.

    Have dehydrated a lot of herbs.  Starting to dehydrate some tomatoes.  Like to use them for tomato paste.  Makes it simple.  Cooking for one, never use a whole an so this works nice.

    Like French fries in air fryer too, roasted vegetable, chicken tenders. Use it frequently.  My sisters new range has air frying technology.  Have never asked her how that works.n going to try and remember to ask her.  Maybe one of you guys have it?

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, how old are your nephews?  Maybe this will make the one who has the virus want to get vaccinated and hopefully the other one will, too.  Sometimes I think it's like talking to a brick wall to try to get someone to take the vaccine.  I know it is with Jack so I've decided not to push.  I hope the leg pain subsides soon and he doesn't get worse or get more symptoms.

     I decided I'd wait until tomorrow to charge the cow's backrubber.  We had the rain yesterday (thank you, God) so the backrubber is wet.  It'll dry out today in our "warm" weather so I'll try to do it tomorrow.  I saw one cow down by the hogpond and others in the south pasture so that worried me.  I drove down and there were 30 of them in that pasture (Rose Bud's the one I saw) and the other 18 were in the other pasture.  Don't know why they're separating,  Fawn was with the 30, exploring with another calf but didn't see Jett.  He was in the other pasture laying down but he got up and went to mom for protection.  He isn't quite as active or as big as Fawn but seems okay.  If he's laying down and you approach he gets up and his ears are up so guess he's all right.  I should have taken Stormy but I was in a hurry - I will next time. 

     Got back and was sitting in my chair having my toast, jelly and hot tea when a cat jumped up on the back of the chair - they hit it like a ton of bricks.  Felt something get into my eye so put in some drops but could still feel it.  I went out on the porch and looked at it and there was part of a blade of grass in it laying against the eyeball.  I was able to get it out but it irritated my eye a little bit.  Where could it have come from I don't know.  I feel like things are out to get me.

     Now I feel like a piece of bubblegum (a great big piece).  I wear patio dresses around the house in the summertime because pants are too hot.  I do wear pants when I have something outside to do (most of the time).  I've been wearing a navy blue one with embroidery around the square neck - so comfortable but it need to be washed so put on a new, pink one.  I like pink but this is almost over the top.  Guess I'll get used to it.  The pink dress and pink shoes I wear all the time plus the dandelion-type hair is a bit weird.  I don't know what in the world is going on with my hair. I've tried different kinds of shampoos and conditioners and it's okay for about an hour after I shampoo, then it frizzes.  Guess it's good that hardly anyone sees me so shouldn't worry or think about it.

     Sara - Carol and I were talking the other day about things that were used on the farm.  Everyone made their own kraut and canned everything.  When we made kraut we used knives to shred the cabbage (I know what you mean about the head not being hard enough) but Carol said they used a cabbage slicer, I think she called it.  She said it was kind of like a mandolin.  I bet that would work really well.  I used to like to eat kraut straight out of the jar or out of the crock.  Mother packed it into a 5 gallon crock and put a big plate on top to weigh it down.  Then, they put it down in the cellar to make the kraut.   Charles liked to cook it with pork chops or wieners.

     Nothing going on here today.  I slept well and didn't get out of bed until almost 7.  It's just good daylight at 6:45 - can really tell the days are getting much shorter.  I do have a couple of boxes on the front porch I need to open.  I'm not going to take down the trash tomorrow so there will be boxes on the porch all week plus the ones that will come this week - Chewy-time again.

     It was really nice out this morning - some wind and cool.  Tulsa's under a heat warning today with heat index up to 115 - that county and two or three around it.  Supposed to be a very hot week.  Did I mention that Jack said his central air conditioning went out - think I did. 

     Watched a little bit of the Pioneer Woman this morning.  She made something that seemed over the top to me - she pressed a roll of chocolate chip cookie dough into the bottom of a big iron skilled, topped that with a layer of Oreos and put liquid caramel between the cookies, then put a prepared brownie mix over all of that and baked it.  After it was baked and cooled she put dips of ice cream on top with chocolate syrup and whipped cream over that.  Wonder how many calories would be in a piece of that?

     On that note, I'll stop and find something cold to drink.  Hope all of you are well.  Judith, how was the watermelon?  Do you eat it with salt and pepper and with a fork or spoon?  Asking because mother liked pepper on her watermelon and cantaloupe and ate both of them with a fork.  I like salt and use of a spoon.  Different strokes, I guess.

     Weather up in the NE looks pretty bad.  Stay cool, if you can.



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good day everyone.   It is a cooler day here; we will only be in the low to mid 80's which is pleasant after the humidity and the low 100's and high 90's.  Weather . . . . it really does affect people.   We groan about the summer heat and then in the winter, we grouse about the cold and wet.  I keep saying that I want only spring and autumn and no other seasons, but Mother Nature has other ideas.

    We have had a quiet week this week.  All family okay; all neighbors okay, and things quiet.  That is a blessing.   Grocery pick up at the supermarket, but that has been all the "excitement."

    We have a dear relative, a fellow in his 30's who never knew who his father was and his mother had passed away.  He always wondered what his heritage may be by nationality.   I gifted him with a DNA search and he got his results this week. To his utter surprise, he is nearly 60% French and German with some Irish and British.  He had no inkling and said he never would have thought of that.    He was glad to have learned where his ancestors are from and what went into making him.  Seems such a little thing, but it can mean a lot. I think of playing with the Census records to go back and find great grandparents and beyond, but my family on both paternal and maternal sides are with my grandparents from other countries.   So we do not go that far back in the U.S.  Yet; so very American.  I did see Ellis Island information on one grandparent including the name of the ship, a drawing of the ship and what the ship's lading was when it docked in New York.  Really stunning to see that in real life.   I think Scandinavian countries have done a good job re genealogy; it would be fun to look for my relatives in those countries, but I never seem to get around to it.  Have any of you done such a search? I had an aunt who was an army nurse in WWII.  She actually cared for patients in the battlefield as well as on the Queen Mary.   I really should look her history up too.  What a time with experiences she must have had!  Pretty brave.  She ended up being a hospital RN for awhile, then later became a school nurse way up in the northeast. Goodness; saw some basic "down home" recipes online from "Taste of Home" magazine.  They looked not only delicious, but easy.  I lost the specific site and cannot find it again.  Drats.  I love recipes that are so like long ago recipes our mothers made and even ourselves when younger.   Frankly, I love a good casserole but do not make them as it is now only the two of us and they never taste the same if frozen for later use. As for the tomato paste Sayra; I never seemed to use an entire can either, so I began to buy the tomato paste in a tube and really like it so much more than the canned; no tin or bitter flavor, no turning color.  Once opened, it keeps forever in the refrigerator.   The Amore brand is good, and they also make  pesto, Italian herb, garlic, sundried tomato, black olive, and anchovy paste in a tube.  I have never tried the others, just the tomato paste which I far prefer to the canned.  I do love anchovies and I love eggplant, but my DH and rest of family cannot abide them so they are never in the house.   I should get some eggplant.  My grandmother would salt and drain them on terry kitchen towels, then flour, egg dip, flour again and brown them.  I also like eggplant parmesan or eggplant lasagna, but they never get to our kitchen. I am sorry to hear about your nephews having COVID Sayra; that is scary.  We have a lovely and very dear grandaughter, late 20's who lives in another state.  She is absolutely in panicked fear regarding getting vaccinated.  She is not stupid, so this has me shaking my head. What she has done is to believe every nitwit thing she has read online and believes it rather than believing the science or believing much of the science, but  terrified the vaccine is going to give her the terminal what nots.  What the dickens . . . yet; her fear is real and I will not minimize that to her.  She also has used a naturopath for vitamins and herbs and that idiot has been sending out messages to her clients and the world at large re how toxic the vaccine is and how it can kill, etc. etc., etc. There ought to be a law.  This person also sends out videos with people relating the horrors of their vaccinations; how one can believe this is beyond me but many do. Cannot do anything else but provide correct and supportive information and also got her two telephone support centers that are dealing with just this problem, wonder if she will use them.   Guess she has not figured out that the naturopath is needing to protect her income by touting her vitamins and herbal supplements having clients stoke up on them rather than getting the free vaccine.   And . . . how much the risk it is to get infected.   Shaking my head one more time. Goodness, winter clothing is already in catalogs and online.  Time is moving fast.  So wish we did not have to face another huge upsurge come winter; as it is, this one is supposed to peak in October.  Oh for the good old days when this was not even on the radar much less in our lives. Need my hair cut in the worst way but dragging my feet due to salon exposure and my beautician will mask BUT it is always slid under her nose.  Drives me nuts.  Yet, I am an explosion in a hair factory and wish to have this addressed before my August 31 surgical procedure.   Will have to figure this out very soon.  Two of the other beauticians in the salon are anti-vaxxers, and even though they are masked I am not wanting to go into the salon with blow dryers, etc. wafting junk around in the air.  Gads.  Will think about paying extra to have beautician come to the house and do it outside on the patio again.   Fuss and bother; it is only hair, but when it goes wild it sure does go wild.  Small thing in the scope of the universe and what is happening in the world, but there it is anyway. We sure do need rain, the fires are beyond dreadful and no end in sight.  So many people have lost everything, truly and horribly tragic.  Hope we get more rain than is expected this winter so we have more water, but then it also grows more brush that is more fodder for fire in the summer. Glad the animals are all okay Lorita, and glad Rosebud is still looking for her food; she is a little old lady cattle style.  Smile that she likes to stand in the pond and stay cool.  She sounds so very sweet.  Jett is getting around more it seems; funny little guy who liked to cuddle up to prickly pears; glad he is not getting into that anymore and glad he did not get any of those stickers in his hide. Guess your vet clinic is still open.  Our DIL is a vet tech.  Her clinic and other vet clinics around do not have open waiting rooms at this time. The techs go out to the cars, get the animals and bring them into the clinic.  Once done, they bring them back out again.  Small animal clinics, we do not have any large animal clinics around - city life. Need to unclutter some of the things that have begun to collect on dresser surface.  Do not like clutter, but it sure seems to collect fast.   And . . . . it has been so much dustier lately even though doors and windows are shut. Guess it must be from the dry, dry weather with more dust.  No smell of indoor smoke from the fires, but when going outside can get a whiff of it.  Send some of your rain our way, Lorita. Ron; I have noted that when a clinic will not permit a spouse to enter a clinic for an appointment, if one mentions the spouse has dementia and will begin to act out without your presence, the clinic staff will usually permit the spouse in.  Sometimes we have to speak to the superior officer, (Vets Clinic), but it will usually be permitted. Don't let them say you have to hire someone to watch her; let them know she will not accept that and become out of control; she needs to be with you - it is only an appointment for Pete's sake; not an in-hospital stay and she will be masked.   Sometimes I just wonder . . . . .  If she will not stay masked, then that is another story and I could understand their reluctance.   Hope all goes well. Judith, good luck with the house flipping.   Will be interesting to hear of your experience and how it all turns out.  Wow, we may end up seeing our Judith on TV in the future.  Go get 'em, jfkoc - I can imagine the decorating you do will be lovely and sell the house fast. Time to go - oatmeal time again, it is aready 9:00 am, everyone being sent being well wishes and hope everyone's day will be a good one. J.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I am willing to use the air-fryer function. Will you advocates please share what to cook and how to do it. Excluding french fries.
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
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    So much going on, but nothing really with me. It’s been interesting to watch the hurricane news up north —now a tropical storm, at least for a while, and believe me, there is a world, a universe, of difference between a storm, a Cat 1, and a strong cat 3 and up. But up north they don’t have them as much as we do. A big rainstorm can be worse than some hurricanes, with ground and roads flooding, trees uprooting  and taking power with them.

    Somebody asked about hurricanes hitting high-rises and cities…they do, certainly in Florida. Although most cities are not right on the coast, even a few miles inland makes a huge difference. But there’s reason why it’s less known. The building/construction is different from residential, and the damage is usually not nearly as dramatic or obvious. A family home destroyed will always get more attention than a high-rise office with windows out. 

    Miami streets and some stores flood now, with certain tides and a rainstorm. Also in some other cities. City leaders try all kinds of things, but none really work. People try to drive through, stall and leave their cars blocking the street. Ugh. They freely admit it’s a big problem that will get worse, fixing is a different story.

    We went through a couple hurricanes in friends’ high-rise residential condo, on the 10 or 12 floor (can’t recall which). It was really kind of cool to have that view. What’s  seriously bad is if/when the elevators go out….walking 8 stories can be tough,,especially if hauling groceries or dog needs walking. And ventilation/AC can be a problem. Many have generators, but use is usually very limited.

    Ticks! I used to get a few every summer playing in the woods, but we just pulled them off with tweezers. I never had pain or itching or anything, but they are so gross. We put a dab of clear fingernail polish on chiggers, supposed to cut off oxygen (??) but never heard that about ticks. The worst ticks I ever imagined we got as adults when canoe camping in Minnesota. Unbelievable how many you get, so fast.

    I think there are some Anderson Cooper fans here. He was absolutely awesome last night, hosting that big Central Park concert “Return to New York City.” The show was stopped halfway through because of lightning, but AC stayed on the air, live and unscripted, and entertained for almost 2 hours while waiting to see if show continues. 

    Several of the stars called in and did live telephone interviews. Several even performed via phone/FaceTime etc. which he also broadcast live. It was amazing technically and talent-wise, everyone seemed to be whooping it up having fun despite the rain-cancelled show. Being widely hailed today as iconic live television—and all totally done off the top of their heads.

    I need to get housework done…I really need,to deal with outside stuff, but the news has heat alerts and that’s enough for me to stay inside have spent way too much time with that concert (lots of video line now) and grocery shopping.

    I second what Jo said. I get tomato paste in the tube, (and anchovy, I love it). Use what you need, the rest keeps forever in fridge.

    Oh—somebody mentioned genetics and genealogy….my family all came from England to the Carolinas in mid/late 1700s. We had endless genealogy records, plus the  DAR demands “official” documents. Getting that together is a major chore, but once done, it’s done, and they keep records and can tell you of other relatives.  A daughter-in-law wanted more, and had us do the genetic analysis. Sure enough, both DH and I came back 97 percent Brits. I was hoping for something new and more interesting. But nada. I know people who get seriously obsessed with that research, though…

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh my goodness Lorita , I know you like sports.  I just happened across the ABC channel, and they are having the 2021 Little League World Series.  I am watching that with one eye as I work on the computer.   Those boys are SO cute - adorable and so serious and working very hard.  One just got a home run with others on base and it was a delight watching the kids.

    Anyway; having three sons, (and my sweet daughter), I do love those gangly kids and miss having them in the house.

    I think you would enjoy watching them.



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,   Thanks for your concern but believe me I am not a hard worker. I don't spend more then a hour outside doing things. I got a little more of my porch painted today, it is cool outside and the air seems pretty clear. I would have much rather had some of the rain you got. I got one can of paint for the trim and another for the outside of the doors and stain for the porches. I have finished with the trim my next project will be the doors. I move pretty slow so I don't get much done. But I am in no hurry, anyway. 

    Thanks for the info on the Medical Guardian, I am hoping to find something that don't cost that much. 

     Jo,    Its nice you had a quiet week you probably needed that. You need to get all rested up for your procedure on the 31st. I also like egg plant and I like it the way your Grandmother does it my Grandmother did it the same way. I have tried but mine never seems to taste the same. So you say she dipped it in flour then egg and flour again. Then browned it on both sides. 

    I also love watermelon, I can eat one all by myself in a week, and I usually do. I cut my slice in bit size pieces and I will have it with my breakfast, lunch and dinner. I just finished one and it was real good. I remember what Ron, said about making sure it had a bit of yellow on it, Meaning that it had ripen on the vine. 

    Its time for my dinner I think I will be having pork and beans w/cheese melted on it and a nice salad.

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    Lol when watering my pepper yesterday saw what I thought could possibly be a tick.  Thought going to see if I can count it’s legs.  As I started to do that it flew off.  Looked it up and ticks don’t fly or hop.  

    One of my nephews in early 20s, the other in mid 20s.  Like JoC granddaughter they are not dumb.  Don’t believe they are antivaxxers, they are just young and don’t see themselves as vulnerable and blow people off who tell them they could be.  The mid 20 one told me he didn’t know it’s long term effects.  I asked him once and only once to get the vaccine.  Have never pushed as afraid it would make them more resistant.  

    JoC they say these people feeding out disinformation are making big bucks.  

     I have never seen the tomato paste in the tube.  Is it with the canned tomato paste?  

    We never ate egg plant growing up so not sure if I would like it or not.  Think they are very pretty.  They just sound like a lot of work to me.

    Last night TWIV had on a couple who run a virology lab in NY.  Have seen them on there once before and liked them.  They, like Shane Crotty, say those of us who got J&J need a booster now.  Will trust God and keep wearing my mask and hopefully will be available soon.  

    Judith what I do is put a little oil in a bowl, then add seasonings that I like for whatever I’m fixing.  With chicken tenders, they aren’t breaded, I swish them around til their coated and them fry at 400 6 or7 minutes then flip and do about 5 more.  Take  them out and let them set a few minutes.  For veggies I chunk them up, swish them around in oil mix , fry at 400 6 minutes or so, give them a shake or stir, then fry til tender.  Timing may vary as believe there are all different sizes of air fryers.  Mine is a smaller one.

    Rescue mom those into genealogy on my dads side, say we came from England to North Carolina and then on to Kentucky.  

    Zetta have not seen anyone eat cheese on top of their Pork andBeans.  Don’t know if I would like that or not.

    Got about 3/4 quart of blueberries yesterday.  That is the end of them but we got a good crop of them.  Fixed a cobbler with them, and made a pan of brownies.  Froze the brownies.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's already hot.  I got up and out early and it was pretty nice but by the time I got back in I was really hot.  I called the vet last evening to come and check on Jett - he didn't make it last night (he was working cattle) so knew he'd be here this morning.  Got Jett separated from mom (I had them up last night in the corral) but wanted them separated.  He got here just after 7 - watched Jett from the gate for a couple of minutes and knew what was wrong - he has some diarrhea, a fever and a little start of pinkeye.  He got him behind a gate to hold him between the gate and fence and gave him two antibiotics and one for the scours.  I just knew something wasn't quite right about him - just laying around too much so glad I called him.  Had a short visit with him and after he left decided I'd charge the backrubber.  A few had already gone into the barn but most were out.  Takes a while to pour 3 1/2 gallons of diesel on the backrubber, trying not to spill it.  So, by the time I came in I was really hot.   Carol called and we had a nice visit, then I had breakfast (fruit loops, juice and hot tea).  I'm in for the day, I hope.

     I need to call to find out if manhattan euonymous  is toxic to cattle.  Mike didn't know for sure so think I'll call the County Extension office and see if they know.  No definite answer on google.

     Jo - Rose Bud was standing in the water when I first went out this morning, then later swam across the pond and laid down to rest for a while.  She's something else.  Several of the little ones were gathered around the fence visiting with Jett before they came in.

     You know many years ago we had a White Elephant sale at the hospital and I bought a Taste of Home cookbook - really has some good recipes in it.  One is a chocolate pie I used to make - wish I had one now.  Charles and I loved eggplant.  We made a stuffed eggplant that was really good.  If I remember we cut it in half, lengthwise, then took out the inside and cooked that with onion and peppers.  Then I think we mixed it with cooked ground beef and cooked rice, put it back in the shell and topped it with cheese and baked it for a while.  So good.  I saw a recipe on Lidia's show the other day - she sliced and breaded it, then fried it and stacked it three or four high with cheese in between and put a sauce on it and baked it.  Looked good.  Eggplants are a pretty vegetable to grow.  We raised Classic and Ichiban.  There is a white one about the size of an egg which we did raise but don't think we ever cooked it - mostly for decoration in the garden, I guess.

     I've never delved into our geneology much.  I have a cousin who did daddy's side of the family and another  who did mother's side - very interesting to read about it.  I think you can get too immersed in it.  My SIL who passed away got into it and friend, Carol, did and it took a lot of their time but guess they found it interesting enough to continue. 

     Judith, why not French fries?  The best kind to buy is in a brown sack and they're crinkle fries - much better than O'reida.    Try chicken fingers - buy the kind that's breaded and air fry them.  I would take a pork chop or something frozen out of the freezer and cook it - didn't take too long and Charles said it was really good.  I don't know about the newer ones - mine is a NuWave Oven and the heat goes around in circles - fun to watch biscuits bake as they rise and then brown.

     I know about the tomato paste in a tube but I've  never seen it in our stores either.  I'm sure it would be a much better way to have it. 

     Rescue Mom - it's really hot here, too.  We did get 3.1" of rain the last week and now the weather says the are around here who got that much is going to be hotter because of the humidity.  Can't win for losing - finally got rain and that'll make it hotter.  Anyway, the grass has really greened up.  There were brown spots north of the house and now it's all green.  This will really help the pastures and meadows - maybe a second cutting of hay!

     Awful floods in Tennessee - some places had over 17" of rain and it showed cars and other things just floating away.  Seems like it's feast or famine - drought or floods.  And, hurricanes, earthquakes (even had one not far from here last week).

     Thanks, Jo, for the heads up about the little league baseball world series.  I did watch some of it last night - they look just like the big guys, don't they.  I watched a little of the Little League girl's softball world series.  They were really good, too.  The Team from Muskogee, Okla. won the series - much publicity about them.

     Zetta, there's a phone they advertise on TV (flip phone) that has a button you can push when you need help.  I know you have a new phone so maybe that's not an option.  Keep checking - there's lots of those companies with medical alerts.

     I've never had pork'n beans with cheese on top either.  But, cheese on anything's good.  Maybe I'll try that.  I like pork 'n beans with pizza.

     Sara - don't know what that was you were trying to count legs on but you're right ticks don't fly - they go for rides (on people and pets).  I can only imagine how many must be on the cows.  Occasionally I see one of those big, gray ones on a cow's ears and if I'm lucky I'm able to get it off.   I need to go out and check on the zucchini - maybe this last rain will have helped them. 

     I thought I'd lost this - it just disappeared (hit the wrong key, I guess) but it did post.  Yesterday I heard something and FedEx had delivered a big box from Chewy and one from WM.  He left it outside the yard so I brought them in with the dolly.  Hurt my back and chest and gave me a bad headache all afternoon - I think the Chewy box was way too heavy and I had to pull it up the steps.  It had to have been a different driver - Colton would never have done that.  The other Chewy box will come today so I'll try to watch to be sure they bring it.   I checked online and the Wet and Forget is in the box.  I'll open it tomorrow. 

     I think I'm finished for the day except to do the few dishes I didn't do last night - would really like a peach cobbler but I'll have to do that early some morning before it gets too hot.  Maybe after they bring the new AC (do you think that will ever happen - it's scheduled for delivery Thursday and we'll see what happens that day).

     Better stop before this does disappear.  I know there were other things I wanted to say but they've left my head for the moment.  Hope all of you are well this morning.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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